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Track 3: At that time in Shin Makoku[edit]

FX:* Bubbling cauldron*

Gwendal : Listen Günter, stop trying to fortune-tell what's happening in other countries. You are forbidden to kill little kitties, doggies and bunnies. Besides, I think that if you don't stop this, it will be very dangerous!

Günter: *laughs* It can't be helped. This is the last ingredient.

Gwendal: What?

FX: *bloody meat being handled*

Günter: *laughs* Look at this! It's the flesh of a dead animal, it's a special one, completely raw and with its skin still on it...

Gwendal: Cut it out. Stop Günter! Don't call it 'dead animal'!

Günter: Hu....It's not like we can stop now, right, Gwendal!?

FX: *frying pan*

Günter: The wonderful sight of pressing the skin of this dead animal and see it burn completely!

Gwendal: AGH! ... Ah? Oh, it smells so good.

FX: *stomach growl*

Günter: Oh, hu, hu, hu! Both of our bodies are being honest...

Gwendal: Stop it! Don't compare me to you!

Günter: Even if you say that, you can't stop yourself, right? Come now, it will almost be done. With this completely burned piece of flesh, I'll be able to finish the job, I failed to do last time, a dish from his Majesty's home country, a dark brown dish made from beans[1].

Gwendal: Eh... oh, no. I heard that it's unrivaled when eaten cold along with alcohol.

FX:*scene change*

FX:*soup being poured*

Günter: Here's your miso, Gwendal.

Gwendal: Thank you, *blows the dish, smells*

Günter: The smell really ... still persist, huh?

Gwendal: That's because you put spices in the meat!

Günter: What are you talking about!? Spices bring up the flavor in the meat , right? At any rate, how is it? If you and I to eat the same meal, we may form a strong friendship... and that's something I don't care much about.

Gwendal: Günter, you bastard, was this your ulterior motive? To try and get acquainted with me?

Günter: Huun, you're saying this even though you were having so much fun, and even asked to drink an alcoholic beverage. Besides, there's no ulterior reason. This is about the plan regarding the most sagacious Maou, Majesty Yuuri, which is called : "Operation well actually, in our cramped work environment on a weekday, after noon, we absolutely must use our heads" shortened as: "Operation Red light! If we strike together, it's not scary!"

Gwendal: That's... not really an abbreviation, right?

Günter: Well, that's not important... Gwendal, did you know that lately there's a strange plot going on at the Blood Pledge Castle ?

Gwendal: A strange plot!?

Günter: Look at this! This is what my subordinate Dacascos robbed.... uh, no, no, no, I mean, acquired, "the other side of Shin Makoku"

Gwendal: "The other side"?

Günter: Yes.

Gwendal: What's this 'Prediction about the new Maou's Special Treatment'?

Günter: Shortened as "Getting to His Majesty!" (t/n: this time it's an abbreviation)

Gwendal: Another abbreviation?

Günter: It's a bet. It was started right after Majesty Yuuri rose to the throne, and currently it's spreading rapidly among the citizens. In any case, the rumor has spread among the workers at the Blood Pledge Castle, and eighty or ninety percent of the soldiers, so it is likely to be true.

Gwendal: If it's not something that can go public, it's because there's money involved, right?

Günter: No! Actually it's a popularity contest regarding his Majesty, that aspect is very clear.

Gwendal: Then you're getting angry over nothing.

Günter: That's not true! Here! *points* Please look right here, Gwendal! The one that holds the first place to end up with his majesty.... THE FIRST PLACE...!

Gwendal: Hm? "The one, with whom after meeting for the first time, he got engaged to and had a duel with; the young person with whom he gets into fights and jokes around, His Excellency Wolfram"..... "Is it the strong point of being his fiancé, what separates him from the rest by a great margin?"

FX:*paper rustle*

Gwendal: Well...... this is understandable since he hasn't broken the engagement, right?

Günter: You think like that because you keep pampering him! How much will you spoil that selfish puu (prince)!?

Gwendal: That trait of his personality has nothing to do with me! The one who spoiled him wasn't my mother, but his relative from the Bielefeld family.

Günter: A Bielefeld, you say?

Gwendal: His father's younger brother, who's now the head of the family. The man who's his uncle.

FX:*lovey-dovey music*

Günter: Gwendal, the wrinkles of your brow got deeper. Hu, hu, hu, hu. Since when you talk to someone you don't like you always look like this, I wonder who he is and what he did to make you put on that harsh facial expression?

Gwendal: Is that sarcasm, Lord von Christ?

Günter: Huhuhu, no. Lord von Voltaire, like this, you show that you care about your younger brother more than anyone. It's really nice (lit.helpful ) that you're like that.

Gwendal: I can say the same about you. The fact that you are his Majesty's educator and are always showing him the right path is really helpful.

Günter: I'll engrave that in my mind... so as to honor his Majesty the Maou.

Gwendal: His Majesty the Maou, huh? This Maou doesn't seem to be able to stay away from danger.

Günter: But.... he's not a bad Maou, don't you think?

Gwendal: He still acts too much like a child. The rest will be up to the education that you provide him.

Günter: Hahaha... I'll have to ask you to help me raise him.... AH! No way, Gwendal you....! You're not conspiring behind my back, so when you get the chance you'll take my place, right!?

Gwendal:*pause* *sighs* Günter, hurry up and go back to the Blood Pledge castle.

Günter: What did you say!?

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  1. It's probably butajiru: Miso soup + pork meat