On a Godless Planet:Volume1A Afterword

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Godless shinobu.png

“Okay, let’s have a chat for the afterword!”

Godless balancer.png

<But why us? People will mistake this for part of the novel.>

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Since this is set in the 90s, the afterword has to be a character conversation. That’s just how it works.”

Godless boku.png

“Who decided that?”

Godless raidou.png

“Having us chat with the author would be the best kind of cringe, but I guess we’re not doing that.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Anyway, um, the new series has begun. This one is more focused on chatting while dealing with the problems at hand and doing some hunting, so look forward to all that.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Was that the author speaking through you?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“No, no, no. Of course, not, of course not. No one’s talking through me.”

Godless boku.png

“Don’t worry, Senpai! I’m totally okay with brainwashing plots! It’s all cool!”

Godless yomoji.png

“Aaaanyway, is there anything toooo discuss concerning the 90s?”

Godless balancer.png

<To be blunt, acquiring physical materials is difficult. The CRT display devices are especially difficult. Everything changes to LCD in the 2000s and there is a risk of CRT devices catching on fire as they grow older, so they even disappear from used stores and auctions.>

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Checking on controllers and such must be difficult too.”

Godless balancer.png

<Another problem from the 2000s is that most game systems from this era do not have the HDMI output that becomes the standard in the following decade. They primarily use composite video, D terminal, or component video, but the second two almost entirely disappear in the 2010s.>

Godless raidou.png

“Well, when that happens, you can just rely on modifications or scan converters, I guess. Even our game club has a composite output for the Famicom.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Do things really change that much in a decade?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The 90s was a time of great change in Japan. That was partially due to the remaining momentum from the bubble era, but I think that was the period when people saw the greatest value in physically owning things.”

Godless boku.png

“This sounds complicated, so can you explain it using boobs as a metaphor?”

Godless raidou.png

“Boy, the value of big boobs is eternal.”

Godless balancer.png

<People also find value in flat chests, but the word ‘hinyuu’ is only seen in reference to them starting at around ’96, so the 90s really was a time of great diversity. And before that word, people used the term ‘pechapai’, but even that is only seen starting at around ’88.>

Godless boku.png

“What about ‘kyonyuu’ to refer to big boobs? When did that start?”

Godless balancer.png

<That one is first seen around ’88, so that must have been a rather liberating time for Japan.>

Godless boku.png

“’88 is when the Tokyo Dome and the Seikan Tunnel opened, right? Oh, and the Mega Drive came out.”

Godless shinobu.png

“DQ3 too. I only played it recently, but I really wish there was a town on Greenlad. And I really liked the event in Noaniels.”

Godless balancer.png

<I’m not sure getting back on topic is worth it, but before ‘kyonyuu’, the terms ‘dekapai’ and ‘boing’ were used. Language sure has a way of changing, doesn’t it?>

Godless kuwajiri.png

“This might be sudden, but the background music this time was Opa-Opa! from Sega’s Fantasy Zone.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Um, then how about we end this by asking ‘who was the most flustered?’ ”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Pretty sure that’s you. Anyway, Part B will start off with a battle and some negotiations, so it’s our turn to shine.”

Godless balancer.png

<And with that, please wait a while longer for Part B which will hit the ground running.>

2019. A rainy morning.

-Kawakami Minoru

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