Ao no Exorcist: Volume 1 Chapter 2

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Credits and Translator's Notice:

This english translation is brought to you with permission by Ling. Their translations can be found on their wordpress site.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ao no Exorcist. Katou Kazue does and this novel is by Yajima Aya. Please support them by buying the novel if possible. I also do not intend to infringe any copyright laws by sharing my translation of this novel. It is to fill up the language gap of those unable to read the original or official translated versions. If this novel does get translated by Viz someday, I will gladly take my translation down.

Also, this is a double-translation. Therefore, the translation process is Japanese -> Chinese (by the professional Chinese translator)-> English (by me). I try to make it as accurate as possible, but please bear this in mind. Also, I love making translation notes, so if you dislike them, just bear with them.

Finally, this is not proofread at all. If you see any typos or grammar mistakes, please inform me. --Ling

Chapter 2: I Want to Dance the Tango with You[edit]


[Oh no…]

(Ah, Izumo is sighing again.)

Paku was observing her good friend who was holding her chin on the table while flipping a textbook with one hand. Her big eyes were not looking at the text, but gaze silently and gloomily out of the window.

So there was something wrong with her.

Freshman of True Cross Academy, former Exorcist course student, Paku Noriko noticed that her good friend, Kamiki Izumo was not her usual self.

Firstly, she was lethargic.

She always had an expression as if being deep in thought and never paid attention even if Paku spoke to her. It did not seem that she was concentrating on her studies.

Being hardworking was her strength, saying that she hated those who showed weakness in front of others, always awe-inspiring and definitely not someone who would show this kind of clearly depressed expression.

When the dismissal bell rang, Paku went to her seat.

[Izumo, class is over?]

After she shouted, Izumo came to her senses with difficulty and hurriedly closed her textbooks.

[I know, just that… during lesson just now, there was something I didn’t know… I wasn’t daydreaming and not hear the bell, okay.]

Izumo’s tone was a little angry. Of course she was not really angry. It was just her wanting to hide her embarrassment. Paku liked the playfully arrogant Izumo a lot although she still felt that she could be a bit more honest.

Like this, Izumo would become even more cute.

In reality, she had a nice countenance and her head of pencil-straight long black hair made Paku envy her immensely. Her cute shapely eyebrows suited her a lot, just like a princess from The Tale of Genji. But every time she said this, Izumo would be angered, so it was best that Paku kept it to herself.

[We’ll go get lunch. Do you want to eat at the cafeteria or buy bread from the canteen to eat on the field?]

[This…] Izumo made a thinking expression. [To the co-op then.] She answered as she stood up. The dining hall of True Cross Academy had all sorts of cuisine from French to Italian. Although the food was delectable, but the lunch set at the exorbitantly high price of 1800 yen and above was the same price of lunch at a slightly more high class hotel. [1]

True Cross Academy is a so-called elite school, but not all the students were from rich families. In order to save money, students buy bread and rice balls from the canteen to eat on the fields or benches near the high school compound. Quite a number of students did that.

Izumo and Paku would occasionally save money on food to buy things for their common interest— novels although they liked different genres. Izumo liked to read romance novels while Paku liked to read classics.

[I say, Izumo, is exorcist cram school hard on you?]

When Izumo stuffed her wallet into her colourful heart-shaped handbag, the two of them walked out of the classroom while Paku asked her.

The students all went for lunch while groups sat together to chitchat to spend their happy lunch time.

[You passed the Exwire exam right? Last time I heard it from Shima and the others, so you’ve started your missions?]

—A few months again, she was also enrolled in the exorcist course. As long as one had the [key], they could go to anywhere by opening the door, how amazing.

Paku originally lived a peaceful life which had nothing to do with the exorcists, but only enrolled with Izumo’s persuasion.

But she did not have the strong will to become an exorcist and could not keep up with the exorcist course homework. After a certain incident, she realised that she was not part of this world and decided to quit. But this did not ruin her friendship with Izumo, or maybe there were some initial grudges which were resolved by now.

So if Izumo had any worries, it must be from the exorcist course which Paku could not understand. The probability was high. After hearing what Paku said, Izumo trembled a little before immediately spreading her shoulder-length hair.

[…H-how’s that possible, I have the bloodline of witches, so that kind of task is so simple that I’m yawning. Really, Paku! Stay further from that flirty guy! You’re innocent, it’s better not to be close to him… Anyway, if that idiot dares to go near you, I’ll chase him away.]

This is more like the usual Izumo.

The reason was definitely the exorcist course. But it did not seem like not being able to catch up with schoolwork or the missions being too difficult.

Paku, who did not understand, suddenly had inspiration and asked:

[You couldn’t get along with Moriyama-san?]

Moriyama Shiemi is a student of the exorcist course and also a quiet girl who loved flora and fauna. Although she was a bit introverted and blur, Paku felt that she was a good girl who was sometimes unexpectedly clam and brave. When Paku was attacked by a ghoul, it was Shiemi who used aloe to cover the infected part.

However, for some reason, Izumo excluded her.

[Ah? …What’s there to talk about this, I never got along with that weird woman. Why would I worry about ehr?]

Looks like that guess was wrong.

(And then……)

Paku was happy that when she left the exorcist course, Izumo seemed to have changed. When she talked about Shiemi, her tone was not as cold as before.

(I see, you’re working very hard, Izumo.)

Paku looked at her good friend who was walking at her side, feeling like a mother bird seeing her baby bird leave her nest.

[Then it’s over someone else? Ah! Izumo! Don’t tell me you—]

[I-I what?]

Paku’s eyes sparkled excitedly. Oh yes, why did I not think of this immediately? About a high school girl’s worries, of course it is…

[You have someone you like? In the exorcist course!]

Putting a thumbs up, Paku was delighted and made an expression of [I guessed it.]. She thought that it was the correct answer, but Izumo still had an unhappy expression.

[Huh?! Don’t talk rubbish, Paku! How do you want me to like that bunch of idiots?! If I liked them, I might as well like closterium, at least it can photosynthesise!]

Hmm… closterium?[2]

Was she hiding her embarrassment, or was she really angry? It was really hard to tell.

But you’re too venomous.

(I think they’re better than closterium.)

Paku felt injustice for those four people who were worth less than closterium.

Okumura Rin, Suguro Ryuuji, Shima Renzou, Miwa Konekomaru— Although she had known them for less than a month, but the boys of the exorcist course were nice to get along with, especially when Okumura-san’s smile was cute and she thought he was handsome. His twin younger brother, Okumura-sensei was also attractive, but no matter how one looked, their relationship should be changed… Forget it, this is not the point.

(Then what was Izumo worrying about?)

In the end, it was still unknown.

One thing which was for sure was that even if Paku bluntly asked her [What are you worrying about?], Izumo would not comply and confess. Her awkward personality was one of Izumo’s charms, but it would be better if she could be more direct.

When the two of them walked out of the school gates, Izumo suddenly stopped in her footsteps.

Paku looked at the side of Izumo’s face in wonder, seeing that Izumo’s gaze went beyond the clock tower of the school compound and focused on the middle of the big staircase at the back.

In front of that, one of the the exorcist course students who was just mentioned, Okumura Rin, had appeared.

This boy who was called Rin, not only he had a special presence, and he always brought along a long sword in a bag, so he could be recognised from far away.

(Eh? So it was Okumura-san……)

Paku’s heart skipped a beat.

Upon closer inspection, Izumo’s gaze was not on him, but something behind him which was black and soft.


—Why? Why was there a cat in school?

And its tail was even forked. Although its overall colour was black, but its toes and stomach was snow white and only the area around its mouth was a dirty grey. It was as cute as a puppet.

It was very clingy to Rin. When it ran about, it even went to his legs to nuzzle him. Even one who did not like cats would have their heart melted by that sight.

(I know. Because of it……)

Paku finally understood why her friend was sighing.

The secret that Kamiki Izumo was trying so hard to hide was that she was a [girl who was obsessed with cute things].

[Oh~~ Its name is Kuro, Okumura-san’s cat.]

On the cloudy day, Paku sat on the dense field, speaking while biting on her mixed sandwich.

Izumo, who was eating an egg sandwich, corrected her:

[It’s not a cat, it’s a Cat Sidhe.]

According to what Izumo had said, a cat sidhe is a demon which possesses cats. In Japan, the cat sidhes had forked tails. Although they were different from the Byakko that Izumo summons, but most cat sidhes coexist with humans by making contracts.

(Rumour has it that some cat sidhes would pretend to be ordinary cats to find owners to keep them. How cute.)

And after Kuro contracted with Rin, it also became his familiar.

[Making a demon his familiar.] To Paku, it was something of another world. [Okumura-san is amazing~~]

Seeing Paku’s honest admiration, Izumo gave a snort of contempt and said: [This is nothing, who knows how did that idiot manage to convince Kuro to become his familiar?]

[Is that so?]


[But, Kuro is so cute.]

[Exactly… is it?]

Izumo excitedly spoke louder, but quickly lowered her tone to give the impression of [not interested]. Paku who found it amusing could not stop sniggering.

[What do cat sidhes eat?]

[Older cat sidhes are closer to humans. Kuro seems to like to eat meat. It’s definitely because its owner keeps talking about [sukiyaki].]

Paku thought of that time halfway during lesson when Rin subconsciously shouted [sukiyaki!]. [No wonder.] thought Paku.

However, Izumo’s observations were really detailed. Of course the target was not Okumura Rin. Instead, this was referring to Kuro.

[Are cat sidhes strong?]

[Every cat sidhe is different. Kuro must be very weak. Look at how cute he is— cough— that skinny appearance.]

[Do cat sidhes take afternoon napes like normal cats?]

[It should be so? Kuro has a place it likes to sleep at. Once, I saw him sleep at the sunny space at the back of library, huddled into a bunch taking a [sleepy nap]—]

Closing her eyes, Izumo snapped back and said:

[…Nah, but this has nothing to do with me.]

Izumo held her reddening face while intensely sucking on her strawberry au lait from the juice box.

(Izumo is very cute.)

Accidentally speaking like a child, she must have felt very embarrassed.[3]

Almost about to laugh out loud, Paku turned her back against Izumo to prevent herself from laughing as she pretended to bit the sandwich in her hands.

—In the next moment, the just mentioned Kuro was spotted in Paku’s sight.

[Ah, it’s Kuro.]


Paku’s casual remark made Izumo reply quickly. She followed Paku’s review to scan the area quickly.

Afterwards, she found her reaction so embarrassing that she coughed.

[…It’s really him.]

She nonchalantly said this, but the tips of her ears were becoming red. Once again, Paku tried her best to restrain her laughter.

Kuro was not a person. It came from where the Okumura twins were in the distance. The younger brother, Yukio was sitting on a bench and was surrounded by girls while the older brother, Rin was lying down on the field. Kuro was jumping near his feet and chasing butterflies.

Almost catching a butterfly, he fell heavily on the field.

Seeing that, Izumo quietly exclaimed [Ah…]. She stretched out her hands a little only to stop halfway, as if like a mother who was looking over her child who had just started to learn how to talk.

[I say, Izumo, we can ask Okumura-kun to let us cuddle Kuro for a while?]

Paku whispered a suggestion at Izumo’s ear.

[N-no need to… I-I’m not interested.]

Izumo trembled a bit, with her forceful voice and expression showing much restraint.

(Hmm— this isn’t working…)

Paku looked at her still stubborn friend while giving a pained smile, and suggested again:

[Then I’ll ask him to let me cuddle it.]

Paku purposely tried to provoke her.

In the end, Izumo sounded an [Eh…]. Her heart was obvious wavering and her betrayed expression was so adorable.

Sorry, Izumo, but you need to be more honest.

[Wait for a while, I’ll be back soon.]

After saying that, Izumo went towards the field where Rin and Kuro was.

Kuro who was still chasing after butterflies, raised his head to look at Paku with its mouth slightly agape.

It meowed to Rin, as if asking: [Who is she?]

Rin still remembered his former classmate— Paku.

[Yo, long time no see, how are you?]

Rin bent forward slightly to ask about her injury from some time ago. Okumura-kun looked like a delinquent, but he was actually a very gentle person, so Kuro was clingy to him.

Paku smiled and answered:

[Mmm, I’m alright. This cat sidhe is Okumura-kun’s familiar?]

[Yeah, he’s called [Kuro].]

[It’s amazing to have your own familiar.] Rin heard Paku’s praise and showed a delighed expression. Looks like he was completely opposite from Izumo as his feelings were all showed on his face.

[Can I cuddle him?]

[Oh, sure.]

Rin nodded graciously. With both hands, Paku held Kuro and it docilely let her hug it in her chest. She heard that Kuro was a demon and due to the [ghoul] incident in the past, Paku was quite nervous. But other than the forked tail, he was actually the same as ordinary cats. He felt so warm and his thick fur reflected some sunlight. There was also some kind of alcohol smell on him.

Paku tilted her head confusedly.

[There’s the smell of alcohol…]

[Ah, this guy loves drinking catnip wine most.]

[Catnip wine? Not sukiyaki?]

[? Does everyone like to eat sukiyaki?]

Rin answered without understanding what was said. In the next moment, he was so terrified that his face turned green, looking as if he had seen a ghost.

[W-what happened? Okumura-kun.]

Paku asked curiously as she saw Rin raised a trembling finger towards the area behind Paku.

[F-for some reason, Bushy-brows seems very angry…]


For a moment, Paku’s made an confused expression before noticing that he was referring to Izumo.

[Sometimes boys can give really weird nicknames.] While Paku thought, behind her, there was someone going [Oh……]

She was indeed looking here.

Rather than saying looking, she was staring intently.

Without blinking, both of her eyes were glaring.

That glare could kill.

[What happened? She looks like she’s always staring at us… how scary!]

Even Rin felt afraid. If this continued, Kuro would be scared too.

Paku fumbled and quickly carried Kuro while walking towards Izumo.

[You see~~ Izumo, Kuro is so cute and fluffy~~]

Izumo’s expression became fiercer as she kept silent with her lips pursed shut. But Paku knew that she was resisting the urge to shout out loud.

Her two hands were already prepared to cuddle Kuro.

Just a little bit more. In front of Izumo, Paku whispered to Kuro’s big ears [Kuro, she’s Izumo.] As a result, Kuro whose head which was at Paku’s shoulder turned his head slightly.

But once it noticed that the person in front was Izumo, Kuro who was still docile just now quickly struggled against Paku’s arms and escaped from the spot as quickly as a rabbit.

[? Ku-kuro…?]

Paku was stunned at the sudden development and kept viewing the direction Kuro escaped to. After gaining composure, she turned around nervously and faced her good friend.

[Hahaha… Kuro ran away? Maybe there’s something fun somewhere— I’m joking.]



[—Let’s go, Paku, lunch is ending soon.]


Izumo turned to leave.

Paku thought that she would be very upset due to this, but surprisingly, Izumo’s face did not change. But her lips were still pursed tightly and her hands grabbing the end of her skirt were trembling, making Paku notice about her good friend’s current mood.

(Izumo is really……)

Up until now, she was still so tough.

The more she pretended to appear that nothing happened, the more Paku sympathised with her.

(Argh~~ I scared Kuro away again.)

The library of the True Cross Academy high school section had a peaceful atmosphere, in which Kamiki Izumo sighed loudly and dejectedly.

Actually, she had tried to get closer to Kuro a few times when Okumura Rin was not around. But he always ran away. Yesterday, she even took cat toys to him, but it was still a failure.

She had seen her classmate Konekomaru play with Kuro happily, maybe it was because Kuro hated her.

Thinking of that, Izumo looked like a deflated balloon.

But on the surface, she was still the strong Izumo. Even if she was depressed inside, but as she did not want anyone to notice, she exerted force on her stomach. However, it caused an opposite effect to happen and made many wrinkles appear on her forehead.

Scowling, she walked into the library while everyone else scurried away in fright when they saw her. This added fuel to the fire of her already bad mood.

(What! Everyone is this scared… am I that scary?)

Izumo raised her shoulders and walked furiously before suddenly stopping in front of a certain bookshelf.

Oh yes. Not only something saddening happened, there was something bigger gained.

(Paku is… really understanding.)

[Thank you, I will work hard.] In her heart, Izumo thanked her best friend and at the same time, find her target from the categorised books.

[Ah! Yes, it’s this one, this book—]

Izumo could not help but smile as she tip-toed to retrieve a book from the uppermost shelf.

The name of the book is…

[[You can do it at home! How to brew delicious catnip wine]

Reading a book in order to make the catnip wine Kuro likes most, then getting close while feeding him… this is her plan.

—At that moment

[Kamiki-san, you’re also borrowing books}


A soft voice sounded behind Izumo. Shocked, she clutched the book in front of her before turning around. The person behind her was Okumura Yukio. Although his expression was as gentle as usual, but his breathing seemed quite quick and his hair was also disheveled. It was probably due to trying to avoid the girls who were chasing him, so he had to run in the school campus.

[Oh, [How to brew catnip wine]… isn’t it?]

Seeing the title of the book in Izumo’s hands, Yukio made an incredulous expression.

Izumo started becoming nervous.

This was not a book that a high school girl would usually borrow, of course Yukio would be surprised.

Then this teacher seemed to be shady— no, very astute. [Could he have noticed that I was going to tame Kuro…] Izumo’s heart started to beat quickly, and……

[Homework for Home Economics? Cookery practice seems to have so much variety these days. I thought it was usually something like mashed potato salad or fried vegetables.]

Izumo looked at Yukio who smiled as he spoke and gave a sigh of relief. It looks like her worries were unfounded.

[Eh… Ah, it’s not. Actually it’s because I heard that cats love catnip wine, so I borrowed it for my research on cats.]

Izumo controlled her wavering heart and came up with a lie suddenly. This way, it was not completely a lie and there would be no need to be so nervous.

[Nii-san- no, you heard it from Okumura-kun? It’s probably only just our Kuro… but cats do actually like catnip so you’re not wrong…]

[Do all cats like catnip wine?] Yukio put his hand on his chin to ponder seriously as he smiled again and said: [No matter what, liking to read is a good thing. How I wish that Nii-san could eat—]

[—eat some of your saliva and learn well…] He felt that this would not be respectful to a girl, so he changed it to: [How I wish that Nii-san could learn from Kamiki-san]

Having successfully bluffed her way through, Izumo put down the weight that was nagging at her. She saw the chance and used a casual tone to ask: [Okumura-sensei, where can I find catnip?]

Yukio thought for a while.

[I remember that the Academy’s greenhouse has a catnip tree, but it is not the harvest season now. Although it blooms in summer, but to be able to collect the fruits used in brewing wine, you would have to wait until October.]

[October… huh.]

Izumo could not help but be disappointed. Seeing her desolate expression, Yukio smiled and said:

[Oh yes, how about asking Moriyama-san?]

[Huh?] Upon hearing the name of someone she did not like, Izumo frowned.

[Moriyama…-san, right?]

Yukio did not take note of her expression and continued smiling:

[Moriyama-san’s Green Man should be able to summon any plant at any time.]

[—Usually I’d rather die than ask you for a favour, but I have no choice but to ask for your assistance.]

With an attitude which was completely unlike of a person making a request, Izumo said these words arrogantly.

She wanted catnip, but she did not want to owe that person anything. After a debate with herself, in the end she asked to meet Moriyama Shiemi at the corridor during a break at exorcist class. After finding many excuses and showing a fierce— actually, Izumo’s face was only very red as she made the request of [Can you give me some catnip?]


Shiemi was extremely nervous because Izumo suddenly wanted to talk to her. So her face became even redder than Izumo’s and her attitude was more timid than usual.

[I heard Okumura-sensei say that now would be too early, but you can get it. Or why would I lower my head to you?]

Although she was very afraid of being rejected, but every time she saw her, Izumo always could not help but criticise her. Shiemi completely did not mind Izumo’s attitude. She clutched her burning face with her hands and she listened seriously.

[I don’t know much, but Kamiki-san, you need it, right?]


[Let me go home and check!] Shiemi answered loudly. [You’ll have to wait for me, Kamiki-san.]

Looking at the smiling Shiemi, a huge question mark appeared on Izumo’s face.

[Nah… you don’t need to take all that trouble. Just use your Green Man to make it…]

Shiemi was of the same Meister type as Izumo. She can summon a small finger puppet sized Green Man which she named Nii-chan. He was always put on her shoulder and she showered him with a lot of love.

Green Men are the kin of the [Earth King] Amaimon. He can grow plants from his body regardless of season. A gentle natured demon, he would climb Shiemi’s hair and make [nii~ nii~] sounds as well as cling on her face lovingly. Despite his cute appearance, when his Meister was in danger, he can grow enormous trunks to form a shield and produce a lot of aloe which can get rid of spirit wounds [4]

Izumo explained excitedly as she pointed to the Green Man. In the end, Shiemi made a confused expression.

[Eh… But you want [tabi], right? I don’t know what kind of tabi is [matatabi], because Nii-chan can only grow plants.][5]

[Huh? Tabi…?]

[Sorry, Kamiki-san. I’ll go home and ask Mum and find one for you.] Shiemi said while apologising.

Upon hearing this, Izumo was stunned to the extent of almost laughing, so she quickly turned her back against Shiemi.

(T-This person… Thinking that matatabi is a type of [tabi]…)

Anyway, what kind of tabi is a matatabi? Izumo tried her best to resist the urge to laugh loudly.


Shiemi heard Izumo’s leaked laughing and looked at her face quizzically.

[What happened, Kamiki-san?]

[I-I’m alright!! Anyway, matatabi is not a tabi… it’s a small white flower that blooms during summer. I want its fruits.]

Holding her reddening ears, Izumo pretended to be angry and started to gesticulate to Shiemi to explain, and…


Shiemi who paid attention to the explanation, suddenly showed a smile that was was bright as a blooming flower.

[The catnip you’re talking about, are you referring to [Natsu-chan]?][6]


[Who’s that?!] When Izumo wanted to retort, she suddenly remembered that Shiemi called aloe as [Sankyuu-san].[7]

(Oh yes, this person seems to give nicknames to plants…)

She remembered that because of this, Shiemi only got 41 marks for her demon herbology test which should have been her best subject before being corrected by Yukio.

[Nii-chan, make some of Natsu-chan’s fruits!]

Shiemi smiled as she ordered Nii-chan.

The tiny Green Man heard its name called by the meister he loved most.


He answered and jumped down from Shiemi’s shoulder before growing a lot of catnip from its expanding stomach. The heads of the branches were abundant with ripe fruits needed for brewing catnip wine.

[For you, Kamiki-san.]

Shiemi felt very happy and gave the mountainous pile of catnip fruits to Izumo.

After struggling with her heart, Izumo quickly said:

[That… I’ll accept it…]

Then she whispered with a voice as soft as a mosquito: [Th-thank you.]

As she said that, she hurriedly turned her fully red face away—

—That night.

After dinner, Izumo showered quickly. She gained the warden’s permission to switch on the dormitory kitchen lights. The kitchen of the new student dormitory was worlds apart compared to that of the old dormitory. The wide and spacious room was full of the latest kitchen equipment and large refrigerators.

[I have the catnip, so let’s get started.]

Eager, Izumo tied her hair into a high ponytail, put on an apron filled with pink polka dots and fasten the strings.

She put the jars, rock sugar and other ingredients to prepare catnip wine at the kitchen counter.

Lastly, she placed the many catnip fruits that Shiemi gave her into the mixing bowl heavily.

Everything had been disinfected.

[There should be no problem. And then… hmm…]

She flipped the book she borrowed with one hand.

The book wrote: [Pour concentrated wine into the bottle with rock sugar. Let it soak for 3 to 6 months.]

If not soaked for long enough, the wine will taste quite bitter.

[Ah? I can’t wait for half a year… If I pour in more rock sugar, maybe it will only need 3 days?]

After discussing with herself, she nodded and said: [Only the wine is left.]

[Did it say white wine? Or was it brandy? It seems that not any wine can do…]

Izumo searched the silvery white industrial refrigerator. Besides many types of condiments, there were also a lot of cooking wine. However, even if there was so much that she could not finish using, she could not use cooking wine. Since she was still underage, although it was not for her to drink… she could not buy wine by herself.

At first, she thought this was just a problem after getting the catnip wine. She never thought that it would be solved this easily.

By summoning her Byakko, they can make god’s wine.

Taking a piece of paper with a drawn magic circle from her chest, she stained it with her blood.

[Gods of harvest, listen to my command—]

As she sang the summoning aria halfway, Izumo suddenly felt uneasy.

Although it was not an ordinary cat, but can Kuro who is so small (Note: [I am already 120 years old] says Kuro) drink wine?

[Exactly. Saying that he likes to drink catnip wine. Which idiot would feed this kind of thing to a kitten!! (Note: Izumo’s misunderstanding)]

Izumo did not know that the first person who fed Kuro catnip wine was actually Rin’s late adoptive father— Shirou, so she put all the blame on Rin.

But to make Kuro like her, she needed catnip wine no matter what.

Is there something without alcohol which can replace it…

Izumo looked at the clock above the sink, it was already over 7.05 pm.

As she followed things by the book, she was reluctant to go out at night. But according to the dormitory rules, students can freely enter and exit the dormitory before 8pm.

Izumo took off her apron, carried only her bunny shaped coin purse and walked out of the dormitory.

[—Only you would dare to buy this kind of thing, the cashier is a female worker.]

Suguro made a disgusted expression while talking to Shima. Because this dear friend just bought a raunchy photobook in a store within the school grounds.

Shima clutched his plastic bag filled with his battle drops and smiled proudly.

[Kekeke… [Even if a girl stood at the counter, I still dare to buy porn confidently] This is one of my techniques, it’s nothing.]

[What’s good about it, you monk who doesn’t follow the teachings… So when we were younger, everyone called you the [pervert devil].]

[Ah— don’t mention it! Young master! That was my dark past!! After high school, I want to go on the higher road!]

Shima took a deep breath and said: [Luckily this was not heard by Izumo or Moriyama-san.]

[Even so, don’t but it anyway.]

Suguro made a condescending expression while scolding.

Beside them, Konekomaru was about to exit the bookstore from its automatic doors.

[Eh, isn’t that Kamiki-san?]

He pointed into the distance.

On closer inspection, it was indeed Kamiki Izumo who was carrying supermarket plastic bags in her hands. Her looking left and right with her nervous expression looked very suspicious.

[It’s really Izumo.]

Shima hid the raunchy photobook that he just bought behind his back and smiled: [Your so cute just after showering~~♡]

[How do you know she just showered… you’re totally a pervert demon.]

Suguro made a nauseous expression while retorting before turning his head to look at Izumo.

[By the way, what is Bushy-brows doing so late at night?]

[She seems to be going back from the supermarket.]

Konekomaru noticed that Izumo’s hands had a bag that was printed with [True Cross Supermarket]. After Suguro had seen it, he furrowed his brows.

[What’s that… it seems to say [beer].]

[It says [children’s beer].] Konekomaru answered.

Because the plastic bag was half transparent, so with a closer look, one could see what was in the bag.

[Then there’s fish jerky and… champagne???]

Konekomaru tilted his crew cut head and said: [How strange.]

[What is she buying all these for?] Suguro also could not get it.

[Fish jerky is garnishing. She wants to drink children’s beer and champagne to get more drunk. Izumo is really too cute~~]

Shima grinned while moving his body around.

[These three things added together will only make one’s breath fishy and smelly.] Konekomaru explained with a pained laugh.

And that surreptitious look was completely different from her usual self.

Looking at her silhouette, Konekomaru tilted his head again and said:

[Kamiki-san, what happened to her…?]

On the other side, Izumo did not know that she had been seen by three classmates and hurried back to the dormitory kitchen.

She was initially worried that she would be seen by others. As she went closer the the dormitory, the weight on her heart was slowly put down.

During a Christmas party in elementary school, Izumo had drank children’s beer mixed with champagne. Besides being alcohol-free, it was also sweet and tasty. Mixing it evenly like a cocktail along with soaking the catnip, Kuro would definitely love this taste. And she also bought fish jerky which cats love most as a secret garnish.

If he liked this [Izumo Special Catnip Wine], their feelings will surely develop.

The sweet image of herself and Kuro kept showing in Izumo’s mind.

Countless delusions made Izumo tremble excitedly.

(Wait for me, Kuro ♡)

Izumo ran the last stretch back to the dormitory.

—Afternoon, three days later.

Izumo went to Kuro’s favourite afternoon nap spot, the sheltered area facing the sun behind the library, where Kuro was asleep. His snow white belly was rising and falling non-stop while Izumo quickly held her mouth to keep silent.

[What if he runs away again?]

(No problem, because I came prepared today…)

She encouraged herself. Ensuring that nobody else was around, she softly spoke to Kuro using baby talk.

[Kuro~~ Are you napping?]

Hearing sounds, Kuro blearily went [Meow?] and looked around. At the moment he saw Izumo’s face, his hairs started to stand and wanted to run away.

Izumo quickly called him: [Ah~~ Wait, Kuro, today I brought catnip wine…!]

Izumo shaked the tumbler which made splashing sounds.

Seemingly attracted by the sound, Kuro walked towards Izumo’s feet. Although he was confused, he stilled liked his lips. Seeing Kuro, Izumo’s heart could not help but tighten. She squatted at the spot and poured the Izumo Special Catnip Wine into the tumbler cap.

[Come~~ Kuro, drink more of it.] She said while putting the tumbler cap in front of Kuro. Delighted, Kuro shook its forked tail and lowered his head towards the tumbler cap.

Meow~~ Then he licked the wine with his tongue… Then—

[Izumo Special Catnip Wine] was mixed with a unique pungent smell along with a sticky cloudy extra sweet taste. This indescribable taste made Kuro faint immediately. From then onwards, he was even more afraid of Izumo.

[I-Izumo… you need to recover?]

[…It’s nothing, I’m alright, Paku.]

[But y-your eyes look devoid of life? And your eyebags look serious/]

[Ah… don’t mind it… I was just spending the night reading…]


Even with her good friend Paku worrying for her, Kamiki Izumo’s depressed sighs did not end.

Translator notes and references[edit]

  1. (t/n: 1800 yen is around USD$17)
  2. (t/n: Closterium is a type of algae, therefore the photosynthesis reference)
  3. (t/n: I have no idea how does one say sleep or nap in a childish way but that’s the way Izumo said it earlier)
  4. (t/n: aka tempaint/ mashou) so he was very reliable.
  5. [t/n: In Japanese, catnip (木天蓼) is pronounced as matatabi. Shiemi thought that matatabi was a type of tabi (足袋), which is a type of Japanese footwear. For the rest of this conversation when needed, I will use matatabi instead of catnip so that the joke can be understood better.]
  6. (t/n: 夏/natsu means summer)
  7. (t/n: 三丘/sankyuu means three hills)
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