Horizon:GT2 Afterword

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That was another Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon Girl’s Talk story. The first one, Soul and Wolf, was popular enough that I was able to do a second one. This one was about Masazumi, and about the Musashi group in Mikawa a year before. The characters were pursuing a festival-like incident based on their personal history that they weren’t entirely certain happened.

With the ban on foreign religions and the period before that, Japan really did let it on a lot of foreign culture. It also made a good bridgehead for the Pacific, so the foreign captains crossing the Pacific had recorded various landing points for passing through Japan, but Rodrigo once shipwrecked and arrived in Chiba. He then visited Sunpu (to see Ieyasu) and enjoyed a casual chat while enduring Masazumi’s fierce gaze. The people back then must have been tough. Also, Rodrigo was technically from Spanish Mexico, so this led to the first equal treaty between Mexico and Japan.

Anyway, after Girl’s Talk Soul and Wolf came out, my assistant editor Kobara-san mentioned “GT” in an email and I asked him what that was. He told me it was short for Girl’s Talk in a “how do you not know this?” kind of way, so I’ll be calling it GT from now on.

Now for the chat.

“Got any memories about transferring schools?”

“Hmm. When I was in elementary school, my parents had a job related to defending the country, which meant we moved a lot. But in 5th grade, my class decided to throw me a going away party.”

“Oh, that sounds nice. So what happened?”

“Well, they had a class meeting to decide what to do at the party. We had just started doing cooking in home ec class, so someone suggested we have a party where we all cook something together.”

“Doing that with yakiniku would be great.”

“Elementary schoolers aren’t cooking yakiniku in the middle of the day. So one of the girls in my class said using portable stoves would be too dangerous and everyone voted down the cooking idea. I complained and everyone was like ‘Why are you always so difficult, ****-kun!?’, which naturally led to them having a class trial against me and I never did get that going away party.”

“If that was enough for them to start a class trial, I’m afraid to ask what you had done before that.”

My background music this time was Saori@Destiny’s Sayonara Revival. It’s a real traditional adolescence song. And speaking of this time…

“Who was looking to the future most accurately?”

My next release should be Vol. 2 of my new series Hexennacht. Horizon IX should be after that, but I do hope I can periodically release GT and other things from now on.

July 2015. A morning of cicada cries.

-Kawakami Minoru