On a Godless Planet:Volume2A Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Arrow Flash[edit]

Godless 2A 301.jpg

Do not blame me.

Godless raidou.png

“I don’t recognize this type. Are they new?”

Would you call it a flame monster? They had seen a lot of different hostile creatures before, but it seemed like these stranger ones were showing up a more frequently since the terraforming had begun.

This was a good example. But…

Godless eshita awate.png

“Wait, this is a lot like last night! Just not the same size!”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“I don’t think you could be less specific if you tried.”

That was for sure.

Anyway, the flame monster was approximately 120m tall. It had a lower half made from a swarm of snake tails and an unsuitably small humanoid upper body.

Godless ki.png

“That’s a snake skirt.”

The problem was it was made of fire, not lava.

That was about all Raidou could tell.

Godless eshita awate.png

“It’s going to shoot a fire beam!”

Godless boku.png

“Why are you so bad at naming stuff!?”

Raidou agreed, but then it happened.

Two lines of fire shot out, making it a double fire beam.

Ki activated an Auth Spell.

Godless ki shinken.png

“Protection Large!”

First herself. And Bilgamesh. Then the human and Senpai-san.

Activating four at once was surprisingly difficult. The spell itself wasn’t a problem since it used her authority, but she had to focus her mind on the location she wanted to activate it.

Godless ki shinken.png

There aren’t any multi-target spells for us to use.

She had only ever worked with her well-equipped partner. She didn’t have to worry about Eshtar since she could take care of herself, so she didn’t have much practice in party battles like this one.

So she had to push herself hard.

Such as activating four single-target spells at once.

She had to focus equally on the four target locations at the same time, but…

Godless senpai awate.png

“S-Sumeragi-kun, you need to hide behind me!”

Godless boku.png

“Eh!? W-wait a second! Anatomically speaking, I need to worship you from the front to receive the divine protection of your boobs!”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Eh!? Th-then you can hide in front of me instead!”

Godless raidou.png

“I sense another rollback coming.”

Godless kido akire.png

“You’re jumping to conclusions!”

Ki was glad to know those two were doing well, but it also helped her focus on them.

Godless ki shinken.png

“Got them!”

She activated the spells targeting all four targets, including herself.

A moment later, they were struck by the fire beams being swung around like a sword.

Light scattered before my eyes while I held Sumeragi-kun close.

That was ether light. Kidou-san’s barrier had been destroyed by the fire beams. The protective light remained for mine and Sumeragi-kun’s, but…

Godless senpai awate.png

“I-it’s so much weaker now!”

Godless ki shinken.png

“That took out 12 layers!”

Kidou-san and Bilgamesh-san split to the left, Shifu-san and Raidou-san split to the right, and Eshita-san…

Godless eshita awate.png

“Eh!? What’s this!? Why am I in the center!?”

Godless senpai warai.png

“Eshita-san? We’re behind you, so make sure to protect us.”

Godless eshita awate.png

“Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you could run away!”

Godless senpai awate.png

“I can’t because Sumeragi-kun is hiding in front of me.”

Godless eshita awate.png

“You’re not making any sense! C’mon! If you can’t run away with him there, then carry that idiot on your back and get out of here!”

She wasn’t making any sense.

And then Sumeragi-un went limp in my arms.

He fell to his knees and collapsed at my feet.

Godless senpai awate.png

“Eh? Eh? What’s wrong, Sumeragi-kun!?”

I looked down to see he had passed out with a blissful smile on his lips.

Godless ki.png

“I think he suffocated.”

Godless raidou.png

“That’s probably how he always wanted to go.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“I’ll demonstrate for you sometime.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Th-thank you!”

Meanwhile, the next attack arrived.

Eshita’s life was on the line here. Because…

Godless eshita awate.png

That lifeline goddess is right behind me!

If she screwed up this defense, she might be fine, but the human behind her would be reduced to ashes. That would earn the lifespan goddess’s ire, which would spell the end for her. That was a problem because she wouldn’t just die – she would die from her lifespan reaching its end. There was no resurrecting from that.

Hmm, what should I do? Would that lifespan goddess really resent me that much if he died? She’s the one who decided I could protect them, so how is it fair for her to resent me to death when I can’t do it? But knowing here, I could totally see it happening that way…

Oh, but I have more of a chance here than if she resents me. I mean, the Norse gods are here too, not to mention Bilgamesh and Ki, so they might help me out!

Besides, that human will still roll back if he dies! So as long as it wasn’t on purpose, I should be fine. Yes. I’ll be fine. Just fine! I’m a cute goddess, so if I say something like…

Godless eshita warai.png

“Whoopsie-daisy! I made a big defensive uh-oh!”

…she won’t take my failure so seriously. This will work!

Eshita-san was muttering something under her breath, but then she turned around and held out a bag of Karamucho.

Godless eshita warai.png

“Yeah! I’ll be fine!!”

She took a direct hit.

Godless ki.png

“So, uh, is the human alright!?”

Godless gil.png

“Did the human’s protection hold!?”

Godless raidou.png

“I admire how little you care about your fellow Mesopotamian.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“I guess you could call it a virtue?”

But after dodging the enemy attack, Shifu checked on the situation and noticed something.

Godless shinobu.png


She saw Kido-chan.

Kido-chan had moved in front of Eshita-chan and held her hand up toward the enemy.

That was all, but that was all it took to defend against the enemy attack, which could be called a fire cannon.

She didn’t stop the attack.

Godless enyou.png


The fire blast swept through and then past their position, but it continued to fire.

Kido-chan had provided some kind of defense at the point where the attack reached her.


Godless kido.png

“Douhai-san, can you move?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Eh!? Oh, yes, I can!”

Godless kido.png

“Good. Then take Izumi and-”

Godless senpai shinken.png

“Um, Kido-san, can you do it? Your defensive divine protections seem better than mine!”

Godless kido akire.png


Godless eshita awate.png

“Whatever you’re going to do, do it quick! That thing’s readying another attack!”

Godless kido akire.png

“O-okay, fine…”

Kido had Douhai-san’s help getting Izumo up on her back.

Godless kido.png


He was lighter than she had expected.

Honestly, she thought, turning toward Douhai-san.

Godless kido.png

“You need to reach the point you can do this without my help.”

Godless senpai.png

“I will.”

I know you will.

She was doing a good job. It was just that this enemy and this job were too much for an Earthly God like her to handle.

But Kido still found herself cautioning her. Partially because that was just the kind of person she was, but also…

Godless kido.png

When she accepts my warnings so readily, it makes me feel like the immature one.

So Kido mentally bowed toward Douhai-san’s generosity.

She faced forward see Yomoji-san and Kuwajiri-san retreating toward a stone hut.

Kido rushed after them while carrying a renewable but fragile life.

Godless kido.png

“Couldn’t Yomoji-san take care of this in a single move?”

Godless yomoji.png

“The wholllle place would be blown awayyyy.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“P-please don’t do that!”

Then what were they supposed to do?

Godless kido.png

“Eshita-san? We can count on you, can’t we?”

Godless ki.png

“Hey, Eshtar. She wants to know if we can count on you.”

Godless eshita awate.png

“O-of course you can! Because I’m super responsible! Look, I’m even wearing all my clothes!”

Godless shifu akire.png

“How low is the bar for you?”

Godless raidou.png

“Hey, at least she’s taking her empty snack bags back with her.”

Godless gil.png

“I am so sorry.”

Shifu decided they needed to settle this sooner rather than later.

Godless shinobu.png

“Tooru! Lightning doesn’t work against fire like this, right!?”

Godless raidou.png

“If it strikes the tableland, the shockwave can blow it away!”

Meanwhile, the enemy seemed to shrink down.

Godless shifu akire.png


It was her legs. The tangle of countless serpents formed countless cannons like the ones at her arms. A quick glance showed 18 of them aimed this way. Specifically, at Shifu and Tooru.

Godless enyou.png


They all fired at once.

Fire raced out.

The fire monster’s 38 arms – including the original two – attacked the four defenders.

Godless enyou.png


She swung the many cannons around and supported herself low to the surface with her remaining legs.

The cannons were fired from low down, increasing the density of attacks along the sweeping path.

Fire soared out toward the gods. It reached the Norse pair who were taking evasive action and then reached the two half-god, half-humans.

Godless ki shinken.png


A direct hit wasn’t even needed to shatter their Protection.

Shifu made a decision. She wasn’t sure if her voice would reach or not, but…

Godless shinobu.png


She shouted and activated an Auth Spell. Her harvest power rushed out before the fire could reach them.

A golden field grew across the area and…

Godless raidou.png

“Were you quick enough!?”

Before she could answer, she launched something toward the fire monster from a low position.

This harvest-born lightning blade was a power she only had as Tooru’s wife. Countless golden swords shot up from the ground to the sky, surrounding the fire monster.

Godless shinobu.png

“Caught you!”

It was like a cage.

And the blades continued on up toward the heavens. The wind was instantly cut off, the heat was trapped, and the fire continued its attack within the cage. A sound like a deep flute escaped through the gap in the golden cage. But…

Godless shinobu.png

“It’s not going to last!”

It melted.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The melting point of gold is 1064 degrees Celsius. That is high compared to most other metals, but it also a temperature that can be reached with a candle, which puts you at a disadvantage here.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“You mean we’re in serious trouble!?”

An excellent summary, thought Kuwajiri just as something else happened.

The gold cage ruptured from thermal expansion.

Free once more, the fire monster sucked in a breath.

This world’s atmosphere had little oxygen. But she was her own rules. She existed as fire, so taking in air increased her firepower. Her fire was limited to the red colors, but that would be enough for this opponent.

She could see the night sky and the storm clouds there.

This was her first time seeing this sky, a realization that led her toward a question.

Godless enyou.png


Had she ever seen any other sky? It was a simple question. But…

Godless eshita awate.png

“Oh, no! What do I do now!? I might be extremely flammable from all the snacks I’ve been eating recently!”

She considered burning that one first to celebrate her freedom. The pieces of melted metal began turning to ether light and disappearing all around her.

Fire also spread below her.

The wheat field that had spread across the surface was burning. It must have all been created by a god, but when her fire contacted it, it ignited and the flames burned high.

Resistance was futile.

So she squeezed her own body again. The 38 cannons all began to prepare and each one would fire once it was ready. Then the process would repeat.

Godless enyou.png


The fire would overrun all else.

Once I do that, thought the flame monster.

Once I do that, what do I do next?

Yes, once I do that, there was something I wanted to do.

What was it? I do not remember. Will I remember once I do that?

Then I will do that.

She did that.

The fire formed an endless vortex.

It created a storm.

The enemy lacked the power to defend against it, so they would be overrun and burned away. The flames raged and fantastical heat trailed after it as the color red.

It was like a great wave. It even sounded like crashing waves. And…

Godless enyou.png


She realized she could see the enemy beyond the rising and swirling flames.

They were not burned. In fact, they were untouched.

Godless enyou.png


How? she wondered as she saw more.

She saw silhouettes. Definite silhouettes stood beyond the storm of whirling fire. They were like pillars – a forest of countless pillars.

They formed something like a cage.

This was strange.

She had burned away the enemy’s cage earlier, so how could it survive now?

Godless enyou.png



The cage surrounding her now was not made of metal. Nor was it made from heads of wheat. It was…

Godless ki shinken.png

“This is ceramic!”

The idea was simple.

Godless ki shinken.png

“I used Rock to Mud to turn the harvest god’s field into dirt!”

She could control the components of dirt. Because she was a half-god, half-human made from dirt. And…

Godless ki shinken.png

“Ceramic can withstand heats of more than 1400 degrees Celsius! This is a much more functional shield!”

And because the shield was made from the harvest god’s field, she had a near limitless supply of its components. So even if the heat tolerance was passed and it collapsed, she could create a new shield to take its place.

The fire monster was howling. The cage surrounding her was more effective now. This could withstand temperatures 1.4 times as high as the gold cage’s melting point. She had to increase her output by that much to escape.

A boost of that size had to be impossible right away.

She was surrounded. Most likely.


Godless ki shinken.png

“Harvest god! I’ve bought you some time!”

“Okay!” said a voice from the other side of the flame monster. Ki knew what form she had to be in right now.

Godless shifukuro.png

“Then it’s time for our next move.”

She had to be the iron goddess now.

Kuwajiri realized it was her turn.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The melting point of iron is 1538 degrees Celsius. The flame monster only appears to be reaching the burn temperature of ceramic at the points where her attacks hit, so she shouldn’t be able to melt an iron cage right away.”

So what should they do?

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The flame monster appears to be boosting her firepower through a level of ‘air intake’ that should be impossible on this planet. Which would mean…”

She could see it now. A pair of wing-like silhouettes rose from the harvest field on the tableland and then snapped shut.

They formed an iron cage. It rose into the sky, where…

Godless shifukuro.png

“Let’s lock you up nice and tight!”

Shifu’s wings were instantly enveloped in flames.

Godless eshita.png


Eshita’s first concern was whether or not her bag of Karamucho had been cooked.

It was fine. It was a bit warm, but that was from being in her pocket. Thank goodness I managed to protect this divine food. But past the harvest field spreading out before her eyes – or down at her feet really – a pair of giant iron wings towered into the sky. They smoldered with smoke and the surrounding heads of wheat scorched and burned.

Godless shinobu.png

“That smells great.”

Godless gil.png

“The smell of baking bread is the same wherever you go.”

Godless eshita.png

“Good thing we’re all safe now.”

But then Eshita noticed that the physical fighters were all still in their fighting stances.

Godless ki.png


Godless eshita warai.png

“You’re worrying me now, but what do you want?”

Godless ki.png

“Would you like a Protection?”

Godless eshita awate.png

“Yes! Right away!”

The very next moment, a wall of ether light opened in front of her.

Another power arrived at the exact same time.

Godless eshita shinken.png

“An explosive blast!?”

The golden field was blown away, the iron wings exploded, and a power burst out.

It was the flame monster.

While the metal strained, snapped, and collided, the wheat field exploded, and the iron and ceramic cage broke and flew high into the sky, Bilgamesh saw something through the transparent Protection barrier.

The enemy was no longer in the field up ahead.

Godless gil.png


Godless kuwajiri.png

“Ahead! 3km away!”

A voice over divine transmission led him to look further away.

He saw the color red in the sky horizontally out from the tableland.

A firestorm floated there, dragging along the remnants of the ether light and iron wings.

Godless eshita awate.png

“H-how’d she do that! I thought we had her trapped!”

Godless raidou.png

“She focused all her attacks in one direction like a thruster. Simply put, she turned into a rocket.”

Godless gil.png

“But the destruction of the cage and the reflection of the thruster blasts must have damaged her too.”

Godless raidou.png

“Yeah,” said the lightning god, viewing the roaring flame monster in the distance. “She’s going wild.”

That was obvious enough. She was expanding and contracting as if breathing heavily, but her base form got bigger each time.

Godless shinobu.png

“I assumed she had some way of flying since she dropped down from above, but that’s more powerful than what I was imagining.”

The flight likely came from the fire. Not only was she made from fire, but each of the countless serpents spewed fire to keep her hovering in the air.

She must have done the same thing to make the great leap here.


Godless gil.png

“Here she comes!”

Immediately after his warning, fire burst at the center of the distant shimmering heat.

And in that moment, her great fiery form had already arrived right in front of the tableland.

She had used most of her powerful flame cannons for a rapidly accelerating charge meant to envelop them all.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Just in case, Senpai-san, can you use your Released Manifestation?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Um, Sumeragi-kun is passed out and getting some lap pillow time, which means his believer power isn’t enough for a Released Manifestation!”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Couldn’t you wake him up from that lap pillow?”

Godless senpai awate.png


Godless senpai warai.png


Godless senpai awate.png

“Why would I do that?”

Godless kuwajiri.png


Godless kuwajiri.png

“…I managed to resist. I’m fine now.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Hey! Can you two pay attention!?”

The flame monster did not understand.

For one, why was she here?

She didn’t know.

But for some reason, she wanted that. Yes, that.

That thing she could see in front of the small building atop the tableland.


Godless enyou.png


She wanted it, but what was it?

She could only accelerate toward it, but…

Godless enyou.png


A power reached her.

A flash of light raced through the air and crashed into her with a shockwave.

It was a lightning strike.

Raidou hit the flame monster with Thor’s Hammer.

The lightning strike had charged up plenty. Lightning could travel several kilometers even in this stormy atmosphere, but it was a poor match for an enemy based on unique rules like fire and flames.

Godless raidou.png

“Because even in the Four Elements, wind only grants fire more power!”

These things didn’t play fair. They could take physical form despite being fire, but they could also turn back to simple fire when it was convenient for them.

Then again, my Thunder God Sword works similarly, but that gets a pass since it’s mine.

At any rate, this one could be damaged indirectly.

He could send his lightning into the scattering fragments of Shifu’s harvest, ether light, and iron wings, using the resultant shockwave to blow away the flames. That would work against the semi-physical flame monster.


Godless raidou.png

“Thorrrrrrrrrrrrrr’s Hammerrrrrrrrrrr!!”

Instead of racing out, the lightning enveloped everything.

It accurately struck all of the scattering ether light, ears of wheat, iron wings, and so on, creating lightning bombs.

More than 3000 were formed in an instant and their blasts struck the flame monster head on.

The fire seemed to be traveling through a field of rasps. Her own momentum tore the flames away on all sides.

Fire flew through the sky like snow in a blizzard. But…

Godless enyou.png


The flame monster roared and tried to preserve herself. Her cannon thruster was shattered, but she roared and took in air to regenerate it. And when she reaccelerated while still damaging herself…

She was close enough for her serpentine body to reach the tableland.

She had arrived.

The flame monster saw something.

Godless enyou.png


Atop the tableland, a few figures stood in front of the rock building.

She moved.

She launched herself toward those unfamiliar figures.

She didn’t understand any of it, but she might if she reached them, so she launched herself forward.

At that moment, she heard a voice.

Godless gil.png

“White Sword!”

The flames exploded in midair.

The colossal sword strike made more of a whooshing sound than a roar and it was followed by a series of sounds like multiple layers of cloth tearing.

The flame monster split open and tore herself apart with her own momentum.

She wobbled in two halves before passing right over the tableland.

Godless raidou.png

“Did you slice right through her!”

There was a note of warning in Raidou’s voice, so the others turned to the sky behind them.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“She is 1.2km in the opposite direction!”

Kuwajiri’s voice reached them.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“She is regenerating!”

She didn’t understand.

That had worked on her.

Which was why she didn’t understand. She had understood everything up to that. She had been reaching an overall understanding, but this threw everything into question. So…

Godless enyou.png


She roared. No, she was roaring, but there was something wrong with the roar.

It was so horribly weak and shaky. It sounded like it could be snuffed out at any time, but it kept going.

What had happened to her?

She didn’t know.

There was so much about this she didn’t know. And…

Godless senpai awate.png


She felt like their eyes had met with an audible sound.

Which was fine.

She didn’t understand, but those people there seemed to understand. So she just had to get rid of them. So she gathered herself together, changed to her most powerful form, whipped up the wind, and set off to eliminate everything she didn’t understand.

Godless enyou.png


She fired the most powerful cannon blast so far.

It flew horizontally.

Ki didn’t wonder if she would make it in time.

Godless ki shinken.png

I have to make sure I do!

The physical fighters weren’t going to make it in time. They all had divine speed, but they were facing the wrong way and the enemy had already fired.

Even if they could make it in time, they would be rushing into the path of the blast.

Without some kind of plan, any attempt would only mean another victim.

So she observed.

The enemy had transformed her entire body into a giant cannon.

All in all, it had to be more than 200m long, with a barrel width of almost 10m. The previous canons had been powerful enough, so a direct hit from this might even melt the stone hut. If so…

Godless ki shinken.png

“The human won’t survive.”

The monotheistic god might be able to do something, but Ki wasn’t going to place all their hopes in him.

So she would do this her way. Before the blast arrived…

Godless ki shinken.png

“I need to set up multiple layers of Protection on whoever’s out front!”

This was just one big cannon, so it was only coming from one direction. They weren’t being targeted from multiple directions like last time, so whoever was closest to the cannon could act as their shield.

Who was that?

Was it Kuwajiri? No…

Godless ki shinken.png

“It’s her.”

Kido had moved out front. Which meant the opposite side of the tableland from Ki’s position.

She had predicted the fire monster’s actions and moved to intercept.

Kido brought her hands together overhead.

She mimed drawing a bow and something took shape between her separated hands.

Godless kido.png

“Bitter spear.”

She made a tossing motion with her fingers to extend the invisible spear to 3m.

But when she made a twisting of the right hand pulled back, the spear gained color.

It was white. Simply pure white. The color of solidified crystal took shape.

Godless kido.png


She was prepared.

The color red was approaching fast. The fiery attack was already on its way. The burning power was traveling faster than sound, but…

Godless kido.png

“I would love to grant your wish, but alas…”

She snapped her right fingers and the spear took flight.

The white spear was lightweight, but it detonated the air around it, giving it a burst of acceleration.

Shifu saw it happen.

Kido-chan launched her spear with casual movements, but then it was very clearly swallowed up by the flame monster’s attack.

Godless shifu akire.png


It looked like it hadn’t been enough. But…

Godless senpai awate.png

“It’s growing!?”

Godless boku.png

“Expanding boooooobs!!”

The idiot was awake now, but it seemed a little late for that. But Senpai-chan was right.

The fire monster’s flame attack and her entire cannon had instantly grown much bigger.

But this growth was best described as “getting fatter”. It all swelled out from within. And then…

Godless enyou.png


Radiating white smoke and light, the attack and the flame monster herself exploded.

It only took a moment.

The fiery red was enveloped by a white explosion and vanished as if contained within.

The fire cannon, the humanoid fire monster, and the launched fire were all gone.

All that remained was a spiral of white clouds scattered over a radius of a few kilometers.

Godless kido.png

“That should settle that.”

The sky was now fire free.

Kido looked to the others.

They were still on the other side of the tableland. They were fairly worn out after making their attacks, so the Norse gods and the Mesopotamian gods all looked her way.

Godless shifu akire.png


Oh, that’s right, thought Kido. Her intervention here had helped with their work, but it must have come as a complete surprise.

What she had done would make sense for the ones who knew what kind of god she was, but…

Godless kido.png

“Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.”

She prepared to say that. Because it was true. Most of the others here were physical fighters. They likely could have solved this problem without her help.

So she shouldn’t have done that. I should probably bow my head and apologize.

But before she could…

Godless boku.png

“That was so coooooool, Kido-senpai! Mucho could only stare with her nose running, but look at you! What was that move called!?”

Godless kido akire.png


Of course it flusters me when he leaps in front of me without warning.

That’s Sumeragi-kun for you, I thought.

He knew how to show extreme respect with a complete failure to read the room. When he made a weird noise and got up, I pushed him forward and this is what he did. But…

Godless senpai.png


Kido-san had been on the verge of apologizing. Probably for stealing everyone else’s thunder. But Sumeragi-kun had stopped her, probably on pure instinct.

He had subconsciously wanted to tell her that wasn’t the case.

Godless boku.png

“Thanks so much! Today has been a great day, so I didn’t want to roll back! And I didn’t thanks to you!”

Godless kido akire.png

“Y-you should thank the others, not me. All I did was jump in at the very end.”

“No,” someone said. It was Kuwajiri-san. She gave a quick bow to Kido-san who wasn’t sure how to respond to Sumeragi-kun’s enthusiasm. And while Kido-san found she couldn’t even look Sumeragi-kun in the eye…

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The primary job for our Norse group is to handle this kind of fighting. Keeping Sumeragi there safe is most important of all, but we see it as a team effort. So we aren’t offended by your interference. We only want to thank you for your assistance.”

Godless kido akire.png

“R-really? Well, if you say so…”

Kido-san still wasn’t sure what to do while they all came back this way.

But the Revelation Board showed their thoughts on that attack.

Godless raidou.png

“That was pretty impressive. You can tell she has a high divine rank.”

Godless ki shinken.png

“Can you tell me what kind of god she is later on?”

Godless gil.png

“We don’t have a fighter like that yet, so she could be a useful addition.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Hmmm? Kido-chan is in a unique position, but I do hope that can happen.”

I know what you mean, I added silently.

I wasn’t much better, but Kido-san had a low opinion of herself. Or maybe it was better described as a poor opinion of herself.

Godless senpai shinken.png

“It’s like she denies her own worth and blames herself for everything.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Describing yourself in the third person?”

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Kuwajiri was interested the Auth Spell Kido had used.

The idiot was showing his respect by pelting her with questions, but Kuwajiri wanted to do the same. But if Sumeragi could get the information out of her, Kuwajiri could let him take the lead.

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“That was so cool, Kido-senpai. What kind of special was that!?”

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“Special what?”

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“Don’t worry about his terminology, Kido-senpai. He means that spear you launched.”

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“Oh, that.” Kido nodded. “That was one of my Auth Spells – a water spear. I simply increased the pressure.”

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“You did? Does more pressure make it better?”

Unlike the idiot, Kuwajiri knew what she meant. So to explain…

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“A massive amount of water was packed inside that spear, correct?”

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“Yes, that is correct. And you understand what that means, I assume?”

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“Splashy fun?”

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The idiot was slowing this down, but Kuwajiri wasn’t sure Kido would have spoken if he wasn’t here. So she put up with it and continued.

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“That one spear contained enough water to overpower and extinguish the flame monster’s firepower.”

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“Eh? But water didn’t help at all when-”

The idiot gasped and clapped his hands together.

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“A steam explosion!! I’ve seen that before! When Senpai screwed up her ether conversion! It made her seem clumsy, which just made me love her even more!”

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“That sounds dangerous!”

Kido looked back where Senpai-san was prostrating in front of the stone hut. Of course a Shinto god knows the proper etiquette for an apology, she thought.

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“Anyway, I sent the spear inside the fire attack and then released the water. From there, the heat caused the steam to expand, pushing the fire out from within, engulfing it, and extinguishing it. Using an explosion to extinguish a fire is a fairly common system.”

Shifu found it amusing how that coolheaded girl was so flustered while surrounded by underclassmen.

But why was that?

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Kido-chan has been acting a little weird ever since summer break started.

She had apparently gone to her home in Kurashiki, but what had she done there? Also…

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“Oh, Kido-senpai! Your hand is hurt! Um, Senpai, can you use a healing spell or something?”

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“Yes, I can. If you don’t mind?”

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“I already had this, actually. And I can use my own healing spells.”

Based on that conversation, this was an actual problem.

Kido-chan was in enough trouble to injure her. And Neptune had called her name, although they hadn’t told Sumeragi-chan about that yet.

So if Kido-chan was joining them on their club camp…

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What do we do about this?

At the moment, they didn’t have a clue what was happening. But…

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“Hm? What is it, Tooru?”

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“Don’t worry over this too much. Some things are just going to happen how they happen.”

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“Yeah, I guess so.”

He had a point. When they didn’t have any way of finding the answers, there was no point in worrying about it now.

It would only wear her out.

So she raised her arms and stretched.

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“Okay, let’s go take a bath!”

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“Hell, yeah! And I’m eating a banana!”

He reacted quickly, thought Shifu, but then she noticed Kido had turned around.

She was looking into the sky where the fire monster had disappeared. And she spoke quietly to herself.

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“She wasn’t there…”


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Wait, does that mean I’m going too?

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