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09. At that time, the Mazoku group[edit]

-- In the Friends of the Sea Ship --

Adalbert: Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting! Here's... *drops on the floor* ...what you wanted, Lady von Christ Gisela.

Gisela: Thank you. Allow me to extend my gratitude on behalf of my father.

Wolfram: Gisela! Why is Adalbert here?

Gisela: Oh! Despite of the terrible amount of houryoku, can you walk around already?

Wolfram: Of course! Don't compare me with Günter, who's still passed out on the floor of this ship. Oh top of that... what's this? This thing rolled up on the floor that looks like a lump.. Eeek ~! It moved...

FX: *Maxine pops his head out *

Wolfram: AH! This man! This is the guy who attacked Yuuri and I, jari![1]

Maxine: Uogh... you bastard... you're the Mazoku from back then...

Adalbert: Since you were the leader of this insurrection, the sergeant over there asked for you, so I borrowed you from the Small Shimaron prison for a little bit, you know?

Gisela: We know about that arrow that his Excellency Wolfram brought with him. The one who shot that arrow was Keenan, Shin Makoku's best archer.

Maxine: Hmh...

Gisela: But, since Keenan got away, I don't have any other choice but to believe that you'll be honest and hear what you have to say. So, Maxine-san... why did you, as a member of the opposition force within Small Shimaron's army, shoot at our king?

Maxine: How stupid, like I would say something!

Gisela:*angry* Did you call me..... stupid?

Maxine: Uwoh...

Adalbert: Hey, Maxine. You're in danger...

Gisela: You listen closely, human! We, the mazoku's medical team, will never accept an interrogation method as old and barbaric as torture! But, there's no reason why I should have any mercy on you, you horse-tail head! I could pluck your nails, dig out your eyes, or cut off that mushroom dangling between your legs!

FX: *sword dash*

Gisela: What's with you people?! Why are you crossing your legs?!

Wolfram: Uhm.. no.. it's just...

Adalbert: You're the same as always, Ms. Sergeant.

Gisela: If you're not going to spit it out, I will make you spit it out by force. Alright, over there, there's a brown little jug[2].

Maxine: What's that?

Gisela: It's a new drug by Poison Lady Anissina: "MAjor Danger[3] Potion I and II". Alright... you'll drink the first one....

FX: *Gisela forces the drug down Maxine's throat*

FX:*Maxine drinks Potion I*

Maxine: Gross... and there's one more

Adalbert: Hey, Maxine...

Gisela: The next one! Now we'll mix that up with Potion number II !

Wolfram: Wait a moment, Gisela! It's dangerous if you mix those two!

FX: *weird fx sound*

Gisela: What did you say?

Wolfram: Right here, I have Anissina's users' manual. This ground-breaking new Potion, will open a brand new world for all the fowl-haters. This is when you can see the kind side of Anissina...

Adalbert: Well, no one really cares about that...

Wolfram: Wait, there's more. After drinking Potion I, the person will be like a newborn chick, and will believe that the first person they see is their father. If you give them Potion II , they will believe that the first person they see, is their mother. Furthermore, if you mix both drugs, it will create a feeling that surpasses those of chickens and humans, so it is quite dangerous.

Adalbert: Indeed that would be very dangerous.

Gisela: Uhm... about that... It seems like for a while now, he has been staring at you...

Adalbert: Eh?

Wolfram: His head is slightly tilted to one side, and he looks confused... He took Potion I .... and the first person he looked at was ....

Maxine: Father~?


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  1. The suffix Wolfram uses at the end of a sentence when he's upset/being childish. Similar to Günter's -tosa.
  2. The Brown Little Jug reference is used a lot in the maruma series. It's a tune by Glenn Miller.
  3. In Japanese マージョルノキケーン; 'maajoru no kiken' the maajoru part is a mix of "MA" and "major". So 'maajoru no kiken' can be understood as "MAjor's Danger" : the MA Sergeant Gisela's dangerous drug; but it can also refer to the side effects of mixing both drugs, which as the users' manual states is (very dangerous) a major danger.