Fate/stay night ~French~ セイバールート一日目-00.ks

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  • page0|&f.scripttitle
     Quand je me réveillais, j'étais dans un champs de flammes
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 J'imagine qu'il y avait un énorme incendie.
 La ville si familière était devenue en cendres et elle ressemblait aux reste d'un champs de bataille tiré d'un film.
 Mais cela non plus ne dura pas longtemps.
 Le feu s'était affaibli au fur et à mesure que le soleil se levait.
 Le grand mur de feu avait rétréci, et la plupart des batiments étaient tombés.
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 ...C'était bizarre, être la seule chose en ce lieu qui avait encore sa forme originelle.
 J'étais le seul encore en vie dans les environs.
 J'ai du être très chanceux, ou alors ma maison était construite en un très bon emplacement.
 Je ne sais pas lequel c'était, mais le fait est, que j'étais le seul a être en vie
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 Je sentais que puisque j'avais survécu, je devais vivre.
 Je commençais à marcher sans but, car je pensais qu'il serait dangereux de rester là.
 Je ne me sentais pas concerné par le fait d'être brûlé comme les gens allongés autours de moi.
 ...Probablement parce que, au delà du fait de ne pas vouloir finir comme eux, j'avais un sentiment plus fort à l'esprit.
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 Et pourtant, je n'avais aucun espoir.
 C'était vraiment un miracle que je sois toujours en vie, je ne pouvais donc pas espérer être sauvé.
 Je ne survivrai pas.
 Quoiqu'il arrive, je ne serai pas capable de m'échapper de ce monde rouge.
 C'était un enfer tellement absolu que même un enfant pouvait le comprendre.
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 Et je m'effondrais.
 Etait-ce parce qu'il n'y avait plus d'air? Etait-ce parce qu'il ne restait aucune fonction vitale dans mon corps?
 Qu'importe, je m'écroulais et contemplais le ciel nuageux.
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 Tout autour de moi était brûlé et je pouvais voir nombre de personnes calcinées.
 Les nuages noirs surgissaient au-dessus de moi, m'annonçant qu'il allait pleuvoir.
 ...C'est bon. Le feu s'éteindra une fois qu'il pleuvra.
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 Au final, je soupirais profondément et regardais au ciel.
 Je me dis que ça fait mal.
 Je dis ça au nom de tous les gens qui ne pouvaient même pas le dire.
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 C'était il y a 10 ans.
 Après ça, j'étais miraculeusement sauvé.
 Mon corps a survécu.
 Mais je pense que toutes les autres choses me concernant ont brûlé et ont été réduits en cendre.
  • page9|
 Si tu retires à un enfant ses parents, sa maison et tout ce genre de choses, il ne reste rien pour lui.
 C'est pourquoi il n'y avait que mon corps.
 Je pense que c'est une simple histoire.
 En d'autres mots, pour laisser mon corps vivre...
 Mon coeur est mort.
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 Je suis en train rêver.
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 Je plisse les yeux face à la lumière blanche.
 "Tellement forte", je pense.
 C'était juste de la lumière entrant dans mes yeux quand je me réveillais, mais je n'en suis pas habitué.
 Je ne savais probablement pas ce que voulait dire la lumière.
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 Quand mon regard se fixe, je suis surpris.
 Je suis allongé sur un lit inconnu, dans une pièce inconnue.
 Je suis surpris, mais la pièce est si blanche et propre que je me sens en sécurité.
  • page13|
 "...Où suis-je?"
 Je regarde autour de moi.
 La pièce est spacieuse et il y a plusieurs lits.
 Une personne est dans chaque lit, et tout le monde semble blessé.
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 Mais personne ne semble malade dans cette pièce.
 Everyone who's hurt is someone who was saved.Tout ceux qui sont blessés
 I relax and let my eyes wander.
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 Outside the window,
         The bright blue sky was unbelievably beautiful.
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 After a few days, I finally understood.
 I could clearly remember what had happened in the past few days.
 Even so, I was no different from a newborn baby.
 Not just a metaphor, it was close to the truth.
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 Anyway, it was a terrible fire.
 I had been saved from it, was in the hospital with my body wrapped in bandages, and my parents were gone.
 I didn't get the situation, but I vaguely understood that I was alone.
 I think I understood quickly.
 ...Well, there was nothing but children in similar situations around me, so all I could do was absorb the fact.
  • page18|
 And after that.
 That man came, right when I was beginning to worry what would happen to me next.
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 He came on the day my bandages were taken off and I was able to eat without help.
 Wrinkled coat and uncombed hair.
 The man, a bit younger than the doctor, felt more like a big brother than a father.
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 "Hello. You must be Shirou-kun."
 A smile that seems to melt into the white sunlight.
 I think it was a suspicious voice, but a very kind voice.
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 "I'll ask you directly. Which would you prefer? To go to an orphanage, or to be adopted by this man you've never seen before?"
 That man was saying he could adopt me.
 When I asked him if he was a relative of mine, he said he was just a stranger.
 ...He looked like an unreliable guy with no future.
 But it made no difference, as I knew nothing about either one: him or the orphanage.
 So I decided to go with him.
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 "I see, that's good. Get ready quickly, then. You should get used to your new place as fast as you can."
 The guy quickly started packing my stuff.
 His packing wasn't very good, even in the eyes of a child.
 Then, after making a big mess...
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 "Oh, I forgot to mention something important.
  I have to tell you one thing before you come with me.
  Is that okay?"
 He turns to me lightheartedly and says,
  To start off with, I'm a sorcerer."
 He says it in a serious, exaggerated tone.
  • page24|
 It happened in an instant.
 Come to think of it now, I was really a child back then.
 I automatically believed those words.
 "Wow, you're awesome."
 I guess I said so with bright eyes.
  • page25|
 Since that time, I became his child.
 Actually, I don't remember what I said back then.
 But my father would always talk about that day.
 He would remember and retell the story again and again.
 So for my father, Emiya Kiritsugu, that might have been the happiest day of his life.
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 I guess it was strange for my father to tell me that he was a sorcerer, but I was strange as well for admiring that.
 And thus, I became an adopted son, and my last name became Emiya.
 Emiya Shirou.
 When I said my name, I was really proud of having the same last name as Kiritsugu.
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 ...I'm dreaming.
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 A story from my childhood.
 It was when I finally convinced my father to make me his student, so it must have been about eight years ago.
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 When I was old enough to stay at home by myself, Kiritsugu started to leave the house on a regular basis.
 He would say in his normal tone that he would "travel the world", and he began to act on these words.
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 That's how it was after that.
 It was normal for him to leave the house empty for a month, and he sometimes wouldn't come home for half a year.
 The Emiya house is a big Japanese-style house, and Kiritsugu and I were the only ones living there.
 I was perplexed in this house at times, as it was too big for a child.
  • page31|
 But still, I liked my life here.
 Emiya Kiritsugu would come home from his journeys and tell me lots of stories like a child.
 And the child who shared his last name would be at home waiting for those stories.
 I was always alone in the house, but that loneliness would all fade with the stories he brought back.
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 The father who was always chasing his dreams like a kid.
 His attitude was astounding, but he always seemed dazzling to me.
 That might be why I wanted to be like him someday.
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 ...Well, on top of that....
 Looking at my ever-dreaming father, I felt I should become reliable myself
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 ...I hear a sound.
 I hear a heavy, old, rusty sound as the door opens.
  • page35|
 Light enters the dark shed.
 My mind, waking up...
 "Senpai, are you awake?"
 ...Feels the cold air and the approaching footsteps.
  • page36|
 "...Mm. Good morning, Sakura."
 "Ah, yes. Good morning, Senpai."
 Sakura smiles and nods as if accustomed to this situation.
  • page37|
 "Senpai, it's morning already. You have some more time, but Fujimura-Sensei will get mad if you stay asleep here."
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 "Oh... you're right. Thanks for coming to wake me up."
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 "It's no problem at all. You're always up so early.
  I can only come and wake you up like this occasionally."
 Sakura seems more upbeat than usual today as if she's happy about something.
  • page40|
 "...Really? I think you wake me up quite often.
  Though, Fuji-Nee always hits me to wake me up, so I'd rather have you wake me up... Well, I'll try harder next time."
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 ...I answer her with a sleepy head.
 I don't know what I'm saying with my mind not fully awake.
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 "All right. But I'm happier when you don't try."
 Sakura is giggling.
 ...Gah, I guess my head was still dozing and I said something weird.
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 "Give me a second, I'll wake up."
  • page44|
 Taking a deep breath, I clear up my mind.
 The cold outdoor air helps in situations like this.
 The chill works well to beat the sleepiness out of my head.
  • page45|
 ...In front of me is Matou Sakura, my junior at school.
 This place is a shed behind my house, and the time is six o'clock.
  • page46|
 "Yeah, I'm awake now. Sorry, I guess I did it again.
I have to help you cook breakfast too."
 "It's fine. You were up late last night again, right? So you should take your time in the morning. I'll get breakfast ready."
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 Sakura says so in a happy tone.
 ...It's unusual. Sakura really seems to be in a good mood this morning.
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 "I can't let you do that. I'll get up right now, so let's go to the kitchen together."
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 "All right, I'm all set. Let's go, Sakura."
 "Ah... um, Senpai..."
 "Hm? What, is something wrong?"
 "No, it's nothing, but... I think you should change before you go back to the house."
  • page50|
 That said, I look down at myself.
 I fell asleep while I was working, so I'm still wearing my overalls.
 Being my work clothes, they're pretty dirty. I can't imagine what Fuji-Nee would say to me if I went into the house like this.
  • page51|
 "Ugh... I guess I'm not awake yet. I'm a bit out of it this morning."
 "That could be. So you rest here for a bit and I'll take care of breakfast. And you know, if you keep this place a mess, Fujimura-Sensei will get mad at you."
  • page52|
 "...You're right. I'll go after I get changed. You go on ahead."
 "Yes, I'll be waiting, Senpai."
  • page53|
 Sakura leaves.
 I have to change into my school uniform and clear up this mess.
  • page54|
 The shed is built on the edge of our yard, and just as it seems, it's a warehouse we put all our junk in.
 But for me, it's a place of treasures as I've enjoyed messing with things since I was a kid.
  • page55|
 Father didn't allow me to go into the shed, but I always sneaked in here. As a result, it became my base.
 For me, Emiya Shirou, I guess you could call this place my real room.
 The big Emiya household doesn't suit me, and I can only relax in this space full of junk.
  • page56|
 "...Besides, it's a waste. Even if it's junk, you can still use it."
 Most of the things in here are appliances that can't be used any more.
  • page57|
 Did I bring all the junk in here because I liked the place, or did I come to like it here because of all the junk?
 Anyway, since I was always sneaking in here, it became my hobby to fix the broken things.
  • page58|
 It's not like I get attached to things.
 I think it just annoys me not to use things that can still be used.
 And just like that, I was fixing up this stove all last night.
  • page59|
 "...I guess I'll finish this tomorrow. It seems I don't have enough concentration, seeing how I fell asleep halfway."
 I shake off the feeling of disappointment in myself.
 I gather up the parts of the stove and put them on the shelf full of things waiting to be fixed.
  • page60|
 There are no spaces on this shelf full of things awaiting repair. An old VCR awaits after the stove.
 ...I guess I'll ignore the fact that Fuji-Nee broke both of them.
  • page61|
 "...All right."
 I change into my uniform.
 This place is like my room, and it holds changes of clothes along with other things I need.
  • page62|
 It also has lots of blueprints and junk, the result of failures from when I do my training.
 There's also some kind of old design inscribed on the floor, like an altar or something.
  • page63|
 "Well, let's get today started."
 Clapping my hands in prayer to the shed, I head for the house.
  • page64|
 I emerge from the shed.
 The Emiya house is a Japanese-style house on the outskirts of town.
 My father wasn't much of a respected person in town, but he somehow still had this huge house.
 That on its own is a mystery, but it also seems he didn't have any relatives in Japan.
 That's why the house became mine and no one else's when my father died.
  • page65|
 Though, to be honest, I don't have that kind of management ability.
 Old Man Fujimura is in charge of complicated things like inheritance and property taxes.
  • page66|
 Old Man Fujimura is the big landlord in this neighborhood.
 According to Father, "the old man's like a yakuza boss".
 Of course, this is just prejudice.
 He's not "like" a yakuza boss, he "is" a yakuza boss.
  • page67|
 Well, that's a problem in itself, but I prefer to ignore it.
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 It's certainly true that he's energetic and scary, but he's actually not that bad a person.
 It really helps me as he pays a lot when I tune-up the motorcycle he likes to ride.
  • page69|
 Anyway, that's why I'm the only one living in this big house.
 It's been five years since Father died.
 The days have passed quickly.
 I sigh, thinking about how much I've grown in those five years.
  • page70|
 I've trained every day to be like Kiritsugu, but it's not that easy in reality.
 It's natural because I had no talent to begin with, but what can be said about having no improvement at all in five years?
 To sum up the present in one sentence, my goal is so far away that I'm not even at the starting line yet.
  • page71|
 No, I guess it won't do any good to rush.
 For now, I have to do what I can.
  • page72|
 Well then.
 Right now, I should