Difference between revisions of "User:Idiffer/Sandbox-Proofreading (Nekomonogatari (Russian))"

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Before I knew it, I had thrown the script away.
Before I knew it, I had thrown the script away.
Не усела я оглянуться, как выбросила сценарий. <!--спросить ЕЕЕ (мусорка или просто швыряние)--><br />
Не усела я оглянуться, как выбросила сценарий. <!--не успела и глазом моргнуть + спросить ЕЕЕ (мусорка или просто швыряние)--><br />
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<i>I see. That's what you wanted to tell me.
<i>I see. That's what you wanted to tell me.
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Mm, what should I get her tomorrow?</i>
Mm, what should I get her tomorrow?</i>
М-м, что бы принести ей завтра?<br />
М-м, что бы принести ей завтра?</i><br />
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В тот день я нашла еще одну книгу.<br />
В тот день я нашла еще одну книгу.<br />
<br />
<br />
It was a script by the same group as the first two times, and again it was a fairy tale-like story with a moral.<br /><!--stop-->
It was a script by the same group as the first two times, and again it was a fairy tale-like story with a moral.
Это был еще один сценарий той группы, с таким же сказочным сюжетом, приправленным моралью.<br />
<br />
<br />
<i>Once upon a time, there was a kingdom with a queen who wore a wig. One evening during supper, her wig was askew, and everyone except for her had noticed. Because her wig really was a secret, however, nobody could point it out to her.<br />
<i>Once upon a time, there was a kingdom with a queen who wore a wig. One evening during supper, her wig was askew, and everyone except for her had noticed. Because her wig really was a secret, however, nobody could point it out to her.
<i>Жила-была королева, которая носила парик. Как-то раз за ужином парик немного съехал, и все кроме нее это заметили. Но так как она скрывала, что носит парик, никто не мог ей сказать.<br />
<br />
<br />
Everyone present started to pay attention that they did not look at her hair and that they did not use any words that would remind of head hair.<br />
Everyone present started to pay attention that they did not look at her hair and that they did not use any words that would remind of head hair.
Все присутствовавшие старались не смотреть на ее парик и не использовать слова, ассоциировавшиеся с волосами.<br />
<br />
<br />
But then it happened: Her wig caught fire from a candle. But she still failed to notice. The other diners wanted to kill the fire by tapping or with water, but it would end in a disaster if the wig fell off by accident. If they did not hurry up, the queen would burn herself, but if the queen found out that they knew about her wig, they would be sentenced to death. The air was tense when the nobles started to shake a few bottles of weak liquor and popper their corks. The liquor poured over all of them, including the queen, and made the dripping wet, preventing the worst. Incidentally, this is the origin of what we now call "Champagne Fight."<ref>It isn't.</ref></i><br />
But then it happened: Her wig caught fire from a candle. But she still failed to notice. The other diners wanted to kill the fire by tapping or with water, but it would end in a disaster if the wig fell off by accident. If they did not hurry up, the queen would burn herself, but if the queen found out that they knew about her wig, they would be sentenced to death. The air was tense when the nobles started to shake a few bottles of weak liquor and popper their corks. The liquor poured over all of them, including the queen, and made the dripping wet, preventing the worst. Incidentally, this is the origin of what we now call "Champagne Fight."<ref>It isn't.</ref></i>
Но тогда произошло следующее: парик загорелся от свечки. Но королева и этого не заметила. Сидевшие за столом хотели потушить огонь, но если бы в процессе парик упал - это было бы катастрофой. Если не поторопиться, то королева обожжется, но если она узнает, что им известно о парике, то их приговорят к смертной казни. И в этой накаленной атмосфере дворяне принялись трясти бутылки со слабым алкоголем, затем откупорили пробки. На всех, включая королеву, полетели брызги, предотвратив наихудшее развитие событий. Кстати, отсюда и произошло поливание друг друга шампанским.<!--*--><i><br />
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The message of that story was written in the postscript.<br />
The message of that story was written in the postscript.
В послесловии содержалась мораль истории:<br />
<br />
<br />
"Your hair is on fire, too. Better check your hair before it's gone. Furthermore, this story is incomplete. A continuation is in the works."<br />
"Your hair is on fire, too. Better check your hair before it's gone. Furthermore, this story is incomplete. A continuation is in the works."
«Ваши волосы тоже горят. Тушите, пока не поздно. А еще - эта история незакончена. Продолжение следует.»<br />
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Something pierced through my heart.<br />
Something pierced through my heart.
Сердце словно что-то пронзило.<br />
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Tokiya was laughing at my desperate efforts in make-up and fashion, implying that my untreated hair—the feature of beauty of every girl—will not only become disheveled but fall off entirely.<br />
Tokiya was laughing at my desperate efforts in make-up and fashion, implying that my untreated hair—the feature of beauty of every girl—will not only become disheveled but fall off entirely.
Токия надсмехался над моими отчаянными усилиями, пытаясь сказать, что если я не буду следить за волосами - а это визитная карточка каждой девушки - то они не просто превратяться в птичье гнездо, а выпадут совсем.<br />
<br />
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He even came up with an ironical implication that I hadn't lighted a fire under myself, but on my head, and by giving me a half-baked book, he implied that my efforts are just as half-baked.<br />
He even came up with an ironical implication that I hadn't lighted a fire under myself, but on my head, and by giving me a half-baked book, he implied that my efforts are just as half-baked.
Он умудрился даже иронично намекнуть, что я развела костер не под собой, а на голове. И дав мне незаконченную книгу, он давал понять, что и я тружусь в полсилы<!--тяп ляп; результаты моих стараний окажутся такими же недоделанными - idiffer-->.<br />
<br />
<br />
Before I knew it, I had thrown away the script.<br />
Before I knew it, I had thrown away the script.
Не успела я оглянуться, как уже выбьросила сценарий.<br />
<br />
<br />
<i>Very well, Tokiya. I'll accept that challenge.<br />
<i>Very well, Tokiya. I'll accept that challenge.
<i>Хорошо, Токия. Я принимаю твой вызов.<br />
<br />
<br />
We'll see if my efforts end up half-baked. <br />
We'll see if my efforts end up half-baked.
Посмотрим, в полсилы ли я тружусь.<!--плоды труда незрелые? - idiffer--><br />
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<br />
I'll make you lose your tongue.<br />
I'll make you lose your tongue.
Ты у меня язык проглотишь.<br />
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<br />
Just you wait.<br />
Just you wait.
Вот увидишь.<br />
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<br />
I'll become the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.</i></div>
I'll become the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.</i>
Я превращусь в красавицу, каких ты в жизни не видел!</i></div>
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When I arrived at the shop the following day, Saki told me straight away, "I'm going to the barbershop today."<br />
When I arrived at the shop the following day, Saki told me straight away, "I'm going to the barbershop today."
Когда на следующий день я прибыл в магазин, Саки тут же сказала мне: <br />
- Сегодня я иду в парикмахерскую.
<br />
<br />
In her hand she was holding a book titled "Becoming an Actress Made Easy! (Wig for the Stage)." ''She's come a long way'', I thought. Personally, I found her hair pretty as it was, but she seemed to differ.<br />
<br />
<br />
In her hand she was holding a book titled "Becoming an Actress Made Easy! (Wig for the Stage)." ''She's come a long way'', I thought. Personally, I found her hair pretty as it was, but she seemed to differ.
Perhaps, she was aiming for the leading role and wanted to stand out most.<br />
В руках она держала книгу под названием «Стать актриссой - легко! (Парики)». «Прогресс налицо» - подумал я. Лично мне и так нравились ее волосы, но она видимо была иного мнения.<br />
<br />
<br />
Perhaps, she was aiming for the leading role and wanted to stand out most.
Her face was expressionless as always, but her eyes weren't.<br />
Может быть она нацелилась заполучить главную роль и поэтому хотела выделиться?<br />
<br />
<br />
Her face was expressionless as always, but her eyes weren't.
I sensed fire in her eyes, almost as if she wanted to curse someone to death.<br />
Ее лицо как всегда ничего не выражало, а вот глаза - еще как.<br />
<br />
<br />
I sensed fire in her eyes, almost as if she wanted to curse someone to death.
"Oh, you're here?"<br />
В ее взгляде пылал огонь, словно она хотела проклятьем обречь кого-то на смерть.<!--навлечь на; проклянуть и; убить проклятьем - idiffer--><br />
<br />
<br />
"Oh, you're here?"
"Yeah, I'm taking over here, so have a rest."<br />
- А, ты уже пришел?<br />
<br />
<br />
"Yeah, I'm taking over here, so have a rest."
"Thanks for the book."<br />
- Ага, я тогда - за прилавок, а ты возьми перерыв.<br />
<br />
<br />
"Thanks for the book."
"Did you like it?"<br />
- Спасибо за книгу.<br />
<br />
<br />
"Why, yes. I ''loved'' it."<br />
"Did you like it?"
- Тебе понравилось?<br />
<br />
<br />
"Why, yes. I ''loved'' it."
It seemed like she had already finished the book I'd brought her. Now that's what I call passion, reading through such a book in one day again.<br />
- Как же? <em>Безумно.</em><br />
<br />
<br />
It seemed like she had already finished the book I'd brought her. Now that's what I call passion, reading through such a book in one day again.
By the way, the book was a reinterpretation of a story whose moral was "You look best when you're just yourself," and "Don't trouble the people around you with absurd lies."<br />
Похоже она уже прочитала книжку, которую я ей принес. <em>Прочитать такую книгу за день, вот это - страсть.</em><br />
<br />
<br />
By the way, the book was a reinterpretation of a story whose moral was "You look best when you're just yourself," and "Don't trouble the people around you with absurd lies."
Again, I hadn't read the book myself, but I was told so. The message the author had written in the postscript was yet another prank and shouldn't be taken seriously.<br />
Кстати, эта книга являлась переделкой истории, мораль которой: «Люди краше всего, когда не стараются быть кем-то, кроме самими собой» и «Не создавайте проблем окружающим своим абсурдным враньем».<br />
<br />
<br />
Again, I hadn't read the book myself, but I was told so. The message the author had written in the postscript was yet another prank and shouldn't be taken seriously.
<i>I'll leave the book I brought her today on the table.<br />
Эту книгу я тоже не читал - сюжет мне пересказали. Мораль в послесловии - опять же просто прикол, и воспринимать серьезно ее не стоит.<br />
<br />
<br />
<i>I'll leave the book I brought her today on the table.
Mm, what should I get her tomorrow?</i><br />
<i>Оставлю книгу, которую захватил сегодня, на столе.<br />
<br />
Mm, what should I get her tomorrow?</i>
М-м, что бы принести ей завтра?</i><br />
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<div style="color: #75365a; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">
<div style="color: #75365a; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">
That day I headed to the barbershop to get some hair treatment.<br />
That day I headed to the barbershop to get some hair treatment.
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<br />
Not to the barbershop I usually went, but to a much fancier place: a shop that combined various areas of the beauty business, from hair salons to make-up and nail salons.<br />
Not to the barbershop I usually went, but to a much fancier place: a shop that combined various areas of the beauty business, from hair salons to make-up and nail salons.<br />

Revision as of 19:02, 13 October 2014

Когда и как девушки учатся краситься?

По телевизору часто можно увидеть детей, в прямом смысле слова превращающих себя с помощью макияжа в монстров пока нет мамы, но я никогда не видел что-либо подобное в реальной жизни.

Что касается моего окружения, то я заметил, что девушки в моем классе начали краситься примерно с начала старшей школы.

Но девушки обогнали нас, парней, не только в макияже, но и в плане одежды и стильных причесок. Они, должно быть, более чувствительны к моде, чем мы.

Модные парни все-таки встречаются там и сям, но их меньшинство. Принято считать, что для мужчин позволительно быть равнодушными к такого рода вещам. Не хочу сказать, что я - эталон, но то, что мне плевать на моду - факт.

Полагаю, девушки читают журналы, чтобы преуспевать в этом деле? Но не думаю, что только этого достаточно.

А значит им надо обращаться к друзьям или маме за советами по макияжу и моде.

Но в таком случае девушки, у которых нет ни друзей ни родителей, оказываются в невыгодном положение.

Мм? О ком я говорю, спросите вы?

Да нет, я не о ком-то конкретно, разумеется.

На столе был выложен широкий ассортимент бутылочек.

Тоник, молочные и обычные лосьоны, тональная основа, крема... защитный крем, увлажняющий крем, крем для кожи... средства по уходу, например после ополаскивания лица, нанесения маски или перед тем, как нанести макияж...

Не имея ни малейшего представления что, когда и для чего использовать, я нахватала всего наобум, но теперь, выставив в ряд свои покупки, знаний у меня не прибавилось.

На самом деле это лишь скромная часть доступной в продаже косметики. Сейчас я могла только сказать, что маски для лица были пока выше моего уровня.

Было около десяти вечера. Я склонилаь перед зеркалом и кучей косметики, все еще в сарафане, который надела после ванны.

По идее, после ванны надо что-то делать по поводу сухой кожи, но я даже не знала, почему она должна быть сухой, когда я только что приняла ванну. К тому же, по всей видимости, тоник и подобные средства необходимо втирать, а не наносить.

В любом случае, сидеть сложа руки нет смысла.

Я решила приступить и заглянула в книгу.

Я осторожно налила в руки немного тоника и круговыми движениями начала втирать его в лицо. Следуя указаниям в книги, я проделала то же самое с руками и шеей.

Я опасалась, что ту же процедуру придется повторить с лосьоном и основой, но было написано, что они - по желанию, так что я вообще пропустила их.

Подумав о том, что большинство женщин делают это каждый день, я прониклась к ним глубоким уважением.

Я тоже только что начала пользоваться косметикой, но я не знала насколько хватит моей выдержки.

Нет, это неверный настрой.

Я ни в коем случае не должна сдаваться.

Иначе, я стану как...

Я посмотрела на лежавшую на столе помятую фотографию.

Я попыталась распрямить ее на ладони, но она оставалась все такой же мятой, а человек на ней оставался морщинистым как старуха.

Инцидент случился несколько часов назад.

Товако-сан уехала за своими покупками, а мы вдвоем присматривали за магазином.

В время перерыва я вышла кое-что купить. Вернувшись, я положила продукты в холодильник и уже хотела было поставить на стол в гостиной торт "кастелла", который я купила к чаю, когда увидела там фотоаппарат.

Это был довольно старый по виду пленочный фотоаппарат, и я поддалась искушению взять его в руки.

Тогда это и произошло.

Раздался громкий звук затвора.

Я и не думала использовать фотоаппарат - либо я случайно что-то нажала, либо он сам сработал.

Заволновавшись, я положила фотоаппарат обратно.

...Со стороны можно было и не заметить, но я действительно заволновалась; так как боялась, что фотоаппарат окажется реликтом.

Из-за их магических сил невозможно предсказать, какой эффект может повлечь за собой незнакомый реликт. У Товако-сан была дурная привычка время от времени оставлять реликты без присмотра.

Как беспечно с моей стороны. Я повела себя слишком неосторожно.

Я должна была учесть такую возможность перед тем, как трогать его.

А что если фотоаппарат мог высасывать души? В прошлом мы же ведь сталкивались со статуэткой, убивающей любого, кто к ней прикоснется.

Пока я все это обдумывала, фотоаппарат издал механический звук и распечатал фотографию. Как я и думала, это полароид. Но что будет теперь?

Я взяла снимок и присмотрелась.

- Это?..

И тут в гостиную заглянул Токия.

- Что-то случилось?

- А, Токия. Посмотри, этот фотоаппарат...

- Мм? Ах да, не трогай ее, хорошо? Этот реликт там оставила Товако-сан.

- Значит это действительно реликт.

- Эй, только не говори мне, что воспользовалась им?

Я быстро замотала головой, пряча за спиной снимок.

- Ну да, ты бы не стала, - сказал он. - Но серьезно, будь поосторожней! Когда я дотронулся до того кошелька-реликта, это вылилось в ту еще нервотрепку, уж поверь на слово.

Конечно с Токией приключилось не меньше скверных историй, связанных с реликтами, чем со мной. Так что если Токия предостерегал меня о нем, то в чем конкретно таилась опасность этого фотоаппарата?

- Т-Токия... Какой силой обладает этот фотоаппарат?

- По правде говоря, ничего сенсационного, - признался Токия, войдя в гостиную. Он подошел к столу, поднял фотоаппарат, повернул какой-то циферблат и потом сфотографировал торт, который я поставила на стол. Несколько мгновений спустя распечаталась еще одна фотография, с тем же механическим звуком как и в прошлый раз.

Он взял снимок и показал мне.

Излишне говорить, на нем был торт. На той фотографии, однако, он был испорченным, почти сгнившим, и слегка другого цвета.

- Почему он выглядит по-другому?

- Ну, он делает снимки будущего.

- Будущего...

- А-а, но есть подвох... - сказал Токия, взял кусок торта и откусил от него. - Фотография показывает, как он мог бы выглядеть по прошествии определенного промежутка времени, не учитывая, что его могут съесть как сейчас вот.

- И сколько же этот промежуток?

- В данном случае, может год. Видишь этот циферблат? По словам Товако-сан с помощью него можно устанавливать количество лет.

- Н-на сколько лет он был установлен до этого?

- До этого?

- В смысле н-на год, так же, как и до того, как ты сделал снимок? Ведь нет, правильно?

- Ээ, сколько же там было? Я не особо обратил внимание, но по-моему 16 лет. Ага, примерно столько. Но число я увидел лишь мельком.

- 16 лет?

- Ага.

- Ты сказал 16 лет?

- Да. Что-то не так?

- Нет.

Он пожал плечами и, запихнув в рот остаток куска торта, ушел обратно в магазин.

- Понятно, 16 лет...

Я взглянула на фотографию, которую нечаяно смяла.

Глубокие складки (но не от того, что снимок смяли), белоснежные волосы, потрепанная одежда...

Это была фотография девушки по имени Саки Маино спустя 16 лет.

...Другими словами, меня.


Даже учитывая, что я никогда не следила за кожей, это было просто возмутительно.

Но достав старый журнал, я узнала, что сейчас ухаживают за кожей даже в младших классах.

Если верить журналу, никогда не рано начать ухаживать за кожей, так как наши тела и кожа в последние годы стареют все быстрее и быстрее по различным причинам, таким как увеличение ультрафиолетового излучения и неправильное питание.

Прочитав эту статью, я начала сожалеть о своем безразличии к такого рода вещам.

В отличие от прошлого на рынке сейчас множество всяких косметических средств, и откровенно говоря это от того, что они нужны.

Затем я начала читать о косметике и коснулась не только основных средств, таких как кремы и лосьоны, но и обнаружила, что макияж также защищает кожу от ультрафиолетового излучения и т.п.

До сих пор я придерживалась мнения, что единственная цель макияжа - выпендреж, и поэтому считала, что им можно пренебречь.

Я не часто видела, чтобы Товако-сан красилась, но на ее лице действительно всегда был тонкий слой макияжа. И если честно, она выглядела моложе своего возраста. Я всегда считала, что это у нее от природы, но я ошибалась. Товако-сан прикладывала усилия, чтобы сохранять молодость.

...Почему она мне об этом никогда не говорила?

Почуяв некую опасность, я тут же купила набор косметических средств, решительно настроившись начать без промедления.

Я еще могу все изменить.

Я снова посмотрела на снимок.

На свое скукоженное лицо, 16 лет спустя.

И я поклялась:

Стану красивой, оглянутся не успеешь.

Даже мне не чуждо желание, понятное каждой девушке.

Желание быть красивой.

Прошло три дня с тех пор, как я начала краситься и ухаживать за кожей.

Я незаметно подошла к фотоаппарату и подняла его.

Будут ли заметные изменения, если я сделаю снимок сейчас?

Нет, не торопись, дорогая.

К тому же, если их не окажется, то я тут же сдамся.

Я положила фотоаппарат обратно.

Шаг за шагом. Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда. Мое усердие обязательно принесет плоды.

Я нечасто смотрю телевизор, но знаю насколько красивы звезды. Наверняка перед съемками они тоже прикладывают усилия, чтобы потом сиять перед камерой.

Если честно, я бы тоже предпочла делать это втихаря, но с таким робким отношением я ничего не добьюсь.

В конце концов тот факт, что я стану такой ужасно морщинистой через 16 лет, также означает, что в ближайшем будущем... может быть даже через месяц, я могу начать стареть. Нет, процесс старения возможно уже начался и прогрессирует, просто его не увидеть глазом.

Никуда от этого не денешься.

Отходя от темы, Токия никак не комментировал мои изменения.

Ну да, пока что я несильно крашусь, но он просто не мог не заметить. Он наверное прикидывается. Какой он джентельмен, раз не говорит о моих стараниях.

Ладно, надо позаниматься, пока не кончился перерыв!

Я вдруг прекратила листать журнал.

Я нашла основную тему номера.

«Всем девушкам, уставшими от того, что их парни не замечают их стараний.»

...Let's take a look. ...Посмотрим.

N-Not that it bothered me that Tokiya hasn't said anything about my looks. It's purely out of academic interest.
Н-не то чтобы мне было неприятно, что Токия ничего не сказал о моей внешности. Это только из научного интереса.

"Hey, Saki." - Эй, Саки.

"W-Whawhahat?" - Ч-что-что-о?

I had been so absorbed in the magazine that I failed miserably at closing it in a hurry. With even shakier hands, I quickly covered the magazine with my hands. Я так погрузилась в журнал, что в попыхах мне не удалось закрыть его. Я поспешила заслонить его трясущимися руками.

"What's the matter?" he asked. - Что такое? - спросил он.

"Nothing. But what's your matter, anyway?" - Ничего. А у тебя что такое?

"Toilet break. Can you look after the shop while I'm away? Not that I think that anyone would drop by," he said and headed to the bathroom. - В туалет нужно. Можешь пока присмотреть за магазином? Не то чтобы я думал, что кто-нибудь зайдет, - сказал он и пошел в туалет.

I may have failed at closing the magazine, but I'd managed to change to a different page with a report, so he had probably not noticed anything. That was close. Had he seen me read such an article, he would have surely started to wonder about me. Закрыть журнал может и не вышло, но зато удалось перелистнуть на страницу с отчетом, так что он наверное ничего не заметил. Еще бы чуть-чуть и все. Застань он меня за чтением подобной статьи, то точно начал бы задаваться вопросами обо мне.

After confirming that Tokiya was really gone, I opened the feature article again. Убедившись, что Токия действительно ушел, я снова открыла главную тему номера.

"Beware! Do not think that boys are dense just because they don't say anything about your effort to look pretty! Maybe your boyfriend deliberately keeps silent because he's starting to get bored of you!" «Будьте осторожны! Не принимайте парней за тупиц только потому, что они ничего не говорят насчет ваших стараний стать красивее! Может быть ваш парень специально молчит, так как вы ему наскучили!»

He doesn't say anything, indeed. Has he grown bored of me? No, we're not in a relationship, so he can't get bored of me. Wait. Can he also get bored of me without being my boyfriend? И вправду, он ничего не говорит. Неужели я ему наскучила? Нет, мы не встречаемся, так что я не могу ему наскучить. Стоп. Могу ли я наскучить, при этом не встречаясь с ним?

I took a closer look at the article. Я принялась читать дальше.

Miss A's story. My boyfriend didn't say a word when I changed my make-up. When I asked him about it, he just said, "So?" We split up a week after. История мисс А. Мой парень не сказал ни слова, когда я начала краситься по-новому. Когда я подняла эту тему, он просто спросил: «Ну и что?». Мы расстались неделю спустя.

Miss B's story. There was that boy at work. We had the same shift and we mixed just great. But when I tried putting some extra effort into my make-up, he didn't even say anything. I asked him subtly about it. "Get back to work!" was his answer. Afterwards, I learned that he already had a girlfriend. I hadn't been a love interest from the start. История мисс B. На работе был один парень. Мы работали в одной смене и ладили просто на ура. Но когда я стала уделять больше внимания макияжу, он даже ничего не сказал. Я попыталась намекнуть ему на свое недовольство. «Возвращайся к работе!» - таков был его ответ. Впоследствии я узнала, что у него уже есть девушка. Он с самого начала не воспринимал меня в этом плане.

"Wasn't there something in their stories that you can relate to yourself?"' «Разве у вас не было чего-нибудь похожего?»

There is. Right now. So does that mean that we have started to get bored of each other? That Tokiya doesn't have any interest in me? Да. Сейчас это и происходит. Так значит ли это, что мы наскучили друг другу? Что Токия потерял ко мне интерес?

"But fear not! Here's the deal! «Но не бойтесь! Вот что я вам предлагаю!

Operation 'Amaze Your Boorish Sweetheart To the Bone! (Make-Up part)' " Операция “Поразите своего грубого возлюбленного до потери пульса! (Макияж)”»

The article contained an in-depth introduction to make-up as well as a number of handy tips, and came with a comic showing a man with heart-eyes praising a woman to the skies. Статья снабжалась детальным введением в макияж с несколькими полезными советами и рисунком, на котором был изображен мужчина с сердечками вместо глаз, осыпавший женщину комплиментами.

Inspired by that, I tried imagining Tokiya calling me pretty. Вдожновленная этим, я попыталась представить, как Токия говорит, что я красива.

...... ...

...... ...

I think I like that. Кажется мне нравится.

I-I'm not talking about being praised of course, but the idea of having a concrete goal, since I've already started to get fed up with cosmetics. It's not like Tokiya were my boyfriend or that-certain-boy or anything, and I don't particularly want to be praised by him.
Е-естественно, я говорю не о похвале, а об идее того, чтобы иметь конкретную цель, так как косметика уже начинала мне порядком надоедать. Ведь Токия не мой парень, не тот-самый-молодой-человек, и я не гонюсь за его похвалой.

...But if I was honest, I was also a tiny little bit interested in praise. ...Но если честно, самую малость мне хотелось и похвалы.

Even a girl like me is familiar with the desire that any girl conceives. Даже мне не чуждо желание, понятное каждой девушке.

The desire to be called pretty. Желание услышать, что ты красивая.

After finishing her break, Saki started sorting the shelves, bustling back and forth in front of me. После перерыва Саки принялась сортировать товар на полках, бегая мимо меня в зад в перед.

She took an item from a shelf, walked past me to put it elsewhere and then passed me by again, now carrying the item she had just replaced. But it didn't end there; apparently unsatisfied, she walked back with the item, crossing my field of vision again, and put it back to its original place, and then gazed at the shelf from afar to get an impression. Она взяла что-то с полки, прошла мимо меня, чтобы положить предмет в другое место, и затем еще раз прошла мимо меня, теперь неся уже другой предмет. Но на этом все не закончилось. По всей видимости не удовлетворенная, она понесла предмет обратно, снова входя в поле зрения, и поставила его на прежнее место, затем окинула взглядом полку с расстояния.

She was quite the opposite of me; I had made myself comfortable at the counter, waiting for our non-existent customers. Мое же занятие было, можно сказать, противоположным: удобно устроившись за прилавком, я ждал наших несуществующих покупателей.

I followed her with my eyes just because, but Saki was apparently so engrossed in her work that she didn't notice me, not even looking in my direction. От нечего делать я следил за Саки, но она так погрузилась в работу, что не замечала меня - даже в мою сторону не смотрела.

"Saki." - Саки.

"Yes?" Saki asked, stopping her busy hands. - Да? - спросила она, перестав двигать деловыми ручками.

"Looks good." - Выглядит неплохо.

"Y-You think so?" - Д-думаешь?

"Yeah, I definitely like what I'm seeing." - Ага, мне точно нравится то, что я вижу.

"D-Does it really make such a difference?" - Н-неужели такая разница?

"Yeah. I didn't expect such an effect just by rearranging the items in the shelves." - Ага. Я не ожидал такого эффекта просто от перестановки товара на полках.

"Yes, yes. A light touch of make-u... eh? The shelves? Items?" - Да, да. Немного косм... Э? Полки? Товар?

"Yeah. Have you started studying interior design this time around?" - Ага. На этот раз ты изучаешь дизайн интерьера?

"Y-Yes! I really think that the impression matters!" - Д-да! Я правда считаю, что впечатление играет важную роль!

"I see," I said. - Понятно, - сказал я.

"......" - ...

"......" - ...

"That's all?" - И все?

"Mm?" - М-м-м?

"N-No, never mind." - Н-ничего, забудь.

While something still seemed to be on her tongue, Saki went back to rearranging the items without saying anything.
Саки явно что-то хотела сказать, но вместо этого продолжила переставлять товар.
When Saki walked past me, I noticed a nice smell. Когда она проходила мимо меня, я почуял приятный запах.

"Saki." - Саки.

"Yes?" she asked as she stopped on her way to the shelf. - Да? - остановившись, спросила она.

"Smells great." - Отличный аромат.

"Y-You think so?" - Д-думаешь?

"Yeah, it smells kinda stimulating." - Ага, он какой-то стимулирующий.

"S-Stimulating? Wow... r-really? But I'm not trying to do anything suspicious!" Saki said, for once slightly widening her eyes in confusion. - С-стимулирующий? Ничего себе... С-серьезно? Но я не замышляю ничего подозрительного! - сказала Саки, в коем то веке раскрыв глаза чуть пошире.

"Yeah. I guess you're having stew for dinner? Sure is stimulating my appetite." - Ага. Наверное, у вас на ужин рагу? Очень стимулирует аппетит.

"Yes, yes. A light touch of perfum... eh? Stew? Appetite?" - Да, да. Немного дух... Э? Рагу? Аппетит?

"Yeah. You're already preparing the dinner, aren't you? There's a nice smell coming from the kitchen. I think I'm hungry now." - Ага. Вы уже готовите ужин, да? Из кухни веет приятный аромат. Теперь и я проголодался.

"Y-Yes! We're having stew tonight!" - Д-да! У нас сегодня рагу!

"I see... I wonder if should get myself some microwave stew, too." - Понятно... Может мне тоже купить разогреваемое рагу?..

"......" - ...

"......" - ...

"That's all?" - И все?

"Mm?" -М-м?

"N-No, never mind." - Н-ничего, забудь.

While something still seemed to be on her tongue, Saki went to the kitchen to adjust the stove-plate without saying anything. Саки явно что-то хотела сказать , но молча пошла на кухню, убавить огонь.

"She sure is acting strange today." - Странновато она себя ведет сегодня.

She looked kinda disappointed even though I'd praised her. Or is that just me? Хотя я ее похвалил, Саки выглядела немного разочарованной. Или мне кажется?

Speaking of strange things, I wonder what it is all about with that article. She may have covered it instantly, but I could catch a glimpse. Кстати о странностях: что она там задумала с той статьей? Хоть она ее тут же прикрыла, кое-что я мельком успел заметить.

To be honest, I didn't think she would ever be interested in such stuff. Честно, не думал, что ей когда-нибудь будут интересны подобные вещи.

Well, she's still a girl. I guess that's perfectly normal. Ну, она все же девушка. Вполне естественно.

But if that's the case, I'll get her something from the school library one of these days.
В таком случае как-нибудь соберусь и принесу ей что-нибудь из школьной библиотеки.

A few days later. Несколько дней спустя.

This is strange. Despite my efforts spent on make-up, Tokiya just wouldn't give me any feedback. I'd even ventured on perfume and lost to stew. Странно. Несмотря на все мои усилия, я так и не получила обратной связи от Токии. Даже когда я рискнула опробовать духи, то потерпела поражение от рагу.

Not only did he not praise me, he didn't even touch on the subject. Комплименты? Он даже близко не подходил к теме.

Had he really not noticed anything? No, that couldn't be. He had noticed for sure. Had he really gotten bored of me then? But for that, he was associating with me too normally... Неужели он действительно ничего не заметил? Нет, этого не могло быть. Он точно заметил. Тогда я ему все-таки наскучила? Но он общается со мной слишком непринужденно...

"Mm?" I muttered as I noticed a book on the table, one that I had not seen before. It wasn't mine. Had Tokiya forgotten to take it home? - М-м? - пробормотала я, заметив на столе книгу, которую раньше не видела. Точно не моя. Может это Токия забыл?

I was somewhat interested in Tokiya's taste of books, so I picked it up and took a look. Подстегиваемая любопытством о его вкусе в книгах, я взяла ее в руки.

From the hardcover binding, I had assumed it was a novel, but it turned out to be a theater script. Книга была в твердом переплете, и я решила, что это роман, но оказалось - сценарий для спектакля.

I'd had no idea that Tokiya was interested in theater. Не знала, что Токия интересуется театром.

The story was very much like a fairy tale. Сюжет создавал ощущение сказочного.

Convinced to be the most beautiful woman under the sun, that woman would always try to become more beautiful every day. She received countless proposals, but she would turn every single one of them down because she thought that there was no man worthy of her beauty. Женщина, убежденная в том, что она самая красивая на свете, каждый день пыталась сделаться еще красивее. На нее сыпались бесчисленные предложения руки и сердца, но она всем отказывала, так как считала, что нет мужчины, достойного ее красоты.

One day, she asked her magical mirror who was the fairest one of all, but the mirror replied with the name of someone else. Even though the woman increased her efforts to look more beautiful, the mirror never replied with her own name again. Однажды она спросила у волшебного зеркальца, кто был на свете всех милей, но услышала чужое имя. И хотя женщина стала тратить на внешность еще больше усилий, зеркало никогда так и не назвало ее имя.

The woman used her entire life solely for trying to look pretty with make-up and jewelry, and became old without gaining anything at all. Она потратила всю жизнь, пытаясь добиться красоты при помощи макияжа и украшений, и состарилась, так ничего и не получив от жизни.

As time went by, the proposals subsided, and in the end, she died all alone.
Со временем предложений становилось все меньше, и в конце концов она умерла в полном одиночестве.

"What's this..." - Что это...

The message of this story was written in the postscript. В послесловие содержалась мораль истории:

"You'd better refrain from futile efforts." «Лучше не занимайтесь напрасным трудом.»

Something pierced through my heart. Сердце словно что-то пронзило.

What was the meaning of this? Of this strangely reverberating sentence? Что оно означает, это странно отозвавшееся в душе предложение?

Why had Tokiya left this book here today of all days? Почему Токия забыл эту книгу именно сегодня?

"Ah! Perhaps... does he want to say that...?" - А! Может быть... он хочет сказать, что?..

I hurried to my room and opened my dresser. Я поспешила к себе в комнату и открыла ящик комода.

I was keeping the photo there so that nobody would find it. I really wanted to just throw it away, but I had deliberately kept it for the purpose of renewing my determination when I was about to give up. Там я прятала фотографию. Я хотела выкинуть ее, но потом решила оставить в целях повышения мотивации на случай, если буду на грани отчаяния.

The photo was there. However, I had no means of knowing that no one had seen it. Снимок все еще лежал в ящике, но я не могла знать наверняка, что его никто не видел.

No, Tokiya had seen the photo for sure. Maybe he had known from the start. Maybe he had already seen the photo back when I took it. Нет, Токия точно видел. Может он знал с самого начала. Может он увидел фотографию еще когда я ее только сделала.

He knew what I looked like in sixteen years from now. Он знает, как я буду выглядеть через 16 лет.

And on top of that knowledge, he had left this script purposefully at a place where I would find it. Мало того, он специально оставил сценарий там, где я его замечу.

In order to say that my efforts were futile. Чтобы сказать мне, что мои усилия напрасны.

Before I knew it, I had thrown the script away. Не усела я оглянуться, как выбросила сценарий.

I see. That's what you wanted to tell me. Ясно. Вот что ты хотел мне сказать.

Of course you would notice, right? Разумеется, ты не мог не заметить.

Of course you wouldn't get bored of me when you aren't interested in the first place, right? Разумеется, я не могла тебе наскучить, если ты даже не заинтересован во мне.

Why, thanks for that eye-opener!
Что ж, спасибо, что просветил!

I took my cream and my lotion, and patted them onto my face, using twice the amount and time than usual. Я взяла крем и лосьон и нанесла на лицо в два раза больше, чем обычно, и того и другого.

But this wasn't enough by half, I was sure. Но этого было мало; я была уверена.

While applying make-up, I made up my mind. Нанося макияж, я приняла решение.

It's time for my secret weapon! Even though I may have sealed it away because of its difficulty level... Время использовать секретное оружие! Хотя я его запрятала из-за уровня сложности...

I put away the magazine I had been reading so far, and took a different book out of the depths of my book shelf. Отложив журнал, я отрыла в недрах книжной полки кое-что другое.

Very well, Tokiya! I'll accept your challenge. Хорошо, Токия! Я принимаю твой вызов.

We'll see if I'm really making futile efforts here. Посмотрим, действительно ли мой труд напрасен.

I'll make you lose your tongue. Ты у меня язык проглотишь.

Just you wait! Вот увидишь!

I'll become the most beautiful thing you've ever seen!

Я превращусь в красавицу, каких ты в жизни не видел!

When headed to the Tsukumodo Antique Shop after school, I ran into someone who was leaving the shop with a contorted face. Figuring that Saki had done it again, I entered the shop with a sigh. После школы, подходя к антикварному магазину Цукумодо, я заметил покидающего его человека с перекошенным лицом. Решив, что это очередное дело рук Саки, я со вздохом вошел в магазин.

"Welcome, Tokiya." - Добро пожаловать, Токия.

"Hey, what have you done to that... WHOA!" I yelled out as I shrunk back. - Эй, что ты сделала с тем... БЛИН! - съежившись, прокричал я.

"What's wrong?" - Что-то не так?

"Wrong...? That's my line... ah, no..." - Не так?.. Это я должен тебя спросить... А, нет...

To my surprise, Saki had put on make-up. К моему удивлению, Саки накрасилась.

Needless to say, I wouldn't have been so surprised if it was just make-up. Само собой разумеется, если бы она просто накрасилась, я бы так сильно не удивился.

No, she had put on some extremely heavy make-up, much like a member of a certain theatrical group that was popular among the girls at the moment. The group had become famous because of its members who wore costumes that were as gaudy as it gets along with heavy make-up, and because of their scriptwriter who was an unparalleled master at reinterpreting existing tales. Нет, на ней было невероятное количество косметики, и она походила на члена одной популярной сейчас среди девушек театральной группы. Она получила известность благодаря безумно ярким костюмам и большому колличеству макияжа их состава, а также их сценаристу - непревзойденному мастеру переделывания на свой лад старых сюжетов.

Eye shadow glaringly purple, eyebrows like drawn with a marker, eyelashes lengthened to twice their original length, cheeks redder than in the coldest of countries, lipstick as red as blood, and fancy glitter all around her face. Ослепительно фиолетовые тени для век; словно нарисованные маркером брови, вдвое удлиненные ресницы, щеки краснее, чем при самом жестоком морозе, помада красная как кровь и покрывавшие все лицо раскошные блестки.

Tsukumodo V2 259.jpg

As fancy as it might look on the stage from a ten or twenty meters' distance, it was just downright horrifying when seen from so near. Каким бы шикарным не казался этот образ на сцене, на расстоянии 10-20 метров, вблизи - просто тихий ужас.

No wonder that customer went home with a grimace. We should be happy that he didn't scream his lungs out. I was curious what the customer thought our shop was after this incident. Понятно почему покупатель ушел с такой гримасой. Повезло, что он не закричал как резаный. Мне любопытно, за какое заведение он принял наш магазин после встречей с Саки.

"What's wrong?" she asked. - Что такое? - спросила она.

"Ah, no, nothing. Um, why don't you take a rest?" - А, нет, ничего. Эм, не хочешь передохнуть?

"I don't need one." - Я не нуждаюсь в отдыхе.

"No, I'm sure you do. Aren't you a bit tired? Yeah, you should be." - Думаю, нуждаешься. Разве ты не устала? Угу, не могла не устать.

"You think so? I'll take a short break then." - Ты так считаешь? Тогда возьму небольшой перерыв.

Losing to my persistence, Saki left the counter for the living room.< Поддавшись моей настойчивости, Саки оставила прилавок и направилась в гостиную.

I changed my clothes, and sat down behind the counter, but I couldn't suppress the urge to sneak a peek at Saki. Я переоделся и сел за прилавок, но меня обуревало непреодолимое желание посмотреть краем глаза на Саки.

What on Earth happened? No, more importantly, is it really okay to ask her about it? Or should I pretend like everything'ss fine and dandy? But she's making it way too blatant to feign ignorance. Что же такое стряслось-то? Нет, есть вопрос поважнее: стоит ли спрашивать ее об этом? Или может сделать вид, что все нормально? Но для этого ее вид слишком бросается в глаза.

Suddenly, the book she was reading caught my eye. Вдруг мне на глаза попалась книга, которую она читала.

"Becoming An Actress Made Easy! (Make-Up for the Stage)" «Стать актриссой - легко! (Макияж для сцены)»

That was the title. Вот что гласило название.

"S-Saki?" - С-Саки?

"What is it?" - Что такое?

"D-Does this book also help improving your customer service?" I asked. - Э-эта книга тоже должна помочь тебе лучше обслуживать покупателей? - спросил я.

With a deadpan look... no, that look was way too dreadful to be called deadpan, Saki replied, "What are you talking about? How would make-up and customer service be related?" С каменным лицом - нет, ее выражение лица было слишком грозным, чтобы назвать его каменным, - Саки ответила:

- О чем ты говоришь? Как макияж и обслуживание покупателей могут быть связаны?

"Y-Yeah, you're right. Sorry for asking a strange question." - Д-да, ты права. Извини за странный вопрос.

Absolutely, absolutely. We're not a cosmetics store after all... Wait. It's like I said something strange now! I feel like our roles are reversed. Obviously, Saki's the strange of us. Конечно, конечно. Мы же не магазин косметики... Стоп. Теперь получается, как будто я сказал что-то странное! Ощущение, что мы поменялись ролями. Без сомнения, из нас двоих странная - это Саки.

But that aside, how should I interpret her behavior? Ну ладно, но как мне расценивать ее поведение?

O-Oh, it's a good thing to have a hobby. Хоби иметь - хорошо.

While I'm against putting something like that on during work, regardless how interested she is, I guess I'll take a back seat and remain an observer. Хотя я против такого внешнего вида на работе, как бы это ее не увлекало, пожалуй я останусь в роли наблюдателя.

Yeah, that's a good idea. Ага, это хорошая идея.

Towako-san, please come home soon.
Товако-сан, пожалуйста, возвращайтесь скорее.

"Tokiya." - Токия.

I winced in surprise. Я вздрогнул от удивления.

"W-What is it?" - Ч-что такое?

Saki walked up straight to me and held out a book. Саки подошла ко мне и протянула книгу.

At that moment, it finally dawned on me as if hit by a thunder. И тогда до меня наконец дошло, словно молнией ударило.

That peculiar make-up was that of the theatrical group Saki had been reading a report about in that magazine a few days ago. Sure, after realizing that she was interested in such stuff, I had brought her one of their scripts from the library and put it on the table in the living room, but I hadn't dreamed that she was fascinated by them so much as to imitate their actresses. No, maybe she was aiming to become an actual actress if her imitation was so close to perfection? No, no, she wouldn't... Саки носила макияж той театральной группы, о которой она несколько дней назад читала в журнале. Да, узнав, что она ими интересуется, я принес из библиотеки один из их сценариев и положил на стол в гостиной, но я и представить себе не мог, что она настолько очарованна ими, чтобы имитировать одну из актрисс. Нет, может она сама хотела стать актриссой, раз уж ее имитация так близка к идеалу? Нет, нет, она не стала бы...

"Thanks for that book." - Спасибо за книгу.

"D-Did you like it?" - Т-тебе понравилось?

"Why, yes. I loved it." - Как же? Безумно.

It seemed like this wasn't about simple "interest"; her face was expressionless as always, but her eyes weren't. Похоже это не просто интерес; лицо как и всегда ничего не выражало, а вот глаза - еще как.

I sensed fire in her eyes, almost as though she was glaring at me. В ее взгляде пылал огонь, напоминавший злость.

By the way, this book was a reinterpretation of a story whose moral was "Do not only polish your outside, but also your inside," and "Don't envy others for their looks; you are you, and they are they." Кстати, эта книга являлась переделкой истории, мораль которой: «Улучшай не только внешние качества, но и внутренние» и «Не завидуй чужой красоте; ты - это ты, а они - это они.»

I hadn't read the book myself, but the student who helped out in the library had told me so. Apparently, the message the author had written in the postscript was just a little prank and shouldn't be taken seriously. Сам я книжку не читал, все это мне рассказала ученица, дежурившая в библиотеке. Видимо написанное автором в послесловии - просто небольшой прикол, и воспринимать серьезно его не стоит.

Actually, that library helper had given me another book which she obstinately recommended to me. I had originally planned to return it unread, but if Saki was so much into this sort of thing, I thought I might just as well lend it to her. Вообще-то я взял еще одну книгу, которую настойчиво рекомендовала та ученица. Я хотел вернуть ее, так и не прочитав, но если Саки так этим увлекается, то почему бы не дать ей почитать?

I'll leave that book on the table for her. Оставлю на столе.

Mm, what should I get her tomorrow?
М-м, что же принести ей завтра?

I found another book that day. В тот день я нашла еще одну книгу.

It was a script by the same group as the first time, and again it was a fairy tale-like story with a moral. Это был еще один сценарий той группы, с таким же сказочным сюжетом, приправленным моралью.

Once upon a time, there was a young woman living in a village. Her family was poor, her clothes ragged, and her face and hands stained from the daily farm work. Because of her seedy appearance, she was always laughed at. Жила-была в деревне девушка. Семья у нее была бедной, одежда - разваливалась, а лицо и руки - грязные от ежедневной работы в поле. Из-за ее потрепанного вида над ней постоянно смеялись.

Despite all that, the girl tried to enjoy her life to the fullest, when one day, a man came to her place in order to thank her for saving him when he'd once slumped down on the road. Несмотря на эти трудности, девушка старалась брать от жизни все. Однажды ее посетил мужчина, поблагодарить за то, что она помогла ему, когда тот упал на дороге.

He was actually a nobleman and asked for her hand, presenting her with clothes and jewelry more beautiful and expensive than anything she knew. На самом деле он оказался дворянином и попросил ее руки, осыпав одеждой и драгоценностями прекраснее и дороже, чем она когда-либо видела.

After she had cleaned away the dirt and put on her new clothes, she turned into a most beautiful lady. She married the man and lived happily ever after.
Смыв с себя грязь и переодевшись, она преобразилась в обворажительную леди. Они поженились и жили долго и счастливо.

The moral of this story was written in the postscript. В послесловии содержалась мораль истории:

"No matter how pretty your face is, if you don't pay attention to your clothes and your hygiene, it's all for nothing." «Каким бы красивым лицом вы не обладали, если не будете следить за одеждой и гигиеной, толку от него нет.»

Something pierced through my heart. Сердце словно что-то пронзило.

Tokiya was laughing at my desperate efforts in make-up, implying that even that wouldn't change my seedy appearance in sixteen years. Токия надсмехался над моими отчаянными усилиями, хотев сказать, что это не изменит моей потрепанной внешности через 16 лет.

Before I knew it, I had thrown the script away. Не усела я оглянуться, как выбросила сценарий.

Very well, Tokiya. I'll accept your challenge. Хорошо, Токия. Я принимаю твой вызов.

I'll show you the result of my "futile efforts," and make you lose your tongue. Я покажу тебе результат моего «напрасного труда» и заставлю проглотить язык.

Just you wait! Вот увидишь!

I'll become the most beautiful thing you've ever seen!

Я превращусь в красавицу, каких ты в жизни не видел!

When I arrived at the shop he following day, Saki was wearing an extravagant black dress. Когда я появился в магазине на следующий день, то увидел Маки, одетую в экстравагантное черное платье.

In her hands, she was holding a book titled "Becoming an Actress Made Easy! (Costumes for the Stage)." Indeed, the dress she was wearing was exactly that of a queen in the theater, and could probably only be found in a costume shop. I was surprised to see that she had even sought out such a special kind of shop. В руках она держала книгу под названием «Стать актриссой - легко (Костюмы)». Действительно, в этом платье она точно могла играть королеву в театре; достать такое можно было разве что в специализированном магазине. Меня удивило, что она даже отыскала такой магазин.

Perhaps, she was seriously aiming to become an actress. Может она серьезно намеревалась стать актриссой.

Her face was expressionless as always, but her eyes weren't. Ее лицо как всегда ничего не выражало, а вот глаза - еще как.

I sensed the fiercest flames in them, as though she was about to pierce someone with her gaze alone. В них чувстовалось лютое пламя, будто она собиралась пронзить кого-то одним лишь взглядом.

"Oh, you're here?" she said. - А, ты уже пришел?

"Yeah, I'm taking over here, so you can take a break." - Ага, я тогда - за прилавок, а ты возьми перерыв.

"Thanks for the book." - Спасибо за книгу.

"Did you like it?" - Тебе понравилось?

"Why, yes. I loved it." - Как же? Безумно.

It seemed like she had already finished the book I'd brought her. Now that's what I call passion, reading through such a book in one day. Похоже она уже прочитала книжку, которую я ей принес. Прочитать такую книгу за день, вот это - страсть.

By the way, the book was a reinterpretation of a story whose moral was "Don't judge over things by the first impression, maybe you'll find that they are really beautiful on a closer look." Кстати, эта книга являлась переделкой истории, мораль которой: «Не судите о чем-либо по первому впечатлению - может быть, если вы познакомитесь с ними поближе, окажется, что они очень даже красивы.»

I hadn't read the book myself, but the student who helped out in the library had told me so. The message the author had written in the postscript was again just a prank and shouldn't be taken seriously. Сам я книжку не читал, все это мне рассказала ученица, дежурившая в библиотеке. Видимо написанное автором в послесловии - опять же просто небольшой прикол, и воспринимать серьезно его не стоит.

I'll leave the book I brought her today on the table. Оставлю книгу, которую захватил сегодня, на столе.

Mm, what should I get her tomorrow?
М-м, что бы принести ей завтра?

I found yet another book that day. В тот день я нашла еще одну книгу.

It was a script by the same group as the first two times, and again it was a fairy tale-like story with a moral. Это был еще один сценарий той группы, с таким же сказочным сюжетом, приправленным моралью.

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom with a queen who wore a wig. One evening during supper, her wig was askew, and everyone except for her had noticed. Because her wig really was a secret, however, nobody could point it out to her. Жила-была королева, которая носила парик. Как-то раз за ужином парик немного съехал, и все кроме нее это заметили. Но так как она скрывала, что носит парик, никто не мог ей сказать.

Everyone present started to pay attention that they did not look at her hair and that they did not use any words that would remind of head hair. Все присутствовавшие старались не смотреть на ее парик и не использовать слова, ассоциировавшиеся с волосами.

But then it happened: Her wig caught fire from a candle. But she still failed to notice. The other diners wanted to kill the fire by tapping or with water, but it would end in a disaster if the wig fell off by accident. If they did not hurry up, the queen would burn herself, but if the queen found out that they knew about her wig, they would be sentenced to death. The air was tense when the nobles started to shake a few bottles of weak liquor and popper their corks. The liquor poured over all of them, including the queen, and made the dripping wet, preventing the worst. Incidentally, this is the origin of what we now call "Champagne Fight."[1]
Но тогда произошло следующее: парик загорелся от свечки. Но королева и этого не заметила. Сидевшие за столом хотели потушить огонь, но если бы в процессе парик упал - это было бы катастрофой. Если не поторопиться, то королева обожжется, но если она узнает, что им известно о парике, то их приговорят к смертной казни. И в этой накаленной атмосфере дворяне принялись трясти бутылки со слабым алкоголем, затем откупорили пробки. На всех, включая королеву, полетели брызги, предотвратив наихудшее развитие событий. Кстати, отсюда и произошло поливание друг друга шампанским.

The message of that story was written in the postscript. В послесловии содержалась мораль истории:

"Your hair is on fire, too. Better check your hair before it's gone. Furthermore, this story is incomplete. A continuation is in the works." «Ваши волосы тоже горят. Тушите, пока не поздно. А еще - эта история незакончена. Продолжение следует.»

Something pierced through my heart. Сердце словно что-то пронзило.

Tokiya was laughing at my desperate efforts in make-up and fashion, implying that my untreated hair—the feature of beauty of every girl—will not only become disheveled but fall off entirely. Токия надсмехался над моими отчаянными усилиями, пытаясь сказать, что если я не буду следить за волосами - а это визитная карточка каждой девушки - то они не просто превратяться в птичье гнездо, а выпадут совсем.

He even came up with an ironical implication that I hadn't lighted a fire under myself, but on my head, and by giving me a half-baked book, he implied that my efforts are just as half-baked. Он умудрился даже иронично намекнуть, что я развела костер не под собой, а на голове. И дав мне незаконченную книгу, он давал понять, что и я тружусь в полсилы.

Before I knew it, I had thrown away the script. Не успела я оглянуться, как уже выбьросила сценарий.

Very well, Tokiya. I'll accept that challenge. Хорошо, Токия. Я принимаю твой вызов.

We'll see if my efforts end up half-baked. Посмотрим, в полсилы ли я тружусь.

I'll make you lose your tongue. Ты у меня язык проглотишь.

Just you wait. Вот увидишь.

I'll become the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

Я превращусь в красавицу, каких ты в жизни не видел!

When I arrived at the shop the following day, Saki told me straight away, "I'm going to the barbershop today." Когда на следующий день я прибыл в магазин, Саки тут же сказала мне:
- Сегодня я иду в парикмахерскую.

In her hand she was holding a book titled "Becoming an Actress Made Easy! (Wig for the Stage)." She's come a long way, I thought. Personally, I found her hair pretty as it was, but she seemed to differ. В руках она держала книгу под названием «Стать актриссой - легко! (Парики)». «Прогресс налицо» - подумал я. Лично мне и так нравились ее волосы, но она видимо была иного мнения.

Perhaps, she was aiming for the leading role and wanted to stand out most. Может быть она нацелилась заполучить главную роль и поэтому хотела выделиться?

Her face was expressionless as always, but her eyes weren't. Ее лицо как всегда ничего не выражало, а вот глаза - еще как.

I sensed fire in her eyes, almost as if she wanted to curse someone to death. В ее взгляде пылал огонь, словно она хотела проклятьем обречь кого-то на смерть.

"Oh, you're here?" - А, ты уже пришел?

"Yeah, I'm taking over here, so have a rest." - Ага, я тогда - за прилавок, а ты возьми перерыв.

"Thanks for the book." - Спасибо за книгу.

"Did you like it?" - Тебе понравилось?

"Why, yes. I loved it." - Как же? Безумно.

It seemed like she had already finished the book I'd brought her. Now that's what I call passion, reading through such a book in one day again. Похоже она уже прочитала книжку, которую я ей принес. Прочитать такую книгу за день, вот это - страсть.

By the way, the book was a reinterpretation of a story whose moral was "You look best when you're just yourself," and "Don't trouble the people around you with absurd lies." Кстати, эта книга являлась переделкой истории, мораль которой: «Люди краше всего, когда не стараются быть кем-то, кроме самими собой» и «Не создавайте проблем окружающим своим абсурдным враньем».

Again, I hadn't read the book myself, but I was told so. The message the author had written in the postscript was yet another prank and shouldn't be taken seriously. Эту книгу я тоже не читал - сюжет мне пересказали. Мораль в послесловии - опять же просто прикол, и воспринимать серьезно ее не стоит.

I'll leave the book I brought her today on the table. Оставлю книгу, которую захватил сегодня, на столе.

Mm, what should I get her tomorrow?
М-м, что бы принести ей завтра?

That day I headed to the barbershop to get some hair treatment.

Not to the barbershop I usually went, but to a much fancier place: a shop that combined various areas of the beauty business, from hair salons to make-up and nail salons.

Since that dress was sort of troublesome to walk in, I changed to my usual clothes, but I left my make-up as it was. The magazine said the UV radiation would hurt my skin otherwise.

"Welcome to...?"

Oh dear, where's the object in that sentence? I understand they don't know how to attend to customers here.

"I'm Saki Maino. I've made an appointment."

"Ah, yes. We've been awaiting you. Please, this way."

After I had been led to a seat, I was asked to sit down and was covered with a sheet. My body disappeared under the white sheet, with only my heavily made-up face poking out. It must have looked quite eerie, if I may say so myself. But it was all for the sake of getting a fine skin like an actress! I couldn't be picky now.

"My name is Koumoto and I will be your hairstylist today."

"Pleased to meet you."

Koumoto-san nodded and touched my hair.

"You have beautiful hair. Do you care for them a lot?"

"No. All I do is apply the most necessary when bathing."

I did use shampoo and hair oil, which I both borrowed from Towako-san, but nothing special.

But everything aside, having seen my looks in sixteen years, I couldn't care less about empty phrases.

"How would you like to have you hair done?"

"Like this. And I'd also like to ask for a treatment," I said as I gave him a cut-out from my book.

The haircut in the photo was coiled like a soft ice cream. While very offbeat, the cut was bound to be in vogue if an actress was wearing it.

Normal treatment was insufficient; in order to go one step further than challenged, I had decided to get myself a new haircut. There would be no room for any complaints after that.

"Err, this haircut?"


"Ummm, may I ask one thing?"


"Is there a reason for that make-up and this haircut?"

The air tensed inside the salon, as though someone had dropped a brick.

"A... reason?"

Is he asking about the Relic that has shown my future appearance? No, he wouldn't know. But what is he referring to then?

"I mean, are you an actress and the play takes place tomorrow?"

"No, I'm not. I'm just a shop assistant."

"A shop... assistant..."


"Excuse my rudeness, but may I ask what book this photo is from?"

"Um, just from a normal book about haircuts really."

"Normal... Um, I really do not mean to be rude, but did you also refer to such a book for your make-up?"


"A book on what?"

"It introduced various make-up techniques for actresses. I thought it was best to start by imitating an actress if I wanted to get good at make-up."

"Yes, of course... an actress."

Why is it that I feel like he is overly carefully trying to say something?

Looking at his face in the mirror, it's kind of contorted, and bitter.

N-No way...

I noticed a certain thing and reluctantly asked, "Do I look strange?"

While still trying to choose his words carefully, the hairstylist answered point-blank, "Very much so."

I gazed at my unmade-up face in the mirror.

I hadn't expected that the first thing I would do at the barbershop would be removing my make-up.

According to Koumoto-san, my make-up had indeed been that of an actress, but not what they would put on normally.

He also showed me a few magazines of make-ups, haircuts and fashion that was in vogue at the moment.

What I saw in those was not just far from what was in my books; it couldn't have been any more different.

O-Of course, I had also thought that the make-up was a bit heavy, the clothes a bit gaudy, and the haircut a bit extravagant, but it was a fact that there were people who actually used that outfit. Besides, I had been convinced that I couldn't get too aggressive after seeing myself in sixteen years and getting provoked by Tokiya. But as it seemed, my make-up had been too heavy, my clothes too gaudy and my haircut too extravagant. I was really grateful that I hadn't put on my dress when I'd come here.

"Mm, mm! Au naturel suits you way better!"

"T-Thank you."

I could see Koumoto's satisfied smile reflected in the mirror. Too embarrassed to hold his gaze, I turned my face down.

I was so close to my limits that I couldn't even be bothered that he had dropped his polite choice of words.

"Okay, can you look ahead for a sec?"

I had to turn my head upwards again. Right now, I was really grateful that my feelings didn't show much on my face.

Koumoto-san was holding a make-up tool.

"We're well-equipped because we also have a make-up and nail salon in the second floor here. Well, just look."

After he had applied a few basic cosmetic products, he lightly applied a foundation on my face and traced my lips with a weak lipstick.

"This should be more than enough in your case. After all, you have pretty eyes, well-defined eyebrows, and nice long eyelashes. In fact, you probably wouldn't need to do anything at all."

He's a pro, I thought when I saw how he managed to beautify my face while keeping it natural.

He also taught me a few tricks, and explained to me that there was no need for heavy make-up just to protect the skin from UV radiation.

I realized just how mistaken my shallow knowledge had been.

Now that I calmly looked back on it, I had to admit that my make-up had been gross. No one would walk around like that.

It seemed like I'd had, as was rare for me, lost my composure and become numb. How careless of me.

"Okay then, we'll just adjust your hair a bit today and then give it a treatment, is that fine?"

Needless to say, I had decided against that strange haircut and just asked him to adjust the length a bit, after which he applied a treatment. While I was waiting for the conditioner to have an effect, Koumoto-san talked with me.

"By the way, how come you started caring about make-up and hair care? Is there a cause?"

"Um, to tell the truth, I was shown how I might look in a couple of years."
"Aah, one of those machines that can supposedly find out such things by analyzing the condition of your skin?"

I couldn't tell him about the Relics, but apparently, there was an actual machine that did something similar.

"It was a real shock to see so many wrinkles and slack skin..."

"Are you sure? I don't think so. You must have been fooled."

"B-But that's not all! When I started caring for my skin, a colleague at work indirectly told me that it's all futile effort and that my hair and clothes were awful as well, so I wanted to show him..."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

What? What is he talking about all of a sudden. Tokiya and I, we're not a couple or dating or anything.

But it's not the first time I was told so. No, maybe I'm being told so quite often. Does that mean that we look like that to others? But Koumoto-san hasn't seen us together... did he come to that conclusion from my way of talking about Tokiya?

Did I speak in a way that could be taken like that? Sure, we spend a lot of time together, and we're calling each other by the first name, and I've already visited his apartment, and we also go out together once in a while.

Is this what we normally call dating someone?

Mmm, no no. There never was a confession or anything, and I don't look at Tokiya in such a light. Ah, but I absolutely don't dislike him. More like, of all people around me, he's the closest to me... there's no one else my age, so he's the only one... Ah! With "the only one" I don't mean that I can't think of being together with someone else or anything, um, anyway, we're not seeing each other, and we aren't a couple, nothing of this kind.

Therefore, I bluntly said, "No. He's not."

"It took you quite a while to arrive at that conclusion, didn't it?"

"What do you mean?"

"No need to affect indifference..."

"I'm not. I'm always like this."

"U-Uh-huh..." he muttered in reply as he smiled wryly for some reason. "Um, anyways, leaving aside what he told you, it's important to care for your skin, but you shouldn't get over-eager. You have really pretty skin and hair!"

"Y-You think so? Thank you."

I'm relieved if a pro says so.

"I'll stop trying all kinds of things then," I said.

"Yes, that would be good. But you don't need to stop everything! Just the minimum. You're a girl; it's normal that you would want to look pretty for a certain person."

Apparently, Koumoto-san still had a wrong image of Tokiya and me.

Besides, this time it wasn't about being pretty for someone, but a personal matter of being pretty. I had to admit that I'd been fooled by that article and got a bit over-eager because of Tokiya's provocations, but he was really unrelated.

After that, we continued to chat a bit until the treatment finished, and in the end, I had him blow-dry my hair.

"Thank you for everything," I said, including my gratitude for clearing things up for me.

"No problem. Please visit us again if you like."

"Yes," I replied. But when I wanted to pay the bill, I realized:

"...I've left my wallet at home."

When she came back from the barbershop, Saki had removed that stage actor-like make-up.

The length of her hair hadn't changed too much, but it was a bit cut into shape. I had been afraid of what strange haircut she would get, but fortunately, my fears ended up being unfounded.

Since she didn't change into her actress dress, I assumed that she had finished the first phase of whatever she was trying to do.

I left out a sigh of relief internally.

I had decided to stop her if she were to do even stranger things.

"I think this make-up looks much better on you!"

"Huh? Eh? Ah, yes," Saki uttered with a few blinks, apparently a bit taken aback. "I-I have to go out again for a moment," Saki said shortly after arriving.

"Okay, but where are you going?"


"Why didn't you do that when you came back?"

"I just recalled that I forgot to buy something! Anyway, take care of the shop while I'm away."

With these words, Saki left the shop again. Almost as if she didn't want me to inquire further.

This was bothering me. Something was weird. First that make-up, then those clothes, now this, I clearly smelled a rat.


After waiting that she had left, I followed her.

Without noticing me, Saki walked along the road.

Clearly, she wasn't shopping. The super market she usually went to wasn't this way.

After I had followed her carefully for a while, she stopped in front of a certain shop.

It was a beauty salon. With no hesitation, Saki entered the salon.

What's the meaning of this? Why would she go to a barbershop again when she just came back from one? Was her extravagant haircut just not done yet?

While hiding behind a telephone pole, I peeped into the shop. A young man who was approximately twenty years old approached Saki upon noticing her. He seemed to be one of those charismatic hairstylist and it looked like they knew each other already. Was he Saki's hairstylist of choice?

The two started to talk.

It was a normal conversation, but somehow they seemed to be rather familiar with each other. Even worse, I felt like I could recognize embarrassment in Saki's trademarked deadpan look.

Could it be that he's the reason why Saki started caring about cosmetics and fashion?

After they had exchanged a few words, the hairstylist tried to take her somewhere, pushing her a little.

Saki nodded once and followed along.

There was no way she would have to leave the department if she just wanted to get her hair done. No, coming twice alone was already strange enough.

Seriously, what's going on here?

Heavily confused by the turn of events, I just kept standing there thunderstruck.

I was so embarrassed about leaving my wallet at home that I couldn't tell Tokiya. Who knows how he would have made fun of me.

That aside...

I think this make-up looks much better on you!

Tokiya praised me.

That catchphrase in that magazine had been my goal, but I didn't really want to be praised; I hadn't started learning about make-up for that.

But I was happy... more than when I just imagined it.

Maybe, things like skin care, make-up and fashion, while bothersome, weren't so bad after all.

A-Also, looks like Tokiya didn't like that heavy make-up either. Why didn't he just tell me then!

I made a few complaints internally.

While mulling over such things, I arrived at the beauty salon and asked for Koumoto-san.

While I was waiting for him, the person at the reception praised me, commenting that this make-up looked better. Praise never feels bad of course, but because Tokiya had already praised me, I wasn't as happy.

I wonder why? Have I become used to praise just because Tokiya has done so once?

I was a bit ashamed of my conceit.

After a while, Koumoto-san approached me, and when I paid the bill while saying thanks again, he gently replied, "You didn't have to pay today."

The hairstylists around us who knew what had happened laughed.

First the make-up, then my wallet; it looked like I had become famous around here.

How embarrassing! I want to bury my head in the sand! I don't look like that to anyone, though.

"Okay, payment received!"

"Yes, thank you for everything."

"Ah, wait a moment!" Koumoto stopped me when I was about to turn around.


"Um, you know, we're holding a shooting here today for our new advertisement, but our model had to cancel last-minute. We do have a few shots from other candidates that could be used for the advertisement, but it would be a real shame if the clothes and the set we've prepared was all for naught."


"Wouldn't you like to stand in?"


I think that my surprise became quite visible even though it was me.

"You would fit the image perfectly! What do you think? Just think of it as doing us a little favor. Ah, of course you'll get a pay, and we'll try to accommodate you."

"Um, but I don't want to have my hair cut."

"Okay, no cut then."

"Um, but I don't have any experience in this sort of thing."

"Don't worry. We'll have pros take care of your make-up, your clothes and hair, you just have to sit there!"

"Um, but... but..."

I couldn't think of any other reason to turn him down.

"You're interested in make-up and fashion, aren't you? You don't get pros to do that for you everyday, and you can even get tips from the specialists. And considering how you looked earlier, this is a great opportunity if you ask me."

The how you looked earlier touched me in a sore point. I may not owe him a favor, but as a little token of gratitude...

"Besides, you can show that colleague of yours how pretty you are, and you may get some praise from him?"

"N-No need for that. But this might be a good opportunity to show him once for all."

Yes. I didn't want to be praised or anything, but I could show him.

As a matter of fact, I hadn't forgiven Tokiya for his provoking attitude yet. In fact, I was burning to show him more than ever after I had learned a few tricks from Koumoto-san.

I had by no means taken a liking to being praised by Tokiya, and I did of course not want to get praised again.

"Please! Do us a favor!"


Contrary to my personality, I accepted being their model.

"Thank you, you're being a real help here! Do you have any wishes? Please tell me in advance what you don't want us to do."

"Um, there's one thing," I said and voiced one request I had.

Quite a while passed waiting for her.

She would still not come back. Just when I started to worry that she had been involved in a dangerous incident and planned to go to her rescue, the hairstylist in question appeared.

He went outside and started to have a puff. He looked like he had settled a job.

I accidentally stumbled out of the shadow, and our eyes met.

Thinking I was a customer, he gave me a nod.

If I were to leave now, I would make myself suspicious as hell.

"Ah, excuse me. I'm looking for a girl who's working at the same place like I am. Do you happen to have seen her?"

I then told him Saki's name and her characteristics. I felt a bit stupid because I knew she was there.

The hairstylist pondered shortly, but then he nodded and told me that she was here.

"So you're her colleague?"

"Eh? Have you heard about me?"

"I was in charge of her today, you know. She told me a few things."

"I see. By the way, what has she come here for anyway? Wasn't she already here earlier?"

"Aah, she has forgotten her... No, um, we have asked her to model for us."

It seemed like he was hiding something, but the latter part of his statement was more shocking anyway.

"Model for you?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"No, I was just surprised."

I was indeed surprised.

She, a model? It was the surprise among surprises that she would accept such an offer. I thought that if asked, she would decline point-blank.

"Um, are you acquainted with her?" I asked the hairstylist.

"No, I only attended her today. You see, the model we had hired for our new advertisement couldn't come, so we asked your colleague to stand in."

Apparently, they weren't as familiar as I had thought.

I unconsciously let out a sigh of relief. Not that I really was relieved.

"Ah, you've come just right. Could you come along for a moment?"


Without waiting for my approval, he dragged me into the salon.

While I do not know much about modeling, I was feeling like a doll.

One after the other, I was treated by professionals in hair style, make-up and attire, receiving praise and advise alike, and metamorphosed step by step.

I was told that I had nice skin. But that person, who incidentally was in her twenties, also warned me that I should be careful because it would get worse at once when I got older. Even though they were all so pretty, they all have worries respectively.

The person who was in charge of my attire had me take off my clothes and put on the new ones before I could even be embarrassed. I was told that my underwear was lacking sex appeal, but I didn't consider that necessary.

After this and that, a new Saki was looking at me in the mirror.

Because my hair was done up in a slightly loose and twisted fashion, my neck was exposed, making me feel a little uncomfortable. In addition, I was also wearing black ribbons that went well with my clothes. As for the color, it was left silver but they applied some sort of a temporary black mesh.

To my delight, my clothes were mostly black and gothic-style. Unfortunately, though, there were no sleeves and the skirt was above the knees, leaving me sort of embarrassed. I tried to pull up the elbow-long black gloves and the above-knee-high black fishnet tights as much as possible, but when I did so, I was strictly told not to.

In regards to make-up, they emphasized my eyes with mascara and added a weak red touch to my cheeks, and finally put on bright red lipstick, resulting in an overall mature and provocative appearance.

I had never been as dressed up as now in my life.

I may have been indifferent to make-up and skin care so far, but that was not because I had no interest in this sort of thing whatsoever. I did have my own views on what looked good, and I always tried to select products that suited me and that I personally liked.

That being said, I had never taken it this far.

Beauty sure needs courage.

While this style hadn't required that much courage because I had others do it for me, I shuddered at the thought of showing it to someone, especially Tokiya.

It was then that I heard Koumoto-san knock at the door and say, "Could you come, please?"

The shooting was over already, and he had been checking the photos, after which my job here was completed. Most likely, he had finished checking them and wanted to ask for my approval.

I opened the door.


When I did so, Tokiya was there.

I lost my tongue in surprise.

Why is Tokiya here? Why isn't he doing his shift?

No, why is he staring so closely at me?

Tsukumodo V2 290.jpg

I somehow felt hot in the face.

Looking closely at me, Tokiya opened his mouth.

What is he trying to say, I wonder?

I'd had no intention of showing him, but since he had already seen it now, I couldn't help but wonder about his opinion.

I felt a mix of anxiety and expectation.

While holding Tokiya's gaze, I waited patiently for his words.

I think this make-up suits you much better!

His previous words crossed my mind.

Finally, he slowly opened his mouth again and said:

"Err, pleased to meet you."

T-This jerk...

I immediately shut the door.

Tokiya didn't recognize just because of some make-up, some new clothes and a different haircut.

Koumoto-san had indeed said he would turn me into a different person, and I'd welcomed that because I didn't want anyone to recognize me in the advertisement.

But I hadn't thought that even Tokiya would fail to recognize me.

Is it really normal to mistake someone who you have spent so much time with?

I was somehow deeply disappointed.

"Hah," I sighed unintentionally.

What are you doing, girl?

Where had I started to go astray?

I originally only wanted to prevent the future by starting to care for my skin, after seeing how I would look in sixteen years. Despite that, I was fooled by that article, reacted over-sensitively to Tokiya's provocation and even started to put effort into fashion and my hair style, just to end up as a model before I knew it.

I had learned something new, indeed, but I had also clearly made a mistake.

I felt like I had completely mistaken the means with the ends, gone through a pointless struggle.

I looked into the mirror.

An unfamiliar Saki was there.

And a Saki who hadn't been recognized by Tokiya was here.

Yes, I'll admit it. I was in high spirits. I was in somewhat high spirits because of all the praise.

But those feelings had gone away somewhere.

They had disappeared in an instant, although I didn't want to admit that it was Tokiya's words that caused it.

Really... what are you doing, girl?

I removed the ribbons that had held my hair up.

My hair fell down.

"Let's go home..."

In my disappointment, I noticed something.

Even a girl like me seemed to be familiar with the desire that any girl conceives. Даже мне не чуждо желание, понятное каждой девушке.

The desire to look pretty...

...No... the desire to be praised by a certain boy.

"Err, pleased to meet you," I said, greeting a beautiful but unfamiliar girl, but she ignored me and shut the door.

My gaze wandered to Koumoto-san who was facepalming besides me.

"Huh? Don't tell me that this girl is..."

"Yes, it's her."


That was Saki? No way! But now that I think about it, I feel like it was her.

I wanted to see her again, but she had already closed the door.

"Look," he said, pointing at the photos on the table.



Saki was in them. Completely different from how she normally looked, but Saki was in them, more beautiful than I had ever seen her. It was the girl that had appeared behind the door just a moment before.

"I hadn't expected her to change that much, either! Incredible, isn't she?"

"Yeah, quite so..."

I could only give him a vague reply because I was having a shock.

Honestly speaking, those photos didn't look so much like Saki either. Unless told so, I may have not recognized her. In fact, I was still suspecting that he was fooling me.

However, once I had noticed a certain thing, I was dead-sure that it was Saki and nobody else.

I had found something proved it was her in the photos, although not noticeable to anyone else.

"What a pity. This was your chance," he said.

"My chance?"

"Well, you seemed to have a fight."

"Huh? I don't remember fighting with her."

What is he talking about? Did she talk badly about me when she had her hair done?

"But that aside," I said, "did you recommend becoming an actress to her?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Lately, she's been reading a series of self-improvement books titled 'Becoming an Actress Made Easy!' and imitating the make-up, clothes, and so forth of a certain theatrical group. Because I thought she was interested in this sort of thing, I brought her a few scripts of that group from the library, you see..."

"Your story is quite different from the one I've heard."

"The one you've heard?" I asked.

"Yes. She told me that her colleague at work implied that her efforts were futile when she started catching up on skin care."

"I don't understand."

"Neither do I!"

I had completely become lost, including the fight Koumoto-san had mentioned. Well, I was used to her occasional strange behavior, so that in itself didn't come as such a surprise.

"So she doesn't want to become an actress, did I get that right?" I asked.

"At least from what I've heard, she only wanted to learn from their make-ups."

"But why did she suddenly start caring about make-up and whatnot?"

"Well? I don't know, but doesn't every girl have some interest in make-up and fashion?"

I couldn't believe that that was all in her case, but I couldn't think of a different reason. At the very least, there must have been something that sparked her interest.

"If there's a misunderstanding between the two of you, you should probably correct it as soon as possible," he suggested.

"Hah," I uttered vaguely. He was talking about correcting it, but I didn't even know what the problem was.

"Well, but whatever the problem is, you just made a blunder," Koumoto-san said as he patted my back, half out of bafflement, half out of encouragement. "There are two types of people. Those who dress themselves up for themselves, and those who do it for someone else. What type do you think she is? If it's the latter, you should have praised her. Not recognizing her was a complete no-go, of course."

Tokiya and I returned to the shop without saying a word.

It seemed like he wanted to say something, unable to take heart, but I pretended like I didn't notice.

Once we had arrived at the shop, I went straight into the bathroom to wash my face. I'd had them remove the make-up and redo my haircut, and was wearing my usual clothes, but I just wanted to wash off that uncomfortable mood.

Only after doing so did I feel fresh again.

I looked into the mirror and found my usual face in there.

In the end, they accepted my request not to use the photos of my different self for their advertisement. Truth be told, I was relieved.

I searched my pocket. In it was a lipstick. Koumoto-san had given it to me as a token of gratitude, since there was no payment in the end. It wasn't a gaudy lipstick, but one with a pale color.

I tried putting it on.

Not to show Tokiya of course, but because I didn't want him to think that I gave up on make-up because of him.

I was quite sure that he was going to praise me.

He might be in the belief that I hadn't noticed because I'd closed the door, but I did know that Koumoto-san had given him some advise in front of the door.

I was sure that he would praise me like Koumoto-san had told him, and once he did so, I would reply like this:

"Oh, you do recognize it's me if I only put on this much?"

With this sarcastic remark, I would conclude the matter.

I wasn't angry or anything.

Apparently, it was a misunderstanding on my part regarding the scripts he'd given me, and I didn't have the right to get angry at him just because he hadn't noticed my make-up.

I was just a little disappointed.

But I didn't want to stay like that forever.

This was a chance for Tokiya.

But if he didn't notice, it was over. I wouldn't care about him anymore.

That was my line of compromise.

I went into the shop.

Tokiya was sitting behind the counter and looked at me.

His gaze went to my eyes and then downward.


Here he goes.

My heart and my answer were ready to go. I only needed his words now.

"You put on the pendant, didn't you?" he smiled.


A surprise attack. He got me. As careless as I was, I hadn't expected that.

"Koumoto-san told me that you only accepted the job on condition that you may keep the pendant on."

I unconsciously grabbed the pendant under my clothes.

It was a pendant inspired by the moon.

It was a present I had received from Tokiya.

I had requested not to remove it in exchange to model for them.

Oh boy... you didn't have to tell him, Koumoto-san.

"Thanks, Saki!"

"I-I didn't do it for you. I just like this pendant."

"Your face looks kinda red."

"That's make-up!"

"Mm? Have you put on make-up again? I think you look best as you are!"

"O-Only lipstick!"

And here I am, giving it away myself.

...What a day.

While looking at Saki's photos, I noticed that she was wore a shining pendant.

It was the very pendant I had once presented her with. That's why I became dead-sure that it was Saki... although I do admit that it's pathetic to recognize her by a pendant.

A while after that incident, when it had settled down a bit, I asked her:

"By the way, why did you even start doing make-up?"

"I wasn't interested in make-up, but in skin care."



Saki mulled over something for a few seconds, but then she went into the private area of the shop and came back with a crumpled picture. Not only the picture itself was crumpled, but also the person in it.

"What's this?"

"A photo of me from that Relic camera."

"Of you?"

"You said the camera was set to sixteen, right? That means it's a photo of me in sixteen years. But I don't care. I will care for my skin and make sure that it won't happen. Koumoto-san praised my skin, after all, and it looks like I've been successful so far."

Saki held out another picture.

"And what's this one?"

"A photo of myself in sixteen years I've taken just now."

In it was the grown-up Saki. While she still looked younger than thirty, the air about her was that of a mature woman, much like Towako-san.

Saki clearly was in a very good mood.

"Why don't you take a photo, too, Tokiya? Even if you're male, you may get the shock of your life if you don't care for your skin?"

"Aah, um, yeah, but that aside, isn't that change a bit huge?" I asked as I compared the photos she'd given me and picked up the camera. "Is this thing broken or something?"

"Hey, do you have a problem with my new photo?"

"No, not with the new, but with the old one. How would you become like this in sixteen... oh?" While tampering with the camera, I noticed something. "Is this camera set to sixteen years right now?"

"Don't you have eyes? Just look at the number down there."

"...Ah...I understand now."

"What do you understand?"

I patted her back and expressively asked her to listen to me composedly.

"The camera was not set to sixteen back then, but to ninety-one."

Apparently, I had looked at the dial the wrong way and mistook "91" for "16."

Now, isn't that a funny discovery?

"Hey, isn't that great? You're going to be a pretty woman in sixteen... Huh? Saki?"

I had no idea why, but I felt like I was hearing the rumbling of an earthquake or an erupting volcano.

Huh? Saki? Wasn't your deadpan look your trademark?


  1. It isn't.