Capítulo 8 - Para actuar lo dicho

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Capitulo 8 - Para actuar lo dicho

“pero, Yaegashi, pienso que aun así lo que hiciste fue demasiado,” dijo Fujishima Maiko, sentada junto a la cabeza de Taichi en el banco.

“ayudar a un gato que subió a un árbol y no podía bajar al subirte tu al árbol, y tomar al gato en tus brazos incluso cuando ya se iba a caer...y cayéndote tu con el en el suelo, actuando como amortiguador del gato —solo vería estas cosas en un mundo virtual.”

“Pero no pude evitarlo.”

Incluso si hubiera sido el, El no hubiera hacho eso si sus deseos no hubieran sido desatados.

“como sea , es bueno verte sin un rasguño. ese árbol era bastante alto. si alguien se hubiera lastimado durante una actividad de aprendizaje en el exterior , mi reputación como presidenta de la clase se hubiera visto negativamente afectada.”

Fujishima dejó escapar un profundo suspiro de impotencia.

“siento darte problemas.”

“But I now do understand why you would be popular. Although you’re an idiot from whatever perspective I look at, I can’t help being touched when having to see you do this in real time. This doesn’t mean I’m mesmerised by you. Please don’t mistake my words. I’m not such a frivolous woman,” Fujishima added and let out an icy laugh.

My...Taichi didn’t know how to respond to her.

“Forget it. Oh, it’s Inaba. Wuaghh!”

Inaba, nowhere to be seen just then, had came back. Taichi also turned his head to look at Inaba, but Fujishima was blocking his view, so he couldn’t make up why she had exclaimed.

“Yeah. Although it isn’t much of a deal, I think I shouldn’t be in the way. My instinct as the priest of love is telling me it’s time I leave. Let’s meet in a while, Yaegashi.”

“Hey, Fujishima. What do you mean?”

Having left a line of great implication, Fujishima left Taichi.

“What the heck?” murmured Taichi.

Inaba looked at Taichi from above.

“Hey, Ina...”

Taichi wanted to call her originally, but then stopped.

Inaba’s face was soaked with sweat, her hair tousled; a few strands of hair stuck on her cheeks, her panting face accentuated her ragged appearance, which was stunning. Perhaps owing to her falling down, her black coat was stuck with dried leaves and wood pieces, and there were scratches on her sleeves.

And the most important thing was that shimmering water droplets slid off from Inaba Himeko’s eyes.

Taichi had never seen Himeko cried.

Taichi had seen her about to cry, but even when they were about to face Nagase’s death, she didn’t cry for everyone and faced it courageously. [1]

Inaba was now sobbing, her eyes red, sucking her snivel.

How much had he let Inaba become worried?

Trying his best to lift himself, Taichi apologised to her, “I’m sorry, Inaba! Please don’t cry! I didn’t hurt myself...Wuagh!”

Inaba gave Taichi’s abdomen an elbow blow, a blow like no other.

“Wuaghh. Wuaghh. Wait! You’re overdoing it. That one really hurt me.”

He almost wanted to vomit the curry he had eaten, but managed to withstand it.

“Fu...fu...I almost thought I would die. How did you...”

“Stop letting those around you to worry about you, you idiot!”

Having that said, Inaba let off the residual energy she had and plopped down on the floor.

She didn’t care whether it would dirty her clothes. She sat on the floor weakly, crying over her shivering and thin shoulders.

How fragile and weak. She looked as if she was about to collapse. Anyone seeing her would surely have a tender affection towards her.

Taichi lightly placed her hand on Inaba’s shoulders. He gently touched her so as to prevent it from irritating her.

Then, Inaba wiped her tears and said softly and lowly, “After the outdoor learning activity ends and we get back to school, I have something to tell you. Let’s meet at the back yard of the east building.”


After the outdoor learning activity had ended, Inaba and the others returned to school by bus.

Owing to her disarrayed look, some came to ask her for what happened, but Inaba skimped them nicely.

After they were dismissed, Inaba caught Iori, telling her what she planned to do. Iori quietly nodded in response, and wished her good luck.

“Can I really do it?” Inaba asked, but Iori quickly replied, “This is the easiness I have as the advantageous one.” Oh, how haughty she sounded...anyway, Inaba said thank you to her from the depths of her heart.

Inaba could now be proud that she had befriended Nagase Iori. She also told her proud to Iori, though she cried, “Ina-Inaban, this doesn’t sound like you. I-I just feel so embarrassed.” And she thus quickly took off. Inaba hoped it wasn’t a result of her desires being unleashed.

After these matters were dealt with, time had drifted faster than she had expected. Taichi was so honest that he must be still waiting for her. She felt really sorry towards him.

Walking to the backyard of the east building, Inaba walked in the school with her uniform. It felt a bit miraculous.

Inaba turned over the corner and reached their rendezvous.

Taichi was standing there.

He was standing, with her back sticking towards her.

Inaba slightly decelerated her footsteps.

Although she planned to do so, she ended up walking gingerly and timidly like an idiot. She was about to call for him anyway, so why had it become so difficult for her now?

Their distance shortened.

He hadn’t noticed her yet.

Their distance shortened again.

He hadn’t noticed her yet.


Inaba carelessly snapped a branch. She could feel her heart skipped a beat.

Sensing the sound, Yaegashi Taichi turned his head around.

“Y-Yo, Inaba.”

Having greeted her stiffly, Taichi flew towards Inaba.

Don’t come.

Come, but don’t run.

She was about to approach him, so he hoped Taichi would stand there and wait for her.

These unreasonable requests dashed across Inaba’s mind, but Taichi didn’t care. He just approached her gradually and stopped.

From her rough approximation, their distance was a bit more than one metre.

What an idiot. She sounded as if she was writing a poem.

“Do you have something to tell me?” asked Taichi.

Please wait for a while. I still have some mental preparation to do.

Inaba stared at Taichi, inhaled, and...she couldn’t speak for some reason.

She averted her eyes off of Taichi for a moment.

What the heck? Why?

Why was she scared when she had reached this stage?

Nevertheless, she couldn’t advance if she didn’t speak. If she kept it like this, her feelings would not be conveyed. It was her who didn’t say it out, yet she was infuriated at others for not understanding herself. Her arguments for herself sounded too illogical.


If she really were to say it now, the relationship they had now would, because of this, destroyed. There was no turning back once she said this. She as well as people around her may get hurt.

And the most important thing was she might be denied. If this happened, she wouldn’t know if she could stand up again and advance.

This action was risky, and it brought pain with it.


She had decided.

She only had to tell him her feelings. Everything would end after that. Even if scared, she had to say it out. She had to confess her feelings without constant escaping, hiding, giving up, and getting afraid.

So what should she say now? Strange. Speaking of which, she hadn’t thought of where to begin explaining. How much should she explain? What should she do to let Taichi understand her feeling? Which line should she pick? Which word should she use? What was the reason? What was the excuse? What should she do to convey it successfully? What should she just do?

She began to become messed. She became to feel dizzy, her blood swishing and swashing. She didn’t know what was happening in her. Her mind had collapsed. Her theories had lost their meanings. She had to say it out now, but she was at a loss. She had no residual strength to think of what to say, nor did she have the confidence of saying them.

It was enough. She only had to say one thing. She only had to say the most important thing. Is it only three words? Three words are enough. They are enough to do the job. So let my mouth move...

“I love you.”

Ahah. She said it at last.


Taichi received the heaviest three words in his life. It was only three words, yet the feelings within had the most genuine confession. At the same time, all of the following doubts ran through his mind.

Is this for real? Why? Why did Inaba say this so suddenly now? How about Nagase? Inaba have always thought of letting Nagase and I become a pair! What will other relationships transform into?

Taichi had thought about it actually.

Although it was only a thought, he told himself it had to be only a misunderstanding.

Taichi had always thought it was only his own inclination.

This was because he couldn’t find a reason for Inaba to love him. It was obvious that Inaba was superior to him.

This didn’t mean he was worse than Nagase or others, but he had always felt Inaba was more like an adult, so Taichi had always believed this wouldn’t happen.

Speaking from some sense, Inaba had also been a person he respected. Although Inaba was not perfect and flawless and had her weak side, which Taichi could understand, he had still taken Inaba as a powerful being who would teach him a lot of things.

What could he give to Inaba who was so powerful?

Taichi had always been so deeply convinced of this.

He was, indeed, a stubborn person who would only think of himself.

Had he truly considered the feelings of others?

Had he only forced his own ideals, wishes, or things he reckoned was right on others?

Taichi looked at Inaba, who was shivering and averting her eyes. She looked nervous and scared at the same time. She was the Inaba who squeezed the magical three words after a long silence.

Taichi had never realised Inaba loved him so much.

After all, he wouldn’t know if she didn’t tell him—this was one thing, but if he had to tell himself that he didn’t feel a thing before that, he was wrong. He had to be observant of others. He had to do this since he wasn’t living on his own.

This was when Taichi came back to his senses.

In front of him, Inaba, shivering had a red face, her eyes lowered.

Rats. He hadn’t made any response. He shouldn’t have let her wait for him for so long!

The impact was so huge that some part of his thinking processes died.

Taichi was confused. His head was in a panic. Nagase, the matters of their club, and other matters of their class rolled along his mind. There were many options in his mind, and he could see the results stretching from these options. All of them were ones that may bring a huge impact to them.

Inaba suddenly lifted her head.

Although her round, teary eyes were shivering, her thin, long eyes caught Taichi directly.

All other things in this world vanished instantly.

Taichi only wanted to accept Inaba’s feelings bluntly, and tell her his.

Taichi commenced, “ glad to hear you say you love me, Inaba. I am truly, from the depths of my heart, proud.”

Taichi stopped for a while and continued, “But now, I still love Nagase.”

He wanted to stay at the smile Nagase had at the moment.

There was a pause about half the time needed for a complete breath.

Taichi was expecting to see how Inaba would react, only to see her laughing cheerfully.

Although her expressions were twisted, her smile was brilliant.

“Is that so? I knew it. Still, didn’t you say ‘now’? Doesn’t that mean there is a chance for me later?”

Inaba showed a joyfully satisfied smile.

“N-No. This isn’t what I meant.”

“After all, you guys haven’t really got along with each other. Besides, you might not be lifelong couples with Iori. It’s too easy to intervene the love between high school students.”

Then, like a kid having found a great malicious act, she smiled mischievously.

“Ahah. Also, I’ve told Iori I would do this. So you can be rest assured. We will have a formal and great fight. You don’t have to worry about it. You only need to do according to your need. You can leave the rest to us to solve.”

“Hey, hey. Wait! Things are developing way too fast! What the heck? It sounds as if Nagase and you are fighting over for me...”

“You’re completely right, so you have to get a hang of yourself, Yaegashi Taichi. After all, two wonderful ladies have fallen in love with you!”

Inaba spit out her tongue, smiling maliciously.

“W-Wait! Hold on a minute! I’ll be troubled! I’ll really be troubled! Tell me. What should I do?”

“Don’t ask me, idiot.”

As Inaba said that, she walked close to Taichi, stopping before she was about to hit him.

She placed her left hand on Taichi’s right shoulder and closing in her face to Taichi’s left ear.

The two of them was so close that they could already feel each other sticking to the other person. Inaba’s warmth spewed from her mouth embraced Taichi’s ear.

“See for yourself! I’ll make you can’t help falling in deep love with me!”

Inaba’s voice directly reverberated in his mind as if Inaba was eroding him.

“Also, you’ve done that to me once anyway. It’s the same if you do it another time, isn’t it?”

Inaba grasped Taichi’s chin, pushing her face towards Taichi’s.

Her beautiful, black hair. Her long, thin eyes. Her slender eyelashes.

Their lips were about to touch each other.

It was very hot and soft.

When these senses had gone into them, they removed their lips immediately.

“This is my first strike. I’ll go to the clubroom next week. Thanks a bunch.”

Inaba showed a smile like fooling someone around and licked her lips.

To be honest, Taichi’s heart had accelerated to such a fast speed he felt he might die.


Leaving Taichi at a loss, Inaba left with her back sticking to Taichi.

She left elegantly and at ease, lest she would realise her dirty heart would explode at any moment.

However she thought, she couldn’t stop her footsteps from accelerating.

Be that as it may, she still suppressed herself from running before she turned the corner of the building.

The moment she turned the corner, she dashed off.

Dash. Dash. Dash. She dashed with a speed she had never run with.

Or she should say she had run too much today. She was an introvert, so her muscles would sore a lot for a moment, but it didn’t matter.

Inaba escaped to a dim corner in the north building.

Having used a second to check no one was around, she sat down on the floor.

“Ah...How embarrassing...I’m about to die...I really kissed him.”

She cried on the floor alone. Then, she burst into laughter: “Aha. Haha. Ahahahaha!”

Her lips still had Taichi’s touch.

What should she do? Should she wipe it off? Should she lick it? Should she spit?

Her body was so hot. Her chest was so painful. She felt she was about to vomit. Was this the feeling of love?

Everything was under the control of her feelings. She couldn’t think rationally any more; she slowly became an idiot.

Ahah, still... felt surprisingly nice.

  1. About to cry: when Taichi said something bad to Inaba in v2 that made her about to cry and isolate herself from the club members. Actually, ‘Inaba’s body’ cried in v1, but it was Iori occupying her body, so Taichi, even though having seen ‘Inaba’s body’ crying, haven’t seen Inaba herself crying.