Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume29 Chapter5 4

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Santa's Refreshments. Part 4.[edit]


All the exhibition space, including the auditorium entrance, the lobby and the path leading there, had been divided into areas for each of the groups participating, and all group representatives had been notified.

The program of events had also been decided, taking into account the genres, running time and sets used in the performances, and the representatives of groups taking part had likewise been notified.

Even so, some groups had come forth because they found a flaw in the arrangements or were otherwise dissatisfied with them, so you couldn't yet call it a success. These groups had been given a one day extension, until Wednesday, during which their objections would be heard and, potentially, acted upon. It was the sort of job that required a lot of nerve and sensitivity.

"I was told that the photography club and the flower arranging club wanted to trade places."

Shimako-san said. It sounded like the two club presidents had come to the Rose Mansion straight after school had finished.

"If they both agree to it, it should be fine. Did they give a reason why?"

Yumi asked, putting her bag down. She was a bit late because three girls had called out to her on the way here, and she'd had four conversations.

"Apparently there's an air-conditioning vent here."

Shimako-san said, tapping on a specific part of their rough sketch of the auditorium. Yumi and Yoshino-san gathered around to have a look.

"They didn't think it would make that much of a difference to their display, but since they have an arrangement of live flowers, they'd prefer to avoid that location. The photography club was fine with it because it gave them a little bit more space."

Interesting. They had discussed proximity to fresh water when deciding where to put the flower club, but hadn't even considered the air-conditioning vents. Quickly, they changed the group names in their draft pamphlet.

"The judo club asked what they were supposed to do about tatami mats for the stage."

It looked like Yoshino-san had picked up some extra work on her way over here as well.

"I wonder what they did last year. Did they bring them from the martial arts building?"

"I think they might have used ones from the cellar storehouse due to carrying problems"

Shimako-san muttered, looking through the notes from last year. After all, if they took the mats from the martial arts building to the auditorium, then the judo club wouldn't be able to practice. So by not using the tatami mats from the martial arts building, they could get them earlier.

"The tatami mats from the cellar warehouse, huh? Then they'll have to get permission to take them. Umm, I'm sure there's a form for that somewhere around here."

"Ahh, didn't the Koto music club get permission to use those."

Yumi raised her finger, remembering.

"I see. In that case, let's suggest that the two groups work together. There's only one stage, so there's no need for both groups to prepare it. And with more people involved, there's less for each person to carry."

After listening to the three second-years speak, Touko raised her hand.

"I'll go and tell them."

"Right now?"

Then Noriko-chan spoke, before Touko had a chance to answer the question.

"I'll go with her. Then on the way back, we can call the flower shop to confirm the order. Oh, and we can stop by the art club while we've got the chance, to see if their paint has arrived."

The pair made a break for the door without waiting for a response, so Yumi had to hastily call them to a stop.


Their juniors were attentive to all kinds of small details, and completely trustworthy. Still, the way they were trying their hardest at everything reminded Yumi of how she had been last year.

"I know you're worried about the signboard, but I think we can trust the arts club with that."

Yoshino-san nodded in agreement, before adding:

"As for the tatami mats, I'm attending a meeting with the sports clubs tomorrow, so I'll ask the judo club's president then. And Shimako-san's in the same class as the Koto music club's president, so she can ask her. Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course."

The goal was to utilize everyone intelligently. If there's someone appropriate for the task, then it's better to ask them directly. The key phrase was, "Don't overdo it."

"So you see, all we'd like you two to do is call the florist."


They seemed a tad dissatisfied, but they were smart so they quickly accepted what was happening and left. While watching through the window as the two first-years departed, Yumi mumbled:

"Last year my onee-sama said things like, 'You girls are such a great help.' I share her sentiments but I don't want a repeat of last year."


Shimako-san agreed, while Yoshino-san had a grim look on her face.

"I'm sorry. Your two petit soeurs are forced to do the work of my petit soeur."

Arima Nana-chan, Yoshino-san's favorite amongst the younger girls, was in her third year of middle school. No matter how much Yoshino-san wanted to make Nana-chan her petit soeur, it wouldn't happen until April.

"Oh yeah, is Nana-chan coming to the farewell party?"

"She won't be coming. I didn't ask her."

"Oh, why not? You invited her to the Christmas party."

Under attack from her two close friends, Yoshino-san scratched her head, annoyed.

"Back then, I figured it would be okay because Tsutako-san was invited to the party. And so was Touko-chan, even though she wasn't your petit soeur then, and Kanako-chan."

But the Roses farewell party was just for soeurs. And since Nana-chan was not yet her soeur, Yoshino-san had decided that it would be inappropriate for her to participate.

"Plus, the farewell party's all about the third-years."

Yoshino-san seemed to have mixed feelings about that.