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“Please, Tooru”
“Please, Tooru”
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Zui* Yurie closed in to my face.
Her wet and oddly seductive {{Furigana|silver hair|silver blonde}}, and her captivating tinged red small lips made my heartbeat pound hard--------
When I thought the deep red eyes slightly narrowed, she took a pose as if to pull a bow-----------
She placed the fist she pulled away, close to my stomach.
“Please teach me this”
“Thi,this is…………..”
“It is the technique Tooru used in the exam. I was really interested in it so, if it is okay with Tooru, could you please teach me a lot regarding it……….)
(So that is what she meant!!)
At the same time with me shouting my inner thoughts, I thank myself for not saying any misunderstanding words and taking weird actions, I made a relief sigh.
“Ah…......e,errr…….sorry, I can’t teach you that. That technique’s burden is not normal so if Yurie’s small physique release that, you’re body will only break. That’s why…………”
“………………that is a disappointment.
She lowered her eyebrows, and turned disappointed from what I can see, and I felt more sorry.
“Very disappointing…………..”
Yurie who muttered that one more time------
She collapsed, and ''clings onto me''.
Even after I hurry and stop her clinging, I was surprised by her slenderness; I felt surprised for the second time finding out it was slender yet soft, and last off I felt surprised for the third time towards the nice smell after her bath.
(Wha-wha-what is happened, hugging me, nice smell, from the shock!? Eeeeeeeeeeh!?)
“Yu-Yu-Yu-Yurie!? Wai, suddenly, no, this is-------wait, eh…………?"
I noticed her peaceful sleep breathing and regained myself.
It looks like she reached her limits and Yurie fell asleep.
The reason why she narrowed her eyes was because she simple just wanted to sleep.
Staring at that face, I made a large sigh mixed with tiredness and relief in it.
(For now, I’ll let her sleep on the bed…………..)
“She’s light…………”
As expected nothing is going to happen, and since I cannot bring myself to wake her up, I carried Yurie was surprised how light she was.
It looks like I might break her small delicate body if I hold her tightly.
Silky hair, small lips, and slightly drifting scent------looking at her like this, she only looked like a bisque doll, but the body warmth transmitted to me makes me strongly conscious that she is a human.
And, at that moment.
Yurie slightly rolled her held body, and brought her body closer, she grabbed my shirt tightly as if she wanted to be spoiled.
…………..but, that was wrong. It’s not like she wanted to be spoiled.
Together with her mumbling that softly, a drop of tears appeared at the edge of her closed eyelids.
Looking at that drop, I noticed my insensitivity after so late.
(As expected she’s lonely…………)
I don’t know what reasons she study aboard for but, for a young girl to be away from the country she is used to, and coming to this far side of the east alone, there is no way she won’t feel anxious.
I feel miserable to not notice such an obvious fact, because she was able to speak fluent Japanese, and doesn’t show her emotions.
And now that I have found out her true feelings, at the same time I thought i could not pretend that I didn’t see that. That’s why i------- to support her I made a vow that want to become Yurie’s power, and scooped the drop of tear from her eyes.
They sky was spread out.
In that never ending sky, there was the scorching hot sun shining down.
But all of that lost its color and like an old movie, a monochrome would was created.
This I a dream. Right now I am seeing a dream.
I seen this many times, the ''damn memory'' I never want to remember.
(Stop It………….don‘t show me this again……..)
But, even when I wanted it to stop it didn’t.
It was the past, just like how many times that happened; I was walking towards the same dojo.
Mid-way, I stopped my legs.
A stinky smell, a wind that stinks of rusted iron passed by.
Even when I turned to that stink, there was nothing there.
Immediately a chill came, and I started running in the next moment as if I was repelled.
Running towards the dojo while shouting my sisters name---------and then I saw it.
The only color inside this grey world-------red.
Crimson flames were raging and were drowning the dojo I was familiar with.
Towards the sudden unrealistic scenery, I was standing still dumbfounded------
“Oto,ha……… Otohaa……….!!”
My sister passed by my mind, and the moment I gained back myself, I dashed into the flames.
The inside was something from hell.
Powders of flames were rising and the sound of flames bursting violently hurt my ears.
Thunderous roars sounded, and the burnt down wood blocked the single path.
But even so I headed to the deep, the flames licked my cheeks and the heat burns my lungs.
All 4 sides were dyed in red, and inside the place where it was hard to open my eyes, I called out to Otoha’s name several time-------
Soon I reached it.
In the blazing hell fire, the deepest part of that hell.
Over there----Otoha was there.
Together with ''that person''.
Inside the sea of fire, Otoha was blankly sitting down hard and that person was holding a sword, facing backwards towards me.
The black shadows collapsed in the surroundings--------were once people called my seniors.
The blade drenched by red blood had its color further emphasized by the flames, and inside the nauseating stink of burnt meat and fat, I forgotten about the situation and shouted.
“What………..Oi!! What happened!! What on earth is this!!”
And then, that person slowly turned over.
That person’s eye at that time, I will never forget about it.
Deep, quiet, dark-------pure black eyes.
Facing that eye straight towards me, that person came closer to me.
“I am asking what happened!? Answer me!!”
“What…….? Oh let’s see-----“
In response to my question, that person replied.
And that word became my goal.
'''“They are dead, because they were weak”'''
That person slowly raised the tip of the blade towards the heaven--------and the moment that was swung down at me.
The blade path, cut into Otoha.
A splash flew out.
Red, a red splash.
After an instant, I understood that meaning------------
I raised a shout painted with rage, resentment, and despair.
Almost in the same time with me opening my eyes from the shout I made from the ongoing dream-------
When I looked over to the unfamiliar tone calling me, the ruby eyes were staring at me.
“Are you okay, Tooru?”
(……………this is Kouryou’s dormitory………)
And I finally understood where I was.
At the same time, Yurie was still staring at me with a perplexed state.
“Sorry to scare you, I was half-asleep. Perhaps I woke you up?”
“Nai. I was already awake so do not mind it…………I was a little surprised that’s all”
“I see, then that’s good….…no well, actually I saw a dream of me being attacked by zombies. I was then corned and when I let out a sharp shout then it came out in reality………….haha, it’s a nuisance huh”
Although I thought I sucked at lying even for me, I kept on talking stuff I was never asked of.
But even so-----
(Again that dream…………)
Ever since that day, I have seen that nightmare many times--------but was undoubtedly something that has passed.
From that unforgettable and never must be forgotten memories, my back was wet from sweat.
“……………Tooru, what’s wrong?”
Maybe I was making a stiff expression; Yurie was looking at me worried.
“No, nothing. ……………and, its morning already. I’ll take a fast shower so, let’s go eat something after that”
It was a little too frank but, I turned my face away to trick her and headed towards the dressing room without hearing Yurie’s reply.
I started taking a shower, and the flowing hot water washed of the cold sweat.
My body started getting warm and it gave me the actual feelings I am alive.
On that, I was the only one alive.
That day, my companions in they dojo died.
My precious sister, Otoha covered for me and………..
'''“They are dead, because they were weak”'''
More than 1 year has passed from then, and I couldn’t understand those words.
That’s why; I continuously seek for <<Power>>.
In order to understand those words.
===Part 2===
In Yurie’s memories, the part where Tooru was answering regarding the technique was interrupted.
What she remembers was, a feeling of warmth wrapping around her in her half-asleep half-awake state.
With a pleasant feeling like riding on a moving cradle, it was something very nostalgic.
And that nostalgia was the old memories of her father.
It is about the time when she was young, and during the time when Yurie stayed up late and ended up sleeping, her father would carry her and bring her to her bed.
(I have shown you something embarrassing……….)
As long as she has no memories of how she entered the bed last night, there was only one thing that comes to mind.
Her cheeks blushed because she was shy, and Yurie once again remembered the warmth from last night-------
And so, she felt loneliness.

Revision as of 09:09, 16 September 2013

Chapter 2 『I am interested in you』

Part 1

Kouryou Academy------

In the northern part of Tokya bay, a reclaimed land that can only be accessed by a hanging monorail exists.

Giant walls were covering its surrounding, and there was only one door entrance that corresponds with that size, and in the center of the site there is a giant clock tower soaring even from the outside of the school.

The inside of the school building and the unfamiliar school dormitory that looks from like it’s from Western Europe, it felt a little strange to call it a school. Naturally, the interior design was similar; it makes one think of the interior design of a western house, I and Tora were heading towards the classroom together but------


“What’s wrong?”

I leaked a small groan from the creak of my body; Tora did not let it hear pass him and looked towards me in doubt.

“I forced myself a little just now”

The cause was the skill he used on Imari.

That was original a skill that uses muscles but, since the middle build me recklessly used it, it has quite a burden in my body even though it was just one shot. On the opposite side of it holding absolute destructive power, if I shoot it twice then I won’t be able to move normally, it is a double-handed sword, and when I was explaining------

“I see. So that means you are a novice huh”

I’m astonished……..

“Don’t you have a kinder way to say it…………”


It was an immediate reply.

“Fuun. There is one question I want to ask regarding that technique. Why didn’t you use that once when you were training with me? …………Haa! Don’t tell me you were holding back when I was the opponent!?”

Tora pressed me with questions and I swung my head in panic

“Don’t simply misunderstand and shout. That was something I got to use just recently--------which means, it is something acquired after I couldn’t meet Tora anymore”

“………I see. It’s true you are not a stingy fool. ………….although you are an idiot”

Tora made a smile but, that last part was none of your business.

(Well, I’ll just agree for the time being………….)

“Forget about that, it’s been a long time, Tora. I didn’t think I would meet you in a place like this”

“Fuun, that’s my line”

The nature regarding <<Lucifull>>------the <<Adapt>> has a chance ratio of one over a thousand people, I heard that during the inspection before enrolling to the school.

That is why, I didn’t think I would meet him hereKouryou Academy.

However just like I thought in the auditorium, it is somewhat reassuring to know there is someone I know here.

“Tooru. Just now during the entrance examination---------“

“Oh, it looks like that’s the classroom”

We finished walking the long corridor, and reached the first year’s classroom.

“Oh, sorry. What were you trying to tell----“

“You over there?”


When I was about to asked about what Tora said, this time I was interrupted by another person.

When I looked over, there was a beautiful straight long haired girl staring straight at me.

(This girl………where have I --------)

In addition to her beautiful rather than cute face, she has an excellent style and together with the same age as me she somehow felt more adult-like. However, the characteristic part of her was her atmosphere. Her standing figure was surrounded by a dignified air, and makes one think it emphasizes her own existence.

“------------uh! If I’m correct you, were sitting behind us during the entrance ceremony……………”

Yes, the girl that talked to me right now was the girl that warned us to keep quiet in the middle of the entrance ceremony.

“Is there anything?”

When I asked her, the girl made a slightly complicated expression.

“………………..no one would have thought there was such a tradition ceremony here. That’s why you should not feel down, and have the intentions to head straight forward in this academy. I think that is only way to look straight at her when the time comes”

“Errr huh…………….?”

“Well then, I will excuse myself”

Even though I haven’t considered the meaning on the words yet, she turned back and entered the classroom.

“What was that about…………….?”

“…………..Tooru. Your examination opponent-------- if I am correct was called Imari. She was saying, if you regret defeating her then work hard for her sake “

“I see, so that’s what she meant……………….”

Maybe because she was sitting behind us, she probably looked at me and Imari talking together friendly.

That’s why, she probably take consideration in me wondering if I was depressed.

“It’s okay, it’s because I already promised Imari. Thanks for the consideration, Tora”

“Why are you telling me that for. Tell that to that girl”

“That’s true. ----------by the way Tora, what was it that you wanted to tell me just now?”

“……………….. I don’t know. Anyways let’s go in. ……………..almost all the thing I wanted to say was already taken, how can I say that now, you idiot


I followed after Tora who suddenly turned moody for some reason, and entered inside the class.

When I entered, the desk lined up in the room were not those personal use tables used in elementary and middle school tables, but rather it was something with a wide width and meant for 2 people use.

We picked random empty seats nearby the entrance----------thinking that the line up in the side was off, I’ll just sit at the back and wait for the homeroomHR to start.

All the new students have not assembled in the room yet----------during the entrance exam, it seems a portion of the student got injured by direct damage and was in the middle of medical treatment------ so, there was still time before things start.

The others did the same thing as us and sit somewhere random, there were some girls talking with others seating nearby or guys sleeping already, everyone was doing everything as they please and was waiting for the HR to start.

But, because of a certain person showing up in the classroom, a commotion occurred and------

Next, everyone lost their words.

“What is it?”

Towards the same situation similar to the one during just before the entrance ceremony starting, we looked towards the person standing at the entrance------

“That girl………..”

We immediately consented.

The person that has the classmates attention stopped at was that silver girl.

“Do you know her?”

“No, it’s not like we know each other but……….”

Now that I think about it, Tora was sleeping when the girl showed herself in the auditorium.

“I saw her movements during the entrance exam, the way she carried her body and her sword handling was quite something I think”

“Hou………. That’s one interesting girl”

He made a fearless smile and looked like he was going to challenge her to match.

(This guy is still the same hot-blooded fellow………….)

After thinking that, I once again send my sights back at the silver girl.

Same like what she did at the auditorium, she did not cared about the sights coming from her surroundings and was slowly looking around the classroom--------that ruby eye stopped at a certain spot.

To me.


Our eyes met.

(It’s just a coincidence right………..?)

And, the moment right after I thought that, when I thought the silver girl slightly moved her eyebrows-----


………..no, she said it. That was my name. There is no mistake that is my name.

(Why does she know my name………….?)

That was the first question floating in my mind.

Naturally, I have no memories of knowing any foreigners.

(…………wait a sec? I think she was looking at us in the middle of the entrance exam…………)

It’s not like I talked to her before, so I totally can get how she knows my name.

When I was having many question marks popping in my head in one sided, the silver girl was staring at me and started walking.

Without changing her expression her silver was swinging near her hips, *Chirin* together with the sound of a bell.

It was the exact reappearance of the auditorium------only the last part was different.


The silver girl reached just beside me and although it was for awhile she was staring at me again--------she made a nod with her head and sat on the chair.

On the chair beside me.

Even though there were many empty seats, she purposely chose the one beside me.

What’s more---------


She was looking at me with the side peeks for some reason. She probably planned to secretly look at me but, it was totally obvious.

“………………hey, do you know her?”

“That is my line!!”

“Sorry, this situation was confusing…………..”

One day, a foreigner I have never met or seen before, and naturally even her name is unknown to me suddenly started calling my name, sitting on the seat beside me, in addition she was conscious of me by looking at me with side peeks----------I suddenly fall into such a situation and if there is someone that won’t get confused because of this then I want someone to tell me about that person.

Nonetheless, staying not unable to understand the situation like this and also being looked at by her peeks eyes feel uncomfortable.

“………he,hey, can I have a moment?”


*Chirin*. The moment I made up my mind and talked to her, the silver girl turned away in tremendous speed.


It turned to silence just like that. It would seems, she was planning to pretend she didn’t hear my calling out to her.

(There is no choice. I’ll just find a good timing to talk to her later………)

I made a small sigh, and amused myself talking with Tora some boring stuffs.

Looking at that state, most of the commotion also returned back to the classroom------



After a while, she was once again sending her sights to me.

(Seriously what is going on…………..)

When I was feeling uncomfortable because of that, the students that finished getting their wounds treated entered the class little by little.

Not long later, when I thought almost all the new student was assembled then------

“Haro Haro♪ and good work on the examination--☆ and congratulations on your enrollment to this school--!”

Suddenly, when I thought the sound of loud *Kara**Kara laughter sounded and the window opening, a girl came in the classroom from there. Inside the room turned into silence, the girl stood at the teacher platform and made a pose.

“Nice to meet you, I am Tsukimi Rito----♥ I am everyone’s homeroom teacher so please treat me well for one year--! Filled with intimacy, call me Usa-sensei okay--☆”

Everyone in the class has no response. Rather, I should say how we should respond.

“…….Aryaryan, what’s wrong?”

She made a puzzled expression and the girl that self-proclaimed herself as our homeroom teacher looked around the classroom.

Having the class concentrating their sights on her with a totally different type of meaning from the silver girl, she was young and unthinkable to be a teacher---------------yes, others would agree if I were to say she was as young as our generation and believe she was our classmate if she wore a uniform.

Most importantly the most unbelievable part of her calling herself our teacher was her costume. No matter how I look at it, she was wearing a maid uniform and in addition she was wearing a rabbit ear hair band.

“Ha!? Are you all maybe fascinated by my cuteness? Iyaaa----, I was doing quite well getting use to these things but, as expected I am happy, awkward, and embarrassed if every of the new students was doing so~♪”

The self-proclaimed homeroom teacher placed her hands on her cheek and swings her head in embarrassment but---------

“No, we were just taken back…………”

“Oh I see, you all were just taken back--------Wait, eeeeeehhhh!! You all weren’t fascinated!?”

She heard my mutter and raised a shocked voice.

“No matter how and where you see it, I don’t think you were that conveniently received though…………”

“It’s because everyone was staring at me quietly ♪”

(Is it really okay for this person to be our homeroom teacher……..)

At this moment, there is no mistake everyone in the class was thinking this.

“Tsukimi-sensei, please don’t make the new students uneasy”

The one who spoke out our feelings was a male in his mid-twenties which walked into the classroom normally from the door-----it was a male named Mikuni that a played a role as the facilitator during the entrance ceremony. Looking at his tall height and has well-ordered facial features, [Hou………] there were sighs leaking out (Luckily the male isn’t like that) from left and right.

“Aaree--? Mikuni-sensei, why are you here?”

“I am the supervisor for the new student’s teacher. If you are going to play a fool then I’ll take the other side”

“Its okaaay. I plan to ride on a ride boat so leave it to me ♪”

“You’ll sink”

“Well then, let’s reform ourselves and head to self-introduction shall we--☆”


Tsukimi sensei completely ignored Mikuni sensei’s come-back, and started talking.

“With that said, hello hello I am Tsukimi Rito-chan. I am a young lady that has just graduated from this Kouryou academy this spring; I think am very inexperience but, I plan to do my very best so nice to meet you all♪”

(18 years old huh. No wonder she looks young-------wait, how about her teacher qualifications……………..)

I thought that but, asking for common sense in a school devoid from common sense itself is useless.

“Even inside last year’s graduates, Tsukimi-sensei especially has excellent grades, so she has been specially selected to be a teacher this year. Leaving her character aside, there is no shortcoming in her ability and skills so rest assured”

We heard the follow from Mikuni-sensei, and there were sighs of relief leaking out from everywhere.

“Somehow there was some very hurtful things in there but, everyone don’t mind that and lets progress efficiently okay----…………..even if I said that, since today is still the first day, it will be a quick explain of this year’s schedule and the self-introduction though ☆”

“Before that, first off the warning regarding the 《Blaze》”

“Ah, oh yeah oh yeah♪ errrr you all must not manifest your 《Blaze》 without permission from the academy okay? I’ll be very angry if you bring it out as you like. That’s all--☆well then, let’s begin the self-introductory---♪”

Thanks to Mikuni-sensei, we were safely advancing inside the first day of HR-------

Although there was another problem.

Rather than calling it a problem, I should be calling it curiosity.

That is the--------silver girl.

Turning into something troubling, the girl seating beside was sending her mysterious sights to me as usual.


If sights could kill people then I would have been easily killed about a 100 times by now.

The surrounding was in the middle of sending their sights to the teacher platform, and only she was looking at me. She was staring quietly at me. Continuously looking.

Most likely, she thinks she was not noticed yet but, sights were something that can be found out by the latter with thoughts beyond the user. At any rate, I completely don’t understand why she is this conscious of me.

(Is she mistaken with someone else……….?)


(But how about the name? Why does she know my name?)

“----------ming you”

(I don’t get it)

“You, from the third row in front the one thinking about something! Hey you, from behind the midget boy!”

“Who’s the midget!!”


Thanks to Tora’s shout, I noticed myself being called.

When I looked over the teacher platform, Tsukimi-sensei bulge her cheeks and looked at me.

“HnMou----, did you finally noticed? It’s your turn”


“Your self-introduction”


I could hear giggles coming from here and there in the classroom.

While hearing that, I felt my cheeks getting hotter and stood up.

“Kokonoe Tooru, nice to meet you”

“…………….Kokonoe? aah, you are that rumored boy!”


“You are a rumor in the staffroom. About there is a <<Irregular>> this year☆”

<<Irregular>>--------even though it was an unknown meaning word, I at least understand it is something special.

The class started having a commotion, and I became the center of attention again.

Inside the unsettled commotion, it was now the turn of another person of attention this time.

“Well then, next. The silver hair-chan beside that stands out a lot”


The silver girl nodded and started her self-introduction.

“Yurie=Sigtuna. Everyone, nice to meet you”

Once again, the classroom was wrapped in commotion. ………..however, the implication was different from mine.

Naturally, my treatment was close to a rare animal. As for the silver girl-----------in Yurie’s case, unlike her foreigner girl appearance, her fluent Japanese coming from her mouth was shocking.

However, Yurie as usual didn’t care about the response in her surroundings and sat down.

And once again she side peek and was looking over here---------


Our sights overlapped----------and the moment I thought that, she looked away.

But after some time passes, she once again started peeking at me using side peeks………….

Soon after the self-introductory ended, the student handbook, student cards and dormitory guidebooks were distributed.

“Did it spread to all the students huh huh? Regarding the school regulations, dorm regulations each individual please read through it when you have time later, if you don’t then I’ll scold you okay♪Also, the student card is used as a credit card so please be careful not to lose it—“

“Hee, so that’s how you buy stuff…………”

It would seem this was the living expenses.

The credit limit is one month 10000yen, and a number of people got excited after hearing that.

“Okay, okay. I understand your feelings but keep quiet---. For the last part, I will explain about the special system of this school and the dormitory room separation before I end todays talk, if you all want to make noise do it then, first off I want to talk about the special system though, it’s very important so listen to it properly---♪”

*Pan**Pan* Tsukimi-sensei clapped her hands together, and started talking about the so called special system.

“Our school exist a partner system called <<Duo>>. You all should understand from the word partner though, two people will form one group and receive lessons”

(…………<<Duo>>? Just recently, I think heard the same word from somewhere…………)

And in the middle of tracing back my memories, a question [Why is that?] came out from another student, and when Tsukimi-sensei started answering I stopped my thought process.

“When you graduate from us, you all know about the talk that you will be attached to the Donorganization’s peace preservation team right. You all will execute the missions normally in two man cells2 in one group or maybe in a team with more numbers than that”

“……………even though it will probably be impossible if we are told to be active in a team immediately after graduation, so get used to it in our school, is that what you are implying?”

“That is exactly right. You sure get it Tachibana-san♪”

The one who confirmed it with Tsukimi-sensei with a dignified voice was, that girl that talked to me right before I entered the classroom.

“Now then now then, it’s regarding about the <<Duo>> but, just like I said just now, both of you will be doing a lot of different types of lessons. So, regarding about that relation, I am sorry about the hurry but we will choose your official partners until the end of this weekend, so from tomorrow onwards good luck finding your partner to attend the classes. Fiiiiiight----☆………..ah, by any chance if you can’t decide then we will pick them for you so it’s okay to rest assured okay---♪”

(Partner system------------<<Duo>> huh………. I’ll just team up with Tora)

“………….so, the real part is from here---. Actually, after the <<Duo>> teamed up in this school, there is a rule where they will have to know each other deeply and pass time together as much as possible to strengthen their bonds with each other. Well----what I want to say is………….you will be made to share rooms in the dorm♪”

It’s true, that trust will probably be deepened if they are together for a long time.

Even though there is enough chance personality disagreements will appear, for this school that is devoid to common sense it still made sense.

(Hn, wait a sec………….?)

Toward that explanation I had a question floating out.

“Err, I have a question”

“Yes yes, the <<Irregular>> Kokonoe-kun, what is it?”

……………I wished you would stop calling me that way.

“By this weekend, you said the <<Duo>> will be decided by then but,

“Fufu, nice question. Sensei is happy for you to notice that~♥ should I give you a nice pat in the head?”

“I refuse”

“Puu~ that’s regretful. ……………..well then well then, pulling myself together, including the answer for Kokonoe-kun’s question, I will start talking about the room separation for the dormitory~♪”

*Chills*. The instant Tsukimi-sensei showed a smiling face, a chill ran up my spine.

It’s a premonition something is going to turn troubling.

Is that premonition by any chance-------true.

Tsukimi-sensei pointed her fingers to us, and put something worthless in her mouth.

“Until the weekend, we will have you all live with the current person sitting next to you--♪”


“Which means, together with the temporary <<Duo>>. This is the school rule, so denial is useless a no no and not permitted okay☆ nee, Mikuni-sensei♪”

Towards Tsumiki-sensei who was making an “x-sign” with her fingers in front of her chest, Mikuni-sensei silently nodded and made a sigh.

“Tha,that means……..”

“Good for you, Kokonoe-kun♪”

Tsumiki-sensei made her good job sign to me.

At first I didn’t understand her words but, I also guessed it by that one sentence.

Until this weekend, living together with the classmate sitting beside you would mean--------

“Yes♪You’re roommate is that silver haired beauty Yurie-chan. Male 37, female 15, that is about the number of new student but, you are the only one living together with another girl. Kyaaa--- Lucky♥ ……………ah, yeah yeah. You will be kicked out of school if you have an illicit sexual relationship so be careful. Putting it in easier words, if you do something that is hesitated to say in the hereclassroom, and a 3rd roommate is made --------“

“Like hell I’ll do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!”

Forgetting my respect to my superior, I shouted and stood up-----

Immediately right after, the classmate that got hold of themselves after my shout, made an uproar.

[Are you serious!?] [With that girl huh, that’s nice…………..] [Kyaa---, its living together, living together]

“Wa,wait a second! No matter if it is the school rule, thinking in common sense isn’t this bad in a lot of ways!”

Inside the uproar filled with words they want to say, I panicked and protested but---------

“…………………..having a entrance exam during the school entrance ceremony, and what’s more, having a real fight taken place, do you think this school is normal?”


The reply that came back made my view in front dizzy.

I placed both my hands on the table, and looked over my roommate until the weekend------once again my eyes met with her ruby eyes.

But this time she didn’t avert her eyes away----------

She looked towards me and lowered her head a little.

“Nice to meet you”

“Ni,nice to meet you…………”

This was, the start of living together with me and the Yuriesilver girl.

(Someone save me…………………)

The reason I wished that was simple and clear, it’s because it was a complicated yet inescapable problem.

Few hours passed from the uproar in the classroom.

Moving to the dormitory in the premise, I was told about the dorm rules (the curfew, or time for eating), led to the cafeteria and after I finished my dinner quickly----------

Inside the room I was assigned to, I was------standing and staring with each other with the silver girl Yurie.


(Please. Someone save me…………….)

Even though I wished once more, a hero that will break this situation wouldn’t appear.

Would Tora who was assigned to the room next door, unexpectedly come here to play I wonder.

…………….however even when I made such a light hope, it dispersed after hearing the slight shouting coming from the other side of the thick wall.

(Looks like he doesn’t get well with his roommate)

However right now, instead of the room next door, I have a problematic situation I raised myself.


(This turned into something troubling………………..)

Although I was thinking what to do, nothing will progress if I keep silent, I made a sigh and looked at Yurie.

(Now that I take a good look at her, as expected she feels like a bisque doll)

Having a delicate body structure, well-featured face, transparent like Snow whitesnow colored skin, ruby eyes, and the most characteristic part I can say of her was her Silver blondesilver hair………….

All of it was harmonized together, and it was suitable to be called beautiful.

The word beautiful girl is probably meant to be used for this.

But, that was not all.

A black wing angel--------

Magnificently using the two small swords, judging from the splendor way she carries her body, she was not a normal girl.

(Where did she get such a skill----------wait, now is not the time to think about that) First off I have to do something about this silence but………..

If I were to make a self-analysis, it think my communication skills are quite okay thanks to living in a house with a large number of people coming and going. I have quite some male friends in my elementary and middle school time.

But expected to the girl I just met today, what’s more she is a foreigner, adding more to that I will be sleeping in the same room (Important) together with her under the same roof until the weekend (Currently Monday), on top of me unable to read her thoughts (This is more important) because she was expressionless, I was in front of someone who one-sided knows about me, and I have no idea what should I be talking with her.

(Otoha was the only one I have a talking experience with a girl my age………………….)

………….I feel a sister won’t be a reference in the first place.

(Let’s play it safe.........)

“Err, hey………..we are going to be living in the same room until the weekend so, why don’t we sit down for now?”


After she nodded to my proposal, the silver girl interpose the low table and made a proper seiza[1b 1] (Ooh, she is good mannered…………however, I think I heard foreigners are bad with seizas but, is that not the case?)


“Ah, sorry”

Since I was standing up thinking although I was the one who said to sit down, Yurie tilted her small head.

I apologized and hurried to sit down straight on the other side of the table.

“This is quite a nice room”

The room dormitory was unexpectedly wide, and beautiful. There was a carpet on the center of the floor; it was equipped with a television and kitchen, and maybe because it was meant for 2 people there were two same types of clothing cases, and a two stories bed was installed.

Oh yeah.

“Errr………..lets introduce ourselves again”


“Well then, starting from me who proposed this. I am------“



Before I could name myself, my name was said before me.

Although I was a little curious about why the accent was a little different but, since she is a foreigner so that can’t be helped.

“Rather than Kokonoe or Tooru, just call me in any way easy for you”[1b 2]

“I understand. Then I will call you Tooru”

“You are Yurie, is that okay”

“Ya---.Yurie=Sigtuna. Please call me Yurie”

“I, I understand………..”

Same like in the classroom, thanks to her replying back in fluent Japanese I was bewildered.

(It’s better than unable to communicate……….)

“Please take care of me until the weekend, Yurie”


Self-introduction time over.


And once again silence arrived.

(Uh wait, isn’t it bad to end it here!)

“Le,lets talk about each other more okay?”


“Errr, I am born from Kanagawa prefecture in Fujisawa city. ………….wait, do you know where is Fujisawa?”

“No(Nai), but I also don’t know about Kanagawa………….”

Yurie swing her head a little troubled.

Because she was able to talk in fluent Japanese, I thought she might be brought up in Japan but, the probability of it being wrong is high since she doesn’t know where Kanagawa is.

“Err, Fujisawa is a city in the southeast coastland from here………….that’s too vague huh. Where is Yurie from?”

“It’s a country called Gimle in the northern Europe”

“An overseas student like I guessed……. But even so, your Japanese is good”

“Thank you very much. I was properly taught by mama”

“From your mother………?”

Was she working in a Japanese company or something?

……………..unexpectedly she might be a Japan lover--------things like ninja or anime--------there is that possibility.

In a more unexpected case, she might be a half.

She doesn’t look like she has Orient blood mixed but, actually could her name Yurie written in kanji be Yurie or Yurie or Yurie or Yurie[1b 3]--------

“Mama interpreted it from her job”

It was a normal answer…………….

“And in the school at that side, there was Japanese in the a selection of subjects”

“Hee, then you have been deciding to study aboard in Japan since middle school?”

“Ya--.i found out about this academy, and decided it”

“I see…………”

Why would you come to this Battle training school-----------was what I wanted to ask but, I might be steeping far to in at the beginning so I restrained myself.

“I see. For an instant, I thought you would be a half”


“Since Japanese people also have the name Yurie so, I thought that might be the case”

“I see. But speaking of names, the name Tooru is also in Gimle”

“Is that so”

“Ya---. It is a name named after the strongest thunder god that appears inside the legends told in Northern Europe”

“Thunder god Thor………”

The reason why the accent was different was because; she confused mine with the name of that god.


(Strong, huh…………..it would be nice if that is the case though………)

Hearing that keyword I remembered that word, and unintentionally clenched my fist.


“Ah………! Errr, no, it’s great Yurie can speak Japanese. Since I can only speak in Japanese”

“Did you not learn foreign languages in Junior high schoolJapan’s middle school?”

“Uh………….! Eng,English was required though……….”

There are many people that can’t have a conversation even if they were taught.

And I am in one of those large majorities.

“I’m sorry”


She guessed it and apologized, somehow I feel a little miserable……….

“N,no, but I am seriously thankful that my words can get through. If Yurie couldn’t speak Japanese then, we’ll be having trouble trying to understand each other by now, I seriously think it’s great”

“Ya--. You’re welcome”

Yurie nodded.

(Any other topics……….wait, oh yeah!)

“By the way, I saw Yurie’s fight during the entrance examination but, the way you bring your body and sword handling is amazing. Did you attend a dojo in Gimle?”

“…………………nai. That is my own style”

“Self-taught and that movement………….. That’s amazing…….”

The moment I felt surprise about the hidden sword talent inside her small body-------

I want to have a match with her sooner or later, that’s what I thought.

“Ah, Tooru. I want to change the topic but-------“


“Is it okay if I take a shower first?”

“Eh? A,aah. I don’t mind”

“Thank you very much. I still want to talk but, I feel really sleepy from just now because of the time difference………..i am sorry but, after I wash my sweat off it’s about time I am going to rest for today”

“Time difference looks tough. And what’s more there was that That kind of thing《Qualification Ceremony》 today. Just take a nice rest after you freshen up”

And even whan I said that, Yurie was wobbling her head left and right.

“Nai. It’s not because of the entrance examination, it’s just hot”

“Eh? Its true today was warm but, it isn’t that hot……….”

The season just recently turned to spring, and it was still cold now that it turned to night time.

Even though the dormitory was warm thanks to the heat equipment, it was still far away to be called hot.

“This heat is the same as summer in my country”

“I, is that so……. Then, should I leave the air-conditioner off?”

“That is helpful”

(If she says the season right now is hot, then what will happen if it turns mid-summer…..?)

Staring at her small back while she was preparing her clothes, that question popped up in me.

“Ah, oh yeah. To avoid a strange trouble, can you do your changing in the dressing room?”

Due to us living together with the opposite sex, I made a plan to block the first point that is most likely to be the first problem.

“Ya--. I understand. Then I’ll be using the shower first”

Yurie took a bow after agreeing to my plan, and she entered the dressing room.

The remaining me, was remembering the conversation we had just now that was bothering me.

That was, in the classroom--------no, I was thinking about this since that time I saw Yurie in the entrance ceremony.

(She doesn’t smile………)

It is by no means a lot but, she has shown other expressions other than that.

Thanks to that, it was hard to read her emotions and I could not come out from the image of Yurie being an exquisite doll.

Instead of just replying to my questions, she should start talking herself, in reality i knew that was not true.

That is why, I thought of it.

That, if she smiles then she will look cuter.

“Well then…………I’ll just sort out my luggage I guess”

Muttering to myself, I decided to start sorting out my luggage that was sent to the dormitory beforehand.

(If I failed in the entrance exam then, this luggage would have been sent back)

“------entrance exam, huh…………”

I remembered the girl I defeated and muttered.

(If I meet her someday, then I’ll have to protect my promise……………….)


When I was remembering the things in the entrance exam, I remembered something now of all times.

(Snap. If I brought up the entrance examination talk, I should have asked her why she was staring at me. And things like, how does she knows my name or, the things I was bothered about in the classroom…………..)

To forget all that, that was probably how nervous I was and I didn’t realize it.

(I’ll ask Yurie after she finishes her shower)


From that word, I imagined.

…………the scene Yurie cleaning herself in the shower.


Even when I delete my imagination in hurry, I started to feel conscious about the fact I was living together with a girl after so late.

And what’s more unluckily, the sound of the shower was slightly echoing through the wall and I imagined again whether I liked it or not--------


I quickly took the television remote with my hand.

Even though it is until the weekend, in a way I once again became self-aware, about the start of very troubling days………..


20 minutes after that, when I was sorting out my luggage while turning on the television, Yurie’s yawn could be heard from behind. Just like what came out from her mouth, she was sleepy because of the time-lag.

“Yurie. I have a question but-------Bufuu!?”

But, when I wanted to clear up the question before sleeping--------I turned around and Yurie’s sleepy eyes was there.

However that was not the reason why I spurt out.

Long and slender white legs, thighs, calf consequently entered my view.

Her thin pajamas was sticking to her skin after a bath and in just one glance I could see here delicate body line and chest bulge (It was quite moderate), on top of that, maybe because she was sleepy because the buttons that were messed up made a gap and thanks to that I don’t know where should I place my eyes.

“What is wrong?”

“N,no that’s…………..”

Despite being flustered I tried talking but, my eyes were attracted to her thighs and pajama’s border for some reason.


“The,there is a question I want to ask………….!”

Towards Yurie who was looking at me wondering, I used a little strengthen tone to trick myself-----no, I decided to ask her about the things that were bothering me.

“Yurie,--------do you know me? You were facing your sights towards us during the middle of the exam and you said my name when you entered the classroom…………………and you were a little curious after that right?”


Her expression did not change. But the moment I questioned her, I felt the atmosphere slightly changed.

“………………….. I heard your name during the examination”

It means she heard me and Imari’s conversation.

“But, why me…………..?”

“…………….. I-----------“

A slight silence slipped in and she showed a little confuse state before------Yurie opened her mouth.

“I am interested in you”


When I looked at Yurie in shock, those ruby eyes looked straight at me.

Absolute Duo Volume 1 Non-Colour 3.jpg

“Tooru. I am very interested in you”

Yurie put a very devastating sentence in her mouth and slowly came closer.

As for me, even when I backed away, I immediately hit the wall.

And then, if I stretch out my hand I can touch-----------no, Yurie’s breathe was hitting my chest, that was how close the distance became………..

“That is why------please teach me………”


Due to her just coming out from the bath, her snow white skin was weltered with blood.

To that color that feels warm from the blood passing through, it makes me feel she is human instead of a doll----------------and more importantly, it makes me conscious of her as a girl.

Is this perhaps--------

(Is this that love at first sight thing…………!?)

I think the word I thought of can't be called be smart but, as long as she said she was interested in me, and was so daringly approaching me, there is no way I can understand that meaning.

(Thi,this cute girl, to me!? dream!? No what is with this nice smell, shower? Uwah, close, her hair is thin, eh, eh, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!? Wha, what should I doooooooooo!?)

The inside of my head was in complete panic. That current me was------

“Please, Tooru”

*Zui* Yurie closed in to my face.

Her wet and oddly seductive silver blondesilver hair, and her captivating tinged red small lips made my heartbeat pound hard--------

When I thought the deep red eyes slightly narrowed, she took a pose as if to pull a bow-----------


She placed the fist she pulled away, close to my stomach.

“Please teach me this”

“Thi,this is…………..”

“It is the technique Tooru used in the exam. I was really interested in it so, if it is okay with Tooru, could you please teach me a lot regarding it……….)

(So that is what she meant!!)

At the same time with me shouting my inner thoughts, I thank myself for not saying any misunderstanding words and taking weird actions, I made a relief sigh.


“Ah…......e,errr…….sorry, I can’t teach you that. That technique’s burden is not normal so if Yurie’s small physique release that, you’re body will only break. That’s why…………”

“………………that is a disappointment.

She lowered her eyebrows, and turned disappointed from what I can see, and I felt more sorry.

“Very disappointing…………..”

Yurie who muttered that one more time------


She collapsed, and clings onto me.


Even after I hurry and stop her clinging, I was surprised by her slenderness; I felt surprised for the second time finding out it was slender yet soft, and last off I felt surprised for the third time towards the nice smell after her bath.


(Wha-wha-what is happened, hugging me, nice smell, from the shock!? Eeeeeeeeeeh!?)

“Yu-Yu-Yu-Yurie!? Wai, suddenly, no, this is-------wait, eh…………?"


I noticed her peaceful sleep breathing and regained myself.

It looks like she reached her limits and Yurie fell asleep.

The reason why she narrowed her eyes was because she simple just wanted to sleep.

Staring at that face, I made a large sigh mixed with tiredness and relief in it.

(For now, I’ll let her sleep on the bed…………..)

“She’s light…………”

As expected nothing is going to happen, and since I cannot bring myself to wake her up, I carried Yurie was surprised how light she was.

It looks like I might break her small delicate body if I hold her tightly.

Silky hair, small lips, and slightly drifting scent------looking at her like this, she only looked like a bisque doll, but the body warmth transmitted to me makes me strongly conscious that she is a human.

And, at that moment.


Yurie slightly rolled her held body, and brought her body closer, she grabbed my shirt tightly as if she wanted to be spoiled.

…………..but, that was wrong. It’s not like she wanted to be spoiled.


Together with her mumbling that softly, a drop of tears appeared at the edge of her closed eyelids.

Looking at that drop, I noticed my insensitivity after so late.

(As expected she’s lonely…………)

I don’t know what reasons she study aboard for but, for a young girl to be away from the country she is used to, and coming to this far side of the east alone, there is no way she won’t feel anxious.

I feel miserable to not notice such an obvious fact, because she was able to speak fluent Japanese, and doesn’t show her emotions.

And now that I have found out her true feelings, at the same time I thought i could not pretend that I didn’t see that. That’s why i------- to support her I made a vow that want to become Yurie’s power, and scooped the drop of tear from her eyes.

They sky was spread out.

In that never ending sky, there was the scorching hot sun shining down.

But all of that lost its color and like an old movie, a monochrome would was created.

This I a dream. Right now I am seeing a dream.

I seen this many times, the damn memory I never want to remember.

(Stop It………….don‘t show me this again……..)

But, even when I wanted it to stop it didn’t.

It was the past, just like how many times that happened; I was walking towards the same dojo.


Mid-way, I stopped my legs.

A stinky smell, a wind that stinks of rusted iron passed by.

Even when I turned to that stink, there was nothing there.



Immediately a chill came, and I started running in the next moment as if I was repelled.

Running towards the dojo while shouting my sisters name---------and then I saw it.

The only color inside this grey world-------red.

Crimson flames were raging and were drowning the dojo I was familiar with.

Towards the sudden unrealistic scenery, I was standing still dumbfounded------

“Oto,ha……… Otohaa……….!!”

My sister passed by my mind, and the moment I gained back myself, I dashed into the flames.

The inside was something from hell.

Powders of flames were rising and the sound of flames bursting violently hurt my ears.

Thunderous roars sounded, and the burnt down wood blocked the single path.

But even so I headed to the deep, the flames licked my cheeks and the heat burns my lungs.

All 4 sides were dyed in red, and inside the place where it was hard to open my eyes, I called out to Otoha’s name several time-------

Soon I reached it.

In the blazing hell fire, the deepest part of that hell.

Over there----Otoha was there.

Together with that person.

Inside the sea of fire, Otoha was blankly sitting down hard and that person was holding a sword, facing backwards towards me.

The black shadows collapsed in the surroundings--------were once people called my seniors.

The blade drenched by red blood had its color further emphasized by the flames, and inside the nauseating stink of burnt meat and fat, I forgotten about the situation and shouted.

“What………..Oi!! What happened!! What on earth is this!!”


And then, that person slowly turned over.

That person’s eye at that time, I will never forget about it.

Deep, quiet, dark-------pure black eyes.

Facing that eye straight towards me, that person came closer to me.

“I am asking what happened!? Answer me!!”

“What…….? Oh let’s see-----“

In response to my question, that person replied.

And that word became my goal.

“They are dead, because they were weak”

That person slowly raised the tip of the blade towards the heaven--------and the moment that was swung down at me.


The blade path, cut into Otoha.

A splash flew out.

Red, a red splash.

After an instant, I understood that meaning------------

I raised a shout painted with rage, resentment, and despair.


Almost in the same time with me opening my eyes from the shout I made from the ongoing dream-------



When I looked over to the unfamiliar tone calling me, the ruby eyes were staring at me.

“Are you okay, Tooru?”


(……………this is Kouryou’s dormitory………)

And I finally understood where I was.

At the same time, Yurie was still staring at me with a perplexed state.

“Sorry to scare you, I was half-asleep. Perhaps I woke you up?”

“Nai. I was already awake so do not mind it…………I was a little surprised that’s all”

“I see, then that’s good….…no well, actually I saw a dream of me being attacked by zombies. I was then corned and when I let out a sharp shout then it came out in reality………….haha, it’s a nuisance huh”

Although I thought I sucked at lying even for me, I kept on talking stuff I was never asked of.

But even so-----

(Again that dream…………)

Ever since that day, I have seen that nightmare many times--------but was undoubtedly something that has passed.

From that unforgettable and never must be forgotten memories, my back was wet from sweat.

“……………Tooru, what’s wrong?”

Maybe I was making a stiff expression; Yurie was looking at me worried.

“No, nothing. ……………and, its morning already. I’ll take a fast shower so, let’s go eat something after that”

It was a little too frank but, I turned my face away to trick her and headed towards the dressing room without hearing Yurie’s reply.

I started taking a shower, and the flowing hot water washed of the cold sweat.

My body started getting warm and it gave me the actual feelings I am alive.

On that, I was the only one alive.


That day, my companions in they dojo died.

My precious sister, Otoha covered for me and………..

“They are dead, because they were weak”

More than 1 year has passed from then, and I couldn’t understand those words.

That’s why; I continuously seek for <<Power>>.

In order to understand those words.

Part 2

In Yurie’s memories, the part where Tooru was answering regarding the technique was interrupted.

What she remembers was, a feeling of warmth wrapping around her in her half-asleep half-awake state.

With a pleasant feeling like riding on a moving cradle, it was something very nostalgic.

And that nostalgia was the old memories of her father.

It is about the time when she was young, and during the time when Yurie stayed up late and ended up sleeping, her father would carry her and bring her to her bed.

(I have shown you something embarrassing……….)

As long as she has no memories of how she entered the bed last night, there was only one thing that comes to mind.

Her cheeks blushed because she was shy, and Yurie once again remembered the warmth from last night-------

And so, she felt loneliness.


Translation Notes and References

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seiza
  2. Yurie calls him in katakana (トール) while his others call him in his kanji form (透流)
  3. Different forms of Yurie's name in Kanji = Starting from the first--百合恵,由利枝,祐理絵,友里江

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