Kaze no Stigma:Volume4 Chapter 4

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Chapter 5 Maiden from the days of yore

Part 1

"Hurry up!"

"I know"

As if calming down the hurrying up Ayano, Kirika nodded carefree. She fleetingly glanced at the rear view mirror, checking Kazuma's appearance that didn't move as if he was sleeping.

She looked forward once again.

Approximately five minutes after Kanon's call Kirika got into the car she was driving and they headed for the Tokyo Government Office.

Without Daiki. Although she said it was important to accumulate experience, it was still dangerous to take such an inexperienced fellow to the enemy's base.

To say nothing of the fact that right now Ren was captured.

If he were to become a burden - no, the moment he will become a burden it's not unlikely Kazuma will simply eliminate him. Or maybe, that is certain.

Therefore, policeman Isurughi was watching the office. It goes without saying he took over that duty voluntarily.

"Still another ten minutes, huh?"

Appearing not to hurry, Kirika was operating the car safely. The car model was a jet black GT-R. Just in case, it was a Tokyo MPD's Special Investigation Unit official vehicle but Kirika never let another person take the steering wheel. Remodeled by misusing the public expenditure, it was a car sample for intermingling the public policy with private interest.


Ayano folded her arms, agitated, and glared at the seat belt that that got in her way.

The time was past evening, the place was Shinjuku. Since so many unfavorable conditions piled up, no matter how skilled the driver or how fast the car, it's impossible for the car to run smoothly.

Just when they seemed to move the traffic lights changed to red and Ayano knitted her eyebrows in worry.

"Won't you sound the siren already and go across?"

"Please don't ask for that"

As if calming the irritated Ayano, Kirika said in a composed voice.

"We can't go public with this. You understand, right?"

Certainly it seems impossible to imagine how much of an uproar they would cause if they were to march into Tokyo Government Office with a patrol car ringing a gaudy siren.

She understood that. She understood it but nevertheless she couldn't calm down.

"What the hell was Ren thinking? To meddle with the enemy's base by himself!"

"But he didn't particularly have that intention, right? He only wanted to scout it out from afar -”

"It's the same thing!", Ayano retorted strongly.

Inside the car, Kirika already received a brief lecture. Connecting the information she received from Kanon Ayano almost perfectly understood the Pandemonium system.

For that reason, she realized it. That the opponent this time was not an easy one. A Jutsushi that can freely use this much magic. Even understating him, it was clear he was elite.

Parading solo before the nose of that sort of opponent it's reckless no matter how you think about it.


"Settle down, Ayano-chan"

To the impatient Ayano, Kirika said the same thing the Nth time.

"The fact that he was abducted means he wasn't immediately killed. I'm sure you'll see him again"

"I know that but........"

"Besides, I'm not the one you want to say these selfish things to, right? When Kazuma comes back you can throw as many tantrums as you like"


Despite frowning, Ayano was silent. Although he won't be pleased by furious remarks, it was an established fact she should wait until Kazuma's return.

She looked at Kazuma holding still next to her with a sidelong glance. That figure completely exhausted, leaning on the seat, seemed as if sleeping.

But of course, it was impossible for this man to doze off in front of Ren's crisis. Right now Kazuma was tuning his conscience with the Spirits of the Wind, and investigated the situation at the far off Tokyo Government Office.

When watching him so intently as if she was glaring, Kazuma suddenly opened his eyes.

Lightly looking up at the sky, he let a tiny sigh. And when he was about to close his eyes again, Ayano instantly detained him by holding his arm.

"How was it!?"

"The space above the Tokyo Government Office is certainly distorted"


"I won't know more without going there"

Without saying anymore, Kazuma closed his eyes again. But this time, his presence didn't fade. He seemed to merely rest his body.

Understanding the report ended, Ayano shouted in a shocked voice.

" -Then, isn't that the same as not knowing anything!?"

"That's not true, Ayano-chan"

While handling the steering, Kirika put on a bitter smile.

"It means we know that from the result of the reconnaissance only that much can be found. "

Ayano's eyebrows frown with a twitch. As expected, she wasn't so slow as not to understand after having been spoken to like that.

"It'll be difficult?"


At Kirika's question, Kazuma answered without opening his eyes.

The Barrier Kazuma spied on with wind - just because he was capable of constructing such a thing, the enemy's excellent ability was obvious.

At the premonition of a fierce battle, Ayano involuntarily clenched her fists.

After the car drove for five more minutes, Tokyo Government Office's panoramic view finally entered their vision.

In a straight line, the distance is less than three hundred meters. But they were stopped again by the red traffic light.

"Running should be faster now..."

The instant Ayano thought so, Kazuma moved.

"I go first"


As Kazuma said so and got off the car, Kirika sharply called him to a halt. Kazuma looked at Kirika with an emotionless gaze.

"I'm not trying to stop you. I'm just saying it to know I said it - Don't destroy Tokyo Metropolitan Office"

"That seems reasonable...", Kazuma replied with an expression as if that was a stupid thing to say. But it was too early to be relieved.

"I'll be careful until I rescue Ren"

"Be careful after rescuing Ren-kun too!"

"Tell that to the opponent!"

Kazuma bluntly ignored Kirika's shriek-like petition. Coincidentally his silhouette faded like a mist and then - it disappeared.

By manipulating the density of the atmosphere, he turned transparent by distorting light. Kazuma's specialty was optical camouflage.

"Kazuma !"

He didn't reply. Already riding upon the winds, it seems he was headed for the Tokyo Government Office in a literally straight line.

He aimed to go directly to the space between the twin towers where Pandemonium was located without having to use the stairs.


Simultaneously, both looked up at the Tokyo Government Office. In the upper air of the tuning fork characteristic silhouette they felt a frozen, enormous power.

"No way! Is he really going to wreck it!?"

While both women became rigid unable to do anything, their faces stiff, quickly, sharply, a gigantic power was released.

The distortion of space, the power that held that distortion in place was forcibly sliced and torn by a wind blade.

The recoil from the reconstruction of the warped space changed to a colorless, soundless shock.

"Is that, Pandemonium?"

The barrier had been smashed and Pandemonium, concealed at the bottom of that distorted space was finally exposed to the broad daylight.

The number one central government office, Tokyo Government Office, this building that could be called the symbol of Shinjuku was joke-like enshrined in the gap between the two towers.

It was a scene that made one doubt his sanity. Although after several seconds the barrier reconstructed and that image disappeared, there are people who have seen it.

"..........I wonder, will we be able to falsify this..........?"

Sitting in the driver seat completely exhausted, Kirika groaned.

Just as feebly, Ayano retorted.

".........won't it be all right? If there's no evidence, you can settle it by saying it was an optical illusion, or if there are pictures you can say something like that was photo-shopped."

"Maybe - "

"Oo - Oi! What was that explosion!?"

Kirika's murmur, forcibly trying to convince herself was drowned in the man's shout. Ayano and Kirika looked at each other with tedious expressions.

What the man felt was probably the recoil from when the Barrier was tore open.

It was a non-physical shock but it seems it could be perceived by normal people with a good intuition.

".......for now, let's prepare"

Kirika took her telephone out from the dashboard and pressed the buttons. When it connected, she began talking without introduction.

"It's urgent, command an evacuation order for Tokyo Government Office. Eeh, who cares about the reason? Invent something adequate like we received a terrorist bomb warning or something. Do you understand? This conversation is being recorded, right? It will be pointless even if you tell you won't listen!"

After powering off her phone she flung it in the passenger seat. She let out a deep, deep breath.

"Good grief..."

"What was that? The preliminary arrangements for a cover up?"

At Ayano's question Kirika replied in a worn out voice.

"That's also true but we can't disregard the possibility that Tokyo Government Office will fall, right?"

"Aah, that's true - "

Involuntarily Ayano looked up at the Tokyo Government Office with a distant look.

"Since it's that Kazuma, he doesn't seem to hold kindness for the guy who abducted Ren, huh?"

"I beg you, don't say it so calmly", Kirika whispered while getting away from the car.

"Because in that worst case, I have no one to rely on but you"

"........I'll do my best"

As Kirika said so desperately hoping, Ayano answered honestly.

Entering the Tokyo Government Office, the usual scene enfolded between their eyes.

"It seems no one takes refuge"

"..........That wait and see son of a bitch....I'll remember this!", Kirika spit out unpleasantly.

Feeling a shiver at that subdued murmur, Ayano felt gratitude for that certain something that surpasses human intellect that didn't made her Kirika's boss.

"Aah, but, the sightseeing room seems closed"

She restored the conversation in a casual manner.

There was no line of people on the left and right direct elevator entrances but a closed sigh stood there bluntly.

"True......that's strange - huh?"

Looking around Kirika took notice of two children who approached them.

"Aah, are these kids...?"

This was the first time she met them directly but the duo was so peculiar it was impossible to mistake. As if supporting that guess, Ayano met them halfway.

"Kanon-chan, Serisawa-kun - "


One of those two -Kanon clung to Ayano firmly.

"Are you still here? Didn't I tell you to go home?"

"But, but, Ren-kun is....."

"He's fine"

Lightly bending over so that the height of their eyes matched, Ayano showed a smile to bring her piece of mind.

"Don't worry about Ren. That boy is much stronger that what he looks like and a much stronger guy already left to rescue him."


Unable to throw away her hesitation, Kanon mumbled. As if covering for her Serisawa opened his mouth.

"If you say it's fine staying here is....besides, even we can - "

"Don't be so irresponsible!"

With a suddenly changed severe tone, Ayano scolded them harshly.

"It may be heartless to say it but right now, there's nothing you two can do. If I am honest you're nothing but a drag. If you plan to continue being Ren's friends learn to discriminate whether or not you can say selfish things"

They had a life and death occupation. Not only they didn't had the ability to protect themselves but it was inexcusable to disturb the site with for amateurs who didn't understand.

If both were those kind of people without self-restraint there was no point for Ren to associate with them like that.

".....I'm sorry......"

"......I apologize......."

Dejected, heads hung down, both spoke words of apology.

Once again Ayano showed a smile and embraced both of them lightly.

"I'll tell Ren to call you afterwards. Wait until then at your homes, OK?"

" - yes"

"Is the conversation over?"

As if choosing the moment the children agreed - actually, seeming to lie in wait for it, Kirika approached. Ayano unintentionally scowled and glared at her.

"Please at least try to look like you are persuading them. Truthfully, this is your job right?"

"You could say that but I thought Ayano-chan was more suitable for it. Besides - "

Lightly eluding Ayano's criticism, Kirika focused her eyes on the children.

"The police was supposed to order evacuation, you didn't hear anything?"

" - Eeh?"

Kanon and Serisawa exchanged strange glances.

"No, we didn't hear anything. Aah, but the sightseeing room was suddenly shut."

"We've been in the lobby ever since but there wasn't a broadcast like that. I'm not mistaken"

""..........I see"

With a low nod, Kirika fired her gun in a deserted place. Perhaps in the direction of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"I'll ask for information at the reception desk. Ayano-chan, take the kids."

"Aah, OK"

Hearing Ayano's answer behind her, Kirika walked to the reception.

Looking at her appearance from behind with a fearful gaze, Serisawa asked:

"Is she perhaps, a scary person?"

"That's true. It would be better not to stand in her way today"

Responding with a faintly stiff voice, Ayano took both of them to the exit. Leaving the building together with them, she sends them off.

"Well, go home"

Kanon and Serisawa bowed their heads deeply in front of Ayano.

"Please save Ren-kun"

"Please save him!"

Cracking a smile Ayano assured them.

"Be careful when going home"


With a vigorous nod the children returned home. Until their silhouettes disappeared Ayano waived her hand smiling.

When returning inside, Kirika already waited in front of the automatic door.

"Let's go"

Recognizing Ayano's appearance, she started walking at a quick pace without explaining the situation. Obviously she was in a bad mood.

"Wait! The situation?"

While chasing after Kirika who seemed headed for the elevator, Ayano asked carefully. Kirika replied without looking back.

"It seems an evacuation advice was given"

".......Aah, I see"

After a pause of several seconds, Ayano understood the meaning of those words.

Not an order or obligation to evacuate but to go or to stay as one pleases.

Since even the receptionist remained it seems they were informed the danger was pretty small.

But just in case, since the advice was taken, this means they have an excuse for that worst case.

"Shit, that's why they're being called incompetent government officials who can only protect themselves!"

"What will you do ~ "

"There's no other way. We can only take care so that the building won't collapse by ourselves. Let's hurry"

They quickened their paces even more. They reached the elevator landing and mercilessly pummeled the up button. They slid into the one on standby.

"By the way"

While looking up at the floor number changing rapidly, Ayano fired the question in a simple way.

"Do you know how to get to the space between the two towers?"

"I don't"

Without the half of a second of pause, Kirika replied immediately. Ayano continued her questioning with a stunned expression.

"Then, what are we going to do?"

"We'll force our way through"

Another immediate reply. Forgetting all her questions, Ayano starred at Kirika's unusually unyielding attitude.

"There's supposed to be at least one window facing the place in question. When comparing it with a broken down building, there's no need worry about a one or two windows or walls getting destroyed."

".........Well, that may be true"

It seems like Kirika was seriously anxious about the collapse of the Tokyo Government Office. Afraid of pointlessly provoking her, Ayano nodded vaguely.

Incidentally, for the sake of getting outside forcefully it should be noted that beside windows several locks had been shattered.


At the moment she took a step outside the window, a strong wind got hold of her body. Ayano desperately braced her legs on the ground, her posture changed.


They are at approximately a hundred and fifty meter above ground. If she were to tumble down, there would be literal hell before reaching down.

Feeling a cold sweat on her back, Ayano involuntarily shivered.

"If we were to fall from here, there would be enough time to finish praying before dying"

"Don't say such stupid things and look here"

A cool voice resounded in her ears. When turning around, in the center of the raging wind, Kirika's certainly erect figure was visible.

Ayano pursued Kirika's gaze. The space between the towering towers. At a first glance, nothing seemed suspicious. But -

"Aah, if it's like that, even I can grasp it"

Even for a Enjutsushi's non sharp senses, the unusual phenomenon before her eyes was obvious. The space was flickering in an unstable way.

The barrier concealing Pandemonium seemed unable to restore from the damage Kazuma's tearing inflicted upon it.

"What to do? At this point I could hit and hit it with all my force."

"Don't do that"

Without hesitation, Kirika rejected Ayano's proposal.

"If the barrier is blown away, Pandemonium will become completely visible"

"That's true. Then, will you?"

"Yeah. It's fine leaving it to me in this situation"

Letting out words lacking definite confidence or modesty Kirika lightly took a stance.

Unnoticed on the fingers of both palms intersected across her chest four sheets of charms were interposed.

Kirika simultaneously released the four amulet sheets. They soared with a speed unbelievable for some scraps of paper, and suddenly stood still at one point in space, as if there was a transparent barrier there.

The four charms drew a rectangle on that empty space. Gazing sharply at the center of it, Kirika made the Sword Seal - her index and middle finger extended while the other fingers were tightly grasped.

"Rin Pyou Tou Shya Kai Jin Retsu Zai Zen!"

While reciting the nine letter spell, the space before their eyes was cut open the way the right hand Sword Seal was moving. First horizontally, then vertically - and then the moment nine types of lines were carved, the power dwelling in the four amulets was released.


Raising an ear breaking friction, the rectangle inside delimited by the amulets was entirely gouged out.

As if suddenly a window was produced in the empty space, from the hole the outer wall of Pandemonium could be seen.

" - Well done!"

At the performance defying the skillful barrier, Ayano spontaneously praised her from the bottom of her heart.

"But, isn't Hayakuji (trad: the Early Nine Letter) the art of Shugendou?"

Shugendou is a technique called the Nine Letters of Magic consisting of chanting the Nine Letter Spell while using for each letter a correspondent hand seal to purify evil.

The Hayakuji could be called the abridged version of it. Omitting the both hands seal, using only a right hand seal, substituting it for cutting the space nine times.

Comparing it to the proper way of doing it, its effectiveness was lower. Its speed was exceptionally high and could ensure the freedom of one hand. Compared to the Nine Letters, it was more appropriate for battle.

At any rate, it was magic that couldn't be used by Onmyoudou -

- ...Kazuma's words

"I see, that's what he was talking about"

Remembering the words she previously heard from Kazuma, Ayano secretly agreed. This was exactly why she was ostracized by the old ones respecting the tradition.

"What are you doing, hurry up!"

When she came to her senses after being called out, Kirika was already passing through the whole opened in the barrier.

It was impossible for Kirika's jutsu to be effective long term. Before being left behind, Ayano followed Kirika in a hurry.

Part 2

The wind blade tore the barrier and exposed the hidden image of Pandemonium in broad daylight.

"Excuse me for disturbing you - or something!"

Kazuma fired one more hit, making a huge hole in the roof and entered Pandemonium from the third floor.

"Well then - "

He turned around and looked over the gloomy room. It looked bedroom-like but except a canopy bed there was not much else.

Unable to trace a presence, Kazuma left the room without reluctance. He opened the door -


While thinking it would led to the hallway, there was another room. This time it was a completely empty, square room. There was a door in all four directions.

While faintly scowling, he opened a random door. Another square room. Four doors.


Pushing his way forward in a straight line, Kazuma opened in succession the other three doors. Without any change, he was greeted by square rooms.

When turning back to the route he came through, he arrived at a children's room crammed with plush toys that he definitely didn't remember crossing.

Looking up at the ceiling, Kazuma murmured.

"Did you tamper with the inside space too? That's dangerous"

Inside Pandemonium, the space structure was changed to a complicated and mysterious dimension maze.

It was possible the tear the space with wind and push his way forward directly but adding external force to this space that became so complicated, it was possible the balance would instantly collapse breaking down Pandemonium itself.

Until he found Ren, he couldn't behave too rashly.

"If only I could find Ren's whereabouts........"

Since the space was distorted, not only he couldn't find Ren's presence, he didn't even understand his present location.

The only thing Kazuma was able to do right now was to believe in that one in a million chance and continue opening the infinite number of doors.

"Well, do you think there's a need for us to knock?"

Standing in front of Pandemonium's entrance, Kirika cracked a joke trying to appease her nervousness.

"Is not really necessary, is it? But if you want me to, I'll do it"

On the other side, already brimming with fighting spirit, Ayano had already thrown away etiquette and the like beyond the equinox.

Standing in front of the massive door, her left foot made one rotation on the axis. And then -

"Excuse me for disturbing you !"

The strong, peerless right-sided roundhouse kick made a dent in the bulky door. The door hinges popped out and the door was blown off with so much force it seemed there was an explosion.

"Well, let's enter"


Trying to rebuke Ayano's conduct as that of a, perhaps, fellow woman, Kirika interrupted her own words in the middle of the sentence.

Inside the mansion, she recognized the presence of a person standing still, soundless, in the grand lounge.

As if matching their entrance, the dim lounge was lit up. The light down pouring from the chandelier, accurately shined upon the still shadow.

She was in her late teens, a girl so beautiful she felt out of place. She wore a jet black one piece dress, Gothic Lolita stile, with abundant frills and lace.

Her chestnut color hair was glamorously glittering, her lapis lazuli color eyes staring directly at the two, without blinking.


Although confused by the sudden appearance, tentatively Ayano asked a question.

"You're not Vesalius, right?"

"Yes", the girl nodded blandly.

"I am Lapis. I serve Master Vesalius"

"I see. Then, will you guide us to your master? I have something to discuss with him."

Of course, the conversation Ayano had in mind was an aggressive communication using mainly fists.

But, staring with blank eyes at Ayano who was about to roll her sleeves, the girl - Lapis calmly shook her head.

"Master doesn't meet people without appointment. Please leave"

"Do you expect us to go back with a <<Is that so?>>", Ayano retorted with immediate timing. And then, without hesitation, she stepped forward.

"If you won't show us around we'll search the entire house as I please. Move"

Facing the girl, Ayano met her halfway in a long stride. But Lapis didn't make way.

"Please stop", Lapis pronounced thoroughly serene.

"If you get anymore closer, it will be considered hostile behavior and you will be eliminated"

" - Really, how?"

As if answering Ayano's reply, Lapis stepped up to the Western armor decorating the lounge and got the sword carried in those hands.

It was big.

As if disregarding its practical use from the outset, it was a large sword outside norm. The length of the blade was probably a hundred and fifty centimeters. Taking into account the handle, it exceeded two meters. It was bulky enough to cover the girl's waist.

With a solemn sound the scabbard was quickly taken off. The unsheathed blade diffusely reflected the illumination shining prettily.

"........crystal?", Ayano murmured watching intently the transparent sword blade that was clearly not steel. True, the gigantic sword that equaled Lapis' stature, all of it was composed of high purity crystal.

Unable to lift it because of heaviness the tip of the sword was dragged on the ground. Lapis said:

"Please leave. It is not permitted for uninvited guests to walk around Pandemonium"

She was monotonous as ever but her tone was firm. Ayano immediately understood that it was the last warning.

Ceasing walking Enraiha was unsheathed. Facing the crystal large sword, the scarlet double edged sword clad in a golden flame.

And then, as if declaring war, Ayano took one step forward.

" - !"

Instantly Lapis' image disappeared. In the space of one eye blink, the figure of the girl carrying a large sword moved in front of Ayano.

A swift stepping in and then a slashing attack. The gigantic sword that seemed to mess with the sense of distance, the girl easily swings it downward.

Ayano met that blow with Enraiha. The swinging down crystal sword clashed with the raised scarlet edge.

" - !?"

Lapis had a complete victory in that confrontation.

Her sword about to be sent flying by that tremendous strength Ayano instantly altered the angle of the edge and made a slashing attack.

Giving off sparks, the crystal sword glides on Enraiha's blade. Despite changing its trajectory, the huge sword showed to decrease in speed, opening a crater-like hole in the floor.

Putting distance between them, Ayano stared at Lapis with a stiff expression.

"Is.....is this a joke........?"

Her power was unbelievable. Surely, between a sword attack from below and an upward sword attack the added gravity will always favour the one swinging down but this was a totally different level.

The physical strength she felt from this girl right now was clearly different from that of a human.

"Well, it's obvious from that occasion you wold posses something like that", Ayano groaned looking at the girl setting up her large sword half way up the stairway.

It was a sight without a sense of reality. Obstructed by the enormous sword blade, the girl's body was practically invisible.

The master setting up his sword, she was reminded of that optical illusion of a full length invisible edge hidden because of that space without gaps, but this was no illusion.

Purely physical, that gigantic blade is covering most of the girl's body.

"So, what to do?"

Preparing Enraiha, Ayano cautiously examined Lapis' reaction.

She couldn't neglect the girl's bizarre muscle strength but she was even more cautious of that crystal long sword held in that hand.

Being without scratch after exchanging blows with the heat of Enraiha's blade that can thoroughly burn all creation, just by that it was obviously not made of just crystal.

Because it was the weapon of the magician's servant it was perhaps loaded with unusual magical power.

If the effect of it was just a boost of strength there's no problem, but -

During the time Ayano didn't decide how to deal with it, Lapis stated attacking once more.

A soundless blow not only without fighting spirit but even her footsteps didn't make a noise. Leaving behind only the sound of cutting wind, the crystal sword assaulted Ayano.

Without committing the stupidity of stopping a slashing attack equivalent to the blow of castle siege weapons Ayano bent her body and dodged the blade. Also, the continuous sideways sweeping swung at her.

"Sigh - will I manage, one way or another?"

While using only defensive body movements for dodging the attack, Ayano was roughly making sure of Lapis' ability.

She freely handled the large sword to levels unrivaled by human beings but it seemed simple physical strength.

Certainly, her speed and might were terrific but for the sake of yielding that enormous mass her swordsmanship was limited and couldn't defy the law of inertia.

That was opportunity enough to strike.

Sharpening her reflexes, she waited for her chance while bearing nothing but evasion.

That opportunity arrived unexpectedly early.

Becoming irritated by the lack of contact, Lapis made an extremely long sweeping stroke.

Stepping in closely with all her strength, she mowed down the large sword with her right arm. That offensive made a maximum reach but naturally the time interval for dodging it was also large.

Ayano evaded that blow with a back step and stepped into Lapis' territory when the crystal blade passed her.

Unable to suppress the recoil of the swing the crystal sword almost flew close to Lapis' back. While in that posture, no matter how much transcendental physical strength the girl had, she couldn't slash back in time.

" Whaa?"

But, much quickly than Ayano expected, Lapis unleashed the pursuit. Moreover, from the right side the same as last time.

Crossing over the girl's back, the large sword was transfered from right to her left hand and without slashing from the opposite direction from the first attack it made one more revolution and fired the same attack a second time.

Leaving aside the consecutive attack made by the full body rotation, Ayano wasn't able to predict her using that enormous sword like a knife.

She barely managed to catch that blow with Enraiha but, of course, she didn't manage to stop it. Even if Enraiha was safe her arm was about to break.

Naturally Ayano flew back, let loose by the impact.

Although blown away she reorganized her stance in mid-air and neatly landed on the wall on her legs.

By the time she landed on the floor according to gravity, Lapis was already holding the huge sword aloft. The gigantic sword blade secretly disappeared in the girl's body.

As if she could return it on a scabbard on her back, an extreme pose.

While having a fiercely unpleasant presentiment, Ayano raised Enraiha overhead. Almost simultaneously, Lapis swung down the large sword.

From the crystal sword blade, an intense shock-wave was released.


Enraiha's blade swung downward one beat later met the imminent shock-wave. Cleaving it in two, the shock-wave run past Ayano on both sides and opened two large holes on the wall behind her.

"......unbelievable, huh?", groaned Ayano letting out a rough breath.

That physical ability was not a laughing matter. The blow just now didn't even had magic. The sword's pointed end exceeded speed of sound and created a genuinely physical shock-wave.

"That's one great animal strength"


Lapis was silent. Expressionless like a puppet, from the beginning of the fight up until now, she didn't slightly waver once.

Without showing any sign of unrest as all her attack was blocked, without emotion or maybe because she had confidence her performance was superior.

"Don't get carried away!"

With one shout, Ayano turned aggressive. Reducing the distance between the two by breaking into extreme speed, she swung Enraiha downward head on.

Lapis carelessly rose the crystal sword overhead, and repelled the slash. Next it was aimed to her torso but just by slightly changing the angle she defended.

Clearly, the girl mastered the handling of the enormous sword. The length of the sword blade, its thickness, was effectively used, handling the opponent's attack with a minimum of movement.


Worn out by the attack, Ayano took a tiny breath and backed off. Without missing that break, Lapis shortened the distance quickly.


In only a moment, not quick enough, Ayano was blown away. But in outline, this is what Ayano planned.

Brandishing Enraiha in midair, Ayano shouts:

"If you can block this, I'd like to see you try!"

The blade swung downward gave birth to a fireball. Generating in succession three plasma spheres, they struck Lapis all at once.

Lapis looked up at the super hot cluster of flames drawing near indifferent, without hesitation. Raising the crystal sword, she swung it sweeping sideways.

The flash that appeared casual accurately sliced the three fireballs. Immediately following, they were extinguished without trace.

" - Wha?"

The instant her shocked, wide opened eyes perceived the crystal long sword, Ayao understood that mechanism.

The sword blade that was transparent, had been tainted red.

"It was absorbed !?"

Lapis yielded the crimson long sword on a grand scale. The red crystal glittered and released a crimson flame from the blade.

Surrounding Ayano, a five meter diameter space was turned to hell.

" - Tch, for an Enjutsushi such a move is - "

It seems she knew it couldn't be effective. By the time Ayano was scattering the blaze fully irritated, Lapis imminently approached Ayano, the transparent again long sword raised overhead.


Ayano avoided the blade pressed right before her eyes by bending forward and with that momentum put distance between them with a forward somersault.

As a feint she released a fireball in order to get up but as expected it was absorbed by the projected crystal blade.

"I'm beaten by this......", Ayano murmured looking at that stance without openings.

It seems like Lapis wasn't a Jutsushi or maybe a Jutsushi that manipulates one's flesh and didn't have any sort of offensive magic.

But, the girl was clearly an expert at anti-Jutsushi combat. She blocked long distance magical attacks with the crystal blade and by fighting close combat she didn't allow one the spare time for using magic, she showed the ultimate level of perfection at this kind of strategy.

"What to do....?"

"Surprisingly, you seem to have a hard time. Are you perhaps going to loose?"

While seriously thinking, a calm question as if it were someone else's problem reached her ears. Involuntarily Ayano was filled with a thirst to kill, and glared at her companion posing spectator from a distant place.

"Why the fuck are you so relaxed? How about backing me a little, even if it's a sham?"

Kirika irresponsibility shrugged her shoulders, warding off Ayano's protest.

"Don't say such nonsense. It's impossible to try thrust myself in the neighboring of such high speed combat, right?"

"But, Kazuma would - "

Stopping mid-sentence, Ayano realized her blunder.

Although there was no need to say anymore, Kirika stressed the point as if trying to make sure.

"Don't you think it's unreasonable to force mankind to Kazuma's level?"

"Right. That was my mistake"

Ayano frankly admitted her fault.

If it's Kazuma, no matter how fast or complex were Ayano to move, he can flawlessly support her with a nonchalant air.

But, just how much transcendental skill does that require, Ayano knows it better than anyone else.

In any case, she is now fighting at ultra high speed where the positions are mutually exchanged at instant intervals.

If an inferior Jutsushi were to interfere, far from support it's not unlikely she would destroy her ally.

Not just the supporter's movement, but perfectly reading the movement of the rival she is facing, holding the entire battlefield on the palm of his hand, doing that from the first time, the deed of assisting close combat almost intertwined, that becomes an unreasonable deed.

It's possible Kirika was a first class Onmyouji but that is after all only first class.

She spontaneously shouted letting anger take it's natural course but if Kirika were to intervene Ayano would be troubled all the more.

Even under normal circumstances fighting an enemy was difficult. She has no room to pay attention even to her back.

At such times, only at such times, she wanted to be close to Kazuma.

If Kazuma were to defend her back, she can fight without concern.

If it's Kazuma, he can adjust the stage and make her feel good in order to fight at full power.

"Ah, enough already! It's all his fault for not being here!"

Ayano set up Enraiha and retorted with a scream, venting her propensity for anger.

Part 3

Before he knew it, Ren was standing by himself in a dim, huge room.

No - he was not alone

There was one more person.

At the boundary between very dim light and pitch darkness, at a distance he could just barely confirm it by sight, someone was sitting calmly.

Eliminating time to look closely, Ren threw a fireball high in the sky. The white light shining out far and wide lit up the spacious room like broad daylight.

As if opening a hundred people ball, the empty room was grand to that extent. But, only two people were there right now.

Ren and, the person seated on an extravagant chair on the seat of honor on the innermost part of the saloon.

"In my opinion - "

The personage assuming that position started talking with an expression containing a smile. It was a voice he heard somewhere before.

The voice of the man that took him out from Tokyo Government Office.

"Your action is inelegant. If illumination is necessary I will provide it. Please erase that primitive lamp about to scorch the ceiling"

Matching the man's words, the great number of chandeliers hanging from the ceiling turned on all at once.

Ren extinguished the flame that became unnecessary, and stared scrutinizing at the whole man.

Platinum blond long hair. A deep crimson mantle wore on top of a black suit. The face was covered with a plain mask.

His appearance was just like it was explained. Ren inquired directly.

"Are you Vesalius?"

"When you're asking for a person's name, isn't it etiquette to call yourself first?"

Ren glared at the man closing hie eyes partly. Spontaneously his back dropped, his knee bent, taking a combat posture.

Inside the mask, the man seemed to laugh.

"Kannagi's youngest child, I heard you are a gentle child who dislikes conflict but that must have been some metaphor, right?"

"I have no idea", Ren repelled unfeeling.

"At least, I don't think there is a need to be mannered towards you"

"Ha ha, how cold"

Laughing once more, the man suddenly stood up.

"Whatever. I am certainly the proprietor of Pandemonium, Vesalius. And you are Kannagi Ren. Shall we advance the conversation now that we both know the other's identity?"

The man - Vesalius made a step forward with his right leg and with a pompous gesture swiped his mantle to the back. As if tempting, he raised his right palm, forward.

"Welcome to the Pandemonium, Chosen One. Your power has been acknowledged and deemed suitable for progressing even more. Do you wish a class change?"

"I don't!", replied Ren immediately point blank.

" - Well, since it's you, you would answer that way"

Vesalius shrugged his shoulders bored-looking, dropping his hand.

"The other people, agreed to it extremely happy"

"Why such a thing - No, the reason is inconsequential. Stop doing such things"

"I can't do that"

This time Vesalius replied immediately.

"This experiment took a lot of labor in itself. I can't stop it because a child's complaint makes noise"

"Experiment - ?"

"That's right, an experiment. For the sake of it I distributed power to those intelligent impaired young people. In no way does it mean I'm messing around trying to convert to reality the world of TV games."

Ren didn't intend to ask about the purpose of that experiment. As one would expect, they wouldn't chat to that extent and there's no point in knowing.

No matter the reason, this sort of act couldn't be overlooked.

"You're giving off a pretty violent presence, boy ~ "

Seeing through Ren's decision, a faint wry smile oozed from Vesalius' voice. But, without taking a stance to face the attack, he sat down on the chair for a second time.

"A fighting scene is my weak point. If I were to fight against an Enjutsushi, I would be killed in three seconds. That is being modest"

"Then - "

"I have an attendant specialized in combat but now is all out for the sake of eliminating another intruder"

"Another intruder ~ "

"Do you want to see?"

Vesalius lightly brought up his left hand. That movement was a sigh, a screen was produced in the air projecting two girls fighting each other.

Among them, there was a girl Ren recognized by sight.


"That's right. A direct descendant of Kannagi just like you, Miss Kannagi Ayano. By the way, the other one, my subordinate, is called Lapis. She is thoroughly trained in anti-Jutsu combat. Even if the opponent is a direct descendant of Kannagi, she won't lose"


"Aah, it's not just her"

Raising this time his right hand, Vesalius produced one more screen in the air. What was reflected there -


"Yagami Kazuma. His former name is Kannagi Kazuma. They both came here in order to save you. You're being loved aren't you, boy?"

Inside the screen Kazuma was exploring the mansion irritated. But his manner of walking felt exactly random and didn't seem to have a purpose.

Since his brother was an excellent Fujutsushi, there was no need to use his legs to this extent inside the mansion -

As if reading Ren's question, Vesalius announced in a tone full of composure.

"The section he trespass through became a dimension maze replacing the warped space. He can't search it using wind"

"Nii-sama's wind can tear that space itself!"


Vesalius agreed to Ren's instant objection without hint of disturbance.

"But, if he were to tore done the space that became twisted to this extent, the balance will instantly crumble and maybe Pandemonium will collapse, that's what he's thinking. In reality, the structure is not that poorly built"

From inside the mask, the lingering memory of scorn leaked out. Sneering at Kazuma continuing his pointless endeavor, Vesalius' shoulders trembled slightly.

"Therefore, he won't choose such a forced action. If he were by himself he wouldn't hesitate but you are here. That man's - our detestable bitter enemy's most important person, you"

" - !?"

Although wearing a mask, it couldn't possibly conceal the hatred and intent to kill. Flooded in the criminal intent gushing out from he man's hole body, Ren was terrified.

".......is Nii-sama, your objective.......?"

"No, that's an additional gain"

Smoothly recovering his serenity, Vesalius answered.

"It was determined the experiment would be most pertinent if done here. I was informed he would be here but I don't have that much time to spare for someone hated"


Seeing Vesalius answer thoroughly indifferent, Ren was overpowered.

It was scary beyond reason.

While seeming rational, this was was different at some fundamental level.

Something, he couldn't quite express it, was different. A mutually exclusive definite something. To the extent he couldn't put up with breathing the same air as him.

But even so, he was in front of the enemy ringleader. Running away wasn't permitted. There was nobody who could help him.

- He had no choice but to do it by himself.

"In short, what are you trying to say?"

Hardening his resolution to confront Vesalius, Ren asked with a face feigning serenity.

"Do you plan to take Nii-sama and Nee-sama hostage? If that's the case, it's pointless. Nee-sama wouldn't loose to the likes of your servant. Even Nii-sama won't be trapped in the maze forever. It's quite the opposite, the fact that those two could become a burden to me is nothing but a comical story!"

"Humph, certainly"

Vesalius consented, not taken aback but frank.

"I don't know about Kannagi Ayano but Yagami Kazuma - that man with a lack of common sense in all aspects can't be sealed by something like a dimension maze. That's quite a plausible argument"

"Then, what is that you're aiming at?"

"Hmmm - "

As of thinking over it carefully or maybe trying to dodge, Vesalius tilted his head to the side in doubt. Just like <<The Fire Leader>> Takamatsu Kyoshi said, he was a very theatrical man.

" - The production of a play, maybe?"


"I said, the production of a play. With what sort of timing will the three of you be reunited under one roof, I'm waiting for the most effective <<chance>>"

"To.......to what end?"

"How to elaborate this, huh?", stated Vesalius as a matter of course.

"The arrival of the protagonists after discovering the wicked magician's hiding place. All three separated, caught into vicious traps while rushing in, each encountering a formidable enemy. To come together in this burning situation without any sort of drama, to climax will be lacking. Wouldn't you doubt my sense even more?"

"I don't care about such things!", shouted Ren unable to bear it any longer. But Vesalius' determination didn't waver.

"I can't allow such a think. This setting needs drama unconditionally. For example, the moment Lapis beheads Miss Kannagi Ayano, Yagami Kazuma appears and in that state - "

""That's impossible"

"Is that so? You are underestimating Lapis' ability. That could be called the ultimate form of a <<Jutsushi Killer>>. Even if Yagami is sealed in the dimension maze - "

His proud words interrupted mid-way, Vesalius stared at the screen projecting Kazuma. Inside the screen, Kazuma was also looking hard at Vesalius.

" - Are you, there?"

A dry voice reached Ren's ear. Of course Vesalius' too.


Vesalius' voice full of composure until now, looked worried for the firs time.

Before his eyes, he stares at the chilly glance beyond the screen.


Vesalius immediately tried to eliminate the crystal. But, faster that that.


From inside the crystal, Kazuma shouts.

"If you're there, call my name! I'll definitely find where you are! Ren - "


No doubt came to his mind. Believing he will without fail reach, Ren shouts. As loud as possible.

"I'm here! Nii-sama!"

"I won't let you!"

While shouting, Vesalius grasped tightly his right hand. As if crushing the crystal floating in mid-air with that hand.

But, slightly late, from inside, the crystal was sliced in a straight line. The sounds of stretched barriers smashed up over and over again, played and reverberated between the hard space.

"......what unbelievable behavior you have"

Gazing at the man jumping out of the crystal, Vesalius groaned as is mourning.

"More that severing the space, your search by way of wind was supposed to be sealed. How did you do something so special?"

"It's not particularly special. I just followed the path you made", replied Kazuma as a matter of course.

"Should I say, sorry for the trouble I put you through?"

"You bastard.........."

The pair of eyes inside the mask, glared at Kazuma full of hate. But lightly warding that off, Kazuma turned his face toward Ren.

"Yo, Ren. Are you unhurt?"

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry for making you worry"

"No, if I wouldn't have heard your voice, perhaps i would have been delayed a little longer"

While brushing gently Ren's head, rushing over, Kazuma asked as if continuing the conversation.

"So, are you Vesalius?"

"Yes, you can call me that"


While showing a frivolous broad grin, Kazuma focused on the masked man. Vesalius too, quietly stared back at Kazuma through the expresionless mask.

At a first glance they looked as if confronting each other in an indifferent manner. But, even Ren could clearly see the transmitted violent emotion on the verge of explosion boiling inside.

" Does my brother also know Vesalius?"

our detestable bitter enemy

Vesalius referred like that to Kazuma. Exactly as stated, he included as much hate as possible.

What sort of connection is between the two, truthfully he was scared of knowing.

In front of Ren, catching his breath and watching them attentively, Kazuma got the ball rolling playing the fool.

"Your taste is surprisingly unusual. What's with the crazed appearance, Bernhardt Rhodes?"

" - Eh?"

" - Humph"

At the shocking accusation, he covered the surprised groan with an displeased sigh.

Confused Ren shifted his attention on the man calling himself Vesalius but without showing any sigh of disturbance, the masked man stared back at Kazuma coolly.

"Can you not make such an elated face? I wasn't particularly hiding it. This resemblance is one part of the play production"

"I see. Then, to what purpose did you bring Ren here? Since I finally overlooked your life, weren't you supposed to used in a more meaningful manner?"

"Don't get cocky, youngster", Vesalius coldly announced without trace of provocation.

"You'd better understand a bastard like you managed to live this long because we ignored you as something trifle. If we were serious, a bastard like you - "

"Ha ha ha, well, I didn't notice that", Kazuma laughed with an extremely you're rubbing me the wrong way expression.

"So, who the fuck is supposed to kill me when I butchered your master, huh?"

With the face of an arrogant villain holding his head high, at the time he loudly declared so -

The wall behind was blown off as if exploding, and two shadows tumbled in.

Part 4