On a Godless Planet:Volume1A Preface

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Inner Cover[edit]

Godless 1A 000b.jpg

Waiting Anew

I wanted to get this shopping trip right.

Tachikawa was nice because it had a lot of places to shop. As someone who originally lived deep in the mountains, a place with so much stuff was kind of incredible.

Godless senpai awate.png

“Wow. Takashimaya and Isetan. Takashimaya sounds better from the name, but Isetan reminds me of the Ise Grand Shrine, so it could be good too.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Senpai-chan, are you the type who gets really taken in by brand names?”

It probably was pretty obvious I was from the countryside. I was aware of that. Yes.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“But in Tachikawa, wouldn’t Will have more of what young people are looking for?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“No, a name like Will is a bit too powerful for me.”

Godless kuwajiri.png


Godless senpai awate.png

“I guess you could say it’s too bright and sunny. It’s too much for an insignificant god who lived in the shadows.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Senpai-chan, can you even go to a family restaurant at night? Do you take damage if you live out in the sun or something?”

Godless senpai.png

“It isn’t that bad, but I do wonder if maybe it would be better to cook for myself. Of course, that just makes me order things you can only really get at a family restaurant.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Found anything good recently?”

Godless senpai.png

“A lot of them have started serving avocado desserts, right? It really bothers me that so many menus misspell it as avacado.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Um, Senpai-chan? I think she was asking about the food itself.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Anyway, Senpai-san, I do think you can pull off more mature fashion styles, but since you’re supposed to be a high school third year, let’s try something younger.”

They used that reasoning to take me to Will.

Godless shinobu.png

“So what are you buying?”

Godless senpai.png

“Well, you see, Sumeragi-kun will be arriving again.”

I did already have enough to live in the room next to his.

But even so…

Godless senpai.png

“For every rollback, I kind of want to buy something new to ‘move in’ with.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Yeah, I think I kind of get it. Maybe?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“That is not logical, but I will try to understand.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Is it a kind of purification?”

Godless senpai.png

“It is. I think of it like treating the rollback as an unpleasant past that can be purified by bringing in something new.”

The other two nodded.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“So what are you buying today?”

Godless shinobu.png


Godless senpai awate.png

“No! Besides, the new style uniform doesn’t need underwear.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Hold on. You do have other clothes, don’t you?”

Godless senpai.png


Godless senpai awate.png

“Of course I do!”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Now I’m really worried…”

This was an important “ceremony” for me. I did have a decent idea of what I wanted, but…

Godless senpai.png

“Oh. There it is. I’ll go with this.”

We were at a flower shop and I selected…

Godless senpai.png

“Chinese bellflowers. …The ones that bloom in this season are blue or white, but I want the blue ones.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“I’m not buying them because they’re one of the edible Seven Flowers of Autumn.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“No one said anything like that. But…

Godless shinobu.png

“I was expecting some kind of item or clothing, but flowers, huh? I’m a little surprised.”

Godless senpai.png

“I went with those other things at first because I didn’t have enough, but now that I have pretty much everything I need, I’ve started buying flowers. If only I could put them out on the balcony before ‘meeting’ Sumeragi-kun.”

Kuwajiri-chan spoke up next to me while we watched Senpai-chan go to check out.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Do you know the language of flowers meaning for blue Chinese bellflowers? ‘Endless love’ and ‘grace’.”

Godless shinobu.png

“We’ve got that in the West too. For us, it’s ‘sincerity’ and ‘hoping for someone’s return’.”

Kuwajiri-chan sighed.

Godless kuwajiri.png

“The language of flowers meaning of the banana is ‘style’, so I kind of feel like I’m the loser there.”

Godless shinobu.png

“For wheat, it’s ‘fortune’ and ‘prosperity’, so I think I have a decent chance.”

When we high-fived, Senpai-chan tilted her head and smiled a bit, but I doubt she knew what we were talking about.

New Style Uniform Page[edit]

Godless 1A 002.jpg

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Now, please discuss the new style uniform developed for the “New Cult” industry. The New Cult industry corresponds to the terraforming, so these are made for use in extreme environments. By the way, this one is the summer uniform.”

Godless shinobu.png

“That last part sounds a lot less convincing than the rest.”

Godless boku.png

“The summer uniform is pretty great! See-through white! Peekable sleeves! My heart’s already pounding! Calls the cops for all I care!”

Godless raidou.png

“The guys’ clothes aren’t as well thought out, so they don’t really matter, right? But this kind of design in the 90s has gotta be DC, right?’

Godless yomoji.png

“Ohhhh, yeah. The DC Brand! IIII once told my believers they could oooonly wear one thing, but then theyyyy couldn’t keep up with environmental changes and it was a biiiig problem.”

Godless senpai.png

“Um, I don’t see the control parts that go from the underarm to the chest.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Those are for people with big chests to control their own body’s pressure, so I don’t need them. Or rather, not having them is the standard design. They’re only an option.”

Godless boku.png

“What’s that, Kuwajiri!? You go without the Option!? Do you go all out with the Speed Up and Laser instead!?”

Godless raidou.png

“Hey, people can get pretty heated arguing between 2-Way and Photon for the Missiles, so we probably shouldn’t bring the topic up at all.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Um, I have no idea what you’re talking about, so I’m just going to assume it’s something from the 80s or 90s.”


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In Tachikawa, Tokyo, of 1990, the terraforming participants engage in some chatting and some action for a wholly unpredictable story. Or maybe it is predictable. Who knows.


Godless 1A 010.jpg

Sumeragi Izumi

Protagonist. High School Year 2. Game club member. Main consoles are the Mega Drive, the PC-98, and the MSX2. Big boobs worshiper. Has no filter whatsoever. Seriously, none. Tends to make strange noises. Background noise on legs. Is something of a problem, but isn’t a bad person. It’s fine.


Senpai. High School Year 3. Game club member? Has difficulty saying no. 175cm tall and busty. Seems like the gentle type but actually has an odd amount of energy. Seems to use her flustered expression more than the normal one.

Raidou Tooru

High School Year 3. Game club member. 195cm tall. The reliable big brother type. Surprisingly, intellectual. Gets worked up playing games, but isn’t very good at them. Main consoles are the Famicom and the X68. A real fighter. Big boobs worshiper.

Shifu Saku

High School Year 3. Game club member. 185cm busty blonde. Raidou’s wife. The accepting mom type.

Kuwajiri Tsubomi

High School Year 2. Game club member. 155cm tall. An intellectual with a sharp tongue. Something like a little sister to Raidou and Shifu? Good at games that don’t require reflexes.

Yomoji Shinsei

High School Year 3. Game club member. 205cm tall. Club leader. Stretches his words when he talks. Crazily tolerant yet intolerant. Absurd.

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