On a Godless Planet:Volume2A Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Switch[edit]

Godless 2A 075.jpg

Is it my job’s fault I can’t relax?

Or is it someone else’s fault?

Godless pigeon.png

“I may not be one to talk, but isn’t it a little soon for another inspector after Eshtar?”

Hatoko may have taken a liking to the library.

She was currently leaned over the railing to look down at the basement book storeroom.

Godless pigeon.png

“What do you think? As a guiding scarecrow, that is.”

Godless scare.png

“Hard to have many thoughts when I don’t know who it is.”

Her conversational partner did not get up from the chair behind the counter.

Godless pigeon.png

“What’s today’s tea?”

Godless scare.png

“I can make some if you want.”

Godless pigeon.png

“Don’t bother. I was just curious what you had ready.”

She opened two Revelation Boards: a Mesopotamian clay panel one and a Shinto torii one.

She checked a few local social media sites, but nothing was happening yet.

Godless scare.png

“It’s supposed to be the 90s, so you should avoid using so many ‘anachronistic’ technologies.”

Godless pigeon.png

“Revelation Boards provide divine revelation, don’t they?”

Godless scare.png

“Any idea who it is?”

Godless pigeon.png

“A goddess,” said Hatoko, her eyes on the motionless screens. “A strict one. Well, the Olympus gang are almost all that way, but it explains why my intel network hasn’t picked up anything.”

Godless scare.png

“Oh, dear.” Scarecrow nodded. “So you were aware of that flaw in your network?”

Godless pigeon.png

“You won’t last long as a prostitute without some self-awareness. We were even the first business to become philosophical.”

Godless scare.png

“Like what?”

Godless pigeon.png

“Seeing someone off is business. Not seeing someone off says don’t come back.”

Godless scare.png

“Well, at least you’re devoted to your work.”

Godless pigeon.png

“I enjoy good company, but I hate the loneliness afterwards.”

Godless scare.png

“Is that so?” Scarecrows stood up. “I’ll make some tea. In the meantime, you can search for a book that will make for good pillow talk.”

Godless pigeon.png

“I said not to bother.”

Godless scare.png

“And I’m free to decide it isn’t a bother.”

Godless pigeon.png

“I see.” Hatoko considered checking out the book storeroom downstairs. “This new inspector is powerful.”

Godless scare.png

“What makes you say that?”

Godless pigeon.png

“To avoid my intel gathering process, they must be a strict goddess. But what does it mean for no one else in their group to say anything either?”

There was only one real answer.

Godless pigeon.png

“She’s their boss. Just like Bilgamesh and Ki couldn’t talk about Eshtar because she was their boss, this inspector must be the other gods’ superior. The Olympus gang are the bigshots of the 7th generation, so I wonder who’s paying us a visit.”

Godless shinobu.png

“I wonder who’s coming.”

They arrived at Sunagawa’s Bikkuri Donkey at just past 6 PM. While their group had worked to fix the river spirits, Senpai-chan and the idiot had gone shopping with Eshita-chan, dropped the bags off at her place, and then regrouped with the others.

They were a little late, but it was still summer. The evening light shining in the window was still bright. Almost too bright.

They chose a table they could sit across from each other at and crammed eight chairs around it.

Godless eshita shinken.png

“Okay, we need a quick meeting.”

Eshita-chan opened a bag of Karamucho and the idiot reacted.

Godless boku.png

“Tiiiiiiime out, Mucho! You can’t pop open a bag of Karamucho the instant you sit down at Bikkuri Donkey! Yeah, they’re your namesake, but how bout checking the menu first!? Listen, Mucho! Bikkuri Donkey is affiliated with Koikeya!”

Godless yomoji.png

“Doooon’t think that’s the real issue.”

Godless eshita shinken.png

“Sorry, just a habit I’ve picked up. I’ll stop at this one bag I’ve already opened, so can we get talking?”

Shifu looked to Bilgamesh.

Godless gil.png

“I am so sorry.”

Godless ki.png

“You don’t have to apologize for this.”

Godless eshita awate.png

“Yeah, why do you keep apologizing!? Are you trying to give Mesopotamia a bad name!?”

Godless ki.png

“That’s you, idiot.”

Shifu worked to calm them down and Tooru spoke up while scooting forward in his seat.

Godless raidou.png

“So we’re dealing with Olympus now? That’s going to be a pain on the Auth Spell and political fronts.”

Godless senpai shinken.png

“Why the political front?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Olympus doesn’t have many fighter gods, but they have more than enough Machiavellian and technical gods to make up for it. They push fighting to the background and increase their influence through political connections with other mythologies.”

Godless raidou.png

“Their best fighter is Zeus, second best is Poseidon, and third would maybe be Ares or Athena.”

Godless gil.png

“How strong are they?”

Godless raidou.png


Tooru had to think for a bit. Shifu knew what he was trying to say, but she let him handle it.

Godless raidou.png

“To be honest, there’s a problem beyond simple strength there.”

Godless ki.png

“What kind of problem?”

It was Kuwajiri-chan who responded. She first gave Shifu a glance to ask permission, so Shifu curiously gestured for her to continue.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The Olympus gods, especially the male ones, cause a lot of problems with their infidelity. The instant Zeus, Poseidon, and so on find a woman they like, they confess or even forcibly do the deed. They don’t care if that woman is a relative or even an animal.”

Godless boku.png

“So they’re into furry stuff!? That’s a major mythology for you!”

What does that have to do with it? wondered Shifu. But by that standard, I guess we’re major too.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Anyway.” Kuwajiri-chan chose her words carefully. “Our Norse mythology has all of that too, but Olympus has a lot more of it.”

Godless ki.png

“We don’t have much room to talk either, but why do they have so much of it?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“That comes how Greece came to be.”

Kuwajiri opened a Revelation Board and displayed a map of the Balkan Peninsula in the Mediterranean.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“I will be starting well into the past, and this will include some digressions. Because this should help give us some hints about who this inspector is.”

Godless gil.png

“Let’s hear it.”

Kuwajiri nodded at the superior god’s request.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“In the distant past, humanity invented many things in the lands they scattered across while migrating from Africa. For example, at around 12,000 years BCE, they had established some level of agriculture instead of relying wholly on hunting. That means they moved out into the fields and established a society that grew their villages. Bronze tools first historically appeared in Mesopotamia before 3500 BCE. And what did the appearance of bronze tools lead to?”

Godless gil.png

“Largescale war. Superior bronze weapons could defeat stone or copper.”

Godless boku.png

“Copper? Like the police who fought mobsters?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The metal. They used copper tools. Get it?”

Godless boku.png

“D-don’t make fun of me! I know what copper is! The 10-yen coin’s made of it.”

Godless balancer.png

<It is actually made of an alloy with some tin and such in it, but it is mostly copper, yes.>

Godless boku.png

“Hold on. Wait. So after saving up a ton of 10-yen coins to buy Senpai’s CD when it comes out, I’ve turned myself into a Bronze Saint!?”

Godless raidou.png

“With 1-yen coins, you would’ve been a Steel Saint.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Wouldn’t that be super weak to heat?”

Godless boku.png

“D-don’t destroy my dream! Oh, and I’m the Saint of the Banana Zodiac and my special move is a banana up the ass! I shout Galactic Death Enema when I use it! Anyway, just thought you’d all like to know that!”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Sumeragi-kun! Sit! Sit!”

Godless eshita warai.png

“Ah ha ha. You’re in trouble now, iiiidiot!”

Godless boku.png

“I don’t want to hear that form you!”

Godless senpai awate.png

“But, Sumeragi-kun, I’m not planning to put out a CD.”

Godless boku.png

“That just means there’s something wrong with this world! Hey, Balancer! Fix it!”

Godless balancer.png

<I have no intention of dignifying this ape’s insanity with a response, so please continue.>

Kuwajiri ignored the idiot and lowered her head toward Bilgamesh.

Godless kuwajiri.png


Godless ki.png

“What was?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The reference to copper. See, if you want to be proper…”

Godless boku.png

“Copper and proper? Are you a poet now?”

Senpai-san laughed a little, but she Kuwajiri could forgive.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Anyway.” Kuwajiri continued her explanation. “When looking at the history of civilization, the proper classification puts the bronze age immediately after the stone age, but copper was actually used toward the end of the stone age. Copper is easy to process, so it was the first metal humanity used alongside stone. By 7000 BCE, they were mining it. By 6000 BCE, they had figured out how to melt it. And once they could make, proper co-…”

She just about said “proper copper tools”, but stopped when she saw the idiot’s excited gesturing.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“They could make actual copper tools.”

Godless boku.png

“You…you…you betrayed my expectations! You won’t get away with this, you monster!”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Please stop biting the napkin while you speak.”

Godless boku.png

“Oh, you don’t like the napkin biting!? Then I won’t do that part! ‘You…you…you betrayed my expectations! You won’t get away with this, you monster!’ …That better!?”

Godless kuwajiri.png


That boy was like a storm she had to weather. That sounds like a song lyric, she noted while Raidou continued the discussion.

Godless raidou.png

“So by melting down the copper, they could use molds to mass-produce things, right?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Oh, yes. That is correct. There weren’t very many people back then and there was even less equipment, so it all belonged to the royals and nobles at first. But the bronze age was not until 3500 BCE, so they had actually started mass-producing copper tools about 2500 years before that. In some areas, they had even almost fully shifted from stone to copper by around 4000 BCE, so the short period before the shift to bronze is sometimes known as the copper age.”

She addressed Bilgamesh now.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Before, you said the creation of bronze tools led to largescale war. Then what was the result of the copper tools toward the end of the stone age?”

Godless gil.png

“That is simple enough. It created a people with superior tools who had laid the groundwork for mass-producing bronze tools once the bronze age arrived. In other words, it set the foundation for a great conqueror.”

Kuwajiri nodded at Bilgamesh’s response.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Correct. Thank you. Being a bronze age civilization did not mean you could mass-produce bronze tools the instant they were invented. That breakthrough required already possessing the resources, knowledge, and personnel to pull it off.”

Godless senpai.png

“Bilgamesh-san, were you the king who made that breakthrough?”

Godless gil.png

“No, Mesopotamia was already in the bronze age in my time. I was the 5th king of the Uruk city-state and my focus was on protecting my kingdom. Royal authority of the region was passed between the regional city-states, but I brought it more permanently to Uruk.”

Godless ki.png

“The kings of Uruk before Bil were known as ‘King of Uruk and Ruler of Sumer’, but Bil really did become king of it all.” Ki smiled bitterly. “And since the royal authority was passed around, it belonged to the city-state of Kish before it came to Uruk, and at around 5500 BCE, Alulim, the first king, ruled the city-state of Eridu. In our culture, he’s conceptually the oldest king. Oh, and the first half-god, half-human was created during that same period.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Yeah, that’s certainly a digression. But if there are so many records, why is Bil-chan the only one people see as historical? Is it cause of the ‘He who Saw the Deep’ story?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“There is a record of the Sumerian kings known as the Sumerian King List, but before Bilgamesh, all their reigns are listed as lasting centuries or even millennia, suggesting they are only myths.”

Godless gil.png

“My reign is listed as 126 years, but other records have been used to work out a general time period for my reign. I reigned at around 2600 BCE. The historical existence of other kings in the region at around the same time have also been more or less confirmed.”

Godless raidou.png

“So you were like the border between myth and reality. Another way you’re half-god and half-human.”

Godless boku.png

“Really? You mean Apology Man isn’t that important after all?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Just so you know, Apology- no! Sorry!”

Kuwajiri made a terrible mistake and quickly bowed in apology, but…

Godless eshita warai.png

“Oh, I don’t mind at all! Ah ha ha! Apology Man!”

Godless ki.png

“This is mostly your fault!”

Fortunately, his boss was lenient. Shifu was also waving her hand dismissively, telling her not to worry, but Kuwajiri knew she was going to feel bad about it once she got home. She told herself to be even more careful when that idiot said things.

But anyway…

Godless kuwajiri.png

“His fame is also because cuneiform, humanity’s first writing system, was developed after the beginning of the Uruk Dynasty that he belonged to. During his reign, the writing system was standardized with around 1000 words. That is why he had a story written about him, which then spread. His records helped spread the standardized writing system.”

Sumeragi nodded and then clapped his hands.

Godless boku.png

“Oh, I heard a similar story in world history.”

Godless balancer.png

<This is world history, idiot.>

Godless boku.png

“Nope, you lose again! It’s Mesopotamian history! And here you are all smugly saying ‘werld histerry’!”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Regionally speaking, it’s Sumerian history, you idiots.”

Godless balancer.png

<W-wait just a second! Don’t include me in this! I demand a correction!>

Godless boku.png

“And if she doesn’t correct it?”

Godless balancer.png

<Then I give up. Because I am a well-made AI.>

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Then let’s go with that.”

Balancer turned their back, but she ignored it. For one, she knew what that idiot had been trying to say.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“I imagine it was similar to how the Bible helped spread the printing press during Europe’s Protestant Reformation.”


Godless kuwajiri.png

“I think Bilgamesh’s story started with a historical base and was fleshed out from there. With him, it could happen nearly in real time, while the previous kings were only written about as a part of the past. That probably made it harder to tell if they were real or not.”

Do you get it?

Godless kuwajiri.png

“It is hard to confirm the existence of kings that predate writing. You might discover their tomb, but you won’t know whose tomb it is without any writing.”

Godless boku.png

“Writing kicks ass! But how can you ever figure it out without writing?”

Godless ki.png

“Later records might provide a detailed description of the tomb or the tomb might be marked with a known symbol of the king instead of with writing.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The Mesopotamian gods all have distinctive features and each city had its own patron deity, so that is also used in some cases.”

Godless eshita.png

“I show up in those ancient records too, but under the name Inanna. Just goes to show how super important I am!”

Godless boku.png

“So a prehistoric hag is trying to show off while munching Karamucho in a Bikkuri Donkey?”

Kuwajiri saw Enkidu tilt her head and look to Eshtar.

Godless ki.png

“This prehistoric hag has caused us a lot of trouble.”

Godless eshita awate.png

“S-so what!? Cute goddesses like me don’t age!”

Godless gil.png

“Is that why this lifespan goddess scares you so much?”

Godless senpai warai.png


Godless senpai warai.png

“Don’t worry?”

Godless eshita awate.png

“Now I’m more scared!”

Shifu quieted everyone down, so Kuwajiri continued.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“That is why the pre-Bilgamesh kings are seen as mythical. Especially the ones from before the great flood that had such an influence on the later mythology. So…”


Godless kuwajiri.png

“If you view them as a mythology, they fit in between the 4th and 5th generations. And as they settled the land that would later be known as Mesopotamia, they spread out, established city states, and finally began waging war. This continued through the copper age, but came to a swift end during the bronze age.”

Finally, she told herself.

That had been a long digression, but she was back on topic. She wrote out the historical progression on her Revelation Board, but not as a list of kings.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Let us discuss civilization and the rise and fall of city-states.”

  • The hunters and gatherers begin agriculture and move out into the fields.

  • They develop villages, the population grows, they begin to amass wealth.

  • To support the population, agriculture becomes the central focus and the villages grow into cities.

  • The mass-production of copper tools increases productivity. But war breaks out between cities who want each other’s wealth and authority.

That about summed it up.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Now,” she said. “What form would the mythology take with a history like this?”

Kidou thought about it. She honestly had no idea why they were talking about her home when this had started out as a discussion about Greece, but…

Godless ki.png

“Oh, I think I get it.”

It finally hit her.

Godless ki.png

“This is the same, isn’t it?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The same as what?”

Godless ki.png

“As Greece. They developed city-states in much the same way as our Mesopotamia, didn’t they?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“If so, what form would their mythology take?”

She’s interesting, thought Kidou. I thought she was being rude when she bowed to Bil before, but now she’s testing me.

What was the difference there?

Godless ki.png

Is it knowledge!?

This knowledge god would readily test a god with superior divine rank.

She ignored ability and power and instead focused entirely on knowledge.

So Kidou knew she had to respond in kind.

Godless ki.png

“It’s the same pretty much everywhere. Each city-state…no, it goes back further than that. When each ancient village was established, it would have a god of its own. And as those villages grew into cities, they would ‘gather’ the gods of the other villages and towns by absorbing them, combining with them, or conquering them.”


Godless ki.png

“All of those nature gods weren’t part of a single mythology to begin with. But as the villages living in each natural environment gathered through war or merging and developed into large cities, all of those gods were brought together as well.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Correct. It’s simple enough when you think about it, but during humanity’s migration from Africa, they could not have any gods associated with a specific location. They might have gods with a global scope, like a Mother Earth or a heavenly god, but they couldn’t have a local god like the god of the such-and-such river. However…”

Godless gil.png

“They gained those local gods as they settled down and created villages?”

Kuwajiri thought about Bilgamesh’s answer, but…

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Initially, the villages would only be a few families, which meant a narrow scope of lifestyles. Villages like that would not interact with many natural environments, so they could not create and manage a large number of gods.”

Godless senpai.png

“True. A village by a river would probably create a river god and one by the ocean would probably create an ocean god. At first, those gods would be worshiped without even having a name. That makes them a lot like the river spirits we saw earlier or the ‘mermaid’ river spirits found in Mesopotamia, right? But over time, the people would see a ‘personality’ in the natural changes and specific incidents, so they would give those gods a name or image.” Senpai-san placed a hand on her chest. “Much like the Shinto concept of a local god with its main shrine, the god associated with the natural environment most familiar to each village would become that village’s patron deity, wouldn’t it?”

At that point, everyone gave an “oh” of realization.

Godless raidou.png

“As the guardian deities were taken in through the absorption or conquering of villages, they ended up working for the guardian deity of the village taking them in.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Yes. Do you see now how the nature gods of the Laurasian Mythologies ended up with families and hierarchies?”

The process described here explained it.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The lands with Laurasian Mythologies were lands with long histories of war between city-states and the like. As city-states fell, the nature gods gathered together, so the myths and the relationships between the gods point to the history of conflict between the humans. So even when there was no direct influence between different Laurasian Mythologies, they tend to follow a pattern with a similar structure and society.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Um, then what about the Olympus group from Greece?”

Kuwajiri nodded and called back up the original Revelation Board image of the Balkan Peninsula.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Much like Mesopotamia, Greece had developed walled city-states as far back as 3500 BCE, during the stone age. Their villages and cities each built temples to honor their patron deities. And as they fought wars, joined together, and split apart, the Greek mythology was created. …To return to our initial discussion, do you see now what it means for their male gods to be unfaithful in the extreme? You can interpret that as the city-states of the male gods attacking and destroying the city-states of the female gods.”


Godless kuwajiri.png

“The even more frightening part is that those male gods are not the most powerful figures in Greek mythology.”

A few of them responded with “eh?”, but she ignored them.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The most powerful and frightening part of Greek mythology are its goddesses. They chased their unfaithful husbands to the depths of the earth, killed other gods after only light provocation, and, well…they are a lot.”

Godless shifu akire.png


Godless shifu akire.png

“Just when I think you’re introducing them as a good example of how a civilization develops a pantheon, you throw that one in there.”

Godless raidou.png

“So the goddesses rule in the end, huh?”

Godless yomoji.png

“Moooonotheism makes things soooo much easier.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Yes, the couples in our Norse mythology honestly get along relatively well all things considered. If anything, it’s the top level of goddesses that are unfaithful, but there still aren’t as many of those stories as in other mythologies.”

Godless ki.png

“Meanwhile, our top goddess is a complete moron.”

Godless eshita awate.png

“H-hey! I’m a goddess of victory, so I’m strong! Don’t make fun of me!”

Godless raidou.png

“Oh, I think I get it. You know you can’t trust her to do anything, so the rest of the gods work hard to ensure her victory?”

Godless gil.png

“I am so sorry.”

Godless senpai.png

“In Shinto, my sister’s husband suspected her pregnancy was the result of infidelity, so she set fire to the delivery room while she gave birth to prove she was innocent. Also, Izanami chased after Izanagi when he came to Yomi. I think that’s about it, though.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Senpai-chaaaan? How did Omokane-chan introduce you again?”

Godless senpai.png


Godless senpai awate.png


Godless boku.png

“Senpai doesn’t count! She’s the most powerful because she’s so wonderful! And if she doesn’t like some other god, they die of old age! Mucho over there is ready to be made into goddess jerky at any time!”

Godless senpai awate.png

“I-I really don’t think you’re helping, but thanks anyway?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Well, you get the picture.”

Shifu decided to sum up what her underclassman had said.

Godless shifu akire.png

“I get the picture that it’s all a huge pain.”

Godless gil.png

“Indeed. I thought the Greeks were part of the 7th generation, which was so heavily influenced by our Mesopotamia and Egypt, but based on how their mythology came about, it sounds more like they’re 5th or 6th generation.”

Godless eshita.png

“They were influenced by me, weren’t they?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Aphrodite of the Twelve Olympians corresponds to you.”

Yes, they were still influenced by a few other mythologies. But…

Godless senpai awate.png

“A lot from their age of war is left in the myths, isn’t it?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Yes. Greek mythology became more of a ‘narrative’ after the 7th century BCE. Herodotus compiled that and gave it the overall story we know today. It was later fleshed out by the tragedy-loving Greek poets, but the stories of infidelity and revenge would have existed before that, just with different meanings. Records of victories and the resistance of the vanquished can be seen in the stories of the gods.”

Godless ki.png

“And the goddesses were the real threat there, huh?”

Godless shifu akire.png

“So if this inspector is a goddess, we’d better be careful.”

What a pain, thought Shifu. She was a goddess herself and she knew she could be trouble or a pain at times. And…

Godless shifu akire.png

“If this inspector is from such a pain-in-the-ass group, we could run into problems separate from how powerful they are.”

Godless boku.png

“How so?”

Godless raidou.png

“A so-so fighter who is constantly flashing a knife and attacks on a whim is more of a pain than a master swordsman who only uses his sword in battle.”

Godless boku.png

“Can you explain it with a boobs metaphor?”

Godless raidou.png

“Sorry, but I’ve got Shifu.”

Shifu laughed and slapped Tooru on the back.

Just then, Revelation Boards appeared next to them all. They were from…

Godless omokane.png

“Listen up, everyone. Have any of you fought a battle recently?”

What is this about? I wondered.

Godless senpai.png

“Does our work during the day count as a battle?”

Godless omokane.png

“No, I checked near there, but it falls within the bounds of divine work and doesn’t count.”

Godless shinobu.png

“What’s going on, Omokane-chan? Are you plotting something again?”

Godless omokane.png

“Maybe,” she said in something close to a laugh.

I knew her well enough to know that meant she had something in the works. And…

Godless omokane.png

“If it wasn’t you, then someone else activated a combat field. It stretches from east to west, from Okutama to here.”

Godless pigeon.png

“Where are you headed?”

Scarecrow and Shamhat were walking toward Tachikawa Station from the direction of Showa Memorial Park, but…

Godless scare.png

“I’m on my way to Daiichi. What about you?”

Godless pigeon.png

“Oh, to the basement food section? I love how many unusual things they have there.”

Shamhat’s footsteps were light. What looked like thick-soled sandals were actually single-tooth geta.

Godless scare.png

“Are those popular right now?”

Godless pigeon.png

“You should probably read more than just library books.”

She said that, but she had ended up selecting 5 library books on different topics and borrowed them with a library card. Still…

Godless scare.png

“If I kept magazines around, you would never leave.”

Godless pigeon.png

“I already never leave because you serve tea.”

Scarecrow knew that was only a joke. Regardless, they appeared to have the same destination.

The Daiichi Department Store was a 6-story building west of Tachikawa Station, but the stores and buildings along the curving road blocked it from view when approaching from the west.

The ramen shop, cram school, and more all had their lights on as the two of them walked along the road.

Godless pigeon.png

“The sounds in this place really make you hungry. That gyudon place isn’t a chain, is it? Are you familiar with it?”

Godless scare.png

“I am, but I’m on my way to Daiichi.”

Maybe it was a scarecrow thing, but she did not give much thought to detours.

Godless pigeon.png

“What do you do at Daiichi? Eat?”

Godless scare.png

“You aren’t going to buy one of those 100-yen burgers at the food shop, are you?”

Godless pigeon.png

“I tend to go for the fresh-squeezed fruit juice and San Morino. What about you?”

Godless scare.png

“Kotobukiya has the resin I use to repair books. And the tailor on the 1st floor has the leather I use for covers, so I stop by periodically.”

Godless pigeon.png

“You really like your work, don’t you?”

Godless scare.png

“You never told me why you’re here.”

Godless pigeon.png

“I did: I tend to go for the fresh-squeezed fruit juice,” she said. “So how are things going?”

Godless scare.png

“With what?”

Godless pigeon.png

“The terraforming.”

Oh, that, realized Scarecrow. She upped her pace a little since the Daiichi Department Store had finally come into view.

Godless scare.png

“They created an elevated piece of land, so instead of lowering it, they’re talking about constructing a longer-term base on top. They’re also discussing what to do about the surrounding lava. It’s all planning work at this point, so it’s all being done in the Divine World for now.”

She kept it all very businesslike, but that would be fine. Shamhat would probably “sell” that information and use it to bring in information from elsewhere. And…

Godless pigeon.png

“What do you need right now?”

Godless scare.png

“Not beating around the bush, are you?”

That too was fine. It showed Shamhat was starting to look ahead.

Godless scare.png

“They want a structure for the land that will work for terraforming the entire planet. Same for the atmosphere.”

Godless pigeon.png

“Sounds like you need an earth goddess or a sky god.”

Godless scare.png

“If you have any connections to the 3rd generation, then I would love to hear about it.”

Shamhat laughed a little, but Scarecrow was not entirely sure if she was laughing with her or at her. However…

Godless pigeon.png

“I didn’t mean the entire planet. What do you need for that base you mentioned?”

Godless scare.png

“That’s a lot simpler: water. The place is all heat and rock right now, so even if they can set up a field and put air in it, there isn’t enough water.”

Scarecrow had a decent amount of terraforming knowledge, so she could keep going from there.

Godless scare.png

“And once they have a structure for the land, making it rain would cool the lava a lot more efficiently than Senpai-san’s Auth Spells. That would intensify the atmospheric circulation and they would have to control that, but water really is what they need. The work can be divided into three phases: land, water, and air.”

Without warning, Balancer appeared.

Godless balancer.png

<Oh, excellent timing, Scarecrow. I am about to distort space – or a divine field, really – so will you please help manage it?>

Godless scare.png

“Huh? What’s this about a divine field?”

Godless pigeon.png

“Maybe that thing Omokane contacted us about earlier?”

Then it clicked for Scarecrow. Some real manifestation god had set up a combat field in order to fight a battle or something without Shinto’s permission.

Balancer would know about the field and the gods using it, but the AI’s neutral position kept them from providing details. However…

Godless scare.png

“Why are you intervening?”

Godless balancer.png

<That is somewhat hard to discuss. I can say nothing about the gods involved, but I can say this much: This will be a problem for the ape, so please be careful.>

Godless scare.png

“For Sumeragi-kun?”

As soon as she asked, something appeared overhead at the same height as the streetlights.

With the repeated sound of a Shinto shrine’s bell ringing, light flowed in the zigzagging pattern of a shide, coming apart and binding back together. That was the Shinto-style tuning of a divine field. The next thing they knew, they were surrounded by torii.

Godless scare.png

“This way!”

Shamhat was in “a bad location”, so Scarecrow pulled on her hand. Scarecrow knew it was “bad” because of the shadow briefly shrouding Shamhat’s face.

If she had stayed there, she could have fallen to “the other side”.

Godless pigeon.png


Godless scare.png

“Shinto fields are powerful because they’re so good at purification and shutting out impurities.”

Godless pigeon.png

“You wisdom gods never stop explaining things, do you?”

Scarecrow told her to forget it before stomping a heel against the ground and clapping her hands.

Godless scare.png


Godless balancer.png

<Yes, the output tuning is complete. Please check on the field now.>

With that, everything disappeared.

Oh? thought Hatoko.

The opening of the ether light field and the accompanying torii and shide had all disappeared. Strangely, none of the nearby spirits or automatons seemed to have noticed all that light. There were some real manifestation gods with low divine rank passing by, but they had not noticed either.

Godless pigeon.png

“On second thought, explanations are great.”

Godless scare.png

“Shinto fields are powerful and strict, so they don’t influence the outside world when properly opened and closed. You can thank Balancer for a job well done there.”

Godless balancer.png

<Well, I can achieve the same results with my own methods, but Scarecrow won’t manage it if I don’t use the Shinto method.>

Godless scare.png

“Of course I won’t. But…”

Scarecrow looked to a gyudon shop up ahead. A man was seated in front of the door. He was in the shadow below the light shining from the window at the top of the door.

Godless scare.png

“Did you distort the field to extract him here?”

Godless balancer.png

<It was an emergency.>

He was middle-aged, skinny, and unconscious. Upon closer inspection, he was also soaked. Based on his clothing…

Godless pigeon.png

“Was he mountain climbing?”

Godless scare.png

“Maybe only trekking?”

Godless pigeon.png

“Did you read about that in a magazine?”

Godless scare.png

“There is an introduction to trekking in the library.”

Scarecrow gave Balancer a look as she opened a Revelation Board. A few more of them opened around the unconscious man. They were staticky and of an unfamiliar design.

Godless pigeon.png

“Did you force those open?”

Godless scare.png

“I have authority over visitors.”

That meant this man conceptually qualified as a visitor. And…

Godless scare.png

“What does this mean?”

She frowned and turned to Balancer.

Godless scare.png

“This man is Neptune, a real manifestation from Roman mythology. Why was such a big name extracted from a combat field here and in such poor shape?”

She then heard a quiet sigh of a voice escape from the Roman sea god’s mouth. Even though he was too weak to move and fully unconscious.

Godless neptunes.png


That was the surname of one of Scarecrow’s schoolmates.

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