Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume33 Chapter6 1

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Soloist's Ad lib. Part 1.[edit]

"The formal reply."

The vice-principal announced.

"The graduating students' representative, third year pine class, Ogasawara Sachiko."

When her name was called, Sachiko responded with, 'Here,' and stood up from her chair.

The sound of people inhaling could be heard from the PTA and guest seating areas. So, how many people will be giving the formal reply? That's probably what the intake of breath meant.

Since the farewell address had been given by three people, they probably assumed that the formal reply would also be given by three people. But after Sachiko's name had been called and it became apparent that no other name would be, there was an audible sound of exhaling.

Sorry to disappoint you, but there's only one person giving the formal reply.

The graduating student's representative reads the formal reply. That was why she was now making her way towards the stage. That alone was enough for Sachiko.

The farewell address had been very good. The accident in the middle had been a bit of a surprise, but it gave everyone an opportunity to see the true face of the student council. It was a miracle hit brought about by an unexpected set of circumstances, although it was a tad unfortunate for Yoshino-chan.

There was a world of difference when compared to last year's farewell address. Naturally, last year had cast a shadow over this year. Breaking down in tears and completely relying on your friends was out of the question.

Sachiko took to the stage.

The Sachiko that read the farewell address last year, and the Sachiko that was to read the formal reply this year. Although Sachiko was still the same entity, she felt as though they were two completely different people.

For now, Sachiko swept her gaze from left to right across the student's seating area. Rei would be with the graduating students, Noriko-chan and Touko-chan with the first years, and Shimako and Yoshino-chan, as well as Yumi, amongst the second years.


Sachiko didn't allow her gaze to linger on her petit soeur, instead adjusting the angle of the microphone.

Sachiko had most definitely received the message that had been sent to her.

Yumi didn't say it in words, but her posture clearly communicated that she was watching out for Sachiko.

So it'll be alright. She wasn't about to crumble.

(Well then.)

Sachiko unfolded the paper that had been used in place of an envelope and quietly removed the object encased within. The single sheet of paper that was her script had been folded into many layers.


The insect that had disappeared when the three girls had stepped down from the stage after finishing the farewell address had reappeared to read the formal reply.

Lifting her head slightly, Sachiko watched the flying figure.

(It was a bee after all.)

She had expected as much based on Yoshino-chan's shriek. And she was right. But it really wasn't very big. Just a honey bee.

It was said that honey bees can only use their stingers once, and then they die. So it was unlikely to attack her unless she threatened it. But, still. Even though it was only flying around the general area, it was still annoying.

(What to do about that?)

The bee circled around, about one and a half meters above Sachiko's head.

(The only thing I can do is to deliver the formal reply as is.)

There had been no guidance about how to deal with such a situation if it were to arise. It was probably something that the teachers had never even considered. They could halt the graduation ceremony until the bee was chased out of the gymnasium, but there was no telling how long that would take.

(For one thing, how would you even chase the bee out?)

As she calmly pondered these things, Sachiko finished unfolding her script.

Just then.

The bee glided down in front of Sachiko's eyes, and landed on the script for the formal reply, as though it had been aiming straight for it.


Sachiko's hand moved of its own accord before she had a chance to think about it. Her actions drew everyone's attention.

The script had a crease about a third of the way down from where it had been folded. The bee had come to a halt in a space between two words, as though it was just another letter. Like watching a video being rewound, Sachiko smoothly refolded the paper until it was in its original shape.

That was all.

Alas, the bee was imprisoned within the paper.

"Even the bees have come to celebrate our graduation. However, it was getting a bit carried away, so I thought we should give it some time to rest."

Sachiko adjusted the microphone while she was speaking then, just to be sure, put the speech back in its paper envelope.

"I'll set it free outside afterward."

After placing the envelope back on the table, Sachiko looked ahead once more.

"To everyone who is celebrating our commencement of a new journey..."

The formal reply had begun.

* * *

"I want to give the formal reply."

That was how Sachiko began the conversation.

A day in January.

From memory, it was just before the student council elections.


Yamamura-sensei leaned her face forward and acted as though Sachiko had said something ambiguous. She didn't come out and say, 'Pardon?' but it was written all over her face.

"Like I said, I want to give the formal reply. When I asked the vice-principal, I was told to speak to you, Yamamura-sensei."

Sachiko omitted the irrelevant detail that she had been directed from her homeroom teacher to the seniors' head teacher and then to the vice-principal.

"Let me just make sure I'm hearing you correctly."

Yamamura-sensei lowered her voice.

"You're talking about the formal reply during the graduation ceremony."


There were other things she could have meant. [1] Hot spring bath or housekeeper. Since they were measures of time, you wouldn't normally say 'I want to give some time ago,' or 'I want to give the winter solstice,' and as Yamamura-sensei wasn't about to pass away it would be rude to say 'I want to give your funeral address.'

"I see. I didn't think the Ogasawara-san who had been accepted into Lillian's Girls University would be interested in learning how to brew Japanese rice wine from scratch."

"Are you a rice wine brewer?"

"I've just started recently. Although that's irrelevant to our discussion."

Yamamura-sensei looked grumpy as she continued.

"Why volunteer? Every year, the formal reply … and the farewell address, come to think of it, are jobs that no-one ever volunteers for – so much so that I mistook you for someone wanting to learn about brewing rice wine. So, traditionally, the teachers have to decide who they want to give the address and then ask them sweetly, 'Won't you please do this?'"

That was true, last year she had been summonsed to the educational guidance room and asked if she would like to give the farewell address. Although not by Yamamura-sensei.

"… So does that mean you've already decided who will give the speech this year too?"

"Usually we may have, but unfortunately we haven't narrowed it down just yet. The third year homeroom teachers have their heads full with career advice at the moment."

"Is that so? No, I thought that might be the case. This was only a declaration of intent, but I thought it better to put it out there."

If they had already decided, then it would have been too late. That was why Sachiko had come here during the middle of January, when it was still too early to be talking about the graduation ceremony.

"Then I acknowledge that you have expressed your desire to deliver the formal reply. But it's not something that I can decide right now. So for today, you should go home. I'll have to consult with the other teachers."

So for today – . Sachiko nodded. She hadn't expected it to be decided on the spot.

Since they usually don't get any volunteers, then surely they would give it to the person who volunteered this year. Thinking about this, Sachiko pictured scissors-paper-rock being used to decide which of the candidates would be selected, but then corrected herself. The farewell address and formal reply were solemn tasks given to representatives of the student body.

"Thank-you for your time."

Sachiko bowed her head and was making her way towards the door when Yamamura-sensei called to her.

"Why do you want to do it?"

"I won't stay beaten."

"Beaten... Are you talking about last year's farewell address?"

"Is there anything else?"

There were plenty of people who had praised and congratulated her on last year's farewell address, but to Sachiko it was nothing more than a disgrace.

The only one who deserved praise was Rei.

There was no way she could redo last year's farewell address, but she didn't want that unsightly impression to remain as she left this place.

The formal reply was her last chance to avenge that defeat.

  1. Again, words that sound the same as 'formal reply' have been italicized.