Mushi Uta:Volume 4 Chapter 3

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3.00 Chami Part 2[edit]


The view of a commonplace residential area could be seen outside the window.

Sitting on the chair hugging one of her knee which her chin was resting on, Chami gazed listlessly at Ayukawa Chiharu’s house. Of course, she took notice to sit in a position such that her figure could not be seen from the outside.

There were only sporadic pedestrians walking along the street between Chami’s apartment and the Ayukawa house.

Apart from the faces of the pedestrians, the scenery remained unchanged.

The only sounds she heard was the soft kicchin coming from the vibration of the refrigerator and the sound of the engine of the occasional cars passing by.

The original mission that Chami received from the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau was the observation of the girl known as Ayukawa Chiharu. No reason nor length of mission was given to her.

However, Chami had actually been moving about covertly, laying the groundworks so as to take over the SEPB and dominate all of the Mushitsuki. The one which was monitoring Chiharu was in fact a white cat which had been the very first target of the effect of Chami’s Mushi.

Chami had named that cat as Owlet, while her own codename was Owl. —Why was it that Chami had christened that cat with the same name as she had at that time?

Owlet had understood Chami’s command and faithfully carried out the mission. The stray cat, Owlet, seemed to have acknowledged Chami as its master. Chami was the only person whom it had become emotionally attached to. Now that she thought about it, just what kind of emotion did Chami’s ability amplified in Owlet…

—It was only recently that Chami felt the true strength hidden behind her ability.

An ability which amplified emotions, she thought that was all to it.

But, that shrewdness of Owlet, as well as the Konoha’s shocking rate of development—either of which were something that went beyond common sense.

Could it be that Chami’s ability had drawn out their latent abilities, or perhaps… did the intensification of their emotions resulted in the manifestation of some other kind of effect?

“…Good job holding out for these five years.”

Murmuring softly, Chami smiled.

That goes for me too, right—.

She added in her heart.

While Chami surreptitiously laid down her preparations, all she had thought about was dominating those who had looked down on her.

In her place, Owlet had shouldered her original mission all this time.

Without anybody’s knowledge nor realisation, the two owls had been working behind the scenes all along.

“Good grief… what a shitty life.”

Just as Chami treated Owlet as a pawn, she herself was no more than a pawn of the organisation.

This time, Chami’s pawn, Owlet had died.

Who knows if Chami would be the one to die next.

Be it having her dream devoured completely by her Mushi, or during one of the organisation’s mission.

However, she would never let that happen.

“Who is the one at the ‘heart’ of the Mushitsuki right now? Kakkou? Fuyuhotaru? Harukiyo? The Central Headquarters? …All of them can go eat shit and die. I am going turn the tides on you people who would not even look at me. I’ll show you guys how I reach the heart of it before any of you. And then, I would claim it all for myself.”

That was Chami’s one and only purpose.

Outside the window, Ayukawa Chiharu was walking. She opened the door to her home and disappeared inside.

At the same time, the door leading to the room Chami was in opened with a creak.


A girl with a taciturn aura entered. She was wearing a dress which matched her long black hair. With skin as white as that of traditional Japanese dolls and thin-slit eyes, she was the splitting image of her elder sister.

Sugitsu Aya. She was Chami’s classmate as well as her pawn and a Mushitsuki. Being the point of contact for Owlet all these time, she took of her shoes and entered the room with familiar movements.

“How was it?”

Chami turned around while still seated on the chair, facing Aya who looked up while sitting on the floor.

“I don’t think there was any particular issue. After finishing her student council work, she walked down the streets… she seemed to intend to enter into ‘URBAN’, but immediately turned back. She then entered the station once, but came out after a while.”

“How are there no issues? Her turning back the moment she reached ‘URBAN’? Entering the station and coming out right after? Aren’t all those suspicious behaviours.”

“But, she was humming to herself all the while, without even a shred of anxiousness. It seems to me like she was just taking a stroll.”

“…Did she look like she came into contact with anyone?”

“Nobody in particular… Ah, she was talking to a girl in front of the station. But, it seems like that was just the girl randomly lending her money to buy a ticket.”


Chami placed her hand on her chin and pondered.

She had already heard from Konoha the contents of the talk between Goroumaru Touko and Kakkou—the executives of the East Central Branch in Ouka City.

Looks like there are already movements in the central area.

The Central Headquarters are involved in some shady actions as she had expected. Judging by the contents of the disk, it can be deduced that the Headquarters are experimenting on the resurrection of the Fallen. However, that seems to be a failure. The two Fallen who were brought back were ‘not human’. One of them, Centipede, had already been defeated by Kasuou and was reverted to a Fallen and recaptured.

The East Central Branch too seems to be planning to do something. Putting aside Kakkou, it is also a matter of time before the other high-ranking members, Kaguya and Himiko displayed their strength.

On an unrelated note, the West Central Branch is still adopting the ‘none of my business’ attitude as always, and has no results worth mentioning other than equipment development. The South Central Branch has teams actively patrolling the areas within their jurisdiction, but ignores events occurring outside of them. It is the same as always here too. Seeing as the Branch director obediently does as the Head director dictates, it is safe to say that the North Central Branch is one with the Headquarters.

The key to what would happen from now onwards would be the confrontation between the Central Headquarters and the East Central Branch here in the heartland. Just a tiny spark would be sufficient to ignite the fuse to this high-tension state and cause an explosion between the two parties. If that happens, Chami would be able to move freely.

What would be able to trigger conflict between the Central Headquarters and the East Central Branch? Chami initially had some expectations of Mushibane, but her hopes were completely dashed. Just by losing their leader, Ladybird, the resistance had lost their chain of command and was currently just a disorderly mob.

“Seems like I have no choice but to light the kindle by myself directly.”

She muttered to herself.

There were no doubts that the Central Headquarters of the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau knew deeply about the Mushitsuki. Diorestoi—they knew about the true name of Shinpu, but it was a mystery why they did not reveal this fact. If she wants to rule over the Mushitsuki, she would definitely have to probe into the secrets of the Central Headquarters.

It would be far too dangerous for Chami to investigate the Central Headquarters directly. The role of lowering the guard of the Central Headquarters would have to be the East Central Branch now that Mushibane has retired from the field.

The key that would lead to a clash between Central and East, that would be—.

“Fuyuhotaru… in addition, I need to find the other resurrectee that escaped from the Central Headquarters. I can’t possibly do that if I’m stuck here.”

The one at the heart of the battles surrounding the Mushitsuki was indubitably Fuyuhotaru.

That Rank 1 Secret Class Mushitsuki, the one and only person who ‘truly’ resurrected from the Fallen status. Chami must find her and turn her into one of her pawns no matter what. And then, she would cause an internal strife to arise in the SEPB using that girl and find an opportunity to subdue Kakkou as her pawn. …The escapee who ‘isn’t human’ could also serve as a fine substitute for this plan.

“Tomorrow, I would personally shadow Ayukawa Chiharu. If nothing happens, I would completely abandon this mission. After all, nothing happened during these five years, and nothing else would happen from now onwards.”


“I no longer have any expectations of Mushibane, but let me hear about them for the last time. Were there any movements inside of Mushibane?”

The reason Chami turned Aya into her pawn was to obtain information about the ongoings of Mushibane, as Aya’s elder sister was one of the executives of Mushibane.

“Elder sister seems to be trying to distance me from Mushibane recently… Something seemed to have happen earlier, but she didn’t tell me anything about it. However, she looks slightly flurried.”

“Oh, really. It must’ve been something trifle if it occurred here in the countryside. Well, just keep a lookout for things.”

In response to Aya’s words, Chami gave a noncommittal nod.

“…Are you going leave here? Have I run out of use?”

Aya, who had been answering questions in a mechanical tone all this while, changed her expression all of a sudden. Biting her lips, she clutched onto the hem of Chami’s clothes.

A red smoke that only Chami could see rised up from Aya’s body. Slowly forming into the shape of a queen bee, it was a portion of Chami’s Mushi that was residing in Aya’s body.

“Although I would be absent from here for a while, I would be back in no time. As long as I belong to this branch, my base would be here in Nishito City.”

The emotion that was buried within Aya’s heart was that of ‘loneliness’. This type of people who suppress their emotions cannot take too much of a shock, thus, Chami told her as such to prevent her from going berserk. Chami faked a smile while feeling bothersome inside.

“So… if I do not return, that probably means that I have died. At that time, you give up on me too.”

Those were not words of concern for Aya. It was the truth, something that could happen to her anytime. That was what it meant to investigate the mystery of the Mushitsuki.

Owl—what an ironic codename that fitted Chami perfectly, with her ability that could only be used for disinformation, with never the need for her to show her face. An owl never shows itself, one can only hear it hoot. And when it swoops down on its prey, probably none would see it as well.

“This mission shall end tomorrow. …Having entrusted this mission to her all along, I don’t even feel any sentimentalism for it.”

She smiled.

Chami was determined to abandon this mission. This mission to observe Ayukawa Chiharu probably did not matter to the SEPB either. After assigning this mission to a Rank 10 member such as Chami, they then neglected it for five years. In fact, even if she did not monitor her and just continued sending reports, the upper echelon would not have realised it anyway.


The door to the room was opened violently with a loud noise.

Chami and Aya turned around in alarm.

A tall young man stood there. With long hair and an unshaven face, he stared in Chami’s direction. He was wearing a combined black suit which she had never seen before and was clutching his torso with his right hand that was stained dark red—copious amount of blood had dried up and hardened. Looking more closely, there were signs of injuries on his face covered by his hair.

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The man entered the room with his shoes while breathing heavily.

“Who are you? Did you get the wrong room?”

“Rank 10 member of the Southwest Branch, Owl, right…”

At his words, Chami’s face turned stern.

“…I am Kanata, Rank 3 Blaze Class member of the Central Headquarters. I’ll be using this place as a hideout for a while… I have already spoken with the Branch director of the Southwest Branch.”

Chami’s heart almost leapt out when she heard the words, Central Headquarters. Thoughts that her scheme had been discovered pass through her head for a moment, but she realised that that was not the case.

“I have applied first aid myself… but it was inadequate. Bring me some medical ointment and food… immediately.”

The man spoke one-sidedly and headed for the bed.


Chami clicked her tongue in secret.

A troublesome character barged in right as she was about to take some concrete actions. He looks like he was in the middle of some mission, but to indicate her ‘servitude’ to the organisation, she has no choice but to abide by his orders for the time being—.

“I was careless… who would have thought that it would possess such an ability. In addition, there was that incomprehensible cat. It acted as if it was trying to protect something…”

Her heart throbbed with a dokun.

There were deep cuts carved into the face of the man who was teetering with his hands on the wall. A long gash extended from his ear till his neck alongside multiple other wounds. All of that indicated as if he had been attacked by some animal or something.

A revelation reached Chami, passing along the thread of logic through her mind.

The man was chasing after something and came to Nishito City. He had pursued the something all the way to ‘URBAN’, coincidentally coming across a white cat and fought against it. He, who was probably a Mushitsuki, chased the cat all the way to the rooftop where it—.

“…A cat…?”

“That has nothing to do with you. Bring some medicine and food. Right now…”

Chami’s heartbeat raced even faster.

He must have possessed quite a bit of strength to be part of the Central Headquarters, not to mention he was Rank 3. If she earned his gratitude here, surely that would be of use in the future.


“What’s the matter… didn’t you hear me…?”

She tightened her grip around her hand which was already gathered into a fist.

I see… so that’s the case. You were the one who did that to her… well, it’s not like I have any particular grievance about that. After all, she was just one of my pawns out of many, and she had bad luck, that’s all.


She seemed to have heard the sound of Owlet laughing.

But, you know…

“…Don’t kid me.”

Chami’s mouth started to move by itself.

She is mine, whether be it her life or her existence—.

“It’s not even my mission, so why do I have to shelter someone like you.”

Her face twisted and she spat out hatefully.

…I’m not so nice as to listen to others obediently when my stuff has been seized from me. What belongs to me shall only be used for my sake alone!

Chami’s head had cooled to below freezing. She calmly devised up a plan to dispose of the man and make it such that nothing had happened.

However, that was an impossibility. Being Rank 3 Blaze Class, that meant that he was someone capable of commanding people in a large-scale battle. There was not even an off-chance of her winning against him.

“Just go along and die alone somewhere, you scumbag.”

Kanata glared at Chami for a second through his fringe. And then, he grabbed Chami’s shoulder powerfully and slammed her against the wall.


“My rank is higher than yours. Even if you say you don’t want to, I can make you obey my orders right now.”

Even as Chami grimaced in pain, she still returned a cold glare to Kanata.

Haa, you can beat me up if that’s what you want. But then, I would not let it end there, I’ll make sure to drag you down to hell along with me.”

“Is that so.”

Kanata slowly raised his arm.

Chami resigned to the fact that her scheme would end here. If he had obtained the permission of the Branch director, that would mean that sheltering him had become her official mission. And for Chami who rejected that, that signified that she was a rebel and that she would be detained. If she missed this opportunity of while Fuyuhotaru was on the run, the chances of a minor character like Chami breaking into the heart of the Mushitsuki would be dashed.

However, she thought that this was fine. —Chami was dreadfully enraged.


As Chami was prepared to accept the man’s beating, what she saw behind him made her widen her eyes.


“Let go of that hand!”

Aya had circled around to behind the man before they even realised. She was pointing a kitchen knife that appeared out of nowhere against the nape of his neck.

Y-you shouldn’t have been that kind of character! …Or rather, that guy’s a Rank 3 Blaze Class? How did you even circle around behind this kind of guy?

The blood running through her concussed head ran cold. Although Aya was a member of the Mushibane, Chami never thought that with her strength, she was capable of making such movements.

“What are you doing to my friend here.”


The man sneered and casually swung his arms backwards.


Aya was sent flying powerlessly against the wall. She seemed to have hit her head and collapsed limply onto the floor.

“Who is that…?”

“…She’s just a pawn. You’ve probably heard about my ability from the people on top anyway, right?”

“She had combat training?”

“How could she possibly had received that kind of thing.”

It seems that even the man was a bit shaken from having his back so easily circled around and he looked down at Aya in silence.

However, Chami was the one who was genuinely surprised.

What in the world was with her movement just now…? Could it possibly be because of the effect of my Mushi? What’s happening right now…? Aya’s unpredicted action was a surprise, but the worst case of her bringing out her Mushi had been avoided. If Aya had brought out her Mushi instead of just using the knife, she would have unquestionably been killed by Kanata.

“I’ll say it once again, cooperate with me. There won’t be a third time.”


Being glared at by Kanata, Chami regained her composure.

There were no benefits from rebelling out right now. She currently had no evidence that this man had killed one of her pawns.

The course of action that would be most advantageous to Chami would be to turn Kanata into one of her pawns. If she could get her hands on a Rank 3 Blaze Class Mushitsuki, that would surely prove to be a great addition to her fighting power. —But, in the first place, it would not be easy to exploit an opening in a combatant with this level of strength.

…Indeed, this is a chance. There is no need to get so worked up over a trivial emotion as such.

Persuading herself like this, Chami started to speak.

“I’ll cooperate. But, it pisses me off that you said it was none of my business.”


“Having come from Central Headquarters alone, you don’t know a thing about these streets, right? I’ll prepare some medicine and food for you. Ah, I’ll bring a pair of scissors and a shaver as well. Looking at that squalid state of you is pretty unbearable.”


“You get me? To put it bluntly, I’m also trying to earn some points like this. It’s not like you can freely gather information with your body like this, right? I’ll go out and take action, and then you can finish it up. You can complete your mission, and I get to have some good word with Headquarters, maybe they might even send me back to the central area if it goes well.”

“…I won’t make any deals. As I said, this is an order.”

“Can you even consider this a deal? To someone like you, is a small fry member like me trying to earn some points even an issue? In exchange, wouldn’t it be good for you to gain the merits of having a pawn to move around freely for you?”

Chami and Kanata stared off at each other as if to probe what was the other scheming.

In contrast to the amicable smile plastered on her face, Chami was scorning him inside of her heart.

Ha! In the end, you would only be thinking of something of this level, isn’t it? With her ability, it would be dangerous to show an opening… but, she’s only Rank 10, right? Even if I was careless, it’s impossible for me to get done in by a small fry like her. In that case, I might as well use what I can right now… the success of the mission is the top priority. —Isn’t it something like that!

“How about it? Isn’t the completion of the mission your top priority?”


The man shook his head.

“I’ll do it myself… It couldn’t possibly have moved far from these streets… most of its strength had already been used up… that’s why, it didn’t deal the final blow to me… It should be resting its body nearby somewhere… and also, it seems to be chasing after something… I will finish the job myself… This is a battle bestowed upon myself…”

He muttered in delirium and leaned onto the bed. Perhaps it was due to his blood loss being too great or because of his empty stomach, he looked fairly weak. On the other hand, his mental state seemed pretty keen, showing no signs of any opening.

—I see. So, he’s that kind of guy.

Although his reply was different from what she expected, she saw through his true nature and grinned.

“Fine, do as you like then. I’ll provide you with the minimum level of assistance, but I won’t do anything more. …Come on, wake up already, Aya.”

Chami kicked the unconscious Aya and she let out some groans before regaining consciousness.

“This girl will be helping you out. Don’t treat her too roughly, okay. Despite how she is, she is still my stuff. The next time you do something to her… you might find poison in your food.”


“That’s just a joke, why don’t you laugh.”

At Chami’s words telling him to laugh, Kanata knitted his eyebrows suddenly. Chami noted his reaction and said.

“What’s that, you can’t laugh? You can easily learn that from others by watching them. For example… how about a laughing cat.”


The man glared at Chami with a severe look. There was a murderous intent in his eyes, as if his nemesis was right in front of him.

So, it’s like that. Heh, as I thought. I see—.

Chami was convinced. She looked down on the man with a chilly gaze.

“You bastard…”

“Well then, all the best to you. —Let’s go, Aya. Let’s go get Mr big-shot from the Central Headquarters his desired meal. We’re going shopping.”

Shaking off Kanata’s gaze, Chami dragged Aya alongside her out of the apartment.

But, she stopped her feet the next moment and turned around.

“Hey, Kanata-san. Do you know about Ayukawa Chiharu?”

“…Ayu… kawa?”

The man creased his eyebrows in doubt. It was not an act, he did not have anything to do with Ayukawa Chiharu.

Chami made some changes to her plan.

She would first investigate into Kanata’s mission before tying up the loose ends with Chiharu’s observation mission. Also, she would take the opportunity to plant her Mushi within the man without fail.

By now, she was positive about it.

Kanata had been chasing after something and came all the way to ‘URBAN’. There, he came into conflict with Owlet. Chami has no idea as to what was Kanata pursuing, but Owlet judged that Chiharu would come into danger. And so—Owlet protected Chiharu. At the same time, that meant that she protected Chami’s mission.

“Aya… why did you try to protect me?”

She turned to Aya and asked, but she did not reply. However, she looked back at Chami with unhesitating eyes.

“…Every last one of you are just my pawns, yet you’re all becoming so impertinent.”

Despite muttering out in resignation, a smile formed on Chami’s face.

“Very well, I shall make use of you thoroughly. No matter if it is your life or your existence… I’ll make use of it all for my shitty dream!”

And with that, I’ll make even someone like me stand at the centre of the stage—.

That was precisely Chami’s dream.

The dream that she had taken a step forward with together with a cat on that day five years ago.

3.01 The Others[edit]

The condominium that Kusuriya Daisuke lived in was located in a residential area close to the town centre of Ouka City.

The entrance to the 16-storeys building was preceded by a classical gate constructed from bricks. A Beetle was parked in front of the hand-pushed double gate.

The sun had already set and the surroundings were dark.

Daisuke alighted from the front passenger seat and spoke into the car.

“Thank you for sending me back, Touko-san.”

“Not at all, now let me go park my car in the parking lot first.”

“Sure. …Huh?”

“Ah, it’s dangerous if you don’t close the door.”

“Eh? Y-yes.”

Doing as he told and closing the door, the Beetle then drove to the parking lot located at the side of the building. After parking at the visitor’s lot, Touko alighted from the driver’s seat. She then opened the bonnet and retrieved a large plastic bag from within.

Carrying the plastic bag, Touko came by the side of Daisuke who stood there motionlessly.

“Sorry for the wait. Let’s get going.”

“‘Let’s get going’, you say… but where to?”

“Ahaha, you don’t have to act dumb. Where else could it possibly be other than Daisuke-san’s apartment.”

Huh? W-why is that? I didn’t hear you say anything about that.”

Daisuke flusteredly chased after Touko who swiftly entered the entrance.

A mailbox could be seen after pushing open the door. One could tell even without looking that the mailbox for Daisuke’s unit was empty. Entering further, there was an automatic door.

“Daisuke-san, are you eating properly? Your complexion looks poor recently. That’s why, today, I am here to ascertain the physical condition of my subordinate as your superior, so I thought I would prepare a nutritious meal for you to recover your spirit. Erm, can you open the door quickly? This is unexpectedly heavy, erm, faster…”

Walking to the automatic door with teetering steps, Touko looked turned around to look at Daisuke with an imploring look. He could hear from the bumping sound that the bag was mostly filled with cans of beer.

Daisuke sighed in resignation and took the bag from Touko. He scanned the cardkey and authenticated the retinal scan at the side of the door.

The automatic door opened.

“Sounds more like you want to vent your complaints at me while drunk, Touko-san…”

“W-what are you saying! You know, even I have some self-awareness of being the acting Branch director… Eh, aah! I think I left the number for the proxy driver back at the office…!”

“Your intent to get drunk is showing plainly though… And what nutritious meal, it’s just some Italian takeaways. And you even bought beer, I thought for sure that you were going eat by yourself at home.”

“Let's not speak so distantly, just accompany me for a while, please? Kei-chan from the same year wouldn’t hang out with me anymore ever since she was transferred to the human resource department.”

Carrying the bag of beer, Daisuke entered the elevator. Touko too followed behind with a friendly smile.

They alighted on the fifth floor and continued down the aisle.

“Looks like Senri has not returned.”

He walked passed an unlit apartment and stopped in front of the door next to it.

“Eh? Senri-chan?”

“This is Haji’s apartment, Senri’s living in it. And, mine is just right next door. Akatsuki would come by every day to send Senri to and fro.”

“Eh… Eh? Haji-senpai lived here? I heard that Senri-chan was staying at Haji-senpai’s place, but I thought for sure that she was stay in a dormitory.”

Most of the staffs of the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau lived in the dormitories provided for the public administration. The housing expenses were cheap and more importantly, there was a firm security system.

This condominium that Daisuke stayed in too belonged to the nation, despite being private management on papers. There were disguised surveillance cameras installed in the entrance and elevator, and there was a squad of security guard on standby 24-hours in another location. Not to mention, the wall of the aisle was especially high to prevent people from spying on which floor and unit did anyone lived in from the outside.


“Eh? What’s the matter, Touko-san?”

“Daisuke-san, I just realised a grave fact… T-this is the first time I am entering a boy’s apartment…!”

Daisuke ignored the flabbergasted Touko and inserted the card into the reader. The entrance opened and lit up.

“So, you have never gone out with any guys before, huh, Touko-san…”

“Eh? Ah, no! Err, if you’re talking about dates, then I have gone on many, but… please keep it a secret for me, ‘kay?”

Leaving behind the smiling 23 years-old superior, Daisuke entered the living room. When he switched on the lights, the bland state of the room could be seen. A LCD television was placed on a rack made from pipes and faced the sofa and table.

Touko seemed to have some troubles removing her shoes and entered a bit later.

“It sure is a simple room. If one ask whether this is just like Daisuke-san, then it sure is just like what you would do. …Ufufu, now it’s Daisuke-san’s turn to confess whether or not there were any girls that have entered this room?”

“Too bad, Senri came here before countless times. Because she kept nagging at me to clean up, wouldn’t you say it’s pretty clean now?”

“Looks like your relationship is very good. If only you would clear up your misunderstanding with Akatsuki-san too—”

Touko’s words stopped there abruptly. Putting the bag of beer on the table and turning around, he saw Touko looking at a photograph placed on top of the rack.

It was a picture of Daisuke of when he was younger. A petite girl clamped onto his neck with one arm and flashed the ‘V’ sign. In contrast, there were two other girls on both of his sides who were looking embarrassed.

“That wasn’t a misunderstanding, that about Rina.”


“Isn’t this photo a violation of regulations?”

Daisuke turned the photo frame down and feigned ignorance. Mushitsuki belonging to the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau were prohibited from leaving behind records of their appearance beyond what was necessary.

But, Touko only chuckled. It was a different smile from her usual sociable one.

“I’ve heard from Haji-senpai. They are the aforementioned… Daisuke-san’s friends, right?”


“You don’t have photos of your family?”


“I’m sorry. Looks like I was prying too much into your personal life.”

Touko grinned serenely. Looking at her unreserved face, the sides of Daisuke’s lips rised.

Touko walked towards the rack and sat the photo frame upright again.

“The thing known as a person’s memories are very mysterious. We can remember the big events and happenings very clearly, yet those ordinary days that link them together are considerably hard to remember. For example, the boring route back home every day, or what you spoke with your friend about today et cetera…”

A smile could be seen from the side view of Touko’s face as she gazed at the photograph.

Daisuke looked on silently.

“I do not know what kind of shape does Daisuke-san’s past form, but don’t you think that it would be alright for you to recall those carefree day for just a bit? It’s exactly those carefree days which were the fun times. Those happy times which made you think you met them for the sake of that time… If you can think about it that way, I’m sure that looking back at the past would not be backwards-looking, I think.”

Daisuke returned a smile to Touko who turned back to him. She was probably worried about Daisuke, acting in this way unlike the usual her. Or, could it be that her current self was Touko’s true persona? Either way, it was impossible to surmise her true colours, in a different meaning from what Haji Keigo suggested.

“…I’m going to take a shower. Because I met Touko-san right after my practise, I didn’t even have time to wash off my sweat there.”

With those words, he headed for the shower room.

Daisuke spent the whole day today on combat practice which he had not done for a while. There was a mountain of things for him to do, but the top priority would be for him to collect information from the outside. The movements of the Central Headquarters, news about Fuyuhotaru—Shiika, and also the developments in the various powers, he must look into all these and find a way to handle each situation. The only thing Daisuke can do now would be to prepare his mind and body such that he is ready to move out whenever.

The voice of Touko, which was completely different from just now, came from the living room.

“Then, I shall take care of the preparations for the banquet. Ah, don’t worry about it, I definitely wouldn’t peek at you. Also, Daisuke-san, is any brand of beer fine with you?”

“I don’t even know where to start retorting from, but I’ll just leave it to you, Touko-san.”

Daisuke took off his clothes and entered the bathroom, showering from his head down.

Water droplets gushing from the showerhead pelted his face. It then flowed down to his feet and streamed into the drain.


Looking down on the hot water droplets dripping from his chin, he recollected the past.

The people he had met with so far, and had parted with.

Daisuke would recall all of their faces every night. However, what always appeared were their angry faces, or of them crying, which eventually faded away.

Their cries and tears reproached Daisuke endlessly. The one who had forced them to make those faces was none other than himself. And now, what moved him to action was most likely that pain.

The people who knew Daisuke—those who knew Kakkou, all called him a demon.

Looking at what he has done, that was the obvious outcome. From the view of those who had been turned into Fallen by Daisuke, surely his figure would have been one of a demon.

He would gladly be called the devil if what he had done would cause the fighting to stop. Because of the existence of the demon, the fighting between Mushitsuki should have stopped due to fear.

And then, after that demon defeats the Original Three, he would disappear when the fighting has stopped in its truest meaning.

He sometimes thought that everything he had done so far had backfired instead. How often had he thought that he should not have been born?


His fist that was touching the wall slowly tightened.

If he relaxed himself even a bit, he felt like he would just lose consciousness. This was likely due to the consecutive sleepless nights he had. Wrapped in the hot vapour of the shower, thoughts of, ‘wouldn’t it be fine if I just don’t wake up like this’, floated through his hazy mind.

Amidst his thin consciousness, Touko’s words from before came into his mind.

Those happy times which made you think you met them for the sake of that time—.

Were there that kind of moments? Daisuke tried to recall from his memories those days when he spent casually with the people he met, days without fighting nor farewells.

The memories of his family. Memories of his parents had already blurred away and the only thing he remembered was the smile of his elder sister.

—I am going to pamper you so much so until you cry at me to stop.

His sister and her friend along with Daisuke were walking along on the way back from school. His sister had said proclaimed that proudly towards her friend which made him so embarrassed that he went home ahead.

And then, it was only a few years later, after he became a Mushitsuki, that he met a girl who spoke with him as equal.

—You’re annoying! Who cares about your circumstances. I’ve already made up my mind to go to the pool tomorrow!

The girl whose selling points were a petite exterior and a huge ego said so, puffing her chest out. By her side were the usual two girls, one of which was always smiling and the other with a slightly troubled look. Daisuke couldn’t help but heave a sigh as always.

And as time went by even further, he met a girl that would be his nemesis whom he was destined to fight.

Uwaa, what a boring response! So lame!

The girl who made such an exaggerated grimace in the classroom, yet still looked beautiful. Daisuke only ignored her sarcasm, and laughed it off composedly.

—Isn’t Senri cute.

The boy who called Daisuke his comrade, said that with a faint smile while staring at Senri. Daisuke could only put up a strained smile and agree with him to avoid his outburst.



The girl holding onto Daisuke’s hand nodded shyly. However, a smile of happiness could be seen forming from her lips.


A surge of emotions welled up in Daisuke’s heart, causing him to burst out in laughter.

Indeed, there were.

There were moments where he had met people just for the sake of that time. Despite fighting against his Mushi that consumed his dreams day and night, there were indeed memories still remaining inside of Daisuke.

“Yeah, Harukiyo. It was just as you said.”

Laughing out loud, he turned off the shower. His faint consciousness became sharp again.

Memories of those days where he met and laughed with them remained in Daisuke’s heart. The warmth that he felt at those times roused his feet to step forwards, regardless of his own feelings.

“Looks like I still haven’t lived long enough. No matter what happens from now on, I’ll live on nonetheless.”

I’ll finish everything.

This has nothing to do with Mushitsuki nor the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau nor fighting.

Not with Kakkou nor Fuyuhotaru.

Until the day that Kusuriya Daisuke and Anmoto Shiika can meet again, just like the other day, as any normal boy and girl.

—Okay, it’s a promise.

Until the day he feels the warmth of that hand once again.


Tying the towel around his waist, he left the shower room. Having forgotten to take a change of clothes, he headed to his bedroom to retrieve it.

“I see. Yes, yes, I totally get you. The vice-director is just like this, always giving out order so self-importantly while never ever considering our circumstances. What a pain for us both to have such selfish superiors, right.”

He heard Touko’s hearty voice.


Wondering if she was on the phone, Daisuke headed for the living room.

“Yea, that’s right. She should have just come here herself if she wanted to hear about it, she didn’t even consider the risk I would be in coming here. How troubling.”

Looking at the scene depicted in front of him, Daisuke was at a loss for words.

Well, Touko lying on the table with an open beer in her hand wasn’t particularly a problem. However, the one who was patting her head with a figure unlike that of an adult was—.

A-awawa! What kind of appearance is that, Daisuke-san! Y-you can’t do this kind of thing! I oppose sexual harassment!”

Uwaa, Kakkou-san you pervert! What are you intending to do to me?”

Touko covered her face with her hands and faced the other side, while the other youth (he still did not know what was he was a boy or a girl) copied her actions completely. He was someone Daisuke knew.


Having a small and thin stature combined with a baby face, it was a youth whose sex was hard to determine. It was unknown if his cheeks were slightly red from having seen the half-naked Daisuke, or if it was because he had imbibed some alcohol along with Touko.

Kusezaki Ume. He was one of Harukiyo’s comrades.

“Why are you here…!”

Daisuke immediately entered a fighting stance. Conversely, Ume remain seated with a grin.

“We intruded into the Central Headquarters database and searched for your address. Now that C-san hasn’t been reinstated, my comrades can at least retrieve information of this level.”

“How did you enter here?”

“When I called on the intercom, Goroumaru-san just let me in.”

“Eh, ah, you didn’t hear the intercom? I thought for sure that it was Daisuke-san’s friends…”

“I don’t have any friends.”

“Please stop releasing that bloodlust, it’s very scary. I’m just here to talk, that’s all. Okay?”

Ume smiled affably. But, Daisuke did not let his guard down. His handgun had been left behind in the bathroom. If it came down into a fistfight, Touko would not be able to escape injuries.

“Stop messing around. Did you forget our fight at Housawa Town? I already know that you guys are cooperating with the Central Headquarters. That—”

“Now, now, Daisuke-san. There’s no harm to just having a conversation, right. After all, we want to get our hands on any kind of information available anyway. …Err, Ume-san, was it? Is oolong tea alright with you?”

Touko poured some tea into a plastic cup with a sociable smile. Ume seemed to be delighted like that of a child and replied with a, ‘Thank you’.

Daisuke glared at Touko.

“Touko-san… I heard from Haji that he had already told you about the matter about Ume before.”

“Eh? I-is that so? It was so long ago that I seem to have forgotten. Ahaha, you know how my memory is like.”

Touko glossed over the matter with a jovial smile. Daisuke did not know what was she thinking inviting over their enemy just like this and displayed a strikingly antagonistic face. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

“Finish it within five minutes. If you’re still here after that, I’ll slaughter you.”

Uwaa, so cold, that makes me a bit sad… Okay, I’ll get straight to the point. There’s something I want to ask you. It should be something that Kakkou-san knows.”

“What is it.”

“What is the dream of Horisaki Azusa-san?”

Ume coolly asked.

Daisuke and Touko’s faces stiffened.

“So, the one displayed in that disk is really her…”

“Well, who knows? But, it seems like all the other branches other than the East Central Branch should have received orders to search for her.”

“What are you going to do after you know of it?”

“…So, you do know, Kakkou-san. We just desire a bit of help from you only.”

The nature of Ume’s smile changed. His previously childish expression now appeared bewitching. The people around Harukiyo were all some kind of suspicious fellows.

Daisuke flashed a sarcastic smile back at him.

“Whether it is his connections with Central Headquarters or this thing right now, to make a deal with someone else isn’t typical of Harukiyo. Tell him to come by here himself if he has something to say.”

“To Harukiyo, this kind of thing is not even a deal. The same with the matter about Central Headquarters.”

“What are you guys scheming?”

“Who knows? It may be world domination for all I know. Ah, but if it was Harukiyo, surely he would say that that would’ve be boring.”

Daisuke glared at Ume who was playing innocent. Touko seemed to have lost the opportunity to speak and could only look back and forth between the two of them.

“Anyway, what we want to know right now is Horisaki Azusa’s dream. Why was it that only the two of them, Centipede and her, have resurrected from the Fallen status—no, what we want to know is if they have actually even been resurrected.”

“If they have actually even been resurrected…? What do you mean, Ume-san?”

“Whether the one there is a fragment or the main body… we need to confirm that no matter what. If it is the main body, surely that would also be nearby—”

“Say it in a way we understand.”

When Daisuke pursued him for an answer, Ume kept silent. The smile was gone from his face before they even realised it.

“So, you can’t answer any of our questions. …Go back, there’s nothing for us to speak about.”

“We know the current whereabouts of Fuyuhotaru.”


Daisuke’s heart pounded so heavily it felt like it was drumming his chest. At Ume’s unexpected words, Touko sprang up from her seat as well.

“If Kakkou-san gave you that information, you will tell us Shiika-san’s position?”

“Seems like she’s on the move. If you don’t hurry, she might just go somewhere else.”

“…It’s still too early for me and Shiika to meet. Wasn’t that what Harukiyo said.”

“That’s because she’s in quite an interesting place right now. Perhaps, he wanted to see Kakkou-san’s surprised look?”


Daisuke stared at Ume who started smiling again in suspicion. Even as he stared into his eyes, he couldn’t see his inner thoughts at all.

Just what are they scheming…?

Seeing Daisuke being on his guard, Ume heaved a big sigh. Slumping his shoulders, he looked up at Daisuke.

“Hey, Kakkou-san. Actually, I have another motive when I come here.”


“Did Kakkou-san never thought about this? No matter the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau or Mushibane… or whether one is a Mushitsuki or an ordinary person, all these labels are meaningless. We are all separated into allies and enemies because of these labels. If we didn’t have those things… don’t you think we could have been friends? Even Lady-san too could have been our friend.”

Daisuke’s face twisted.

“Surely, Kakkou-san had thought so all this time. That the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau was the true demon all along.”

“What are you trying to say…!”

Ume raised a hand towards Daisuke who raised his voice. The cherubic smile on his face truly resembled that of a pure angel.

“Hey, Kakkou-san. Won’t you come with us?”

Daisuke widened his eyes.

—Why… why did you have to be Kakkou.

He recalled the face of Tachibana Rina who had died as Ladybird. If they had not met as enemies, then he wouldn’t have had to fight against the girl who had the same dream as him—.

Silence descended in the room.


The voice that broke the silence came from beside Daisuke and Ume who were staring at each other.

“I won’t allow that! Never ever! If Daisuke-san isn’t here anymore, the rest of us would…! I would absolutely not allow that! I will not permit it, Daisuke-san!”

Looking at Touko protesting with tears in her eyes, Ume gave a funny laugh.

“Don’t pay any heed to what Touko-san is saying, Kakkou-san. After all, they just want to make use of you in the end. …You would be able to meet Fuyuhotaru-san much earlier if you came along with us.”

“What, hey… d-don’t put things in such a misleading way! We are just allies with the same goal…!”


Daisuke wordlessly looked down.

It might be just as what Ume have said. If it wasn’t for the position he had in the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau, he might have been able to rush to Shiika’s side right this moment.


“Five minutes is up. Hurry up and get out, Ume.”


“Speaking about Shiika, I would definitely meet her someday, no matter where we stand. Where we meet doesn’t matter, and I have no intentions of helping you guys out either.”

Ume’s face contorted slightly.

He had exchanged a promise with Shiika on Christmas. As long as he doesn’t forget that, they would definitely meet again.

That’s why, Daisuke had things that he needed to do before then.

“I will continue to fight my battles right here. Continue fighting and fighting until I am stronger than anyone else. So much so that even if the Central Headquarters and Mushibane and you guys and everyone else came together, you would still not be able to oppose me. Whether it is you or whoever, I will use my strength to shut you up.”

He glared at Ume and laughed intrepidly. Ume’s face turned pale as if he was cowering under Daisuke’s gaze.

“Try somewhere else if you’re trying to increase your pawns, I already have a reservation here. After all, my like-minded partner is going to wake up very soon.”


Touko looked up at Daisuke.

The man who involved Daisuke in this fight amongst the Mushitsuki, Haji Keigo, is definitely going to wake up very soon. The two of them had started this fight together, and when the fighting ends, he would undoubtedly be by his side too.


Ume could only be seen biting his lips for a second. He immediately reverted to a bright smile and stood up.

“Fuyuhotaru-san is currently at Nishito City.”


“You’re trying so hard to hold yourself back even though you’re actually very interested. —Well, I’ll get going now before I’m killed. Excuse me for the intrusion.”

With that, Ume quickly got up to leave.

Daisuke clicked his tongue.

“…That one seeks somebody who would make use of her.”

Not looking in Ume’s direction, Daisuke spoke out as if to himself. Ume stopped his feet.

“Because her pride is higher than anyone else’s… no, that’s all the more so why she could not stand that she herself did not possess any immense dream. That’s why she thought of lending a hand to somebody with a grand objective… that is her dream.”

“In other words, she seeks a ‘king’… I see, Centipede is the same too.”

Ume too did not face Daisuke as he said grinning.

“Thank you, Kakkou-san. With this, I am confident. …It is unquestionably in the Central Headquarters. And in the near future, that too surely—”


“Bye bye, Kakkou-san. It would be great if we can meet again while we are still alive.”

Leaving behind an angel-like smile, Ume left.

Watching the youth leave, Touko muttered.

“Just what is Harukiyo thinking… also, what could that refer to…?”

“Who knows?”

Replying to her curtly, Daisuke left the living room.

“…I’m glad that you decided to stay behind, Daisuke-san.”

He heard a worriless voice from behind.

—Fuyuhotaru-san is currently at Nishito City.

Daisuke turned around.


3.02 Chiharu Part 4[edit]

Chiharu’s window-side seat was bathed in the warm sunlight.

The spring cleaning of the school compound had just ended, and everyone had returned to their classrooms for short homeroom.

Letting the words of the form teacher drift pass her ears, Chiharu gazed out of the window.

The black floor of the courtyard laid bare after all the fallen leaves were cleared during the cleaning. Sunlight reflected off the surface of the small pond and glittered, and the occasional glimpse of koi carps could be seen swimming underneath. A broom probably forgotten by someone was left leaning against the wall of the passageway.

Apart from the teacher’s words forming the BGM, the school was wrapped in a serene silence. There were a few minutes before the chime ring, after which chaos would inevitably descend from the rush of students going home. Someone probably told a joke in the class next door as the sound of people bursting into laughter could be heard.

One may feel sleepy from the tedium in addition to this weather, but that was not so for Chiharu. Usually in these circumstances, she would hum at a volume only she could hear to herself and converse with the ‘somebody’ in her mind.

It is as peaceful as always around here. Really, it feels as if things like war and natural disasters only happen inside of television screens.

It’s like they don’t have a sense of reality at all?

Is somebody out there fighting even now?

Is someone dying somewhere out there?

Hey, how about at your side?

Are your surroundings as peaceful as it is here? Or are there people fighting there? Could it possibly be that… you yourself is in the middle of a battle?

“Are you listening, Ayukawa?”

Being pointed out by the teacher, Chiharu returned to attention.

She came to sense of her own reality, to that of an undisturbed classroom.

Pretending to face the front and listen to the teacher’s words, she stealthily stole a glance at the courtyard.

Spring break is coming very soon over here. …Plans? I don’t have anything like that in particular. At most, I would be hanging out around the streets with my friends. Or perhaps, should I actually go on a trip by myself somewhere? Where do you think would be a good place to go?

The chime signalling the end of school rang.

“Chiharu~. We’re going to the karaoke now, you coming too?”

Turning around to the voice calling her, Chiharu found her friends gathered around. The boy who confessed to her a few days ago was in the group as well.

“Ah, sorry. I have something to attend to today.”

“Really? Aren’t you done with the student council’s work? Is it something important?”

“Hmm, is it important? Yep, it’s important.”

When Chiharu nodded, the male student averted his gaze.

…It’s not like that, it’s not like I’m bothered by that. There’s just something I want to do, really, that’s all.

She apologised to the boy in her mind and said sorry to her friend who invited her.

“Sorry about that. Well, that’s it. Bye bye, see you tomorrow. Take care of yourselves.”

She swiftly left the classroom and started to headed home.

She went down the stairs and retrieved her shoes from the shoe rack. Leaving the school compound, she headed in the direction of her home.

Having ended school before noon today, the sun was directly above her head. Bathed in the early spring sunlight, she walked along with light footsteps while humming.

When she reached her house, she found that the door to the entrance was locked. Her mother must have gone out.


In the apartment facing her house, the windows of that particular unit were opened. She thought that that was unusual, or rather this was the first time she saw it open. Did somebody move in?

She shut her curtains and changed. She chose a blouse and jeans along with the casquette as headwear for today. Making sure to put her wallet into her back pocket, she left the house.

She felt like walking today. Leaving her bicycle as it is, she set out for the streets.

Humming as she walked, she soon reached the boulevard.

She entered the coffee shop right next to the station, bought a milk tea and a sandwich and sat on the counter by the window side. Setting her hat on the table, she then commenced on her meal.

“…Now, then.”

After she was done filling her stomach, she put on her hat. She left the shop and came to the front of the station.

She observed the gantry for a while before walking away.

Her next destination was ‘URBAN’. It seemed that construction was still on hold for now, and there were no signs of people around anywhere.

Passing through the fence, she headed for the Urban Dome. She entered the entrance of the dome, ascended the stopped escalator and proceeded to the lounge on the second floor.

The paradise was in good health today too.

The midday sun rays filtered down the domed ceiling onto the foliage.

“Hi there, how are you doing?”

Chiharu spoke out in a soft voice with a smile.

The long-haired girl was lying on her side sleeping. White legs extended from the hem of her thin cloth-like garment. Her face was still as pale as a doll, but it looked much more vitalised compared to a few days ago.

“Where did you go yesterday? I was chasing after you, you know?”

Chiharu once again laid down on the floor and poked the girl’s cheeks with her index finger. The girl looked slightly bothered and creased her eyebrows.

“Well, whatever. The next time you wake up, I’ll talk to you properly. If it is the case that… you know about my matters, there’s plenty of things I want to hear from you.”

She stood up with a smile.

“Today shall be just a greeting since I have something on. I’ll come by again, my darling.”

Sending her a flying kiss, Chiharu turned on her heels.

Suddenly, a gatan sound came from the entrance.


She thought that there was somebody, but did not see the figure of anyone when she descended the escalator. Chiharu tilted her head in wonder and left the dome.

Leaving the premises of ‘URBAN’, Chiharu returned to the station.

She walked down the roundabout by the station entrance and stopped before the gantry. She joined the youths sitting on the guardrail and hummed to herself.

Chiharu was waiting.

She continued to wait while gazing at the people walking by.

She did not feel bored, however.

That was because she had someone to talk to.

Someone whom she had known since long ago despite not knowing their name nor face.

…It is very warm here at my side. And it should be getting even warmer too. It was like this last year, and also the one before that.

Chiharu conversed in her mind.

And surely, it would not change next year. Nor the year after and many after. And I would probably be leading this kind of peaceful life from now onwards too, forever and ever.

—And without remembering anything too.

She seemed to hear somebody muttering from afar.

3.03 Chami Part 3[edit]

Hiding in the shadow of the monument by the entrance of Urban Dome, Chami shuddered.

“H-Horisaki Azusa…”

Taking a look at the lounge on the second floor behind Chiharu, Chami muttered out hoarsely. She had sprinted down the escalator in panic upon seeing her and collided into the monument. It was lucky that she had not been discovered by Chiharu.

She had planned to abandon her mission of observing Ayukawa Chiharu after today.

Having shadowed Chiharu all the way since school, they arrived here. She obviously did not have the leeway to return to base and change, and was thus in her school uniform.

For five years, Owlet, Chami’s pawn, had undertook this mission. The cat had dutifully carried out this mission for five years and had observed nothing out of the ordinary till now. Thinking that there would not be any changes from now on, Chami carried out the observation mission with her own eyes for the first time and thought to abandon the mission after that.

She had also thought that the fact that Owlet died was purely due to bad luck.

Chami had thought that that was the result of Owlet coincidentally coming to clash with the visitor from Central Headquarters, Kanata, whose nature she did not know, while he was engaged in his own mission. —Even if one brushes it off as having bad luck, she certainly did not plan on letting him off just like that. While Kanata was fulfilling his mission, she was planning on turning him into one of her pawns, or to enact some punishment on him.

Chami was also thinking of finally taking action once she was done with all the matters in Nishito City.

Her target was Fuyuhotaru, as well as the resurrectee who had escaped from Central Headquarters. If she was able to get her hands on either one of them, then she would be able to get into the ‘heart’ of the Central Headquarters.

However, before she could do any of those, Chami witnessed something momentous.


When she looked up, she saw a lone girl standing still.


She instinctively released a scream.

The girl was looking down on Chami with a shadowy gaze. Her cloth-like garment was fluttering, and her inhuman dark pupils was looking in her direction from within her long hair.

Chami seemed to hear the sound of a bell resounding heavily. —The sound appeared familiar to Chami, who harboured a Mushi of the Special type.


When she lifted her head to take another look, there was nothing left at the position.

A-an illusion…? No, that’s not it. That was the one who did Kanata in…! But, why was Ayukawa Chiharu…? Could it be that it sensed my hostility?

Dashing out of the entrance, she tripped and fell over.

She hit her shoulders strongly against the wall of Urban Tower, her face distorting and she groaned. Kneeling on one knee, she angrily slammed her fist against the wall.

“Damn it…! So that’s it…! Shit, damn it!”

Anger rised up from within her.

All the dots had connected in her mind.

“Owlet! Did you know that things would come to this? That’s right, there’s no way I could possibly let this chance slip by! God damn it! For my sake, you… you tried to defeat Kanata? That’s why you left that kind of set up behind? For my sake!”

Good grief, I can’t think of this as anything other than an impossible coincidence.

The one whom Ayukawa Chiharu came into contact with in the dome was none other than Horisaki Azusa. She was unmistakably the one on the search order disseminated by the Central Headquarters.

That bearded man, Kanata, probably chased Horisaki Azusa all the way here to ‘URBAN’. He was going to dispatch Horisaki Azusa over there—and most likely Chiharu as well who was there for whatever reasons. And Owlet decided to stand in Kanata’s way so as to prevent that from happening.

In that case, just who was Horisaki Azusa?

Chami was convinced about her true identity. Those eyes that were looking at her just then. In addition to Konoha’s report that it was ‘not human’, and the fact that she possessed the strength to drive Kanata to retreat—.

She was the other resurrectee apart from Centipede that was recorded in the disk about the experiments conducted by Central Headquarters—the target whom Chami was planning to search for once she was done with her business here in Nishito City.

“I know it already, I’m just going to do it! Since I’ll have to face it someday anyway! If I die here, that would just mean the end of this shitty life!”

Kanata would definitely come for Horisaki Azusa’s life once his body have recovered. Even if she wasn’t killed, she would be reduced to a Fallen. That was what happened to the other resurrectee, Centipede, who was done in by another Rank 3 Blaze Class member, Kasuou.

However, she can’t let that happen.

If Chami could get her hands on Azusa first, she would be able to obtain valuable information. That includes what the Central Headquarters was doing, and also what were they trying to achieve from those experiments. That information would indubitably prove to be of great use to Chami in her investigation of the mysteries of the Mushitsuki. With this chance dangling right in her face, there was no way that she could possibly let it slip by without doing anything.

“That’s right… this is a chance. Not to mention, this is a huge chance. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the chance I was waiting for throughout these five years. Nobody would even look in my direction all these time, but now…”

It was impossible for Chami to get close to Horisaki Azusa by herself. Even the Rank 3 pure combatant, Kanata, had been sent withdrawing by her hands. And even if she wanted to obtain Azusa, Kanata remains a hindrance to her. She must get rid of him, yet find another way to approach her.


Chami quickly calmed her mind and got up, leaving ‘URBAN’.

While walking to the station, Chami ran through simulations of all the strategies she would take for every possible situation in her mind.

…No matter how strong the opponent is, I can win as long as I can plant my Mushi into them. That is the only thing that is indisputable. That was all I developed during these five years without anyone’s knowledge. With just this ability, I’ll show them all how I can get to the ‘heart’ of the Mushitsuki before anyone else.

In contrast to the look of composure on her face, the simmering emotions in her heart was coming into a boil.

“Owlet. Did you thought so too and designed this set up in advance? What an audacious fellow, don’t just overestimate me anyhow like that.”

She headed for the station.

She spotted the figure of Ayukawa Chiharu sitting on the guardrail near the gantry.

“Or could it be that… you’ve developed feelings for this peace-complacent idiotic girl who never knew hardship? Maybe, both are true? Well, that doesn’t matter. After all, your life is already tied to my this shitty life. Don’t think that you have escaped my clutches just because you’ve died. The lives of my pawns belong to me. I’ll bring you along with the ride even if you don’t want to.”

Chami headed directly to Chiharu’s side.

Chiharu was watching the human traffic and humming from her mouth. What an oblivious peace-loving girl.

But, the thing that irritated Chami the most was Chiharu’s side-profile. Unlike the rest of the people sitting on the guardrail, her surrounding alone seems to be illuminated, or that time seemed to flow slowly around her… almost as if to say she was the protagonist of a show.

Chami felt as though she could only settle as a side role, her insignificant existence incapable of being in the leading role. In contrast, there seemed to be an aura around Chiharu that designated her as the main character of the story.

Chami struck a daunting pose in front of Chiharu with an intimidating look.

Chami no longer needed to hide herself. Chiharu had no part to play at all in this path which she was going to proceed on from now onwards. What would start now was not the story about youth starring Chiharu either. It was nought but a foul, blood-soaked third-rate movie.


Chiharu looked up at Chami puzzledly.

Chami did not speak.

Amidst the crowd, the two of them stared into each other momentarily.

The one who moved first was Chiharu. With a grin, she raised both of her hands towards Chami and formed a rectangle with her fingers. —That too was a picturesque action. Looking at it, Chami felt intensely mortified.

Mushi Uta 4 p213.jpg

Pipii, verification complete. Attendance number 28 of Class A of the First Year, Konomura Chami! Ah, corrections. It is Konomura Chami in a seemingly bad mood!”

Chiharu articulated smoothly with a clear voice.

Chami creased her eyebrows. She had never once come into contact with Chiharu beyond what was necessary.

“Why do you know my name, Ayukawa-senpai?”

“Don’t you know my name too.”

“Anybody would have known the name of someone like the vice-chairman of the student council. So, how about let me know the reason why you know my name?”

“In the student council, you are frequently mentioned… as a problem child? For example, students who bully others or take drugs or played truant, their profiles are passed around to the student council.”

“Which one of them am I. I don’t remember bullying anyone in particular.”

“It’s the reverse, the opposite. We are keeping a watch out for you as you seem to have caught the eye of some scary seniors.”

A faint smile formed on Chami’s face. She did recall something like that. They were probably the friends of the second-year student who had called out the noncompliant Chami to the back of the school building (of course, before he even spoke a word, his emotions had already been amplified to the point where he lost consciousness by her Mushi).

“By the way, one of them was brought to the hospital for a panic attack, do you have any ideas what could have caused it? Hmm?”

“Well, I have no clues at all. He probably realised the futility of having such a shitty life like his own and despaired.”

“…Do you always speak with a tone like that? That’s such a waste of your cute looks.”

“I don’t really mind that. Not like I have any interest in males anyway.”

“H-huh? Are you trying to pick me up by any chance?”

“I don’t lean that side either. Even if that was the case, I wouldn’t be interested in someone like you.”

“What a pity.”

Chiharu looked relieved. But then, she brought her face close to Chami with a smile. Her nicely-shaped lips came close to Chami intimately.

“I have a liking for girls like Chami-chan.”

“Huh? Huuh?

Watching Chami distance herself in surprise, Chiharu burst into laughter.

Ahahaa. Just kidding.”

Unlike Chiharu who was holding onto her stomach and laughing, Chami knew that her face was blushing with anger and discomfiture. Her heart pounded heavily with a dokidoki annoyingly.

What the heck is she…! Is she an idiot? No, she is an idiot! There’s no doubts about it!

If this had been a movie or a play, the casting would have been heavily unbalanced. In contrast to Chiharu’s flamboyant and exaggerated actions, Chami only stood there with a sullen look.

“Don’t just stand there while we talk, why don’t you take a seat. Do you need me for any matters?”

Chiharu patted at the space next to her with a smile.

Chami expressed some hesitation but ultimately sat down as she was told. Since this was the last time they would meet, she thought that there would be no harm in talking to her anyway.

“Nothing much. I was just amazed to see you sitting here with a blithe look on your face.”

She thought of using polite speech with Chiharu just as a normal junior would so as to avoid making a strong impression in her, but felt that that consideration was stupid and just spoke with her usual tone.

That did not seem to have harmed Chiharu’s mood at all. On the contrary, it seemed to stir interest in her and she scrutinised Chami’s face. Chami looked away from her and faced the human traffic.

“Do I look that carefree? Well, not like I have anything to hide, I am often told that by others.”

“Not like you’re trying to hide that either. It’s written all over your face. You look all peaceful and happy—did you ever thought that there might have been a battle right next to you, and you did not even feel any of it. For all you know, someone could have died in that battle and you would just keep on living without a care.”

“Yes, it’s just as you said. I had thought of this previously too, but it feels like I’m living too happily. I was always wondering if perhaps somebody had been protecting me all this time.”

“…Even if that was the case, that has nothing to do with you. They were probably just satisfied protecting you. They are surely laughing with a bright smile.”

“Is that so? Hearing you say it like that… for some reason, I feel a bit saved.”

The smiling face of Chiharu looked a bit clouded.

…Saved? Why would she think that?

Seeing Chami who knotted her eyebrows in bewilderment, Chiharu smiled cheerfully.

“Thank you. Chami-chan is so kind.”

“Huh? Huuh?

Her heart pounded deeply again. No one had ever said that she was kind before, and she herself did not think that she was kind either. —An itchy sensation welled up in her heart, similar to in the past when Owlet snuggled her head against her.

“So, so kind! So terribly kind! Far too kind! So much so that I want to hug you right now!”

“S-stop that! Hey… let go of me!”

Chiharu probably found Chami’s flustered reaction amusing, as she hugged her arm tightly. Chami desperately tried to shake her off. Countless passers-by turned to look at the two struggling girls.

Finally having escaped from Chiharu’s evil clutches, Chami caught her breath and calmed down. It seems that her pace would be messed up when she was with this girl. It would be best for Chami to end her business with Chiharu as quickly as possible and leave this place.

Haah, Haah… More importantly, what are you doing at this place?”

“Me? I’m just waiting for someone here. Yesterday, there was a girl who lent me some money here, you see.”

Chiharu replied casually.

Chami recalled what Aya said yesterday. As she was observing Chiharu yesterday, she mentioned about how there was a girl who lent Chiharu some money to purchase a ticket in front of the station.

“Hmm. So, when is she coming?”

“I don’t know.”

“…Huh, what kind of response is that. You didn’t make a promise to meet here?”

“Nope. But, I did say that I would return her the money.”

Chami’s jaw dropped.

“W-wait a minute. So, you’re here for that? You’re waiting for her here not knowing if she would even come? Even though she might’ve been some traveller who just passed by here randomly? What if she never comes by this street ever again?”

“Well, yeah, something like that.”

Chiharu scratch her head with a bitter smile.

Chami was beyond amazed and felt weary. She felt like an idiot for trying to have a decent talk (at least that was her intention) with her.

Haah… that’s idiotic. No, you are an idiot. At this point of time, it doesn’t even matter anymore whether you are the senseless one or if it is me. Surely something went weird somewhere. Yep, that’s the problem, let’s just keep it that way.”

“It feels like I would be able to meet her again if I continued to wait here for some reason. I don’t have a basis for that, but it’s something like an intuition? It’s like things have become clear to me recently.”

“Did anything else happen recently?”

Chami sharpened her focus and pored over Chiharu’s expression. That way, she would be able to discover if she was lying.

The person in question, Chiharu, seemed to be in high spirits.

“Yes, I found a slightly weird child. …That child always seems to be sleeping, so she should not have been conscious about me. But, for some reason, I seem to think that that child seems to know something about me. Though, I don’t have any basis for that either.”

As she spoke, a smile formed on her face.


That was… not a lie. Chami had determined so. Judging from her past behaviour thus far, she has established that the girl known as Chiharu based her actions on ‘instinct’.

Ayukawa Chiharu had completely no link to this matter just as she had expected.

It was just a coincidence, indeed, just by god’s whim, that this girl drew close to the battlefield. However, this kind of world did not suit her. As long as she does not notice what was going on, she would be able to continue on the kind of peaceful live which she had led these past five years.

“It would’ve been better if you do not meet her anymore.”


Chami looked away from Chiharu towards the crowd.

Looks like she may have been influenced by the aura of peace given off by Chiharu. Being by her side made Chami feel like she was just an ordinary female highschooler. Like as if she had been leading a normal, everyday lifestyle so far, not that of being a member of some secretive organisation.

“I don’t know what you had in mind when trying to approach someone like that, but you had better stop. Since you do not know what kind of person they are, there’s a possibility that they would cause harm to you.”


“There can’t possibly be somebody who’s protecting you in secret, that’s the fact about it. Even if there was hypothetically, if you had noticed them, or if you were to get yourself injured needlessly, wouldn’t that be stepping all over their will. Maybe even their reason for existence.”

Chami said while staring at the congestion of people indifferently.

There’s no need for an ordinary girl like Ayukawa Chiharu to notice it.

The fighting should just be left to those who can’t do anything else. —To people like Chami.

“There’s no need for you to notice anything. You should just live your peaceful life like always. It is your duty to do so.”

It would be troubling to Chami if she did not lead an eventless life. Because today would be last time that Chami undertook her mission of observing Chiharu before she abandoned it. If Chiharu stuck her head needlessly into some trouble, the SEPB would notice that Chami was not doing her mission.

“Duty, huh.”

Chiharu who had only listened silently till then, muttered.

“Hearing you speak like that, I wonder if it is alright for me to seek happiness as well.”

“Of course, you should try your best to seize happiness. Without thinking of things like suffering or fighting, just keep leading your life.”

Lead a fulfilling life, without pain nor blood. —If one doesn’t aim for that, wouldn’t there be no point living. If everyone deceived, fought and rushed towards their death as Chami did, then life would be far too worthless.

If people like Chiharu exist, there would be something for people to aspire for. That someday, even people like themselves—can live in that manner. Perhaps, even a cat would think this way.


Chami sighed and glared at Chiharu.

“Just when is that person you are waiting for going to come? Quite some time has passed already.”

“There’s no way we would meet so easily. Chami-chan sure has a short patience.”

Chiharu had a relaxed look. She seemed unknown to that of boredom, as she started to hum out of nowhere in good mood.

“There’s no one in the world who has more patience than me. What’s that girl’s name? No matter how much of a weirdo with strange thought processes you are, surely even you would have asked for that, right?”

“That’s some harsh words you are spouting… Of course, I have asked for it. She’s called Anmoto Shiika-chan.”

Chami’s thought processes halted completely.

Her heart may have even stopped beating for a second. Just that one sentence by Chiharu dealt such a heavy blow to Chami.

“What… did you just say?”

“Eh? That’s some harsh words—”

“After that.”

“Anmoto Shiika-chan. …That’s all I said.”

A twitching smile came onto Chami’s face. She was so surprised that she could not do anything but laugh.

—Anmoto Shiika.

The higher-ups of SEPB would also probably have had their minds blank out had they heard that name. Although not released officially, she had heard of it from Konoha already. Anmoto Shiika was her real name, but the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau referred to her via a different codename.

Rank 1 Secret Class Mushitsuki, Fuyuhotaru.

The one and only resurrectee (discounting those from ‘the experiment’ as failures) who reverted from the Fallen status.

The one who had come into contact with two other Rank 1 Mushitsuki, Kakkou and Ladybird, and had almost brought the Special Environmental Preservation Bureau to a collapse four years ago, the strongest Mushitsuki. In addition, she was also the trigger for a large-scale battle that almost led to the destruction of one of the cities, Hashiba City, a few months ago.

She was truly the one at the ‘heart’ of Mushitsuki. Whether be it in the past or the future, she was the key to which battles involving Mushitsuki revolved around.

“…? What’s the matter, Chami-chan? You know that child?”

“H-how could I possibly know her.”

She struggled to put on a look of obliviousness, while her mind was still on the brink of panic.

T-to think that this… She must have been referring to a complete stranger with the same name and surname. How could the ‘heart’ which I am searching for possibly appear in such a rural area. That’s right, this is too abnormal whatever the circumstances…! To have Horisaki Azusa, and now even Fuyuhotaru appear in the same place at the same time is a miracle no matter how I look at it—.

—And also, it seems to be chasing after something…

Kanata’s monologue came into her mind.

Perhaps, it’s not a miracle…?


Chami bit her nails with a stern face.

Maybe there’s some kind of reason linking Horisaki Azusa and Fuyuhotaru? Could one of them be chasing the other perchance? Looking at this situation, it is likely that Kanata is chasing after Horisaki Azusa. If they had come together in a set… then, they came to this city by chance…?

“Chami-chan? Are you feeling unwell… Ah!”

Chiharu was trying to take a look at Chami’s face when she suddenly raised her voice at what she saw opposite the roundabout.

Chami raised her head and look over there. A lone youth was walking towards them.

That guy… looks pretty strong.

Chami watched him with appraising eyes.

He was a youth around the same age as Chami with a headband tied around his head. His gait and gaze showed no signs of any openings, suggesting a disposition to fighting. He did not look like he underwent training, instead he seemed to possess an innate strength. He was like a raw ore, one that if polished by a boxing coach, would probably go on to be a world champion.

…However, he is still half-hearted.

But, that was considering how he was currently. One could probably defeat him if he was a little careless, but he looked like he would get strong once he has accumulated some experience. As Chami took a sidelong glance at him with those thoughts, Chiharu jump down from the guardrail.

“Hey! You there! I’m here!”

Ignoring the gaze from the surroundings, Chiharu waved her hands fervently.

The youth sent a fleeting glimpse at Chiharu’s direction and approached them. However, he would occasionally turn around to look at other directions.

It looks like he is on the guard against something… No, looking for something?

Chami narrowed her eyebrows.

“Hey, you. You are the one that Shiika-chan was with, right? Right?”


In contrast to Chiharu who spoke high-spiritedly, the youth only replied mechanistically. The youth turned his gaze to Chami.

“Hello there. Are you the friend of the girl, Anmoto Shiika?”

Chami enquired unreservedly. As she did so, the youth’s expression changed.

Not good, that was not good at all. That kind of behaviour makes it seems as if Anmoto Shiika is an important character.

Chami panicked in her mind while keeping a grin.

“No, I’m just an attendant. She was talking about you.”

Saying so, he looked at Chiharu.

“She said she saw you here from the hotel and requested for me to come. Your words to ‘return’ bothered her deeply, but she had been rebuked severely for going out yesterday. She probably won’t be going out for a while.”

“Eh? She was rebuked by her parents?”

“Well, something like that.”

“I see, though I would’ve wanted to meet her again.”

“By hotel, you mean the Imperial Hotel over there? You must have been at the highest floor to have been able to look over here that well.”

When Chami cut in, the youth kept quiet. But, he immediately nodded with a, ‘…Yea’. It was hard to tell whether he was being on guard or not with that half-baked attitude of his.

Chiharu took out her wallet and retrieved a note from within.

“Then, can I entrust you to pass this to her for me? She really helped me out yesterday. Can you pass my thanks to her for me?”

“Yea. I can do something of that degree.”

“Yes, I feel much more at ease now! I’m glad I waited. …See? Although it wasn’t the person herself, we got to meet again properly.”

“I guess you’re right.”

Facing Chiharu who spoke with a refreshed smile, Chami too replied with a smile.

…Even at the very end, you’ve proved useful to me. Very much so too.

“Here we go. That ended earlier than I thought. I wonder if I should join up with them at the karaoke now, I feel kind of bad turning them down just now. —What’re you going to do, Chami-chan?”

“I’m going to run some errands.”

“I see. Well then, I shall see the two of you again.”

Chiharu said to Chami and the youth with a smile, waving her hand.

Hmph… see you again, not, Ayukawa Chiharu. It’s bye bye to you here.

The grinning Chami and the expressionless boy were left behind, neither of them replying to her.

The figure of Chiharu as she disappeared within the crowd gave off a sense of peace as she had expected. Right now, it could be said that Chami had completely left the world which Chiharu resided in, heading towards a completely different stage from her.


The youth turned his back towards Chami and was about to leave without a word.

“Hey, you.”

Chami called him to a stop sprightly.


“Hmm… Just as I expected. Ah, but maybe I’m wrong? No, he does look like it. What was that called again.”


“Oh, it’s nothing much, it’s just that you seem to resemble something. Err, what was it called again?”

“Oh really. Good for you if you remember it.”

With an unconcerned attitude, the youth started to walk away. However, Chami stuck by his side.

“Well, well, just wait for a moment. If this nagging feeling sticks with me, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. Just let me ask a few questions.”


“I say, did you ever had anything that you wanted to do up till now? Because you just seem to be so uninterested in everything. Have you ever had somebody you like? What about someone you hate? Have you ever been so angry that you wanted to shout out loud? Did something happened before that made you want to cry? Have you ever been hurt? Or have you hurt others? Have you experienced something heartrending before? What about something that made you feel pathetic? Do you have things you regret? What do you wish for in the future?”

“…What are you trying to say?”

“Ah, I finally remember what you resemble.”

At Chami’s barrage of questions, the initially expressionless youth showed some signs of wavering in his eyes. She did not let that opportunity escape.

“You look just like a Fallen.”


The youth widened his eyes. Chami grinned.

…That sure shook you up, huh?

A red smoke hung over the youth’s back like that of a death god. The red smoke which only Chami could see morphed into the shape of a queen bee, and thrusted its sharp needle into the youth’s medulla oblongata. The queen bee once again reverted into a red smoke and was sucked into the youth and disappeared.

This guy… He was just as I had expected! He is strong but lacking in combat experience! His self-control does not reach the level of that of Kakkou or Kanata. Nonetheless, this level of turmoil is inadequate. In just a few days, my Mushi would dissipate by itself. But, this few days is more than enough!

“Oh… even if I said Fallen, you probably wouldn’t know what it is. That was just something that I happen to know. Sorry for taking up your time. Now then, farewell.”

Gloating on the inside, Chami quickly turned away from the youth.


The youth stood there in confusion for a second before heading back to the hotel with a light head.

Chami left the streets with fast steps.

As she walked, all kinds of plan came into her mind.

She certainly never thought that the ‘key’ which she had desperately been looking for would so conveniently fall onto her laps in such a remote city. It was like somebody had decided to reward her for concealing her true intentions and treading lightly this whole five years. Unfounded thoughts like these ran through her mind.

Her unfaltering footsteps brought her to the front of Ayukawa Chiharu’s home. She climbed up the stairs to the apartment which the SEPB provided her with as a hideout and opened the door without even knocking.


Sugitsu Aya, who was sitting in a corner of the room, turned to look in her direction. She was probably taking care of the visitor according to Chami’s instruction.

Ignoring Aya, Chami went further inside the unit.

“Heh, you look much neater now. So, you’re actually pretty young, at most a few years older than me?”

The half-naked man—no, more like youth, had bandage wrapped around his waist and was sitting on the bed eating cereal. He had probably cut his hair himself seeing as it was much shorter than the dishevelled mop he had yesterday. It seems like he had also used the razor as his stubble was gone as well.

Kanata raised his head to catch a glance of Chami.

“That has nothing to do with you.”

“Yes, yes, it’s just as you said. But, you’ve sure caused quite a bit of trouble for me. —To think that you were actually chasing after something like that. Don’t tell me you are trying to turn this city into ruins.”

The youth’s expression changed. He gazed at Chami with hostility and killing intent.

This was a gamble.

If her choice was wrong, Chami may be killed by the youth for possessing knowledge about his top-secret mission for all she knows. Which was he chasing—speaking of chance, she had some confidence in her guess, and anyway, there were only two possible conclusions with equal probabilities. It was either whether she lives or dies.

“You bastard… what do you know? If you plan on getting in my way—”

“Get in your way? That’s absurd, I wouldn’t dare dream of doing something like that. If I had known, I wouldn’t possibly have suggested to help you out even if I was sleep talking. Who would have known that the one you were chasing to be—Fuyuhotaru of all people.”


Kanata was rendered speechless.

…It’s my win, hell yeah!

Chami concentrated her attention, manifesting an imperceptible red smoke. A queen bee with wings that looked like workmanship of glass and compound eyes like jewels appeared behind the shaken Kanata. Its diamond-sharp needle pierced into the youth’s neck, and the red smoke entered his body.

Once Chami confirmed the sensation of her Mushi, a fearless smile formed on her face.

Kukuu…! It’s perfect! My Mushi is planted firmly in your heart! From now onwards, you have no choice but to slowly turn crazy!

Without holding back at all, she exerted her full power. She had already abandoned any thoughts of using him as a pawn. She could not imagine what kind of effect would her ability which amplified the emotions would have on him.

“Hmm? Was I wrong? It wasn’t Fuyuhotaru? Having received information that she was hiding in Imperial Hotel, I thought for sure that was the case.”

Of course, she had purposely mentioned the wrong target so as to cause him to waver. Kanata was no longer taking in the words of Chami who was acting innocent.

“F-Fuyuhotaru is in these streets…? I see, the ‘king’ that she mentioned was… so, she was pursuing after Fuyuhotaru…”

He muttered to himself incoherently in a mumbled voice. To the current him, Chami, Aya, and the bowl containing the cereal rolling on the floor were probably no longer reflected in his eyes.

Now, don’t you need to get going already? You should already know where to go, right? Indeed, your goal lies right there. But, it might run away again if you strike from the front… In that case, what should you do? Hmm? You know what you should do, right? That’s right, you need a ‘bait’! Isn’t that such a simple answer that even kids would be able to think of?

With this, the youth in front of Chami has been written into her scenario as well, entangling him into this mess which engulfed numerous people. In it, they would all fight amongst themselves—and the one who would have the last laugh would be Chami of course.

I’m going to seize everything by my own hand! I am going to get to the ‘heart’ of the Mushitsuki before anyone else, this me who nobody even knows about and nobody even turns a second look to!

In the crammed room, only the mumbling voice of Kanata repeated over and over again.

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