Toradora!:Spin-Off Legend of the Black Catboy of Misfortune

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Legend of the Black Tomcat of Misfortune

"...... d- d- d-, did you see it?"

"It's no use, the trees over there are obstructing...... a little more to the left"

"......h- h- h-, how?"

"It's no good, that tree is obstructing it this time. ......ah, darn! It's quite frustrating! Can we cut it all down!?"

--I may do it.

Takasu Ryuji struggled as he crouched down silently in order to drop the hooligan off his shoulders. The hooligan got down on the ground violently with both feet.


He swore at the whole world, unleashing his frustration, He tore off an innocent leaf of a shiso plant in the lush flower bed. The mint's scent drifted in the hellish heat of the noon of midsummer.

"Oh forget it, it's okay, that's a wrap. ......aaaah, even though I took the effort to come to school during summer vacation, I can't get one clear view of Kitamura-kun in his club activities. I am extremely unlucky......Hey, why are you ignoring me when I'm feeling down!?"

As Ryuji crouched down to pick some shiso leaves, the hooligan, known as Aisaka Taiga, kicked him right down and into the middle of the buttocks with the toe of her shoes.

"Ow...... that hurts, you dumbass!"

"You stupid idiot! You impudent dog!"

Whack! And he got slapped in the mouth this time, then Ryuji's fierce eyes shone as he shouted back at Taiga without backing off one bit.

"Hit me or whatever you want to do, but I, these shiso, you can't stop me from taking them! These mints are FREE! I'm free to take them! Do you understand!?"

"Tch! Waitaminit! Spit! Gross!"

"Shut up! It's free, I'm free to take it. besides, mint is my favorite! You should be happy to be able to enjoy these in the delicious salad noodles and pickled tuna covered rice every day! Incidentally, here, it was me who planted the mint! On dry days I'm also the one who waters them, sending the pests to the afterlife was also me! Therefore I have every right to harvest these mints!"


"Nevermind that! Help me pick them if you understand! Ah... It's good that I remembered, last time I finished picking them all, I wasn't sure how soon they would grow again. So careless, so careless, to almost forget. And I don't usually come here when summer vacation begins...... but then, the shiso plants are strong, look at this lush growth!"

Happily-- totally forgetting the original purpose for coming to school, Ryuji became preoccupied with the shiso plants. Casually keeping one step apart, he didn't notice Taiga's eyes glaring at him.

Even with the violent like a wild carnivorous animal known as "palmtop tiger", in the face of the golden sun in the hot day, concentrating on the shiso harvesting, any thought of running by Ryuji was not to be found anymore. Instead Ryuji went "he he", laughing happily, occasionally smelling the fragrance of the crop going "mmm..." while narrowing his eyes and thinking, I wouldn't mind putting some of these shiso into a sachet for my wallet and mobile phone. Whether it was the demonic eyes or the scary features of the face, he looked like a hopeless addict picking some illegal weed that was secretly cultivated in the Hokkaido region., although he was just enjoying the feeling of having a miniature agricultural life with his small personal herb garden.

"Ah, that's right, Taiga!"


A smug smile and the usual cold silence was all he got. But Ryuji crawls over to Taiga on his knees from the mint plants without minding,

"In the flower bed over there, I have also planted eggplants and cucumber. Say, don't you want to take a look!? The seedlings grew and flowered before the closing ceremonies! Though I attempted last year, it was tragically caught by the gardening club and removed...... But this year!"

"Don't want to"

"Why. ......Hey, why are you so unkind to me? What is that strange look you're giving me?(Why are you looking at me like that?)"

"You are becoming more and more detestable! I knew I should have come on my own after all."

"Why is that!?"

In the first place, the reason why we came to school in the middle of summer vacation was to get the needed textbook which Taiga left in the locker. Although he wasn't asked particularly, but Ryuji, who was bored with a lot of free time, decided to accompany her.

As they passed through the school gate, they found the baseball club practicing. Taiga's crush, Kitamura, was there. Since the closing ceremony, Taiga has not seen Kitamura. Kitamura was of course busy with club activities and can be seen from a distance, so she would not like him to see her spying on him.

And so Ryuji and Taiga hid down beside the flowerbed at the side of the school building where the flowers grew thick, nestled between the sunflowers which swayed whenever they peeked. However, the huge weeds of the mid-summer was larger than the petite body of Taiga and blocked her view. So he let Taiga sit on his shoulder. For Taiga's sake, he showed some kindness. And then,

"You said I'm detestable, how am I detestable?!"

"There are lots including......such as your face, or such as your sweaty back. You, your entire shirt is drenched. Ah, that reminds me......"

Taiga puts her hand inside her own skirt, thinking about the close contact between her buttocks and Ryuji's shoulders earlier. Her eyes widened in shock, her small face twisting with disgust.

"Uh......ugh! My ass is wet with the sweat from your back! eeew! eeew!"

She stuck out her tongue and pretended to throw up. No matter how good-natured Ryuji is, it still felt insulting.

"Oh, don't you think it's also possible that my back is getting wet from the sweat of your butt as well!?"

"Not a chance!"

Instant denial, cutting off further talks Taiga turns around going, yuck! yuck! and starts to kick at the dirt with her foot like a cat after it uses a toilet. Sweat pours from Ryuji's skin, leaving spots on the ground.

"Ow! Ow! ......cough! Stop that you idiot! I was even kind enough to carry you on my shoulders!?"

"I'm now regretting that! What a disgusting sweaty dog! go away! get lost!"

"I will be using these shiso in tonight's tempura for our dinner, how can you say such a thing!? May lightning strike you down!"

"Ha! Lightning strikes can kill the germs! Whatever, I'm going to hurry and get that thing I forgot (textbook in the locker), as for you, you can stay here and bake in the heat!"

Like more lightning strikes hurting Ryuji's feelings further, Taiga's long hair fluttered as she turned towards the school building and ran off. Ryuji quietly rubs his sweat-soaked back, while shaking off the dirt on his hair like a dog, and biting his lip thinking. I knew it, she really is a terrible person.

--that witch, definitely, will have a horrible end.

Brushing her light colored hair with a tinge of gray, Taiga walked the deserted corridor towards the classroom on her own. Her exquisite profile as refined as delicate etched glass made her look like a French doll.

If she doesn't opens her mouth, rather, if not for "that" personality of hers, everyone would see Taiga as a very beautiful young lady. Her large eyes with light-colored pupils move relaxedly, looking like a kitten as it opens its mouth, the palmtop tiger lets out a lovely yawn. At times when no one is looking, Taiga does have a most captivating face.

However, the calm arch of Taiga's eyebrows suddenly raised steeply. From the other side of the corner, loud footsteps can be heard. It seems to be coming towards this place.

Disliking such a noisy person -- ignoring her own shortcomings, Taiga pouts with irritation at once. At this rate they may collide at the corner.

......or maybe not.

She did not try to change the route to an empty path nearby, this girl is called "the palmtop tiger" for a reason . Taiga absolutely walks where she wants to walk. Even if the other person is a guy from the sumo club or even if the other person is a teacher, she did not intend to change her way. She is walking properly, the other person is breaking the rules running, there is no reason to give way.

Resolutely sticking out her elbow sharply in front, Taiga lowers her head, continuing to plunge towards the prey which approaches quickly. And sure enough, the moment we reached the corner,

"Ow... oh!"

"There it is...... kiyaaaah!"

Crash, the elbow connected bluntly. The other party who was knocked over screams loudly and lands on their butt, sitting in the hall due to the force of momentum. Standing firmly like a rock, before the eyes of the undisturbed Taiga, the schoolgirl's rather short skirt of the girl was opened and exposed fully. Both the her pure white thighs and the seams of her light blue underpants were 100% exposed.

"......ah ah ah uuunggh~!"

Noticing the embarrassing position, she hurriedly sat down in the hall panicking and cried out again, pulling down on the hem of her skirt. And expressing "ouch" while pressing down her considerable chest that is best seen from the top. But by pressing down too strongly, did she know that it further increased the rounded shape to become clearly visible?

For some unknown reason (without any explanation), an even deeper cruelty and malevolence appeared in Taiga's eyes, looking down at this figure.

"......You, pay attention"

"Ah, s.. s... sor......"

Realizing that her panties had been exposed to just another girl, she lifted her eyes in that instant with a tinge of relief. However, with a blink of an eye, she realized that it was "the palmtop tiger" that stood arrogantly in front of her.

"......te... te... te..., teno...... eeek!"

Her round cheeks lost all color of blood in that instant.

Between Taiga's eyebrows, furrows looking like sawblades appeared.

Not even apologizing for knocking into me. Instead acting frightened like a victim. I hate this kind of person the most. Incidentally, I also hate those irresponsibly big breasts. ......without stating any apparent reason.

”......can't you even say "I'm sorry"? or is it, in your world, the "te... te... te..., teno..." acts as a form of apology? eh? what a barbarian!"

"o... o... o... urk!" (TL comment:the girl is trying to say "sorry")

"You're still not apologizing!"
