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Radio Digest 4- Unexpected Surprise (Cherie and Anissina)[edit]

CD release: May 25, 2007
Original radio shows: Starting from November 2006.
Drama scriptwriters: Katou Yuka (加藤有香 ) and Sakamoto Kouichi (坂本耕一)

FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Murata: Oh? What's going on? Why are you putting up all these fancy decorations?

Wolfram: Perfect timing. Give us a hand. Mother decided all of a sudden, that she wanted to celebrate 'Christmasssu' and now we're getting everything ready.

Cherie: Oh, Wolfram! You don't have to make it sound like something so annoying.

Murata: Eh? I can't believe there are people who know about Christmas in Shin Makoku. I guess this is also a 'Shibuya-effect', right?

Cherie: That's right, your Highness. I heard about it a while back from Conrad, but it seems I was slightly mistaken as to how you celebrate it. However, this time, I got it right for sure. Because I heard Conrad and his Majesty talking about it.

Wolfram: Mother, that's called eavesdropping...

Cherie: No~! Please don't say that I was eavesdropping! This is called 'gathering information'. At any rate, this Christmasssu is a romantic-event for lovers, where you ask a gentleman in a red outfit for something, and he has to grant your wish. Awww, isn't it lovely?

Murata: Ahaha.... I'm not sure whether to say it's wrong, but it's kind of a strange interpretation.

FX: *knock on the door*

Anissina: Cherie-sama, I finished the item that you requested.

Cherie: Ohhh, that was quick, ne? Just as I expected from Anissina, you're so reliable.

Murata: Uh... Lady von Karbelnikoff that thing with the red and white STRIPES you have in your hands is really cute, and no matter how you look at it, it seems to be a MINI-SKIRT...

Anissina: This is the invention I've just finished, a special Christmas outfit. Because one never knows whether the worthless men who are so unreliable will be able to fulfill the requests, you know? So, to increase the certainty of them coming through, I made this so that once they put it on, they cannot take it off until they have completed the order that was given to them.

Wolfram: To ask a person to wear an outfit made of so little fabric in order to fulfill one's wish, sure sounds like something dreadful...

Murata: But say? If it was meant to be worn by men, why a MINI-SKIRT?

Cherie: Because, his Majesty said : "MINI-SKIRTS are every man's dream!"[1] or something like that.

Anissina: And this is why, Wolfram...

Wolfram: Mh?

Anissina: Why don't you put this on?

Wolfram: AGH!! Why me again!? Ah, that's right. You don't need to provide any maryoku to use this, right? In that case, you can ask the Daikenja to put it on. Because, after all, Christmasssu is an event which is originally from Earth, right?

Anissina: Ah, now that you mention it, you're right. Last time, the Daikenja was very sad about not being able to be used as a monitaa in my experiments, and this invention can certainly grant his wish.

Murata: Ah....... ahaha.... no, since I'm the intellectual type that kind of visual[2] work has nothing to do with my area of expertise, or rather is outside my line of work... haha...

Cherie: It's fine, your Highness. His Majesty and your Highness are both equally beautiful. So I'm sure it will look good on you.

Wolfram:*holds back malicious laughter* Isn't that right? Aren't you happy?

Murata: Eh?! W-Wait... ahahaha... Ah.... oh no.... why are the two pretty girls holding onto my arms tightly? And besides, Cherie-sama... it's getting pretty hot here...

Cherie: *giggles* *bounce**bounce**bounce*[3]

Murata: *cries*

Anissina: Get ready, your Highness. It's improper not to do so. Well, now!

Murata: Ah! No, no, no, no! Really, I will look awful! The COMBO of red and white STRIPES and glasses will make me look horrible! And at any rate, you know? The land where Santa lives is not Osaka, but Norw... uh? Finland? Ah! Everyone stop stripping me slowly!

Wolfram: *giggles maliciously* All right! I'll help too! *smiling maliciously* It looks good on you, Daikenja.

Murata: AH!! Stop! Stop! Father hear my prayer! Please stop this now and I'll work harder (at the inn) with my family, but please save me!!!

Show intro Murata/Wolfram: Kyou Kara Maou - Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Show: "If your character were to go by themselves to a restaurant in Shin Makoku to eat something, how would they behave?" Cherie's seiyuu says that her character is a little high handed. Saiga-san says that probably all three characters (Anissina, Cherie and Wolf) would act all high and mighty. Then, Cherie's seiyuu says that her character probably wouldn't be interested in food, but would ask to get the waiter as takeout or something. Anissina's seiyuu says, she thinks Anissina would be very picky about it, asking to change the meal. Miyata-san says they would make terrible customers. Later they move on to questions about Anissina and Cherie, where they ask, that since Anissina and Cherie are two of the Three Great Witches they have a good head on their shoulders (t/n: really? Cherie?). And they ask the seiyuu's about the characters' weak points. Miyata-san says that Cherie would be bad at handling men who are not good looking. But Anissina's seiyuu says that Cherie looks for the good side of the men regardless of their looks. And then she says that Cherie would not be able to handle living in a world without men (one where only women would live). Then, she says that Anissina wouldn't be able to make it in a world where there were no men to use in her experiments, (so a world without monitaas). Then Saiga-san asked the seiyuus what they can't handle well. Miyata-san said nato (t/n: gross food), the girls said they all eat nato and that they were going to force Miyata-san to eat it, he said, he couldn't even do the show if the place smelled like nato. Saiga-san said that among animals she couldn't handle bugs, especially spiders. Also, cockroaches. Cherie's seiyuu says she doesn't have a problem with bugs, and that she also likes ghosts. The food she hates is greasy meat. Anissina's seiyuu is afraid of heights, and she says she's currently living on a 30th floor and that it's really difficult for her. She's also afraid of getting into airplanes.

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  1. Since Yuuri didn't say that it had to be girls wearing the mini-skirts, Cherie misunderstood what he was trying to say.
  3. It's her breasts.