Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi:Volume 3 Prologue

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Lautreamont Knight Country, people called it the country of Dragon Breeders.

To the north was the Zepharos Empire, while to the south was the Chevron Kingdom.

Sandwiched between the two major powers, a small country with a population of no more than five million, had a special academy.

Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy.

Educating and guiding teenage boys and girls who formed a contract with dragons -- an academy for Dragon Breeders.

Part 1

“So, can you come to work tomorrow? Our restaurant is having a headache with the lack of manpower!”

Anya with a smile replied to the manager:

“Alright! I’ll be in your care!”

This place is the Ansarivan Dragon Riding Academy’s campus- student’s restaurant La Tene’s office.

Recently, Anya has visited the academy town-Ansarivan’s employment agencies. When she found out that La Tene is a strategic place to gather information, she had made up her mind that the job is hers.

To infiltrate the Dragon Riding Academy and investigate the student named Ash Blake- This is her secret objective.

The manager who is responsible for the interview was an extremely kind lady, and is always smiling. There is not even a hint that she is suspecting Anya.

-Ah. The Knight country’s citizens are too naive.

Anya is putting on a smile that she had practiced numerous times in front of the mirror. At the same time, she is trying to figure out her next move.

Recently, Anya’s performance had been low.

She thinks that meeting Ash Blake is the cause of it.

If he is an enemy, she could have solved the situation with her usual cold blooded method……. But Anya was saved by him twice, which gave her shame.

The first time was their first meeting in the depths of the forest, Ash had save Anya from the landslide. As fate would have it, the person who Ash is trying to save is actually is a person who will attempt an attack without needing any explanation, or assassinate him......

The second time happened during the incident at St. Valeria's church. Anya unluckily got caught in the mess an ended up as hostage. In the end the person who rescued her again was Ash.

Or perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, Anya who is a bystander in the incident, accidentally found out the name of his and 'may be future enemy'- Ash Blake.

By the way, the Avdocha who is arrested and sent to prison by the authorities is but a ‘counterfeit who pretended to be Avdocha’.

Anya agreed with this statement, but yet she still suspects something.

The female terrorist who occupied the church sure looks childish, and is a total different person from the portrait in the wanted poster. Also, her body is very petite. It is very hard to believe that she is Avdocha in a short time. However, though she looks young as if she can be bullied, the aura that this female terrorist emitted is nothing but genuine......

On the other hand, about Ash Blake who has been an active negotiator at that time, the authorities had mentioned nothing about him. The information appears to have been controlled.

Authorities must have been taking this action based on their hidden intention to prevent Ash Blake's name from being publicized.

Indeed, Ash Blake is suspicious in many aspects.

-No matter what kind of secrets he is hiding...... I will not allow anyone to interfere with Milgauss-sama. I swear I will investigate this thoroughly, and grab him by his weak point!

Luckily, Milgauss is still in his country [1] and had not yet return. The strategy to ambush in the school grounds is Anya’s own idea alone.

"...... Anya? Anything?"


After she found that the manager is staring at her face, Anya came out with a weird sound. [2]

"No, sorry. I'm fine......"

It is embarrassing to daze off, to make it worst, in the middle of an interview. Anya like she wanted to sweep away the awkward atmosphere asks a question:

"That, again...... Tenchou, [3] you just said that the shop is lacking man power, can I know the reason why?"

"Anya, you look like an outsider who is new to here, no wonder you don’t know. Actually, the Selective Training Camp is about to start."

"Selective Training Camp ......?"

"That is a traditional event that will be held at the Allonnes lakeside every year for training. Only fifty student who achieved good results are eligible to participate."

"Does this have anything to do with the shops lack of manpower ......?"

"We must send several staff members there to be in charge of their meals which are also part of the tradition. Having said that, we also cannot simply just closed this shop."

In another words, during the Selective Training Camp, La Tene faces trouble because you have to continue your business as usual, on the other hand someone has to be send to the campsite.

"Really, to make it worst, there are three people who resigned at the same time at this hectic period, it is unfortunate. And it happens that the reasons for their resignation are to get married...... Damn, are they kidding me!"

Bang! - The manager suddenly hit the table top heavily with her fist.

"You all should have already known that this period is the busiest time of the store! Before leaving, you even told me something like ‘Tenchou, you should look for your Mr. Right soon'......? Ain’t that Princess Veronica is also single? My life is the same, we live for our job!"

Even though she initially thought she was a gentle and pure person, it seems that she had accumulated a lot of pressure inside her heart. Anya is speechless.

"Oops, I'm sorry, I had shown my embarrassing side. Hehe......"

After expressing herself, the manager finally came back to her sense, and tried to use an unnatural laugh to calm down the atmosphere.


"W-What's the matter?"

"Anya, you still don’t have a boyfriend, right? Ah, but there is always a person you admire, right? As a manager, I must ask you clearly regarding this. After all..... Getting carried away by love and abandoned your work without any reasons...... I have seen many cases like this."

The manager had spoke a quite far-fetched reason, then, she suddenly leaned forward.

"Admire...... someone?"

At this moment, in Anya’s mind emerges a lonely image of the delightful Milgauss. – She had initially thought so, but, she didn’t expect the one she is thinking about is Ash Blake heroically in his Ark.

"What! Why would I think about that guy's face......!"

Anya kept on desperately banging her head with her fist, to remove Ash’s image from her mind.

"...... Anya?"

Suddenly back to her sense, only then she found out that the manager is watching her with a surprised expression.

"S-Sorry! I'm fine!"

Her cheeks become so hot that Anya wanted to immediately escape from this place, but she can’t afford to do it..

The manager just said herself.

-Only fifty students with good results can participate in the selective training camp.

That being the case, that Ash Blake should be able to participate in it. No, it should be he will definitely participate. Anyhow, he is the hero who saved Ansarivan.

"That, Tenchou!"

Anya held her fist in both hands and suddenly stood up.

"Please be sure to send me to the training camp as a catering staff!"

The manager, who was originally stunned, then shows a smiling face.

"Ara, is it true? Because the work is very hard and many girls rejected it!"

"No problem, please trust me!"

Anya firmly declares to the manager. But the manager remains silence.

She just stared at Anya.

"That...... Tenchou? Anything wrong?"

"Y~an! How can you be so cute, Anya!"

The manager suddenly leaps toward Anya. So suddenly, that even Anya who is with extraordinary skills cannot manage to respond in time.

Although her breasts are big and soft, which bring peace to the mind for a short moment, but......


Anya whose whole face is buried deep in them, suddenly is suffocating.

"Yes! I have something I hope you will accept it."

The manager suddenly release Anya and move to the locker by the wall.

"...... What?"

Anya greedily breath and at the same time look at the back of the manager. The manager is humming while rummaging the locker.

After a long while, the manager came back smiling.

"This is your uniform, I think it should fit you."

Any looked puzzled when she was force to accept the uniform. After spreading it out, it was the commonly known maid attire. The pure white apron are full of frills.

"Excuse me ...... this is?"

"It is the waitress uniforms. Ain’t it cute?"

"P-Please wait a moment!"

Anya looked panicked. Regardless of how she thinks, this attire is way off her style.

"I applied for a infield job such as washing, handling the cargo......"

"To let you work infield is not fair for you. Who ask you to be this cute! Anya must take the outfield job!"


"To be prudent, do you want to try wearing it?"

"That...... if I may, I want a relatively simple uniform......"

Anya lowered down her head, shyly stated her demands.

"How can you be so closed minded? I give up."

The next moment, the manager’s eyes shined.

"If that being the case, I’ll help you to do it right!"

"Noooooo! Ah...... Ayannn! Where are you touching-"

Part 2

Year 1265 of the A.S.B Calendar[4], the month of Gemini.

There are two more weeks before the annual traditional event of the Ansarivan’s Dragon Riding Academy-

La Tene~A.S.B 1365.6~" is closed.

References and Translation Notes

  1. Zepharos his homeland?
  2. Original word is something like wonderful sound but it do means strange
  3. 店長manager. Could mean the shop owner. I put it so because of the way she speaks.
  4. The original meaning is something like "After Saint's Birth" calander, to match A.D./Anno Domini (latin for "In the year of the Lord."). The Saint mentioned being St Rosa Maria (as mentioned in v2c4) the founder of what seems to be the official religion of the Knight's Country.
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