Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume14 Chapter5 5

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The Hanadera War. Part 5[edit]

"What have you lot – "

When Kashiwagi-san entered the (half) classroom and grasped the situation, he glared demonically at his juniors. Hmm, so the usually smiling, self-assured Kashiwagi-san could get angry like this too. It was quite moving, in a way. However.

"You assholes."

Kashiwagi-san balled his left hand into a fist and he grabbed at one of the boys, so Yumi quickly jumped in between them.

"Calm down, Kashiwagi-san. I'm fine."

"… Yumi-chan."

After resorting to violence, Kashiwagi-san seemed to return to his senses when he saw Yumi, and then in the blink of an eye he was kneeling on the ground.

"I'm sorry. For the rude behavior of my ill-mannered juniors. Really, truly, I don't know how to make this up to you – "

Kneeling down, he brought both hands to the ground. He was, unmistakeably, prostrating himself.

MM v14 215.jpg

"This is all because of my negligence with regards to supervision. Take all your anger and rage out on me."

"Kashiwagi-san … "

The proud prince of Hanadera lay prostrate and looked up, begging for forgiveness. His juniors had probably never seen him like this before and, after their initial shock, they quickly followed suit.

"Stop that. I didn't call you hear to listen to your apology or to yell at you, Kashiwagi-san."

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Yumi took Kashiwagi-san by the hand and helped him to his feet. In the period drama Mito Koumon, the villain would usually laugh loudly when someone lay prostrate before them, but that didn't really seem like it would make her feel better.

"More importantly, I need your cooperation. As much as possible, I'd like to keep this from going public."

"Huh, but."

Having been brought in this late in the game, Kashiwagi-san was surprised that it was the victim, Yumi, proposing this.

"Kashiwagi-san, you told me that you'd always listen if I ever asked something of you."

"Yumi-chan, I meant that I'd be overjoyed if I could provide assistance to you. I didn't say that so you could protect these idiotic boys."

"Quit your complaining. Do what I say and get undressed."


"Don't argue!"

Yumi caught Kashiwagi-san before he could flee, grabbed hold of the zipper and yanked it down with all her might.

"A-alright. I'll take it off. If I take it off, will you let go of me? I don't mind stripping down, but I don't like being stripped."

As he slowly took his arms out of the sleeves, Kashiwagi-san muttered, "Maybe that's it." Somehow, he seemed to understand what Yumi intended to do. But the others didn't seem to get it, as they kept kneeling and averting their gaze after Kashiwagi-san had stripped down to this T-shirt and shorts.

"Making Yumi-chan go this far – "

Kashiwagi-san looked conflicted as he held out what he had been wearing.

"I should just borrow one thing at a time."

Yumi joked as she took off her geta sandals and put on her other plunder. Perhaps relieved by these words, Kashiwagi-san's usual smile finally returned to his face.

"I see. Thank-you. But, I'm not going to let you bear all the responsibility for this, Yumi-chan."

Kashiwagi-san turned to his four juniors and in a serious voice informed them:

"You lot, line up over there and grit your teeth."

It looked to be quite painful indeed for a man to "take responsibility."

* * *

It was five minutes later that Yuuki stepped into the mystery novel society's display area, following the clue from the eyewitness report.

"Yo, Yukichi."

The classroom was absolutely deserted, but on the other side of the partition screen the four members of the mystery novel society and one former member sat facing each other around a couple of desks, playing cards.

"Kashiwagi-sem … why are you … "

Obviously, Yuuki was asking why he was there. But there were plenty of other pointed questions he could ask Kashiwagi-sempai, like why was he playing cards, or why was he dressed more or less in his underwear.

"I know, just handing out candy isn't enough to bring in the visitors. As you can tell by our current open but empty state. Why don't you have a seat and play some poker too?"

"Now's not the time."

He declined the offer and slowly scanned the classroom. There was no sign of Yumi.

"What's up?"

Kashiwagi-sempai asked. Since he'd graduated, he wouldn't officially be a member of the mystery novel appreciation society, but he stilled acted like he was in charge.

In contrast, the four official members kept playing cards, with their heads down, as though they'd been told, "No talking." Their behavior was far too stiff.

"I'm looking for Yumi."

Yuuki said.

"Yumi-chan? She's not here."

Again, it was Kashiwagi-sempai that answered.


"Take a look around if you don't believe me."


Since he'd been given permission, Yuuki immediately started a search of the classroom. Beneath the tables, out on the verandah, in the broom closet. He also checked each of the lockers, but naturally they were all locked and none of them opened. On second thought, she wouldn't be able to fit in such a small place anyway … No, maybe she'd just barely fit.

"Yukichi. Found Yumi-chan?"

While Yuuki was turning the classroom upside down, the five of them continued playing cards.

(Five people, including Kashiwagi-sempai.)

All four proper members of the mystery novel society were present. Assuming an accomplice of theirs had taken Yumi away, he couldn't think of anywhere else they would have taken her.

(A box with someone in it would be pretty heavy to carry. So they must have carried her to somewhere close by.)

Since the student festival was so packed with people, they wouldn't have left something as dangerous as that lying around without someone watching it. But the four of them were here.

(So that means.)

Even though he had come here based on an eyewitness report, he may have been mistaken about their participation in this. Just as Yuuki started to think this, he noticed what Kashiwagi-sempai was using in place of a chair.


The distinctive brown cardboard box.

Kashiwagi-sempai moved aside and Yuuki was able to confirm that there were still traces of cellophane tape from when they'd removed the warning notice he'd stuck to it.

Yuuki opened the box. But Yumi wasn't in there. Just an old pair of geta sandals.


Kashiwagi-sempai said, continuing to play cards while standing.

"I think the mystery novel society is deserving of whatever punishment you give them, so I'm not going to defend them … but, in deference to Yumi-chan, forgive them, just this time. These idiots are reflecting on their actions too."


Yuuki latched on to that name.

"You said Yumi!?"

"Yeah. She really is a good girl."

So she really was here then. At the very least, there was no doubt that Kashiwagi-sempai had been in contact with Yumi at some point that day.

Yuuki had another look at the four "idiots." They continued playing cards as though nothing had happened, but there was a red mark on each of their right cheeks, as though they'd been struck with an open hand. Based on that, he could figure out more or less what had happened.

Kashiwagi-sempai snapped his fingers and the four stood up as one and bowed deeply, saying, "We're very sorry."

Having admitted their crime, Yuuki instinctively balled his right hand into a fist and was about to draw back and strike when he remembered the words, "In deference to Yumi-chan," and managed to keep himself in check.

"At any rate, she was just like you'd expect from the student council president's older sister. She really was a wonderful person."

Said the president of the mystery novel society.


Yuuki asked. What on earth had Yumi done to these guys?

"She was kind, but tough when she had to be. And that's not all."

(Yumi was?)

"She said I should cool down and let me borrow her precious hand towel."

(Hang on. That was Sachiko-san's.)

"And she has a cute face."

(Hey, watch what you're saying. Yumi and I have the same face.)

"At any rate, we've all been enchanted by her."

The four of them clapped their hands together, as though they were praying to the cross.

"If you lot say one more word I'll redden your left cheeks too."

Unable to listen to them compliment his sister any longer, Yuuki finally drew his fist back, ready to strike. Then Kashiwagi-sempai defused the situation by saying, "Now, now."

"Enchanted by your sister? Isn't that wonderful, Yukichi? If you're going to get that jealous, I'll have to call you a sis-con."

A sis-con? Yuuki shook off the hand that Kashiwagi-sempai had placed over his fist and looked away.

"So where is Yumi now then?"

"Oh? You should have passed each other at some point."

Kashiwagi-sempai smiled knowingly as he laid his cards down on the table.

"Passed each other? No, we didn't."

"Ah, so you didn't notice her then. Such a shame."

"What do you mean?"

What on earth was he saying? There was no way Yuuki wouldn't have noticed the person he was desperately searching for, if they'd passed each other.

"Just before you arrived, Yumi walked out of this classroom on her own two feet."


Yuuki dashed out of the room upon hearing Kashiwagi-sempai's words. However.

"Hey, Yukichi."

He was held back by that quiet voice.

"I'm sure you're busy, but you should try reading the complimentary copy some time."

Yuuki immediately came to a halt and slowly turned around.

""Sherlock and Kogorou?" I'm in the middle of it right now. "Detective Panda and the Case of the Lollipop Murders" is pretty interesting."

"That so?"

Kashiwagi-san flashed a smile.

"Since you're such a good kid, Yukichi, I'll give you a hint. Yumi-chan wouldn't have looked like Yumi-chan."

"Huh … ?"

He'd said that Yumi had walked out of there, but the geta sandals were still here. So that meant –

"Don't tell me … it was that?"

"It would most likely be what you're thinking."

Yuuki remembered that they had actually passed each other. While he was on the way here. It wasn't Yumi, but it had definitely left a memorable impression on him.

"Catch you later, sempai."

Yuuki hurriedly left the classroom.

He rushed down the corridor, grumbling at his sister.

– How the heck was he supposed to recognize her looking like that?