July, the Review, the Future

General discussion related to this novel series

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July, the Review, the Future

Post by Krikit »

I just wanted to post this because I think it's...well, appropriate to think back over the project and decide what to do from here.

The project mainly got underway due to the hype of the anime, which was extremely well done. During those months, and one month following the end of the anime, Spice and Wolf had the most contributions. The timeline we have looks somewhat like this.

Of course, this information is what a third-rate collector of info has discovered. I'm sure the project leads would actually have the finer details.

Around February, Alephnull began bringing up this project in hopes of increasing his Japanese skills. It was agreed that, as no real translators were stepping forward, the project would then become an "Educational Work." That is, Alephnull would post The Japanese text, and then under it, line for line, would be his translation. This left it up to other translators to browse through his translation in their free time, checking his translation with the original text posted with the english.

Following this format, he continued along through the prologue, and through 45% of Chapter 1. About the time he hit the 45% mark, the novel was finally catching the interest of alot of readers. During this period, the project experienced alot of what could be considered "Potential Interest." It was at this time I signed up to translate Chapter 2, hoping to piece my way through with RAW's, OCR programs, wakan, and my own ingenuity. Sadly it didn't work out and I had to withdraw from translating, as I simply could not understand 4/3 of context or meaning.

Also during this time, Matt found a Chinese translator, Firedoo, who had apparently volunteered to translate Chapter 3, and for all intents and purposes, continue on to the last volume. After his translation came out, it turned out to have a great deal left in the way of re-arranging sentence structure, fixing grammer, etc. In other words it needed a lot of editing. Matt volunteered to edit, and so at this point the readers now the following the could read.

Volume 1's Prologue, Chapter 1 (up to 45%, in a broken discussion page), and Chapter 3, in such a jumpled array of words that it would actually turn future visitor's from the project, wondering why there was such an un*fixed translation up.

Alephnull disbanded for RL, as one day many of us will as well, and his translations all but ceased. Chapter 3 was still up, but after the course of a few months, only the first paragraph had been edited. The entire chapter needed help. Now, there really were no translators on this project, and it fell into a form of slump.

However, just before April, two Chinese Translator's made themselves known on the Forums at Animesuki. They were Judgement26 and Barbsicle. During serious discussions about what should be the next step in the future of an almost abandoned project, Judgement decided to move forward with translations starting at Volume 3, where the anime had left off. This was a last ditch effort to save to project from falling into a wasteland of readers. It was a good move. Judgement began translations quickly, and accurately, posting clean text that had no need for real editing. With the continuing of the story at Volume 3, readers and anime fans could now return to continue the story that would otherwise have ended in their minds. (Rave Master is one example. Once the anime stopped airing, that was the end.)

The other translator, Barbsicle, was prepared to start Volume I anew, and bring it back into the light, but was "sentenced" to start of Chapter 5. (This was really our bad, has nothing to do with you Smidge =)) The reason was because Alephnull was supposed to do Chapter 1, I was supposed to do 2, Firedoo had done 3, an anonymous translator had started 4, and so he was left with 5. Working diligently, Chapter 5 reached the 51% mark. The sad part was, not many people wanted to read five until they could read what happens early in the novel. Sure they could watch the anime until episode 4, but it's not the same. Volume 1 was turning into a dead-zone, while volume 3 continued to live on, at least retaining readers to return to the wiki.

Recently, it was decided that Barbsicle would start over, from Chapter 1, at the 45%, and work forward from there as the novel should have moved, had translators such as myself....(more of an editer ^_^) abandoned their respective posts. I don't know how to apologize for not continuing with Chapter 2. I hope that when I am able to truly translate, I will not be turned down because of failing to finish this Chapter. As a form of "penance," I am working through Firedoos translation, and editing it to the best of my ability, so that I would have still contributed to bringing about a full readable chapter.


Barbsicle is working at Volume 1, and it could be said he's "Cleaning Up" after Judgement, who left a fine mess in his wake =). Sadly there isn't as much crave for this part, and their won't be until Volume 1 is finished, as well as 2, and they are released as PDF forms to preceed Volume 3. But when that happens, the name of the translator on this Volume will be Barbsicle.

Judgement is working hard at translating Volume 3, as well as balancing RL's events such as exams, computer problems, and the occasional girl trouble =).
Every once in a while, we get an update, and are exstatic, craving more and more ^_^.

I am working at double checking and editing the works to bring out a clean presentation which will draw readers attention, as well as make the translators and editors proud of a job well done.


Right now it is really the three of us working, Barbsicle the Past, Judgement the Future, and me the Editing...It's a decent party. We will, (speaking for myself, not sure about the other 2 though) continue to bring, chapter by chapter, more of Spice and Wolf to read by the fans that so dearly admire our two heroins, one the Crafty Lawrence, and two the Virtuous Wolf, and the adventures they will continue to have together. (or not, who knows how the story ends....O_o)

PS I remember a post by one on the Animesuki site, that was their personal opinion. At the time, I agreed, believing wholeheartedly in his words. Now, I know the truth, and I can appreciate others who also know this fact. His statement said pretty much that the Translator's are the ones who really matter, the Editors have such a low rank that they really aren't anything important at all. (sorry editor's I believed this too....^_^) I learned just how wrong this statement was through personal experience. Check out Spice and Wolf's Chapter 3. Read a bit of the active page, then skip to the discussion. You'll see what I mean =). Translators are equal with their Editing counterparts, but only if both sides are on good terms with each other, and help each other fix their problems. The one that works harder is "more important," and usually this truly is the translator. But sometimes the translator tries really hard, but still has trouble with the editing. In this scenario, it is the duty of the Editor to HELP the translator in repairing his work. It is at this point they are most equal.

WOW that was a huge post...leave a reply if you care too =)

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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Impressive. Now I know what happened with this project. Thanks for the project update. What brought about the urge to make this post?
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by fiendmaw »

Wow,I sensed so much drama from that post,the first review of a B-T project(ever),I was impressed.(By both the translations and the review of course :D)
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by Krikit »

Haha, call it 1 month being in Japan with no money to do anything, trying to find an apartment, school not starting until July 7th. I've had ALOT of free time on my hands....hahah...MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (I think I'm starting to lose it...)

I thought I wrote it pretty well while leeching off the internet at McDonalds. I'm on the second floor right now.

Have my power adapter, usb mouse, headphones all plugged in, and I'm here for 3 hour intervals, cuz I have NOTHING ELSE TO DO.

Besides all that, I really wanted to kind of formulate what happened with this project, which is what got me hooked on B-T ^_^.

Glad you liked it. =)
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Please feel free to do reviews on other projects or even interviews with some of the B-T members. New things and ideas are always fun and welcome. 8)
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by Krikit »

Hmmm...this is actually interesting....I'm going to throw out a rough idea right here, so you can let me know what you'd think of it. I'm not committing to anything yet, just bringing it up.

On the main page there are links to novels, visual novels, etc. What if there really was a link for something like..."The Chronicles of Series Translation" or something like that....and that would just link to a page with the projects, active and not. Then following similar B-T format standards, having an active page for editing, and then a discussion page.

On the active page, there could be the "Review," in other words someone starts the story of how the work was first decided upon to be translated, referencing names on the wiki, etc. then, when their knowledge runs out, its up to other members to update it when theres time on progress, what happened in the past, how things are now, and what to expect from then on, and the page could be continuously updated. Then the discussion page could have the "forum" feel they usually have, and people could post their comment like..."ahhh....reminiscing...." or stuff like that....hmmmm

"The Chronicles of Series Translation" huh....actually sounds kinda interesting, and I wouldn't mind putting a "revised" and more "official" "review" of S&W up, like the one at the start of this post. That should jump start the outline of how the reviews would run.....


other takes?
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by TheGiftedMonkey »

Here is something similar to what you are suggesting I believe, written by Oni-kun. Essentially you want something like that but for each individual novel?
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by barbsicle »

Haha. Me the past. Sounds pretty fun.

Cleaning up is a hard job. And me, well, honestly, yes I am one heck of a lazy person (I'm here writing this while my story to Matt is still undone and almost due). But nevertheless, in the end the series must be complete. It doesn't matter if my name is on the thing or not. But I will work to help make this project a success.

To the project leads, thank you for setting this up in the first place. We'll keep working hard on it, and turn it out of the fragments it's currently in until everyone gets to appreciate it.

And to everyone else who I may or may not have seen, thank you in your small way. Be it pointing out an error, arguing for your case over a neater image guideline, or even just taking some time to read what non-professional (well maybe judgment can be called a pro) work we have on display, thank you. After all, it is all for the sake of appreciating this wonderful story. The anime might have died down, but we're not done yet.

So, my dear partners in crime, judgment and seaghyn, let's keep working at it! Or rather, the future (judgment) works on it while me and seaghyn "clean up". Lol. Either way, we'll all be happy knowing we did something eventually.

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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by fiendmaw »

TheGiftedMonkey wrote:Here is something similar to what you are suggesting I believe, written by Oni-kun. Essentially you want something like that but for each individual novel?
Yes TGM,that's exactly what I'm thinking(and probably Krikit too),Something like that would really be fun,but under a slightly different name(that doesn't sound too heroic :P).I liked Oni's article about B-T,and it would be fair for projects to have something like that.
And I'd like to say a big 'thank you' to all the people involved in the S&W project,though I haven't read it yet,I will when I have time.That being said,keep it up.
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by Krikit »

TheGiftedMonkey wrote:Here is something similar to what you are suggesting I believe, written by Oni-kun. Essentially you want something like that but for each individual novel?

Pretty dang near accurate =). Yeah, that was actually what I was thinking. To do something like that, but to give it to each of the novels. To let readers know what sparked interest in the novel, where it started, how it started, why...(who, what, when, why, where, haha, first grade reading class......) But yes. If it's okay with the leads, and "Big Boss," then I think it would be something that would add a bit of culture to the novels, and help portray B-T as the place where people gather for the joy of translating a novel, and cleaning it, etc, as opposed to a site that harbors to the stress and distress of a world it has found a way to remove it self from. Deadlines ^_^.

Idk...but I kinda like it. What about you guys?
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by barbsicle »

I'm for anything. But I guess we'll have to see as it is. Translations take higher priority than "special-original-BT-bonus-material" I suppose. So yeah. We'll either wait or ask the leads.
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by fiendmaw »

Well I'm with these behind-the-scenes pages.
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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by Krikit »

barbsicle wrote:I'm for anything. But I guess we'll have to see as it is. Translations take higher priority than "special-original-BT-bonus-material" I suppose. So yeah. We'll either wait or ask the leads.

haha, where's that B-T spirit! we can do anything! we're invincible!!! *screaming sounds of pure excstasy as he jumps off the empire state building*

True though, translations are first. as without them, what's the point of an in-depth assesment with a "behind the scenes" look?

fiendmaw, I actually like that take...forget "Chronicles of the Series of B-T", definitely going for "Behind the Scenes." It's much more descriptive, a bit easier on the tongue, so to speak, and has a good feel to it.

Each series, there will just then be another link on each series front site for a "Behind the Scenes" link. Easy. Then the project workers just update it whenever something happens. (by something I don't mean *July 10th, Chapter 4 finished*) ^_^

got to go to the bosses now and see what they think...wondering how to ask this...

"Excuse me, but could you reformat all the front page layouts because I selfishly came up with an idea that would make all our lives a little bit harder?" O_o

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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by onizuka-gto »

great post Krikit!

And regarding your "new" insight about being an Editor and the nature of our "wingman" to the Translators....

"I told you so."


As for the idea of a "Editors Summary" sort of thing for each individual projects, sounds fun.


You are welcome to give it a go, just remember the red tape, as in dump the idea in the wiki/forum feedback thread with a poll and as long as you don't get too many objection (hint: make it as obscured as possible, that'll only show up if someone search for it. its how it's done in real life too!)

Anyway, have fun everyone!

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Re: July, the Review, the Future

Post by Krikit »

I just realized I put it in the "Future Project Suggestions" section....oops...

Well, it kinda is a "Future Project"......right....? (is there a way to move it?)

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