Talk:Shounen Onmyouji:Volume 1 Chapter 1

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ShadowZeroHearts Novel notes and self-references:


  • ": Nagaokakyō (長岡京)"


  • ": Heian-kyō (平安京)"

Novel notes: the upcoming of Heian-kyo… The original capital of nagaokakyo , established in A.D 784, was situated near Nagaokakyo, Kyoto (where the current Mukō, Kyoto is), but due to inauspicious happenings occuring continuously, Emperor Kammu moved the capital to Heian-kyo in the year A.D 794, however, demons and spirits continue to roam around, that’s the reason for the need of Onmyoji!



Genpuku (元服?), also called Kakan (加冠?),

Novel notes: This is the adult ceremony for Japanese males, according to China’s Ruo Guan [actual english name unknown, 弱冠禮]

Own notes: 弱冠禮 Ancient males of China upon age of 20, are required to undergo this at a ancestral temple. It will be hosted by the father, and selected VIP will have to put a hat on the male youth three times, representing the right to rule/guide people, to strive for the country, and to be able to join sacrificial ceremonies. After the ceremony, the VIP will read out some words of congratulation to the youth, and bestow upon him a beautiful “word” that equals with suave and good discipline, allowing him to become a renowned and respected person[贵族]. In ancient times, both males and females are required to maintain long hair until a certain age, and host an adult ceremony. For males, they need to make their hair into a “bun” and then wear a hat.



Onmyodo: the art that Onmyojis learn



Onmyō-ryō----- 陰陽寮 or Bureau of Onmyō

Novel notes: An organization in ancient Japan to handle auguring, cosmology and such, and takes care of the sacrificial rituals for the emperors then, and can be said as the ancient science and cosmology centre. Onmyo-ryo consists of Onmyojis, Onmyo professors, Onmyo students and many different posts, and Masahiro is still only a newbie Onmyo student in the practical phase. Most people just call them Onmyoji.