City Series:Volume8b Preface

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Name: Algo Everquest

Style: Critical Forcer

Extension: ASB Word Race (High Speed Action Resistance)

Story: You Understand?

A US born orphan who studied the ultimate fist under Kobayashi Ungyou.

Trained alongside Aoe.

Entered DT in order to summon a great god so that he could heal Alternative’s Words Warn and is currently work hard toward that end.

Is immortal as a Martial Arts Master and knows the meaning of the strongest fist.

Name: Alternative Kobayashi

Style: Non-Style

Extension: ASB Word Race (High Speed Action Resistance)

Story: Innocent Lady

Kobayashi Akon’s daughter and Yuo’s twin sister. She is asleep in the hospital with Words Warn, but her Mind Lives are with Algo, so she is enjoying life freed from her body in DT.

She is generally found on Algo’s shoulder in mini-form, but when he enters battle, she will grow to full size and provide support.

Just as happy-go-lucky as her sister.

◀High Performance Form

How to Play[edit]

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The Strongest

The strongest is an absolute power beyond just a killing power.

But does it really exist?

Algo Everquest once told Aoe Shouzou the following:

“If I had to explain it, I would say it is an interaction of the Plus and the Minus. Killing powers and the strongest power are both equations written with the plus and the minus.”

So what do killing powers and the strongest power add and subtract?

  • Killing: Adds and subtracts “life”.
  • Strongest: Adds and subtracts “?”.

Aoe: I think both killing powers and the strongest power are different ways of using power.

A killing power adds and subtracts life because it is used to kill.

But the strongest power I do not understand. What do you use a strongest power to do?

And I do not understand what Algo meant about an interaction of the Plus and Minus.

You can use a killing power without worrying about any of that.



Plus and Minus. These concepts are used to find the truth in reality and fiction, but their opposite natures contain contrasting anxieties and possibilities.


  • Anxiety: You could kill your opponent when you wield your power.
  • Possibility: You could step out into the world and assert yourself without fearing the emotions.


  • Anxiety: The anxiety of having the world’s eyes on you for killing is worse than the killing itself.
  • Possibility: You could surpass the “common knowledge” of logic and of the law and make decisions that sever your ties to things.


Yuo: Everyone is inclined in one direction or the other between Plus and Minus. When multiple Plus people or multiple Minus people gather, it is said they will provide support for each other’s anxieties. So with others of your kind, no serious conflicts are needed to understand each other’s anxieties.

But it’s strange isn’t it? Senpai and I are polar opposites, so why is it we get along so well?


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Emblem Pattern

These are the Quartet’s Pseudo Load Emblems. Instead of Lives, they Load powerful subprograms known as Top Level Subprograms. These were prototypes for the Load Emblems created before the 1st Godtact Experiment. They are inefficient, but their abilities are more specialized than modern ones.

  • Excel’s Pseudo Load Emblem: Lotus

Loads a program control ability. Removes the upper limit on that program control ability.

  • Myst’s Pseudo Load Emblem: Premier

Loads her technical ability. Removes the upper limit on her drawing ability.

  • Daikatana’s Pseudo Load Emblem: Moebius

Loads his center of gravity. Removes the upper limit on his blade strength.

  • Mekton’s Pseudo Load Emblem: Tribes

Loads his reflexes. Removes the upper limit on the reflexes in his connection settings.

The Five Great Lakes Map

A map of the Great Lakes. DT exists to the south of the Great Lakes, nearly at the center.

The north end of the Great Lakes connects to the border with Canada, so DT was influenced by Canada and France even before the virtualization.

Red dots from left to right:





New York

Fooblicky: The circle with the horizontal lines indicates the range of the Great Godquake that occurred when the great god was summoned in DT.

The extent of the destruction is why we Demigods declared the godtact experiments to be Death Techno and sealed them away.

As you can see from this map, DT is surrounded by lake Lives, not ocean ones.

There, that’s enough trivia for today.

This Month’s Newcomer!![edit]

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Top left: The latest City Series game is a life sim game with a very dangerous title.

As the subtitle suggests, you need to work hard to obtain the strongest fist, aka the strongest tsukkomi!!

Title: Princess Bullying

The Strongest Fist Thrown by a Special Someone

Left text: Boke Tsukkomi Battling!


Name: Yuo

Lewd Points: Fairly high

Sub Points: Maybe a bit high

Tsukkomi Points: My Specialty (Tsukkomi +1)

Boke Points: Here’s one thing I’m no good at

Long Ear Points: A perfect score!!

Item: One cloth. Buy me something, idiot.

Relationship: Underclassman

Top of meter: No Danger Yet

Meter: Mind Destruction Meter

Right Text: A real man wouldn’t laugh and compliment her so much!

Puppy: Not enough programs.

Dialogue Box: Yuo: “Excuse me, but none of the things in that chart on the upper left are actually ‘points’. Oh, that was a tsukkomi wasn’t it? Yes, that is my specialty. It really is.

Bottom Text:

58 years have passed since the release of Cat Bullying, the previous game in the series set in Berlin during the war. At long last, the sequel Princess Bullying has been announced for release this year.

The basic system remains the same as the original, so all the retired gamers who played the original will have no (non-health related) trouble jumping right in. The story follows the original’s. If you need a detailed explanation of that story, it is about [omitted] needs to be destroyed!! Curse you! Curse you, Himmler!!

Now, the original’s story spanned 7 years, but this blows that out of the water by spanning 600 years.

There is a setting that lets you play it in real time, so why not give it a try if you have an exceptionally long lifespan?

Oh, and this one is a joke too, so don’t believe it.

Bottom left: Screenshot of Cat Bullying. The verbal bullying starts here. However, the screen is laid out to so Ber-tan, the advisor character, stands out an awful lot.

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