Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume10 The Second Question

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The Second Question

Please answer the following question:

Please state what the Prince Shoutoku [1]did in the years 603 and 604 respectively.

Himeji Mizuki’s answer:

‘In Year 603, Prince Shoutoku created the Twelve Level Cap and Rank System. In Year 604, Prince Shoutoku created the Seventeen-article Constitution’.

Teacher’s comment:

That’s right. Please memorize the sequence of events during these few years, including the sending of diplomats[2]

Shimada Minami’s answer:

‘Year 603, Prince Shoutoku ate. Year 604, Prince Shoutoku had a good sleep.’

Teacher’s comment:

I’m not referring to daily activities that don’t need thinking.

Tsuchiya Kouta’s answer:

‘In Year 603, Prince Shoutoku got married. In Year 604, Prince Shoutoku went crazy.’

Teacher’s comment:

What happened to the prince during that year?

BTS vol 10 068.jpg
