Mushi Uta:Volume 7 Chapter 3

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3.00 Akatsuki Part 6[edit]

A few days passed since he'd found the Fallen Orion near the museum.

Coming to school late, Akatsuki went to Ako's classroom around noon.

He thought she would be eating lunch by herself, but couldn't see the petite girl anywhere. He spoke to the girl group who brought their desks together near her desk.

"Say, do you know where Ako is?"

The girls all exchanged glances. "Nope," they said and shook their heads.

"I see, thanks. —Oh, right."

He was about to leave but suddenly stopped.

"Say. What does everyone in the class think about Ako?"

At this sudden question the girls glanced at him again. "What do we think…?" "Hmm?" they nodded at each, finding it hard to speak. One of them looked up at Akatsuki.

"We think she's a bit hard to approach. I was in the same class as her during our first year, but… she wasn't like this before."

"She does say strange stuff from time to time, but she's just a bit unique, I suppose. I mean, she's amusing when you talk to her.  She's nice when she doesn't have her camera."

"I know that, but… it's somewhat hard to explain. A lot of things happened the year before."

Akatsuki raised an eyebrow. Was this the "I mistook my path and got punished for it" thing that Ako had mentioned? Before he could ask Orion about that she'd become a Fallen. Even if he wanted to talk about this here, it seemed like it would be hard with these girls.

"I don't really know what happened, but I know that she's a good kid. Could you please speak with her a bit from time to time? It might be strange for me to ask you that, but I think that having nobody in class to talk to is sad. …Please!"

He knew he was meddling.

But Akatsuki thought that Ako eating lunch by herself was far too lonely. Also, she seemed a bit happy when he came. Ako always made a face like everything was fine, but at least for Akatsuki it didn't look so.

He didn't know what happened last year. But Ako seemed to regret it. It was a pity for her to always remain lonely like this.

Akatsuki would leave school before long.

So he couldn't leave her with only one friend.

"S-sure. I don't really mind, I guess…"

"Thank you!"

After he thanked her with a smile, Ako's classmates blushed in embarrassment. It was like this even at Moira High School, but he felt grateful for his charm only at such times.

"Member Akatsuki. Have you recovered?"

Ako returned to the classroom with camera in hands.


He greeted her with a smile. He directed an expectant glance toward the other girls.

"Then let's get straight to the battle meeting. I also investigated quite a lot, but to keep going I definitely require an assistant—"

"Haemori-san, how about you eat with us?"

The classmate noticing Akatsuki's gaze raised her voice. Ako became speechless. Perhaps she was surprised at the sudden invitation.

"…But I need to go to a meeting with member Akatsuki…"

"Sorry, Ako! I have to go to the staff room right now. Also, from now on I might not be able to come here after lunch. I'm eating with people in my class."


"Let's do the meeting after school. C'mon, put your camera aside."

He'd already grabbed Ako's camera and pushed her back. Having lost her weapon, Ako glanced between Akatsuki and her classmates, then finally nodded.


Akatsuki thanked the girls with his gaze and left the classroom.

While he took a break from school, Akatsuki had been called to the hideout of the North Central Branch and underwent questioning.

He had been asked about the mysterious phenomenon in the museum as well as the case of Orion becoming a Fallen. Apparently Orion had spoken about him making suspicious movements in her last transmission. They wondered if he was the one who turned her into a Fallen.

Another person went to check the phenomenon that switched bodies in the museum, but apparently nothing happened. Did it lose that effect, or had someone erased the evidence?

They didn't need to question Ako about this case. Since she had only been sleeping, she didn't even know she'd been involved in anything strange.


Coming back to school, he reflected upon the reality of the girl Orion becoming a Fallen.

Although his suspicious were not cleared, Akatsuki was able to become free for a while. Also, Orion herself had made some suspicious movements.

If Akatsuki's testimony was correct, there was the possibility Orion had been replaced with someone. She turned the suspicions at him perhaps to try and internally confuse the SEPB.

"She was annoying to talk with, but with her not being here… it feels lonely."

What was happening in this town?

Who was hiding in it?

That still remained a mystery.

Yet the SEPB already came and confirmed the presence of an enemy.

"A life without any fighting suits me much better."

Akatsuki's mumble was swallowed by the hustle and bustle of lunch break.

In just a week of spending time with Ako, Youko and the non-combatant Orion, he was reminded of his true self.

Akatsuki hated fighting.

He couldn't get excited by fighting, and he hated hurting others as much as hated getting hurt himself. There was nothing to be gained by fighting. Only lose.

"So stupid. If you fight you lose… if you don't fight you regret your loss."

He also bore some responsibility for Orion becoming a Fallen. Turning his eyes away from the mission in this town, he ran away to the peaceful life.

—Akatsuki-san. The situation has changed. Please return to the East Central Branch.

It happened yesterday. While he'd been apprehended by the North Central Branch, Goroumaru Touko came to him.

Just like the North Central Branch, the East Central Branch had also misjudged the severity of the threat. Rank 2 members were precious. He was obviously important to the East Central Branch, but even North didn't want to take responsibility in the unlikely case that something happened to him. He wasn't needed anymore for this mission.

"How can I keep from not being alone?"

He'd vaguely noticed something.

He was a selfish and greedy Mushitsuki much more than anyone.

Despite being a Mushitsuki he didn't want to fight. Because he didn't want to lose even a single thing.

—Senri-san's worried about you.

Touko's single sentence shook Akatsuki's heart.

There was a place he was needed in more than this town. He had promised his dead friends to protect Senri.

But Akatsuki obsessed over staying in town.

If he returned to Senri now, their positions would be swapped. Akatsuki, wracked by his guilt of letting Orion get taken out, needed the safety of Senri. He was supposed to have protected her, but was protected by her instead.

Just like back then when he'd lost Tachibana Rina.

"I can't go back like this."

He didn't deserve to go back to Senri as he was.

Akatsuki remained in town not because of any orders, but out of his own will.


Someone called out to him en route to the cafeteria.

Hearing this familiar voice, he thought oh no. Since he was busy with thoughts, he didn't notice her passing by.


Turning around, he wanted to try apologizing. But Akatsuki tilted his head.

"…Oh, sorry. I got the wrong person."


Receiving a shock, the girl seemed about to cry.

She was a beauty with long hair. She was slim, about as tall as Akatsuki, and her white thighs peeked from within her short skirt. A hairpin separated her bangs so that he could see the misty eyes beneath.

"Y-you didn't get the wrong person. …Huh? Or maybe you did? Did you refer to another Youko? Right, sorry, I probably just got carried away…"

He saw her hanging her head dejectedly and then noticed. He definitely could remember that beauty mark near her mouth.

"Are you actually Youko-senpai…?"

"Yeah, I'm Youko, but which Youko-senpai are you talking—"

"Satou Youko-senpai. The Third Satou-san."

Hearing Akatsuki's words, Youko's expression sparkled. She nodded desperately.

"I just tried wearing contacts for a change… so it does look strange, huh?"

That wasn't the issue.

There was no way that the act of switching from glasses to contact lenses would also change her hairstyle and clothes along with it.

Now that he thought of it, her long hair, thin limbs and face were unchanged from the base Youko. The way she loosened up her necktie and opened up the chest of her uniform also brought Orion to mind.

"I thought I'd try changing all sorts of things while I'm at it… but I was just copying someone so maybe it's too strange…"

"Rather than strange… no, I think it looks good."

He couldn't explain what exactly was good; Akatsuki let his mouth run and say strange things due to his surprise.

Yet Youko looked happy. "R-really? Great!" she wore a relieved smile.

Usually Youko lacked a sense of presence, but that wasn't why he hadn't noticed her walking by. She simply looked so different that he thought she was another person.

"But what's up with that? Did you attempt a makeover?"

"Eh? I mean, you were the one who told me I'd look better with contact lenses—"

She blurted without thinking. Youko's face blushed and she hurriedly put a hand to her mouth.

Accordingly Akatsuki also turned bashful. He's felt this strange feeling well up inside up with Youko before, but—now he was still enchanted by her.

"N-no! It's the Demon Lord…!"


Perhaps hiding her embarrassment, Youko kept rattling on.

"Ako-chan also said it, right? The Demon Lord aims for this town! So I just thought we might lose if things stayed as they were… there're also many people in the army of darkness!"

"I-is that so?"

"It is! …Umm, Akatsuki-san, where are you going? The cafeteria?"

"Oh, yes. You too, senpai?"

"I forgot my lunch box…"

Silence befell the two. Akatsuki put it aside with an "umm".

"If you'd like to, we can go together? I'm also alone today."


His invitation was casual, but Youko nodded with a serious face.

While heading together to take lunch, Youko's suspicious behavior calmed down.

Getting used to each other, the conversation continued without stop. Since Akatsuki didn't speak much about himself, he only listened to Youko during the short time until they finished eating.

She told him that her father worked as a counselor. These last few years he was so busy that he barely came back home. However, she said that she wasn't really bothered by that and even went to see him herself from time to time.

They finished eating and started gathering the dishes.

"U-umm? Can I ask you something weird?"


"I just wondered if you have like, someone you're dating… n-not that this means anything!"

Akatsuki was taken aback and gazed back at Youko's face. His upperclassman took out the pin she'd gone through the trouble of using and hid her face within her bangs.

"Ahaha, I don't. I'm the type of guy that's hard to see as more than a friend."

"I-is that so…"

Youko raised her hair-hidden face. Akatsuki scratched his face, smiling.

"But there's someone I'd like to be dating. …N-not like it's hopeless, yes? Since we're good friends I believe it's just one step further. But now's not really the time for that, and… n-no, I'm personally ready for it anytime but… oh, by ready I mean mentally, not in any lewd sense or—"

Scratching his empty plate with his fork, Akatsuki mumbled to himself. Girls passing by looked at him, disturbed.

With her face still raised, Youko was paralyzed.

"I… see."

"Ako told me 'since you're like that, you seem to have a long road ahead of you', though. Well, that's just Ako's opinion."

He held the cutlery and rose. Yet Youko stayed seated.


"I'll rest for a bit and go back to class. Don't mind me."

Having a smile pointed at him, Akatsuki's heart leaped in his chest. "R-right," he nodded and left the school cafeteria first.

It was the same even during the time she'd looked plain. Youko was meek, but she'd sometimes wear an astonishingly beautiful smile. That surprise attack of an expression made him restless.



When he put his cutlery into the receiver, he turned around to see the smiling Youko standing in front of him. Although she was now pretty, the fact she had a lack of presence was unchanged.

"Could you pass something over to Ako-chan?"

"Hah. What is it?"

"Let's both do our best to defeat the Demon Lord!"

Seeing her pump her fists in high spirits, he smiled wryly.

"I'll also save you, Akatsuki-kun!"

"…Did Ako possibly tell you about me coming from a secret organization or whatever?"

"You're being deceived, Akatsuki-kun! Belonging to the army of darkness doesn't fit you at all."

While being reproached in the cafeteria, he expectedly blushed. The gazes around him hurt.

At the same time he felt there was something strange.

If he recalled correctly, Ako said that the armies of darkness or whatever were different from the organization (that she thought that) Akatsuki belonged to. Yet Youko treated them as the same.

Are Ako and Youko-senpai talking about a different Demon Lord and army of darkness…?

"Ahaha… thank you."

Even while being puzzled on the inside he thanked her, and they left the cafeteria behind, arriving at the stairs.

If not for this she would've been a normal, kind senpai, he sighed in his heart. No, now that she'd gone through a makeover she was more like a beautiful, kind senpai.

"But actually… Youko-senpai seems to be more infected from Ako than before. She wasn't the sort of person to talk about the Demon Lord and all that in front of people."

But perhaps it would fine for her to gain some individuality that way, he half-joked in his mind.

On the way back to his classroom, Akatsuki received emergency contact from the North Central Branch.

The member dispatched as a replacement for Orion was discovered as a Fallen. From his various wounds it was decided he had been tortured.

There was the possibility that Akatsuki's identity had been leaked to the person hiding in town. He had to be cautious—

That was the order he'd received from the North Central Branch.

The order for caution received from the SEPB also contained an advice to withdraw.

If he could quietly return to the East Central Branch it would be best. If he didn't, then whatever happened to Akatsuki, the North Central Branch would bear no responsibility, is what they said.

I see, he thought.

Akatsuki finally saw through the North Central Branch. Thinking about it, he heard that the North and East branches had terrible relations. He now understood why.

The North Central Branch had operated exactly the opposite of the East Central Branch.

When the East Central Branch members received difficult missions they would dispatch high-ranked members. Yet the North Central Branch did the opposite, sending low members to dangerous missions. They repeated this until their enemy was revealed. Once they finally found out their enemy, they called in the big guns.

As a matter of fact, Akatsuki had been invited by the North Central Branch during the time he'd been apprehended.

They wanted him to join the North Central Branch on the condition he'd be sent only to safe missions. If he wanted to, he could even bring Senri along with him, they said.

He was shook. Thinking about Senri, he obviously wanted her to be safe.

But knowing the situation, his anger welled up.

Thanks but no thanks—

The safety created by using other Mushitsuki as disposable pawns would never be accepted by the kind Senri. Perhaps if the high-ranked had been involved in the first place those sacrifices wouldn't have been needed anyway.

—Peace is the best, meow.

Orion said that she avoided battle in the capital and came to this peaceful town.

Perhaps she also hated unneeded sacrifices and reached here—did he think that due to his guilt of not saving her?

Anyway, Akatsuki remained in town.

Since there was the possibility that the enemy knew his identity, he had to remain vigilant and aware of his surroundings.

From now on he should prioritize acting in secret. He simply had to focus on his investigation while avoiding the school where there were many unrelated people.

So he thought.

"A message from Satou-senpai?"

Ako turned toward him just as they got off the bus in the town suburbs. She carried her digital camera and bag as always.

"Yeah. I forgot to tell you."

This isn't the time to be playing like this—

While he wanted to hold his head and groan, he conveyed to her what Youko had said in the cafeteria.

"She said that we should all do our best to defeat the Demon Lord."

"Yup. As the True Journalist, I am resolved to expend all of my efforts in unveiling the Demon Lord."

Above the scenery of empty fields, they could see a somewhat high hill.

Around them they could only see a bent power pole and a pump house. In the far distance they could see the merchant district at the center of town.

"Say, Ako. Are we really doing this?"

"Yup. Due to the Demon Lord's machinations, I had been unable to get any photographs in the museum. Yet my information network was able to grasp other locations of the army of darkness. No one would ever be able to stop my zeal for reporting the truth."

Ako stumbled on a pebble and nearly fell down, so he grabbed her hand.

"Machinations… Didn't you just fall asleep?"


"No, umm, of course! That was definitely a machination! The True Journalist doesn't allow herself to lose heart over such things! You're a genius, Ako!"

He hurriedly comforted Ako who was about to get depressed. She immediately felt better and nodded forcefully with a Yup.

This wasn't the right time for doing this sort of thing. Yet Ako told him they had to go out and get the next materials or whatever and hadn't listened to him. He wanted to decline with the excuse of having business to take care of, but she said that "The Demon Lord creeps ever closer" and that she would go out even by herself.

But there was the museum incident. Another mysterious phenomenon might occur if she went to gather material. If Ako went there alone, then it was better for Akatsuki to go with her despite it being a bit dangerous.

He would conduct his investigation during day and night, and after school help along with Ako's wild chase.

Akatsuki decided that was what he should do while still in town.

"What kind of rumor are we checking this time?"

There was strong wind today. The grass growing on the road was flattened.

"'The Angel of the Radio Tower'."

"…Yeah, sounds suspicious like always…"

"Don't be naïve, member Akatsuki. The truth is always right besides us."

The camera's lens turned to Akatsuki. Ako wore her rare smile that appeared only about once per day.

"Can't you see it? There are countless 'truths' giving out their first cry after being born without anyone noticing them. —They are all squirming around while wanting us to find them. Therefore they leave all kinds of hints in front of us."

He didn't know what Ako had been doing these last few days, but when they headed out to get material following the museum incident, she looked like she was having fun. It was obvious from how lively her voice was.

"We're like some detectives then. So are rumors also a kind of hint?"

"I also admire the profession of a detective, obviously. However, the journalists' opponents are much more formidable than killers. Because these truths sometimes hide in people, at times hide by accident, and at times lie waiting with traps. Finding those to release is what being a true journalist is all about."

"And the Demon Lord is one of those hidden truths?"

"Like I said before, the Demon Lord is the enemy of truth. They try to warp the truth using fear and then unleash it in front of people. The truth possesses frightening power, so it is a double-edged sword. I had also been possessed and nearly went down the same road as the Demon Lord, so I know this…"

From around the road the houses were gone and gradually replaced by sand hills. On top of the hill, a large tower rising up to the sky could be seen.

"Perhaps I and the Demon Lord are two sides of the same coin; meaning, archenemies."

While filming the many trees visible from afar, Ako kept walking leisurely.

"Both of us are possessed by the truth, yet we are incompatible."

As always, he couldn't understand what the girl fused with her camera was saying.

Yet her smile was contagious to Akatsuki.

"I hope you'll beat the Demon Lord someday, Ako."


Perhaps he'd been infected by Ako's good mood.

At times in the school corridor.

At times in the countryside merchant district.

At times in the middle of a field.

The activities of the journalism club were proceeding smoothly today as well.

And they reached their destination today, too.

"A large wall stood in front of us, the journalism club, seekers of the truth. This place, abandoned to the ravages of time, quietly looks down at us as if to deny the existence of the foreign beings known as humans. However, saving the barred, secluded truth is our fate as true journalists—"

"You sure are motivated about the narration. But… can we even get inside?"

After arriving, Ako readied her digital camera and shook it vigorously. Meanwhile, Akatsuki looked at the fortifications spreading ahead, leaking a large sigh.

Large power poles towering over the vast premises. There were scaffolds split to three parts installed on the silhouette of the four thick steel pipes piercing the skies.

The scaffold closest to the ground was about as tall as the school roof. A fence outlined the outer side of the scaffold, with several small antennas installed on it. If this counted as the first floor, then you could go up to the second floor, then to the third floor which had the largest antenna on it.

Next to the radio tower shaped like a triangular pyramid was another faded concrete structure. Perhaps this was the transmission room meant to control the radio tower. The transmission and electric equipment should all be inside.

The tall fence surrounding the grounds was carefully covered in barbed wire. Even the steel rakes blocking the entrance formed a rigid barricade.

"Days and months passed since it finished its duty, yet the aging equipment nonetheless lives even now. Without severing the link to the satellite until summer, it stays the same as if it could still transmit to town. The retired old soldier still ready for battle just stands there, colored by grief."

"Huh? A section of the barbed wire has been cut…"

Akatsuki discovered something the edge of the fence. He picked up some barbed wire thrown on the ground and his expression changed.

Compared to the other cut parts, it had less rust. Perhaps only a few days passed ever since it was cut.

So someone other than us came here recently—

Recalling the museum incident, he braced himself. Although it was just a rumor, they might be exploited by another mysterious phenomenon.

"Yup. Let's go up from here."

"W-wait, Ako! It's dangerous and it's trespassing from here on. We should stop here for today."

Putting back the digital camera in her bag, he stopped Ako from putting a hand to the fence. In the unlikely case some dangerous incident happened, he couldn't be sure he would be able to protect her.

"The Angel of the Radio Tower is a much more famous rumor than the other places."


"Starting this rumor was a woman who tried killing herself by jumping from the radio tower, only to survive miraculously… the collapsed woman was found by a patrolling guard, so he called an ambulance and it became quite the event. Yet the woman was unhurt. When she was asked this by the confused officer, her testimony was 'I was saved from death by angel coming down to me, surrounded with light'."

With her hand still on the fence, Ako explained calmly.

"Our local channel heard of this rumor and it became a huge topic for a while on TV. Ever since then people tried sneaking inside here for fun.  The rumor of possibly meeting an angel remained even now."

Akatsuki's anxiousness lessened a bit.

"Oh, so those people also cut the barbed wire… no, wait. Based on the order, it should be the person who tried committing suicide. —But isn't it possible the person killing herself just lied about it? She was possibility just seeking attention."

"Yeah. In the end this theory prevailed. I mean, no angels could possibility exist and it's impossible for grievous injuries to heal in an instant."

"But you don't think so?"

"I already told you. I don't believe anything I don't verify myself."

She looked more like a journalist when she wasn't holding a camera. If he were to actually tell her that it would probably depress her, so he definitely wouldn't, though.

Anyway, Ako wanted to enter the premises. Having no choice, he climbed the fences and pulled her from above.

"You sure have no stamina, Ako."

"How d'you know?"

He obviously couldn't tell her that it was because he'd turned into her. "I can just tell," he spoke vaguely, and they landed inside.

"Now that we have succeeded in entering this dark territory, we have to look for the vestiges of the Demon Lord."

Walking behind Ako who pulled out her camera, Akatsuki stayed vigilant of his surroundings.

There was no presence of any other person there.

The radio tower surroundings made of asphalt had some flowerbeds here and there. Was it because a simple surface would be too dreary?

One of the flowerbeds had much more flowers in it than the other ones. It caught Ako's attention at well and she stopped to focus her camera on it.

While being fanned by the wind, Akatsuki looked up the radio tower. Its paint was peeling off and it was covered in rust, yet looking up at the large spire was still overwhelming.

"Let's get up here. I'm glad I wore tights."

Ako put the camera back in her bag. Eh, Akatsuki stammered.

"Get up? You mean on the tower?"

"Obviously. It's basic to go to the relevant scene when you want to verify something."

Asserting this calmly, Ako started climbing. There were stairs, but they looped around the spire and formed a very thin spiral.

"I-it's too dangerous!"

"If you're afraid of heights you can wait here."

Ako glanced down at him and hurried up, so he had no choice but to follow.

Desperately holding the thin railing, he aimed above. Every time some fierce wind hit him he feared getting thrown into the air.

"Why did that person claiming to see the angel jump from here anyway?"

"It's been a popular spot for suicide ever since it was closed. Look, there aren't any other tall buildings."


He asked something he shouldn't have. He tried climbing the remaining steps while clearing his mind.

The pair reached safely the first floor's scaffold. While Akatsuki took a breather, Ako retrieved her camera and started filming again.

The second and third floor had proper stairs. Akatsuki climbed them to check if they were safe and couldn't find anything particularly dangerous.

Returning to the first floor, the pair walked around silently for a while. There were many fuse boxes installed around, but they were all covered by plastic sheets and wrapped tightly with thick ropes.

On the fences covering the scaffold were lines of small antennas. It almost looked like they stood on top of a pretty triple-layered cake.

"There's nothing strange around here."

Ako seemed focused on filming. Seeing her lean on the fence, he hurriedly got closer.

"The person who saw the angel probably jumped from here."


They both looked down to the surface in the same position. This made him dizzy.

"Something's glowing there."

"Where? Oh, that—"

A spot on the ground asphalt looked brighter than other places. Akatsuki immediately noticed the origin. Turning to look back, he pointed at a single bent antenna.

"It reflects the sun, doesn't it? The angle fits, too."

"Yup. Looks like it."

The first one to give up was Akatsuki. He distanced himself from the rails, sitting on the scaffold.

"Looks like we've hit a dead end this time."

He felt bad for Ako, but was relieved. As long as the rumor wasn't occult, the SEPB didn't have to be vigilant.

It was a pity in the sense of it not helping Akatsuki's investigation. But as long as he was together with Ako then not being in danger was perhaps the best result.

"I'd like to try check a bit more. There's something I find curious."

"Then just five more minutes. If the sun sets we'll have to get back in complete darkness."

Turning away from Ako, he widened his eyes.

Something white was falling from above her.


Immediately kicking the floor, he dashed at her.

He had no time to check what the white thing was. He embraced Ako and collapsed on the floor.

"M-member Akatsuki?"

His body clashed against the floor. Grimacing, he left Ako and approached the railing immediately. The white object was still falling toward the ground.

An enemy attack…?

But when he looked down to the surface, something happened just as the white object reached the ground.

The wind blew.

Something white leapt from the ground. It once again jumped into his sight.

"An angel…?"

At some point Ako also came to the railing. She turned the camera toward the object and muttered.

Akatsuki readied himself, taking a position from where he could call out his Mushi at any time.

The white object momentarily leapt even higher than their current location.


Without thinking, Akatsuki let out a stupid sounding voice.

Next to him, Ako captured the identity of the object dancing in air with her camera.

"—A plastic sheet?"

The girl's mutter was erased by the gale.

A large plastic sheet was being fanned by the wind, dancing. They hadn't been able to see it due to the reflection of the setting sun, but now they noticed it was tied by a rope.

The rope was dangling from the second floor, connected all the way to the other side of the tower. On the other side of the sheet was a metallic board that looked like the lid of a fuse box.


The plastic sheet happily swam in air while they stood without moving a muscle.

It took several seconds for Akatsuki to understand the situation.

So this meant—

"The fuse box sheet got detached and maybe it caused the door on the other side of the radio tower to fall? It's strong enough to hold the door only on especially windy days, and then it seems like it the sheet simply comes and goes between the surface and the second floor."

Ako analyzed calmly.

Thinking about it, he recalled that the fuse box on the second floor wasn't covered by any sheet. The sheet and metal door tied by the rope that got caught on the fence had apparently hidden between two of the four pillars.

"So is this the so-called angel…?"

He instantly became dejected. Akatsuki sat down on the spot.

"So it seems."

Ako also acknowledged it.

There was a silence on the radio tower for a while.


Unable to withstand it, Akatsuki let leak a voice.

"Ahahaha! This is the angel… can that really be?"

"At times truth is cruel…"

Ako looked disappointed. She was probably disappointed at her expectations being subverted. Seeing her like this, Akatsuki felt it was all much too ridiculous.

Akatsuki couldn't stop laughing while Ako was slightly despondent.

The contrastive pair was illuminated by the setting sun.

After laughing for a while, he finally turned back to Ako.

"Geniuses fail at times too. Cheer up, Ako!"

"You're half laughing at me so you're not being persuasive. …But I got some nice footage so it's fine."

Ako's profile smiled for the second time that day.

Her camera captured the large setting sun.

Akatsuki also gazed at that scene.

"Next is the 'People-Eating Deserted Hospital'. There'd definitely be the traces of the Demon Lord there."

"…So we're not done yet, huh."

Their shadows stretched on the radio tower's rusted floor.

3.01 Akatsuki Part 7[edit]

After meeting the unexpected angel at the radio tower, Akatsuki kept investigating about the strange happenings in town.

Yet going around town both day and night, he found no suspicious figures. He had received notices from the North Central Branch about the births of new Mushi and hurried to the scene. Yet every time this ended with nothing and the investigation made no progress.

On the other hand, while the newly-dispatched low-level members did the exact same work as he did, they were all turned to Fallens one after another. As expected, the identity of Akatsuki had been leaked to the enemy. They were probably avoiding him due to him being a high-ranked member.

Since the sensor from the North Central Branch was distant, there was always a time lag that gave the enemy time to escape. But considering the possibility that the enemy could sense Mushi as well, the North Central didn't send new sensors into the town. Since the ability to sense Mushi was exceedingly rare, they didn't want to take the risk.

The SEPB completely fell behind.

It was clear that the invisible enemy was hostile to the SEPB. That was why they set traps in town for the members. The SEPB could talk as if they hadn't risen to the enemy's provocations, but naturally they felt differently.

Now that increasing amounts of low-ranked members became Fallen, Akatsuki's sense of helplessness erupted.

—Akatsuki's deadline of staying in town grew near.

"Here you go, today's lunch."

Sitting in the cafeteria in front of Akatsuki, Youko handed him a cute-looking lunch.

"Thank you. Sorry that you have to do this."

Receiving it with a smile, Akatsuki opened the lid. The contents were a commonplace combination of fried egg and meatballs, but it all looked very tasty. Apparently Youko had made this by herself, so when she saw Akatsuki came to the cafeteria every day she also made a share for him.

And so inevitably it started a daily habit where Akatsuki ate his lunch together with Youko. Since he got sick of regular meals, he somewhat looked forward to it every day.

"Aren't you tired, Akatsuki-kun? Your complexion looks bad."

Having Youko's dark misty eyes focus on him, Akatsuki felt his face flush.


For some reason, Youko gazed with upturned eyes at the suddenly silent Akatsuki who was thinking of an excuse. Averting his eyes, now his gaze focused on her soft lips and the cleavage in her outfit.

"I-is that so? I just couldn't sleep well, I guess."

"At such times you should drink warm milk. They said so on TV."

Youko grinned at him. Although this was mere normal conversation, each and every one of her movements stole Akatsuki's eyes and was highly alluring. Since he would end up staring at her without noticing, he recently avoided crossing eyes with her.

In contrast to Akatsuki who was fatigued by his investigation, Satou Youko became prettier and prettier.

Her eyes like swirling deep oceans were unchanged. However, she started paying attention to her eyes and makeup, so her dark, long hair and colored lips were glistening. Since even originally she was tall and had a nice figure it ended up giving more emphasis to her long legs and ample chest.

Her appearance had changed, so her personality also seemed like it changed. In contrast to how she had zero self-confidence she was now obviously much livelier. Even while just talking with Akatsuki, she would laugh at small things, emote and change her expressions more.

"Is Ako-chan alright?"

Seeing her carefree eyes glance at him, Akatsuki's heart throbbed. It felt similar to being with Senri. Hiding his flushed face, he tried answering cheerfully.

"She's doing much too well. To the extent I'm wondering if she forgot about the club being in danger."

"Ahaha. How like her."

Although the club was on the verge of closing, Ako was the same. Every few days she disappeared somewhere on her own to "collect materials", but she also went along with Akatsuki a few times.

Searching for the identity of the suspicious rumors always ended in nothing. Just like with the angel on the radio tower, they repeatedly discovered the source of the apparent rumor and were disappointed.

Ako looked dejected, but Akatsuki thought it was fine.

She seemed to truly enjoy the process of collecting materials. He also checked on her during lunch breaks at times, and she apparently met up more with her classmates.

Before leaving the school, he also intended on going to the student council president and asking her to wait before closing the club.

He fully realized he was being meddlesome, but he wanted to do at least that much for Ako.

He thought that would suffice as small thanks for giving him a temporary and enjoyable peaceful life.

"Ever since you came here it looks like Ako went back to her old cheerful self. I'm glad."

Saying this while eating her lunch, Youko certainly looked happy from the bottom of her heart.

Her old self—

Until now he was unable to ask anyone else, so Akatsuki decided to ask Youko.

"By that do you mean Ako before she became alone? What happened back then?"


Youko seemed to be thinking, and suddenly brought her face closer to Akatsuki. Paralyzed, he felt her lips near his ears as she whispered to him.

"I know what happened."

Laughing mischievously, she leaned back. Having felt her warm breath and the sensation of her lips slightly touching his ears, he couldn't speak.

"Say, what are you afraid the most of right now, Akatsuki-kun?"

He was confused at the sudden change of topic.


"That bad complexion of yours is probably not just lack of sleep. I just thought l can act like a counselor's daughter from time to time."

Youko smiled abashedly.

"Are you scared? Perhaps you need to leave to go to that, umm… girl that you like… very soon, and you're afraid of that?"

More precisely he was going back rather than leaving, but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to let either Ako or Youko know about his leaving the school until the last moment.

"I'm not scared of her, obviously. There's just someone I can't forgive there… when I'm near him, I become unlike myself, or rather—"

Trying to put it into words, he felt fear again. Akatsuki would lose his rationality whenever he saw Rina's killer. He was unable to erase the genuine murderous intent from his heart even now.

If it continued like this, he wouldn't be able to return to Senri. That was proof that Akatsuki was unable to change.

His feelings of revenge along with his wounds—supposedly already healed in this town—rekindled in an instant.

"I have other things I must do, but… I simply can't change. It makes her sad and I don't know what to do about it. Am I awkward for thinking of no other method other than repaying what's been done to me?"

With Youko's eyes gazing at him, Akatsuki's real feelings were dragged out.

"That can't be helped, Akatsuki-kun. You mustn't blame yourself."

Senpai's voice was kind.

"Obviously you'd be scared of scary things.  But if you're still trying to change, you have to cut the source of your fear. Unless you fight back you'll always get beaten."

"The source of…?"

"Yes. If you get rid of what bothers you, I believe you'll change easily. You'll even wonder what made you so anxious like that afterwards."

Youko grinned with a radiant smile. Akatsuki started thinking.

Cut off the source of his fear—meaning, kill Kakkou? Was there any other way in the first place?

Youko grasped his hand. He was surprised and raised his face.

"If you'd like I can help you. Let's do our best together, okay?"

Seeing Youko's serious gaze, he ended up nodding without thinking, but then…

The cellphone inside Akatsuki's pocket rang.

He recovered and rose up.

"S-sorry, I have to go. Thank you very much. It was good."

In order to hide the vibration, he turned his back to Youko. "Yup, see you tomorrow." He was glad that she didn't seem offended from her tone.

He knew that getting Youko's help against the monster known as Kakkou was unneeded. He was crazy.

Jumping out of the cafeteria, he answered the call in the corridor. The one ringing was his private-use cellphone.


"So you finally answer. It's been a longy-long time, Ephemera-san."

The girl's voice was familiar. Akatsuki widened his eyes.

"No response, huh? Boo. This can't be. I finally said something amusing but you're not laughing. Stupid, stupid, you parted-hair idiot."

He hung up.

Standing there in shock, the phone soon rang again. Akatsuki looked around him, and once he's reached an area with no people he answered again.


"Why didn't you call me back? Boo. I'll step on you the next time we meet!"

The girl's voice sounded angry and cold. There was no way he'd forget her idiosyncratic voice.

Because it belonged to someone who shouldn't call him.

That was because this girl was a Mushitsuki of Mushibane. She obviously knew that Akatsuki had betrayed Mushibane and joined the SEPB.

"Boo. You're not saying 'It was an anonymous call so I couldn't call you back' and made me look stupid! You've wasted the gag opportunity I've given you. Boooring."

"…What do you need after all this time?"

"So cooold. You frigid man. I'm gonna cry. You, Bee Hawk Moth-san and Sinica-san are all gone, leaving me as the only old leader still remaining. I could at least throw some curses at you."

Mushibane, under the leadership Ladybird, meaning Rina, was also split into four regional leaders. Lucy was the lone woman among them, and she was Special Type, something rare even in Mushibane. Akatsuki was bad at dealing with her.

"If you're just trying to annoy me I'm hanging."

"Ephemera-san, you've gone to the SEPB right? Can you pass us information covertly?"

She said it plain and simple. Akatsuki scowled.

"Sorry. I'm no longer part of Mushibane. I refuse."

"Wooow. You went and said it. You're the worst."

"Anything else?"

"Did you know that Fuyuhotaru apparently became Mushibane's leader? She's apparently called Snow Fly now. I also heard that some powerful Mushitsuki became her allies and that Mushibane's about to change. Wowsy."

"'Apparently', 'I heard'… you're speaking like it has nothing to do with you. Well, you were always like that."

"It has nothing to do with meee. I was just Ladybird's ally since she said she'd create a place where I belong. By the time that woman was gone, that promise was also broken. Booo."


"But if Snow Fly reassembles Mushibane and protects me I don't mind. Yay, it's a huge save. So fun. I'll do my best."

He already knew that Lucy had a twisted personality. When she asked him to leak information, that was also meant just to mock him.

He couldn't understand why someone like her had been made leader. —He thought so, but recalled that he wasn't in the position to think like that. Other people probably thought the same about Akatsuki.

"—Or so I thought, but isn't the atmosphere scary? A certain someone had told me that Oogui's ability is, apparently, using the abilities of all Minion Types. Surprise! That's super scary. The strongest there is."


Why does she know—he was about to ask this, but the girl kept speaking.

"Wouldn't Snow Fly be in danger like this? Because no matter how you cut it, her ability helps Oogui the most. Right now at Mushibane I'm the only one who knows that, but if it was found out would they beat her? Looks like it. These people end up helping Oogui but they're also taking the lead in defeating the Original Three; so laughable. So weird. Boooring."

That ability became known to some people during the battle against Oogui recently. However, in order to avoid chaos there should have been a severe gag order in place. Everyone would come to know of it eventually, but even so that information flowed way too fast.

It was just like the girl he'd met in this town, Ako, had said.

The truth will eventually, and definitely, appear in front of people—

"It has nothing to do with me. I'm not interested in that fight. I'm having enough trouble taking care of myself."

He asserted, attempting to cut the call.

This was his true opinion.

Battles between Mushitsuki, the Original Three, organizations surprises… Akatsuki didn't want to involve himself in such big battles.

Because he couldn't even solve a single thing in the mission in this small town.

"Looks like Mushibane is going to end up useless as things are. Please save us, Ephemera-san. Isn't there any better place? Is the SEPB comfy?"

"You like being annoying as always. Being comfortable is obviously not good."

"So cooold. Booo. Absolute zero. So I really do have to do what that person told me… how annoying."

"…That person?"

"The one who's told me about Oogui's ability. According to her, Oogui is unbeatable because Snow Fly's there. Killing Snow Fly should end everything. Since she has Snow Fly's ability right now, defeating other Mushi wouldn't change much. So we can only solve this through Mushitsuki battles."


"But what's going to happen once Snow Fly's ability is gone? The next powerful Mushitsuki will be targeted. And consequently Minion-Type Mushitsuki would become targets of hatred. So Snow would serve to protect against this upcoming chaos. As long as Snow, the #1 strongest, is there, then defeating other Minion Types is meaningless. She's obviously hated by a lot of people, though."

How unreasonable. Fuyuhotaru had no responsibility for any of this, but she was targeted just because she was the strongest.

But it was the truth.

After Fuyuhotaru, who was designated Rank 1, the next strongest were Rank 2, like Akatsuki. In a certain sense her existence was saving him.

"I seeee. Amaaazing. I get iiit. She was mad. 'Everyone sees the wrong enemy. They can only see the fear in front of them, those shitty Mushitsuki', she said. Wow. So maanly. So cool."

Who was that person? She said 'manly' but apparently it was a woman? It didn't seem to be someone Akatsuki knew.

"I decided to follow her."

Akatsuki replied "Eh?" without thinking.

"If I do what she tells me, I can set up back Mushibane in the truest sense. There doesn't seem to be any other way to save it. So annoying. Grim prospects."

"Lucy… you suddenly have motivation to make a move by yourself? You? Even though you didn't even try anything until now?"

"Looks like you're still trying to avenge that woman, Ephemera-san. I was told that, too. That's why you went over to the SEPB."


Who exactly was that person? Had she seen through anything and everything?

"According to her, Ladybird had apparently waited for you and me to take 'one step forward'. Taking my move means I've done just what Lady thought, and that pisses me off. She was sooo indirect. She was waaay too good at caring for people. …I'm really pissed."

Muttering in a low voice, Lucy continued.

"I'll be going ahead."

Akatsuki's heart thumped.

"So you're going to stay there, Ephemera-san? You traitooor. Full of regrets. Stupid, stuuupid."

After speaking to her heart's content, the call was cut. She didn't forget to mock Akatsuki to the very end.

—You're the only one still being bound by the past.

The words his superior had told him just before he came to town rang in his mind.

In the corridor where the bell signaling the end of lunch break rang, Akatsuki stood in silence.

While walking through the narrow mountain road, Akatsuki recalled the event this afternoon.

—If you still want to change, you have to cut the source of that fear.

Satou Youko told him that with a smile.

From the very beginning Akatsuki intended to do so. He'd joined to East Central Branch in order to kill Kakkou, who'd claimed that he'd killed Rina. He did so in order to protect Senri.

—I'll be going ahead.

His once ally said so, resolving to walk on her own legs.

Even now, only Akatsuki was frozen in the past—

"Are you doing some thinking, member Akatsuki?"

Walking a bit ahead of him, Ako turned to him with camera in hand. She probably got curious since he kept walking while staying silent. Akatsuki wore a pained smile.

"A bit."

"As club president, I cannot let my club members deal with their worries alone. Allow me to give you advice."

They were walking in the small mountain area near the radio tower. The road hidden by many trees was so narrow that they couldn't walk through it side by side.

Like before, they went out on a trip to gather material.

Akatsuki thought of politely declining Ako's offer. There was no way a civilian like Ako could imagine the fights between Mushitsuki and organizations.

But he suddenly wondered. Ako had better imagination than the average person.

"Can I speak like you usually do?"


He would be able to stay alongside this girl only for a little more. Saying goodbye while still hiding so much would feel lonely.

"I'm actually the member of a certain organization."

"I know that."

"I hate fighting, and so I loathe when the people around me are gone. However, this last Christmas, an important person to me got killed… and the one who did that is among my current comrades."

Akatsuki tried speaking calmly.

"Recently I realized that maybe he hadn't done it. But when I'm near him I end up losing myself… I understand it with my head, but my feelings can't follow."


"I have to protect the person most important to me, and my surroundings are rapidly changing—but I can't do anything. I've only survived this far because I only think about killing him."

Ako was silent. She climbed the mountain road in silence.

Even she couldn't keep up with Akatsuki's story, as if he were a denizen of another world? Or perhaps it was better for him if she intended to completely ignore the conversation.

"Just kidding. I made it all up."

"At times the truth is painful and cruel."

Ako started talking. Akatsuki couldn't tell whether she was speaking to him or not.

"But you mustn't escape from it. The more you escape it, the more it corners you. 'Even though I'm so close, why won't they notice me?' is how the truth feels. Although truth itself bears no sin, at time people fear it, hate it, and desperately avert their eyes from it. And people cannot look ahead like this. They avert their gazes and become lost, ending up stepping into a mistaken road of no return."

The girl didn't turn to look at Akatsuki.

"—Since I think this'll be our last trip, let me tell you this in advance."

Ako's tone returned being plain. She turned her camera to Akatsuki, smiling.

"Thank you."

He felt his heart thump at this sudden thanks.

She turned ahead again, acting surprisingly abashed.

"Thanks to you joining the journalism club, I was able to be a journalist. I was just about to fear the sheer size of the truth, avert my eyes and keep myself busy with the small stuff like the club's continued existence. …But one cannot be alone. Loneliness weakens people."


"The only one who can live alone is the Demon Lord. I was able to avoid that result. This is also thanks to you sticking up with me in the club, member Akatsuki."

A bird passed through the sky surrounded by trees. Ako's camera caught its form.

"Are you not the same? Hadn't you prioritized the one most important to you and thought you were left alone?"

Exactly so.

He'd been left behind by the one important to him, Tachibana Rina, and became alone.

Not knowing what to believe in, not knowing where to go, he became lost.

"You're the same as me. This is not too late. Just look around you a bit and notice that you're not alone."

Ako's camera saw Akatsuki again.

"If you do then you should have enough courage to stand up against the truth."

The lens reflected his face.

"Not fighting and running away are not one and the same."

Smiling a bit, Ako started walking again.

A road where he would neither run away nor fight—

Did such a thing really exist?

His doubts weren't gone, and he didn't yet know an answer, but Ako's words somewhat lightened his heart.

The next time he would be about to lose himself, he should recall Ako's words and another thing—the warmth of Rina's hand.

If he did, Akatsuki would definitely be able to recall his previous self.

So he thought.

"You're really cool, Ako."

He voiced how he really felt.

"Yup. The True Journalist is cool."

"Wow. I wonder if I can be a journalist, too?"

"I shall give you an honorary title as the eternal journalism club member. Concentrate on that for now."

"Then Ako's the honorary eternal club president."

Haemori Ako.

Ogata Akatsuki.

The two journalism club members stopped in place.

Coming out of the mountain road, a large cherry tree was revealed to them.

"That is the Dead-Reviving Cherry Blossom."

The mountain plain became a wide grassland. In the center grew a lone cherry tree, and it was obviously very old. The late cherry blossoms were in full, proud bloom.

Other than the stately cherry tree, there was a bench for resting, and nothing else around.

On the other side of the tree they could see the town's scenery. The radio tower was also visible.

"According to the information I've gathered, there were two witnesses. One was an old man coming for a hike, who took his lunch beneath the tree and his deceased wife appeared in front of him. After conversing for a while, he fell asleep, and when he woke up his wife was gone. There's also the possibility he was dreaming in the first place."

"So it literally revives the dead, huh?"

"The second was two students from our high school who came here for a picnic. They wanted to have lunch and approached the cherry tree, but another friend who wasn't present also stood there. Also, he apparently started beating up one of the two students and then vanished once that guy lost consciousness. These two were apparently fighting at the time, but according to the person himself he hadn't come there. This is supported by testimony."

"So it's not just the dead. But there being two witnesses at the same time means that…"

"As long as they didn't arrange their stories beforehand, they all saw the same thing. And that boy had actually been beaten to unconsciousness."

Approaching the tree, they could smell the sweet scent of the cherry blossoms. The petals danced in the wind above Ako and Akatsuki's heads.

Ako focused her camera on the cherry petals blizzard, touched the tree and went around it.

Akatsuki also went round the tree, confirming nothing was out of order. He looked at the surface of the tree carefully. There were countless scratch marks. They were obviously man-made.

"What I noticed was the differences between the two cases—the deceased and the friend who'd been in another place. Although both had the appearance of a person who shouldn't be there, there is a vast difference between the two. If we provisionally called what appeared there an illusion, then there are two types—the dead and the living."

Akatsuki looked once again around the tree just in case. There was no sign of anything strange happening or the presence of some enemy hiding nearby.

Ever since the Radio tower, nothing happened when the club went to gather materials. It was probably going to end like that today, too.

"There's also a difference in how long the illusion existed. The deceased wife existed for a while, but the friend immediately vanished. Their actions were also different. One was friendly, and the other was extremely aggressive."

"Say, Ako."


"Aren't these stories just made up? I mean…"

Akatsuki pointed at the marks scratched on the tree trunk and smiled wryly.

"It's full of creepy scribbles. Weren't the people coming here simply freaked out by this?"

Ako silently turned toward Akatsuki.

She turned her camera toward the cherry tree again. Trying to change the angle, she went around it once thoroughly, filming it, and raised an eyebrow.

"…What scribbles are you talking about?"


Akatsuki became speechless. Thinking that perhaps Ako was trying to scare him, he peeked into her camera's display.

"There's nothing like that on my camera."

He widened his eyes. On the tree trunk reflected in the camera there were no marks.

"That's impossible…! I mean, here—"

He looked at the trunk again.

Just like before, he could see with his very own eyes the vicious scribbles on the trunk. He used his hand to touch an especially horrible sentence.

—"Your most feared enemy is behind you".

Akatsuki's eyes definitely saw those letters.

"I have a bad feeling about this… get away from the tree, member Akatsuki!"

By the time Ako issued this command, white particles erupted from her feet.

The entire grassland began glowing in white.

It was the same light he'd seen at the museum, but this was much wider, stronger light, and it kept on growing.

Akatsuki immediately covered for Ako and got away from the tree.

"Is it the same as the museum…?"

Narrowing his eyes from the blinding light, the white grains finally settled in front of him.

The glow turned into a light brilliance at the center of the grass—and the ground at the foot of the tree rose up.

While the two journalism club members gazed at it, the dust took the form of a human figure.


All blood coursing through Akatsuki's body boiled in an instant. He was so enraged that he forgot to even try analyzing the situation.

While Akatsuki wore a beastlike expression, Ako muttered while holding her camera.

"A demon…?"

Appearing in front of them both was an abnormal person clad in all black.

The topmost monochrome clothing he wore was a black, long coat that spread like devil wings. His eyes emitted demonically red light from the large goggles covering his face. His hair stood up toward the heavens like horns, and instead of the grim reaper's scythe, he grasped in his hand an automatic pistol.


Akatsuki gritted his teeth.

The pitch-black devil looked at them. A Cleridae beetle coming down from the sky landed on his shoulder, transforming its body to countless tentacles and fusing with the demon.

Mushi Uta 7 p227.jpg

The gun-wielding demon's hand was slowly raised.


The warmth of Senri's hand—

The healing his heart was supposed to have gone through in this town—

It was all blown away without trace the moment he saw that demon.

The demon's gun spat fire.


Akatsuki reflexively hugged Ako, leaping aside.

A tremor shook the entire mountain.

The spot they'd been standing in just now was smashed, with a deluge of ground particles and explosive flames raining on the surroundings.

"W-what's going—"

Even while protecting the frozen Ako from pebbles, Akatsuki kept his gaze locked onto Kakkou.

Readying his smoking gun, the demon looked at Akatsuki.

"Get away, Ako."

Squeezing out his very last rational thought, he pushed Ako toward the back of the mountain.

"M-member Akatsuki?"


Catching a glimpse of Ako's camera, he could see it reflected the calm figure of the demon.

It was different than the scribbles—physical, not an illusion.

But he didn't care about that anymore, either.

"I ended up involving you."

He turned to the girl and smiled.

Perhaps it was a trap by the enemy or something else. Stuck inside an abnormal space, Akatsuki was caught by something he couldn't understand.

Opening his bag, he equipped the jacket and visor equipment of the North Central Branch.

When he'd raised his face again, Akatsuki threw away his remaining reason.

"I can't allow you to film anymore."

He shouldn't involve a normal civilian like Ako that wasn't related to Mushitsuki.

He couldn't allow Ako to get hurt by the danger he'd invited.

Even if—she started being scared of Akatsuki, even if she hated him.

"Since this is now my battle… no, the Mushitsuki's battle."

A large mayfly materialized, clinging to Akatsuki's back. Its slowly swinging twin tails grazed Ako's nose.

To tear his eyes away from Ako, Akatsuki ran to the side. The mayfly clinging to his back launched countless globes from the hole in its abdomen. The balls drew arc in the sky, assaulting Kakkou.

The smiling demon leaned forward.

Kicking the ground so hard it caved down, Kakkou closed the distance to Akatsuki in an instant. The mayfly's globes tore the now-empty ground.


Kakkou's right fist grazed Akatsuki's cheek as he immediately evaded. The fist leaving a green afterimage also brought along a fierce wind. It seemed powerful enough to cause Akatsuki's head to fly off, if he'd been hit directly by it.

The gun's muzzle was pressed up to Akatsuki's brow just as he evaded the fist.

A bombarding sound echoed.

"I've imagined my fight against you countless times until now—"

A strip of land a few meters away from where Akatsuki was standing was shaved off.

Immediately kicking the gun directed at him, its aim missed. He knew that Kakkou was much more proficient in short-range combat rather than sniping.

"I can't even remember the number of mental simulations anymore."

The globe shot by his mayfly hit Kakkou square in the chest. The center of the sphere released heat, blowing the demon's body to the sky.

Protected by his highly-resistant coat, Kakkou changed his position while midair. With his hair burning he readied his gun, pointing it at Akatsuki.

Long-range fighting was Akatsuki's specialty. Already the second heat spheres hit Kakkou directly.

"Die, Kakkou!"

Akatsuki's successive attacks didn't even allow Kakkou to land on ground.

One after another the red lights burst in air, causing raging heat waves.

"Die…! Die…! DIEEE!!!"

Howling, he put everything he had into launching a sphere.

All of them hit Kakkou as he guarded his face with both arms. A large explosion wrapped the demon.

With a thud, a black lump fell to the ground.


His shoulders swaying with heavy breathing, Akatsuki looked at him.

His hand was cold.

Perhaps using too much power, or due to his anger, he lost his body heat.

His clenched fist felt as if it was made of ice.

"Member Akatsuki…"

Even during such a situation, Ako stopped filming.

You can't film this—

Weakly turning his gaze to Ako, he entreated her.

I don't want anyone to see me like this—

The black lump rose up. The demon wearing a scorched coat still wore a cruel smile. The pattern covering his whole body was glowing.


Akatsuki focused his consciousness.

Cracks appeared in the body of the mayfly attached to his back. The orange carapace crumbled down, and a tail glowing in gold appeared from within.

As far as Akatsuki knew, this Semi-Maturation was an exclusive ability of his mayfly.

Devouring all of its host's dreams, a Mushi would become feral—a phenomenon called Maturation. With Semi-Maturation, he would temporarily bring the Mushi closer to Maturation, according to the host's will. By overloading the Mushi in the condition between being normal and Maturing, he was able to vastly increase its capabilities.

Since it was much stronger than normal and the consumption rate was very high, the risk was the very short time he could control it. Yet it was certain he'd been designated as a Rank 2 due to this ability.

The mayfly, now glowing in gold, raised a howl. Its twin tails that were now two times the length swung around like a whip.

Now that I think about it, what did Ako tell me just before this?

Inside Akatsuki's heart, a terribly cold part mumbled.

The mayfly's tail launched laser beams as if to cover the entire sky.

Shrouded by a green light, Kakkou kicked the ground. He evaded the lasers that stabbed the surroundings one after another, dashing toward Akatsuki.

Akatsuki and Kakkou.

Their attack and offense continued step after step one.

Weaving between the rain of light, Kakkou closed the distance, attacking with both bullets and fist. Akatsuki evaded those by a hairsbreadth, using the barrage of lasers to keep the demon far.

Although his coat was created by the SEPB, it couldn't protect against the attack of Akatsuki's Semi-Matured Mushi. On the other hand, if Akatsuki was hit by Kakkou's attack even once he would end up immediately neutralized.


Even while howling with anger and hatred, the doubts in Akatsuki's mind grew larger.

Why am I fighting against Kakkou…?

There was the part of himself that fought with his raging emotions, and the part of himself that looked rationally at his actions.

Does this fight have any meaning?

The more he fought.

The more he shouted.

The blank emotions born within Akatsuki gnawed into his heart.


The cold feelings mocking himself brought forth a single ripple into his burning hatred.

The moment Kakkou's fist finally connected with his chest was reflected in his eyes like it was in slow motion. His body reacted on its own, twisting it immediately.

Akatsuki's body danced through air.

He was pounded against the ground, smashed the bench, and bounded on the ground several times before finally crashing with his back against the cherry tree.


Although he'd acted reflexively to diminish damage, Akatsuki was felled by the demon's single attack. Perhaps having broken a rib, a sharp pain ran through his chest. His entire body hit hard, he couldn't move.

He could see the demon calmly walking over to him.

So I'm no match for Kakkou. Or maybe—

Now resolved for death, both anger and hatred were gone from Akatsuki.

I'm just weak—

Noticing this truth, he started laughing.

Perhaps it was fitting for such a pathetic man to be killed by his own illusion.

At the very least not wanting to stop looking at the man killing him, he raised his face. And then—

A single cherry petal overlapped with the demon's face.

He looked up above.

The wind blowing through the mountains brought a cherry storm.

Naturally, the writings etched to the tree entered his eyes.

—"The ghost of an important person is behind you".

The white shining particles swallowed the surroundings.

Kakkou stopped his legs.

Behind Akatsuki, from the direction of the cherry tree, he could feel the presence of a person.

He knew exactly who it was even without turning back.

"—So I'll fight in order to make my dream come true as well."

The voice was unfittingly bright, yet one could feel bottomless strength from it.

Inside the rain of petals, the girl stepped ahead of Akatsuki.

"Come on now. If you don't follow I'll leave you behind, you know?"

Turning around, Akatsuki saw the most beautiful girl he'd even known, smiling. Always calmly engaging in battle, she would grant courage to whoever saw her.

After the girl a large half-dome shaped Mushi also appeared. Its scraggy, hard shell had seven red spots on it.


With a single tear streaking down Akatsuki's cheek—Tachibana Rina and Kakkou's battle began.

Rina's way of fighting wasn't fundamentally different than Akatsuki's. She would avoid attacks aimed at her and her Mushi, and swallow the enemy with shockwaves.

But unlike Akatsuki, Rina was much more used to battle. Despite never having received any training she saw through the enemy's attacks, at times guarding with her Mushi, or striking back. Even when looking from the side, Kakkou's attacks seemed like they could never hit her.

Kakkou shot his flaming gun.

Rina directly intercepted it with a shockwave.

The clash was won by Rina's power. The shockwave, having swallowed the bullet whirlpool, blew Kakkou away along with other trees around.

This fighting girl would command her giant seven-spotted ladybug and never draw back no matter her opponent.

Once, countless Mushitsuki have gathered behind this back. Even when they hesitated, were scared, felt their heart weakening, the sense of relief of being with her would bring hope to anyone's mind. Being with Rina would allow you to win against any enemy.

It was impossible for her to lose to anyone.

Akatsuki knew that.

If so then why had Rina—


The beauty commanding the ladybug changed her expression.

Akatsuki widened his eyes.

The girl would encourage anyone with her smile, but her profile looked fierce like she was another person.

"I'll kill you! Kakkou!"

Kakkou stood up even while injured. Rina launched at him. She shot one shockwave after another.

"How dare you kill my comrades…!"

Her face distorted with anger, she repeated the boundless assaults. And once she lost her cool, an opening was born.

Evading an especially large shockwave, Kakkou dove beneath the Mushi. His thrust gun pierced the ladybug's abdomen.


Rina scowled in agony. Yet she soon wore an expression of rage and her Mushi's sharp legs blew Kakkou far away.

Soon their positions were reversed. Rina shot out attacks with her full power while Kakkou moved around.

Once again taking an opening, Kakkou's attack stabbed the ladybug.


Next to Rina who was shouting, the ladybug's body suddenly bloated.


Seeing the Mushi growing larger by the second, Akatsuki was stunned.

"Is this… Rina's final moments…?"

Rina should've been fighting to create a place for Mushitsuki. That was why she was stronger than anyone and why everyone relied on her.

Yet the form of this girl who was possessed and trapped by anger was—

"—Just like me…"

Was there any meaning to this battle?

What remained of this way of fighting?

Rina died and Akatsuki survived.

If Akatsuki died, then would there just be people like him or Rina remaining?

"Member Akatsuki."

At some point Ako stood in front of him.

Leaning against the tree like an empty husk, she was looking down at him with inorganic lenses.

"All the methods to end the phenomenon here are the same. You can either fall asleep or lose consciousness. You've fought just now, but now you should be able to use of these methods now. Or perhaps—"

Ako turned her lenses to the still-continuing fight of Kakkou and Rina.

"Do you want this to continue?"

Akatsuki's shoulders twitched.

If it was now—if he fought along with Rina, even if it was an illusion, they should be able to defeat Kakkou.

Although fake, it would be able to quench his thirst for revenge.

Withstanding his chest pain, he slowly rose. The mayfly, which had fallen to the ground far from him, began emitting light from its laser-shooting tails.

"—Move, Ako."

Ako didn't move. She simply kept holding the digital camera as if to stand in his way.

Akatsuki smiled wryly.

"It's just like you said."

Realizing that Kakkou didn't kill Rina, he couldn't accept it.

He had already thought of the reason.

"At the very, very last Rina fought in the wrong way. —I didn't want to acknowledge that, and walked down the wrong path."

It was natural to feel anger for Kakkou who had hurt her comrades.

Yet Rina let the anger control her, proceeding down the wrong path, and arriving at a place she couldn't come back from.

"I don't want to fight like that…"

He mumbled.

Ako kept silently filming him.

"Looks like I can still barely make it in time. Because unlike Rina… I'm still alive."

Yes, Akatsuki was still alive.

Because the blind girl known as Rina had saved him.

He finally recalled the warmth of her hand.

Pulling his hand when he'd gotten lost, she tried showing him the right path.

"I probably won't be able to return to myself immediately… but I'm fine now."

Smiling, Ako distanced herself.

Akatsuki turned around, causing the mayfly to launch a laser beam at the cherry tree's trunk.

If he did like Ako had told him, the illusion in front of him should disappear. But just running away from this phenomenon was meaningless.

He already had his doubts about there being Mushi abilities in a specific place at the museum.

But now he couldn't help but face reality.

Although he couldn't see it, something had to cause the abnormal phenomenon here—

Understanding this, Akatsuki had only one course of action. Trying what he couldn't at the museum, meaning to attack the place itself.

Akatsuki's laser pierced the ground.

With countless holes opening up, a storm of white particles blew around.


Immediately after, he heard a dying scream so loud it nearly ruptured his eardrums.

The ground distorted, rose, and a large mass of clay in the shape of a box rose up. A melting Mushi was trying to escape from the coffin destroyed by Akatsuki's laser.

And it wasn't just one.

There were three of these boxes that could be called coffins. Every time the different Mushi rampaged, there were strange phenomena such as the stones around changing form or an illusion of the capital city appearing like a mirage.

"W-what is this…?"

The rampaging Mushi and the squirming coffins trying to contain them.

Their struggle ended in a tie. Perhaps exhausting their power to resist, the Mushi collapsed. At the same time the coffins also lost their power and stopped moving.

He recalled something and turned around.

The figures of Kakkou and Rina were also melting into thin air.


He ended up shouting, and Rina turned toward him. Her face distorted by anger and rage mellowed out, and she showed Akatsuki a bright smile.

Leaving an afterimage, the Rank 1 strongest vanished without a trace.


Their unfolding fight has yet to end even now—

Such thoughts floated in his mind.

"What on earth's going on in this town…?"

Looking down the Mushi corpses lying under the cherry's trunk, Akatsuki mumbled. The silhouette of the deceased Mushi was growing fainter.

"—That is the enemy's power."

The one answering was Ako. In her profile filming the vanishing Mushi there was none of the confusion she had when seeing Akatsuki's Mushi.

"They utilize Mushi to be part of their army of darkness to control this town."

Now Akatsuki was the one confused. Ako's words sounded delusional.

"Are you not afraid of me?"

"I already told you, member Akatsuki—I knew that you're a member of a secret organization."

The readied lens of Ako who was speaking calmly turned to Akatsuki.

"You said this was the battle of Mushitsuki, member Akatsuki."

Akatsuki raising his brow was reflected in the lenses.

"It is not so. I am a normal person but I've been fighting for a long time."

"You too…?"

"And now our activities have probably been exposed. The enemy shall soon make their move."

"The enemy?"

Akatsuki still had many questions. Ako wore a serious expression and spoke.

"I told you so from the start. That being plays with other people, toys with Mushitsuki, and wants to make this entire country their plaything."

Ako's camera filmed the peaceful sunset on the townscape.

"And I call them—the Demon Lord."

3.02 Youko Part 4[edit]

From her father's diary.

The counseling of the chaining smile girl finally reached its final day.

Her father and the girl faced each other in the small analysis room.

They both looked down one box.

Until now in all of her miniature gardens she would place the figures of a woman and two men.

Yet something that day was different. In the center of the three dolls she created something.

She took the utility knife she put to the side and started carving a doll from the material shelves. She whittled down the buildings, vehicles, animals and imaginary things. And when she finished gathering them all into a single spot, she surrounded it with the three dolls.

In her father's memoirs, this was the first time where a patient broke down the materials and created new ones.

He wrote that the girl thought for a bit. Afterwards, she suddenly removed the three dolls.

Remaining in the garden was a single unfathomable round object.

Her father asked what is was.

—Who knows? Who can tell what form it will take?

He asked her if she wasn't going to put anything else there.

—There is nothing else needed. This is everything.

When he asked her if that was perhaps the thing that lies inside humans—the girl nodded.

—It will never be destroyed or vanish… it will continue to exist forever. Perhaps this is the only thing that can realize it in reality. I have noticed this fact.

Her father was very confused at her words; this apparently went over what he was able to analyze. He had written that he'd given up long ago on deciphering this girl's too well-protected heart.

A world with nothing in it.

A world with a single thing in its center.

When she was young, Touko had undoubtedly seen this miniature garden. Even though her father hugged her, she was so scared she couldn't even cry.

The girl took everything away.

The girl made everything one.

So she thought.

Her father prefaced the final question that would wrap up the counseling session. He thought that if they continued like this then even his very heart would gouged and lumped up, and after the girl finished playing with it, it would merge with everything else.

What is that? Youko's father asked.

Wearing a chaining smile, the girl slowly moved her lips.

—A dream.

On the final records regarding the girl, her father wrote thusly.

It was like facing a Demon Lord who wanted to recreate the world.

The girl with the chaining smile.

So ended the analysis of the girl known as Miguruma Yaeko.

White particles were illuminating the night road.

There were only Youko and another girl standing in the empty road.

A miniature garden had been made inside the suitcase placed on the rack. A world where a girl-doll was being seen by many other dolls. At the girl's feet was a small flute and she was surrounded by spotlights and TV cameras. A mirror world where she played the flute in a concert hall.

Standing in front of Youko was a girl of the same age. Perhaps having practiced in school until late, a flute was sticking out of her bag.

Youko's eyes sparkled with strong will and confidence, her black hair dancing like the wings of a fallen angel. Her shirt was opened to expose her ample cleavage, and from her short skirt her long legs were exposed.

The pure-white Loci was hanging from Youko's shoulder. It was completely changed from before, when it was transparent, and now it could even sparkle.

"Just a few more until Genius is ready, right Loci-chan?"

She smiled at Loci.

Her miniature garden attack today was her shortest one on record yet.

She sought and dragged out the dream of the girl facing her, exposing it to her.

It had been several months since she felt so great. Ever since the time when she'd turned three people to Mushitsuki at the same time behind the mountain.

Loci on her shoulder began trembling. Its red eyes shone, gazing up the night sky.

"Fufu, so you prepared some dinner for me again?"

From above, purple-colored scaled danced down.

With movements that ignored gravity, a beauty clad in a crimson coat landed on ground.

It was Oogui.

"Please just eat it already."

Youko grinned. While wearing a smile, she surveyed the monster in front of her.

I wonder if getting her into a coffin will grow Genius immediately… but she's a bit different from Mushi so maybe she won't be nutritious?

The more Spirit Zones she created, the less Youko feared Mushi.

This time, even while facing one of the Original Three she felt nothing.

"—Thanks for the meal."

Oogui ate the girl's dream.


Immediately a coffin came out of the ground and grabbed the girl's Mushi in the blink of an eye. The coffin that turned large and stout didn't even give the Mushi time to raise a death cry. The fact it was becoming so strong was evidence of Genius growing well.

The girl whose Mushi had been trapped by the coffin staggered away. Once the effect of Loci's pheromones was gone, she'd go back to her normal life as if nothing happened. Forgetting even the fact she was turned into a Mushitsuki, she would exhaust little by little.

"I'll see you again, great Hero."

Oogui turned to Youko, smiling enjoyably.

"Oh, sure."

Cleaning up the miniature garden, Youko didn't even look at Oogui. Just go already if your business is done—even while thinking this, she closed the lid of her reassembled trunk case.

Folding the rack, she raised her face as she grabbed the suitcase.

Cold fingers touched Youko's chin.

"Your dream seems to be coming along nicely as well."

Having approached her at some point, Oogui brought her face closer to Youko's. The enchanting rainbow-colored eyes peeked at her from up close.


Youko scowled. She returned her gaze with her black, shaking eyes. —Did Oogui really think her enchanting attack would work on Youko as she was now?

Annoying… should I eat her right now?

It happened just before she intended to order Loci in her mind.

"Hehe. It doesn't look like you have the flavor I'm most fond of."

Soundlessly, Oogui separated from Youko. The beauty covered in purple scales melted into the night.

"I wonder if you'll stay as you are until the next time we meet…"

Leaving these parting words behind, Oogui's presence completely vanished.

"Hmph. I'm just going to eat you the next time we meet."

Sighing, Youko placed the suitcase on the ground. Sitting on top of it, she gazed up the night sky.

"Tch, I took too long and now the Demon Lord's subordinate is here."

On top of the rooftop of a house, a person controlling an abnormal monster appeared. He was a boy equipped with a familiar jacket and visor. Leaping along with his Mushi, he landed on ground.

It was probably the new monitor squad member dispatched by the North Central Branch. Since Youko turned Orion to a Fallen, the SEPB would send their subordinates one after another.

The Mushitsuki boy called to Touko who was folding her legs on the suitcase. "Are you… a Mushitsuki?" he asked cautiously. Playing with the fingernails of her right hand, Youko made no reply. Perhaps having scraped her finger on something while creating the miniature garden, her pretty painted nail color was starting to peel off.

Growing impatient, the boy sent his Mushi flying at her.

She sighed and got off her trunk. A large coffin came flying from the ground.

By the time she'd shaken off the dust from her skirt, the coffin had already caught the Mushi. The boy grimaced, falling on his knees.

"Are the armies of darkness not here yet?"

Catching the Mushi and quickly consuming it, she looked down at the boy. He didn't appear to understand what she was saying.

"If a lot of them came at once it'd be much easier to get nutrients."

The boy didn't seem about to speak out. He looked up at Youko with rebellious eyes. Finding his expression unpleasant, she swung her leg to kick his teeth.

"Loci, you can digest it."

Once, she would have tortured him for information, but now she was tired of it. Obeying her orders, the coffin completely digested the Mushi. Without even raising a scream, the boy collapsed on the spot.

When she'd killed Orion's Mushi, she first noticed something.

When she killed Mushi inside the coffin, they wouldn't become sustenance for Genius. Perhaps Genius didn't use the Mushi themselves as sustenance but simply took the sustenance that the Mushi already possessed. But were there any other Mushi that could eat other people's dreams?

They couldn't become sustenance. Even if she took the abilities of the SEPB agents and turned them to Spirit Zones, there was the chance her ability would be discovered by the enemy. The most important thing was to turn all of them to Fallen.


Those whose hearts and minds broke down.

They were undoubtedly alive, and could understand orders. However, they showed no reaction regarding their memories and emotions. They were an extraordinary sample, but Youko had no interest.

"It really was a shock, though, finding out Akatsuki was the Demon Lord's underling."

Muttering to nobody in particular, Youko walked down the hill. With the suitcase in her hand shaking, she enjoyed her nightly stroll.

She'd heard about the identity of Ogata Akatsuki from the North Central Branch member she'd tortured before.

She received a shock as comparable to when she'd found out he had a girl he liked.

Youko was a normal girl.

So obviously her heart was broken.

"But he's definitely being deceived by the Demon Lord. Someone as kind as Akatsuki-kun would never submit to the Demon Lord."

But now the current Youko was unlike her previous self.

"I have to save him. That's definitely also the job of a Hero."

Pumping both fists, she renewed her resolved.

Youko was definitely approaching her ideal form of a Hero. At first she was scared stiff even against Mushitsuki, but she gathered experience and power. Now she was not afraid even of Oogui.

— Your dream seems to be coming along nicely as well.

The words Oogui told her earlier rose to her mind.

"My dream, huh…"

Youko's dream.

She'd already decided on one long ago.

"I want to become the Hero that defeats the Demon Lord soon."

Reading her father's notes, she recalled the fear engraved into her young self.

The miniature garden, created by the Demon Lord with the chaining smile, had nothing inside of it.

Nothing but a single mass of chaos.

—A dream.

Youko had the intuition that Yaeko had been referring to Mushi that day.

Youko herself had also heard the rumors about Mushi and Mushitsuki that travelled from ear to ear.

The supernatural being that ate dreams—Mushi.

They weren't supposed to have existed during the time when Yaeko underwent counseling.

The girl with the chaining smile definitely made a prophecy that day.

Using the dream-eating monsters—Mushi—she was trying to create that world with nothing in it.

The Demon Lord, Miguruma Yaeko.

Even Youko, who knew her identity, carried the burden as a hero to defeat her.

"I have to save the world."

She mumbled, and suddenly thought.

Using Mushi to change the world—


She felt a small doubt.

Inside Youko's heart, in a quiet place like a deep, deep ocean, she could feel something stirring.

A miniscule movement, barely a stir.

Yet it definitely moved Youko's deep heart.

The slight shaking born inside the water for just an instant—

"Using Mushi, I can change the world…?"

—Gave birth to a ripple.

There was a wave, and then a being was invited by it.

Feeling a vibration in her pocket, Youko raised her face with a start.


Loci returned to the strap, cluttering. She'd seen this vibration, much stronger than when he'd find Mushi, many times before.

"Why…? Is Oogui coming again?"

Loci's red eyes looked above Youko. Following them, she raised her face to the heavens.

"—What's, that…?"

What Youko's eyes saw was a large image of a building floating in the starry sky.

Both walls and door were decayed and rusted, and some grass grew on top of the triangular roof. There were small windows decorated with tainted glass, but they were cruelly smashed.

"A church…?"

It was like the church near Youko's place. Yet the real church in her knowledge wasn't this vacant, and had a cross on the front.


Much like when something hit a broken metal, an ear-splitting sound reverberated around.

The hill was immediately covered by black fog—miasma. The large amounts of miasma blocked the moonlight, and a viscous air wrapped around Youko's legs.

Holding her ears, Youko struggled to keep herself.


Loci understood her order faithfully. As if enclosing Youko's surroundings, countless coffins flew from the ground. White particles blew the miasma apart, and so Youko's mind was protected a moment before she was completely entranced.

Loci's eyes turned to another direction.

A lone human figure slowly came from the hill road.

The figure dressed in a tattered robe spread miasma around, approaching Youko without moving their legs. She couldn't see their face well due to the hood, but judging from their skirt and long hair visible within the robe it was probably a human. Yet her skin was so black she didn't seem alive.

"I see… I know who you are. Because I'm the Hero."

She asked anything and everything from the North Central Branch member she'd tortured before. Including about the characteristics of the Original Three other than Oogui.

"Have you come to eat my dream of becoming the Hero?"

While blocking the miasma with the white particles, Youko calmly folded her arms.


A corrupted bell noise echoed.

The area encroached by the miasma was swallowed into a different space.

The black miasma and white particles competed in the two domains.

"Pray upon me with thy new aspiration…"

Inside the hood, the woman raised her face. Her dried, peeled lips didn't appear to be moving. The hoarse voice of an older man was heard from the church floating midair.

"A new aspiration…?"

Youko furrowed her brows. One of the coffins surrounding her was swallowed by the black miasma.

Between the two domains, apparently Shinpu's one was slightly superior. The coffins were being swallowed one after another, and the tongue-like miasma crawled up Youko's feet.

She didn't understand what Shinpu was saying.

Yet right now, Youko was being pressed for a decision.

I'll lose, at this rate… do I have no choice but escape? But this is an opponent I have to fight someday. Genius is not grown up enough yet, but do I need to wake it up to defeat this? But if I wake up the imperfect Genius right now…

The option of becoming a Mushitsuki herself was out of the question. The Hero must never submit to the power of evil.

"Discard thy adornments and picture thy true dream…"

"Shut up. You're just another ally of the Demon Lord."

Clear voice leapt from Youko's mouth.


Surprised, she covered her own mouth.

Was the voice just now really Youko? It was a clear, beautiful voice that she'd never heard before from herself.

She looked at her feet in surprise.

All of the coffins protecting Youko evaporated, and the tongue of miasma licked her legs. Without her even noticing, she was receiving Shinpu's enchantment attack.

"So I can't escape anymore… oh well."

I'll call Genius—

Through Loci perched on her shoulder, she was about to call to the main body slumbering deep underground.

Loci suddenly took an action regardless of Youko's will.

With its red eyes shining and its body cluttering—it was the sign of sensing a Mushi.

The next moment, the miasma covering Youko's sight was cut into two.


In front of the screaming Youko the outer world appeared again, full of soaring dragonflies.

Greeted by the remnants of the vanishing bell sounds, a lone boy stood there. He wore an unfamiliar uniform and carried a large hockey stick on his back. A silver so1o was parked nearby.

"Hellooo? Are you fine there? Are, you, O.K.?"

The boy called toward Youko with a casual tone.

"Oh, lucky me. I went after Shinpu's power field and met a hottie. A nice bonus indeed."

Swinging the hockey stick with no wasted movements, he readied it toward Shinpu. While speaking nonsense his eye showed no mercy, much like a "warrior" who went through countless battles.


The boy whose entire body was wrapped in an orange glow wore a broken smile.

3.03 Youko Part 5[edit]

The battle between the mysterious boy and Shinpu was beyond Youko's imagination.

The moment she saw the orange-glowing boy lower his body, he vanished. The next instant he appeared next to Shinpu, wielding his hockey stick.

Shinpu was blown to the sky, scattering large amounts of miasma.

"Curses… Thou obstruct me yet again, child of mine…"

Producing a new church midair, the tattered robe transformed into a large swarm of caterpillars. Yet by the time Shinpu looked below, the boy teleported up above.

"So this time your body is a girl, huh! This is hard… I'm a gentleman after all."

Still wearing the broken smile, he pounded Shinpu down to the surface. The hockey stick turned into an orange spear, piercing Shinpu's body as he crashed into the ground with the speed of a bullet. The boy teleported to the surface again, pounding his fist into Shinpu who was sprawled on the ground. It shook as if dozens of tons of concrete fell on top of it.

The several hundred caterpillars were scattered around with the boy in the center. The caterpillars' body fluids splashed on Youko's cheeks, but she simply stood there in a daze, unable to even wipe them off.

He said it was hard, but his attack was merciless.

"Oh, miss, it's dangerous here so stay put. —Oh, but I should take control of his domain. Since it makes it hard for victims outside to get hurt, it's useful."

The boy looked at Youko with a bright smile. He had chiseled face features, but had the atmosphere of a playboy. He was the type Youko hated.

Shinpu was not nearly done. While a creepy bell voice reverberated, the boy was covered in a rain of caterpillars dropped from the sky.

"Sorry, I lied. I have the confidence I can win domain tug-of-wars with most Special-types, but this one's impossible. Unlike Inuko, just protecting my surrounding takes everything I have."

The boy didn't seem to mind that the caterpillars were gnawing at his body. Pulling out the hockey stick from Shinpu's body, he beat the tattered robe countless times. He was so powerful that just swinging that stick caused a small tremor.

What's up with this guy?

The sense of fear, supposedly already conquered, was revived within Youko.

This is so strange…! He's really wounded but it doesn't seem to hurt? Why does it look like he's having so much fun fighting like that? And that power… how can he be so strong?!

"I shall destroy thee, child of mine…"

"Hihah! Looks like your vessel isn't as good as Jarl this time, Shinpu-san! Can I just finish you off?"

Raising the hockey stick that hit the collapsed Shinpu on the ground, he rotated it and put it on his back.

Orange autumn darters started flying out from everything around.

The same orange glow even came from Youko's body. Suddenly her body felt lighter and she stepped in place as not to lose balance.

This power… it uses mass as a medium?

Since her suitcase became weightless, it nearly floated in air. If she tried jumping, how high would she go?

The swarm of autumn darters was all absorbed into the boy's hockey stick.

"Killer move! Inuko's imitation!"

The stick glowing in orange struck Shinpu's chest from directly above.

A large tremor shook the area.

With the boy in the center, a whirlpool of power blew around. The miasma covering the area was blown away, and the church blocking the night sky was erased. Mixed with the flying asphalt, the crazed autumn darters all returned to their sources, Youko's included.

"Oohh… OooOOOhhh…"

This hoarse death cry vanished into thin air.


Standing on the mountain of dead caterpillars, the boy wore a broken smile.

Shinpu's robed form was already gone without a trace, and the remaining caterpillar corpses were vanishing while spurting body fluids.

So strong—

Youko calmly focused her dark eyes on the boy.

She'd felt fear only for a moment. She calmly analyzed the Mushitsuki in front of her.

But if I raise Genius enough… I should be able to win—

Even now she might be able to surround him with coffins in a direct assault. Perhaps having undergone specialized training, there were no wasted movements in his fighting, but it felt like he used his power only to fight. If she had him lower his guard before fighting, perhaps she could win with a sneak attack.

He'd make a great meal for Genius. What should I do? Should I defeat him now…?

The boy approached the hesitating Youko. His uniform was ripped and he was bleeding all over, but his face was fine. When the fight was over his broken smile was gone.

"Are you alright, miss? I had the feeling I felt the power fields of several Mushi, but I don't think this is the right place… it's not you, right?"

He apparently even had a sensing ability. A troublesome opponent.

"I'm fine. Thank you for saving me."

Youko feigned calmness and lowered her head. She also wore an amicable smile as a bonus.

"It's fine, don't mind it. I'm just a warrior passing by. Oh, but if you really want to thank me, well, you can do something sexy—"

Youko wordlessly brought her face closer to the boy's.

Leaning her body on his, she touched his cheek with her lips.

"—I'm so happy… or actually, it was just a joke…"

She separated her body. Her wet, black eyes focused intently on the gaze of the frozen boy.

"Is that enough?"

Mushi Uta 7 p263.jpg

"Wow, what's with this sense of guilt? I really don't feel like going back to my journey now."

Happy from the bottom of his heart, the boy wore a sloppy smile.

This guy's… really creepy—

Returning a smile, Youko groaned in her heart.

Actually, she just tried to create an opening and use Loci's pheromone ability.

But the moment she kissed him, that guy—he had his hand on the hockey stick. Rather than him doubting Youko, his body moved on its own.

It wasn't to the extent of the Demon Lord's chaining smile, but Youko's eyes could cause disturbances in other people. Even without Loci's ability, the boy didn't seem affected by looking her in the eyes. She imagined that he'd received special training against mental attacks.

There's no opening—

He looked like a mere playboy, but it was a powerful opponent she'd never met before.

"You're really strong. Are you perhaps the world's strongest?"

Feigning innocence, she praised him with a clichéd expression.

"Eh? I wonder. No, I tried to get stronger by training though."

The boy looked extremely bashed at this unveiled compliment. Perhaps he was just an idiot.

"But there are people stronger than me. At the very least I know about one… and according to her there was also someone stronger than her."


She pretended to be impressed. Inside, she grinned.

If even someone this strong only knows two people… then I can think of him as nearly the strongest. And it doesn't look like they're much stronger than him too—

"…Oh crap. If there's been a Mushi reaction nearby, then that means the SEPB's gotta be nearby as well. I'll have to run for it."

"Eh? Are you leaving already? I want to thank you properly."

"Seriously…? Properly, does that mean—no! I'm on a journey and I can't stay put. Horando City was the first. Before that one ran away and it's finally another one here. …Hah, I wonder how many fragments of Shinpu still remain?"

The boy looked tired as he walked to his bike, sitting on it. He put the hockey stick on a metal fixture on the side and revved up the engine.

Apparently he had some sort of goal. Perhaps having come to this town by chance, he'd probably arrived in pursuit of Shinpu.

Youko was slightly relieved.

Since she was destroying Mushi, they'd have to fight one day. But she was able to avoid settling the score right now.

"Oh. By the way, miss."

While putting on his half-type helmet, the boy turned to Youko.

"Who're you?"


"You don't seem to be a Mushitsuki and you don't seem like a SEPB member either. Your acting's good, too. —But well, it's slightly off. Seeing that abnormal fight, a normal person wouldn't be able to stay calm."

Youko smiled.

From the very start she hadn't underestimated the boy at all.

"I'm Shiohara Shachito. I've received the qualifications of a warrior from a certain someone."

Naming himself, the boy turned his pointing finger to Youko.

"I know you're not just a nobody. But it's hard to explain. You're not a warrior like me, but something that looks on people from above—"

"I'm just a normal person."

Being lumped in with Mushitsuki was outside her expectations. Youko was a normal person and even her nickname was only something like "the Third Satou-san".

But if she were to call herself another name—

"I'm just a Hero."

She said, grinning.

If he was going to fight she'd accept the challenge. He was in the range of Loci's abilities. Would Shachito employ his ability first, or would Youko's enchanting be faster? Trying to imitate a gunslinger could be interesting.

"You don't really feel like a Hero either… actually, it's the complete opposite…"

Shachito seemed carefree. Perhaps unable to think of any good expression, he just mumbled "oh well" and gave up readily.

"I'm scared so I'll run away. See ya, Hero."

"Let's meet again somewhere."

The Hero and the warrior exchanged smiles, turning their backs to one another.

While listening to the distancing engine sounds, she went down the hill.

"I feel like the title of a Hero is a perfect fit though."

Being denied by both Shinpu and Shachito made her a bit angry.

Shaking the suitcase in front of her, she recalled something.

"Thinking about it, what did Shinpu come to eat anyway?"

Oh well.

She imitated Shachito in her mind.

There were many unforeseen disturbances, but by the time she came back home she felt better.

The road to become a Hero was smooth sailing.

3.04 Ako Part 2[edit]

A few days passed since she'd witnessed Akatsuki fighting under the cherry tree.

Normally he seemed nothing more than a normal student, but he was definitely a Mushitsuki.

No, she'd already guessed he was a Mushitsuki. What she managed to ascertain was the fact that even someone as kind as him shouldered the fate of fighting as a Mushitsuki.

—No, perhaps she'd already known even that.

Therefore Ako approached Akatsuki.

Ako was able to film the kind of person known as Mushitsuki from up close.

There was the Akatsuki who became her friend in her normal school life.

And there was the Akatsuki that commanded a Mushi and fought with a strange power under the cherry tree.

Both were undoubtedly Mushitsuki. Ako was finally able to obtain what she'd been looking for ever since getting her camera.

She'd been anxious whether or not she'd make it in time for the fight against the Demon Lord. If she hadn't, even if she found out the Demon Lord's identity, she'd be unable to find any reason to fight.

So Ako became determined.

The truth that the Demon Lord spread in the world was definitely false. By obtaining the unshakable truth, Ako resolved herself to face against the Demon Lord.

"—I see, so this is what the rumor of the 'crying road' means."

Ako readied her camera while walking through a hill road that not many people passed through.

In front of her was a road overflowing with white particles vanishing. When the light was completely gone, the road returned to being bathed in the orange of sunset.

Ako pulled a map of the town from her bag, and marked an X on the place of the hill.

"Next is 'moon stalker', I guess. That one only happens at night. It's also dangerous to investigate that alone, but… if I went to get member Akatsuki I wouldn't make it in time."

While going down the hill road, she mumbled to herself. She put the map away and readied her camera again.

She felt dizzy. Her body shook and she bumped her shoulder against a power pole.

"Yeah, gathering material for several days in a row is impossible… no, a True Journalist must never complain."

Chastising herself, she kept walking with a serious face.

Ever since the incident at the cherry tree, Ogata Akatsuki never came to school. He probably went to report to the secret organization he belonged to.

"He would probably return soon. I need to prepare to see him."

Thinking about it, she changed her route. Walking in the residential district, she headed for a certain person's house.

The town was peaceful, but this period of time brought a certain memory.

When had it happened last year? As Ako ran around several places in pursuit of a certain subject matter, a tall woman wearing an overcoat appeared in front of her.

—Stop what you're doing. This is a warning.

With the sunset bursting at her back, half of her face was hidden by a mask. It was obvious she wasn't a civilian.

At the time Ako had immediately understood what she was being asked to "stop".

—If you stand to disturb the path of the journalist, you should at least introduce yourself.

Ako made no move. She actually remembered herself smiling happily and asking this fearlessly. She'd gotten carried away at the time.

She always had the feeling someone like that would appear in front of her. To gather material, she actually wished for it.

—I'm Shera from the Annihilators.

Unexpectedly, the woman named herself. It went without saying that those Annihilators or whatever were some sort of secret organization. She'd probably come to threaten Ako with the darkness.

—I am the True Journalist, Haemori Ako.

She had grandly spoken her name that the woman probably already knew. She fully believed that no one would be able to stop her.

—A mere civilian pushing their luck will be destroyed.

—Thinking that normal people can't win against Mushitsuki is a mistake that will become your destruction.

After exchanging warnings, Shera was gone.

Several things happened since then.

Ako noticed her own mistake and accepted her punishment to be lonely.

Just when she was about to lose sight of her road as a journalist, she noticed the existence of the Demon Lord hiding in town.

Wanting to confront them, she took her camera in hand again.

Unlike her past self.

Now, Ako believed her path was righteous; she would be able to say so with pride.

"This is the last time I will do as in the past."

Arriving at her goal, after waiting a while the door opened.

"…Your complexion looks bad, prez."

Appearing with a frown was the pajama-wearing student council president. With this sudden visit she was nearly bursting with anger.

"It's obvious, right? That's why I've been taking off school. …Why have you come all the way to my house?"

The upperclassman serving as the student council president asserted with a pale face. She wasn't coughing at all, and she didn't look feverish. Yet she seemed abnormally sluggish.

"Sorry for prolonging this, so I'll say this clearly. Return my room."

"That again? Stop with the—"

"I'm not telling you to not evict my club. …I just think it's sad that the new members that finally joined my journalism club won't be able to enter the club room before it's disbanded."

"Sorry, but it's impossible. Goodbye then."

The girl tried closing the door.

"You were once pure and elegant, so when had you been replaced by a fake?"

"…Your delusions again? Do you have some grudge against me? It's me who should—"

"Did you think I wouldn't know about your money spending?"

With a frightened face, the girl's hand closing the door stopped. Her face even paler, she looked back at Ako's camera with awkward movements.

"Even the sports shop supporting the track-and-field club was involved. Comparing the budget to each club that you'd announced, it was obvious they received a much larger budget. And it wasn't just that. Even part of the expenses collected from the students went from the student council to a certain teacher and then to a laundering company—"

"W-what are you…"

Prez wrought out a shaking voice. She wore a weak smile.

"The Demon Lord is back…?"

This time Ako was the one to scowl. Her chest throbbed in pain. The abnormal name attached to her in the past even now brought back vivid guilt.

"I'm no longer the same as I was when I'd been called the Demon Lord. I will not unveil the truth of all your ambitions. —Also, there's a different, true Demon Lord."

"I thought you've gone crazy by being abandoned by your club members…"

"If the truth is revealed, it will become a questioned event. I don't intend to disturb the school's peace. I simply pray that you will return the illegal money to its place and resume the form of the righteous president."

"What… in the end you're threatening me."

Her camera still readied, Ako bit her lips.

"No… I wanted to apologize. Perhaps you started walking the path of evil by me no longer being the Demon Lord… Even if I knew that a journalist originally needed to correct injustice, I abandoned it just due to becoming isolated."

"I know that. I'll call the school about your club room… is that fine?"

"There's still more. Your condition is also because I wasn't powerful enough. I couldn't beat the real Demon Lord until now. If I use you as bait—"

The door was slammed shut.

Ako stood in front of the house for a while. Finally she turned her camera away and walked.

When she came to, she noticed that the LCD screen was filming the ground. She straightened her back and puffed her chest.

She was resolved.

Even if she was hated.

Even if no one knew of her.

She would face the Demon Lord and act as the Chronicler.

Ako no longer hesitated.

"Until member Akatsuki returns, I'll finish the preparations for the final battle with the Demon Lord."

Putting out a resolved voice, Ako kept filming the townscape dyed in the sunset.

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