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Introduction In a world where magic is socially accepted and everyone uses magic. One boy will shape how the world functions, acts, and shapes for generations to generations. The boys name is Arie. Chapter one “I think he is starting to wake up.” Yes professor, but don’t you think he remembers what happened to him? Well i don’t know but lets ask him when he wakes up shall we. “Mmh, where am i?” Arie said “Ha i told you he was awake. Oh sorry for my rudeness, but you are currently in a hospital.Do you remember anything?” Professor said. “I think i remember something. I think my name is Are and i attended Surine middle school.” Arie said “Ah so he does remember something. Please can you tell me a little more about yourself.” the professor asked “Well, as far as i can know. I remember taking a magic test in elementary school and i was told that i have no magic.”

   “Oh that is interesting, Don’t you think Sharlet?” 
   “Yes that is indeed peculiar that there is someone doesn't have magic.” Sharlet said
   “Well since that first examination test in elementary school i was put in as the school’s punching bag. Everyone at the school picked and bullied me for their own problems.” Arie said
   “Oh, so that is very unfortunate for you so can you tell me more?” the professor asked.
   “That is when i got my first friend named Sara. She was the only one that defended me and helped me get through elementary school. Without her i would have gone and died right then and there the old way.” Arie said
   “Oh that is terrible. Why did the teachers not help you.” Sharlet asked.
   “Well that is because when i was being bullied it would happen during lunch and recess. If the teachers did see me being bullied then they would turn a blind eye because i couldn’t use magic.” Arie said
   “That is so sad” Sharlet said while crying tears.
   “Come on Sharlet i told you that you are a grown woman. You need to act like one instead of crying.”the professor said
   Yes sir. I will sniff but sniff at least sniff give me some sniff time to calm down sniff. She walks out of the room.
   “Sorry about that, my assistant can be a little too emotional sometimes. Now can you continue where you left off.” the professor said cheerfully.
   “It kept going like that up until  7th grade in Physical education. We were playing dodgeball and I was targeted and i got hit 5 times by the popular jocks. Then they called me a failure of a human and a black sheep of the world and continued. That is when i was when i felt this feeling in my heart that said shut up and it grew and grew and grew until i yelled shut up and then their heads was sliced off. I didn’t mean too but it happened. Everyone in the gym called me a monster and a killer. I denied it and said stay away from me. Everyone in the gym was flung back until they hit the wall. I was cowering in the corner and panicking until Sara came up to me, hugged me, and said to me that everything was going to be alright.” Arie said
   I heard the teacher yelling to call the police, people running in fear and Sara saying that she will always be there for me while i lost consciousness.
   Hmm, this is rather interesting. The professor said to himself while looking at Arie happily
   “What where is Sara, Why am i cuffed to this bed, and why did i not noticed this until now?” Are panics as he started to realise that he is in a white room with a stranger that is sitting in a chair in front of him with a huge smile.
   “Ah so the drugs and truth serum wore out. You see Are you caused a lot of trouble today you know that right?” the professor said with a big grin on his face.
   “Who are you, how do you know my name and how do i know what trouble i caused. I am currently cuffed to a bed, there is a stranger who knows my name that is talking to me like he knows me, and why is there a one way MIRROR!” Arie exclaimed.
   “Crap his heart rate is increasing drastically. Sharlet, SHARLET COME QUICKLY WITH THE SEDATIVE.” The professor exclaimed with a booming voice.
   “Coming sir.” Sharlet said. She rushes in and injects Are with it. “Its done sir, but why did you yell for me to come in when i was just outside the one way mirror?” Sharlet asked
   “Sorry, sometimes i forget the protocol sometimes. It is that we are currently dealing with an unusual case here.” The professor said while dumbfounded about Arie.
   “Yes, indeed we are. Should we report this to headquarters or give him to the courts to deal with him?” Sharlet said, “Because we are dealing with someone who killed 2 kids without any effort, I think we should put him in a maximum security prison to prevent any massacres.”
   “Sharlet, as much as i can agree to stop anything from going wrong. He still is a child and if we can help him control his power. We can have him as the stepping stone to make our society to move forward.” The professor said.
   “Where is Sara?” Are asked intensely.
   “I am sorry again that i forgot about you again. If you are looking for Sara then you will tell me what does she mean to you.” the professor asked
   “Ha do you think i will tell you what she means to me. Why should i tell you that.” Are scoffed.
   “Hmm seems that you do not know who you are dealing with. I am Dr.Hasbo who is also a professor. I am the one who is willing to save your life and give you a chance to see Sara if you answer on question. What does Sara mean to you.” Dr.Hasbo said calmly.
   “If i answer the question then can i see Sara and have her with me?” Arie pleaded.
   “Of course, I am a man of my word so please answer the question are. What does Sara mean to you.” Dr.Hasbo said.
   “She means the whole world to me. Ever since the magic test my actual parents abandoned me, i had to live in an orphanage. When i lived in the orphanage i was isolated from everyone. Then Sara came to the orphanage with her parents and when we looked at each other eyes. There was a spark within me that said to be with Sara, and when the spark ended she said to her farther “Can we adopt him?”. Her father said to her “Now honey, I don’t think he would make a good brother for you. Everyone in the orphanage calls him the cursed child and i don’t think you would have fun with him. Let’s look for someone else shall we?”. Then she instantly responded with “No papa. I don’t care if he may be strange or anything. All i know is that i want him near me at all times and no matter what we will be friends no matter what. I want him as my brother and that is final.” No matter what her father told her. She wouldn’t give up her 7th year old stand. Since then i have always looked up to her for help, guidance, savior, happiness, and hope.” Arie said, “Can i see her now please. I want her to be here with me now.”
   “Wow. There is no way i can stop it now.” Dr.Hasbo said, “Let her in.”

Sara was tall, slender and had a blindfold around her eyes so she couldn't see anything. She was constantly saying “Where is my brother. Where is Are. Where is my precious brother.”

   “Sara! Unblindfold her, uncuff me and let me hold my sister. You promised me that Dr.Hasbo.” Are said
   “Arie is that you?” Sara asked. looking around for a reply.
   “Yes sis. yes it is me. Your brother is here. Don’t panic sis i am here.” Arie said.
   “Arie before i can do that you will have to go through a series of test to test you. If you want your sister beside you during it then be my guest, but if you want to hug her now. Then you must accept the test and go through them. Do you understand.” Dr.Hasbo said.
   “Yes. Then i accept the tests so let me go and let me hold my sister.” Arie said.
   “As you wish” Dr.Hasbo said while uncuffing Are he said, “Most people today call common magic as magic and nothing else, but when government officials use elemental magic they are called elementalist when they still use magic but more complex plus use common magic. After that the most elite of the government's magic user can use basic and elemental plus a unique magic called  supernatural magic. The elite magic users can only have one or two while you on the other hand have more supernatural magic that anyone else. Arie this doesn't mean that you don’t have magic.It means that you are extremely special.”
   “How can you prove this Dr.Hasbo?” Are asked while reaching out to hug Sara. Are then replied, “Sara, what did they do to you. Did they hurt you in any way. Are you ok?” When saying this Are removes the blindfold on Sara.
   “Arie. ARIE. Are, thank god you are ok. I didn't know if you were ok or not. After the gym scene, the military showed up and i took you with me and held onto you when i brought you to the sewer system that we would go to if things went bad. When we were there you didn’t wake up so i kept you in my hands as long as i could. They eventually surrounded me and i didn’t let go of you so they knocked me out and i found myself being interrogated by strangers. They said that if i confessed what we were doing there and who we are then i could see you so i gave in and told them. Afterwards i was blindfolded and was brought here.” Sara said while crying of joy to see her adopted little brother safe.
   “Well it seems that we have some family reunion settled so if you mind. Arie come with me we are going to have some marvelous testing. Oh and Sara i know what you are thinking. I am not going to hurt Arie. I am going to train Arie to make him control his new found magic.” Dr.Hasbo said.
   “Well than if i can’t come then i will have to force myself to come.” Sara said angrily.
   “I anticipated this much and i told Arie that you could stay with him so there is no reason to throw a hissy fit young lady.” Dr.Hasbo said with his usual big smile.

End of chapter one

Chapter two

   “Ok Arie, We are going to try elemental magic." Dr.Hasbo said.

"What is elemental magic? What are you talking about doc." Arie said "Well magic is classified into 3 sections. Most people classify magic as basic magic which is used in daily life like cooking food or opening the shutters. Out of that bunch some people can use elemental magic which uses peoples internal mana to control a specific element. From there we have the most royal or most special people who have legendary magic. They have an incantation of their own personality. It takes rigorous training and only 1% of the human population have legendary magic." Dr.Hasbo elaborated. Arie, Dr.Hasbo, and Sara are watching the video tutorial which is downstairs behind a well placed book shelf. "Oh so what is Arie. You said that he needs to control his new magic. I thought that he failed the magic test." Sara said. "The magic test tests for basic magic. From what he said earlier. It seems that he has elemental and legendary magic. I have never seen someone that can't use basic magic and can use elemental and legendary magic without training." Dr.Hasbo said, "That is why I will help you go to Magic academy and mature your internal mana and magic." "If I go then what will happen to Sara? Will she be left alone with her family? I won't go the the academy if she can't come with me." Arie stated with confidence. "Don't worry. I will make sure that she will come with you. Besides she will help you get to class to class and be rooming with you. I think that she is the only one that can help you control your mana and magic." Dr.Hasbo said. "Does that mean that she will enroll there too?" Arie asked. "Yes it will. So you guys should be set to go in about 1 day." Dr.Hasbo said with his usual smile. "Sir I don't think that we should be doing this. They are currently in the news and if we take them to the academy then the other students will put him down." Sharlet said with trembling fear in her voice. "DON'T YOU THINK THAT I KNOW THAT!" Dr. Hasbo shouted with anger, "THEY ARE CHILDREN AND THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO CONTROL THEIR MAGIC. WHERE ELSE CAN THEY TRAIN EXCEPT THE ACADEMY!" Yes sir. I understand but Sharlet said. THERE IS NO BUT'S. THAT IS AN ORDER AND YOU WILL FOLLOW IT. YOU DON'T TAKE RISKS. THAT IS WHY NO ONE ACKNOWLEDGES YOU SHARLET! Dr. Hasbo shouted at the top of his lounges.

   “Yes sir. I will get the preparations ready.” Sharlet says with depression.
   “I am sorry i had to say it that way, but we need the funding so if we didn’t need the funding then i wouldn’t send them to the academy.” Dr.Hasbo said with sadness, “ So Arie you are going to take an entrance test with Sara to get an entrance to the academy.”
   “Sara do you want to do this?” Arie asked
   “Yes as long as i am with you there is nowhere i wouldn’t go.” Sara said in a loving fashion.
   “Alright. Then we will take the test together.” Arie said confidently.

They walk down the hall and on their right sees a huge training facility. The test took about 3 hours. It encompass a durability test, knowledge test, Invoking test, and physical test. During the invoking test Arie summoned a dragon and Sara summoned a spirit.

   “Well just as i expected, it turns out that both of you are qualified to go to the academy.” Dr.Hasbo said, “So you will have to get your parents permission to go to the academy.”
   “I don’t think we can professor” Sara said with displease.
   “Why is that Sara?” Dr.Hasbo said pondering about the answer.
   “I was going to tell you later Arie, but since the gym incident i brought you to the house. Once we were in the house our parents wanted to get rid of you so there would be no ties to my family. I protested and said if they wanted to get rid of you then they have to get rid of me. They wanted pleaded one last time to get rid of you so I ran with you to the sewer.” Sara said
   “Sara, why did you have to sacrifice so much for me?” Arie said.
   “Because I love you Arie, and I want to be with you forever.” Sara said.
   “Okay before this goes any further. Lets get ready for the academy then.” Dr.Hasbo said with his usual cool smile.
   “We can continue this later, but first do we have to get a guardian's signature?” Arie asked.
   “No you don’t have to. I have thought this far so the guardian of you two is you two.” Dr.Hasbo said.
   “What do you mean? We are each other guardian’s?” Arie asked with a puzzled attitude.
   “Yes. That is why i made Sara join you in the entrance test for the magic academy. I heard the story about your adoption, how Sara wouldn’t give up on adopting you, and how she stayed with you. Then using that i predicted that when stuff hits the fan. Your adopted parents would try to cut the tie with you and their family.I am sorry that i went on a rant. The reason you are each other guardian is that in the Magic academy. Students will have to chose a partner to work with and cooperate to achieve victory. The partners look after one another so that is why you guys are each other guardians. ” Dr.Hasbo said.
   “When knowing this guess that our parents would ditch us then why did you ask for our parent’s signature?” Arie said.
   “That is because in regular protocol your parents would have to sign the sheet that they would never again see their children and they could die at any time in and after the academy. Then the academy would not be liable if their children die in combat.” Dr.Hasbo said.
   "Wow. What do we do at this academy?" Arie said.
            "You will find out when you guys get there." Dr.Hasbo said.
            "Ok so when are we leaving?" Sara asked.
            "We are going in about now, so get yourself organized to be on a jet with royalty." Dr.Hasbo said.

End of chapter 2

Chapter 3

            "So who are we going with on the private jet?" Arie asked.
            "The person who we are going to be with is Mary hasson." Dr.Hasbo said.
            "I think that I know her. She went to Surine middle school right?" Arie asked.
            "Yeah she is. How do you know her Arie?" Dr.Hasbo asked.
            "In the beginning of 7th grade Mary started off getting bullied for her child like attitude and behavior. I stopped her from being bullied even more and from then on she admired me like a big brother." Arie said, " I wonder how she would act when she sees me now. Knowing that I am going to magic academy." Are said.
           "Oh look there she is now." Sara said.
           "HEY ARIE ! IT HAS BEEN SOO LONG SINCE WE HAVE SEEN EACH OTHER." Mary said while jumping to hug Arie.
           "Aww Mary why do you have to do this here and it has only been 6 days." Arie moaned while being squeezed by Mary.
           "Still 6 days without Arie is 2 years of waiting. I never want you to leave my sights." Mary said.
           "Hey can you let go of Arie now." Sara said with gradual agitation.
           "Oh Sara I forgot about you being here. So where have you guys been?" Mary asked
           "We were interrogated, negotiating, and accepting that we are going to magic academy." Sara said, "Plus I risked my life, been abandoned, and was tortured for Arie."
           Wow I wish I was you Mary said to herself. I would do anything to be even accepted by Arie.
          "Plus we are going to magic academy." Arie said.
          "What you can use magic? That is amazing Arie." Mary said.
   “Well it turns out that i can use magic but i can use very advanced ones.” Arie said.