Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume24 Chapter3 2

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The Opening Ceremony's Spoiled Child. Part 2[edit]

After the opening ceremony they returned to their class for homeroom, which had just finished.

"Yumi-san, are you going to the Rose Mansion?"

"Yes. Gokigenyou."

Yumi cheerfully responded to her classmate, picked up her bag, and left the classroom.

"Happy new year, Rosa Chinensis en bouton."

"Make this year another good one, Yumi-sama."

The words people spoke to her as she walked through the corridor were a bit different to normal, but that was typical for the day of the third-term opening ceremony.

It was the first school day of the calendar year, so throughout the school grounds there were groups of students hanging around, chatting about what they got up to over the winter break, and so on.

Amidst all that.


A voice called to her from behind. Shimako-san had noticed Yumi walking down the corridor and trotted over to her.

"Ah, Gokigenyou Shimako-san."


This wasn't their first time meeting this year, so they greeted each other normally. They'd said, "Happy new year," on the second of January, at the new year's party at the Ogasawara estate.

"Oh, you're by yourself, Yumi-san?"

Shimako-san looked puzzled, noticing Yoshino-san wasn't with her, even though they were both in the same class.

"Yeah. There's a kendo club meeting. She said it wouldn't take long, so I should go to the Rose Mansion without her."

"A kendo club meeting?"

"Yeah. It's not an official club practice, so they won't be using their shinai. From what I'm told, they're just meeting in the martial arts building to say, "Happy new year.""

"I see."

They chatted about their absent friend as they walked, saying things like, "It must be tough for Yoshino-san to balance everything," and, "But Rei-sama managed it, so it's just something she'll have to do."

"That reminds me."

Shimako-san said.


Yumi asked, as a chuckle escaped from Shimako-san while she reminisced.

"A year ago, I think it was after the opening ceremony. It was right around here that I heard some gossip from the second-years."

"A year ago, after the opening ceremony … ?"

Hearing this, Yumi felt like she remembered something. On that day, Shimako-san had been delayed by some committee work, so she'd been late to arrive at the Rose Mansion and, unusually for her, she'd run up the flight of stairs, opened the door and then said something before even greeting them.

(Has anyone heard of – )

"Rosa Canina!"


At that time, the people in the Rose Mansion had no idea whatsoever, but when Rei-sama showed up a bit later they learned that "Rosa Canina" was a person and then it didn't take long to tie her to the second-year student that nominated herself in the student council elections.

"Although a year ago I was so anxious, I couldn't imagine I'd be able to look back on it and laugh like this."

Shimako-san said, smiling. It seemed like she'd warped back to a year ago, just for a little while.

Yumi's memories came flooding back too. About how she got depressed because she wanted to help with her onee-sama's election campaign but wasn't able to do anything.

"Who would have thought that we'd become friends with Rosa Canina, Kanina Shizuka-sama."

"That's for sure."

Shizuka-sama had gone to Italy, but she came to see them when Yumi's grade went over there for their school trip. It turned out Shimako-san had become pen-friends with her at some point.

"I wonder what I'll do this year."

Shimako-san mumbled.

"For the student council election?"

Yumi asked and Shimako-san nodded in response.

"What are you talking about? It's your second time so it should be easier for you, right?"

Shimako-san was in the same grade as Yumi but had taken part in last year's election. Shimako-san's onee-sama, the previous Rosa Gigantea, was two years older than her, so after her graduation Shimako-san was expected to step up and continue her legacy. With the result being that Shimako-san was elected comfortably and, as such, was presently called Rosa Gigantea.

"Oh, I don't think it's going to be easy."

Shimako-san laughed. She was being modest, but the laugh itself showed how relaxed she was. Veterans were strong.

"But, you'll run, right? In the election."

"I plan to, but – "

"But? That sort of feels like a halfhearted response."

The way she'd said it, it felt like there should have been more to that sentence. Yumi put herself on guard.

"Let's see."

Shimako-san said.

"Hypothetically speaking, if there was a student who desperately wanted to be on the student council, I'd have to think about it."


"I've already experienced it once."

The elections were held every year, but traditionally the boutons became the next Roses, so maybe this was posing a problem to Shimako-san. So if some student nominated themselves, like Shizuka-sama had last year, she was resolved to hand over her seat. That sort of thing.

Come to think of it, it had been like this last year as well. She'd delayed lodging her candidacy application until right before the deadline. It was a single careless remark from Shizuka-sama that firmed her resolve.

"I plan on accepting you as my petit soeur."

That had lit a fire in Shimako-san. She'd fought to protect her and her onee-sama's pride.

Shimako-san was not attached to the position of Rosa Gigantea. Not before, not now – that much had remained consistent.

"Wha, no way. I want to be a Rose with you, Shimako-san. I don't want you to leave the Rose Mansion."

"Oh, I'll have to stop going to the Rose Mansion if I'm not a Rose?"

Shimako-san asked, as though she'd only just realized this.

"That's right. Are you okay with that?"

Yumi answered, taking Shimako-san by the hand.

"Maybe you're right. I want to be with you and the others, Yumi-san. That's why it was a hypothetical. I'm sure I said that. Don't worry. If someone else runs in the election, I'm sure it'll be as turbulent as last year."

Indeed. If there was someone planning that, news about it would probably start trickling in sooner or later.

There was no way to put a lock on people's mouths. Indeed, prefacing it with, "This is a secret, but," would only make the rumors spread faster, as long as it wasn't just badmouthing someone or related to some tragedy.

"I'd hate it if you weren't there."

Yumi said, entwining their fingers.

"Alright, alright. I understand."

While they playfully flirted as they walked, Touko-chan appeared from the other direction.

Touko-chan was by herself.

She might have been on her way home, as she was wearing her school coat, and when she noticed them she stopped just for a moment before continuing on and eventually arriving in front of them.

"Gokigenyou, Rosa Gigantea."

Touko-chan started by greeting Shimako-san.


Shimako-san replied, smiling as tenderly as ever. Yumi's heart pounded as she watched them.

What would Touko-chan do next? Would she greet Yumi as she had Shimako-san, or would she ignore her and leave?

Either way, Yumi had no faith in her own ability to respond appropriately. In truth, she wanted to run away. But since she'd done nothing wrong, it would be odd for her to flee. Reflecting on this, Yumi somehow managed to resist the temptation.

Wouldn't it have been better if, a few minutes earlier, Touko-chan had noticed them coming up the corridor and changed course? But she couldn't turn back time, nor could she freely change other people's actions.

"Gokigenyou, Rosa Chinensis en bouton."

Touko-chan didn't run away either. Her big eyes looked straight at Yumi and she smiled cutely.

Was this a brave front she was putting up? Or was that incident truly of no importance to Touko-chan, and she'd forgotten it already?

Yumi didn't know. There was no answer she could derive from Touko-chan's expression.

"Gokigenyou, Touko-chan."

Yumi just barely managed to get that out. But if that was all she could say, it didn't seem commensurate with the effort it took.

"We're heading to the Rose Mansion so we'll see you later."

She was saved by Shimako-san saying this and walking off. Using Shimako-san's entwined fingers as a support she was somehow able to make it through, but if she'd stayed there a minute longer she might have had to crouch down into a ball. That's how much her legs were shaking.

Yumi had been beaten by Touko-chan. She hadn't done anything wrong, but her position was entirely weak.

"I've thought this before, but."

When they arrived at the Rose Mansion, Shimako-san gently slipped her hand from Yumi's and faced her.

"It feels like Touko-chan is hiding her emotions more and more."

"Uh … "

"It would be good if she could open her heart a little more."

Shimako-san's words penetrated deeply.

The short span of open air between the school building and the Rose Mansion provided a preview of the cold days to come.