Maoyuu:Volume 01: "Hero, become mine." "I refuse"

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– Deep within the Maou’s palace, Throne Room

Grinding noise –!

Hero: “….”


Hero: “This is…”

Hero: (Where…? Where is the Maou?)


Hero: (Why is there no one on alert in such a large castle, there’s not even a single soldier? Could it be a trap… it doesn’t matter even if it’s a trap, I will still take the head of the Maou… this way… I will have no more regrets…)


Maou: “Hello.”

Hero: “Huh?”

Maou: “I said, ‘hello’, Hero.”

Hero: “Ah? Who are you?”

Maou: “I am the Maou…that’s strange? Didn’t… you know?”

Hero: “Wh…wh…why is the Maou a woman?”

Maou: “Even if you say that. I can’t help it, it’s a traditional title.”

Hero: “This must be a trick to make me drop my guard! Come out here the real Maou!”

Maou: “Hey hey hey, I am the real Maou, me. I am the Forty Third Maou, I am called ‘Ruby Eyes’”

Hero: “Ng!”

Maou: “Do you believe me now? Look, the seal is here…”

Hero: “Don’t show me your chest!”

Maou: “I’m not, I’m just showing you the evidence.”

Hero: “Shut up, you are trying to tempt me!”

Maou: “I didn’t do anything…”


Hero: (Damn it. If that’s the case, who cares if it’s a trap or not. I’ve already decided to defeat the Maou for everyone. This is right, it has to be! I have to… defeat this guy!)

Hero: “Prepare yourself! Maou!”

Maou: “Then, let us start over again – hello.”

Hero: “Ugh… why do I feel this type of exasperation…”

Maou: “Mn… you don’t follow up at all. Let’s try another one then… how do you do?”

Hero: “This… what is the meaning of this?”

Maou: “I have waited for a long long time, so long you would not even believe it. I have always, always been waiting for Hero to appear, and have been eagerly waiting for the moment when I can converse with you.”

Hero: “Uh…?”

Maou: “It makes me feel very lonely, that we cannot even greet each other, but it can’t be helped. Come, let us step onto the stage and raise the curtains. And play out the first…or perhaps the last scene between the Hero and I. Hero, I can finally say to you the words that have been hidden in my heart for many years.”

Hero: “You… what do you want to say, King of Demons!”

Maou: “Hero, become mine!”

Hero: “I refuse!”


Maou: “No matter what?”

Hero: “Don’t say stupid things! Do you know how many countries you have destroyed!”

Maou: “You mean the Forest Country?”

Hero: “Darkness covered the sky, the people suffered in poverty…”

Maou: “That’s because they deforested the woods in order to create coal causing pollution nuisance[1] and destroyed themselves right?”

Hero: “Pollution nuisance…?”

Maou: “Uh~huh. That’s right, you still don’t understand?”

Hero: “Don’t try to distract me! The Bell Nation’s Minister was possessed; don’t tell me that wasn’t the work of demons!”

Maou: “Wasn’t that because the Minister became overcome with greed and wanted to create a harem of beautiful princesses but failed. When he was found out, he blamed the demons. Isn’t that what the humans always do when their evil deeds are exposed?”

Hero: “You dare try to trick me… unforgivable…”

Maou: “I’m not trying to trick you.”

Hero: “What about the war with the Southern Kingdoms? I was on that battlefield, I saw countless humans being killed by the demon army!”

Maou: “So?”

Hero: “Hah? You are the Maou who invaded the human world, I will never forgive you!”

Maou: “Our understanding of who invaded whom seems to be a little different. Even though I have something to say about that… never mind, it’s true there was war.

Hero: “You are on the side of evil!”

Maou: “You can say I am the evil side – and after you kill me, you will of course kill all the royal family of the Southern Kingdoms then?”

Hero: “What? The only evil one here is you!”

Maou: “Are you saying that humans did not kill demons? Demons are evil and humans are good, who decided that?”

Hero: “…”

Maou: “If at a time like this you can say ‘I am Justice!’ or, ‘I am God’ or, ‘I am Gundam’ or something along those lines, it would probably make life easier for Hero…”

Hero: “Shut up!”

Maou: “It’s because I like Hero, that’s why I’ll end this topic.”

Hero: “Don’t say stuff like that!”

Maou: “Here, take a look at these data.”

Hero: “What is this… It’s not parchment?[2] it’s thin and white and smooth…”

Maou: “It’s print paper[3]. Don’t worry about something insignificant like that; what is important is what’s written on it.”

Hero: “….um, demand explosion[4]…employment[5]? Curve? Consumption trend[6]… economic dependence?”

Maou: “Do you understand?”

Hero: “What is this, an evil ritual?”

Maou: “No. It’s the economic study of the benefits[7] of war as a large consumption market[8].”

Hero: “….benefits?”

Maou: “Correct.”

Hero: “What meaning is there in war? You demons were the ones that invaded the human world in order to wipe out humans. Are you trying to trick me, Maou! These are all lies!”

Maou: “Hero…” Stares

Hero: (Wu~. Why is the Maou a woman, and a beauty at that! This… this is ridiculous!)

Maou: “If Hero must~ fight no matter what, then I will fight you.”

Hero: “!”

Maou: “If there is no other choice, I will also give you my life.”

Hero: “Then I will take your head right now!”

Maou: “So, at least first listen to me for about half a day.”

Hero: “…”

Maou: “Because – this moment in time is a chance that will never occur again.”

Hero: “Nnn… Fine, speak. But just remember, if I find anything suspicious, I can take your head at any time.” Flashes sword

Maou: “I understand. Now I’ll start the explanation. First, please turn your attention to the first page of the data in your hands.”

Flips pages

Hero: “It’s a chart...”

Maou: “This is called a graph... it is a visual representation that takes the expenditure and prosperity of the Middle Continent over the last fifty years and displays it for the eyes to see.”

Hero: “... no way”

Maou: “I am not lying. Take a look at the second page, this one combines the data of several different surveys.”

Hero: “War is the cause of a large number of deaths...”

Maou: “Since the war started, the population in the human world has been steadily increasing.”

Hero: “No matter how you think about it, it’s strange! War brings about a large number of deaths, how is it possible that the population would grow!”

Maou: “Well, normally that would be the case. But with what is normal for this world before the war that is not the case. Before the war -- this ‘before the war’ lasted for a few hundred years -- the main cause of death for humans were hunger and sickness.”

Hero: “Sickness and hunger are not something humans can control, you can say it is a test sent to humans by the Spirits. Don’t compare it to the invasion by demons!”

Maou: “Perhaps hunger and sickness cannot be prevented. But that does not mean that they cannot be conquered, nor does it mean that humans are forbidden from overcoming them?”

Hero: “That...”

Maou: “After the war started, deaths caused by these two factors decreased by 60%.”

Hero: “What is the reason? Why did it happen? Is it because the Spirits saw the threat of the demons to humanity and gave us their Blessing?”

Maou: “I have lived a for a long time, but I have yet to see a Spirit... the reason is clear. The greatest reason is the creation of the Middle Continent Crisis Council.”

Hero: “...?”

Maou: “In other words, in order to fight against the demonic beings, the Kings of the human world formed an alliance.”

Hero: “So? Why would the number of deaths decrease...?”

Maou: “Because countries with an abundance in food would send food to countries that are in need; Then there are countries that are advanced in medicine or agriculture, they will send experts to educate poorer countries.”

Hero: “Isn’t this brought about by the effort of humans!”

Maou: “But just to achieve these the humans had to go to war with the demonic beings before they would do something as simple as that, it really isn’t that impressive if you think about it.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Don’t be frustrated, it isn’t all that different for the demons.”

Hero: “Is... that so...?”

Maou: “It was a troubled time. The demon society is tribal, strong tribe leaders and nobility[9] with land, would quarrel over power and cause many bloodshed in their conflicts.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “So the war saved both the human and demon world.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Don’t bite your lips so hard, they’ll bleed.”

Hero: “Don’t touch me!”

Maou: “Unless you request it, I’ll refrain from touching you.”

Hero: “...?”

Maou: “Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you?”

Hero: “... the war had a reason... from the results, perhaps that is so.”

Maou: “I’m relieved that you agree.”

Hero: “But that doesn’t mean that the war must continue, and it is no reason to start a war in the first place. You are a war criminal. Stop this war now and stand trial as a criminal of war.”

Maou: “Hm~”

Hero: “From your words before, I understand that you did not start the war for your own personal gain. I will stand trial with you, so turn yourself in.”

Maou: “That would be a little difficult.”

Hero: “Why?”

Maou: “There are two reasons. Please turn to page six.”

Flips page

Maou: “This records the relationship between the consumption market of the Southern Kingdoms and the market flow[10] of the Middle continent.”

Hero: “Market flow...?”

Maou: “To simplify, it is the movements of materials. Thing such as food, clothing, daily necessities, weapons, metals and lumber.”

Hero: “Does the Southern Kingdoms use them up very quickly?”

Maou: “Yes. War will consume a large amount of resources.”

Hero: “....How does the Southern Kingdoms afford all these?”

Maou: “Hum?”

Hero: “If you want to buy something important, then you’d have to pay for it right?”

Maou: “Nn, You noticed the main point. Good job~”

Hero: “Don’t touch me!”

Maou: “I unconsciously reached my hand out. That’s right, I won’t touch you unless you give me permission. I am person who believes in obeying contracts.” Suppresses urge

Hero: “So how do they make the purchases?”

Maou: “By the ‘Wartime funds’ established by the Middle Continent.”

Hero: “...?”

Maou: “No? In other words, the whole world would financially support the ‘Southern Kingdoms’ in wartime.”

Hero: “I see... humans have kind hearts after all. Do you understand now, Maou. This is the kindness of humans.”

Maou: “However, most of this money has been used to purchase goods from the Middle Continent. That means, that they give people an allowance, for them to buy the Middle Continents own products.”

Hero: “...?”

Maou: “At this stage, it becomes a little more difficult to explain... that is to say, saving money might give the feeling of ‘richness’ but it doesn’t give ‘abundance’. They must lend or spend money, allowing a steady flow of money and goods, in order to gain abundance.”

Hero: “... you’re not trying to fool me are you?”

Maou: “Basically, that’s how it is -- don’t try to do everything by yourself, but rather, cooperate with people with different skills. In theory, that is all well and good. Through trading grains, salt, lumber, metal and so on, allows the country and it’s citizens to become abundant.”

Hero: “If you put it that way, I can generally understand it. Like the market at the Royal Plaza right?”

Maou: “Un, that’s exactly it.”

Hero: “But this situation isn’t exactly like that?”

Maou: “How is it different?”

Hero: “The Middle Continent sends funds to the Southern Kingdoms that are at war right? So in the end, that -- market flow? Even if it’s working, the money they send out is still theirs though?”

Maou: “Un.”

Hero: “So in the end, neither side traded anything.”

Maou: “They did though.”

Hero: “The countries in the Middle Continent didn’t receive anything from the south. Therefore that is an altruistic donation. It’s a show of kindness, isn’t it?”

Maou: “The Southern Kingdoms are giving the Middle Continent ‘safety’. They are earning money from the Middle Continent for their sacrifice in the war to defend the human world -- you saw yourself didn’t you? Is all of the human world embroiled in war?”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Newly developed chariots, bright lights, rich plantations...are there no more countries in this world that still celebrate into the night? Is it no longer possible to see nobles drunk in the vineyards?”

Hero: “... you’re not wrong. These scenes are still possible to find.”

Maou: “That’s the case now. The human society is dependant on the large consumption market and the protection brought on by the Southern Kingdoms.”

Hero: “Dependant...?”

Maou: “Yes, dependant. On the verge of ‘collapse’.”

Hero: “But, there are too many people without the ability to fight. In that case they can only accept the protection of the knights and chevalier’s of the Southern Kingdoms, and they sends food and riches as thanks. How is that wrong!”

Maou: “I never said it was wrong. If you say it was out of kindness, and on an emotional level, that is the truth and I will not argue with that. At the same time, in the economic point of view, once this market is gone, it is guaranteed that the market flow and transfer[11] of funds will be destroyed. This whole issue has already become deeply connected to politics and the social structure.”

Hero: “Destroyed…”

Maou: “That’s right. It’s in the data. Loosing such a large consumer, the production of the Middle Continent will be strongly affected, blacksmiths and shipwrights in particular. The back lash of this will cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of lives.”

Hero: “How can this be…”

Maou: “But these are the words of the Maou, it could be false.”

Hero: “Are they all lies?”

Maou: “I myself am serious at least. It might be possible to avoid these problems, but I don’t see how.”

Hero: “…”

Maou: “Thus, this market flow and dependency of the economic structure is one of the two major reasons.”

Hero: “What...more can there be?”

Maou: “The other reason is easier to explain.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “The explanation might be easier, but that does not mean the problem itself is any simpler...”

Hero: “What is the reason?”

Maou: “The human world united due to the war against demonic beings. Not only did it improve market flow, medical science has also become more wide spread, sickness and famine has also decreased right?”

Hero: “Yes, that’s true.”

Maou: “That is the first half of the explanation. Material flow has become more that before. In the past, if a country where half the population is starving is next to a country with high food production, neither countries would help each other would they?”

Hero: “Un..”

Maou: “Furthermore, even though we say that the market flow of the world has improved, the yield of grains did not mirror the same growth.”

Hero: “...?”

Maou: “You don’t get it... that means, there are still people who starve to death.”

Hero: “Un. During my journey I have passed many villages with starving children.”

Maou: “In this world, if there no longer are ‘those who die in the war’, what will happen? Once this long war is over, there will be tens of thousands of people in the Middle Continent who knows nothing but waving a sword; they’re still alive, and will need food. The population has increased -- but the output of food products did not follow that increase. This world has just invented crop rotation.”

Hero: “How can this...”

Maou: “This is the truth.”

Hero: “But, but...”

Maou: “By the way, why did you come alone?”

Hero: “...ah?”

Maou: “This is the Demon Lord’s Castle after all. It’s true I removed the guards, but coming here is not a simple matter. For you to be able to reach this place is an anomaly, or you could stay that it’s a laughable miracle.”

Hero: “What are you talking about?”

Maou: “It is the army’s job to end the war right? Aren’t you the Hero?”

Hero: “I am the Hero, this is my duty.”

Maou: “To kill the enemy alone, isn’t that the job of an assassin?”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “I think... the human kings also know this -- if the war ends, win or lose, human race would be destroyed.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “That’s why they sent you alone.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “This is just what I think, although the situation with the demons is not much different. Perhaps you already know, even though demons are a general term for us, we have a lot of internal problems... tribal societies will often have power struggles between strong individuals, and at the same time the weaker tribes are taken advantage of. There are also tribes that simply like to cause trouble, but strong tribes are all very combative, and are very tribe oriented.”

Hero: “Is that so...”

Maou: “Yes, it is. And me... as you can see, I’m not particularly strong, but rather meek and weak, right?”

Hero: “Do you use magic to fight?”

Maou: “Well, I can use magic, but it’s nothing compared to the great magicians.”

Hero: “Then, how did you become the Maou?”

Maou: “It was because I grasped the right weakness and timing. Mostly, it was just chance -- my tribe is full of weirdos, spending many years hiding in the far reaches of the demon world for research. My specialty is economy[12].”

Hero: “What is economy?”

Maou: “The growth of culture in the human world is a little hard to believe...”

Hero: “Somehow, your words make me kind of angry.”

Maou: “But demons can’t really laugh at the humans... once the war ends, even if the demons were to win, the outcome would be even more chaotic than before. A horrifying future, fighting over slaves[13], with the human world as the stage would begin. Strong tribes would battle to take over the human kingdoms as their colony[14]. Many rich warlike tribes would use their riches to force weaker tribes into their services, forming large armies to unify the demon society, but with the demon world being more chaotic than it is now, that would not be an easy thing to do. More blood would be shed then.”

Hero: “Colony?”

Maou: “It means to rule over some other person’s lands, taking benefits from that land as their own.”

Hero: “That... cannot be allowed.”

Maou: “If humans were to win, they would take over the demon world and do the same.”

Hero: “Humans won’t...”

Maou: “...”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “You can’t say they “won’t do something like that”, can you?”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Ha, many worlds were destroyed in this manner.”

Hero: “World?”

Maou: “Un, that is the research of our tribe, don’t worry about it, but I... I want to see things never seen before.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “If it was Hero, I’m sure you would understand.”

Hero: “Understand...what?”

Maou: “I can’t explain it properly with words.”

Hero: “You’re a scholar aren’t you?”

Maou: “Scholar...? Ah, un, I guess you could say that.”

Hero: “Then, you can explain it to me.”

Maou: “Um~ that is to say...”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Have you ever thought ‘what is on the other side of that hill’? Or thought ‘what is the destination of this ship?’ and become excited?”

Hero: “That... yes, many times.”

Maou: “Right? Because you are Hero.”

Hero: “Why are you so happy?”

Maou: “I want to be able to see those things.”

Hero: “... you want to become the Hero?”

Maou: “Close, but no. Think about it, not only am I a scholar, but I am also the Maou.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Even though this job is not a happy one, but I have a responsibility, I don’t want to pass this burden on to someone else. I am not Hero, I don’t want to waste my time dreaming of ‘wanting to be Hero’ -- but I want to see the things never seen.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “So I will say this again -- ‘Hero, become mine.’ in order to search for the things never seen, I wish for you to become my eyes, my light, my sword.”

Hero: “I refuse.”

Maou: “No?”

Hero: “No.”

Maou: “Really?”

Hero: “Really.”

Maou: “There’s no room for negotiation?”

Hero: “None.”

Maou: “...”

Hero: “... there’s none! It’s true!”

Maou: “Seems like there is.”

Hero: “Gah, why are you looking at me with puppy eyes! Is that the attitude of a scholar!”

Maou: “I am a scholar, but at the same time I am an economist. An economist will never give up, in order to strive for the future, I will do whatever it takes.”

Hero: “Why do you feel more like the Hero that I do?”

Maou: “In some stories, ‘half of the world’ is used as a bargaining chip.”

Hero: “Uh~huh~”

Maou: “You don’t seem to care about that.”

Hero: “What type of hero would be swayed by something like that? If there is, he doesn’t deserve to be a hero, he should go back to training.”

Maou: “Un, the stories also say the same.”

Hero: “Duh!”

Maou: “I think so as well. And anyways, that Maou has not even taken over the world. The world is not his and he deigns to give 50% to someone else, economically or lawfully, anyone would wonder at the validity of the contract.”

Hero: “It’s because they use such trickery, that’s why the Hero would refuse.”

Maou: “You’re right.”

Hero: “Then again, even if you planned to give me 50% of the demon world, I would still never agree. Taking land belonging to the people does not make me happy. Anyways, how can Hero be swayed by bribery[15] or riches? Humans are satisfied as long as they have food to fill the stomach and a roof to sleep under.”

Maou: “In other words it’s the spartan[16] spirit of the poor.”

Hero: “Don’t call me poor, when you’re the Maou!”

Maou: “In any case, I don’t plan to ceding[17] territory as a bargaining chip.”

Hero: “Oh? Is that so?”

Maou: “For the future generation, dividing up the land will not only cause problems with the tribes and their pride, but could easily spark the fires of conflict. Even though this negotiation is important right now, I don’t plan to sow the seeds of disaster for the future.”

Hero: “Um... is that right?”

Maou: “Yes that’s right. Anyways, ‘50%’ of the world is not suitable, to begin with it’s simply redrawing the same boundaries as before.”

Hero: “What do you mean?”

Maou: “What I mean is that ‘dividing the world’ is the real problem. In the end aren’t we just substituting ‘opposition between the human and demon world’ to ‘opposition between Hero’s lands and Maou’s lands’.”

Hero: “Aa~ that’s true”

Maou: “See? If we do this, the the war will start again, this type of trade isn’t the solution, it just buys more time.”

Hero: “Un.”

Maou: “So this type of idea should be eliminated.”

Hero: “Then, the negotiation has failed. It’s exactly half a day... even though I don’t feel like fighting you anymore... you are quite reasonable Maou.”

Maou: “No, I have a suggestion.”

Hero: “You still have a suggestion?”

Maou: “To give you half is too stingy. I will give you all.”

Hero: “Haa?”

Maou: “I will give you everything. But the land is not mine to give. I want Hero -- the price is everything that I have to give -- in other words, the price is myself. I only have myself, that I can I give to Hero of my own will. Please, Hero, become mine.”

Hero: “... you... you...”

Maou: “You look like an idiot with your jaws dropped like that.”

Hero: “You.... what are you saying!”

Maou: “It’s a negotiation offer.”

Hero: “Do you know what you are saying?”

Maou: “I’m sure.”

Hero: “You... you’re serious.”

Maou: “I am.”

Hero: “You should think clearly before you speak! Think... think... think about what’s going on! You’re the Maou!”

Maou: “Is there a need to be so shocked? I heard that in the human world, once you have reached the age of fifteen, whether you are the son of a farmer, or the daughter of an inn keeper, would sneak around talking of love and make such sweet promises.”

Hero: “Don’t go listening to that sort of thing!”

Maou: “To be precise, I read it in books -- even though I’ve read about it, I don’t understand the emotions, nor have I experienced them. This is one of those ‘things not seen’.”

Hero: “What does she think she’s saying...”

Maou: “It is considered a good proposal when the one proposing has already achieved 10% of their goal. I never thought I would say something like ‘I’m willing to offer my purity’, this precious experience is making me nervous. My heart is pounding right now.”

Hero: “You look pretty calm to me.”

Maou: “No?”

Hero: “!”

Maou: “Absolutely none?”

Hero: “Ab...ab...ab...”

Maou: “Looks like there’s even more room for negotiation.”

Hero: “Don’t come near!”

Maou: “As long as you don’t permit it, I won’t touch you. Because I’m extremely shy.”

Hero: “You said you believe in obeying contracts before!”

Maou: “That’s true. That’s just an act to cover my ‘shyness’.”

Hero: “Why must I be in this awkward situation!”

Maou: “Hero.”

Hero: “What?”

Maou: “Um, this is hard to explain.”

Hero: “Weren’t you really fluent when talking about all those grim futures?”

Maou: “That’s because that was about my area of expertise.”

Hero: “Isn’t your area of expertise too vicious?”

Maou: “What economy is, is a war without blood”

Hero: “That’s scary. This is the first time i ever thought of a Maou without fighting abilities as scary.”

Maou: “I didn’t mean to scare you... If I made you confused, I apologise.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Let me advertise a little.”

Hero: “Wu~ she’s taken control...”

Maou: “There are many good points if you monopolize me!”

Hero: “Like what?”

Maou: “I’m good with accounting, I can guarantee perfection.”

Hero: “Here I was thinking about what it could be, so it’s accounting...”

Maou: “Also--”

Hero: “?”

Maou: “We can reach other side of this war.”

Hero: “Didn’t you say that it was not possible?”

Maou: “Of course, it can’t be done immediately, the human kings would not accept it. Even if I gave myself up, they would just deal with me in secret. The demon world would crown a new king soon, and the humans would probably welcome him. That is how important this war has become to the human society. Even though it’s regretful for Hero.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “But it’s because of that, that if we can welcome a ‘different ending’, then not only myself but it would be a ‘thing never seen’ to the three thousand worlds[18], right?”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “So?”

Hero: “That’s...”

Maou: “Hum?”

Hero: “That’s you?”

Maou: “Yes, this is me.”

Hero: “Have you been thinking about this the whole time?”

Maou: “If the army’s job is to bring about the end of the war, then it is the duty of a king to find the path to that end.”

Hero: “Therefore -- Uh, you want me... right?”

Maou: “Un, yes. You can say that.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “No, please don’t misunderstand. I truly want Hero. I wish for you to have the mindset of ‘taking a stroll together in the morning’ to bring me to the other side. The accounting is also completely true. If there is the need I can also do balance sheets[19] and health plan salary[20]. Is that enough? Not enough? Then... even if the quality of this product is not great, but I’m a very suitable company! I’m a quiet Maou, even if you leave me in a room I won’t be much of a bother; even though my husbandry might not be that great, but it’s included in the contract!”

Hero: “Why are you so flustered?”

Maou: “To make sure that you’re not being swindled, first I have to say that I’m not good at cooking. Cooking is science right? And because I lack the ability to do complicated skills like colloidization or emulsification, so it’s hard to respond to that type of requests.”

Hero: “She’s getting further and further from the point...”

Maou: “Also. Ah~look, everyone says that I lack the beauty or general body structure that would entice an adult male... firstly because I lack exercise, secondly because I lack proper nutrients... wu wu...”

Hero: “Really? That’s....that’s not true.”

Maou: “It’s because of this outfit that Chief Maid prepared -- it hides all the flaws. Like the fleshy arms, you just can’t see it.”

Hero: “Please don’t look like you’re about to cry!”

Maou: “But it’s flab!”

Hero: “No, that... looks very nice... especially the chest or breasts and stuff.”

Maou: “No, enough, don’t try to pacify me. And I don’t look very stunning, I’m sorry about that. Think about it, it’s a long tradition of my tribe to place intellect over physical appearances...”

Hero: “Is that so?”

Maou: “It’s because we are a eccentric tribe that doesn’t concern ourselves with appearances. If only I had paid more attention to my clothes and body in my youth -- although that was about 150 years ago -- then I won’t be faced with entrepreneur's fear of product recall[21] in this once in a lifetime negotiation....”

Hero: “Your choice of words are a little difficult to understand.”

Maou: “This world is full of things too difficult to understand.”

Hero: “That is true.”

Maou: “Anyhow, this product probably does not have the outward appearance that would satisfy you, but with economic knowledge...knowledge... no way, it just knowledge! Do I have nothing other than that to pride myself on!”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Other things worth mentioning, is probably loyalty. I am from a long lived race, born from a family of scholars, and is an advocate of faithful contracts. To my type of person, once this type of contract is made, it is bound deep into my soul, unwavering whether it is the past or present and probably stronger than steel -- I will stay abide by it. Whether in sickness or health, I will stay by your side... that I can swear.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “How is it? Becoming mine isn’t a bad thing right? I won’t be spoilt, as long as we can go to ‘the other side of the hill’, then I will be satisfied.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Hero --?”

Hero: “Hey, Maou.”

Maou: “Hum...”

Hero: “If... just if ok? I become the Maou’s... there might be a lot of blood spilt.”

Maou: “... yes.”

Hero: “There would be killing wouldn’t it?”

Maou: “Un... I won’t lie to you.”

Hero: “Would the blood flow like a river?”

Maou: “Blood will flow until everything comes to an end. I won’t guarantee our hands won’t be dirtied. It doesn’t matter if it’s you or me, we would probably have to do some despicable things.”

Hero: “I -- will become a traitor?”

Maou: “Hero’s identity will be hidden. I will stake my honor on it, I will preserve Hero’s legend. I will make sure of that. Because Hero -- is the hope of humankind.”

Hero: “Is going to ‘the other side of the hill’ necessary?”

Maou: “...not really. Continuing the war and consumption, reaching bloody peace, is one of the choices this world has to offer.”

Hero: “But that would cause countless number of sacrifice wouldn’t it? the end, the war will continue, even if I were to die, if Maou were to die.”

Maou: “Hero doesn’t have to dirty his hands.”

Hero: “Why, you don’t want to make a contract with me?”

Maou: “I don’t want to coerce you, because this is... the world’s most important conversation.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “Things gained from force, will not even last a single night.”

Hero: “You really do value honor.”

Maou: “This has nothing to do with good or evil, it’s about game theory[22], a proven economic study.”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “In other words, to overcome ‘plight’, cooperation is necessary, in order to reach a stable relationship.”

Hero: “Alright, I will become yours.”

Maou: “Really?”

Hero: “For real... ah, I have to say this first.”

Maou: “?”

Hero: “I didn’t do it for your chest.”

Maou: “Is this sort of stuff good?” Rub rub

Hero: “Don’t rub!”

Maou: “Hero.”

Hero: “What, Maou?”

Maou: “--” Fidgets

Hero: “?”

Maou: “I want to touch you. Can I...?”

Hero: “...”

Maou: “You don’t believe me?”

Hero: “It’s just that your tone turned respectful suddenly and I was shocked.”

Maou: “Just a little is fine, can I touch -- is it alright? I... I’m not planning anything! If you want to lock me up that’s fine too, because I’m a contract abiding Maou.”

Hero: “Alright, I get it -- come.”

Maou: “...” Carefully

Light touch

Hero: “Maou’s hands are cold.”

Maou: “Is it cold? I’m sorry.”

Hero: “No, it feels nice.”


Maou: “-- Hero is mine.”

Hero: “-- I am the Maou’s.”

Maou: “Contract sealed.”

Hero: “The contract is sealed.”

Maou: “I’m so happy.” Smiles


Hero: “...fu, let... let go now.”

Maou: “Wu, you said I could touch you.”

Hero: “Thats... um, is this ok -- also, what’s your first step?”

Maou: “About that... lets start with food first.”

Hero: “This looks like it’s going to be a long journey.”

Maou: “You still can’t accept it?”

Hero: “Nothing like that, I’m used to travelling. Will you be alright?”

Maou: “Of course. I’m going to... that is to say, I never plan to leave you Hero.”

Hero: “Of course. You have to abide by the contract.”

Maou: “Of course -- let’s search for ‘the other side of the hill’ in this large world!”


  1. Pollution Nuisance: Due to increase in the mining industry, many types of pollutant are created, that causes harm to the human body. There was one incident in the Middle Ages where pollutant leaked from an old mine causing those who lived downstream to become sick.
  2. Parchment: Made using animal (especially sheep) skin, removing the fur, soften, stretched and thinned, and used for writing. Parchment can be bound into a volume, but the price is extremely high.
  3. Print Paper: Paper was invented in the 2nd Century BC by China, and by the 12th Century has been passed on to Europe. Compared to the previously mentioned parchment, paper is not only thin and flexible but also easy to preserve.
  4. Demand Explosion: Demand refers to the desire to buy something and having the financial ability to do so. For example, “I have no money but I want to buy the latest game consul..” Is not demand, whereas “I want to buy it and I have the money to buy” is demand. When demand is suddenly increased within a short period of time, it is called demand explosion
  5. Employment: To give money in exchange for completing services. The employer has the obligation to award money for the services rendered, similarly the employee has the obligation to complete the work asked of them.
  6. Consumption Trend: Refers to the consumer (a person who pays for the goods or service) desire to spend or save money. Where and what people spend money on is also included in this.
  7. Benefits: In terms of Economics, this refers to how satisfied the consumers are with the goods or services. On the other hand, things that are more common (such as water), even though it brings great satisfaction would still be low on cost. In other words, it is not possible to determine the value based on benefits.
  8. Market: Place where goods are bought and sold. In Economics, all the world’s markets are grouped into a large hypothetical market, where the status and changes are studied.
  9. Nobility: Families that owns land and govern over their subjects as well as have the power to gather their own military. But those who are charged with governing a piece of land or are given military power by the Middle Continent, and then lost their position and privileges after being relieved of their jobs are not considered nobles.
  10. Market Flow: Market Flow. It is not possible to make money if goods are stored in place and never touched again. Therefore, the goods must be transported to those who will use them. This process is called market flow.
  11. Transfer: Not using money to pay directly. Exchanging a set amount of funds from one location to a target location at the same time, in order to prevent the risk of transporting a large amount of gold through a long distance. In the middle ages, the Church gained great benefits using this method of transfer.
  12. Economy: Refers to the production of goods, storage of goods until the time to use it, finding people who need the goods, transporting it to those people, selling the goods, and everything related.
  13. Slaves: People who become the property of another person. They must obey the orders of the person who owns them either working or being sold. Slaves are often not allowed their own property, in the Roman Empire they are sometimes allowed to buy themselves back through working.
  14. Colony: Land you govern other than your original country. Especially refers to the period after the Age of Sail, the European countries gained land by invading Asia and Africa. People in colonies receive discrimination, living under the pressure of their conquerors
  15. Bribery: To give things to someone, in order to gain benefit for yourself through these things. Normally refers to government officials or people in power, but Hero is saying that the act of offering land is like an act of bribery.
  16. Spartan: To suppress your desires and not seek out riches, rather to live in poverty than to give principles. When Maou says Hero is spartan, she refers to his straightforwardness and ignorance about how to cut his losses.
  17. Ceding territory: Give give part of the land to another country. Occurs after battle or war is over, one side offering up land to the other. Ceding territory often leads to the separation of the people and their history, people often lose their ancestral homes, and is the cause of long conflicts.
  18. Three thousand worlds: All things of this world/the whole universe. It is a Buddhism doctrine, ten realms that are mutually inclusive and immanent, each one containing the other nine realms, making up 100 worlds. There are 10 features in the 100 worlds to make 1000 realms, and each of these 1000 realms are 3 divisions, making 3000 worlds/realms where all things reside.
  19. Balance sheet: Data of a business's current income, land, buildings and goods (everything owned by the company as well as debt (amount of money that must be paid off).
  20. Health Plan Salary: Refers to the total amount of money a person would make from beginning work till retirement. As salary means money received from working, this would mean the net amount of income gained from a whole life's work.
  21. Product Recall: To take back goods that have already been sold. Recalled products may be returned to the customer after repair, or exchanged for new products, there are many ways for this to work. Normally occurs when a problems are found in a certain product.
  22. Game Theory: A mathematical study born in the 20th century. Examining multiple players and the actions they take in order to further their goals. Especially used in information engineering and economy.
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