Golden Time:Volume5 Postscript

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Golden Time 5: Postscript


I wonder. Am I just exhausted? Or is it because of my old age?

One time, “I bought myself a heated lunch at a convenience store,” but what seemed to be ordinary conduct turned out strangely embarrassing, as I asked the cashier, ‘Could you warm this up for me, please?’ Frankly, the person didn't nod. Instead, the place the person showed me where I could warm it up wasn't particularly what I expected, and somehow, I felt really embarrassed, as he informed me really seriously. Since the convenience store is just a doorstep away from my house, I could've just gone back home immediately and eat it there, thinking about it this way, as I could warm it up there too, that would've been better... Nevertheless, I just reluctantly went and bought it after the person requested me to (pay up), even though I had no interest in the boxed lunch. I-I wasn't mistaken! Even so, the expression on my face proved otherwise.

"Is there something wrong...?" "Would you like me to warm it up for you?", "No, the lunch box is warm enough and I'll eat it as soon as I get back home. Right now, my mighty stomach could suck up just about anything. So, I'll vigorously go and leave via the entryway. Yeah, that's right. I felt like having seaweed, but... well. Of course, only the cashier had just started his/her shift and he/she is merely handling the cash register, so I know that there is no way he/she is able to think about each and every individual customer. I know that, yet, I still feel totally embarrassed. I didn't nod. I simply said: "I am hungry.", as embarrassing as that might sound to others, I realize that is my most primitive-like weakness as a life-form. Or, is it not okay that I'm going to the convenience store to procure meals every so frequently? Though, I might just be a little over self-conscious, I can't stop my ever-maturing self, being in my thirty-fourth summer already now.

Now, to everyone that kept up with me up till now and who picked up this volume, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Did you enjoy reading it, even just a little? Because, thanks to the help of all of the readers, one way or another, we were able to complete up to five volumes of the main "Golden Time" novel and one spin-off novel. Of course, there's still much more to come, so please look forward to that and I hope you will all enjoy them.

Recently, I've done various things to try and enlarge the size of my white/blank consciousness, whilst also making a plan to build up my body. By no means does that imply that I am trying to become chubby. I just want to use my muscles as I please. For those who are bad at lifting, go purchase a dumbbell/halter on Amazon (just one of 500g...), work out and set your aim “so people will realize how muscular you are at first glance.” You might be pitiful right now, to the extent that your body looks like a gelatinous water-filled Manjuu (steamed bun) that is coming to life, though, by next year you ought to have surely developed somewhat. To acquire strong armored muscles. And so, I expect everyone to agree to freely utilize it in order to train their musculus trapezius (used its Latin name) with great enthusiasm. "Yes, please do warm it up for me."

And with that, I thank all of you who read all the way up to the end of my postscript. Or, allow me to put that more formally, I truly want to thank every single one of you. And now, to Komatsu Eeji, who is in charge of Yuasa-sama, thank you in advance for continuing to work hard towards the next volume as well."

Takemiya Yuyuko

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