Clannad VN:SEEN6802

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// Resources for SEEN6802.TXT

#character 'Sanae'
#character '*B'
#character 'Ushio'
#character 'Housewife' 
#character 'Mother' 
#character 'Woman'
#character 'Conductor'
#character 'Shino'
#character 'Nagisa'
#character 'Voice'
#character 'Akio'
#character 'Father'
#character 'Yoshino'
#character 'Sensei'
#character 'Ibuki'
#character 'Girl'
#character 'Fuuko'
#character 'Doctor'
#character 'Boss'

// "How about taking a vacation?"
// I hear that so often, it's stuck in my head.
// But back then, I didn't listen.
// I continued going to work, foregoing all vacations and holidays.
// In spite of that, my schedule wasn't constant from day to day, so I inevitably ended up with free time.
// Occasionally, I would occupy this time by spending money.
// Any time I did, my free time would become even more enjoyable and carefree than I had imagined.
// Ever since then, while saving up money from work, I continued to spend money to kill time.
// I started to drink alcohol. And I took up smoking.
// Because when one suddenly faces reality, everything seems to crumble under one's feet.
// Am I simply not as strong as everyone else?
// Or could it be that I've been through more tragedies than most people?
// I don't really know.
// All I can say is that it was too painful for me, nothing more.
// That's why, as if lost in a trance, I kept forcing my body to stay moving and continued to waste away my free time.
// So I wouldn't have time to think about it.
// Ushio
// \{Sanae} "Look, it's Papa!"
// Sanae-san's voice was nearby.
// \{Sanae} "Papa. Do you understand? Look."
// Something small touches my thigh.
// It pains me. 
// Sanae-san looks like she's already lost too much.
// And so does the owner of that small hand, touching my thigh. 
// I look down.
// Yes, I'm soft-hearted when it comes to things like this.
// Please forgive me, I mutter softly.
// \{Sanae} "I'm sorry..."
// Sanae-san apologizes.
// \{\m{B}} "No... I'm the one at fault..."
// \{Sanae} "Well, I'll head home for today."
// I feel like I have to run from Sanae-san and Pops in order to forget this pain.
// However, I can't do that.
// I wouldn't dream of betraying such wonderful people.
// So I'll continue to keep the pain to myself.
// Because I'm not the only one suffering. I'm sure it's the same for Sanae-san and Pops.
// But even so, Sanae-san brings my child over to visit at least once a week.
// One year passed... two years passed...
// Ever since that day, the years have flown by...
// I lived my life so recklessly so that I wouldn't have to think about how much time had passed.
// Despite this, one thing kept me aware of the passage of time.
// Ushio.
// Only Ushio keeps changing.
// Every time we meet, she has grown, and I see the development of her face.
// That tragic event really happened...
// And is a story from long ago.
// It was really all too cruel.
// That's how I feel.
// So even as Ushio began kindergarten, I continued to work. To push my body, to keep moving.
// Once again, the hot summer days of the year have arrived.
// \{Sanae} "\m{B}-san, good day."
// One Sunday afternoon, Sanae-san visits my room.
// I thought she had brought Ushio along as she usually does, but today she was alone.
// \{Sanae} "Sorry, Ushio isn't with me today. She is with Akio-san."
// Sanae-san probably noticed that my gaze had been lingering near her feet.
// \{\m{B}} "Oh... I don't mind."
// \{Sanae} "It's very hot today."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so?"
// \{Sanae} "Are you always inside your room whenever you're off from work?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, my job is pretty heavy work, so I just rest in here whenever I have a break."
// \{Sanae} "That's not good, \m{B}-san. You should go outside and get some fresh air every so often."
// \{\m{B}} "Going out in this heat is pointless, and nothing more."
// \{Sanae} "Then, please go outside with me."
// \{\m{B}} "With you?"
// \{Sanae} "Yes. Let's go on a date."
// I grinned at her slyly.
// \{\m{B}} "I know you're definitely planning something, otherwise you wouldn't be doing this..."
// \{Sanae} "It's nothing like that. I just like going on a date with a youngster once in a while."
// \{\m{B}} "Then look for another youngster, not me. Knowing Sanae-san, I'm sure you'll find someone quickly."
// \{Sanae} "No. It's not the same if it's not with \m{B}-san."
// \{\m{B}} "Why is that?"
// \{Sanae} "Because you're my type: good-looking and gentle."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so..."
// \{Sanae} "Yes, it is."
// \{Sanae} "Won't you go on a date with me?"
// \{\m{B}} "Well if you say it like that, there's no way I can refuse."
// \{Sanae} "Thank you."
// I have the feeling that I'll never be able to stand up to her when she wants her way. Never for all of eternity.
// We walk into the town together.
// It's been a while since I last saw the front of the train station. A great deal has changed in that time. 
// Beyond the shopping district, many buildings have sprung up where there was once none.
// \{\m{B}} "It sure has changed..."
// \{Sanae} "It has. \m{B}-san, you don't come by here often?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah. I haven't been here for a while because of work, and just look at this place now."
// \{Sanae} "Well then, let's take our time and look around."
// Sanae-san and I explored a newly-built department store.
// As well as boutiques and watch stands, among other things.
// It actually feels like a date. I haven't had fun like this for a long time.
// After we got tired of walking, Sanae-san invites me into a family restaurant.
// \{Sanae} "I'd like a strawberry parfait, please."
// \{\m{B}} "Haha... Sanae-san, you're just like a school girl."
// \{Sanae} "And I'd also like a Japanese Tea, please."
// \{\m{B}} "Now with that order, you reek of an old lady."
// \{Sanae} "That's rude of you, \m{B}-san."
// \{Sanae} "\m{B}-san, please place your order."
// \{\m{B}} "Um, then for me... the Cake-Set."
// \{\m{B}} "And to drink, an Iced Coffee."
// The waitress confirms our order and leaves.
// \{Sanae} "It was really hot out there, wasn't it?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah. I'm sweating, and it's uncomfortable."
// Though, the strong air conditioning here should be enough to dry it.
// \{Sanae} "Will \m{B}-san be able to take a real vacation this summer?"
// \{\m{B}} "If I wanted to, I could take time off for the Festival of Lanterns."
// \{\m{B}} "But I'd rather work. There's nothing to keep me occupied on my days off, anyway."
// \{Sanae} "Then, is there any place you want to go?"
// \{\m{B}} "The two of us? That'd make my heart throb."
// \{Sanae} "Not just us. With myself and Akio. And \m{B}-san... \p and Ushio."
// \{\m{B}} "With... Ushio?"
// \{\m{B}} "Somehow I knew you were planning to bring that up."
// \{Sanae} "I wasn't planning that at all. It occurred to me just now."
// \{\m{B}} "But taking Ushio along... isn't that dangerous?"
// \{Sanae} "As long as she's properly watched after, it will be fine."
// \{Sanae} "And at the same time, her kindergarten will be on summer vacation... don't you want to do something memorable with her?"
// \{Sanae} "\m{B}-san, wouldn't you like that?"
// \{\m{B}} "I guess so... I would..."
// \{Sanae} "What's wrong? Are you really not interested?"
// \{\m{B}} "Well... I am, but..."
// \{\m{B}} "I've abandoned the responsibility of raising my child... and I've pressed it all onto Sanae-san and Pops."
// \{\m{B}} "I have no right to be included in her summer vacation memories..."
// \{Sanae} "It's not about a right. It's your duty, as a parent."
// When she said that, I couldn't do anything but hang my head in shame.
// \{\m{B}} "... it would probably be better for her if I was completely out of the picture."
// \{\m{B}} "... because she isn't attached to me at all."
// I managed to murmur those words, somehow.
// \{Sanae} "No, Ushio always seems very lonely."
// \{Sanae} "Because her father is hardly ever with her."
// \{\m{B}} "... that's not true."
// \{\m{B}} "I've never been there for her, so she doesn't know me well enough for that..."
// \{Sanae} "Then, wouldn't it be nice to make up for lost time with her? During this summer vacation?"
// \{\m{B}} "It's already too late for that..."
// \{Sanae} "It's not too late. I know this because \m{B}-san is a kind man."
// \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san, you're overestimating me."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm neither good-looking nor kind. I'm spineless and I'm a coward. Surely, Sanae-san must hate the type of guy I am."
// \{Sanae} "That's not true. I love everything about you, \m{B}-san."
// Saying that, she placed her hand on top of mine.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I gazed only at her hand, which was covering mine.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "... please give me some more time to think about it."
// \{Sanae} "Okay."
// Following that, Sanae-san called me on the telephone every day.
// The conversations were always about the trip.
// \{Sanae} "Have you decided?"
// \{\m{B}} "No... not yet..."
// \{Sanae} "Okay, then I'll call back in 10 minutes."
// \{\m{B}} "No, try again tomorrow..."
// \{Sanae} "Understood. I'll call you tomorrow morning."
// \{\m{B}} "No, I have work, so call in the evening."
// \{Sanae} "Understood. I'll call you tomorrow evening."
// \{\m{B}} "Right..."
// In that manner, she continued to bug me for my answer.
// \{\m{B}} (She's really persistent...)
// \{\m{B}} (How am I supposed to refuse...)
// Finally giving in to her pressure, I reluctantly say...
// \{\m{B}} "Understood... looking forward to it."
// I said that, knowing I wouldn't be able to take it back.
// Although Ushio is going along with us, she and I won't grow closer right away because of her attachment to Sanae-san and Pops.
// I convinced myself that simply enjoying the trip in itself was enough.
// I scheduled 3 days of vacation, which when adding Sunday, make 4 consecutive days off.
// Sanae-san and Pops also took those days off.
// The destination and the travel plans are completely in the hands of Sanae-san.
// For now, I only knew that it would be in Japan to the northeast; I hadn't heard anything more specific than that.
// To prepare, I pack my bag with only two days worth of clothes.
// It's a trip with Sanae-san. Except for a few personal belongings, it's not like I need to bring anything else.
// Even if I don't play it smart by packing meticulously, I'm sure she already has all the necessities prepared.
// ...I awaken to the sound of an alarm clock.
// Just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill morning.
// The weight of my head and my reluctance to leave the futon, nothing has changed.
// However, the destination is different today.
// Instead of going to work, I'm headed to the Furukawa residence.
// And, I will not be coming back to this room for a while.
// I wash my face, brush my teeth, and finish changing clothes.
// All that's left is the matter of leaving.
// \{\m{B}} (Should I call them to let them know I'm on my way...?)
// I stare at the phone.
// \{\m{B}} (Over there they might be busy with last-minute preparations though...) 
// So I decide just to head on over.
// Feels like it's been a while since the last time I came to visit.
// I haven't even seen Pops' face in a long time.
// What will he say to me?
// Wonder if I'll be lectured or chewed out...
// I think about that and let out a laugh.
// Then again, I've always been the subject of his endless stream of verbal jabs and abuse, haven't I?
// \{\m{B}} "Hello."
// Like the old days, I enter the shop like a customer.
// .........
// ... no one is here.
// \{\m{B}} "Sanae-saaan!"
// .........
// \{\m{B}} "Popsssssss!"
// .........
// ... no answer.
// Did I make a mistake in the meeting spot?
// Maybe they went to my apartment, and we just happened to miss each other?
// Even if that were so, it's odd that the door isn't locked.
// Although there is not a lot of crime in this town, one should still lock up before going on a trip.
// ... a sense of foreboding creeps up on me.
// I enter the house without permission.
// When I enter the living room, I notice a sheet of paper lying conspicuously on top of the table.
// It is a left behind letter.
// I pick it up and read through it.
// ...Dear \m{B}-san,
// ... urgent business came up, I have gone out with Akio-san for a while.
// ... therefore, please go on the trip together with Ushio.
// ...Furukawa Sanae.
// ...P.S. Means of transportation and route are written on the reverse side.
// .........
// \{\m{B}} "Y..."
// \{\m{B}} "You're kidding me..."
// \{\m{B}} "I was the perfect ham for Sanae-san..."
// Sensing someone behind me, I turn around.
// There, on the other side of the door, hiding herself, there is a small child looking at me.
// She holds a ruck-sack, and is ready to go.
// \{Ushio} "........."
// We sized each other up silently.
// Ushio did not move to approach me.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, Sanae-san and Pops will not coming..."
// \{\m{B}} "What do you want to do?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "...Sanae-san."
// Her mouth opens in tiny, minute movements.
// \{\m{B}} "No, like I said... Sanae-san is not here."
// \{Ushio} "...Akkii"
// \{\m{B}} "Pops isn't here either."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// She looks about ready to cry.
// Well, it's no wonder...
// She was looking forward to the trip, and then suddenly those two went missing.
// Even if she bursts into tears, it's not my fault.
// Those two played this joke on us, so the blame lies with them.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, what do you want to do?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Say it. If you don't talk, I won't know."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "... I want to go on the trip."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm sorry to say, that isn't possible."
// \{\m{B}} "You understand, right? Pops and Sanae-san are not here."
// \{Ushio} "... it's summer vacation, so I want to go."
// \{\m{B}} "That's all well and good, but you wouldn't like it if Pops and Sanae-san didn't come along, right?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "You see? That's why we can't go."
// \{Ushio} "... I want to go."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm saying it's impossible, silly."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "...I want to go."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't make me repeat myself."
// For the time being, I lower the bag off my shoulder and take a seat on the floor.
// I take a cigarette out, put it my mouth, and light it.
// \{\m{B}} "Fuu..."
// I pull the ashtray resting on the table towards me.
// Standing in the doorway before me, Ushio continues to look my way.
// \{\m{B}} "Haa..."
// I become a bit depressed.
// ...the worst summer vacation ever.
// If I had known it was going to be like this, I would have gone to work.
// However, had I done so, would Ushio have been left all alone in this house?
// \{\m{B}} "Haa..."
// I sigh once again.
// Where did Pops and Sanae disappear off to anyway?
// I read through the letter once more.
// ‘We are going out for a while.'
// For how long? Surely not for all four days right?
// No, I'm sure it's just a wait-and-see thing; they'll probably be back by tonight.
// I think we could wait until then.
// Turning it over, I see a complete four day schedule written out.
// Two train tickets are scotch-taped below the schedule.
// They are limited express tickets.
// I raise my head.
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Ushio is still hiding behind the door, looking this way.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey you, want to go alone? There are tickets here."
// Even if she does, she doesn't answer.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, say something."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "What, are you trying to hide? You're completely visible, you know."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Chi..."
// \{\m{B}} "Why does it have to be like this..."
// \{\m{B}} "Damn..."
// If trying to impose authority doesn't work, I guess I'll try luring her out.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, Ushio."
// I try calling out softly.
// \{\m{B}} "Come here, don't stand all alone in a place like that."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Come on, over here."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Little by little she walks to me from her hiding place.
// \{\m{B}} "Sit down."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// She doesn't sit.
// \{\m{B}} "Well, that's okay..."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's see..."
// \{\m{B}} "Pops and Sanae-san will probably be back by tonight."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "So although we can't leave today, we can go on the trip starting from tomorrow."
// \{\m{B}} "For today, let's just wait patiently. Got it?"
// \{Ushio} "... trip."
// \{\m{B}} "Yup, starting from tomorrow."
// \{Ushio} "... really...?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah. Don't worry. Those two wouldn't take this joke that far."
// \{\m{B}} "For today, go ahead and play by yourself, alright?"
// \{Ushio} "Okay."
// She nodded, looking reassured.
// \{\m{B}} "Good, off you go."
// She timidly walks away.
// \{\m{B}} "Fuu..."
// Taking another drag from my cigarette, I let time slip away for a while.
// As one might expect, eventually boredom seeps in; I decide to try walking around the house.
// There's a chance that those two are keeping themselves hidden somewhere, intently monitoring my actions.
// While pondering over that possibility...
// ... my gaze is drawn towards one door.
// My chest hurts.
// I didn't want to recall anything.
// I look down and pass by that door.
// I have some free time, so should I fire up the oven then go ahead and open up the store...
// But I never learned how to bake bread, so scratch that idea.
// Bam. The sound of something falling behind me.
// When I turn around, I see Ushio lying on the floor.
// \{\m{B}} "You idiot, be careful!"
// I run over to her and help her up.
// \{\m{B}} "Are you okay? You fell down from over there, right?"
// \{Ushio} "... sniffle."
// Ushio remains silent, making a visible effort to hold back her tears.
// I look at her appearance and tremble.
// \{\m{B}} (She really does resemble her...)
// Looking down and fighting back the flow of tears, it was just like her.
// \{\m{B}} "Are you hurt anywhere?"
// I look over her quickly and didn't see any bleeding; she looks just fine.
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, go. And don't play in such a dangerous spot again."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Even though I said so, she doesn't move from that spot.
// She looks at the floor.
// A toy had been dropped there.
// It was a plastic turtle.
// Looking further, I see that some of the parts had broken into many pieces, now scattered across the floor.
// I pick it up.
// There is a pulley that looks like a mechanism to move the neck back and forth.
// However now it is broken.
// \{\m{B}} "I see now... you were playing with this and fell on it."
// \{\m{B}} "And so your body weight broke it, right?"
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm... if I use some glue I might be able to fix it..."
// I find some glue within the house and help myself to it.
// While I was mending the toy, Ushio stayed by my side.
// \{\m{B}} "Look, it's done."
// \{\m{B}} "However, don't put the pulley back in just yet. The residual glue will cause it to get stuck to the toy."
// \{\m{B}} "I'll put it here for now, go play with something else."
// I place it on the table.
// Still unsure whether Ushio had understood my instructions or not, I watched her dash away, her feet pitter-pattering across the floor.
// \{\m{B}} "She sure is a tomboy..."
// Maybe some of Pops' personality rubbed off on her.
// \{\m{B}} "Fuu..."
// I lie down on my side, having nothing better to do.
// I'll just take a nap until this evening...
// .........
// ......
// ...
// I sense someone, and open my eyes groggily.
// In front of me is a small shadow.
// \{\m{B}} "Hn... what is it?..."
// Reluctantly I sit up.
// \{Ushio} "... it doesn't move..."
// In her hand is the turtle. 
// \{\m{B}} "Oh, what did you-"
// I take it from her and discover that the pulley was already firmly adhered to the turtle.
// \{\m{B}} "I thought I told you not to put it back in until the glue dries..."
// \{\m{B}} "Grr, now it's stuck and won't even budge..."
// \{\m{B}} "Stupid thing-"
// \{\m{B}} "This adhesive is really strong..."
// Try as I may to detach it, the parts are too small for me to grip firmly, so I can't exert much force on it.
// \{\m{B}} "It's useless..."
// \{\m{B}} "Well, you'll just have to make do with it as it is now, okay?"
// I return the turtle to her small hands.
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Once again her shoulders quaver with sadness.
// However, she does not cry.
// Clueless as to whether she had come to terms with what I said, I hear the pitter-patter as she runs away.
// \{\m{B}} "Not even a word of thanks, huh..."
// Once again I lie down.
// .........
// ......
// ...
// shake shake...
// This time I am shaken awake.
// Ushio pulls on the hem of my shirt.
// \{\m{B}} "What is it... what is it this time...?"
// \{Ushio} "...Sanae-san."
// \{\m{B}} "What about Sanae-san? Did she return?"
// She shakes her head no.
// \{\m{B}} "Come on, don't get my hopes up."
// \{Ushio} "...Sanae-san."
// She repeats again.
// In short, she's asking me where Sanae-san is now.
// \{\m{B}} "She's not here, she hasn't come back yet. Please understand."
// \{Ushio} "... not yet?"
// \{\m{B}} "That's what I'd like to know."
// \{\m{B}} "At the earliest, they'll probably be back by this evening. Pray and wait."
// \{Ushio} "... I'm hungry."
// When she said that I realized that neither of us had anything to eat for lunch. 
// \{\m{B}} "Chii..."
// \{\m{B}} "Isn't there any leftover bread?"
// Reluctantly I get up and search the kitchen.
// I quickly discover that there isn't anything readily edible to be found.
// In that case, I guess that leaves two options: cook something, or go out and buy something.
// \{\m{B}}  (There's nothing worth making with what I have here...)
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, I'm going to head out and buy something, so tell me what you want to eat."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// She looks up at me steadily and doesn't even try to answer.
// \{\m{B}} "What is it? Tell me what you want to eat."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Oh, so I guess anything will do?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, I got it. I'll just choose something then."
// \{\m{B}} "Jeez, how the hell am I supposed to know what kids like."
// \{\m{B}} "Even if I buy pig's feet, you'll still have to eat it."
// I step down to the floor near the entrance and put on my shoes.
// I turn around to see Ushio looking at me.
// \{\m{B}} "Wait here patiently like a good kid. I'll be back soon."
// It's hot.
// My skin feels like it's roasting under the scorching sun.
// \{\m{B}} (Sea or river... anything would be good, I just want to jump into some water...)
// I begin walking.
// A bit further ahead from here, there should be a tiny supermarket on the next corner.
// But that's only how remember it from a long time ago, so I'm not sure if it's still in business.
// Or Who knows, maybe it's developed into a gigantic supermarket by now.
// \{\m{B}} (Even so, I wish that things around here wouldn't change...)
// \{Housewife} "Oh, long time no see."
// The housewife, who was riding a bicycle, puts her foot down and looks at me.
// I remember her being a frequent customer back when I worked at the Furukawa Bakery.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey."
// \{Housewife} "Are you on a stroll today?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah... sort of."
// \{Housewife} "You should have brought along a hat, you know."
// \{\m{B}} "Shouldn't be too much longer, so..."
// \{Housewife} "But it seems like the heat's really taking its toll."
// \{\m{B}} "Huh? I'm completely fine though."
// \{Housewife} "Not you, the child behind you."
// \{\m{B}} "What?"
// I turn around. At my feet is Ushio.
// Because of the heat, she is swaying left and right unsteadily.
// It looks like she could fall over at any moment now.
// \{\m{B}} "Damn..."
// \{\m{B}} "Why are you following me?!"
// The housewife probably sensed the shift in mood from my reaction...
// \{Housewife} "Well with that, good-bye."
// Having said so, she rides off on her bicycle.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, you."
// I loom over Ushio and ask.
// \{\m{B}} "Didn't I tell you to wait patiently, like a good kid?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "In this kind of heat, without a hat..."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, what's wrong. Tell me."
// \{Ushio} "... well..."
// \{Ushio} "... I want to choose..."
// \{\m{B}} "Choose what...?"
// \{Ushio} "... what I eat."
// \{\m{B}} "Well then, you should've said so from the beginning."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Once again, she starts wavering unsteadily from left to right.
// \{\m{B}} "Damn it... we're going back."
// We turned around and made our way back home.
// \{\m{B}} "For your punishment, lunch will be compulsory fried rice."
// I cook the fried rice in my usual style.
// \{\m{B}} "Here, eat."
// With a loud clunk, I place a plate of fried rice before Ushio..
// The asymmetry of the dish is amusing to Ushio.
// \{Ushio} "........."
// She scoops it up with a spoon and puts it in her mouth.
// \{Ushio} "n..."
// \{Ushio} "... bitter..."
// \{\m{B}} "Bitter?"
// I eat a little, but to me it tastes the same as it always does.
// \{Ushio} "The little spots here and there... I don't like the black things."
// \{\m{B}} "Black spots here and there?"
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, the pepper?"
// \{\m{B}} "But it wouldn't be fried rice without it. Deal with it and eat."
// \{Ushio} "... I don't want to."
// \{\m{B}} "Now now, hasn't Sanae-san told you not to be picky about your food?"
// \{Ushio} "... I want to eat Sanae-san's food."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so..."
// \{\m{B}} "Then don't eat."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Time ticks on by. Ushio remains sitting with the now-cold plate of fried rice in front of her.
// \{\m{B}} "What... do you want me to take out the pepper?"
// Reluctantly I ask.
// \{Ushio} "... yeah."
// \{\m{B}} “But if I take out the pepper it'll taste awful.”
// \{\m{B}} “How about something other than fried rice?”
// \{Ushio} "... rice."
// \{\m{B}} “Rice? That's all you're going to eat?” 
// \{\m{B}} "That I can easily do..."
// I find a bowl and pile it up with rice.
// A moment later, I notice that Ushio's own set of miniature tableware was stacked up in a different place.
// The one I just used must have been Pops'. It's huge.
// It's too late to swap it now, so I present it to Ushio.
// \{\m{B}} "Look, rice."
// I clear away the plate of fried rice.
// Which leaves a solitary bowl of white rice sitting in front of Ushio.
// \{\m{B}} "It almost feels like you're making this difficult for me on purpose..."
// \{\m{B}} “There's not much more I can do. With this, it'll be a Fried Rice Set with extra rice.”
// I return the fried rice to her.
// \{Ushio} “”
// She pushes it back.
// \{\m{B}} “Come on, what now?”
// \{Ushio} "...only this."
// \{\m{B}} “Seriously, it really looks like you're just messing with me...”
// Ushio suddenly stands up and goes into the kitchen.
// She returns with a small bag clutched tightly in her hands.
// \{\m{B}} "What's that?"
// She tears it open gleefully and sprinkles it over the rice.
// \{\m{B}} "Dried food sprinkles, eh?..."
// She starts eating, savoring every bite.
// \{\m{B}} "So kids prefer food-sprinkled-rice to fried rice, is that it?"
// \{\m{B}} "Must be nice, being so easily satisfied."
// \{\m{B}} "That alone won't be enough for tonight's dinner though..."
// \{\m{B}} "Would be nice if Sanae-san comes back before then..."
// Ushio continues to attack her bowl of sprinkled rice voraciously, making high-pitched clinking noises all the while.
// The clock ticks past 9 PM. The two of them still haven't returned.
// How far is this joke going to go?
// Although we had a late lunch, unsurprisingly, the two of us find ourselves hungry once more.
// I could ignore the pangs of hunger gnawing at me, but Ushio is another story.
// For dinner, we finally end up heading to the supermarket and picking out our own favorite ready-made bento..
// ... 11 o'clock.
// I doubt they'll be coming back tonight at this late hour.
// If I were to leave Ushio here all alone and go back home, things would probably take a turn for the worse.
// Can't even joke about things like that.
// Before I knew it, Ushio, who was playing nearby, had succumbed to the spell of slumber.
// Will you sleep like this until morning?
// If so, then it looks like I'll also be able to sleep soundly tonight...
// Before I do anything else, I take a bath towel from the bathroom and cover Ushio.
// I turn off the lights and lie down.
// What a strange day this has been...
// Hoping that Pops and Sanae-san would be back by the time I wake up, I fall asleep.
// Next morning.
// I open the shutters of the bakery and gaze at the morning sun.
// It's still rather cool outside at this time of the day.
// I yawn while stretching as I look out over the distance.
// At this point in time, Pops and Sanae-san are probably heading this way on foot.
// I continue waiting with that expectation in mind.
// Noticing some movement near me, I look downwards to see Ushio, who was already awake.
// She probably wants them to come back soon, too.
// Together, we keep waiting.
// We are quite the miserable pair, looking the part of an older brother and a younger sister waiting for their parents.
// \{Ushio} "... bathroom."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, go."
// \{Ushio} "... ok."
// Pitter-patter of her feet as she runs away.
// And after a few moments she returns.
// \{Ushio} "...I did it all by myself."
// \{\m{B}} "That's natural."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// After eating breakfast, we simply stand in place motionlessly, just as before.
// In front of us a family with parents and a child pass by.
// They carry with them a large bag.
// Are they going back to the country? Or could it be they are traveling?
// \{Ushio} "........."
// I look at Ushio's face.
// Her eyes follow the happy laughing child.
// An almost pitiable, lonely face.
// \{Ushio} "... hey."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah?"
// \{Ushio} "...number two."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, go."
// \{Ushio} "... yeah."
// The pitter-patter as she runs off.
// Then, afer a moment she returns.
// \{Ushio} "...I did it all by myself."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't boast about every little thing."
// \{\m{B}} "Even I can do it, you know."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// I reach into my pocket.
// Sanae-san's letter was roughly crammed in there.
// I draw it out and scan the reverse side.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey..."
// \{Ushio} "... yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "Want to go..."
// \{\m{B}} "on a trip... together?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Are you okay with that, going with someone like me?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Pops and Sanae-san will not be there."
// \{Ushio} "... because..."
// \{Ushio} "... they haven't come."
// \{\m{B}} "Exactly. They haven't returned yet, right?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Well, shall we go then? The two of us."
// \{Ushio} "...yeah!"
// She smiled a little bit.
// Since Pops and Sanae-san aren't here, she probably isn't completely satisfied with how this trip is starting out.
// Still better than not going on the trip at all.
// \{\m{B}} "Get ready."
// Ushio returns carrying the already-packed rucksack.
// Knowing Sanae-san, the contents are probably very thorough and complete.
// I place my bag over my shoulder.
// \{\m{B}} "Not sure if this place is locked up properly..."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, take a look and make sure the rear window is shut.
// \{Ushio} "... okay."
// Together we confirm that the house is locked.
// \{Ushio} " was closed."
// \{\m{B}} "Great, everything's OK."
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, let's go!"
// \{Ushio} "... yeah!"
// Ushio raises her hands and lets out a cheer.
// And with that signal, we start walking.
// I walk While keeping my gaze fixed on the back of the letter.
// \{\m{B}} (What are the points of interest of this place?...)
// \{\m{B}} (Walleye Pollack Roe?) 
// \{\m{B}} (That seems wrong...)
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, Ushio."
// When I call her she runs up beside me.
// \{\m{B}} "What do you want to do?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Do you want to eat good food, or swim, or see pretty landscapes, or meet a lot of foreigners?"
// \{Ushio} "... all of them."
// \{\m{B}} "Seriously?... You must be one hell of an extravagant high-roller."
// \{\m{B}} "Besides, we probably won't be able to meet with a lot of foreigners. It's not like we're traveling to a foreign country, you know.
// \{\m{B}} "Make up your mind and pick one thing that you'd like to do."
// \{Ushio} "... um..."
// \{Ushio} "... all of them."
// \{\m{B}} "I told you, we can't do all of them..."
// \{\m{B}} "Well then..."
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, Walleye Pollack Roe it is."
// \{Ushio} "...Walleye Pollack Roe?"
// \{\m{B}} "You got it. The purpose of this trip is to eat Walleye Pollack Roe. That's all. Sounds good, right?"
// \{\m{B}} "It's the absolute best When it's served on top of rice."
// \{\m{B}} "Once you try it, you'll never go back to those food sprinkles again."
// Looks like the only impression she got from that was "it's tastier than food sprinkles".
// \{Ushio} "...I can't wait."
// She said that and breaks out into a smile.
// The limited-express tickets from Sanae-san have expired, only valid for the same day they were purchased.
// I decide to trade them in for regular express tickets.
// Since the limited-express ones were all sold out.
// Inside of the train, it's crowded with family groups like ours.
// Except that there's a father and mother in every single one of them.
// If only Nagisa were alive...
// Nagisa would have been sitting right next to me...
// And then... maybe then I would have been a proper father for this girl.
// Maybe then I could've been a part of those summer vacation memories from the start.
// .........
// This trip is really too heart-breaking for me...
// .........
// ......
// ...
// Just how long have I been swaying to the movement of this train?
// I wake up to the sensation of something hitting my thigh.
// \{Ushio} "... play."
// Ushio looks up at me.
// \{\m{B}} "What? Ah..."
// \{\m{B}} (Was I asleep?...)
// Coated with perspiration, I grab the collar of my shirt and pull it outwards, front and back.
// \{Ushio} "... play."
// Ushio repeats.
// Is she already bored of watching the scenery outside?
// \{\m{B}} "And what do you want to play?"
// \{Ushio} "... um."
// \{\m{B}} "What do Sanae-san and you usually do?"
// \{Ushio} "We read books together."
// \{\m{B}} "Books, eh? We don't have any with us though."
// \{\m{B}} "What do you do with Pops?"
// \{Ushio} "Baseball."
// \{\m{B}} "Baseball!?"
// \{Ushio} "Look, look!"
// Ushio jumps down from the seat and stands in the aisle.
// She then joins her hands together and assumes a batting stance.
// An unmistakeable pose.
// \{Ushio} "Komada."
// \{\m{B}} "An impersonation?!"
// \{Ushio} "Was it good?"
// \{\m{B}} "Not really..."
// \{Ushio} "...oh well"
// She returns and scrambles up to her seat.
// \{\m{B}} "I can't believe that old man is teaching her two-bit side show acts..."
// \{\m{B}} "On top of that, it's one of those slapstick gags..."
// \{\m{B}} "I haven't a clue as to who would appreciate this stuff."
// \{Ushio} " me something."
// \{\m{B}}「俺か?」
// \{\m{B}} "I can't do imitations or anything like that, if that's what you're asking."
// \{Ushio} "Interesting things."
// \{\m{B}} "Interesting things, huh..."
// \{\m{B}} "I don't do much else besides play pachinko by myself..."
// \{\m{B}} "Not sure if other people would call that interesting."
// \{\m{B}} "Besides, it's not a child's game."
// \{Ushio} "...nothing else?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, that's all."
// \{Ushio} "........."
//  Ushio stares at me intently for a while as if expecting me to speak up again. Silence. She gives up and looks out the window.
// Following that, the playful bantering of the other children seems to grow even louder.
// I try to fall asleep again by closing my eyes, but the raucous merrymaking is hard to ignore.
// A shrill, disconcerting scream rings out from the seat behind me.
// \{\m{B}} "\size{27} Shut up!\size{}"
// Unable to put up with it any longer, I stand up.
// \{\m{B}} "Have some consideration for the people around you!"
// \{Mother} "Y, yes... sorry..."
// The mother holds her child close.
// \{\m{B}} "Damn..."
// I sit back down.
// Beside me, an empty seat.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio?"
// I stand up and look around.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio."
// The mother from just a moment ago looks at me suspiciously.
// \{\m{B}} "Damn it... where did that kid run off to... "
// \{Woman} "If you're looking for a girl, she ran to the back just now."
// Spoken by a woman other than the mother.
// \{\m{B}} "I see... thank you."
// Heading in that direction, I see the train conductor.
// \{Conductor} "Oh, are you the father?"
// I halt, prompting his inquiry from the back.
// \{\m{B}} "Yes."
// \{Conductor} "Your child is in the bathroom right now."
// \{\m{B}} "Oh?"
// \{Conductor} "She couldn't open the door by herself, so I helped her."
// \{\m{B}} "You have my gratitude. Sorry for all the trouble."
// \{Conductor} "Afterwards, please let me see your ticket."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, sure."
// The conductor leaves, and another 10 minutes pass. 
// Finally, Ushio returns.
// \{\m{B}} "Let me know when you're heading to the toilet next time."
// \{Ushio} "... okay."
// \{\m{B}} "Got it?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Aren't your eyes a little red?"
// \{Ushio} "... no."
// \{\m{B}} "That so?"
// \{\m{B}} "Alright then. Let's go back."
// \{Ushio} "...okay"
// Together, We take our seats again.
// My thunderous outburst earlier on may have worked; the train car is now peaceful.
// But now I'm wide awake thanks to all of the previous hubbub.
// I glance beside me.
// Ushio is quietly looking out the window.
// Looking at her diminutive back facing me... even I start to feel a bit bad.
// \{\m{B}} "I..."
// \{\m{B}} "I made you cry just now, didn't I..."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, I'm asking you something."
// \{Ushio} "...huh?"
// She turns toward me.
// \{\m{B}} "You were crying because I lost my temper and shouted, right?"
// \{Ushio} "... no."
// \{\m{B}} "Why are you lying? Your eyes are all puffy."
// \{Ushio} "...I was told it's not good to cry..."
// \{\m{B}} "Who said that?"
// \{Ushio} "Sanae-san."
// \{\m{B}} "Really? That's uncharacteristically strict of her..."
// \{Ushio} "... but..."
// \{Ushio} "...she said that there's a place where it's okay to cry..."
// \{\m{B}} "A place where it's okay to cry?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "What's that, then?"
// \{Ushio} "... the bathroom."
// That explains why she ran off to the bathroom on this train, despite never having gone there before.
// \{\m{B}} "Well, when you're in the bathroom you'll definitely be able to cry without anyone noticing, but..."
// \{\m{B}} "Do you always go to the bathroom to cry?"
// \{Ushio} "Yes..."
// \{\m{B}} "So what do you do if you're outside..."
// \{Ushio} "... endure."
// \{\m{B}} "Are you serious?"
// \{Ushio} "...yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Don’t you get kind of lonely, doing that?"
// I don’t really get Sanae-san’s upbringing methods.
// \{\m{B}} "Whenever you want to cry, I think it's best to let it all out."
// \{\m{B}} "Since from now on, once you get older, there will be plenty of times when you'll need to hold back your tears even if you want to cry."
// \{\m{B}} "You should let those tears spill out while you still can."
// \{Ushio} "... okay."
// \{\m{B}} "Do you really understand?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// Is she scared of me now? She hasn't done anything but nod her head since some time ago.
// \{\m{B}} (Sigh...)
// I take out my wallet and check its contents.
// Looks like I have a bit of extra cash.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, we're getting off at the next stop."
// \{Ushio} "Are we there?"
// \{\m{B}} "Just stopping along the way."
// We step off at a station I don't recognize, and enter the adjoining department store.
// There, I buy Ushio a toy.
// \{\m{B}} "With this you won't be bored anymore, right?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// Her face softens into a smile.
// \{\m{B}} "But are you really satisfied with getting that?"
// Ushio's toy is a palm-sized, cylindrical robot.
// Its old-fashioned design had a certain quaint charm to it, so I instinctively recommended it.
// Ushio agreed without any objections.
// But looking at it objectively, not even a boy - much less a girl - would give it a second glance.
// \{\m{B}} (Probably some reissued model for hardcore collectors...)
// \{Ushio} "'s kinda cute"
// \{\m{B}} "'Kinda', huh...then you should've gotten one that was amazingly cute."
// \{Ushio} ", I like this one the best."
// \{\m{B}} "Really...?"
// \{\m{B}} "You have some odd tastes, you know that?"
// \{Ushio} "......?"
// \{\m{B}} "I'm going to lie down. Go play with your toy."
// \{Ushio} "Okay."
// Finally some peace and quiet.
// With that thought in mind, I close my eyes.
// .........
// ......
// Myui-----n...*
// ......
// Giiiii!\shake{2}\p  Gaaaa!\shake{2}\p  Giiiii!\shake{2}\p Gaaaaa!\shake{2}
// \size{32}Kishaaaaaaaaaa!\shake{4}\size{}
// \{\m{B}} "I've had just about enough!"
// \{Ushio} "...huh?"
// \{\m{B}} "What the hell, that blasted thing actually makes noises?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "...sniff"
// Her face looks like she is about to cry.
// \{Ushio} "... endure..."
// \{\m{B}} "I told you not hold it in. Just cry."
// She shakes her head no.
// \{\m{B}} "Go to the restroom."
// \{Ushio} ", it'll pass."
// \{\m{B}} "I...see"
// \{\m{B}} "No more of those noises from now on, okay?"
// \{\m{B}} "It would be a nuisance for the people around us too, not just me."
// \{Ushio} "... okay"
// \{\m{B}} "You catch on quickly, at the very least."
// I drift into sleep once more.
// .........
// ......
// ...
// From that point on, I couldn't tell if I was asleep or awake.
// The entire time, Ushio's form was visible.
// Within my line of vision, Ushio was silently watching the flowing scenery.
// She sticks the robot in her hand onto the window.
// I wonder if she's enjoying this summer vacation...
// So much so that she'll be able to brag about it to her friends...
// Am I, the terrifying father, ruining the vacation by tagging along?...
// It's the first time the two of us alone are traveling together, and yet...
// The only thing I see before me is the lonely form of Ushio, all by herself.
// .........
// ......
// ...
// The sun is already setting by the time we arrive at our destination on the first day.
// I check Sanae-san's letter and confirm the station name.
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, this is the place."
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, let's go."
// After having our train tickets checked, we step off onto an unknown land.
// I look down at Sanae-san's letter.
// to the zoo by bus. Afterwards, head to the hotel reserved for today.
// \{\m{B}} "The zoo, eh..."
// \{\m{B}} "We'll wait for the bus here, Ushio."
// We stand side by side at the bus stop.
// .........
// We wait for a while, but the bus never shows up.
// I look at the route schedule. 
// \{\m{B}} (Crap... only one bus every hour...)
// \{\m{B}} (If we take a taxi, we won't have enough money for the train ride back home...)
// \{\m{B}} (Hold on, do we even have time to visit the zoo...?)
// According to Sanae-san's memo, we're supposed to check into the hotel at 6 o'clock.
// But since our reservations were made in advance, we should be able to move the check-in time further back with a phone call.
// ... but wait.
// \{\m{B}} (We are already a day late, so it is too late for us to act...)
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio..."
// \{Ushio} "... yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "We'll have to go to the zoo another time."
// \{Ushio} "... what?"
// \{\m{B}} "There's not enough time. On top of that, we have to confirm our hotel reservations."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// She looks like she is about to cry.
// \{\m{B}} "There are a lot of circumstances involved here, be a little more understanding."
// \{\m{B}} "Plus, there are zoos everywhere you go. There's no need to come out all the way to the countryside just to visit one."
// \{Ushio} " this one, you can pet them."
// \{\m{B}} "The animals?"
// \{Ushio} "...yeah. I wanted to pet the animals."
// \{\m{B}} "Gotcha..."
// \{\m{B}} "How about we change the schedule and go to the zoo tomorrow?"
// \{\m{B}} "If we do that, we won't be able to visit the final place though. It's some random cape on the coast."
// \{Ushio} "...I wanna go there too."
// \{\m{B}} "You can only pick one..."
// \{\m{B}} "How about this one... uh... an alpine meadow?"
// \{\m{B}} "Isn't the zoo better than that one?"
// \{Ushio} "Flowers..."
// \{\m{B}} "You prefer flowers? I guess girls would enjoy a place like that."
// \{\m{B}} "Well then, let's just go to the hotel for today."
// \{\m{B}} "I hope our rooms haven't been taken..."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's go."
// \{Ushio} "... okay."
// We return to the station. I try calling the hotel on the schedule.
// .........
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, We need to hurry."
// \{Ushio} "... what?"
// \{\m{B}} "There weren't any vacancies left. We need to search for another place by foot."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// She probably doesn't understand what that means. She follows me, looking worried.
// \{\m{B}} "I'll carry the luggage for you, so pick up the pace a bit."
// Her walking gait remains hesistant and unsteady, no matter how much I urge her onward.
// This is probably her best shot at running.
// We'll make better time by just walking normally.
// \{\m{B}} (What are we going to do if all the hotels have no vacancy?...)
// There's no one to blame but myself.
// I never thought bringing a child along would make traveling this complicated...
// As the clock rolls around to 9 o'clock, we finally find ourselves a room at a bed and breakfast.
// I don't have any money with me, so I'll have to get up early tomorrow and look for a bank.
// \{\m{B}} (This has been one crazy day...)
// I finish taking a bath. Feeling unmotivated to do anything else, I decide to call it a day.
// The last thing I see before I close my eyes is a side profile of Ushio's face, her eyes fixed on the television.
// The next morning.
// Traveling along the same road as before, we make our way back to the train station.
// We continue our trip from there, sitting through another boring train ride.
// Not much else to do besides sleep, but I'm not feeling drowsy enough to do so. Probably because I overslept last night.
// What's more, as always, many of the train passengers have children with them. It's disruptively noisy.
// I definitely can't lose my temper and shout out again...
// So I give up on trying to sleep and look to my side.
// Ushio's eyes meet with mine.
// She immediately turns away.
// \{\m{B}} "What is it?"
// \{Ushio} "...nothing"
// \{\m{B}} "Is there something on my face?"
// \{Ushio} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Then stop looking at people as if you've got something to hide."
// \{\m{B}} "You'd be misunderstood if the person you shied away from was a boy."
// \{\m{B}} "But wait, you aren't even at that age yet right?"
// \{Ushio} "...yes"
// Whether or not she really understood me remains a mystery. With a nod, she turns and looks out the window.
// \{\m{B}} (It would be really nice to have a beer right now...)
// Too bad they don't sell food
// \{\m{B}} (Can't smoke either, this blows...)
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// Suddenly, as if launching surprise attack, I turn my head sharply to face Ushio.
// Sure enough, Ushio, who had been facing this way, is caught by surprise and looks flustered.
// \{\m{B}} "What, are you bored?"
// \{Ushio} "... no."
// \{Ushio} "...since I have this."
// She rotates the arm of the robot in her hand around and around.
// \{\m{B}} "You can make some noise if you want; the people around us are pretty loud anyway."
// \{Ushio} "... it's okay."
// \{\m{B}} " sure?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "You're pretty reserved for a kid, you know that?"
// \{\m{B}} "Or could it be...come on, are you still afraid of me?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "I already told you I won't shout anymore."
// \{\m{B}} "So go ahead, say what you want to say."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Come on."
// \{Ushio} "Okay..."
// Ushio finally opens her mouth.
// \{Ushio} "Tell me about Mama."
// .........
// For a moment, I feel as if everything around me had been blanketed with a shroud of silence.
// I lower my head.
// .........
// The sound of the kids' rowdy, boisterous voices begin to return.
// \{\m{B}} "Ask Sanae-san."
// I answer without moving my eyes from the floor.
// \{Ushio} "I have, but she won't tell me..."
// this what they call 'a father's obligation'?
// This isn't fair at all.
// Like Sanae-san, I want to leave the explaining to someone else...
// \{\m{B}} "Tell Sanae-san..."
// \{\m{B}} "that I didn't tell you either."
// \{\m{B}} "And also..."
// \{\m{B}} "Tell her that I want her to be the one to explain it..."
// \{\m{B}} "and that those were my exact words..."
// \{\m{B}} "Tell her that for me."
// \{Ushio} "...and if I do that, you'll tell me?"
// \{\m{B}} "Not me. Sanae-san will."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// She watches my face for a while.
// \{\m{B}} "What is it? Spit it out."
// \{Ushio} "...nothing"
// \{Ushio} "... I understand."
// Without a hint of conversation between us, together, Ushio and I continue to sway with the movement of the train.
// When noon passes, we get off of the train to eat soba at a street vendor.
// After having our fill, we return to the train car.
// The train stops often en-route to our final destination.
// .........
// ......
// ...
// Eventually I fall asleep. 
// When I awake, the first thing I do is make sure Ushio is there.
// Her face is pressed against the window, looking outside.
// After that, I look around the train car.
// All of a sudden we've become the last passengers in the train car. 
// The air conditioning cools down the sweat from my nap.
// It's almost chilly.
// An announcement is being made in the train car.
// ...apparently this is the last stop.
// We step off of the train onto an unknown land.
// The wavering hot air envelopes us.
// \{\m{B}} "Hot..."
// Nature's scenery travels as far as the eye can see.
// The unpaved road travels off into the distance.
// \{\m{B}} "Let's see..."
// I take a look at Sanae-san's memo.
// \{\m{B}} "It says here that the flower field is a 15 minute walk by foot."
// \{\m{B}} "You'll collapse if you walk that far in this heat..."
// \{\m{B}} "You've got your hat on, right?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "A bit further."
// We press on.
// \{Ushio} "Ah, yes..."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's hurry on."
// We begin walking.
// The destination can be seen from a distance.
// From one angle, we can overlook the field; patterns of various colors are seemingly knitted throughout expanse below us.
// \{\m{B}} "The alpine meadow... it's really open and vast..."
// \{Ushio} "Yeah..."
// Squinting her eyes against the rays of sunlight, Ushio struggles to see far into the distance.
// \{\m{B}} "No need to be so impatient. We're heading over there right now."
// \{Ushio} "I want to look at it from this place too."
// She has a point there. The view certainly isn't the same when viewed from up close, compared to seeing it from a distance.
// \{\m{B}} "Do you want a better look?"
// \{Ushio} "Yes, I want to see it."
// \{\m{B}} "Well then, I'll show you."
// I move right behind Ushio so that I am facing her back, and crouch down.
// \{\m{B}} "Come on."
// \{Ushio} "...huh?"
// \{\m{B}} "Spread your legs."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm going to let you ride on my shoulders."
// \{Ushio} " this?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, you've got it."
// I lift Ushio's up.
// She's really light.
// \{\m{B}} "How's the view?"
// \{Ushio} "Wow... amazing!"
// \{\m{B}} "We'll walk like this for a little while."
// \{Ushio} "Okay."
// The flower field is bathed in a nostalgic fragrance that seems somewhat familiar..
// \{Ushio} "Yay!"
// With her rucksack still slung over her shoulders, she runs about in the heart of the field.
// \{\m{B}} "You really do act like a boy."
// \{Ushio} "I've never seen anything like this."
// She stops running to gaze at the flowers.
// \{\m{B}} "That's good to hear. Make sure you get your fill."
// I find a shady spot under a tree nearby and take refuge there.
// \{\m{B}} "If you get hot, come over here and take a break." 
// With those words, I slouch against the base of the tree.
// I've never seen ushio look so carefree and happy before.
// It's been a terrible and simply boring trip for her up until now. After coming here, she's finally enjoying herself and making good memories.
// I lightly pat my chest.
// \{\m{B}} "Sigh..."
// A breeze tinged with the flowers' scent passes through.
// I feel at ease.
// I look down at Sanae-san's memo one more time.
// We're pretty close to our goal.
// A cape that I've never seen nor heard of.
// We should be on our way over there before nightfall.
// For now, we'll take our time here and relax.
// I also want to watch Ushio romp around among the flowers for a while.
// Ushio finally returns after about an hour of playing.
// \{Ushio} "I'm hot..."
// \{\m{B}} "You look pretty unsteady on your feet."
// \{Ushio} "...yeah"
// \{\m{B}} "I did tell you to come back before wearing yourself out, you know."
// \{\m{B}} "Come on, sit down and wait here."
// \{\m{B}} "I'll go buy some juice."
// I stand up and trade places with Ushio, who sits down.
// At a vending machine, which stands all alone by the entrance to the flower field, I buy a can of tea and juice, then return back to Ushio.
// I see Ushio stand up and attempt to return to the flower field.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, that's enough!"
// Her glimmering eyes, tightened slightly at the edges, face this way.
// \{Ushio} "But..."
// \{Ushio} "I lost something..."
// \{\m{B}} "You lost something? What was it?"
// \{Ushio} "...Robot"
// \{\m{B}} "You dropped it?"
// \{Ushio} "...yeah."
// \{\m{B}} "Okay, look, drink this and take a rest."
// She comes near and I hand her the juice.
// \{\m{B}} "Meanwhile, I'll go look for it."
// \{Ushio} "...really?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, really. I don't know if I'll be able to find it though."
// I look back at the flower field.
// It's almost frightening expansive.
// And even worse, in this heat...
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Ushio faces me silently with tearful, clouded eyes.
// \{\m{B}} (What the hell, I'll give it a shot...)
// I leave Ushio in the shade of the tree and wander into the flower field.
// I look along all of the paths.
// But I can't find it.
// Ushio's body is small, so she could have crept into a small area somewhere and looked at the flowers there.
// If she dropped it in a place like that, there's no way an adult like me will be able to find it.
// I give up and return to the tree.
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry... I couldn't find it."
// 汐は何も言わずにいた。
// \{\m{B}} "Did you finish your juice? You can have my tea if you want."
// She shakes her head no.
// \{\m{B}} "You know, I'm pretty sure that they sell that exact same robot close to where you live.
// \{\m{B}} "You can find it and get Sanae-san or Pops to buy it for you."
// \{\m{B}} "OK?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "...I'm going to look for it."
// \{\m{B}} "Unfortunately, we're running short on time."
// \{\m{B}} "I want to start moving before the day grows dark."
// \{Ushio} "... just a sec."
// She says that and runs into the flower field without waiting for my response.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio...did you find it?"
// \{Ushio} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Come on, just let it go. We've looked this hard but still haven't found it."
// \{Ushio} "... I'm definitely going to find it."
// \{\m{B}} "You're really stubborn for a kid..."
// Eventually, the sun sets.
// \{\m{B}} "Just give it up..."
// \{\m{B}} "It's not really that important..."
// \{Ushio} ""
// ..........
// \{\m{B}} "I'm leaving without you!"
// \{Ushio} "...okay"
// \{\m{B}} "Seriously, I'm really going to leave you behind."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// She stands up and looks at me.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I keep silent.
// However, eventually she squats down again and resumes her search.
// \{\m{B}} "Jeeze..."
// I draw out a cigarette from my chest pocket, put it to my lips, and light it up.
// \{\m{B}} "Fuuu..."
// Sooner or later, We're going to need to start looking for tonight's lodging.
// Once that's out of the way, all that's left is spending the night there and then returning home.
// At that point, my four day holiday will come to an end. I have to go back to work the day after tomorrow. 
// I'll leave Ushio in Sanae-san's care once more, and my routine of mindlessly working from day to day will begin anew.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// ..........
// When all is said and done...
// What was this trip all about...
// Coming to such a far away place...
// Taking pleasure in appreciating the flowers for short while...
// Losing the toy that I bought for her...
// And not being able to find it, even though we searched for it desperately...
// Then finally, making the return trip under the gloom of loneliness.
// Without obtaining anything.
// A waste of time.
// Losing things left and right, and gaining nothing.
// ..........
// The wind's direction shifts.
// It carries the scent of the ocean.
// Could it be blowing in from the cape?
// We only have a little time left.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio"
// I call out to her.
// Ushio looks at me with a Worried look on her face.
// \{\m{B}} "I'm only going to wait for another 30 minutes."
// \{\m{B}} "Find it before then."
// \{Ushio} "...okay"
// I leave Ushio there and start walking.
// Towards the goal of our travels.
// Following the smell of the ocean, I make my way up an incline.
// \{\m{B}} (What exactly will there be at this goal...)
// \{\m{B}} (Maybe a commemorative stamp, or something...)
// The view opens up.
// Straight ahead of me lies the ocean.
// And a woman standing against the backdrop of that ocean.
// \{Woman} "I've been waiting."
// \{Woman} "\m{A}\m{B}-san, right?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, that's correct but..."
// \{Woman} "I was told by a woman who goes by the name of Furukawa-san."
// \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san?"
// \{Woman} "That's right."
// \{\m{B}} "But, uh..."
// \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san directed me here, but didn't say anything else..."
// \{\m{B}} "Sorry, but I don't even know who you are."
// \{Woman} "Me?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes..."
// \{Woman} "I am \m{A} Shino."
// \{\m{B}} "... what?"
// \{Shino} "I am your father's mother."
// The wind swept through, and the hair clinging to my forehead fluttered in the wind.
// ...Sanae-san.
// What on earth are you getting me into?
// \{Shino} "You sure have grown."
// \{\m{B}} "We've... met before?"
// \{Shio} "Yes, we have. But it's not surprising that you don't remember."
// \{Shio} "You were still very young back then."
// \{\m{B}} "I see..."
// \{Shino} "Is that fool still in the middle of atoning for what he's done?" 
// \{\m{B}} "No... he's probably back at his home right now..."
// \{Shino} "It must have been tough for you, living with him."
// \{\m{B}} "Not really... since we kept our distance from each other..."
// \{Shino} "I understand. This is Naoyuki we're talking about after all."
// Naoyuki...\p my father's name.
// I turn my gaze to the ocean.
// \{Shino} "He wasn't such a foolish child in the past."
// Grandmother kept talking.
// \{Shino} "It was a young marriage. Everyone opposed it because the both of them were still students."
// \{Shio} "But, Naoyuki went as far as dropping out of high school and working... doing all that he could for Atsuko-san."
// \{Shino} "The two of them started living together in a small apartment..."
// \{Shino} "Somehow they scraped by on a low income..."
// \{Shio} "They wouldn't have had it any other way, but I knew they must have been struggling..."
// \{Shino} "Other people would constantly give them weird looks."
// \{Shino} "But you know, Naoyuki was probably happy with how things were."
// \{Shino} "He smiled with a sense of contentment that even I had never seen before, despite having lived with him for so long."
// \{Shino} "To continue living by protecting the ones you love with your own strength..."
// \{Shino} "So long as he could do that, he was happy."
// \{Shino} "Before long, Atsuko-san was pregnant with Naoyuki's child."
// \{Shino} "And with a small blessing, \m{B}-san, you were born."
// \{Shino} "Their life as a solitary couple transformed into a family lifestyle."
// \{Shino} "Naoyuki worked harder than he had ever worked before."
// \{Shino} "Smiling all the while."
// \{Shino} "But..."
// \{Shino} "That happiness didn't last for very long."
// \{Shino} "Atsuko-san was involved in an accident..."
// \{Shino} "...and passed away right at the scene."
// \{Shino} "For Naoyuki, that was a tragedy from which he could never recover."
// \{Shino} "Since he had lived his life protecting the happiness of his family."
// \{Shino} "But at that time, he couldn't give into despair just yet."
// \{Shino} "\m{B}-san."
// \{Shino} "...because he still had you."
// \{Shino} "He declared that he would bring you up with his own hands..."
// \{Shino} "On that day, Naoyuki held your hand and walked from this very place."
// \{Shino} "Do you remember?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Shino} "Throughout the time following that event, he worked the hardest that he has ever worked in his entire life."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Shino} "It was hard balancing work and bringing up a child."
// \{Shino} "He lost his job many times, and moved from place to place..." 
// \{Shino} "Despite that, he never parted with you..."
// \{Shino} "With the little money he had, he bought you toys and gave you sweets..."
// \{Shino} "He sacrificed everything for your well-being and chances to succeed..."
// \{Shino} "And raised you."
// \{Shino} "He might have been strict at times. He might have been violent at times."
// \{Shino} "But in the end, everything was for the sake of raising you properly."
// \{Shino} "And while you were being brought up as a docile, peaceable boy... "
// \{Shino} "He lost everything"
// \{Shino} "His work..."
// \{Shino} "Confidence..."
// \{Shino} "Luck..."
// \{Shino} "Friends..."
// \{Shino} "From that point on..."
// \{Shino} "Things could only get worse."
// \{Shino} "\m{B}-san"
// \{Shino} "Do you think... Naoyuki is a terrible father?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "... no..."
// I might cry. I feel like crying.
// \{\m{B}} "I'm actually..."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm far... much more of a human failure..."
// \{Shino} "........."
// I never knew that he had raised me with such love and affection.
// And...
// \{\m{B}} "On that day...Dad and I...were standing at this very place."
// \{Shino} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "It's an exact mirror of my situation now..."
// \{\m{B}} "And in contrast... right now... I'm a weak and pitiful man."
// \{Shino} "No... he was weak and pitiful as well."
// \{Shino} "Completely selfish and violent..."
// \{Shino} "As a man, he is a failure..."
// \{Shino} "But..."
// \{Shino} "There is one thing that I would like to remember him fondly by."
// \{Shino} "As a man, he may be terrible, but..."
// \{Shio} "As a father, I think he is wonderful."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Shino} "\m{B}-san... do you think you could see him in that way, as well?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "... yes"
// \{Shino} "Thank you."
// \{\m{B}} "No... there's no need for you to..."
// \{Shino} "\m{B}-san"
// Grandmother looked straight at me.
// \{Shino} "He tried too hard."
// \{Shino} "It's about time he took a break..."
// \{Shino} "Please tell this for me:"
// \{Shino} "'Just come back already'."
// \{Shino} "I will continue waiting for him at this place."
// \{Shino} "Hoping that one day, he and I could live here together."
// She has gentle eyes.
// They are a mother's eyes.
// The eyes of somone who has been watching over her child for a long time.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "... I understand."
// \{\m{B}} "I'll tell him."
// \{\m{B}} "Ushioooo"
// Ushio looks up at me immediately when I call her.
// \{\m{B}} "Did you find it?"
// \{Ushio} "... no."
// She stands up and hangs her head.
// \{Ushio} "... I didn't find it."
// \{\m{B}} "I see... that's too bad"
// \{\m{B}} "I'll buy you a new one, so cheer up..."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Even though I say that, Ushio still hangs her head.
// \{Ushio} "... but that was the only one."
// \{\m{B}} "Hm? The only one? What do you mean? They had a lot of them in stock, didn't they?"
// \{Ushio} "... it was the only one chosen... and given to me"
// \{Ushio} "... for the first time, by Papa..."
// .........
// I recall Sanae-san's words.
// ----Ushio always seems very lonely.
// ----Because her father is hardly ever with her.
// \{\m{B}} "...Ushio"
// \{\m{B}} "So, that toy was really important to you, huh..."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// "Ah...\p so I CAN make up for lost time after all.
// I thought to myself.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "Have you been lonely?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Was traveling with"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm sorry...for everything."
// \{\m{B}} "For leaving you alone... all this time..."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, Ushio."
// \{\m{B}} "Would it be alright if I stay with you from now on?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "... for a long time... I've been a terrible father, but..."
// \{\m{B}} "From now on, I'm going to work hard for you, Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "So would it be alright to stay by your side?..."
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Really?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes. I want you to be..."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so..."
// \{Ushio} "...but, today..."
// \{Ushio} "...because I lost something important to me..."
// \{Ushio} "...I'm sad."
// \{Ushio} "...Papa"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes?"
// \{Ushio} "...can I stop holding back now?"
// \{\m{B}} "Holding back what...?"
// \{Ushio} "... my tears."
// \{\m{B}} "Crying?"
// \{Ushio} "... yeah."
// \{Ushio} "...Sanae-san says it is only okay to cry..."
// \{Ushio} " the bathroom, or... \p on Papa's chest."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// For 5 years...
// This girl would always take refuge in the bathroom when she needed to cry.
// Sanae-san never let her cry into her own chest.
// I...
// I... really was an awful father...
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah... it's okay..."
// \{\m{B}} "Go right ahead, Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "You don't have to hold it back anymore."
// \{\m{B}} "When you want to cry, you have Papa's chest to cry on."
// \{\m{B}} "Come here."
// I squat down and open my arms.
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Ushio hesitates for a moment, and then...
// She breaks into a run, her feet pitter-pattering against the ground, and leaps into my waiting embrace.
// Then, she cries.
// Howling mournfully.
// In a loud voice.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio..."
// I embrace her gently, patting her head.
// The thing that only I can protect is right here.
// \{\m{B}} "Grandma..."
// \{\m{B}} "When I find the time, I'll be back."
// \{Shino} "Alright, I'll be waiting."
// \{\m{B}} "Well then"
// \{\m{B}} "Goodbye."
// Awaiting us at the final destination was a solitary, aging mother.
// And right here, I gained something that money can't buy.
// I'll treasure it for as long as I live.
// Together, with this girl.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey... Ushio."
// \{Ushio} "... hm?"
// \{\m{B}} "Do you want to hear the story of Mama?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so. Alright then... I'll tell you."
// \{\m{B}} "Come here."
// She draws herself away from the window, and squeezes in right beside me.
// \{\m{B}} "Mama was always a tearful woman."
// \{\m{B}} "Even when I met her, she was delicate, lacked confidence... and would always be standing uncertainly by the hill leading up to our school."
// \{\m{B}} "At the foot of that hill, can you guess what she would say?"
// \{\m{B}} "With her eyes closed, she would say 'Anpan'."
// \{\m{B}} "That was her habit."
// \{\m{B}} "To give herself the motivation to step forward, she would say something she wanted to eat, which inspired courage within her..."
// \{\m{B}} "Pretty cute habit, right... And it fit, since she was really modest..."
// \{\m{B}} "Competition for the bread at school was fierce... and it was tough to get your hands on the popular ones..."
// \{\m{B}} "So she would settle for the anpan that always remained unsold..."
// \{\m{B}} "However, she lost that habit after she started hanging out with me."
// \{\m{B}} "She supported me..."
// \{\m{B}} "And I did the same for her."
// \{\m{B}} "Supporting each other, we began our journey through school life together."
// "Together, we tried to revive the abandoned drama club."
// "Do you understand ‘drama'? A ‘play'."
// "Although she had never performed or even seen a play, she wanted to give it a shot anyway."
// "Isn't that weird?..."
// "So for some reason or another, in order to fulfill that wish, we had a basketball match."
// "Basketball is a point-based game played with ball."
// "Our opponents were people who played it every day."
// "But we won."
// "Mama said something like this:"
// "In such a short time, we all became even more closely-knit than the guys who practice basketball every day."
// "She was so delighted..."
// "Mama loved it when people joined forces and worked hard together, as one."
// "And so, the day of the school festival arrived..."
// "Representing the drama club, Mama was the only one onstage."
// "She was to perform a play in front of a huge audience."
// "The very same person, who was clumsy and had stage fright."
// "A problem arose right before the play, and she ended up bawling all-out on the stage."
// "However, she did a fine job of acting to the very end."
// "She did a complete job of it."
// "At the end of the play... she sang her favorite song, ‘Dango Daikazoku'..."
// "Dango, dango... is how it goes."
// "She really loved that song."
// "Even though everyone thought it was a lame way to end the play..."
// "With her performance, she brought my dream and everyone else's dreams to life all at once."
// "Everyone remembers it fondly."
// "However, following that, the condition of her health worsened again..."
// "She was absent from school for a long time."
// "I graduated alone..."
// "She was all alone at school once again..."
// "Despite that, she chose to fight on, refusing to drop out of school."
// "Before long, we started living together..."
// "'Fight on and give it your all for one more year', 'You'll get better soon', in this way we cheered each other on..."
// "Despite taking more time than most people..."
// "Despite having gone through more hardships than most people..."
// "In the end, she also graduated from school."
// "From then on, together we led a modest family lifestyle..."
// "During that time, Mama became pregnant with you..."
// "and..."
// \{\m{B}} "with a mother's strength... she gave birth to you."
// \{\m{B}} "When I met her, she was so weak..."
// \{\m{B}} "In the end, she finally could live strongly..."
// \{\m{B}} "Truly, strongly..."
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "Such a strong mother's...  child you are."
// Ah... Now I recall the pain that is inside of me.
// I loved her.
// Truly loved her.
// I loved no one else but Nagisa.
// I loved that humble side of Nagisa.
// I loved that occasionally spitired side of Nagisa.
// I loved that cute smile of Nagisa.
// And...
// I loved that way she always was next to me part of Nagisa.
// I think back to that time at the school house in the club room...
// Nagisa writes her name next to mine.
// \{Nagisa} "It's not good if it is just me."
// \{Nagisa} "Everything is better together."
// \{Nagisa} "Forever together... ehehe."
// Trying to calm my high-spired emotions, she laughs.
// \{Nagisa} "Please calm down, \m{B}-kun"
// \{Nagisa} "I'm not going anywhere."
// \{Nagisa} "I'll always be by \m{B}-kun's side."
// When I was pushed down to the deepest darkness... she helped me out.
// \{Nagisa} "Thus, please rely on me."
// \{Nagisa} "I am here for you now, \m{B}-kun."
// \{Nagisa} "I'm not here for anyone else."
// \{Nagisa} "Only for you, \m{B}-kun."
// \{Nagisa} "Forever by your side."
// \{Nagisa} "At any time, always, by your side."
// Nevertheless...
// Why...
// Why are you not next to me now?...
// Why did I become alone...
// Although everything better together...
// Although we supposed to be together forever...
// Altough you said you'd be by my side at anytime, forever...
// Why did you leave before me?...
// \{\m{B}} "Nagisa..."
// \{\m{B}} "Nagisa-..."
// Tears pour down from my eyes.
// Nothing can be done to stop it.
// Even wiping and wiping them, they flow and fall.
// \{\m{B}} "Haha...hahaha..."
// Although I laugh, I kept crying.
// Although I haven't cried in a long time...
// Although I've lived in a daze...
// Ah... I've already accepted...
// That 5 years have passed since that day...
// And, now, Nagisa is not next to me.
// The reality.
// \{Ushio} "Papa..."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah... what?"
// \{Ushio} "... toilet."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah... do you know where it is?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Can you go alone?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// She jumped down from the seat and ran. 
// I wipe my tears away.
// After awhile, Ushio returns.
// \{Ushio} "I did it myself."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so. Isn't that great, Ushio?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes!"
// Ushio, triumphantly stuck out her chest.
// \{Sanae} "Welcome home."
// Sanae-san greated me with a smile.
// \{Sanae} "Was it fun?"
// Was it her charm to be able to ask with those words so carefreely...?
// \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san."
// \{Sanae} "Yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "Now, please go on a date with me." 
// \{Sanae} "What?"
// \{\m{B}} "Because, you changed the arrangement right...? having gone on some pressing business."
// \{\m{B}} "Because I was looking forward to traveling with Sanae-san.,"
// \{Sanae} "Okay okay, as compensation as many as you'd like."
// \{\m{B}} "Please!"
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, also."
// \{Sanae} "Yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "From today on I want Ushio to live with me in my apartment."
// \{Sanae} "Yes."
// I stood there full of courage.
// ... Nagisa's room.
// Although everything is put away, it is like those days.
// That day, I am able to take, hold and raised-up the stuffed Dango. 
// And, I buried my face in it.
// Will it still smell like Nagisa's smell...?
// Will it have the smell it did so long ago...?
// If I close my eyes, I think it might be possible to go back to that day.
// When Nagisa was always next to me.
// However, I don't want to see that dream any more.
// That would leave out Ushio.
// If you do not look straight at reality...
// Therefore, with my eyes wide open... time advances like that pain.
// \{Voice} "\m{B}-san"
// The voice pulled me back away from that pain.
// \{Sanae} "What's wrong?"
// It was Sanae-san.
// \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san..."
// \{Sanae} "Do you want to take that?"
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, yes..."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that okay?"
// \{Sanae} "Of course. Because they are a family, please take all three."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, I will do that."
// Memories are memories.
// \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san..."
// \{Sanae} "Yes"
// \{\m{B}} "I'm sorry, for the long time..."
// \{Sanae} "What?"
// \{\m{B}} "I am only useless..."
// \{\m{B}} "Leaving Ushio in your care for so long..."
// \{\m{B}} "And that I was able to become a father... all thanks to you, Sanae-san."
// \{\m{B}} "Really... compared Sanae-san's life, I am no match."
// \{Sanae} "No... I didn't do anything."
// \{\m{B}} "Really she... she is raised to be a good girl..."
// \{\m{B}} "Everything, thanks to Sanae-san and Pops..."
// \{\m{B}} "However, from here on, I will properly raise her with my own hand."
// \{\m{B}} "She is considerate like Nagisa, and, a strong child."
// \{Sanae} "Please do your best."
// Everday before now, just how hard was it for them.
// For a long time I have forced a smiling face by drinking ale.
// From here on, if I find the purpose to go, surely I can repay the kindness.
// \{\m{B}} "Something... because anything is okay, I'll do anything that I can..."
// \{Sanae} "What?"
// \{\m{B}} "I want to repay the kindness with the rest of my life."
// \{Sanae} "Then, please become happy."
// Ah...
// Sanae-san has always been that way.
// Always, she thinks of family's happiness, and  with her family's happiness brought her own happiness.
// In this family, everyone is that way.
// Pops would say he agrees wouldn't he?
// Maybe if Nagisa were still alive... she'd agree too.
// Can I join in this group?
// This famiy group that makes someone happy, so that everyone can be happy.
// Can I join it starting today?
// This small happy family.
// \{\m{B}} "I am happy today because... Ushio and I are together..."
// \{Sanae} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Haha..."
// \{\m{B}} "Though you've said it so many times, you still say it."
// \{\m{B}} "I love you, Sanae-san!"
// Whack!
// \{Akio} "You, don't go seducing someone's bride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
// A loud voice right in my ear. Pops opens the sliding door with force that could surely break it.
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, no... I don't love her as a woman as you do..."
// \{Sanae} "What... you don't like me as a woman?"
// \{\m{B}} "No, like."
// \{Akio} "Why youuuuu!!!!!!!"
// \{\m{B}} "N, no... that, what do I say, I was just saying I don't love her like how you love her..."
// \{Sanae} "Just awhile ago you asked me on a date."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, well that's true."
// \{Akio} "Gaaaaaaaaa! I'm jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
// Worried, he writhes about on the floor. 
// \{Sanae} "It's a joke, Akio-san. Truly." 
// \{\m{B}} "I'm completely not following this."
// \{Sanae} "Come on, Akio-san. Because my life is lived for Akio-san."
// \{Akio} "Really...?"
// \{Sanae} "Yes."
// \{Sanae} "Therefore, please be good friends with \m{B}-san."
// \{Akio} "Chi... if you say so I guess it can't be helped... though it hurts my heart, I'll close my eyes."
// At last he stands up.
// \{Akio} "It's been awhile, little buddy."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, yes... it has."
// This person sure does recover quickly.
// \{Akio} "What, did dead fish eyes guy come back to life?" 
// \{\m{B}} "That's so..."
// \{Akio} "Alright, how about a little baseball?"
// \{\m{B}} "But, I just came back from a very long journy."
// \{Akio} "Why you, you can invite Sanae on a date, but you refuse my invitation?"
// \{\m{B}} "No, well, okay... whatever is fine..."
// \{Akio} "Oh."
// \{Akio} "Alright, Ushio! Burn into your memory me beating your unshapely old man!" 
// \{\m{B}} "Hey now, burn in your memory me devastating this unpleasant person!"
// \{Akio} "That all depends on you. It would be good if you even it the ball!"
// \{\m{B}} *
// \{Sanae} "Ushio, which do you think will win?"
// \{Ushio} "...Akki."
// \{\m{B}} "Seriously?!"
// \{Akio} "That's because she's seen my strong arm growing up."
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, then, at the first appearance of your dad, you'll see that I can hit that ball unleashed by his srong arm."
// \{Akio} "Fu, absurd!"
// \{\m{B}} "Let's go."
// Pops sets into motion.
// 1...
// 2...
// \{\m{B}} "3!"
// Kaaa!
// A clear sound remains as the white ball disappears into the sky.
// \{Akio} "Hey... you're a fool..."
// \{\m{B}} "You're the fool!"
// ...pariiin.
// We're both fools.
// That day, I stay at the Furukawa house.
// Everyond eats at the table that holds a dinner as grand as a party.
// Pops and I drink sake... and make loud noises...
// It is a happy evening.
// .........
// ......
// ...
// Evening...
// As I awaken I hear voices.
// Completely drunk... it's likely I just feel sleep just how I am.
// The lights are turned off.
// The voices... are Pops and Sanae-san's.
// \{Akio} "Sanae..."
// \{Akio} "You... speak with that person..."
// \{Akio} "You..."
// \{Akio} "You cried on that day..."
// \{Sanae} "Often, I know."
// \{Akio} "Naturally... you are the one that was thought of..."
// \{Sanae} "I..."
// \{Sanae} "Because I did occasionally..."
// \{Sanae} "Therefore, it is okay..."
// \{Sanae} "It was not necessary to lose sight of me..."
// \{Akio} "But... in addition to that the end of depending..."
// \{Sanae} "Yes..."
// \{Akio} "It's been 5 years..."
// \{Akio} "Long...  hard work..."
// \{Sanae} "Yes..."
// \{Akio} "I appreciate your efforts."
// \{Sanae} "Nothing of the sort..."
// \{Sanae} "We're... family after all."
// \{Akio} "Ah... that's so, isn't it..."
// \{Sanae} "Yes..."
// \{Akio} "Therefore, cry already."
// \{Sanae} "What for...?"
// \{Akio} "You have done so much."
// \{Akio} "This is a time that you can cry."
// \{Akio} "Even if you become helpless..."
// \{Akio} "I will help."
// \{Akio} "Until you finish crying, I'll be by your side."
// \{Akio} "Therefore, cry."
// \{Sanae} "........."
// That day is the first time I learned of Sanae-san's weakness.
// Sanae-san could cry like a child...
// And Pops doesn't say a word, just watches over her...
// I vowed to those two to give my life to family.
// The next morning.
// I wake up to Pop's snarling voice as he prepares to open up the store.
// Ushio is rolled up in a blanket still sleeping.
// She is lit by the morning light, and really looks like an angel.
// \{\m{B}} (Foolish parents...)
// After I laugh through my nose, I begin to think about the future.
// Life with Ushio.
// Surely, it will be more difficult than I expect.
// But, the most difficult times, Sanae-san has already taken care of.
// Any hardship that I may face in the future will not even compare to those Sanae-san went through.
// When I think about it, no matter what kind of difficulty, I am sure I can confront it. 
// Although there may be hardships, there surely will be a lot of happiness.
// Such is how it is to live in a family.
// On the day that Nagisa and I began living together... I should have felt that then.*
// But, before starting like with Ushio, there is a promise that I must fufill.
// I must ask for another day of vacation from work.
// And, I have to accomplish that today.
// I leave behind the room where Ushio is laid down.
// \{Sanae} "Ah, did I wake you?"
// \{\m{B}} "No, it's okay. Is there anything you need me to do?"
// \{Sanae} "No, although it is noisy, please rest."
// \{\m{B}} "No, in the future I'll be called selfish, so please let me help." *
// \{Sanae} "No, even if you do help, I'll be called selfish."
// \{Sanae} "Isn't that right?"
// \{\m{B}} "Well, then, I'll kindly accept for offer..."
// \{\m{B}} "Until evening..."
// No, I want a little more time.
// \{\m{B}} "... until tomorrow morning, I would like you to keep Ushio."
// \{Sanae} "Yes, that's not a problem."
// \{\m{B}} "Thanks. There is one last thing I have to do."
// \{Sanae} "It's not your work is it?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes."
// \{Sanae} "It is your Father isn't it?"
// Clever Sanae-san. Good guess.
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, that's it."
// \{\m{B}} "Because I want to talk to him one by one."
// \{Sanae} "Yes. Please take your time."
// Afterwards I contact the office, and foraibly I manage another day off.
// As relief, I help out with Furukawa Backery in the morning when there are a lot of customers visiting.
// When it nears noon and there are fewer customers, I climb back up.
// And I tell Ushio that the next morning she will leave the Furukawa house behind.
// Then I face the destatation of my parent's house.
// Naoyuki*
// Nothing seems to have changed.
// The surroundings of the house look the same as 5 years ago.
// I open the door. It was not locked.
// 7 years ago in the morning...
// I said good-bye and left this house behind...
// I ran away...
// At least I am able to return home.
// 7 years of time.
// A long, \p long time away from home.
// \{\m{B}} "I'm home."
// I say in a quiet voice and enter the house.
// Father is watching television.
// \{Father} "........."
// When Father notice signs of me, he turns around.
// \{Father} "Ah..."
// \{Father} "\m{B}-kun..."
// Father's face that I hadn't seen in long time, looks 10 years older than in my memory. *
// I take the remote control from the table, and turn off the power to the television.
// \{\m{B}} "I'm home."
// \{Father} "Yea... welcome home..."
// \{\m{B}} "Have you been in the house a long time?"
// \{Father} "Yeah..."
// \{\m{B}} "It is summer vacation."
// \{Father} "Is that so...?"
// I sit down in front of my father.
// The air-conditioner is not running, probably to save money.
// However, because the kitchen window is open, it is not that sultry.
// \{\m{B}} "I traveled this break."
// \{Father} "Oh...?"
// \{\m{B}} "All the way up North."
// \{\m{B}} "And there, I met your mother."
// \{Father} "Heh..."
// \{\m{B}} "And I heard all sorts of stories."
// \{Father} "I see..."
// Does this person understand what I just said...?
// However, after I talk he nods, so I think he may be in agreement.
// Even still, I keep speaking.
// Because this is a promise.
// \{\m{B}} " was pretty important, so I thought."
// \{Father} "I see..."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, Father..."
// \{Father} "Yes..."
// \{\m{B}} "You're worn out."
// \{Father} "... yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "Already, worn out."
// \{\m{B}} "Isn't it okay to take a little bit of a rest..."
// \{\m{B}} "I think so..."
// \{Father} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Somehow, return to the country..."
// \{\m{B}} "Your mother is waiting for you there."
// \{Father} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "In that place..."
// \{\m{B}} "You held my hand when I was young..."
// \{\m{B}} "In that place you vowed that you would bring me up by your own hand."
// \{Father} "Ah..."
// Father stares off into the distance.
// Is he reflecting on that scene there?
// \{\m{B}} "You've already worked hard enough..."
// \{\m{B}} "Therefore, rest already..."
// \{\m{B}} "Return to the country..."
// \{\m{B}} "And there... live with Mother..."
// \{\m{B}} "... okay?"
// \{Father} "........."
// \{Father} "Mou... is it okay?..."
// \{\m{B}} "What...?"
// \{Father} "Mou... \wait{800}Have I already finished...?"
// The vow of that day.
// ... of raising me with his own hand.
// This person is recalling such a thing...
// Was his life really for that purpose...?
// Was this person's life only for my benefit...?
// For me, his pathetic child, alone he had worked so hard...
// ...was it that kind of life?
// \{\m{B}} "You... didn't you sacrifice everything, just to bring me up...?"
// \{\m{B}} "Really, you've done so much..."
// \{\m{B}} "So... much..."
// \{Father} " that so?"
// \{Father} "...before I realized it...\wait{800}I've finished it already..."
// \{Father} "... that...
// is good."
// We spend that evening together.
// We take a bath together.
// The back of Father whom I imagined to be so large...
// For that time, is quite small.
// I wash it.
// Innocently wash it.
// The next morning.
// Carrying a bag with just a change of clothes, Father comes out of the house.
// Ushio and I wait together for him.
// \{Father} "N... that child?"
// \{\m{B}} "She is your granddaughter."
// \{Father} "Ho... is that right?..."
// \{Father} "The child from that time...?"
// The two had met only once before.
// That was... \p a painful day.
// Ushio's birth... around then.
// \{Father} "You've grown big..."
// Father squats down near Ushio placing a hand on her head.
// Then, laughs with a smile.
// Such a warm smile, I've not seen in quite some time.
// It was the smile from a long time ago when I was young.
// When I was young, I also had a smile.
// "\m{B}..."
// "Look, candy."
// "Although I'm about to go out ... don't over eat."
// "I'm sorry I've always made you feel lonesome."
// "When I return, I'll make a good dinner."
// "And we'll eat together."
// "Alright... \m{B}"
// Certainly it was such a day.
// I remember that far off memory.
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Ushio did not evade Father, but instead quietly looked at his face.
// Father pats Ushio on the head...
// Then, stands up.
// \{Father} "Alright, I'm going."
// \{\m{B}} "Father..."
// \{\m{B}} "Take care of your health..."
// \{Father} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't drink too much sake..."
// \{Father} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't smoke too many cigarettes..."
// \{Father} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Live long..."
// \{Father} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Absolutely... \p go repay the kindness..."
// \{Father} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Absolutely, go..."
// \{Father} "Yes."
// Father's calm face...
// A face of completion...
// A face that is beginning to cry.
// Did this person have a happy life...?
// In the happiest moment ... to lose the one that you love...
// Even still ... with exception he continued to do his best for me...
// Me... for the sake of the son who didn't respect his parents...
// He kept trying hard for the son who didn't do his duty for him...
// And... was he happy...?
// \{\m{B}} "Ha... ah..."
// I cry out convulsively like a child.
// \{Father} "Why, \m{B}..."
// \{Father} "Why are you crying..."
// Now, it is necessary that I send him off as a strong son.
// So as not to to cause any more concern...
// To be relieved, so that he can have a rest...
// Everything that he has sacrified for me must come to completion...
// To completion...
// .........
// trousers are tugged.
// Ushio is the one pulling them.
// Yes...\p from here on I am to be in the standpoint of a father.
// Right... I'm not a child anymore.
// I wipe my tears and lift my head.
// And then I speak.
// \{\m{B}} "Thank you for everything up until now... Father."
// \{Father} "Yes..."
// \{Father} "Then... I'm going."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes. Father, take care."
// \{Father} "\m{B} as well, take care..."
// Father turns his back to me.
// The back of the father that brought me up...
// For a long time I watch him leave...
// Holding the hand of Ushio.
// Ushio.
// From now on, she will spend life with me in our apartment.
// That house was originally a rented home, but the rent amount kept rising, and it was possible that he would have gone into default. 
// So he sold everything but the most essiential furniture to make an arrangement to stay out of default. 
// Yet still, he still had some debt left.
// That, if I work steadily, I think I can repay.
// The house that I lived together with father, already has become a house for another two. 
// Day after day there were only quarrels.
// There is not even one good memory.
// With the hated house and hated father. 
// Yet... \p Now it is already possible to put this away from the chest.
// Memories that money can't buy.
// I salue the house, and leave the front.*
// And so, living life together with Ushio began.
// In the morning I get up early to cook breakfast.
// \{Ushio} "... what's this?"
// \{\m{B}} "Is this the first time you've seen it? It's called French toast."
// \{Ushio} "...fu-re-n-too-su-to."
// \{\m{B}} "Try it. It's not bitter."
// She lifts up the corner of the French toat, and nibbles at it.
// ...chew chew.
// She eats it frantically. Maybe she likes it.
// I specially made this French Toast to be sweet with plenty of milk.
// Ushio's mouth gets completely sticky as she eats it.
// Afterwards, Ushio changes, and we go out of the house together.
// Ushio is entrusted to the teacher in front of the kindergarden, and the morning role of a father is concluded.
// \{\m{B}} "Then..."
// Afterwards I see her waving as I return home...
// For some reason, I hear whisphered voices about me.
// \{Voice} (That person is \m{A}-san...)
// \{Voice} (This is the first time I've seen him... why hasn't he shown up until now?)
// \{Voice} (There seems to be various reasons...)
// I venture over to near where the mothers have gathered.
// \{\m{B}} "Um... how do you do. I'm Ushio's dad, \m{A}."
// The mothers pull away just a bit.
// \{\m{B}} "Up until now Ushio has... been able to happily play with your children right?"
// \{\m{B}} "It is a pleasure to make your aquanitance."
// I bow to them.
// \{Voice} "A, ah, likewise it is a pleasure to make your aquantiance..."
// Some of the voices return.
// \{\m{B}} "Well then, I must be off to work."
// I say as I turn my back to them.
// As I left them, the side whisphers started up again.
// What they were saying, I really didn't care.
// Because it was the truth that I had abandoned the father's role up until now.
// Thus, I don't look back... I only look forward.
// Here-on, all that matters is I am going to try my best to be a good father.
// \{Yoshino} "Although doing your best is good, compose yourself."
// \{\m{B}} "What?"
// \{Yoshino} "From what I know, I understand your motivation."
// \{Yoshino} "Talking that way this moment makes you prone to injury or mistakes."
// I feel embarresed and feel my face heating up.
// By no means did I mean to have such an attitude. 
// \{Yoshino} "I know well what kind of man \m{A} is."
// \{Yoshino} "Therefore, I don't want to see you have a trivial injury."
// \{\m{B}} "... thank you very much."
// When it comes to 3 PM, I ask for a big favor and slip out to the kindergarden. 
// Of all the parents waiting for children at the school, only I have slightly dirtied work clothes.
// Parents who collect their children look at me with a strange eye.
// Still, I never forget to smile or bow.
// Before long, Ushio comes out of the school
// She stares around, looking for me.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, I'm over here!"
// I raise up my voice.
// She sees me and runs at me, full speed.
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, alright."
// \{Ushio} "... it was easy to find you.."
// \{\m{B}} "Well... I guess I do stand out."
// If she was looking for Sanae-san, she'd have a hard time with all the oter mothers.
// \{\m{B}} "Alrighty, ready to go home?"
// \{Ushio} "... yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, what would you like for dinner?"
// \{Ushio} "... hamburger."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so? Hamburger...?"
// \{\m{B}} "Can I make that...?"
// I escort her home, and leave her to watch the house as I go back to the work place.
// At 6 PM work finally ends, and I head back home.
// I don't forget to pick up the ingredients to make dinner.
// And I start making dinner as soon as I get home.
// Ushio is watching anime on the television.
// I cooked while it became frantic.*
// \{Ushio} "... hamburger."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes. I am doing my best to cook it."
// \{Ushio} "... I love it"
// Finally she sees the hamburger.
// \{\m{B}} "Alright, let's eat."
// \{Ushio} "... let's eat."
// I smile as it looks like she is eating as though her life depended on it.
// After having a bath together, at 10 o'clock I turn off the lights.
// Ushio snuggles under a quilt holding a stuffed Dango.
// \{Ushio} "Sing Mother's song."
// She pesters me.
// For Ushio, that former popular song was mother's song. 
// The first time she heard it, Ushio felt nostalgia, and had tears in the edges of her eyes.
// Do you remember?
// Mother sang that song for your benefit.
// Then that's good.
// Because that is a memory of spending time with mother.
// Because it is a memory of a day after day for the three of us as a family.
// Before I knew it, Ushio's breath is regular, and she is asleep.
// I stop singing, and pull the quilt over her shoulders.
// \{\m{B}} "Good night."
// Then I crawl into my futon and stare at the ceiling. 
// \{\m{B}} "...Nagisa."
// I mutter that name.
// \{\m{B}} "Although it took a lot of time..."
// \{\m{B}} "Finally I am able be part of a family."
// \{\m{B}} "To make someone happy, so that I can also be happy..."
// \{\m{B}} "Good Morning."
// \{\m{B}} "Well then, I leave her in your care."
// I entrusted Ushio to the teacher.
// \{Voice} "Ah, \m{A}-san."
// While on my way back, that teacher calls me to stop.
// Ushio had already entered the garden when I turned around, talking to another teaher.
// \{\m{B}} "Yes?"
// \{Sensei} "I want to formally greet you... do you have a little time?"
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, sorry for that. I haven't properly introduced myself..."
// \{\m{B}} "I am indebted to what you do for Ushio. I'm \m{A}."
// \{Sensei} "I'm Ishii. I'm in charge of Ushio-chan's class."
// \{Sensei} "I look forward to working with you in the future."
// \{\m{B}} "Like-wise."
// \{\m{B}} "Is Ushio a good child?"
// \{Sensei} "Yes she's a very good child, everyone is happy with her."
// Naturally. Because she was raised by Sanae-san.
// \{Sensei} "Especially after summer vacation, she is even more happy."
// \{Sensei} "It seems like she had a really good summer vacation, right?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes... that was a very special summer vacation for me."
// \{Sensei} "That's good."
// \{Sensei} "Although it may be hard, please do your best."
// \{Sensei} "If there is anything, please talk with me. I will help." 
// Although she did not seem to know the circumstances, she did seem to know that there was no mother.
// \{\m{B}} "Thank you very much."
// \{Sensei} "I am sorry to have kept you. You have to go to work?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes."
// \{Sensei} "Please do your best."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, well then."
// When I turned around, I saw the mothers who were saying rumors yesterday.
// \{\m{B}} "Good morning."
// I greet them as passing by.
// Some of the voices returned a ‘good morning'.
// If you make an effort, although slowly, all things will advance in a good way.
// If you realize there is a limit, through thick and thin find the end.
// ... I thought it was one of these things.
// And so, this summer ends.
// \{\m{B}} "Yo."
// On a holiday, we visit the Furukawa family like the old days.
// \{Akio} "Oh, Ushio isn't it, you came!"
// \{\m{B}} "So I am ignored?"
// \{Ushio} "Akki!!"
// Ushio ran and clung to Pops' foot.
// \{\m{B}} "You too, you're a child that is hurting my feelings..."
// \{Akio} "Alright, do you want to eat Sanae's Neo-Rainbow Bread?"
// \{Akio} "For you, Neo-Rainbow."
// \{Ushio} "I don't need."
// \{Akio} "Is that so? Kid's habit excel at self-protection."
// When living how many years in this house, of course she is going to have self-protection.
// \{\m{B}} "But, where is Sanae-san?"
// \{Akio} "Hm? Was she not in the park?"
// \{\m{B}} "No, I didn't see her."
// \{Akio} "She must be in the park. She said so."
// To go to the park alone...
// \{\m{B}} "What, is she crying...?"
// \{Akio} "You misunderstand. She's there with a friend."
// \{\m{B}} "Friend?"
// \{Akio} "If your interested, go look with your own eyes."
// I don't want to intrude if she is speaking with a friend...
// However, I do have a certain interest.
// Do I go to look, or,
// Do I wait here.
// \{\m{B}} "I'll wait until she returns."
// \{Akio} "Humph, do as you please. Because I'll play with Ushio."
// \{Akio} "Alright, what do you want to learn to imitate today?"
// \{\m{B}} "What art are you preparing for..." *
// \{Akio} "Thought it isn't hit, the dead ball of Tatsukawa." *
// Another sports maniac point...
// And after than hour, Sanae-san returns.
// \{Sanae} "\m{B}-san, you came. Good day."
// \{\m{B}} "Yo."
// \{Sanae} "Ushio as well, good day."
// \{Ushio} "Good Day."
// After she bows politely, she clings to her foot.
// That appearance is natural, I think.
// Ushio lived with Pops and Sanae-san for 5 years.
// So that I can cetch up on that time, I wish I could go back 5 years.
// \{\m{B}} (No, that's wrong...)
// The depth of bonds is unrelated to time.
// I learned that in my school days.
// Together with Nagisa.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, we're going."
// \{Akio} "Ha, Ushio's father may be resourceful, I have tolerance." *
// \{Ushio} "Still, here."
// She comes to my feet.
// \{\m{B}} "What is the meaning of this ‘still'?"
// \{\m{B}} "At such an age, she can understand words like ‘resourcefulness' right?"
// \{Akio} "The first thing that she said was ‘Don't mind.'"
// \{\m{B}} "Liar."
// Although he admits he isn't the resourceful one...
// I take Ushio to the park.
// Because it is a calm, cheerful afternoon, there are a lot of families with children.
// I go near Sanae-san and another woman who has about the same stature in the the park.
// \{\m{B}} "Yo."
// \{Sanae} "Oh, \m{B}-san, good day."
// Kouko, Fuuko. 
// \{Woman} "Good day."
// The woman next to her greets me with a smile.
// \{\m{B}} "Ibuki-sensei..."
// \{Ibuki} "Yes."
// \{Ibuki} "Although I'm not a sensei anymore right?"
// It is the same line as that day.
// Suddenly, I recall those calm days.
// \{Sanae} "Do you know him? This is \m{A} \m{B}-san."
// That is an old story.
// Suddenly, I recall those calm days.
// \{Sanae} "You know him right. Just in-case, this is \m{A} \m{B}-san."
// \{Sanae} "He is my son-in-law."
// That is the first time I have been introduced as such.
// For some reason I am really happy to be glad to be part of Sanae-san's family.
// \{\m{B}} "This is my child, Ushio."
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, say hello."
// \{Ushio} "Good day."
// \{Ibuki} "Yes, good day to you."
// \{Ibuki} "She is very cute."
// \{\m{B}} "Isn't she? She's at that really cute age."
// \{\m{B}} "Um, is this the first time she's met Ushio?"
// I ask Sanae-san. Since Ushio lived at the Furukawa houst, it was possible they could have.
// \{Sanae} "It's the first time."
// \{Sanae} "Kouko-san has been away from this town for awhile."
// \{Ibuki} "I just recently returned."
// \{\m{B}} "So that's how it is?..."
// \{\m{B}} "Then..."
// I turn to face Ibuki-sensei.
// \{\m{B}} "Would you please embrace this one?"
// \{\m{B}} "... She's Nagisa's child."
// \{\m{B}} "She is our child."
// \{Ibuki} "Sure."
// As she responds, she bends her knees and squats down.
// \{Ibuki} "Ushio-chan, may I hug you?"
// Ushio nods, and moves into her arms.
// Ibuki-sensei picks her up.
// \{\m{B}} "She's already big, right... and heavy?"
// \{Ibuki} "No, she's quite alright."
// \{Ibuki} "........."
// Quietly she looks Ushio in the face.
// Ibuki-sensei's face seemed to cry for a moment.
// However, is that just her nature? She quickly laughs.
// \{Ibuki} "She's becoming a girl as cute as Nagisa-chan. There is no mistake about it."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes... and she is a strong child."
// \{Ibuki} "Yes, she's a strong child. There is no mistake about that either."
// I hear a loud roar of laughter. 
// Think it is unusal because it is a male's voice, I turn around.
// \{Yoshino} "A—hahaha!"
// I think it's strange for him to slide in that place.
// \{\m{B}} "Yo, Yoshino-san..."
// Yoshino-san is playing with a small girl.
// It is not something I'd imagine from his usual appearance, to be so energetic...
// \{Ibuki} "Incidentially, you two work together right?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes. We've been together for some time now."
// \{Ibuki} "That is inexcusable."
// \{\m{B}} "What? What is?"
// \{Ibuki} "I'm marrying that person."
// \{Sanae} "Congratulations."
// In a flash, Sanae-san congratulates them.
// \{\m{B}} "Congratulations."
// I follow along.
// \{Ibuki} "Thank you."
// \{Yoshino} "Hey, uwahahahaha-!"
// \{Girl} "I really did it."
// Yoshino-san and the girl were crazily playing.
// \{Ibuki} "I'll call them."
// \{Ibuki} "Yu-ku-n"
// \{Ibuki} "Fuu-cha-n"
// The two of them notice Ibuki-sensei calling.
// They energentically come running.
// \{Yoshino} "Ou, what, you're already aquainted?"
// \{\m{B}} "Me?"
// \{Yoshino} "O... \m{A}"
// \{Yoshino} "Yo"
// Obviously, smooth over.
// \{\m{B}} "Don't be hurt, stay happy."
// \{Yoshino} "........."
// \{Yoshino} "I don't want to see you alone..."
// \{Ibuki} "Um, \m{A}-san?"
// \{\m{B}} "Y, yes?"
// \{Ibuki} "I've always heard stories of \m{A}-san from Yu-kun."
// \{Ibuki} "I've been cheering for a long time."
// \{Ibuki} "Really, we have been watching over..."
// \{Ibuki} "\m{A}-san..."
// \{Ibuki} "Do you're best!"
// \{\m{B}} "Ah... yes..."
// \{\m{B}} "Thank you very much."
// \{Ibuki} "Really, do your best."
// She repeats.
// Very gentle.
// I feel awkward with the girl who stopped at Ibuki-sensei's feet staring at me.
// \{\m{B}} "This child?"
// I put my hand on her head as I ask.
// Ba.
// With all strength, she moves away from my hand.
// Once again I suddenly put my hand on her head again.
// Ba.
// Again she moves away.
// Suddenly
// Ba
// Suddnely
// Ba
// Suddenly
// Ba
// \{Girl} "Waa"
// Totally. \shake{2}
// She body slams me, then the girl runs to the corner of the park.
// \{\m{B}} "What was that..."
// \{Girl} "Fu--...!"
// She threatens from a distance...
// Why is this mysterious sceen nostalgic...
// \{Ibuki} "Fuu-chan, are you okay?"
// \{Ibuki} "This person is an aquaintance of Onee-chan."
// \{Girl} "........."
// After a few moments, she approaches timidly. 
// \{Ibuki} "Look, introduce yourself."
// \{Ibuki} "This is my younger sister, Fuuko."
// \{Ibuki} "This is the husband of one of my students, \m{A}-san"
// \{Fuuko} "Nice to meet you."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, nice to meet you."
// \{\m{B}} "And this is Ushio."
// I introduce Ushio who is still being held by Ibuki-sensei.
// \{Fuuko} "A..."
// \{Fuuko} "N-, cute."
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko also wants to hold her."
// \{Ibuki} "Will it be okay?"
// \{Fuuko} "It will be fine."
// \{Ibuki} "\m{A}-san, is that okay?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."
// Ibuki-sensei lower's Ushio down into Fuuko's arms, and she picks her up.
// Because their statures are similar, it looks like they were embracing.
// \{Ibuki} "Fufu..."
// \{Yoshino} "Hahaha!"
// \{Sanae} "Ohaha!"
// Everyone laughs because of the appareance of these two.
// \{Fuuko} "Everyone is impolite!"
// \{Fuuko} "Because I am angry, I will return this child."
// \{Ibuki} "Fuu-chan, I can't understand your reasoning.".
// \{Fuuko} "To dirvert with confusion is also not good."
// \{Ibuki} "Not good."
// \{Ibuki} "Look, aren't your arms tried? Go ahead and let her down."
// \{Fuuko} "n-, it can't be helped..."
// Having been let down, Ushio just stands with no place to go.
// I call her, and she runs and clings to my foot.
// \{Ibuki} "This child was hospitalized for a long time."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, is that so?"
// \{Ibuki} "Yes... because she was asleep for so long, she has to spend a lot of time in rehabilitation."
// \{Ibuki} "Only last month was she able to walk again."
// \{Ibuki} "Now, because she has been able to control her body, the three of us are out on holiday."
// \{Fuuko} "Thus, Fuuko came to this park to act like a child."
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko, if pushed I'd say I want to play billards like an adult." 
// \{Ibuki} "Fu-chan, do you want to go on the swing?"
// \{Fuuko} "Nn, I'll get on."
// ... she seemed to be unreasonably happy. 
// \{\m{B}} "Um..."
// \{Sanae} "Is it your first time meeting her?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah"
// \{Sanae} "Then, let me introduce you. This is my friend, Ibuki Kouko."
// \{Ibuki} "Nice to meet you."
// \{Sanae} "And this is \m{A} \m{B}-san."
// \{Sanae} "My son-in-law."
// That is the first time I have been introduced as such.
// For some reason I am really happy to be glad to be part of Sanae-san's family.
// \{\m{B}} "This is my child, Ushio."
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, say hello."
// \{Ushio} "Good day."
// \{Ibuki} "Yes, good day to you."
// \{Ibuki} "She is very cute."
// \{\m{B}} "Isn't she? She's at that really cute age."
// \{Sanae} "Um, Kouko was..."
// \{Sanae} "Nagisa's most adored teacher."
// \{\m{B}} "A..."
// \{\m{B}} "Then... you were at school?"
// \{Ibuki} "Yes."
// \{Ibuki} "However, I didn't meet \m{A}-san because I left teaching when Nagisa-chan was a 2nd year student."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so?..."
// \{\m{B}} "Um, is the first time she's met Ushio?"
// I ask Sanae-san. Since Ushio lived at the Furukawa houst, it was possible they could have.
// \{Sanae} "It's the first time."
// \{Sanae} "Kouko-san has been away from this town for awhile."
// \{Ibuki} "I just recently returned."
// \{\m{B}} "So that's how it is..."
// \{\m{B}} "Then..."
// I turn to face Ibuki-sensei.
// \{\m{B}} "Would you please embrace this one?"
// \{\m{B}} "... she's Nagisa's child."
// \{\m{B}} "Our child."
// \{Ibuki} "Sure."
// As she responds, she bends her knees and squats down.
// \{Ibuki} "Ushio-chan, may I hug you?"
// Ushio nods, and moves into her arms.
// Ibuki-sensei picks her up.
// \{\m{B}} "She's already big, right... and heavy?"
// \{Ibuki} "No, she's quite alright."
// \{Ibuki} "........."
// Quietly she looks Ushio in the face.
// Ibuki-sensei's face seemed to cry for a moment.
// However, is that just her nature? She quickly laughs.
// \{Ibuki} "She's becoming a girl as cute as Nagisa-chan. There is no mistake about it."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes... and she is a strong child."
// \{Ibuki} "Yes, she's a strong child. There is no mistake about that either."
// I hear a loud roar of laughter. 
// Think it is unusal because it is a male's voice, I turn around.
// \{Yoshino} "A—hahaha!"
// I think it's strange for him to slide in that place.
// \{\m{B}} "Yo, Yoshino-san..."
// \{Ibuki} "Eh, are you aquanited?"
// \l{D} asks.
// \{\m{B}} "Of course we are aquainted. We've been together at work for a long time."
// \{Ibuki} "Really? What a coincidence."
// \{\m{B}} "\l{D}, how are your aquainted?"
// \{Ibuki} "I'm his fiance."
// \{\m{B}} "... what?"
// \{Ibuki} "I'm going to marry that person."
// \{Sanae} "Congratulations!"
// In a flash, Sanae-san congratulates them.
// \{Ibuki} "Thank you."
// I can't believe what I just heard.
// That Yoshino-san ...?
// Could this one... be the lover that Yoshion-san talked about that time...
// That lover is \l{D}.
// \{Yoshino} "Hey, uwahahaha-!"
// \{Girl} "I really did it."
// This Yoshino-san plays with a small girl.
// It is not something I'd imagine from his usual appearance, to be so entergentic...
// \{Ibuki} "I'll call them."
// \{Ibuki} "Yu-ku-n!"
// \{Ibuki} "Fuu-cha-n!"
// The two of them notice \l{D} calling them.
// They energetically comes running.
// \{Yoshino} "Ou, what, you're already aquainted?"
// \{\m{B}} "Me?"
// zuzazazazazazazazaza!  \shake{4}
// I fall to the ground like the energy is darined from me, things disappear from my view.
// \{Yoshino} "...\m{A}, what's with you?"
// \{\m{B}} "What with the mutual acquaintance you're this way."
// \{\m{B}} "But, Yoshino-san, your change in character surprised me."
// \{Yoshino} "I didn't want to see you alone..."
// \{Ibuki} "The \m{A}-kun you always spoke of... is this \m{A}-san."
// \{Yoshino} "n... ah... well yeah."
// Always heard stories... just what kind of stories would these be?
// \{Ibuki} "Um, \m{A}-san?
// \{\m{B}} "Y, yes?"
// \{Ibuki} "I've always heard stories of \m{A}-san from Yu-kun."
// \{Ibuki} "I've been cheering for a long time."
// \{Ibuki} "Really, we have been watching over..."
// \{Ibuki} "\m{A}-san..."
// \{Ibuki} "Do you're best!"
// \{\m{B}} "No..."
// Having been assited by such a person that I didn't know...
// \{Ibuki} "Really, do your best."
// She repeats.
// Very gently.
// I feel akward with the girl who stopped at \l{D}'s feet staring at me.
// \{\m{B}} "This child?"
// I put my hand on her head as I ask.
// Ba.
// With all strength, she moves away from my hand.
// Once again I suddenly put my hand on her head again.
// Ba.
// Again she moves away.
// Suddenly
// Ba
// Suddnely
// Ba
// Suddenly
// Ba
// \{Girl} "Waa...!"
// Totally. \shake{2}
// She body slams me, then the girl runs to the cocner of the park.
// \{\m{B}} "What was that?..."
// \{Girl} "Fu--...!"
// She threatens from a distance...
// Why is this mysterious sceen nostalgic...
// \{Ibuki} "Fuu-chan, are you okay?"
// \{Ibuki} "This person is an aquaintance of Onee-chan."
// \{Girl} "........."
// After a few moments, she approaches timidly. 
// \{Ibuki} "Look, introduce yourself."
// \{Ibuki} "This is my younger sister, Fuuko."
// \{Ibuki} "This is the husband of one of my students, \m{A}-san."
// \{Fuuko} "Nice to meet you."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, nice to meet you."
// \{\m{B}} "And this is Ushio."
// I introduce Ushio who is still being held by \l{D}.
// \{Fuuko} "A..."
// \{Fuuko} "N-, cute."
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko also wants to hold her."
// \{Ibuki} "Will it be okay?"
// \{Fuuko} "It will be fine."
// \{Ibuki} "\m{A}-san, is that okay?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."
// \l{D} lower's Ushio down into Fuuko's arms, and she picks her up.
// Because their statures are similar, it looks like they were embarcing.
// \{Ibuki} "Fufu"
// \{Yoshino} "hahaha!"
// \{Sanae} "Ohaha"
// Everyone laughs because of the appareance of these two.
// \{Fuuko} "Everyone is impolite!"
// \{Fuuko} "Because I am angry, I will return this child."
// \{Ibuki} ‘Fuu-cahn, I can't understand your reasoning."
// \{Fuuko} "To divert with confusion is also not good."
// \{Ibuki} "Not good."
// \{Ibuki} "Look, aren't your arms tried? Go ahead and let her down."
// \{Fuuko} "n-, it can't be helped..."
// Having been let down, Ushio just stands with no place to go.
// I call her, and she runs and clings to my foot.
// \{Ibuki} "This child was hospitalized for a long time."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, is that so?"
// \{Ibuki} "Yes... because she was asleep for so long, she has to spend a lot of time in rehabilitation."
// \{Ibuki} "Only last month was she able to walk again."
// \{Ibuki} "Now, because she has been able to control her body, the three of us are out on holiday."
// \{Fuuko} "Thus, Fuuko came to this park to act like a child."
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko, if pushed I'd say I want to play billards like an adult." 
// \{Ibuki} "Fuchan, do you want to go on the swing?"
// \{Fuuko} "Nn, I'll get on."
// ...she seemed to be unreasonably happy. 
// \{Sanae} "Fuuko-chan...has been asleep for a very long time."
// She says this while watching the three of them play together happily.
// \{\m{B}} "About how long would that be?"
// \{\m{B}} "Three, four days...?"
// \{Sanae} "A very long time...many years."
// Never thought it would be that long.
// I recall what I had heard from Nagisa once before.
// \{Sanae} "A very long time...many years."
// So ever since that day...she's been sleeping all this time.
// \{Sanae} "Kouko-san, she wasn't alone waiting to be happy."
// \{Sanae} "Yoshino also waited together with her."
// \{Sanae} "The two of them waited for a long time."
// \{Sanae} "For many years..."
// \{Sanae} "Surely, they have waited."
// \{Sanae} "I thought she had been depressed."
// \{Sanae} "But... she finally was able to reach this point."
// \{\m{B}} "Very strong, huh?..."
// \{Sanae} "Yes. Very strong."
// She is a bit embarrassed.
// \{Sanae} "Therefore..."
// \{Sanae} "Let's say ‘congratulations.'  Here with a loud voice."
// \{\m{B}} "A, here?"
// \{Sanae} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "But there are a lot of other people here..."
// After I say that, I realize.
// That particular part of her, she cast away a long time ago.
// Back on the day I began to live with this family.
// \{\m{B}} "It's alright, let's say it."
// \{\m{B}} "A congratulations for leaving the hospital and for their marriage is good right?"
// \{Sanae} "Yes."
// \{Sanae} "With a loud voice."
// \{Sanae} "1, 2, 3..."
// We shout out.
// Strangers in the park turn around and look...
// Clap Clap...
// Everyone applauds. 
// \{Ibuki} "Thank you very much."
// \{Yoshino} "Thanks."
// \{Fuuko} "While I don't understand, thank you very much."
// Things like that make this a very gentle town.
// Ushio.
// From that Holiday on, after greeting at the Furukawa house, we play in the park.
// Holidays, after getting at the Furukawa house, we play in the park.
// It is already Ushio's favorite place.
// It's understandable. It's close to the house she lived for a long time.
// Before today, it might have been a place that she has memories of playing with Sanae-san and Pops.
// When looking around, there are a lot of people who bring their children.
// However, most of the parents there were mothers.
// Just like during the trips to and from Kindergarten, I repeat my greetings.
// Indeed, I am not suited to talking with housewives, as I can't participate in the idle gossip.
// After the general greeting, I put Ushio in the swing, and push her back.
// Ushio isn't interested in the parents, but instead the circle of friendly children.
// \{\m{B}} "...m? Do you want to join the group?"
// \{Ushio} "...uun, no."
// \{Ushio} "Right now I want to be with Papa."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Ushio} "Because I play a lot with those children."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so?..."
// "Ushio as well... is trying to regain lost time.
// \{Ushio} "Dango, Dango..."
// Ushio begins to sing while I push her on the swing.
// I join together in her singing.
// Here will become a place of our memories.
// Kouko.
// The first Sunday in October.
// It is the wedding of \l{D} and Yoshino-san.
// And the place... is the school.
// In one of the classrooms without decoration, it is small with only familiar people gathered.
// And Ushio and I are also there.
// \l{D}, in the place she once taught, exchanges her eternal oath. 
// \l{D} is beautiful.
// Yoshino-san as well is an envious state.
// Really, there are a good match.
// \{Ibuki} "Everyone, thank you very much for today."
// She bows towards us.
// And she walks with a bouquet in hand next to Yoshino-san. 
// We saw them off with applause and shouts of joy.
// Once again, the happy scenery has increased.
// Ushio.
// Tomorrow is Health and Sports Day. It is a holiday from both kindergarten and work. 
// \{\m{B}} "What do you want to do tomorrow, Ushio?"
// \{Ushio} "I want to play."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, playing is natural. The question is do you want to play?"
// \{\m{B}} "Do you want to go back to the park?"
// \{\m{B}} "But it is a special holiday, so I want it to be special."
// And then the phone rings.
// \{\m{B}} "Oh, it's the phone. Ushio, wait for a moment."
// \{Ushio} "Ok"
// \{\m{B}} "Hello, it's \m{A}."
// \{Sanae} "Hello, is it \m{B}-san?"
// It was Sanae-san's voice.
// \{Sanae} "It's Sanae. Good day."
// \{\m{B}} "Good day."
// \{Sanae} "I'm sorry it is so sudden, but do you have anything planned for tomorrow?"
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, no. I was just talking to Ushio about what we are going to do."
// Yet, what kind of plans has Sanae-san come up with?
// It's like a godsend.
// \{Sanae} "Then, can I ask a favor?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, what is it?"
// It's Sanae-san. Surely it has to be a wonderful proposal. 
// \{Sanae} "Do you remember Ibuki-san's younger sister?"
// \{\m{B}} "...younger sister?"
// \{Sanae} "Fuuko-chan."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, that's right, the little one that was there..."
// \{Sanae} "Yes. That Fuuko-chan seems to want to come play in \m{B}-san's house."
// \{\m{B}} "...hah?"
// \{Sanae} "That is what her elder sister, Kouko-san, has said..."
// \{Sanae} "Tomorrow could you possibly play together?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} ""
// \{Sanae} "Yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "Why me?"
// \{Sanae} "That...I think that Fuuko-chan really liked Ushio-chan."
// ... I don't know what to think of what she said.
// \{Sanae} "Just as a chance for her to go out alone, it should be good."
// \{Sanae} "Look, Fuuko-chan had been hospitalized for a long time, and has only been cared for by Kouko-san."
// \{Sanae} "Since she's said she wants to be independent, shouldn't we let her?"
// \{Sanae} "Further more, Fuuko-chan is terribly shy around strangers."
// \{Sanae} "However, wanting to play in the house of someone she's just met is very unusual. 
// \{Sanae} "\m{B}-san but also be really liked."
// ...I don't think I'm quite that good.
// \{Sanae} "\m{B}-san, could you cooperate?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// For a moment I can't talk... if it is a request from Sanae-san, I can't refuse it.
// \{\m{B}} "Yes... it's okay."
// \{Sanae} "Is that so, that's good to hear."
// \{Sanae} "After-all, \m{B}-san is nice."
// \{Sanae} "Well then, I will tell Fuuko-chan the address, and she come over in the afternoon."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, I understand."
// \{Sanae} "Also can I give Kouko-san \m{B}-san's house telephone number?"
// \{Sanae} "She wanted to be able to give her appreciation if you accepted it."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, I don't mind."
// \{Sanae} "Well I'll give her it then."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, please do."
// \{Sanae} "Well then, have a nice holiday."
// I hang up the handset.
// Just how will it be a good holiday?
// To begin with, that girl named Fuuko, I don't have a good impression. 
// She is going to monopolize my time with Ushio...
// \{\m{B}} "Guess what, Ushio."
// \{Ushio} "Yes?"
// \{\m{B}} "Tomorrow we will have a guest."
// \{Ushio} "What?"
// \{\m{B}} "You've also met her before. The girl that held you. Do you remember?"
// \{Ushio} "I remember."
// \{\m{B}} "That girl is coming to meet you."
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "...happy?"
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Really?"
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Maa, if you say you will, I guess it's okay..." *
// \{\m{B}} "However, because I want you to be happy, don't get carried off." *
// \{Ushio} "Ok."
// Afterwards, I speak with \l{D} on the phone.
// She gives her gratitude many times for troubling me.
// And the next day.
// Earlier than scheduled, while I am preparing lunch, Fuuko comes.
// \{Fuuko} "Good day."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, good day."
// \{Fuuko} "I've come to play."
// \{Fuuko} "Please treat me well."
// Surprisingly, she greets us politely. 
// \{Fuuko} "May I come in?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, although I'm in the middle of making lunch. Come in and sit down."
// \{Fuuko} "Yes, I'm coming in."
// \{Fuuko} "Very narrow."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// Wasn't she only taught up until now by \l{D}?...
// I thought so, until she entered the room and her speech and behavior changed completely.
// \{Fuuko} "O, Ushio-chan, I've discovered."
// She runs and slides, and holds on to Ushio.
// \{\m{B}} "You are dangerous."
// \{Fuuko} "Ushio-chan, why don't you become the younger sister of Fuuko."
// \{\m{B}} "Or not."
// \{Fuuko} "I did not ask you. I was asking Ushio-chan."
// \{Fuuko} "Ushio-chan, become the little sister of Fuuko."
// Face to face with Ushio, she asks again.
// \{Ushio} "Umm..."
// \{Ushio} "I'm always with Papa."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, did you hear that?"
// \{Fuuko} "Is that so?..."
// \{Fuuko} "Then, I will try again in a day."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} ", didn't you come here to play?"
// \{Fuuko} "That is my official stance."
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko only came to bring Ushio-chan back."
// \{\m{B}} "Since when has she been your?..."
// \{Fuuko} "This is why I have brought Ushio-chan lunch. Let's eat together."
// \{\m{B}} "But, I'm currently making it."
// \{Fuuko} "Please eat alone."
// \{Fuuko} "Ushio-chan eats with Fuuko."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// Should I drive her out?
// But... I have already been thanked by \l{D}...
// I must be able to endure this.
// \{Fuuko} "Here, bread."
// \{\m{B}} "What, from Furukawa Bakery?"
// \{Fuuko} "Yes. Furukawa Bakery's bread."
// \{Fuuko} "However, this is customer made."
// \{Fuuko} "It is the only bread like it in the whole world."
// As she says it, she pulls the star-shaped bread out of the bag.
// \{\m{B}} "Hmph, your tastes are splendidly cute huh."
// \{Fuuko} "Want to eat it? Want to eat it?"
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// Ushio deeply nods. 
// \{Fuuko} "Go ahead."
// Ushio receives the star-shaped bread and behinds to eat it.
// Chew chew...
// \{Fuuko} "Is it good?"
// \{Ushio} "Yes, good."
// So it wasn't Sanae-san, but Pops who baked this bread?
// \{Fuuko} "Ah, cute Ushio-chan eating cute bread. Double the cuteness."
// \{Fuuko} "That makes Fuuko want to eat it."
// ...please stop.
// \{Ushio} "It was good."
// She finishes eating the bread.
// \{Fuuko} "Then, let's go home."
// She pulls on Ushio's hand and gets her to stand up.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey now, don't kidnap her in front of her father."
// \{Fuuko} "I'm not kidnapping. It is this person's wish."
// \{\m{B}} "Liar."
// \{Fuuko} "Ushio-chan, I want you to be Fuuko's younger sister."
// \{Ushio} "Umm..."
// \{Ushio} "I want to be with Papa."
// \{Fuuko} "I will win her over."
// \{\m{B}} "You have just met and you expect to have won her over?..."
// I return to the interrupted dish.
// Once again I light the stove, and warm up the frying-pan. 
// It's our standard lunch, my special fried rice.
// I put an abundance of pepper in it.
// \{\m{B}} "Fuuko."
// \{\m{B}} "Do you also eat fried rice?"
// She turns her back to the question.
// \{Fuuko} "Is this your method of winning over Fuuko?"
// \{\m{B}} *
// \{Fuuko} "I heard from Onee-chan."
// \{\m{B}} "What?"
// \{Fuuko} "\m{A}-san's wife seems to have been lost."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, that's right."
// \{Fuuko} "It isn't impossible that you can find an appearance of her in Fuuko." *
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I pile up three plates of fried rice.
// One is of a high height. The other two are smaller.
// \{\m{B}} "Though you say that..."
// \{\m{B}} "Nagisa doesn't look like you at all."
// I place the plates on the table and sit down.
// \{\m{B}} "She was different like was a living thing from some other star."
// \{Fuuko} "Was your wife a space alien?"
// \{\m{B}} "Why you!"
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko is not a space alien."
// \{\m{B}} "I don't understand your thinking."
// \{Fuuko} "\m{A}-san is a space alien."
// \{Fuuko} "Earthling Fuuko is an owner of extremely average thoughts."
// \{\m{B}} "If you are how an average earthling thinks, the world would be destroyed in three days."
// \{Fuuko} "It is impossible for me to understand what \m{A}-san's point."
// \{\m{B}} "Then, if there was a button that unmistakably says don't press it, what would you do?"
// \{Fuuko} "Secretly, stealthily press it."
// \{\m{B}} "Incidentally that is the launching button for a nuclear bomb."
// \{\m{B}} "Jeeze, you do not possess an average earthling's thinking at all."
// \{\m{B}} "Quite literally the world would be ruined in three days."
// \{Fuuko} "Unfair. That was a misleading question."
// \{\m{B}} "Where?"
// \{Fuuko} "Then a question from Fuuko."
// \{\m{B}} "What?"
// \{Fuuko} "Is someone told \m{A}-san that his tights have dropped, what would he do?"
// \{\m{B}} "I wouldn't do anything."
// \{Fuuko} "Lie, \m{A}-san would not bear it, he would pull them back up."
// \{Fuuko} "And, in all the places in the world, all the atoms would explode..."
// \{\m{B}} "Those are some earth-shattering tights."
// \{Fuuko} "See, \m{A}-san doesn't have an average earthling's thinking."
// \{Fuuko} "And the world has be ruined in one day."
// \{\m{B}} "You're a really amusing person."
// \{Fuuko} "Ushio-chan."
// \{Fuuko} "It is not possible for Fuuko to fall in love with your father."
// \{\m{B}} "Enough already, eat."
// I present Fuuko with the plate of fried rice.
// \{Fuuko} "There is not a sleeping pill in here?"
// \{\m{B}} "I'd particularly like your quacking to go to sleep, but you can have piece of mind that there is no way that could have happened." *
// \{Fuuko} "Shouldn't Fuuko take something so confidently with caution?"
// \{\m{B}} "Wrong."
// \{\m{B}} "Look, Ushio will eat it.   Don't be screwed and leave so much, just eat."
// I pass Ushio a plate with a smaller pile of fried rice.
// \{Ushio} "Un."
// \{Ushio} "Itadakimasu."
// After she brings her hands together, she begins to eat.
// \{Ushio} "It's good."
// \{Fuuko} "It's good. That's good to hear."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't say it like you cooked it."
// \{Fuuko} "However in Ushio-chan's mind, Fuuko is sure the bread was better."
// \{\m{B}} "By the way, you didn't make the bread either right?"
// \{Fuuko} "It is Fuuko Produce." *
// \{\m{B}} "Only the shape right?"
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko is leaving to cook."
// \{Fuuko} "Please do not say Fuuko cannot do it."
// \{\m{B}} "Alright. You are good at cooking. Therefore, eat before it cools. Please eat. It will become bad if you don't."
// \{Fuuko} "........."
// \{Fuuko} "Understood. If you will go that far, Fuuko will eat."
// Finally, with spoon in hand, she begins to eat. 
// \{Fuuko} "I've been defeated!"
// \{Fuuko} "Just what is this?! It is incredibly good."
// Fuuko's behavior is completely amusing. 
// My only interest is in Ushio, and she's been smiling from beginning to end. *
// Although spending time alone is good, spending time together with someone else is also fun.
// \{Fuuko} "Then, Ushio-chan, let's play."
// While I cleaning up, the two begin to play.
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko has brought a card game."
// \{Fuuko} "Here, a starter kit."
// \{Ushio} "?"
// \{Fuuko} "Wow! Fuuko got a really rare card!"
// \{Fuuko} "Please look, Ushio-chan. It has amazing attack power."
// \{Fuuko} "With such an attack power, I'll win without difficulty."
// \{\m{B}} "Now you, do you think that will really make a 5-year old happy?"
// \{Fuuko} "What?"
// \{\m{B}} "Do you think that a 5-year old is going to be able to understand that?"
// \{Fuuko} "Ah, this game is for people ages 10 and up."
// \{Fuuko} "Sorry, it is a little bit too early for Ushio-chan..."
// However I don't even think a 10-year old girl would have any interest...
// \{Fuuko} "Well then, let's play with a deck of 52 cards."
// You should have started with that in the beginning...
// \{Fuuko} "Ushio-chan, what card games to do you know?"
// \{Fuuko} "Do you know how to play 21?"
// \{\m{B}} "Come on... she can't do that."
// \{Fuuko} "Is it too difficult?"
// \{Fuuko} "Sorry, Fuuko is already an adult, so only suggests adult games."
// \{\m{B}} "How about solitaire?" *
// \{Fuuko} "That is interesting! Devilish game."
// \{\m{B}} "You're a mixed up child..."
// \{Ushio} "Yes, solitaire is good."
// \{Fuuko} "Is that so, well, let's do it."
// \{\m{B}} "When I am finished putting things away, I'll play as well, so wait for me."
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// \{Fuuko} "Jeez, I guess it can't be helped."
// \{Fuuko} "Please work briskly."
// \{\m{B}} "By the way, I'm washing the plate you ate on."
// \{Fuuko} "Now, because of \m{A}-san, we can't play cards."
// \{Fuuko} "Ushio-chan's father is completely rude to girls."
// \{Fuuko} "You should change him."
// \{Ushio} "No, Papa is kind."
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko completely can't think that is so."
// \{Fuuko} "Ah, Fuuko's been deceived."
// \{Ushio} "Haha."
// Flap flap...
// Display a card and laugh.
// .........
// I imagine.
// What if Nagisa were here...
// Would we three play cards?...
// It is possible that it would be the usual thing to do on a holiday...
// \{Fuuko} "Um, \m{A}-san."
// \{\m{B}} "Huh?"
// I was spacing out wasn't I?
// \{Fuuko} "As I thought..."
// \{Fuuko} *
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "I understand..."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm unwilling but I'll give in, you have the same gender, that's it."
// \{Fuuko} "Is her character different? Was she childish unlike Fuuko?"
// \{\m{B}} "I don't know anyone who is more childish than you..."
// \{\m{B}} "However, well... she was childish."
// While I said that, she arranges her hair.
// \{Fuuko} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Why are you being shy?"
// \{Fuuko} "Did Ushio-chan not know her mother?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, she never met."
// \{Ushio} "However, because Papa talks about her, I know a lot about her."
// \{Fuuko} "Is that so?"
// \{Fuuko} "What kind of person was Ushio-chan's mother?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "A real cry-baby."
// \{Ushio} "But..."
// \{Ushio} "But she really worked hard for Ushio."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Ushio} "And..."
// \{Ushio} "She really loved Papa."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// ......
// I can't really make out the number on the card.
// Why?
// We can't continue the game.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Fuuko} "Um, Fuuko..."
// \{Fuuko} "If you have a little bit of free time, please call whenever." *
// \{\m{B}} "...what?"
// \{Fuuko} "Whenever you were to call, I said I would come."
// \{\m{B}} "Is something worrying you?"
// \{Fuuko} "I am not worried. I only said to call because I want to come back."
// \{Fuuko} "Yes. Fuuko only wants to play with Ushio-chan."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, I see..."
// Probably...
// Did you hear about my former rough life?
// After Nagisa died, I had a horrible life.
// It's possible she heard from her elder sister who is friends with Sanae-san...
// Are you thinking too much?
// \{\m{B}} "Fuuko."
// \{Fuuko} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "We're already okay."
// \{Fuuko} "What you said is completely cryptic."
// \{\m{B}} "No..."
// \{Fuuko} "After-all, \m{A}-san really is a space alien."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, yeah."
// \{Fuuko} "With that, Fuuko is going home."  
// \{Fuuko} "Usually, returning home is said." 
// \{Fuuko} "Yes, Fuuko, is returning home."
// \{\m{B}} "Then. Until you come again."
// \{Fuuko} "Yes. Let's go, Ushio-chan."
// \{\m{B}} "Hey now, don't spontaneously pretend to pull her along."
// \{Fuuko} "I want to take her home by all means!"
// \{\m{B}} "It is a meaningless appeal toward this parent."
// \{Fuuko} "Ah, fine."
// \{Fuuko} "There will be a chance in the future."
// \{Fuuko} "Please take care of the sleepy head."
// \{\m{B}} "Is it possible for your to say something nice?..."
// \{Fuuko} "Sorry. Please forget what you just heard."
// \{Fuuko} "Fuuko is already an adult."
// \{Fuuko} "I'm like a bear that is in the middle of hibernation."
// \{\m{B}} "Someday you wake up..."
// \{Fuuko} "And with that, Ushio-chan, good bye."
// \{Ushio} "Yes, good bye."
// \{Fuuko} *
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// \{Fuuko} "Because I've already memorized Ushio-chan's smell, I'll know when your near."
// She really is like a bear.
// \{Fuuko}"At that time, let's play alone."
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// After patting Ushio's head...
// \{Fuuko} "Well then."
// At last she leaves.
// \{\m{B}} "Fuu... tiring"
// \{Ushio} "She's an interesting person."
// \{\m{B}} "Ma, but I think she's a happy girl..."
// \{\m{B}} "That thought doesn't quite fit the character of what is coming out of her mouth though does it?" *
// \{\m{B}} "Thanks for meeting me today."
// \{Sensei} "I appreciate your efforts every day."
// Sensei calls Ushio's name.
// Ushio runs over and clings to my leg.
// \{Sensei} "Today there was a one page flyer passed out, please read it."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, I understand."
// \{\m{B}} "Well, we must be going."
// I take Ushio, and we head away from the garden.
// \{\m{B}} "Flyer. Show it to me."
// While we're walking, Ushio begins to hunt in her bag.
// \{Ushio} "Here."
// She finds it and hands it to me.
// I look over it, and it is a guide to the autumn athletic meet.
// It is written that families should please participate.
// \{\m{B}} "This, parents are also to participate in."
// \{\m{B}} "Look, it is a parents only meeting."
// \{Ushio} "...I want to see."
// \{\m{B}} "What?"
// \{Ushio} "Papa's great thing."
// \{\m{B}} "Ah, okay. I'll show you."
// \{\m{B}} "Even if you see my feet, it will be fast."
// \{\m{B}} "Well, it was a story of high school. Back then I was physical every day, but now I'm sure I'm out of shape."
// \{\m{B}} "Although I might be a young parent, I won't be defeated if they are all middle-aged parents."
// \{Ushio} "Sounds fun."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, look forward to it."
// \{\m{B}} "After... I also want Sanae-san to come."
// \{\m{B}} "I want her to see how hard you try."
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "That's right. Let's take this opportunity to get a new camera."
// \{\m{B}} "So we can take a lot of pictures of you.
// \{Ushio} "Yes."
// \{\m{B}} "Athletic meet? It will be a great chance to take a lot of pictures."
// I imagine it.
// Ushio doing her very best is so cute, it just can't be helped.
// \{\m{B}} "Send that photo to the television station and instant success."
// \{\m{B}} "And, you'll be popular with the talent department ..."
// \{\m{B}} "But, your parent has a complex mental state huh?"
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, you better start practicing signing your name before it's too late."
// \{\m{B}} "The first part of it is mine."
// \{Ushio} "...?"
// Because the next day is Sunday and a rest day, we go over to the Furukawa house to play, and I talk about the athletic meet.
// \{\m{B}} "Hello."
// Ushio is with me as we step into Furukawa Bakery.
// \{Sanae} "\m{B}-san, good day."
// \{Sanae} "Ushio too, good day."
// \{Ushio} "Good day."
// Because it is afternoon, Pops isn't there.
// \{Sanae} "Have you already had lunch?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yes. My special fried rice."
// \{Ushio} " was good."
// \{\m{B}} "She's come to like eating pepper."
// \{Sanae} "Really? That is really good."
// \{\m{B}} "Next challenge is the red pepper."
// \{Ushio} "...I don't like." *
// \{Sanae} "No motivation eh?"
// \{Sanae} "However, it might to a little early."
// \{\m{B}} "Haha, really, that might be true."
// \{\m{B}} "However, thanks to this fellow, I've become really good at preparing the dish."
// \{\m{B}} "At first she honestly said it was unpleasant."
// \{Ushio} "And that it is delicious when Sanae-san makes it."
// \{\m{B}} "Right."
// \{Sanae} "After this."
// Sanae-san prepares fruit juice that the three of us drink.
// \{\m{B}} "Today I bought something with me..."
// I unfold the flyer and hand it to Sanae-san.
// \{Sanae} "An athletic meet."
// \{\m{B}} "Will you come to cheer?"
// \{Sanae} ‘Yes, of course I will come."
// \{\m{B}} "Huh, somehow it seems you already knew."
// \{Sanae} "Yes, I knew. To tell the truth about it, we also talked about it."
// \{\m{B}} "What?"
// \{Sanae} "In the town association, when I was accompanying the director, I heard about it."
// \{\m{B}} "Ha."
// \{Sanae} "By all means we'd like you to join us, was the invitation."
// \{\m{B}} "Participating...  not assisting?"
// \{Sanae} "Yes, in the parent's team."
// \{\m{B}} "Isn't it wonderful? I also am, so therefore, we both will be together."
// \{Sanae} "I won't be a hindrance will I?"
// \{\m{B}} "Not at all.  To participate together with Sanae-san is awesome!"
// \{Sanae} "Thank you very much."
// \{Sanae} "Then, go with Akio-san."
// \{\m{B}} "......what?"
// \{\m{B}} (Damn...)
// \{\m{B}} (Pops as well?...)
// I was blind to that thought...
// \{Sanae} "Ah, it seems like he is back."
// \{Akio} "Ou, I'm back from road work."
// Behind me is Pops.
// \{Akio} "Shu, shu"
// He shadow boxes behind me.
// \{Akio} "He, and the bell esounds"*
// \{\m{B}} "Just where are you coming from?!"
// \{Akio} "There's a big autumn athletic meet."
// \{Akio} "One round knock out!"
// \{\m{B}} "There is no such event!"
// \{Akio} "Boo, I was losing weight."
// \{\m{B}} "There is not such a necessity for that either."
// \{Akio} "Sure there is. Can you really run straight with a belly sticking out?"
// \{Akio} "That's why. It is a challenge to change. Can't be carefree." *
// ...there is no other father as enthusiastic than here.
// \{Akio} "Ha, you'll be knocked down in front of Ushio completely worn out."
// I said, there is no such event.
// \{Sanae} "Akio-san has said he wants to be the anchor leg of the relay because he is light-footed."
// \{Sanae} "He is filling in on the teacher's team, because the director has thrown out his back."
// \{\m{B}} "This person isn't a teacher!"
// \{Akio} "Well, it is a my natural virtue... don't complain."
// \{Akio} *
// How can this person say such a thing is a natural virture?
// \{Akio} *
// \{Akio} "It's a confrontation of fate..."
// \{Sanae} "That is a burning development."
// \{\m{B}} "Please don't get fired up!"
// \{Akio} *
// \{Akio} *
// \{Sanae} "If that isn't so, please do your best."
// Sanae-san is serious...
// *
// \{Sanae} "Ushio, who do you think will win?"
// Sanae-san asks Ushio, who is the only one drinking the juice.
// \{Ushio} "Umm."
// She takes her mouth off the straw.
// \{Ushio} "...Akki."
// \{\m{B}} "Still you think that way?!!"
// \{Akio} "Hasn't this one grown up watching me steal bases?"
// Well of course it will look impress compared to a child partner.
// \{Ushio} "But, I want Papa to win."
// \{Akio} "I see...the ideal and reality are different?"
// \{Akio} "Childhood ways, I can understand."
// At your age, you don't want to see reality...
// Chasing the dream...
// Hm, now this is a development...
// \{\m{B}} "hoho..."
// \{\m{B}} "...hoho..."
// \{Yoshino} "During the intermission, are you run?" * 
// \{\m{B}} "No, rather..."
// I've begun to strengthen my body, but I'm sad... *
// The day of the athletic meet is only a week away. 
// At any time, so.
// *
// \{Ushio} "...bathroom."
// \{\m{B}} "Yes, go."
// Quietly, she kept standing near me.
// \{\m{B}} "What's wrong?"
// \{Ushio} "...I can't go alone."
// \{\m{B}} "What...?"
// \{\m{B}} "Did you have an accident?"
// \{Ushio} "...yes"
// \{\m{B}} "Are you dirty anywhere?"
// \{Ushio} "...yes"
// \{\m{B}} "Understood. Wait just a moment."
// I stand up and face the bathroom."
// Certainly, another place has been made dirty.
// After performing remedial affairs, I return.
// \{\m{B}} "What went wrong?"
// \{\m{B}} "Up until now you've always been okay."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Somehow it could assume the cause.
// I couch down near her and touch her forehead.
// ... it was hot.
// \{\m{B}} "You're hot..."
// And, it is a really high fever.
// It is probably a lot of work just to stand.
// I lifted her body up in my arms and put her down on the futon.
// \{\m{B}} "Rest for today."
// \{Ushio} "...what about kindergarten?"
// \{\m{B}} "It's not possible to go, because of your fever."
// \{\m{B}} "Today be a big girl and rest."
// \{Ushio} "...okay."
// It's painful. She closes her eyes.
// I decided to take a day off work to nurse Ushio.
// Ushio's fever still did not come down by the next morning.
// It is likely I'll have to call a doctor today.
// But, I can't take a second day off of work.
// What to do...
// Should I ask Sanae-san for help?...
// Because it is an emergency, it can't be helped.
// I pick up the phone and dial the number.
// \{Sanae} "Yes, Furukawa residence."
// \{\m{B}} "It's \m{A}."
// \{Sanae} "\m{A}-san? What brings you to call so early?"
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio has had a fever since yesterday... and hasn't come down."
// \{Sanae} "It's serious huh? Understood. I'm coming over."
// \{\m{B}} "I'm sorry ."
// \{Sanae} "Don't be. Well then."
// Prompt help.
// I delay going to work, to tend to her for awhile.
// However, I'm a bit uneasy about it.
// Sanae-san and I nurse Ushio's fever...
// That scene, that is the ordinary day.
// I'll be happy in the future when it falls...
// Does Sanae-san notice, or not?...
// \{Sanae} "It's okay. Please go, so you won't be late to work."
// She saw me and says so.
// \{\m{B}} "Yes... I'll go then."
// I let go of Ushio's hand and stand up.
// \{\m{B}} "If the fever doesn't fall, please call the doctor."
// \{Sanae} "Yes, I understand."
// \{\m{B}} "Well then, I leave it to you."
// \{Sanae} "Yes. Be safe."
// When I return from work, both a doctor and Pops are there.
// I panic.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio?..."
// \{Akio} "She's okay. Quiet down, silly."
// The doctor finishes examining her.
// \{Doctor} "It's the same, as it was with Nagisa."
// He told us.
// That is, it is not a cold, she just have a fever from unknown cause...
// And, the sickness will linger long into the future. 
// \{\m{B}} "She was so energetic until yesterday..."
// \{\m{B}} "Always so engergetic..."
// I fall to my knees.
// \{Doctor} "Well then, I must be going."
// The doctor leaves the room.
// \{Sanae} "Thank you very much."
// Sanae-san's foot crosses the edge of field of view as she sees the doctor out.
// Everything is the same as that time, it's exactly the same.
// Is this... \p fate?
// No matter how hard we fight against the flow of time, will fate keep laughing at us?...
// Are all of our efforts just so insignificant?
// After all not one this... is rewarded at all? *
// \{Akio} "Hey, \m{B}."
// It's Pops' voice. *
// It's the immediate aftermath. I don't lift my head up. 
// \{Akio} "Just who is the father?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "...I am."
// \{Akio} "Then, you must gather yourself up."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I raised my face.
// And, I gazed at reality.
// I was… had I lived until now to meet as fathers?*
// Pops was a tough guy.
// It wasn't just losing Nagisa.
// My father as well, was a fine father.
// Sacrificing everything, he brought me up through childhood.
// Can I become such a strong parent?
// .........
// Ushio looked me in the eye.
// Not Sanae-san's, not Pops', mine. *
// I see.
// I couldn't become one.
// To do that, I'd have to start anew from that day.
// As feared, Ushio's temperature, hadn't fallen in a week.
// From far away, there was the sound of fireworks.
// It was the sign of the Athletics meet's resolve.*
// \{Ushio} "… athletics meet."
// \{\m{B}} "That's right…"
// \{Ushio} "…Papa, aren't you gonna run?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, I'm not running. Today's Sunday. I've been with you the whole day."*
// \{Ushio} "…and Akki?"
// \{\m{B}} "Pops is escaped somewhere."
// \{Ushio} "…listen to your will."*
// \{\m{B}} "No, I'm staying with you."
// \{Ushio} "… that's a bit sad."
// \{\m{B}} "Is that so? You're my buddy right?"
// \{Ushio} "…Yup."
// \{\m{B}} "Then, I'm your buddy too."
// \{\m{B}} "When these things come up, we've gotta protect them."*
// \{Ushio} "…Yeah."
// Guess I really didn't want to go anywhere. Satisfied, she closed her eyes.
// \{\m{B}} "Going to sleep?"
// \{Ushio} "…Yeah."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere from now on."
// \{Ushio} "…Okay…"
// She falls asleep immediately.
// Seeing her peaceful expression is truly reassuring.
// \{\m{B}} "…I'm very sorry."
// I incline my head deeply in apology.
// I knew, of course, that a gesture like this couldn't possibly make up for the trouble I caused, but I couldn't help it.
// \{Boss} "Personally, \m{A}-kun, I don't want to see you leave the company."
// \{Boss} "It looks there were some various circumstances involved."
// I had decided to quit.
// From that point onward, I didn't know what would happen. I was filled with anxiety.
// Sanae-san also struggled to stop me.
// But if I hadn't decided to quit, I knew...
// ...that I wouldn't be able to protect Ushio.
// Being able to continue doing both through one way or another isn't quite that easy.
// Even my father probably realized that.
// He continuously made all kinds of sacrifices.
// That's why I, too, firmly decided to quit.
// \{Boss} "Well, if you happen to be in the neighborhood, pay us a visit." 
// \{Boss} "Everyone will be waiting for you."
// My boss said that in a tone bordering on sadness and regret.
// I was grateful, but also pained by those words.
// That evening, I organized a few of my personal belongings.
// A pair of angled nippers, its handles are marked showing signs of use.
// A knife blemished by a centimeter-wide nick. Taking it out for sharpening countless times, it's now twice as small as it used to be.
// The towel I got from Johnny-san. After washing it again and again, it became threadbare.
// Also, the tool bag I received from Yoshino-san, and a completely worn-out looking driver set.
// Once I put those well-used tools into the bag, only the hanger remained.
// The empty rocker stood in front of my eyes.
// \{\m{B}} " used to be quite spacious."
// Starting from some time ago, things started piling up and the rocker seemed cramped and small.
// Up until now, I hadn't even realized just how time I had spent here.
// \{Yoshino} "Oh, \m{A}. Today's the last day, huh.
// Possibly just returning from work, Yoshino-san stood behind me.*
// \{Yoshino} Thanks for putting up with me till the very end.
// \{\m{B}} "...Nah, I should be saying that."
// Yoshino-san didn't speak, and gave me a hearty clap to the shoulder.
// \{\m{B}} "...Thank you for everything."
// I turned my heel with the intention of leaving.
// \{Yoshino} "Wait."
// \{\m{B}} "…What is it?"
// \{Yoshino} "Take this with you. Don't lose it."
// He handed over a driver tool which had "Yoshino" clumsily engraved into it.
// \{\m{B}} "Are you sure?"
// \{Yoshino} "What's this, an excuse? Like 'But you'll need that for work tomorrow!'"
// \{Yoshino} "In that case, lend me your driver."
// \{Yoshino} "I'm only borrowing it."
// \{Yoshino} "When you return I'll give it back."
// Saying that, he broke out into a smile.
// That smile, which I rarely saw despite being with him for so long, was reassuring.
// \{Yoshino} "Like I said, when your daughter gets well again, come back anytime."
// \{Yoshino} "Until then I'll be holding onto this for you."
// I pulled out my driver from the bag, holding my silence.
// I knew that if I said anything, something other than words might come spilling out.
// \{Yoshino} "Well then, I'll be taking this."
// \{Yoshino} "I'll be sure to use it and treat it with care."
// With all the force I could muster, I bowed my head.
// Into it, I put all of my thanks and gratitude from the past few years.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's change your pajamas to a new pair."
// \{Ushio} "...Okay"
// Extracting herself from the futon, she tries to get up.
// \{\m{B}} "It's okay, you don't have to stand up. Just stay sitting."
// \{\m{B}} "I'll put them on for you."
// \{Ushio} "...I can do it by myself."
// Ignoring my offer, she tries to stand up.
// But because of the fever she'll probably be unsteady on her feet. Her legs tangle, and she looks about ready to fall.
// I reach out with my arms and envelope her small form in a supporting embrace.
// It must be frustrating for her. She seems to be on the verge of tears.
// \{\m{B}} "It's alright, Ushio."
// \{\m{B}} "Even if you can't do it by yourself now..."
// \{\m{B}} "I'll help you change,, raise up your arms..."
// \{\m{B}} "There we go..."
// Our quiet lifestyle...
// Had come to an end.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio, is there anything you want?"
// \{\m{B}} "If there is, just tell me. I'll get it for you right away."
// " know, things like toys, candy."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "...I wanna travel."
// \{\m{B}} "Travel?"
// \{Ushio} "...Yeah."
// \{Ushio} "...I want to go on a trip with you again, daddy."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I look down at the floor, silently.
// \{Ushio} "...because...the trip with you during summer vacation..."
// \{Ushio} "...was fun."
// \{\m{B}} "You idiot..."
// \{\m{B}} "How was that fun...?"
// \{\m{B}} "We just kept on fighting..."
// Now, more than ever, I should be able to bring Ushio happiness, and yet...
// and yet...
// and yet, Ushio...
// \{Ushio} "...I wanna go on a trip again..."
// \{Ushio} "...on a train..."
// \{Ushio} "...with daddy..."
// \{\m{B}} "When you get...better, we'll do just that..."
// \{Ushio} "...I wanna go now."
// \{Ushio} "...right now..."
// \{\m{B}} "Come now...Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "Don't trouble daddy with... impossible things..."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Ushio isn't the selfish sort at all.
// Despite that, not even being able to consider her one wish...
// "There's no way that could be..."
// "There's no way..."
// Perhaps I was...
// Our family was...
// Just being played around by this town...
// Receiving happiness on a whim or prank...
// and then having it taken away so easily...
// And because of that...they are probably laughing at us.
// Looking on at our despairing, huddled forms...
// I won't forgive this...
// I'll definitely save her.
// Only her...
// For the first time in a while, I ventured outside.
// It was a trip for buying groceries.
// Sanae-san looked after Ushio for me.
// I planned to return the favor to Sanae-san, but right now my debts continue to multiply.
// I had no excuse.
// \{Akio} "Yo."
// Akio stood right in front of me.
// \{Akio} "Glad I met you here."
// \{Akio} "When I called your phone a while ago, it said you were out."
// \{Akio} "Here, take this."
// Taking a white letter out of his back pocket, he held it out to me.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "I can't accept this..."
// \{Akio} "You're being stubborn."
// \{\m{B}} "No, that's not what I mean..."
// \{\m{B}} "I still have my bank savings..."
// \{Akio} "Oh? Don't be spewing lies to me boy, or I'll give you a pounding to remember, got it?"
// \{\m{B}} "I'm telling the truth..."
// Although there's only a little bit left...
// \{Akio} "You may feel like less of a man for receiving help, but you still have certain things which you must protect. Am I wrong?"
// \{\m{B}} "I know what you mean."
// \{\m{B}} "If I ever really do need help, I'll be sure to say so."
// \{Akio} "Tch...useless bastard."
// He put the envelope right back into his pocket.
// \{Akio} "Going food shopping?"
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."
// \{Akio} "Well then, I'll help you carry the grocery bags; no big deal."
// \{\m{B}} "You don't have to."
// \{Akio} "Is that so...Well, I guess that's that."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah...but thanks for asking."
// \{Akio} "Hmm..."
// \{Akio} "If you have some spare time, want to go now?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// Pops narrowed his eyes.
// \{Akio} "To our secret place."
// We hadn't visited that place for a rather long time.
// Because of that, it's almost as if the memories within me are being suppressed.
// And, this place…
// Before we knew it, it had become a frequently visited place by many people.
// We sat down on the bench, side-by-side.
// Pops immediately took out a new cigarette, and lit it up.
// \{Akio} "Smoke?"
// He held out the contents of the box.
// \{\m{B}} "Nah, I've given it up already."
// \{Akio} "Yeah, smart move."
// \{Akio} "Hmph…"
// He blew out a long, narrow funnel of smoke.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey…"
// \{Akio} "Yeah?"
// \{\m{B}} "People chose to sacrifice the thriving nature here for the construction of this hospital..."
// \{\m{B}} "I really wonder what exactly we'll be trying to sacrifice next..."
// \{Akio} "Things like that are pretty common."
// \{Akio} "Every day, even you are constantly changing the town's appearance."
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah..."
// All I could do was nod vaguely.
// \{Akio} "The mountain's still being cut through."
// \{Akio} "I hear they're making it into a parking lot."
// \{Akio} "To them, the increased convenience makes it worth it."
// \{Akio} "Such a wonderful idea."
// \{Akio} "Seriously, what the hell..."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I'm feeling...uneasy...
// Like I'm about to be swept away in some great wave.
// That uneasy feeling, like I'm going to lose a loved one. 
// It existed alongside my concern that the town would continue to change.
// --I didn't want it to end this way...
// --I said I'd save her...
// --I ran recklessly, blindly...
// --I've...struggled all this way to come here...
// --And felt that the greenery was enveloping her...
// Perhaps...
// Perhaps... ever since he brought her here...
// Nagisa had become one with the town.
// ... and now... Ushio is, too...
// \{\m{B}} "...The town..."
// \{Akio} "Eh?"
// \{\m{B}} "The town... from its point of view... it must be painful..."
// \{Akio} "Well, towns are creations built and maintained by people."
// \{Akio} "I don't think feelings like pain and suffering have anything to do with it."
// \{Akio} "Ah, 'continuing to change and develop', that kind of impression, right?"
// \{Akio} "If I were the town, then I guess I'd agree."
// Then, even the death of humans...
// It it something that we truly have to accept?
// "Yeah, everything will continue to change"...
// But, we are people.
// We are living beings with emotions.
// We are living beings who show neither signs of sorrow nor traces of losing anything important...
// And desperately, continuously fight amongst ourselves.
// \{Akio} "Guess we should start heading back soon."
// Pops was already standing up.
// \{\m{B}} "Oh...yeah, you're right."
// In the hospital's entry hall, a group of female nurses stand in a line.
// They are all staring intently at something.
// Then from the entry hall, accompanied by her parents, a little girl showed up.
// The female nurses delivered a bouquet of flowers to the little girl.
// \{Akio} "Hm..."
// Pops diverts his gaze from the scene.
// And then, when he snuffed out his cigarette on the provided ashtray...
// \{Akio} "...\wait{600}Here's wishing the best to this town, and it's people!"
// Leaving the trail of those words hanging in the air, he started walking.
// Winter is here.
// The chilly air seems as if it's going to freeze over.
// I draw back the curtains and look outside.
// I catch my breath suddenly at what I see.
// In a moment...\pEverything seemed to be completely blanketed by the white snow.
// Not even a building in sight...
// A snowfield which looked like it stretched forever in all directions could be seen.
// But, that was just a trick of my imagination.
// For many years now, snow has never really piled up in this town.
// Even if it snows, all it does is soak the ground after quickly melting.
// When I return my gaze to the room, all I see is Ushio sleeping.
// There was nothing else.
// What I had left was simply the lifestyle that Ushio and I led.
// It was a lifestyle of lengthy combat against the illness.
// I was always by her side.
// Our bank savings were already used up.
// Not knowing what to do next, there was no hope left.
// I wonder what the future has in store for the both of us.
// I place my hand on Ushio's forehead.
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// The fever's been going on for three days.
// And it was still rising this since this morning.
// It must be painful.
// \{\m{B}} (Ushio...)
// I take her hand.
// .........
// Ushio opened her eyes, just a sliver, and looked at me.
// \{\m{B}} "Hey...Ushio..."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's go on a trip again..."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "This time, let's have lots of fun..."
// \{\m{B}} "And go somewhere, far away..."
// \{\m{B}} "...alright?"
// \{Ushio} "... okay."
// She nodded.
// I'm glad.
// I picked her tiny frame up and helped her get changed.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio... I'll carry you. Come on."
// With a ruddy countenance, I offer my back to her.
// \{Ushio} "...I can walk."
// \{\m{B}} "Come on, Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "Daddy will carry you, alright...?"
// \{Ushio} ""
// \{Ushio} "...I wanna walk."
// \{Ushio} "... I wanna walk with daddy."
// \{\m{B}} "Okay..."
// Just how far can Ushio get on her own two feet?
// My chest hurts.
// But...I couldn't say anything more.
// \{\m{B}} "Let's go, Ushio."
// "...All right!"
// As if on a summer day, she raises her voice in cheer and begins walking.
// I look on with a sense of unease.
// I support her by holding her hand.
// "Huh?" voices Ushio as she looks up.
// Immediately, her face took on a look of relief.
// Our pace was slow, but...
// We continued to walk.
// If we reach the station, even while she sleeps, I can take her anywhere she wants.
// Up until that point, we will continue on our own feet.
// \{Ushio} "...ah."
// Ushio stopped.
// \{\m{B}} "What's wrong?"
// She was looking up at the sky.
// On her brow, a snowflake.
// I look up at the sky.
// Snow was falling gently.
// A snow I haven't seen for some time.
// But... for some reason...
// It seemed sad.
// \{\m{B}} "Come on, Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "Let's go before it really starts coming down."
// \{Ushio} "...okay."
// We started walking again.
// Huff...Huff...
// Her breath continued to come out in pure-white puffs.
// \{\m{B}} "Are you alright...?"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "...let's take a short break."
// \{Ushio} ""
// \{Ushio} "...let's go."
// We kept walking...
// And walking...
// But the station is still far away...
// And then, Ushio's grip on my hand suddenly weakens.
// In a panic, I catch and support her in my embrace.
// Ushio's body slumps in my arms and lies still.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio...!"
// \{Ushio} "........."
// Ushio closed her eyes...with great difficulty she continued to wheeze out white clouds of breath.
// \{\m{B}} "Ushio..."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// I couldn't walk anymore.
// All I could do was curl over and embrace Ushio's burning, fever-stricken body.
// We can't go anywhere anymore.
// All I can do is embrace this fragile life, the life of my daughter, 
// as if to protect her from the falling snow.
// And, right in the middle, I waited, aching.*
// Just... \pwhat should I do?
// A place like this… what was I doing?
// ...That field is too far away to reach...
// That jubilant form of Ushio, playing merrily in that field, is unreachable...
// This time around, although we were trying to play together...
// Even more than that summer day…
// We should have been able to get along and play with each other, and yet…
// What's more, we were already parent and child…
// The two of us were living together.
// Even so…
// Despite all this…
// \{Ushio} "...daddy,"
// Before I knew it, Ushio had opened her eyes again.
// Painfully, she looks up at me.
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah...?"
// \{Ushio} "...where...are we?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Ushio} "...are the train yet...?"
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} "Y... \pyeah, we are."
// \{\m{B}} "We're already in the train..."
// \{Ushio} "...ah."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{Ushio} "........."
// \{Ushio} "...daddy..."
// \{\m{B}} "What is it...?"
// \{Ushio} "...\wait{600}I love you..."
// \{\m{B}} "........."
// Tears streamed down my cheeks... \wait{300}I couldn't hold them back.
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah..."
// \{\m{B}} "Daddy loves you too..."
// .........
// The snow continued to fall heavily.
// For an eternity, I continued going through my memories.
// The feeling disappears from my fingertips...
// My vision was closing up…
// The town was disappearing...
// The entire scene was so surreal that...
// I had lost all sense of where I was...
// .........

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× Chính Fuuko Tomoyo Kyou Kotomi Yukine Nagisa After Story Khác
14 tháng 4 SEEN0414 SEEN6800 Sanae's Scenario SEEN7000
15 tháng 4 SEEN0415 SEEN2415 SEEN3415 SEEN4415 SEEN6801
16 tháng 4 SEEN0416 SEEN2416 SEEN3416 SEEN6416 SEEN6802 Yuusuke's Scenario SEEN7100
17 tháng 4 SEEN0417 SEEN1417 SEEN2417 SEEN3417 SEEN4417 SEEN6417 SEEN6803
18 tháng 4 SEEN0418 SEEN1418 SEEN2418 SEEN3418 SEEN4418 SEEN5418 SEEN6418 SEEN6900 Akio's Scenario SEEN7200
19 tháng 4 SEEN0419 SEEN2419 SEEN3419 SEEN4419 SEEN5419 SEEN6419
20 tháng 4 SEEN0420 SEEN4420 SEEN6420 Koumura's Scenario SEEN7300
21 tháng 4 SEEN0421 SEEN1421 SEEN2421 SEEN3421 SEEN4421 SEEN5421 SEEN6421 Interlude
22 tháng 4 SEEN0422 SEEN1422 SEEN2422 SEEN3422 SEEN4422 SEEN5422 SEEN6422 SEEN6444 Sunohara's Scenario SEEN7400
23 tháng 4 SEEN0423 SEEN1423 SEEN2423 SEEN3423 SEEN4423 SEEN5423 SEEN6423 SEEN6445
24 tháng 4 SEEN0424 SEEN2424 SEEN3424 SEEN4424 SEEN5424 SEEN6424 Misae's Scenario SEEN7500
25 tháng 4 SEEN0425 SEEN2425 SEEN3425 SEEN4425 SEEN5425 SEEN6425 Mei & Nagisa
26 tháng 4 SEEN0426 SEEN1426 SEEN2426 SEEN3426 SEEN4426 SEEN5426 SEEN6426 SEEN6726 Kappei's Scenario SEEN7600
27 tháng 4 SEEN1427 SEEN4427 SEEN6427 SEEN6727
28 tháng 4 SEEN0428 SEEN1428 SEEN2428 SEEN3428 SEEN4428 SEEN5428 SEEN6428 SEEN6728
29 tháng 4 SEEN0429 SEEN1429 SEEN3429 SEEN4429 SEEN6429 SEEN6729
30 tháng 4 SEEN1430 SEEN2430 SEEN3430 SEEN4430 SEEN5430 SEEN6430 BAD End 1 SEEN0444
1 tháng 5 SEEN1501 SEEN2501 SEEN3501 SEEN4501 SEEN6501 Gamebook SEEN0555
2 tháng 5 SEEN1502 SEEN2502 SEEN3502 SEEN4502 SEEN6502 BAD End 2 SEEN0666
3 tháng 5 SEEN1503 SEEN2503 SEEN3503 SEEN4503 SEEN6503
4 tháng 5 SEEN1504 SEEN2504 SEEN3504 SEEN4504 SEEN6504
5 tháng 5 SEEN1505 SEEN2505 SEEN3505 SEEN4505 SEEN6505
6 tháng 5 SEEN1506 SEEN2506 SEEN3506 SEEN4506 SEEN6506 Other Scenes SEEN0001
7 tháng 5 SEEN1507 SEEN2507 SEEN3507 SEEN4507 SEEN6507
8 tháng 5 SEEN1508 SEEN2508 SEEN3508 SEEN4508 SEEN6508 Kyou's After Scene SEEN3001
9 tháng 5 SEEN2509 SEEN3509 SEEN4509
10 tháng 5 SEEN2510 SEEN3510 SEEN4510 SEEN6510
11 tháng 5 SEEN1511 SEEN2511 SEEN3511 SEEN4511 SEEN6511 Fuuko Master SEEN1001
12 tháng 5 SEEN1512 SEEN3512 SEEN4512 SEEN6512 SEEN1002
13 tháng 5 SEEN1513 SEEN2513 SEEN3513 SEEN4513 SEEN6513 SEEN1003
14 tháng 5 SEEN1514 SEEN2514 SEEN3514 EPILOGUE SEEN6514 SEEN1004
15 tháng 5 SEEN1515 SEEN4800 SEEN1005
16 tháng 5 SEEN1516 BAD END SEEN1006
17 tháng 5 SEEN1517 SEEN4904 SEEN1008
18 tháng 5 SEEN1518 SEEN4999 SEEN1009
-- Image Text Misc. Fragments SEEN0001