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Radio Digest 21 - Baa-baa (mystery)[edit]

CD release: March 26, 2008
Drama screenplay: Katou Yuka (加藤有香 ) and Sakamoto Kouichi (坂本耕一)


FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Yuuri: And now, it's done...

Murata: Huh? What are you doing Shibuya?

Wolfram: Why are you filling the tub?

Yuuri: No, well... I'm just thinking about going home. I mean, look, I have to finish my summer homework.

Murata: Eh? What are you saying Shibuya? Isn't that kind of a harsh revelation?

Wolfram: What!? You're going to leave me alone!? Uh... no, I mean... Since you're the maou, do you think you can just up and leave whenever you feel like it?

Yuuri: No, uh... I'll come back right away. It's a Japanese custom to be at your parents' home during Obon.

Wolfram: ... Hm.... what is that..... Obon thing?

Murata: It's an earthly... no, I mean, a Japanese festivity to pay respect to one's ancestors by going back home. I see... it's already that season. Heh, well , then I guess I'll be going home too.

Yuuri: Eh? Really Murata?

Julia: Then, I think maybe I'll go with you, too.

Yuuri: Ah, sure, come with us. Wait, JULIA-SAN!? Why are you here!?

Julia: Well, it's just that... you're going to pay respect to your ancestors, right? So I just wanted to see the other world at least once.

Murata: I see, since Lady von Wincott is the previous owner of Shibuya's soul, you are in a way an ancestor of his, right?

Yuuri: No, I don't think so. She's far from being one.

Wolfram: Well, then I'm going too. It would be strange if the previous owner of your soul went, but your current fiancé didn't, right!?

Yuuri: It's not strange at all! Don't come!

Julia: Wolfram, you shouldn't be so selfish...

Yuuri: No, well... even though you joined this conversation as if it was something NATURAL, that also applies to you.

Murata: But you know, you two... Since everyone's going back to their hometowns, the U-turn rush will be pretty bad.

Wolfram: No matter how hard the road is, as long as people have strong feelings connecting them, they'll be able to make it!

Julia: The ordeals of having obstacles in their way, makes people stronger. I believe that a person who faces no obstacles won't be able to grow. That's a little sad, don't you think?

Yuuri: I feel like I'm being misled by a heartwarming conversation. Is it my imagination? I feel like I'm being tricked into something...

Murata: Uh... no, but it's really hard. When you're traveling, all forms of transportation are packed and delayed. There are lots of people and they're all restless.

Yuuri: W-well... I don't think that applies to trips between worlds though... but, at any rate, just like Murata said, the Obon season is pretty dreadful!

Murata: Even if you are able to get to your hometown safely, there's this and that, like being pushed around by your parents' relatives.

Yuuri: That's right, that's right.

Murata: And on top of that, as soon as you go back home, your job's waiting for you, and you have all sorts of pending tasks, and you have a hard time.

Yuuri: Uh... that's right...

Murata: And as a bonus, you have all the internal and foreign administration issues and also Lord von Christ's passionate embrace with sweat and tears mixed in waiting for you.

Yuuri: .................... I..... I think I'm not going back home.

Julia: That's... pretty sad, huh?

Show intro Murata/Wolfram: Kyou Kara Maou - Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Show: Today's guest is Mizuno Risa, Julia's seiyuu. Someone writes the show and talks about the Saitama dialect that appears in drama CD 24 "His Excellency and the MA Love Journal!?", and they ask the seiyuus if they speak a dialect. They ask Saiga-san (who's from Saitama), if she's ever used the word heard in the cd. Saiga-san says no, she's never heard of it (t/n: I told you people it was hard to translate! ╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻). Then they said they would try and use the word. Sakurai-san attempts to, but fails. They start talking about dialects (this is not interesting at all), anyways, Sakurai-san says he's from Aichi. And everyone asks him to explain the meaning of some words from the Aichi dialect. And he says: If there are too many balls on a playing field the word we use is 'baa-baa'. (meaning: there are too many balls).

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