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E Lux não percebeu o olhar de uma outra aluna.
E Lux não percebeu o olhar de uma outra aluna.
===Part 2===
===Parte 2===
No entanto, inesperadamente, sua conversa embaraçosa com Philuffy pareceu dar frutos, pois
However, unexpectedly his embarrassing exchange with Philphie seemed to bear fruit as Lux’s classmates seemed to have dispelled their caution towards him.
as colegas de classe de Lux pareciam ter esquecido sua cautela em relação a ele.
“Hey, hey, were Philphie-chan and Lux-kun by any chance fiancés?”
“Ei, ei, Philuffy-chan e Lux-kun foram casados por acaso?”
“Que tipo de trabalhos o Príncipe das Tarefas costuma fazer?”
“What kind of jobs does the chore Prince usually do?”
“Speaking of which, why can you fight against an Abyss alone? Isn’t it great!?”
“Falando disso, como você consegue lutar contra um Abyss sozinho? Não é ótimo?”
“Are men that good at using Drag-Rides? I heard that the aptitude rate was originally above for women, but––”
“Os homens são bons em usar Drag-Rides? Ouvi dizer que a taxa de aptidão era originalmente
maior para as mulheres, mas...”
E então, o número de alunas que faziam perguntas e se juntavam em frente à sua mesa, a cada
And then, the number of female students assailing him with questions and gathering in front of his desk, at every short break during lessons increased like a festival.
curto intervalo durante as aulas, aumentava como um festival.
The duel with Lisha who was the Princess, and the repulsing of the Abyss.
O duelo com Lisha, que era a Princesa, e a vitória sobre o Abyss.
Para o bem ou para o mal, a má impressão de ter invadido o banheiro foi completamente
For good or for bad, the bad impression of having intruded into the bathroom was completely wiped out and it seemed that only interest and favorable impression towards Lux remained in the students.
apagada e parecia que apenas o interesse e a impressão favorável em relação a Lux
permaneciam nas alunas.
Pouco antes do intervalo para o almoço, muitas alunas de outras classes apareceram.
Just before the lunch break, a large number of onlookers flocked from other classes.
(De alguma forma, é diferente do que eu imaginei...!)
(Somehow, it’s different from what I’ve imagined…!)
Academia de candidatos a cavaleiros que jovens nobres frequentavam.
Knight candidates’ academy which noble young ladies attended.
Como Lux ficou perplexo demais com a atmosfera que se desmoronou demais em relação a
As Lux was perplexed to the atmosphere which crumbled too much regarding it––
“Lux-kun. That reminds me, you’re still doing the miscellaneous jobs, aren’t you?”
“Lux-kun. Isso me lembra que você ainda está fazendo trabalhos estranhos, não é?”
“Errr. Yes, well… it’s my duty after all.”
“Errr. Sim, bem... É meu dever, afinal.”
Quando ele respondeu, sendo perguntado por uma das meninas que cercava sua mesa—
As he replied so being asked by one of the girls who surrounded his desk,
“So if I ask, Lux-kun will do jobs here. All right, shall I ask at once?”
“Então, se eu solicitar, Lux-kun fará trabalhos aqui. Tudo bem, devo solicitar uma vez?”
“Ah, it’s not fair. I also wanted to ask!”
“Ah, não é justo! Eu também queria solicitar!”
“Lux-san. More importantly, would you like to have tea with me?”
“Lux-san. Mais importante, você gostaria de tomar um chá comigo?”
“Pessoal, se vocês tiverem um pedido, eu os pegarei. Se vocês se aproximarem dele de uma só
“Everyone, if you’ve any request, I will collect them. If you approach him all at once, Lux-cchi will be troubled, right?”
vez, Lukkuchi ficará perturbado, certo?”
Tillfur, que era colega de classe, se aproximou e começou a reunir todos.
Tillfarr who was a classmate came over and began to bring everyone together.
(Eu recebi egoisticamente um apelido estranho....)
(I’m selfishly given a strange nickname…)
Parecia que Tillfur, que fazia parte da “Tríade”, que parecia ser famoso mesmo na academia,
It looked like Tillfarr, who was one of the trio –– one of the “Triad” which seemed to be famous even in the academy, was the mood maker-like existence even in the class.
era a pessoa que criava humor, mesmo na sala de aula.
No entanto, honestamente, ele se sentiu aliviado.
However, honestly, he felt relieved.
(É bom que Tillfur interceda por todas.)
It's a good thing if Tillfarr interceded for everyone––
“Sim, sim. Escrevam suas solicitações de trabalhos estranhos para o Lukkuchi e as coloquem
“Yes, yes. Write your odd jobs requests to Lux-cchi and put them in this box. Carry them. Put in also the appointed date. They will be done in turns later.”
nesta caixa. Cuidem deles. Coloque também a data marcada. Eles serão feitos em turnos mais
(De alguma forma, a conversa foi resolvida de um jeito ruim!)
(Somehow, the talk has been settled in a bad sense!)
“Não se preocupe. Todas são ricas, afinal. Assim, a dívida do Lukkuchi pode ser paga
“Don't worry. Everyone is rich after all. Like this, Lux-cchi’s debt can also be paid quickly!”
Na medida em que ele podia ver os pedidos escritos sendo jogados na caixa de madeira que
Tillfur preparou que estava sendo transbordada, ele sentiu que ia desmoronar antes da
conclusão dos pedidos.
Era hora do almoço; quando Lux, que estava mentalmente cansado, ficou de bruços em sua
As far as he could see the written requests being thrown in the wooden box which Tillfarr prepared to the extent that they overflowed, he felt like he was going to collapse before the completion of requests.
mesa por um tempo—
“E-Ei. Se estiver bem para você, que tal almoçarmos juntos? Lux.”
And –– it was lunch break; as Lux who was mentally tired laid face down on his desk for a while,
“H-Hey. If it’s fine with you, how about going to eat a meal together? Lux.”
Subitamente chamado de surpresa, Lux pulou.
Being suddenly called out to from above his head, Lux jumped.
Standing before him was Lisha.
Diante dele estava Lisha.
Ele teve a sensação de que ela dormia no meio das aulas, mas ela parecia ter acordado antes
He had the feeling that she had been half sleeping nearby during the lesson, but she seemed to have woken up before he noticed.
que ele notasse.
“Errr, do you mean –– the two of us?”
“Errr, você quer dizer... Nós dois?”
“I-Isso mesmo... Você não quer ir comigo?”
“T-That’s right … Don’t you want to go with me?”
Enquanto sua bochecha ficava levemente avermelhada, Lisha desviou o olhar.
While faintly reddening her cheeks, Lisha looked away.
Naquele momento, uma pequena agitação encheu a sala de aula.
At that moment, a small stir filled the classroom.
“E-E se possível... Eu gostaria que de agora em diante você se tornasse meu assistente pessoal
“A-And if possible –– I would like you to become my exclusive care taker from here on. Coincidentally, I also wanted one servant after all.”
exclusivo. Coincidentemente, eu queria um ajudante, afinal.”
Enquanto Lisha dizia isso enquanto cruzava os dedos na frente no peito—
As Lisha said so while restlessly twining her finger in front of her chest,
Junto com o grito de Lux, toda a turma se agitou mais uma vez.
Along with Lux’s scream, the whole class rustled once again.
“Eh? O que ela quer dizer?”
“Se bem me lembro, Lisesharte-sama não contratou nem uma empregada para seus cuidados,
pois ela é reservada, né?”
“Para fazer de um ‘homem’ seu assistente é....”
“De jeito nenhum...”
“Eh? What does she mean?” “If I remember correctly, Lizsharte-sama didn’t apply even a maid for her care as she is misanthropic, right?” “To make him, a ‘man’ her servant is––” “No way…”
Das alunas da turma, ele podia ouvir essas conversas de longe.
From the female students of the class, he could hear such voices from afar.
“Q-Que coisa...”
“S-Such a thing––”
Como ele não podia rejeitar em voz alta, ele ficou perturbado.
Since he could not reject it in a loud voice, he was troubled.
“Está tudo bem, certo? Naquele dia você viu à força até meu corpo nu, afinal....”
“This much is fine, isn’t it? At that time, you forcibly saw even my naked body after all––”
Nas palavras de Lisha, gritos como “Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaah” encheram a sala de aula.
At Lisha’s words, “kyaaaaaaaaah” high pitch voices rose from the classroom.
Como era de se esperar, o incidente do banheiro havia se tornado um boato, mas parecia
As expected, the incident of the bathroom had become a rumor, but there seemed to be students who did not know the details.
haver estudantes que não sabiam os detalhes.
“I-Isso foi... Hum—”
“T-That was –– um”
Quando Lux entrou em pânico completamente...
As Lux completely panicked––,
Uma garota se aproximou silenciosamente de Lux.
A girl quietly approached Lux.
Era Philuffy.
It was Philphie.
Enquanto já comia algo que parecia rosquinhas assadas em silencio provavelmente para o
While already eating something which looked like baked doughnuts silently probably for lunch break, she stood just beside Lux and Lisha facing each other.
almoço, ela ficou ao lado de Lux e de frente para Lisha.
Ela não tinha expressão, como de costume, mas revelou uma presença forte.
She was expressionless as usual, but she revealed a strong presence.
“*gulp*. Lu-chan is troubled. Lizsharte-sama.”
“*gulp*. Lu-chan está perturbado. Lisesharte-sama.”
Engolindo a rosquinha que estava comendo, disse Philuffy.
Swallowing the doughnut in her mouth, Philphie said.
“Ah. Eu queria saber quem era, mas é apenas a filha avoada do Conglomerado Financeira
“What. I was wondering who it was, but it’s just the airhead daughter of the Aingram Financial Conglomerate, huh. It’s troublesome. Okay, I'll give you my snacks, so step back calmly.”
Aingram, hein. É problemático. Ok, eu vou te dar meu lanche, então fique quieta.”
Depois de torcer as sobrancelhas por um instante, Lisha pegou pacotes de papel do bolso e
After knitting her brows only for an instant, Lisha took out paper packages from her bosom and ordered Philphie.
deu para Philuffy.
A julgar pelo leve cheiro doce e pela embalagem, pareciam doces.
Judging from the faint sweet smell and the package, a golden gloss (luster).
Era pão coberto com mel.
The contents seemed to be bread seasoned with honey.
Foi especificado nos regulamentos da escola que não havia relação hierárquica entre as nobres
It was specified in the school regulations that there was no hierarchical relationship between nobles and that they were treated as equal knight candidates within the academy.
e que elas eram tratadas iguais como candidatos a cavaleiros dentro da academia.
Mas, isso foi para colocar um amargo fim na posição social, e na realidade não acontecia
But, that was to the bitter end an official stance, and it was not going on like that in reality.
Afinal, uma Princesa era uma Princesa.
A Princess was after all a Princess.
“Não é como se o próprio Lux pedisse ajuda, certo? Não sei se você é amiga de infância ou o
“It’s not as if Lux himself really asked for help, right? I don’t know about you being childhood friends or whatever, but I advise you not to thoughtlessly poke your nose into other people’s affairs.”
que quer, mas aconselho não enfiar o nariz nos assuntos de outras pessoas.”
Lisha told so as to persuade her.
Lisha disse isso para convencê-la.
Philuffy silenciosamente roeu o pão do pacote que recebeu como um pequeno animal.
Philphie silently gnawed the bread from the package she received like a small animal.
“Ah, so you’re eating it…”
“Ah, então você está comendo...”
Philuffy gostava muito de coisas doces. E ela fazia as coisas no seu próprio ritmo.
Philphie was extremely fond of sweet things. And, she was doing things at her own pace.
Ela também não parecia ter mudado desse jeito há muito tempo.
She also seemed to have not changed on that side since a long time.
“Everyone would understand just by seeing that Lu-chan is troubled. So stop. Princess.”
“Todo mundo entenderia de olhar que Lu-chan está perturbado. Então para. Princesa.”
Um tom lento e solto.
A slow and loose tone.
Mas Philuffy disse claramente.
But, Philphie told so clearly.
Não se sabia o que Philuffy estava pensando, pois costumava estar distraída, mas ela
One did not know what Philphie was thinking as she was usually absentminded, she firmly insisted unexpectedly and she was the obstinate type.
inesperadamente insistiu firmemente e era do tipo obstinada.
As discussões das duas garotas estava começando esquentar.
The exchanges of the two girls became incandescently calmly.
As colegas da sala de aula brilharam seus olhos com aquela cena e começaram a ficar muito
The classmates of the classroom brightened their eyes to that scene and began to get greatly excited.
“Gostaria de saber quem vai ganhar...”
“I wonder who will win.”
“A Princesa do Novo Reino ou a amiga de infância do Conglomerado Financeiro Aingram...”
“The New Kingdom Princess or the childhood friend of the Aingram Financial Conglomerate…”
Lux que se tornou incapaz de suportar estar ali, apressadamente—
Lux who became unable to endure being here, hurriedly,
“E-Espera, vocês duas, acalmem-se.”
“W-Wait, you two, calm down––”
No momento em que ele levantou a voz...
The moment when he raised his voice,
“Desculpe por me intrometer enquanto você está ocupado, mas posso?”
“––Sorry for meddling as you’re busy, but can I?”
Uma voz digna.
A dignified sound.
Ele ouviu uma voz educada na sala de aula.
He heard a translucent voice in the classroom.
Lux lembrou-se da garota com belos traços como uma fada.
Lux remembered the girl with beautiful features like a fairy.
Krulcifer Einvolk.
Krulcifer Einfolk.
Ela era uma colega cadete que era uma estudante estrangeira vinda da Teocracia Ymir, uma
She was a fellow knight candidate classmate who was a foreign student from the religious country Ymir, a powerful nation in the north.
nação poderosa no Norte.
Foi a garota que impediu Lux de escapar; arremessando-o para longe no incidente de
It was that girl who made the escaping Lux swoon; flinging him away in the incident of the day before yesterday.
“Krulcifer, huh. If you have business, leave it for later. I’m in the middle of an important talk now––”
“Krulcifer, hein. Se você tem assuntos, deixe para depois. Estou no meio de uma conversa
importante agora...”
Lisha inchou as bochechas e reclamou, mas—
Lisha swelled her cheeks (as if pouting) and protested so, but
“Eu tenho favores da diretora da escola. Há um lugar que ela quer que eu mostre a essa
“I was asked for a little business from the Principal of the school. There is a place that she wants me to guide that child to at lunch break. Understood, Lux-kun?”
criança durante o almoço. Entendido, Lux-kun?”
“Errr… ah, yes.”
“Errr.... Ah, sim.”
Ele não tinha ouvido sobre esse assunto, mas pensando que era sua salvação, Lux seguiu em
It was the first time he heard about the matter of being guided, but thinking that it was a lifeboat, Lux rode on the talk.
“Then, it’s like that, so.”
“Então, é assim, então.”
Quando Krulcifer disse e segurou suavemente a mão de Lux, ela o puxou para o corredor sem
As Krulcifer told so and softly held Lux’s hand, she pulled him to the corridor without waiting for Lisha’s and Philphie’s reply.
esperar pela resposta de Lisha e Philuffy.
“––No way, to think even that talented Krulcifer-san is interested in him”
“.....De jeito nenhum, pensar que até a talentosa Krulcifer-san está interessada nele...”
“Isso está ficando interessante.”
“It has become interesting.”
Para as vozes estridentes de suas colegas de classe que ele podia ouvir por trás, Lux caminhou
To his classmates’ shrill voices which he could hear from behind, Lux walked down the corridor while bearing some anxiety.
pelo corredor enquanto mostrava um pouco de ansiedade.
===Part 3===
===Part 3===

Revision as of 19:24, 5 August 2020

Capítulo 5 – Encontro com uma Amiga de Infância

Parte 1

“...Com isso dito, ele é Lux Arcadia que frequentará a escola a partir de hoje. Pessoal, provavelmente há muitas coisas com as quais vocês ainda não estão acostumadas, mas espero que vocês se deem bem como ele.”

No dia seguinte—

O prédio da escola: segundo andar, manhã do segundo ano na sala de aula.

Ao receber a apresentação da instrutora responsável pela classe Raigree Balheart, Lux fez uma expressão mostrando que não sabia o que dizer.

Raigree, mesmo mulher, desempenhou um papel ativo como Drag-Knight na era do Antigo Império, e assumiu o lado do Novo Reino como aliada das mulheres no golpe de estado.

Além disso, incluindo sua beleza e personalidade digna, ela parecia se orgulhar de sua grande popularidade com as meninas.

Parecia ter sido algum tipo de sorte que ele tenha sido colocado na classe que tinha uma instrutora desse calibre como encarregada.

Isso é... Se Lux fosse candidato a oficial do sexo feminino.


Ontem à noite, como não havia quarto vago no dormitório feminino, Lux acabou ficando na sala de recepção dos visitantes e passou uma noite que não conseguiu dormir muito bem.

No entanto, foi por causa do estômago de Lux doer.

Após o estabelecimento do Novo Reino pelo golpe de estado, Lux, que estava trabalhando como Príncipe das Tarefas, estava acostumado a ser ocupado e trabalhar duro.

O mais difícil foi que, ao ver a sala de aula, ele estava se sentido fora do lugar.

(É impossível.)

Ainda mais do que a imposição de Lisha, como “uma entrada de teste que considera uma futura coeducação” e, francamente, ele também não sabia nada sobre o motivo que diretora Relie o permitia, embora fosse uma inscrição temporária que ele estava pensando.

(Como ela pode permitir isso facilmente, mesmo que essa seja uma academia para garotas....?)

Lux sabia que Relie tinha essa personalidade há muito tempo, mas como esperado, ela tinha muita liberdade.

A propósito, como parecia que uma pessoa capaz substituta seria arranjada pelo Novo Reino para realizar os trabalhos estranhos, que Lux estava programado para fazer, ele ficou aliviado por enquanto.

“Errr, eu sou Lux Arcadia. Espero me dar bem com vocês...”

Por enquanto, ele fez uma apresentação estranha.

A propósito, Lisha, que estava na mesma classe, provavelmente devido ao cansaço de ontem, longe de oferecer ajuda a Lux, estava dormindo em cima da mesa.

Pequenas vozes zumbindo e sussurrando encheram a sala de aula.

Bem, não é de admirar.

Ele era um Príncipe do Antigo Império que impôs a tendência da androcracia por muitos anos; portanto, embora o sistema tenha mudado a cinco anos, ainda era objeto de cautela para as meninas.

Além disso, ele era o único homem admitido numa academia para garotas.

(Haa... Eu quero ir para casa.)

(Todo mundo provavelmente odeia isso também, e honestamente, mesmo eu não sei sobre o que falar...)

“Ah... É o Lu-chan.”

Enquanto Lux chorava por dentro, de repente ele ouviu isso.


Uma garota de cabelo rosa que estava sentada no lado da janela da sala de aula.

Seus cabelos macios foram amarrados com duas fitas, que combinavam bem com a atmosfera distraída da garota.

E seu peito grande, que empurrava bastante o uniforme, provocava um charme misterioso no rosto da garota, onde restavam vestígios de infantilidade.

SaijakuBahamut v1 115.jpg

“Há quanto tempo.”

Com uma voz suave, a garota sorriu para Lux.

Sua maneira lenta de falar e sua atmosfera peculiar despertaram Lux.

“Errr, você é por acaso, Philuffy?”

“Isso mesmo.”

Para a pergunta de Lux, a garota assentiu e confirmou.

Philuffy Aingram.

Ela era a segunda filha da grande casa mercantil, o Conglomerado Financeiro Aingram, e amiga de infância de Lux.

Além disso ela era a irmã mais nova da diretora Relie Aingram.

Fazia sete anos desde a última vez que se encontraram.

Naquela época, a Casa Aingram estava associada ao Antigo Império e havia também o fato de serem da mesma idade, então Lux lembrou que eles brincavam juntos quando eram crianças.

“Então você está frequentando essa escola. Estou feliz. Por favor, cuide de mim, Lu-chan.”

Com um tom que não parecia muito feliz, disse Philuffy.

No entanto, Lux sabia que Philuffy era normalmente uma garota que não era muito boa em expressar suas emoções.

E, o fato de ela não ser muito faladora e ter uma personalidade honesta.

Portanto, mesmo assim, provavelmente estava muito feliz.

“Ah sim. Da mesma forma, cuide de mim.”

Enquanto eles trocavam cumprimentos assim, a instrutora Raigree olhou e disse: “tudo bem Lux. Seu assento será ao lado dela.”

Lux estava nervoso, mas quando se sentou ao lado de sua amiga de infância, ele suspirou aliviado pela primeira vez.

(Graças a Deus.)

Havia pelo menos um amigo com quem ele podia falar.

Enquanto Lux, que estava cansado de várias maneiras desde ontem, suspirou de alívio, e olhou para sua amiga de infância sentada ao lado...

(Mas estamos em uma idade e posições diferentes das de sete anos atrás, então devo levar isso em consideração um pouco, não devo?)

“Hum, seria melhor eu te chamar de Philuffy-san?”

No momento em que Lux disse isso, de repente Philuffy virou com um olhar sério.


Lux ficou perplexo com essa reação.

(Mas, me lembro que era raro Philuffy ficar brava com alguma coisa, mas...)

“É Phi-chan, não é?”

Enquanto Lux pensava assim, Philuffy disso isso enquanto ainda olhava para o outro lado.

“...Eh? Posso te chamar assim aqui!?”


Philuffy assentiu.

(A-Agora que penso nisso...!)

Lux lembrou com suor frio.

Desde antigamente, Philuffy exigia um relacionamento em que ela e alguém a quem ela gostava de se chamarem pelo apelido.

Lux também estava fazendo isso, porque eles eram muito próximos quando eram crianças, mas...

“E-Eu estou feliz que você diga isso, mas como esperado, eu não posso te chamar assim aqui...

Quero dizer, olha, nós já crescemos, também somos candidatos a oficiais e estamos na academia...”

(Ou devo dizer, é muito embaraçoso chamá-la assim na frente de desconhecidos.)

“Você consideraria a situação dessa maneira?”

Lux esperava que sim, mas—



Olhando para Lux, que deu desculpas, Philuffy desviou o olhar mais uma vez.

Os sussurros das colegas de classe podiam ser ouvidos.

“Pessoal, não façam barulho. Estou começando a lição.”

Com a fala de Raigree, a sala ficou em silencio instantaneamente.

Mas, como se tratava de uma admissão repentina, Lux ainda não tinha um livro em mãos.

“Philuffy-san. Posso usar seu livro junto com você?”


Ele foi ignorado.

“Ph-Philuffy. E-Está tudo bem, certo? E-Ei, estamos em aula agora...”


Não houve reação.

(Eu quero chorar.)

“...Ei, Phi-chan.”

“O que...? Lu-chan.”

Quando Lux de alguma forma apertou sua voz, Philuffy virou-se para ele e disse isso.

“P-Podemos ler seu livro juntos...?”

“Sim, tudo bem.”

Nesse momento, risos foram ouvidos em toda a sala.


“Ele chamou ela de Phi-chan.”

“Esses dois tinham esse tipo de relação?”

Ao ouvir essas vozes, o rosto de Lux ficou vermelho.

(Haa, isso é muito embaraçoso...!)

(O que é isso!?)

(Que tipo de situação é essa!?)


Aliás, até a instrutora Raigree que normalmente era séria, estava tentando conter seu riso.

Lux suportou seu desejo de querer fugir e de alguma forma continuou a aula.


Lisha que acordou, olhou para isso enquanto parecia estar de mau humor.

E Lux não percebeu o olhar de uma outra aluna.

Parte 2

No entanto, inesperadamente, sua conversa embaraçosa com Philuffy pareceu dar frutos, pois as colegas de classe de Lux pareciam ter esquecido sua cautela em relação a ele.

“Ei, ei, Philuffy-chan e Lux-kun foram casados por acaso?”

“Que tipo de trabalhos o Príncipe das Tarefas costuma fazer?”

“Falando disso, como você consegue lutar contra um Abyss sozinho? Não é ótimo?”

“Os homens são bons em usar Drag-Rides? Ouvi dizer que a taxa de aptidão era originalmente maior para as mulheres, mas...”

E então, o número de alunas que faziam perguntas e se juntavam em frente à sua mesa, a cada curto intervalo durante as aulas, aumentava como um festival.

O duelo com Lisha, que era a Princesa, e a vitória sobre o Abyss.

Para o bem ou para o mal, a má impressão de ter invadido o banheiro foi completamente apagada e parecia que apenas o interesse e a impressão favorável em relação a Lux permaneciam nas alunas.

Pouco antes do intervalo para o almoço, muitas alunas de outras classes apareceram.

(De alguma forma, é diferente do que eu imaginei...!)

Academia de candidatos a cavaleiros que jovens nobres frequentavam.

Como Lux ficou perplexo demais com a atmosfera que se desmoronou demais em relação a isso—

“Lux-kun. Isso me lembra que você ainda está fazendo trabalhos estranhos, não é?”

“Errr. Sim, bem... É meu dever, afinal.”

Quando ele respondeu, sendo perguntado por uma das meninas que cercava sua mesa—

“Então, se eu solicitar, Lux-kun fará trabalhos aqui. Tudo bem, devo solicitar uma vez?”

“Ah, não é justo! Eu também queria solicitar!”

“Lux-san. Mais importante, você gostaria de tomar um chá comigo?”

“Pessoal, se vocês tiverem um pedido, eu os pegarei. Se vocês se aproximarem dele de uma só vez, Lukkuchi ficará perturbado, certo?”

Tillfur, que era colega de classe, se aproximou e começou a reunir todos.

(Eu recebi egoisticamente um apelido estranho....)

Parecia que Tillfur, que fazia parte da “Tríade”, que parecia ser famoso mesmo na academia, era a pessoa que criava humor, mesmo na sala de aula.


No entanto, honestamente, ele se sentiu aliviado.

(É bom que Tillfur interceda por todas.)

“Sim, sim. Escrevam suas solicitações de trabalhos estranhos para o Lukkuchi e as coloquem nesta caixa. Cuidem deles. Coloque também a data marcada. Eles serão feitos em turnos mais tarde.


(De alguma forma, a conversa foi resolvida de um jeito ruim!)

“Não se preocupe. Todas são ricas, afinal. Assim, a dívida do Lukkuchi pode ser paga rapidamente!”


Na medida em que ele podia ver os pedidos escritos sendo jogados na caixa de madeira que Tillfur preparou que estava sendo transbordada, ele sentiu que ia desmoronar antes da conclusão dos pedidos.

Era hora do almoço; quando Lux, que estava mentalmente cansado, ficou de bruços em sua mesa por um tempo—

“E-Ei. Se estiver bem para você, que tal almoçarmos juntos? Lux.”


Subitamente chamado de surpresa, Lux pulou.

Diante dele estava Lisha.

Ele teve a sensação de que ela dormia no meio das aulas, mas ela parecia ter acordado antes que ele notasse.

“Errr, você quer dizer... Nós dois?”

“I-Isso mesmo... Você não quer ir comigo?”

Enquanto sua bochecha ficava levemente avermelhada, Lisha desviou o olhar.

Naquele momento, uma pequena agitação encheu a sala de aula.

“E-E se possível... Eu gostaria que de agora em diante você se tornasse meu assistente pessoal exclusivo. Coincidentemente, eu queria um ajudante, afinal.”

Enquanto Lisha dizia isso enquanto cruzava os dedos na frente no peito—


Junto com o grito de Lux, toda a turma se agitou mais uma vez.

“Eh? O que ela quer dizer?”

“Se bem me lembro, Lisesharte-sama não contratou nem uma empregada para seus cuidados, pois ela é reservada, né?”

“Para fazer de um ‘homem’ seu assistente é....”

“De jeito nenhum...”

Das alunas da turma, ele podia ouvir essas conversas de longe.

“Q-Que coisa...”

Como ele não podia rejeitar em voz alta, ele ficou perturbado.

“Está tudo bem, certo? Naquele dia você viu à força até meu corpo nu, afinal....”

Nas palavras de Lisha, gritos como “Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaah” encheram a sala de aula.

Como era de se esperar, o incidente do banheiro havia se tornado um boato, mas parecia haver estudantes que não sabiam os detalhes.

“I-Isso foi... Hum—”

Quando Lux entrou em pânico completamente...


Uma garota se aproximou silenciosamente de Lux.


Era Philuffy.

Enquanto já comia algo que parecia rosquinhas assadas em silencio provavelmente para o almoço, ela ficou ao lado de Lux e de frente para Lisha.

Ela não tinha expressão, como de costume, mas revelou uma presença forte.

“*gulp*. Lu-chan está perturbado. Lisesharte-sama.”

Engolindo a rosquinha que estava comendo, disse Philuffy.

“Ah. Eu queria saber quem era, mas é apenas a filha avoada do Conglomerado Financeira Aingram, hein. É problemático. Ok, eu vou te dar meu lanche, então fique quieta.”

Depois de torcer as sobrancelhas por um instante, Lisha pegou pacotes de papel do bolso e deu para Philuffy.

A julgar pelo leve cheiro doce e pela embalagem, pareciam doces.

Era pão coberto com mel.


Foi especificado nos regulamentos da escola que não havia relação hierárquica entre as nobres e que elas eram tratadas iguais como candidatos a cavaleiros dentro da academia.

Mas, isso foi para colocar um amargo fim na posição social, e na realidade não acontecia assim.

Afinal, uma Princesa era uma Princesa.

“Não é como se o próprio Lux pedisse ajuda, certo? Não sei se você é amiga de infância ou o que quer, mas aconselho não enfiar o nariz nos assuntos de outras pessoas.”

Lisha disse isso para convencê-la.

Philuffy silenciosamente roeu o pão do pacote que recebeu como um pequeno animal.

“Ah, então você está comendo...”

Philuffy gostava muito de coisas doces. E ela fazia as coisas no seu próprio ritmo.

Ela também não parecia ter mudado desse jeito há muito tempo.

“Todo mundo entenderia só de olhar que Lu-chan está perturbado. Então para. Princesa.”

Um tom lento e solto.

Mas Philuffy disse claramente.

Não se sabia o que Philuffy estava pensando, pois costumava estar distraída, mas ela inesperadamente insistiu firmemente e era do tipo obstinada.

As discussões das duas garotas estava começando esquentar.

As colegas da sala de aula brilharam seus olhos com aquela cena e começaram a ficar muito animadas.

“Gostaria de saber quem vai ganhar...”

“A Princesa do Novo Reino ou a amiga de infância do Conglomerado Financeiro Aingram...”

Lux que se tornou incapaz de suportar estar ali, apressadamente—

“E-Espera, vocês duas, acalmem-se.”

No momento em que ele levantou a voz...

“Desculpe por me intrometer enquanto você está ocupado, mas posso?”

Uma voz digna.

Ele ouviu uma voz educada na sala de aula.

Lux lembrou-se da garota com belos traços como uma fada.

Krulcifer Einfolk.

Ela era uma colega cadete que era uma estudante estrangeira vinda da Teocracia Ymir, uma nação poderosa no Norte.

Foi a garota que impediu Lux de escapar; arremessando-o para longe no incidente de anteontem.

“Krulcifer, hein. Se você tem assuntos, deixe para depois. Estou no meio de uma conversa importante agora...”

Lisha inchou as bochechas e reclamou, mas—

“Eu tenho favores da diretora da escola. Há um lugar que ela quer que eu mostre a essa criança durante o almoço. Entendido, Lux-kun?”

“Errr.... Ah, sim.”

Ele não tinha ouvido sobre esse assunto, mas pensando que era sua salvação, Lux seguiu em frente.

“Então, é assim, então.”

Quando Krulcifer disse e segurou suavemente a mão de Lux, ela o puxou para o corredor sem esperar pela resposta de Lisha e Philuffy.

“.....De jeito nenhum, pensar que até a talentosa Krulcifer-san está interessada nele...”

“Isso está ficando interessante.”

Para as vozes estridentes de suas colegas de classe que ele podia ouvir por trás, Lux caminhou pelo corredor enquanto mostrava um pouco de ansiedade.

Part 3

Coming out from the classroom to the corridor, they went up the stairs.

When they arrived at the rooftop where there was no one, Krulcifer approached the handrail and quietly looked down below.

The scenery of the large school site could be overlooked from here.

A vividly green courtyard and great school buildings.

In a slightly remote place, there were the girl’s dormitory and the Machine Dragon practice field and the fourth Machine Dragon hangar.

And, there were some buildings which he did not know yet.

“Um, thank you. Krulcifer-san”

For the time being, Lux who took a breather thanked her first.

He had heard rumors about Krulcifer Einvolk only a little from his little sister Airi.

A foreign girl who possessed first-class skill in studying, body techniques, and Drag-Ride’s handling.

Including her beauty which exceeded that of an ordinary person, she was a talented woman whose superiority was acknowledged by the people in the academy.

“You helped me… didn’t you? Probably.”

“Despite your childish face, you’re unexpectedly sharp.”

“T-That has nothing to do with it, right!? Why do you say such a thing!? Even though I mind it!”

As Lux unintentionally reddened his face, Krulcifer chuckled.

“The fact that you immediately become irritated like that, despite being a Prince of the Old Empire is what I call childish. Though former, you’re also of royalty, so I wanted you to return such an obvious provocation with sarcasm.”


(It’s no good. We should be the same age, and yet she completely has the upper hand.)

When Lux was inwardly snubbed so,

“But, other than it, I praise you. You might say that I admire you. For noticing my intention. It saved me the trouble.”

“…Um. Then, as expected, is there something you want to talk to me about?”

“Yes, there are several things. But, first of all.”

She said so and turned her transparent pupils towards Lux.

“Why didn’t you give the finishing blow yesterday –– at that time?”

“…Are you talking about Lizsharte-sama? Or about the Abyss…?”

“I think that you could have defeated both though. Only if you felt like it––”

At Krulcifer’s glance as she saw through it, Lux hesitated for an instant,

“…You overestimated me too much.”

After several seconds, he replied so.

“Certainly, I have never lost in an official mock battle of Drag-Knights. But, I never won, either.”

The nickname “Weakest Undefeated” named from the style where he devoted himself entirely to defense and evasion and delivered no attack.

But, as that name showed, all his war records were draws.

Lux had also never won.

“Don’t worry. I don’t intend to force you to speak about something you don’t want to speak about.”

(I-I’m not trusted…!)

As Lux hung his head, Krulcifer said as if reading his thoughts.

“Oh my, there is no way I would trust you, right? You, the peeping tom and underwear thief Prince.”

“L-Like I said! You’re wrong––”

As Lux blushed and became confused, Krulcifer chuckled.

It was a graceful smile hardly thinkable of a girl of the same age.

Lux’s heart throbbed for an instant to that expression.

“I’m a little relieved.”


“It’s because you are a more harmless boy than I expected. Your not that much like the Empire's royalty.”


A tone with which he didn't know whether he was praised or made a fool.

But only a little, she seemed to be having fun.

“It can’t be helped. After all, I’m the seventh Prince, and moreover––”

“You’ve a childish face and you’re also short?”

“NO!? Um…, for various reasons, we were driven out of the Imperial Court when I was a child. So, We’re not that much familiar with the Old Empire––”

After the coup d’état succeeded, Lux and Airi were released by the New Kingdom’s amnesty.

With the criminal’s collar attached to their necks and a large amount of debt as a mark of atonement.

And also another deal––.

“Is that so.”

Krulcifer curtly muttered these words without showing any feelings in particular.

“So, Krulcifer-san came abroad to study from the religious country Ymir, to learn about Drag-Knights?”

“Certainly, that’s also one of my goals.”

How to put it, this girl seemed to always like an elusive way of speaking.

“Then, what kind of other purpose do you have? I heard that you’re an Earl’s daughter, but is it in order to connect interchanges with the New Kingdom or something like that––”

“…Hey, do you know about the “Black Hero”?”

Interrupting Lux’s words, Krulcifer asked.


“The monster that destroyed about 1200 of the Empire's Drag-Knights using only an unknown Drag-Knight, and drove the Empire to defeat. Both his affiliation and purpose were unknown. That user’s figure hasn’t been confirmed in the current New Kingdom. Therefore, he is handed down as a demon of destruction for the Old Empire and as a legendary hero for the New Kingdom.”

“…If it’s only the rumor, I’ve heard about him, but––”


At Lux’s answer, Krulcifer said nothing.

She was just overlooking quietly the scenery below in front of the handrail of the rooftop.


“I have one job request for you.”


“Look for the “Black Hero”. I have business with that person.”


The moment when Lux unintentionally gasped.

*dong*, the sound of the big bell resounded from the clock tower.


“The afternoon lesson will soon start. Next is the Practical training exercise for Drag-Rides, so we better hurry up.”

While saying only that, Krulcifer got down from the rooftop ( you get down from the roof by taking stairs so this sentence doesn't really make sense in my opinion, )and slowly walked to the stairs.

“U-Um… Krulcifer-san!”

When Lux called out to her back, Krulcifer stopped for an instant and turned around.

As Lux was perplexed as he didn't even know what he was going to say,

“Speaking of which, Lux-kun, did you eat lunch?”


(N-Now that she mentioned it, I hadn’t yet!)

It was because he was completely exhausted at the beginning of the lunch break and was rolled up in trouble afterwards––.

The moment he became conscious of so, Lux’s stomach growled and his face turned red.

“Do your best. Cute chore Prince.”

Krulcifer suddenly smiled and left just like that.


Somehow, she was too mysterious a person, but there was only one thing made clear so far.

This person is too tough, in various ways…

Lux held these indescribable feelings and his hunger, and took the afternoon lesson.

Part 4

“Haa, I’m already tireeeeeed…”

Night time.

The large public bath linked to the girl’s dormitory.

While strongly brushing the bathtub and floor where he intruded into the day before yesterday, Lux was exhausted.

After finishing the afternoon class, the number of requests of “odd jobs” which dropped into Lux’s hand had increased.

Was the first ever man to move into this girl's academy? –– the Old Empire’s chore Prince that rare (unusual).

Or, did he attract attention in various ways because of yesterday’s duel and incident?

The requests, including those from the academy and students, exceeded dozens of matters only today, and the number of reservations still kept increasing.

Originally, if Lux had not organized the odd jobs which reached a hard schedule, he might have given up long ago.

“Even so, I think that it’s a place like a paradise though.”

About five years after Lux was released by the amnesty of the New Kingdom.

His life as the chore Prince was by no means comfortable.

Of course, there were also good people at the work place.

But, during the countless requests, there were also many painful and difficult things.

He was awfully cursed (abused) by the people who resented the Old Empire.

Conversely, he had also been spoken ill of as the “dog of the New Kingdom” by the Old Empire’s adherents.

“But––. This place is”

While working hard at studying, he could pay his debt and moreover, his safety was guaranteed.

And above all ––daily Drag-Ride training was possible.

It could be said that the fact of the burden of the expensive management, and maintenance fees of his Machine Dragon also disappearing was ideal for the kind of life that Lux aimed for.

However, the only thing which he was concerned about,

“Was it all right for someone like me to stay in such a place?”

In this place where Lux muttered, after a light knock, the door to the dressing room was suddenly opened.

“W-Waaaah!? Sorry! The bath cleaning is already over, can you just wait a little bit now––!?


Have I by any chance forgotten to put the note “under cleaning”?

As Lux raised a voice of explanation in panic––

“I’m sorry for not meeting your expectation, Nii-san. Did you want to see it? My naked body.”

There was his little sister Airi and the Triad’s first-year student who was her friend, Nokuto.

By the way, both of them were properly dressed.

“W- What are you saying!? Ah, Nokuto-san, good evening…”

“Yes. But, it can’t be helped. I hear that adolescent males usually have it tough in various ways. I wonder about how they lust (crave) for a blood relative, but”

“Why did you assume that I was expecting a naked body!?”

“Well, it’s fine though. Shall we, the only family members, enter the bath together next time? Nii-san.”

“Airi… It’s embarrassing, so could you please not tell such a joke in front of people?”

When Lux’s cheeks reddened and he protested, as Airi was also a little embarrassed, she deceived it by clearing her throat *cough*.

“So, do you have business with me? This bath cleaning is already the last for today’s requests, so if it isn’t a pressing business, I want you to wait a little––”

To Lux who straightened his back, Airi and Nokuto smiled wryly.

“Yes, it’s a little work. Afterwards, please come immediately to the grand hall of the girl’s dormitory. A detour is out of the question (prohibited). Well then, later.”

Airi smoothly said and turned her back.

“Understood. I'll go immediately.”

“Yes. Please look forward to it.”

When bowing to Lux who answered, Nokuto also left the bathroom together with Airi.

“Look forward…?”

Lux cocked his head in puzzlement, but in the end he did not understand.

Part 5

The evening when the sun also went down completely.

After having the housemother who made the request check the cleaning, Lux headed to the grand hall without break like he was told by Airi and Nokuto.

As he walked in the dormitory, wide like a high-class hotel in the capital, he unintentionally smiled wryly to himself who felt that he was “out of place”.

“Speaking of which, I was royalty, too…”

He had lived in the imperial court until 7 years old, but after being deprived of the right of succession to the throne, he lived out of the castle, and it was not that rich (affluent) of a life.

The coup d’état occurred when he was 12 years old, and with a short-term war of about one month, after the Atismata chief officials won, he was imprisoned with his little sister Airi and they were detained for a while.

And–– at the same time as the New Kingdom government was born, Lux became a criminal and it had been decided that he would bear the mission of undertaking odd jobs and a debt with an amnesty.

They were the only two survivors of the Old Empire's royalty.

Although they were almost ousted from the imperial family, to let Lux and his little sister, who had imperial blood live and release them, various agreements were necessary.

Along with another secret which could by no means be said––

“…Errr, was it the grand hall?”

Lux noticed and stopped.

(––But, for what reason would they call me at such a time?)

Even though there are many jobs I can’t do when the night comes.

As Lux was thinking so, he saw Airi’s figure in the hall which was down the stairs.

“You seem to have straightened your appearance. I’ve gotten a better opinion of you, Nii-san.”

“E-Even I will at least do that much! Um, about the request from the girls––”

“Well then, please come here. Everyone is waiting.”

Ignoring Lux’s words, Airi took his hand.

Just like that across the passage, to the cafeteria (dining hall).

“Huh…? If I remember correctly, this place is––”

Even though it was already the time when the cafeteria (dining hall) was closed.

As Lux thought so, looking puzzled and entered,


He heard the girls’ voices all at once.


When looking at the front, many dishes were placed on a big table.

Meat pie with sauce was put and all sorts of sandwiches with vegetables were put.

Pasta with mushroom dressed with plant oil. Chicken sauté seasoned with spice.

Soup with cooked vegetables, drawing out sweetness.

Even a red wine bottle and teapot were prepared.

“Don’t tell me this is––?”

“Right, it’s the celebration of your admission. Lux-kun.”

Seeing Lux’s reaction, Sharis of the Triad lightly smiled.

When looking, the dining hall was set like a small party meeting place, and many students gathered there.

Lizsharte, Krulcifer, Philphie.

Sharis, Tillfarr and Nokuto of the Triad.

And, several students of the same class and also the instructor Raigree also sat in a corner.

For a moment, he could not believe that sight.

It was like a dream.

Lux was absentminded for a little while.

“Um, by any chance –– is it for me?”

“…Well, it’s something simple we gathered and planned after all. It might be a little plain to entertain you, a former Prince, but please do with it.”

As the third-year student Sharis said so,

“Uh-huh. The dishes are everyone’s handmade dishes, but don’t get your hopes up for the taste of what I made! I’m extremely clumsy after all!”

Said Tillfarr with a face (smile) on her whole face.

“No. I don’t think that it’s something you should say in this (first) place.”

Nokuto threw in a calm response to it.

“Lu-chan. We will be together from now on.”

“I’m expecting various things from you.”

After Philphie and Krulcifer respectively called out to Lux,

“Yo. Ah, um, how to say it.”

Lisha who was sitting on a chair in the back lightly raised her hand and stood up.

“U-Um –– frankly speaking, I’m not very good with such a party or event. Therefore, um, I don’t really know whether you’re happy. But, I thought we should finally do it… Good work… No, it was a great honor on this occasion. Lux Acadia.”

While shyly averting her eyes a little, she muttered.

Her attire was a red dress which Lux saw for the first time.

“Yes. Lizsharte-sama seems to want to say “I wanted to thank and congratulate you, and so I planned it. I will be happy if you enjoy it even a little”.”

“Y-You’re wrong!? Don’t translate it on your own! Even though you’re just a first year!”

Seeing that exchange, the other students suddenly burst into laughter.


Because of too much shock, Lux was stiff for a while, but

“––Thank you. Lisha-sama. I’m happy.”

He said so with a natural smile.

“N-No… Well, um, how to say it. It’s only one, but I also tried and made a dish. Errr…”

*cough*, with a sidelong glance to Lisha who blushed and began to panic, Sharis cleared her throat.

“Well then, shall we already go with the toast?”

To these words, everyone poured wine in their glasses and raised them.

The lively night wore on.

Part 6

The happy time passed in the blink of an eye.

After Lux’s welcome party ended and they dispersed.

“What to do… I completely forgot…!”

Because his stomach was full, and there was also the fatigue from the jobs and the moving on the first day, Lux wanted to lie down (and rest) as soon as possible, but he had noticed about this time the fact that an important problem remained.

That was –– about the bed (where to sleep).

Lux had been using the drawing room for visitors, but since maintenance was necessary, he just remembered that it was said that it could not be used for a while,

In this academy where there was only the girl’s dormitory, the room where Lux would stay has not yet been found.

Therefore, securing a place to sleep was also a problem for Lux, but––

“I wonder why only this place is the same as the time before the move in…”

Even though there were many rooms, there was none where he could stay.

(I should have consulted with the instructor at the party…)

“It’s no use. I’m sleepy…”

The collected fatigue and the feeling of a stomach full from a meal.

Without fighting against the sleepiness which suddenly assailed him, he genuflected.

“I will rest a little, so…”

Right, on the hallway carpet, it was right after he leaned on the wall.

Lux’s consciousness was immediately swallowed by darkness and he sank into a deep sleep.

Part 7

*cheep* *cheep*…

The chirps of small birds could be heard and on the back of his eyelids, he could feel the warmth of a dim sunlight.

It’s morning. Thought Lux within his consciousness.

Have I slept on the corridor? It’s a mysterious sensation for it.

(The carpet of this dormitory is warm and soft, huh.)

Besides, it somehow smells really good.

(Until a little while ago, sleeping outdoors or staying in a stable was normal for me after all.)

Remembering such a thing, Lux smiled wryly in a doze.

Before he noticed, he seemed to have gotten used to his fairly poor life.

I should wake up soon; I still have many things to do.

But, I want to stay like this only just a little––

Thinking so, he tried to haul in the blanket in his hand, his eyes closed as it is.


*funyu*, along with a soft sensation which touched his hand, he heard such a voice.


(I wonder what this is.)

It was fluffy, fleshy, smooth and very soft.

It had elasticity just like kneaded bread dough, and when sank in plumply, Lux’s fingers were pushed back.

As that sensation was comfortable and Lux massaged it several time with his eyes still closed––



The voice before him turned into a seductive one.

As Lux who was surprised by this opened his eyes––,


A girl with fluffy, light pink hair and golden pupils which thinly opened.

Philphie Aingram was on the same bed –– next to Lux.

“Wai…!? Why is Phi-chan here!?”

“…Ah, morning. Lu-chan. Fuhaah.”

In contrast with the confused Lux, Philphie winked sleepily.

Her appearance was one thin shirt, an exposed chest and –– her underwear could be seen on the lower part of her body.

“Wh… What on earth happened!? Why!? Why are you––”

Lux hurriedly sprang up from the bed and looked around.

Bunk beds, a closet, a small table of two cliffs, a desk––

No matter how you think about it, it was a room for two people in the girl’s dormitory.

“…the washroom is on the first floor?”

“Not that!? It’s not that I’m worried about!? I mean, cover it! I can see it after all! I can see in various ways!”

While retorting in a fluster, Lux hurriedly covered his eyes with his hands.

As he did so, Philphie yawned in a cute way and crawled once again under the bunk bed (blanket)

“Hey!? Don’t sleep again! What’s with this situation!? If I remember correctly, last night, I was––”

“Yes. I brought you here. It’s because I found you sleeping on the corridor on my way to the toilet… You’d have caught a cold, you know?”

SaijakuBahamut v1 147.jpg

“T-Thank you… Not that!? This room is a room for two girls, right!?”

“I’m the only one using this room, so it’s all right.”

“Even though there are bunk beds, why did you sleep with me!?”

“It was bothersome to carry you above. And I was sleepy…”

“T-Then, wouldn't it have been better if you have gone to the top, right…?”

“Climbing the ladder was bothersome.”


End of discussion.

“B-But… Um, it’s bad after all, right? In a lot of ways–– You and I are already at this age.”

“I’m all right with it though.”

“Ah, geez… How much haven’t you changed since a long time ago…!”

No matter how much she is a boxed in young lady, as expected, she is a little too off.

I’m greatly happy that we’re close like a long time ago, but the stimulus is stronger now.

Both her appearance and smell let one feel that she was a completely grown-up “girl”.

“Did you change, Lu-chan?”


Quietly getting up and with a serious look as usual, Philphie said so.

“I think that nothing has changed. I think that you’re always the kind Lu-chan of those days.”

And just a little bit, she smiled.

A soft smile to the extent that it could only be noticed by someone who had been close to her since a long time.

“It’s all right. I’m sure we haven’t changed.”


I wonder why.

To Philphie’s smile and her words, Lux almost cried (felt like crying).

After all, I am…

On the last day of that coup d’état, I––

*tock* *tock*!

At that time, a sound of knock resounded in the room.

“Philphie! It’s already morning. If you don’t wake up quickly, you’ll be late! You’re already late all the time, so if you’re late any more than this –– may I enter?”

The second-year student of the “Triad”, Tillfarr’s voice could be heard coming over the door.


(It’s bad!)

No matter how much there were circumstances, being seen in this situation would be––

“Philphie… you know? I’m already up, so can you keep it a secret about me being here––”

“It’s fine. Enter.”

Before Lux finished saying, Philphie plainly answered.

“Wai––!? Does this room by any chance not lock with a key!?”

Tillfarr opened the door and entered.


And, after absentmindedly opening her mouth as she saw Lux and Philphie,



“Sorry for the intrusion!”

“HEY!? You’re wrong! So, please don’t spread that story!”

Lux hurriedly came out of the room and ran after Tillfarr who ran away.

In the end, Lux, Philphie and Tillfarr became late while getting along well.

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