Talk:Suzumiya Haruhi:Volume6 Melancholy Of Asahina Mikuru 2

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Mohorovičić discontinuity

The Mohorovičić discontinuity, usually referred to as the Moho, is the boundary between the Earth's crust and mantle. It was first discovered in 1909 by the Crotian seismologist Andrijia Mohorovičić, and is named after him.


Veritaserum is a highly potent truth potion in the Harry Potter series, similar to modern day truth serums. Three drops would apparently be strong enough to make you spill out all your inner secrets.

Purple Diploma

The purple diploma is a diploma issued to those who show excellence in visual arts and literature, and have contributed to the above fields. The ribbon is purple, hence the name.

Silver Goblet of Hemlock

The silver goblet of hemlock is a cup of poison that the Greek philosopher Socrates was sentenced to consume.


Orienteering is a running sport involving a map and a compass. The competition is a timed race where a team or individual has to navigate his way with the help of a special map and magnetic compass. Check points are often set up to ensure the participants run the course as described in the map instead of taking short cuts.

Bullet Time

Bullet time is the infamous sequence made popular by The Matrix, where everything slows down while the camera angle rotates, usually by 360 degrees.