Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume4 Chapter3 5

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What do you think? Part 5.[edit]

Shimako-san announced her candidacy after school, the day of the deadline. Apparently she turned in her registration 15 minutes before it closed.

She was so punctual that she never once forgot her homework, and always submitted her reports with plenty of time to spare, so her persevering until the very end was proof that she agonized over the decision for a long, long time.

She expressed a clear fighting will when she first heard about Rosa Canina, but she changed her mind, or perhaps more accurately dragged out making the decision until the very end, and finally fortified her resolve to run. Some criticized her for her indecisiveness (of course, the second-year wisteria-class students), but this was a result of her personal agonizing for ten days, so in a way it didn't matter whether she signed up on the first day or the last day.

"You're not running?"

During lunch on the last day, Yumi invited Shimako-san to the Rose Mansion for lunch. There were too many outsiders in the classroom, and because of the seasonal weather, eating outside wasn't an attractive option. Fortunately, no one seemed like they were on the second floor of the Rose Mansion. Yoshino-san's class after lunch was physical education, so she was probably eating lunch in her classroom. And without Yoshino-san, the probability of Rei-sama coming dropped. For the Yamayurikai staff, there were days where they gathered at the Rose Mansion for lunch and plenty of days where no one came. Of course, before school festivals, for instance, when there was a compulsory meeting, everyone would gather.

So even today, there was the chance of someone coming in later. But they could deal with that then. Yumi was prepared to persuade Shimako-san, today, for the first and last time, as her classmate.

She could drop out any time, but at least she could sign up to buy herself more time, was the only direction Yumi could think of taking the conversation. But, Shimako-san had probably delayed her decision even to this day because she didn't want to make such a careless decision, so it would be difficult to sway her.

"It's quiet."

Placing the earlier question aside, Shimako-san narrowed her eyes at the winter sunlight coming in through the window.

"… Actually, I'm perplexed."

After a minute, Shimako-san finally answered.

"May I ask why?"

"I haven't been able to sort things out, myself."


Even so, she urged. Shimako-san placed her empty lunchbox on the big handkerchief she was using as a luncheon mat, wrapped it, and then began speaking.

"I don't know about Yumi-san, but I didn't become Rosa Gigantea's sister because I wanted to become a student president."

"Me too!"

Yumi was about to stand up and lean into Shimako-san, who was sitting across from her.

"Me too. I just like Sachiko-sama-"

"… Yes. Yes. Even if onee-sama wasn't called a Rose, you would accept her rosary. And that is the proper sisterly relationship."

"Shimako-san, you like Rosa Gigantea, too, don't you?"

"Yes. And that's why I assisted the Yamayurikai, to be of some help to her. And that's why, once onee-sama graduates, I'll feel no obligation toward the Yamayurikai. I did feel like I would follow in onee-sama's footsteps, but that was because I assumed, as usual, no one else would try to step in."


When Yumi cried, Shimako-san chuckled and said, "I'm sorry."

"To me, an "attachment" is just a burden. I simply wish that I can keep myself as carefree as possible, so that I could go anywhere whenever I want."

"Then, you dislike school?"

"I don't dislike it. … But it's not a question of dislike or like."


"Really. And because this is my personality, my father sends me to school, worried about me, and onee-sama probably pulled me into the Yamayurikai for that reason. I don't mind being alone, so I naturally gravitate toward isolation. That's why people that know me well always try to force me into groups."

Finally, although it was just a tiny bit, Yumi began to understand Rosa Gigantea and Shimako-san's relationship. Rosa Gigantea understood Shimako-san "well." And because Rosa Gigantea understood her well, Shimako-san accepted her rosary. Because in her sixteen years of life, not many understood her like that.

"Then, wouldn't it be better if you remained in the Yamayurikai?"

"If that is onee-sama's intent. That's what I felt, at first. As I walked in and out of the Rose Mansion, as I assisted the Yamayurikai, as I was called Rosa Gigantea en bouton by people I didn't know well. Before I knew it, my bonds to people had grown. And sometimes I think fondly of that sensation. And I became Yumi-san and Yoshino-san's friend."

"I'm also glad I became Shimako-san's friend. That's why I want to be together more. Please, why isn't that enough?"

"I never said it wasn't, did I? But, there are other things I think about."


"I'm not the type of person who can lead students."

"What are you talking about?"

She laughed. Shimako-san was so reliable, everyone adored her, she was kind, and was good at studying, so when someone who could be the perfect anecdote for a leadership book says something like "I'm not the type to lead students," that meant no one could try to become a Rose. As proof, Shimako-san was scouted by the Yamayurikai twice. –Rosa Gigantea and Sachiko-sama.

But Shimako-san wasn't laughing.

"That's not all."

She looked serious.

"What else?"

"Lillian, without me."


"If I had not entered Lillian Girls' Academy."

"What do you mean?"

Shimako-san entered Lillian through a middle-school exam, Yumi remembered.

But still.

People like Yumi, who'd been tossed into Lillian since Kindergarten, from when they first became conscious of the people around them, those people wondering about "if" they hadn't come to Lillian made sense. But at twelve, you're certainly conscious of the world, so your own will is acting in some way, however small.

"I mean, if."


"Yes. Then Rosa Gigantea wouldn't have chosen me as her sister, correct? Even if it may have taken time, she may have chosen a second-year student, as tradition holds."

"And that would be Shizuka-sama? So Shizuka-sama is fitting to be the next Rosa Gigantea?"

That's wrong, Yumi thought. It was true Rosa Gigantea may have taken quite some time to find a little sister, after her heartbreaking separation with a dear friend. But it wasn't a question of time for choosing a student a year younger than her. It was because there was no student "capable of becoming her little sister."

"Indeed. She may have never found a sister."

Shimako-san nodded, and continued.

"Then let's imagine a scenario where she never had a sister. Then what happens?"

"What happens?"

"In the end, it becomes an election. Just like it is now."

But that didn't mean she had to give up her seat without fighting.

"But in reality, Shimako-san is here."

"That's why it's an 'if.'"

But what did she want to say, talking about an "if" scenario? It was like she was hinting that the "if" could turn out to be true.

"Shimako-san, you're not leaving, are you?"

Shimako-san curled her lips up a bit, to that question.

"I do not desire such a thing, but-"

But she never finished her sentence. Shimako-san stopped.

"Is someone there?"


Yumi also listened carefully.

Creak, creak, creak, she could hear the stairs creaking.

"But who?"

She was still inexperienced at figuring out whose footsteps they belonged to, but she could somewhat generalize. It was in the group of Sachiko-sama, Rosa Chinensis and Rosa Foetida. Or maybe like a hurried Yoshino-san or Rei-sama. That was about it.

Her tempo, and the way she placed her weight into her footsteps was very conscientious, or prudent. It only creaked about a third as much as Rei-sama's footsteps. Only Shimako-san walked like this, but she sat in front of Yumi.

When she finished climbing the stairs, she knocked on the biscuit-shaped door.

It was an effective staccato. A pretty sound, like a xylophone.

But strange.

The usual members would simply open the door without knocking. It felt like she was waiting for them to respond.

"I wonder who it is?"

Yumi, sitting relatively closer to the door, answered, "Coming," stood up and placed her hand on the knob. Really, she was still thinking lightly about it, assuming it was someone from the Yamayurikai who was carrying something heavy and couldn't spare a hand for the door, or something. She didn't think hard enough to realize such a person wouldn't really be able to knock, either.

Click clat.

The door opened with a familiar, click clat sound.


She opened a jack-in-the-box. Someone unexpected stood there.

"Gokigenyou, Yumi-san."

Rosa Canina, or Kanina Shizuka-sama, stood up straight and presented a polished smile.

(What's going to happen-!?)

Yumi forced a smile as she screamed inside.

Shimako-san is in the room!

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