Ghost Hunt

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The Ghost Hunt series is also available in the following languages:

(Note: Translation progress varies for each version.)

The Akuryou Series

Ghost Hunt is a novel written by Ono Fuyumi. It was released between 1989 – 1994. It has a manga (1998 - Present) and anime (3 October 2006 – 27 March 2007) adaption. This series was originally called the "Akuryou Series" (悪霊シリーズ).

The manga was renamed to "Ghost Hunt," and since the anime was based on the manga, it adopted the title "Ghost Hunt" instead of "Akurei" (the original title). "Akurei" (悪霊) roughly translates to "Evil Spirits."

This project has recently been revived by Sinmay, whose LiveJournal can be found here. If you enjoy reading the translations, be sure to head over and say thanks!

September 2015: Please note that Yumemi Sayaka is in the midst of editing volume 1 & 2 before hopefully moving on to the translation and completion of volume 3, your patience is much appreciated :). Decided to keep project status as "stalled" first as am not sure how long editing volume 1 & 2 will take. Thanks!

March 2016: Witchhuntress is continuing the translations starting from Volume 3. She hopes to update once a week or two.



Translators are asked to register which chapters they're working on (see the Guideline page for usage rules).

Format Standards

The majority of the translations come from the Chinese version If you spot any inconsistencies, feel free to edit, as this is an open wiki. The translation for volume 3 is from the Japanese version (volume 3 hasn't been translated in Chinese), but since the translator is learning Japanese as she goes along, feel free to edit.

September 2015: Editing for the existing novels are being done by reference to the Japanese version of the novels, however please note that Yumemi Sayaka is not re-translating the entire existing novels, she is merely going through the English version and checking it against the Japanese version where inconsistencies have arisen. Feel free to edit if you notice anything out of place.


If you enjoyed the translation, why don't you tell us in the Feedback Thread


  • March 1, 2009
    • Added part 3 of chapter 3
  • March 7, 2009
    • Added Part 4 of chapter 3
  • July 7, 2009
    • Please welcome our newest translator Sqwark, who will be handling translations for Volume 4
  • April 3, 2010
    • Volume 7, Chapter 4 begun
  • 1 October, 2015
    • Volume 1 edited, Volume 2 is in the process of being edited
  • 2 November, 2015
    • Volume 2 edited, Volume 3's translation to begin in the middle of November
  • 12 March, 2016
    • Added Part 5 of chapter 3 of Volume 3, Part 6's translation is now being revised by Witchhuntress.
  • 17 March, 2016
    • Added Part 6 of chapter 3 of Volume 3, Chapter 4 Part 1's translation is now being revised by Witchhuntress.

The Akuryou series by Ono Fuyumi

Volume 1 - Are there really lots of Evil Spirits?! / 悪霊がいっぱい!? (Full Text)

Volume 2 - There really are a lot of Evil Spirits! / 悪霊がホントにいっぱい! (Full Text)

Volume 3 - I Can't Sleep Due to the Abundance of Evil Spirits / 悪霊がいっぱいで眠れない

Volume 4 - Lonely Evil Spirits / 悪霊はひとりぼっち (Full Text)

Volume 5 - I don't want to become an Evil Spirit! / 悪霊になりたくない! (Full Text)

Volume 6 - Don't call me an Evil Spirit / 悪霊と呼ばないで

  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - House by the cove / 入り江の家
  • Chapter 2 - Unforeseen circumstances / 不測の事態
  • Chapter 3 - Object from the sea / 海から来るもの
  • Chapter 4 - Calamity / 凶事
  • Chapter 5 - Juda / ユダ
  • Chapter 6 - 寄り来る神
  • Epilogue
  • Author's Notes

Volume 7 - I don't mind Evil Spirits! (Part 1) / 悪霊だってヘイキ!(上)

Volume 8 - I don't mind Evil Spirits! (Part 2) / 悪霊だってヘイキ! (下)

Project Staff

  • Supervisor:
  • Project Manager: HolyCow




Those who are interested in translating and are able to do Japanese --> English can PM/e-mail HolyCow for the RAWs, or try slapping him about in the IRC channel.



Scripts Partially Contributed

We would like to thank these users for contributing portions of translated script:

  • Kaie for Volume 1's Prologue and Chapter 1 (both versions)

Unfortunately partial contribution of translated scripts are no longer accepted for this project.

Series Overview

  • Volume 1 - Are there really lots of Evil Spirits?! / 悪霊がいっぱい!? (Published 1989, ISBN 978-4061903111)
  • Volume 2 - There really are a lot of Evil Spirits! / 悪霊がホントにいっぱい! (Published 1989, ISBN 978-4061903654)
  • Volume 3 - I can't sleep due to the abundance of Evil Spirits / 悪霊がいっぱいで眠れない (Published 1990, ISBN 978-4061904170)
  • Volume 4 - Lonely Evil Spirits / 悪霊はひとりぼっち (Published 1990, ISBN 978-4061904859)
  • Volume 5 - I Don't Want to Become an Evil Spirit! / 悪霊になりたくない! (Published 1991, ISBN 978-4061905948)
  • Volume 6 - Don't Call me an Evil Spirit / 悪霊と呼ばないで (Published 1991)
  • Volume 7 - I don't mind Evil Spirits! / 悪霊だってヘイキ! 〈上〉(Published 1992, ISBN 978-4061986961)
  • Volume 8 - I don't mind Evil Spirits! / 悪霊だってヘイキ! 〈下〉(Published 1992, ISBN 978-4061986978)
  • Volume 9 - Nightmare Dwelling 1 / (悪夢の棲む家(上)) (Published 1994, ISBN 978-4062551564)
  • Volume 10 - Nightmare Dwelling 2/ (悪夢の棲む家(下)) (Published 1994, ISBN 978-4062551649)