User talk:Conanbdetective

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Erm, hi. Magykalman here. Recently I was either pretty high at the party or smoked weed, I decided to (re)start translating Sakurasou. Thank you for the edit but may I ask what this "Leaves a lot to be desired." means? If I am not good enough you can always help us to translate, or tell me the reason why I'm so horrible (which I admit) at translating so that I can improve. Maybe? Thank you for your time. --Magykalman

"Leaves a lot to be desired." part of my comment[edit]

That comment was for the edit that I've made. I felt like I made a mistake in my edit even though, grammatically, I knew I didn't. There are also some things I didn't touch for I felt that correcting how it's written (thinking that you translated it as you've read it) would kill how the atmosphere was set by Kamoshida-sensei.

Nothing against you, I think that you're an adequate translator in my opinion. A couple things that you could consider improving upon is the use of articles, recognition of nuances, when use or when not to use punctuations, and proofreading your work; relative to the work you're translating/translated (since editors, most if not all of the time, make edits based on grammar fundamentals rather than original work). Recognition of nuances comes with reading what you're about to translate at least twice. The ongoing debate of Nuance vs Grammar is a pain in the a**; and it will always be. -Conanbdetective

Hi then I am sorry if I misunderstood the comment. I want to at least finish the final chapter for (I hope)the existing Sakurasou fans, so I decided to take some more (cocaine)and translate it. Thank you for your advice and I shall take it to heart. I understand what you mean, naunce vs grammar in sense that it is a pain, and can never be solved. Again, sorry for misunderstanding, and thank you for editing my crappy work. --|Magykalman