Ghost Hunt:Volume 5 Chapter 5

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Ghost Hunt Volume 5 Chapter 5: Man Eater


We caught Ohashi-san in the dining room; after we reported our discovery of the body, it momentarily turned into a huge ruckus. The few psychics who had already awoken also turned embarrassed.

“… Corpse…?”

When asked this by Ohashi-san, Naru nodded.

“I think it should be one of the two who had gone missing in February. I think it’d be better to contact the police.”

“Please wait a moment.”

Ohashi-san was green in the face.

“If that’s done I’ll be very worried. I can’t decide on this by myself.”

Is this the time to say this type of thing?

“In any case, let me contact my master first. Before my master gives any instructions, would everyone please refrain from any reckless behavior.”

Saying this, Ohashi-san stumbled out of the Dining Room.

“This corpse, where was it?”

Igarashi-sensei asked.

Naru pointed at the floor plan.

After Sensei looked at it, she appeared shocked and turned to Minami-san and Professor Davies who were seated at the table. She spoke, pleased, to the two who were still stunned.

“This is really too exciting. It’s exactly as the Professor had prophesized.”

… Ai?

“What is that?”

When Naru asked this, Igrashi-sensei spoke with a satisfied smile.

“That is, just now the Professor made a prophesy. We asked the Professor about the whereabouts of the missing people; we begged the Professor to see for them. After seeing, the Professor said the missing people were in the west.”

We turned to look towards Minami-san and Professor Davies. I don’t know when those two started to show an expression of extreme worry. In contrast, Igarashi-sensei appeared rather excited.

“This is really great. No wonder you’re a Professor.”

Naru spoke with an extremely cold voice.

“Seisei, don’t you understand?”

“Understand what?”

“If the people who disappeared in February are already dead, I think the other missing persons have almost no hope of survival.”

When he said this, Igarashi-sensei’s expression stiffened.

“… You’re saying Suzuki-san is already dead?”

We knew the answer, but somehow couldn’t say it.

“Not only Suzuki-san; I’m afraid even Atsugi-san and Fukuda-san are too.”

“But, it’s been quite some time since the people went missing in February. That person must have gotten lost.”

Naru interrupted Igarashi-sensei who had just started speaking.

“He couldn’t have gotten lost in that room.”

“… Ai?”

“That room was completely sealed from the outside. We, too, had to open a hole in the wall to get in. Normal people using normal methods wouldn’t be able to get inside. That isn’t a place where someone could get lost in.”

Igarashi-sensei turned green.

Suddenly, Mihashi-san stood up. He summoned one of the servants.

“You, I want to go back.”


Mihashi-san shot these few sentences to the visibly troubled servant.

“I’m saying, I want to cease investigating and go back. Tell Ohashi-kun for me that I’d like to withdraw.”

Leaving the stunned servant, Mihashi-san hurried left the Dining Room. Minami-san gestured to the Professor, and the two of them rose, and left hot on Mihashi-san’s heels.

The situation had turned from bad to worse. First it was Mihashi-san leaving this mansion. Then it was Imura-san and 圣-san who had just gotten up; when they heard the news of the discovery of the body they were shocked until their faces turned green, then after they heard of Mihashi-san’s withdrawal, Imura-san also announced his own desire to withdraw.

Ohashi-san looked bewildered. It looked like his master had objected to contacting the police. He tried to curb sentiment that the police should be contacted while speaking to Naru, who had summoned a demolition crew to see the empty space clearly, while appearing to be at a complete lost.

Two hours later, we found out that the young lady who was a medium for 圣-san had disappeared. Although we assumed she had disappeared, we found out that 圣-san’s car had also disappeared, and understood that she had ran way.

Then there was a servant who had gone to the city for errands, after which he never returned.

The rest of us who were left gathered in the Dining Room. 圣-san, Igarashi-sensei, and a woman who was Minami-san’s helper.

圣-san spoke in an annoyed tone.

“My Atsugi-kun is but still missing. Even if he is really dead, I can’t go back like this.”

… That’s right.

Igarashi-sensei nodded.

“Anyhow, if we don’t hurry up and search… Poor thing…”

Saying that she covered her eyes.

Just at this time, Minami-san appeared.


Minami-san elevated a hand to wave at Shiraishi-san. In the other hand was a bag.

“… Minami-san.”

Igarashi-sensei stood up.

“Could Minami-san be going back?”

Minami-san frowned.

“It can’t be helped.”

“But Fukuda-san from your society is still missing!”

Minami-san shifted his gaze.

“If we continue to search and are able to find her safely, I’d stay. We can’t stay in such a dangerous place, and expose ourselves to more danger. We are withdrawing.”

… How can he? Such cruelty.

Igarashi-sensei ran to Minami-san’s side.

“How can you do this.”

Igarashi-sensei grasped Minami-san’s hands, then looked at Professor Davies who was standing behind Minami-san.

“Is the Professor going back too?! Clearly the Professor’s powers are absolutely necessary to us right?!”

Neither Minami-san nor the Professor had an answer.

“I’m begging you. Please don’t go back. Please help me search for Suzuki-san.”

Igarashi-sensei grabbed the Professors’ arm.

“I’m begging you.”

The Professor, looking alarmed, shook his hand.

“I’m not.”

Whether it was Sensei or the rest of us, we all starred straight at the Professor’s face. Although it was a little raw, it was accurate Japanese.

“I – am not – the Professor.”

“What are you saying?!”

Igarashi-sensei screamed. In my heart, I thought, ‘as expected’.

“My – name is Raymond Woore, not- Davies.”

“Hey, you!”

Although Minami-san tried to stop him, words that had already been spoken could not be taken back.

The Professor – no, Woore-san wore a troubled expression.

“He, what he says, are lies. He only says things. It’s not me. Only Minami-san said, that I am Davies.”

A furious expression flashed on Minami-san’s face. Woore-san continued.

“I – want to go back. Really – want to go back.”

Igarashi-sensei let go of Woore-san’s arm, which she had grasped. Woore-san hurriedly turned and walked towards the corridor. Minami-san followed him. Nobody stopped them.


“… That fraud!”

Although 圣-san mumbled this, nobody bothered replying.

Naru spoke with a calm voice.

“I think it’d be better if the two of you also left this place.”

Igarashi-sensei turned her head with a tragic expression.

“Why… why do you want us to leave?”

“This place is dangerous. It’s alright to go back to Suwa city. I think it’s best to leave this building.”

Then Naru said some shocking words.

“We will also withdraw.”

“Wait… wait a moment!”

I couldn’t help shouting.

“You said withdraw… then what about the other missing people? Do you plan to ignore them and go back?”

Naru spoke in a clam voice.

“They are all already dead. There’s no hope even if we search.”


“We’ve already searched the house. We can only conclude the missing people are in sealed rooms; and this is also a fact. However, that type of place isn’t accessible unless one opens a hole in the wall. I don’t know what method Urado used to take his sacrifices to the other side. The human body is unable to pass through walls, so I can only think that Urado manipulated space or time to do that. Do you know how much energy is needed to do this?”

… This, anyhow it is…

“That fellow isn’t loitering in this realm to wreck vengeance. Neither did he leave any love or regret in this world. That fellow merely wants to prolong his own life. Hence the need for sacrifices; that’s why he goes hunting. This can no longer be called a ghost of a deceased. You can call it a ‘demon’, ‘fiend’ or ‘monster’. It is such a monster.”

“… But.”

“Unfortunately although we know of methods to hunt spirits, we do not know a way to hunt monsters. It’s not possible to exorcise it.”

With that said, Naru looked around at everyone.

“Amongst those seated here, is there anyone who knows of how to hunt this fellow?”

Bou-san spoke.

“To be honest, I’m not able to do it. I don’t have the power to subdue this fellow who is able to make humans pass through walls.”

Ayako also agreed.

“I’m no good either. The circumstances are too poor.”

At the same time, John nodded too.

“To those who have no fear of god, I’m unable to forcibly seal him.”

Naru nodded too, then crossed his hands.

“However, that fellow has a weakness.”

… Ai

“That fellow can’t leave this house.”

“… Really?”

Bou-san clenched his fist.

“The surroundings of the house is safe, Ma’am had said so before too. During his life Urado repeatedly committed massacres here - in this house, in that room which Mai spoke of. Up till today that fellow has been restricted by this house. Or one can call it imprisonment. So he can’t hunt outside the house.”

“I’m afraid it is like this.”

Naru nodded.

“Therefore we can exorcise him.”

“—is this so?!”

Bou-san smiled.

“Of course. Even Mai can do it too.”

“… Me?”

“Just burn it. There’s nothing in this world that cannot be cleansed by fire. That fellow is restricted by the house and is unable to escape; therefore it’s ok to just burn the house.”

“Wouldn’t it remain on the ashes?”

“It shouldn’t. Because that fellow isn’t attached to this place, but the house itself.”

… Oh, is this so?

Naru gently sighed.

“If Ohashi-san followed our advice, called the police, and dismantled the house, the missing people will be found. That isn’t our job.”

Bou-san grinned and said.

“Hence we will escape and leave? This isn’t Naru-chan behavior.”

That’s true. Indeed it isn’t Naru-like behavior.

“It’s not running away. Our work is already complete.”


Everyone stared wide-eyed at Naru.

“I came here not to fulfill Ohashi-san’s request. The request itself did not trigger my interest; even now I don’t think it is anything that interesting.”

“But… if that’s the case then why…”

“I did not accept Ohashi-san’s request. I accepted Madoka’s request.”

“This Madoka is… Mori-san?”

“Correct. She said that Minami Psychic Research was apparently carrying a bogus Davies all around, and wished me to investigate.”

This is what you call ‘stunned speechless’.

“Our job here is already complete. There’s no reason for us to stay and expose ourselves to this danger. Even if we stayed, I don’t think we’ll encounter any interesting phenomenon. We are withdrawing.”

“We were played by you… you fellow.”

Naru looked as though it was none of his business.

“This is what they call keeping a secret in battle. Amongst us there is a fellow who can’t keep a secret.”

Saying this he looked at me.

“Yes yes, it’s just like that. Because Naru and I are different; I hate people who lie to others.”

Saying this, I turned to look at the confused Igarashi-sensei and 圣-san.

“Because of this, I’m sorry. I’ve told a lie.”


Shut up. To stop me at this point is already too late.

“Our head is also a fake. I think having seen this very arrogant attitude, you already know, this person is our head.”

I clearly pointed at Naru. Naru looked displeased.

“This person is Shibuya Kazuya. I’m sorry, everyone.”

Both Igarashi-sensei and 圣-san were stunned rooted to the ground.



I don’t want to hear you complain.

Naru glared at me hatefully, then gently let out a sigh.

Good. I win.

“… Go make preparations for our withdrawal. Pack your bags.”

“Yes, boss.”

You know how incredible I am, don’t you?


We hurried back to our own rooms, and started packing.

I stuffed my clothes into my trunk, while I inclined my head.

“… Is this OK, to really go back?”

“Even Naru said it’s OK, so isn’t that fine?”

It looked like Ayako did not hear what I was troubled over.

“But, what of Urado’s spirit? We say they should start demolition, but what if someone goes missing during the course of the demolition?”

“Yeah~ you have a point.”

Ayako carefully folded her clothes.

“But, while it is arguably very dangerous to dismantle the house bit by bit, if that’s so… then wouldn’t it not be a problem if it were knocked down all at once with an iron ball or something similar? However one puts it, it still dismantles the house into many small portions.”

“This is… you have a point.”

Ayako started combing her hair.

“Aah, how uncomfortable. I didn’t take a bath last night, and I’m all dusty from today.”

She’s really relaxed, this fellow.

“I want to take a bath, Mai, help me delay the time a little.”

“I say…”

This way I’ll get scolded severely by Naru.

“To you, avoiding Naru is as easy as flipping your hand. Please.”

With a gentle wave, Ayako walked into the bathroom.

She really is too much, sigh…

I silently packed my bags; following that I looked back towards Masako.

“Masako, are you done?”

Masako shot me a glance, then turned away immediately.


“I don’t want to be addressed so intimately by one such as you.”

… This fellow.

“When you were speaking of me you added a ‘one such as’ in front.”

Masako violently turned her head away from me, and did not give me a reply.

“Why do you hate me to this extent?”

Masako pretended not to have heard my words.

“At least tell me the reason.”

“… I?”

“That’s right. It looks like you’ve grasped Naru’s weakness, right?”

Masako appeared a little afraid.

“What type of weakness is it~? Tell me… You won’t do this, will you?”

“That’s a matter of course.”

Saying this, Masako’s expression turned a little lonely. I inclined my head.

“Because if I told you, I would really be hated.”

“… Ha?”

“Because… I know Naru’s weakness.”

Ooh. So you’ve finally admitted it.

“That’s why Naru hates me.”

Wait a moment. Why did the conversation turn out this way?

“Because Naru has a very strong sense of pride. He can’t tolerate someone else finding out his own weakness.”

“… This fact, I’m well aware of.”

“Hence I am hated by him. If I told others of his weakness, I’ll incur a greater amount of hatred from him.”

I feel I can understand this reasoning.

Indeed it is. Even if one was not hated by Naru, he isn’t a person that one can easily get close to.

Masako stood up. She walked quickly to leave the room.


If we acted unilaterally we would get scolded by Naru.

Masako opened the door, and then turned to look at me.

“Mai… as expected, I still hate you.”

I sighed.

“It’s like this. – You can’t leave the room. Didn’t he say that we cannot be alone?”

“I only want to go out to take a breath of air. The air in this room has turned very bad due to someone’s stink.”

“I understand, I understand. But, that still won’t do. It’s very dangerous.”

“I feel like being alone.”

Masako walked through the crack of the door.

“Wait! Masako!”

“I’m just in the corridor. So please don’t follow me here.”

The door closed with a gentle sound. I shrugged my shoulders. Then I smiled.

Yeah. I like Masako. Isn’t she just like a girl; so very cute?







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