Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume12 Chapter6 3

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Songs of an Angel. Part 3[edit]

"Please come and visit us again next year, angel."

Yukari-sama's great-grandmother exited the party, leaving her with those words.

As soon as the leading lady left the room, confusion descended, the mood deflated, and the party started to come to a close, with no formal announcement or farewells.

Touko-chan was nowhere to be seen – she must have gone home at some point. Yukari-sama went upstairs not long after her great-grandmother left. Kyougoku Saeko-sama and Ayanokouji Kikuyo-sama had gone home with their respective families.

Yukari-sama's mother was passed out on the couch, clutching a wine bottle. The pianist and MC were getting ready to leave, even though there were still some guests remaining.

Yumi's group was also shuffling towards the exit.

"Shall I escort you home?"

Kashiwagi-san asked, following along behind them.


"We're fine."

They both declined simultaneously. Yumi was in the mood to take a moonlit stroll with her onee-sama. Sachiko-sama apparently felt the same way too.

"Still, that was pretty impressive from you two."

Despite being turned down, Kashiwagi-san followed them and kept talking anyway.

"With just one song you captured their great-grandmother's heart."

"It was all thanks to you, onee-sama."

"It's because your feelings got through to her, Yumi."

The soeurs became animated, ignoring Kashiwagi-san's presence. It was typical of Kashiwagi-san that he was completely unconcerned by this too.

"Ah, I can just see it. Because of how much influence the Saionji's matriarch has, nobody's going to mockingly call her favorite Yumi-chan the "Koshihikari Rice Princess" any more. Although some of them might start calling you "Angel."

"Angel … ?"

Given the choice, Yumi would have preferred "Koshihikari Rice Princess." Because she'd only been called angel because she was wearing all white. It would be too funny to be called "angel" if she was wearing black clothes.

At some point she couldn't hear Kashiwagi-san any more and turned around to find he was no longer there.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?"

Sachiko-sama asked, as they were standing beneath a grove of trees.

Tomorrow was Sunday, their last day at the villa before they had to head back to Tokyo. Their last day, but the first time Yumi had been asked what she wanted to do.

"I want to have a lazy day tomorrow."

It was Sunday, so they could have gone to church or to a mass, but that wasn't the sort of thing she usually did so she passed.

"A lazy day?"

Sachiko-sama seemed confused.

"I want us to have an afternoon siesta together."

And just laze around as much as possible.

She didn't want to have to put on shoes at all tomorrow.

She didn't want to have to entertain any visitors, or read any books.

She wanted to lay out a sheet on the terrace, beneath a roof of greenery, and while away the time without doing anything in particular.

Just her and her onee-sama. A time of indulgence, no doubt.

"Ah, that sounds wonderful."

Sachiko-sama agreed immediately.

After all, this place was best suited to spending time like that.