Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi:Volume 2 Afterword

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The second volume of "Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi" has already been published! How was it?

Even though the story started in the first volume and covered an important part of the story, in this volume at last, the setting of the story has been established, and the real story has properly started. To put it in another way, the first volume follows mainly the perspective of the ignorant Taito, who as an ordinary high school student, got embroiled into an irregular story; so as to speak, the appearance of the world and the characters were introduced in that volume, but, from this volume onward, things shall shape up properly. Right from the beginning, I was told that I could write this with a continuation in mind, and a serialization has already been decided, that's why this time round, right from the beginning, the story will encompass a humongous amount of material.

At any rate, the first volume was only a foreshadowing, and the unexplained things will start appearing incessantly and made known, just so you know. What in the world is the Tenma? What on earth is the Dark Rabbit? What about Bahlskra? And << Bliss >>? Well, this is just the second volume, so it's not really possible to explain every single thing, however, the main focus will be how will everyone battle with, the various darkness shouldered, together with the true agony which will appear at one go.

By the way, when this volume 2 was first handed to my editor-in-charge, bishoujo Catherine-san, this was her reaction.

"Eehh~, doesn't this seem like we're nearing the end! Is this really alright?"

And on top of the that, the editor-in-chief asked,

"Kagami-san, are you planning to end this at volume 3?"

And I was like, Even though volume 2 is going with a bang! It'll be fine. The truth is Itsuten's subject material is pretty humongous, so even with this pace, it'll be fine. In volume 1, the parts where one may be thinking, how is this going to turn out, are in fact foreshadowing moments! In volume 2, the eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh surprising parts will be (ah, but, since this is just volume 2, it is a secret) ermm, well, that guy will do that thing and it will into something like that......, things like that will come aplenty. But yet, in the same merry manner as before, Itsuten will go with a big bang! Since there will be a lot of material to cover, the development will be a little fast. So, please give me your support!

Well, as we're talking about the work, by the way.

Firstly, I offer my thanks. Initially, we were all fretting and were so nerve-wrecked and scared, and the editorial department was in such uproar that it seemed like we were having a festival of some sort; that was how bad it was. What should we do if this doesn't sell; although my editor-in-charge Catherine-san was shaking in fear, when the lid was open, somehow, thanks to everyone, it has become something awesome. Well, in order to show you how much me and my editor-in-charge Catherine-san were shivering in fear, I'll let you in on one of our conversations.



"Y-your new work is about to be launched right!"

"When you tell me this, I'm going to get anxious and lose sleep over it, so don't remind me about it!"

"By the way, have you heard of this particular jinx which I've heard happens to manga a lot?"

"What is it?"

"The author of a best-seller will have his next work end up in a flop."

"Don't give me bad omenssssssssssssssss."

"On top of that, Kagami-san, in a miraculous way, after your first work 'Bukan Bengoshi Eru Win'[1], your second work, 'Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu', managed to continue to sell."

"I'm grateful for that."

"But to continue this streak for your third work may be a little tough!"

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Why are you so pessimistic?"

"Be-be-be-be-because I'm scared. If this doesn't sell, you know what will happen to me right? You know right? And everyone has been telling me that!"

"Well, that may be scary, I'm also afraid you know!"

"However, the genius me shall overcome this fear, just like Gekkou-kun, I have found a ingenious way!"

"Eh? Seriously? What's that?"

"Immediately following the release day, I shall go on a tour to Singapore!"

"Aren't you running away from reality! Then, I shall go as well! I'll go to Bali!"

"Why Bali?"

"Because I want to. By the way, Catherine, why did you choose Singapore?"

"Because I want to."


While 80% of that foolish conversation is a joke, after the release day, my editor-in-charge worked many late nights to finish her work, and really went to Singapore! And then, after she came back to the editorial department, somehow, Itsuten managed to sell very well and she received applause from the entire editorial department. Even though I didn't receive any applause, my editor-in-charge who went to Singapore actually did! (LOL)

Well, jokes aside, I, my editor-in-charge, and the whole editorial department, while we really trembling, have to express our gratitude to the readers, you, and thanks to you, the story about me getting dried up in the sun will not come to pass somehow! Yay! I survived!

Well, the battle will start from here, though today I'm still alive thanks to everyone!

Everyone, thank you!

To show more of my courtesy, from now on, I shall work hard to write an interesting story that can be enjoyed by everyone, so please continue to support me!

By the way, this afterword was written on the day after the signing event one week after volume 1 was released. After meeting you all yesterday, I have an increasing desire to seriously work harder. Everyone of you is so kind. And ermm, this is something I always say, but I haven't yet written this in the afterword of Itsuten, and I have to write this. Then again, for those who have read in the afterwords of other series by me, you might tire of this, so sorry.

But, I'll say it. A novel belongs to everyone. Of course, without the readers, it will be nothing. That's why, thanks to everyone's support, I'm able to write this and the publisher can publish it. I must never forget the gratitude that I must rightfully have. So, thank you, everyone! The editorial department and I love you guys! We hope we can always answer to your expectations.

So, let us all make this "Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi", a story which has just only begun, together. Please continue to give your support!

Alright, I'm done with the necessary!

Now now, since the number of pages left are fast disappearing, I shall move on to the upcoming schedule ~.

By the way, right now, we are in the middle of the 6-month consecutive release spree. This book is the third in line. Back to the main point!

So, "Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu 5" will be released next month. The story is also unfolding quickly. Speaking of that, the greatest story in the history of Denyuuden is coming. The war is finally starting. And Ryner is faced with a really difficult choice. But for those who are not reading Denyuuden, you may be wondering, who the hell is Ryner! My apologies to you. And because Denyuuden has many volumes, there are also those who are afraid to get into it, it seems, yeah.

I also think so! (LOL)

Why is it that, despite the fact there are so many volumes of Denyuuden, the circulation numbers are not dropping at all, and people are still reading it; that is also puzzling to me! Everyone is really kind! Thanks!

But, if you suddenly wonder whether you want to read it or not, why not challenge yourself and pick up a volume. I think if you try it without being too committed, you might find a surprising appeal to it!

And for those who still think that there are too many volumes, why not try the comics? The truth is that the comic version of Denyuuden was recently sold at last! On the 9th of March, the manga, which will make the story in volume 1 easily understandable, will start serialization under the Dragon Age comic label. Every time I'm asked to do a name check for the manga, I find it to be extremely interesting! Well, try reading that, and if you like it, you might want to try the novels as well, so how about that? Going into the story through comics might be more appealing right? Right? And now, I'm going to make a wonderful announcement! (LOL) I'm sure the editorial department will bring me to a high-class BBQ meat store for a treat to reward me for this...... eh? Hurry up with the manuscript? Ah wah wah wah wah.

Errrrmmmm ~, on the 9th of February, another even more appealing work by Toyota-san, the hilarious 4-panel comic "Nantonaku Densetsu Yuusha no Densetsu (The Legend of the Legendary Heroes Somehow)" will be out. In there, you will also find a mini-short story that I've written. I'll also be getting a copy for myself!

Following that, "Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi 3" will be soon in your face in the month after next! A 6-month consecutive releases is indeed too scary! (LOL)

So, with that, it's time for me to bid you goodbye here, thanks for your support ~.

Kagami Takaya

Kagami Takaya official homepage:

Translator's Notes and References

  1. Bukan Bengoshi Eru Win(武官弁護士エル・ウィン): Bukan Bengoshi Eru Win (Military Officer Lawyer El Win) is the first novel work by Kagami when he debuted at the age of 20. The series was published by Fujimi Shobou under their Fujimi Fantasia Bunko label and spanned a total of 10 volumes, and another 2 volumes of short stories. The 3rd volume was also a winner of the Fujimi Shoubo's 12th Fantasia Novel Award.