Kaze no Stigma:Volume2 Chapter 1

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 05:15, 23 February 2009 by Stealth (talk | contribs) (→‎1: Ayano can't look hard at the moody Ayano, so from the context I suppose it's Nanase who does the looking.)
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Chapter One - Banquet for Victory -The Chosen Ones-


This is common.

You could say it is something that has become a part of their lives.

However, Yukari and Nanase can both sense the tension.

A tension that is hard to ignore.

“Didn’t I say so already? You girls will definitely not be bored. I know a great club! I just need to show my face for us to get in.”

”Come on! Let’s go! What fun is there to be had with only females?”

As the two exchange glances, a group of men with weak appearances make a vulgar speech in a flippant manner. They don’t look too bad, but their idiotic speech and actions show no class at all.

In simpler terms, they are trying to pick the girls up.

This is common.

Even though their appeals may differ, the three are beautiful girls that make one's eyes light up. They know exactly how to deal with such pick-up artists. Or at least they did, until now.


Suddenly, the third girl who has not spoken a word until now begins to move. She slowly raises her head, and looks into the eyes of the man in front of her.

“That place is frequently visited by idols, stars and models! We have many such friends, and if you are interested, we can introduce them to you……”

Glared at by cold eyes that chill to the bone, the originally glib man is unable to speak another word.

“Get lost.”


The men leave pitifully. Yet the girl does not even look at them, and instead puts on an unchanging, cold expression and leaves as if nothing has happened.


“What’s wrong?”

The girl, Ayano Kannagi, seems rather displeased, and turns her head with those words.

“You seem to be really harsh on the people who've tried to pick us up recently?”

”It is just your imagination.”

Ayano replies, straying from the point.


Yukari lifts her head to look at Nanase with pleading eyes.

Nanase nods and says, “Yup, you're really overdoing it recently. Let’s take last time for example - you actually used the corner of your schoolbag to hit the person’s temple.”

“Ah, that one was really scary. The whites of his eyes showed, and blood was flowing from his ears and nose-“

”……Does it matter, anyway? We called an ambulance for him.”

Nanase looks hard at the moody Ayano, and slowly closes in on the main point.

“Ayano, something happened between a guy and you, didn't it?”

”Wh-what…… What are you talking about?!”

The sudden question left Ayano unable to hide the stir in her heart.


Nanase gives off a smile deep with meaning.

“You, a father-complex girl, finally seem to be starting to show interest in guys other than your father.”

“I am not a father-lover.”

Ayano swiftly regains her calmness, and says strongly, “I just have never met a guy better than my father that’s all.”


Nanase meets Yukari’s eyes, as if to say “what a headache,” and sighs.

“I admit, your father is indeed a mature and relaxed middle-aged man, but you cannot possibly find that kind of feeling in a young guy right?”

“That is not true. Father was young once too, so as long as I find someone similar-“

Half-way through, she shuts her mouth and frowns, as the conversation has somehow reminded her of that detestable man.

Seemingly difficult to approach, yet uncommonly relaxed- a person undoubtedly qualified to be considered alongside her father.

He is not like Jugo at all. Indeed, he is the total opposite.

But... he is very powerful. Not just his strength, but his entire existence. In that sense, he is comparable to the strongest man, Jugo, that she knows-


Hearing the call rife with laughter, Ayano, who has stopped moving, returns to her senses.

“You are thinking of the guy you like right now, aren’t you?”

“Of…… Of course not! That kind of guy!”

“Which kind of guy?”

Being asked such a question, Ayano loses her strength for a moment.

“Nanase…… Even you……”

”Be honest! Such an interesting topic, I bet even Yukari won’t let it go easily either right?”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

Yukari nods happily. Ayano stares at her two friends who intend to extract every single detail with antagonistic scrutiny.

Shinomiya Yukari and Kudo Nanase. They are both students of Seiryo Academy, where Ayano studies, and at the same time her best friends - even though there are times when she wonders about the friendship between them.

Yukari’s shoulder-length, beautiful hair moves up and down like waves, her face always shows a gentle smile and her speech is slightly slow. It is unclear whether she should be considered “mellow” or just “slow.” Regardless, from this description, one can probably imagine that she is a laid-back person.

In contrast, Nanase’s hairstyle is a refreshing blunt bob. She seems casually calm, and her swift movements and tone show no sign they belong to a girl, giving people an unsettled feeling, making her the type to receive a lot of chocolates on Valentine's Day.[1]

These two girls are opposites no matter how you look at it, but what is truly remarkable is that when they tease Ayano, they exhibit perfect harmony in their cooperation - although to Ayano, this is something unbearable.

“Come on, tell us, what kind of person is it?”

“I already said there is no such person! By the way...”

Ayano stares at Yukari with accusing eyes.

“Aren’t we going to eat cakes now?”

”Yes, that is right.”

”Then why are we on this road!?”

In the direction which Ayano points her finger stands a long row of accommodations designed for a very specific purpose.

Just as with a haunted house in a back-country area, though there is nothing particularly odd about their appearance, they possess an atmosphere unlike that of a normal hotel.

That is right. For, as the three (except for a certain someone) were chatting happily, they had unintentionally come to the entrance for the street of love hotels.

Realizing that they are arguing in a special area, Ayano can’t help but blush. But Yukari’s smile did not change at all.

“This is a short-cut.”

”Even so, this kind of place……”

”Don’t worry. No one would think that we are going to play 3P.”

Ayano's face carries a pained expression, as she looks at this innocently smiling friend who has just said something very shocking.

“You…… Don’t use that cute face to say something so shocking, okay?”

“Kay~ But this kind of thing is nothing compared to Ayano's normal behavior.”

”…… What is the meaning of that?”

Against Ayano’s squinting eyes, Yukari puts on her usual smiling face. Though she may look easy-going, she is definitely not on the losing side.

Ayano, who realizes that she is at a disadvantage, decides to forcefully end the chat.

“Anyway, let’s not walk this way. Let’s go another way!”

”Geez, Ayano is so squeaky clean.”

“Squeaky clean? That doesn't even need to be said! This kind of hotel, whose only use is for people to share a bed - who knows what the people going in are thinking?!”

Ayano sounds violent, and scowls angrily at the love hotels as though they had killed her father, when suddenly, her expression freezes.

Yukari and Nanase follow Ayano’s line of sight. What lies there is...

“As agitated as always.”

A man and a beautiful lady, sticking closely together, walking out from the hotel street.

His age appears to be about twenty-something, with an upright face that could be considered handsome, but his expression seems to be rather sloven. A light smirk appears on his mouth, forcefully pulling the grade of this person down thirty percent.

“You should at least put some thought into your surroundings.”

The man makes fun of the dumbfounded Ayano and continues to speak.

“You are already a high school student. It is about time you know what shame is……”

Her ears hearing the man's incendiary words, Ayano’s frozen brain begins to thaw. Information begins to flow in, and she regains consciousness.

The man before her eyes is Kazuma Yagami. This is the man that Ayano hates most. As for the woman beside him, she has never seen her before. In addition, this is a love hotel street.

Catching up to this point, Ayano’s brain, which had finally returned to a normal temperature, suddenly began to heat up. Gripped with an inexplicable fury, Ayano shouts, “You…… What are you doing in a place like this!?”


Yukari and Nanase share a puzzled look, looking at their friend who has suddenly fallen into a rage. Both pairs of eyes show no indecision, and seem to be simultaneously asking, “What is she talking about?”.

This question is not one that needs to be asked. Just as Ayano has said, there is only one thing to do in a love hotel - even if there are many different ways and methods; there is only one reason to be here, basically.

On the other hand, Kazuma who has drawn Ayano’s rage upon him simply shows a light smile, as usual.

“Asking me what I am doing- Ah, it is so hard to say it out loud~ ♥“

He acts shy, daintily using his hand to cover his mouth as he says that.

At this instant, the dozens of neural synapses of logic in Ayano’s brain snapped all at once.

Feeling the furious spiritual energy arising from Ayano, Yukari and Nanase can’t help but move back. But, even when engulfed in such a strong murderous intent, one that even normal people would notice and fear, Kazuma and the woman beside him do not change the relaxed smiles on their faces.

The woman ignores Ayano’s furious eyes as if they are nothing, her lips go close to Kazuma’s ears and ask, “This girl, is she Kazuma’s girlfriend?”

“Kirika…… That joke is not funny at all!”

After such a semi-derogatory question, Kazuma answers with an irritated look. Listening, Kirika glances at Ayano, and laughs lightly.

(------! This darn woman-!)

Seeing the seemingly taunting attitude of this person, Ayano views Kirika as an “enemy”. As if seeking a weak spot, she sizes Kirika up from head to toe. But...


Although slim, she has a good figure, filled with femininity.

From the angle of a “woman,” Ayano has no way to compete.

Ayano is also a rare beauty, but her state of maturity is far below Kirika's. Future development or hidden potential have no effect now. Because in a battle in the real world, current capabilities decide everything.

Even so, if the opponent is just someone who devotes all nutrients, even those that should go to the brain, into her breasts and hips, Ayano will not concede defeat.

But, Kirika is different. Those thin, long eyes of hers carry the light of wisdom, clearly indicating that she is not just some vulgar woman who only knows how to fawn on guys.

Slightly older than Kazuma, she looks as if she is around twenty-five. From the way she can casually face up to Ayano’s killing intent as if it were not there, she is clearly not an average businesswoman. Maybe they are in the same trade?

Ayano bears the silent torture of inferiority, and continues to glare at the two with angry eyes.


Kirika accepts Ayano’s eyes generously, and holds her body even more closely against Kazuma’s arm. Rather than a demonstration of love, this action seems more like she's trying to tightly hang on.

“Should I arrest you for lewd acts against an underage female?”

“Don’t be like that.”

Kazuma seems very displeased.

“She is just a distant relative. I've done nothing, nor have any intentions of doing anything.”

”Then, why is she angry?”

”She is always angry. Just ignore her.”


Kirika looks towards Ayano once more, her face showing a smile with deep meaning. Ayano notices, her mind tangled in an instant.

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“I think it would be better to explain.”

”There's no need for that, it's too troublesome. Let’s go!”

Upon saying this, Kazuma pulls Kirika and walks away. As his eyes meet Ayano’s, he puts on a serious expression and warns Ayano, ”Go back quickly! This is no place for children.”

Kazuma walks past Ayano with ease, who is so angry her whole body is trembling. As the two sides pass one another, Kirika looks at Ayano. Those eyes, filled with sympathy, totally enrage Ayano, before departing in an utterly relaxed manner.

Yukari remained where she was, dumbly sending off the close pair with her eyes. She looks to the side, and coincidentally meets Nanase’s eyes.

At this moment, silence is golden. The two exchange bitter smiles, and as if they had discussed it much earlier, look towards Ayano who still has not turned back.

“So that's it.”

Nanase nods heavily.

“No wonder you were so harsh to those people who tried to pick us up.”

“That's right. It is really tough to like someone like that.“

“But what a surprise, I never thought Ayano would like flippant guys like that.”

“...You two……”

Ayano turns slowly.

In a gentle, but equally chilling tone, she answers, “What are you two talking about?”

”What else?“

Yukari answers straightforwardly.

“Ayano, you like that guy right? Although it looks one-sided.”

”You……What makes you two think that way?”

”Just think about your reaction just now. No matter how we look at it, it is of 'a jealous girl seeing the guy she likes getting snatched away,' right?”

“There is no such thing! It is definitely not that way!!”

Ayano shouts out, blushing. Her voice is so loud it almost seems to reach as far as the eye can see.

“Ayano, you were too loud.”

Ignoring Yukari’s warning, Ayano furiously continues to say, “Why would I like that kind of lowlife?! That is the type of person I hate most in this world! If I could have, I would have sliced him into pieces!!”

“Then why are you angry?”

Yukari rebuts with a calm voice.

“If you really didn’t like him, then it doesn't matter who he sleeps with, right? What would there be to be angry about?”

“This……This is because…… That……

……I just cannot bear to see someone like Kazuma sleep with that kind of beauty! They are not at all compatible!”

Ayano grips her fist tightly and tries her best to explain, as the other two look at her with cold eyes.

(What do you think?)

(She doesn’t seem to be lying…… Could it be, she hasn’t even realized it herself?)

(If that's the case, then she is not just slow - there is something completely wrong with her……)

(But... that is just like Ayano.)

(Yeah that’s true.)

“You two! Don’t whisper among yourselves right in front of me!”

Getting shouted at by Ayano, Nanase swiftly straightens her body. Following this, she uses a very serious expression, like someone who is faking marriage just to grab a hold of the password to a credit card, in order to say, “Ah. Okay okay. I get it, you really hate that man.”

”Yup, completely understood.”

Yukari chimes in instantly. They are indeed Ayano’s best friends, their actions matching flawlessly.

Ayano’s expression reveals her continued suspicion.


“Of course.”

”Fine then.”

Ayano nods, though her expression still shows displeasure. After everything has come to an end, and the two give a sigh of relief-

“Ah, that is the girl. Mister Hanagi.”

Those guys had chosen the worst possible time to appear.

“These are the ones?”

The man they called Hanagi points his finger towards the three and says...

“You guys were scared off by these three girls?”

“Because the girl in the middle has a really scary stare……”

”That girl is really arrogant. Please teach her some manners, Go-san!”

The men who are saying these things are the punks, numbers one and two (temporarily named), who were driven off by Ayano earlier. It seems that because they were rejected so vehemently by Ayano, resentment arose, and so they found someone to help them take their revenge!

-- They do not come any lower than that.

“We invited you so nicely to have some fun, and yet you told us to 'get lost'. That was really rude. Now apologize.”


Ayano stares at the group of men, her eyes indicating that they are unworthy even of notice. Seeing those ice cold eyes, punks numbers one and two cannot help but retreat several steps, though Hanagi shows no sign of fear.

“That trick of yours won’t work! Hanagi-san knows Shaolin fist techniques!”

“Please do it! Go Hanagi-san!”

Numbers one and two cower behind Hanagi and continue to shout. Ignoring the two who are merely relying on Hanagi’s strength, Ayano stares at Hanagi alone.

As they have mentioned, the man before her eyes seems to have undergone a certain level of training. As he wears only a thin, sleeveless sweater under his leather coat, his protruding muscles can be clearly seen. It is a body specially made for combat.

“For a woman to be so arrogant, that is why you are having such an unlucky encounter. Don’t try to go against men from now on.”

Hanagi reaches his hand out in a rough manner, intending to grab Ayano’s chin to lift her face.

At the instant his fingertips touch her chin, Ayano moves swiftly.

She angles her body and moves forward, while at the same time dodging Hanagi’s hand. Into Hanagi’s defenseless chest, Ayano cleanly swings her bent left arm.

Ayano’s elbow strikes the lower region of Hanagi’s earlobe, where the jaw is. This is a sudden full-force attack, and a powerful strike that even contains “ki”. It would not be surprising even if his jaw fell off from his face.

Hanagi’s body flies into the air in a spiral. His legs, which have left the ground, tangle together like twisted bread, and subsequently spray outwards with reactive force.

Hanagi’s body keeps on spinning, and after a sickening three and a half round rotation, he naturally has a failed landing; his whole body flattened against the outer wall of a hotel.


A wet sound propagated along the entire street. This was definitely not a sound made by a human body. If a freshly slaughtered piece of flesh, with blood still dripping, was smashed into a wall, it would probably make this kind of sound.

Several seconds after Hanagi has been hammered into the wall, he falls to the floor like a flattened cockroach.

On the red bricks of the hotel wall, a fluid even more red than the bricks forms an eerie human figure.

“Uh... uh~”

Seeing Hanagi, blood pouring out of seven holes and his body twitching, Nanase draws a cross towards the sky. Beside her, Yukari places her hands together and closes her eyes to pray.

“Huh…… Huh huh……”


The remaining two guys give voice to pitiful cries in tones that have reached the utmost limit of fear.

Ayano silently walks past the two men, who are unable to move their feet, and can only stand there like idiots.

She fires off two kicks at lightning speed. The tip of her foot hits right at the center between the legs of the two men.



The tip of her pointed shoe hits the pelvis, while the most important part is struck heavily. Ayano contemplates the two, now rolling on the floor in pain, with a pink foam of blood and spittle coming from their mouths, with disgust.

“How dirty!”

“Ah- Please send an ambulance over. There are three heavily wounded people.”

A cold voice comes from behind. Behind her, Nanase is using a public phone to contact 911. She reads out the number of the phone booth to inform the other party of the location.

“Please be quick, one of them doesn’t seem likely to make it.”

After that, she hangs up, ignoring their inquiries for her name. This action can be said to be very well-trained, for the reason she doesn’t use her own cellphone is to avoid leaving any trace.

“So, have you vented your anger?” Nanase asks Ayano calmly.

“……I did not do it purposely.”

Ayano pouts and replies unhappily, but the two do not believe her words.

They've known very well since the beginning that she has just been redirecting her anger at Kazuma. If she had not met Kazuma earlier, Ayano would not have been so cruel!

But, there is one thing they do not understand. Nanase leans in close to Yukari’s ear and quietly asks...

(By the way, is that guy really that good?)

(Hmm... I feel that he is above average, but……)

He does not seem like a man that would make Ayano feel jealous. That is the opinion of these two.

For though they have known her for a long time, they still do not know what the Kannagi do for a living, nor of the power that is within the bloodline.

These two will still have a few days to wait before witnessing for themselves the true power of Kazuma.


“Has Kazuma still not arrived?”

“Why are you asking me?”

Ayano replies to the Soushu, Juugo's, question in a sour tone of voice. She appears to have drunk some alcohol, and her gaze seems blank.

Stared at by his daughter, radiating malcontent, Juugo blinks.

“What is it between you and Kazuma?”


Ayano slams the wine cup on the table with a bang.

“I hate that guy! I neither want to see his face nor hear his name ever again! That kind of guy can just go have a good time with some old woman!”

“...So that is it.”

Juugo can roughly guess what has happened and decides not to probe any further.

“In celebration of the annihilation of the Fuuga clan!”

“Cheers to Hyoue who is now roasting in hell, suffering for all eternity!”


Vulgar toasts like this one abound. Everyone seems exuberant and the air is filled with the sound of cups clinking in toasts.

The cause for celebration is something that happened about a week ago.

The subordinates of the Kannagi, the Fuuga clan, had suddenly revolted. The leader of the Fuuga clan, Hyoue Kazamaki, had allowed his son Ryuuya to be possessed by a powerful youma and many of the Kannagi had been killed.

The ones who had fought them were the practitioners of the Kannagi main family, Ayano and Ren, and Ren’s brother, who had been exiled due to his ineptitude as an En-jutsushi and had eventually become a Fuu-jutsushi, Kazuma Yagami.

After a fierce battle, the three had finally defeated Hyoue and Ryuuya. On the fourth day following, that is, tonight, a banquet for their victory is being held.

The banquet is unlike any before. Just about every member of the Kannagi family able to attend is now in attendance. They have all joyfully joined the banquet, and are now raising their cups in celebration of the annihilation of their hated enemy.

This reaction comes as no surprise. For these people, who claim to be the strongest, Hyoue and Ryuya were existences that could not be permitted.

The fact that they had been able to possess youma beyond their powers alone was unforgivable. Furthermore, they had been of the Fuuga clan, a group of low level jutsushis they had stepped on for a long period of time.

To fear weaklings like the Fuuga to the extent they had had to go into hiding. To them, this is a humiliation that can never be vindicated.

However, since the Fuuga clan is now completely destroyed, that shame, if not erased, is now forgotten. In their joy, it isn't at all odd for them to be going slightly overboard with their celebrations.

“Hmph! For those dogs to forget who had raised and fed them and to go even so far as to bite their masters' hands! Those ungrateful bastards!”

“How dare they resist us? We, who are blessed by the Spirit Lord! What an outrage!”

“Cheers to the Fuuga clan’s demise!”


All around the tables, cups meet, and everyone downs their cups in one go.

Just as the banquet approaches its climax, Kazuma appears.

“Kazuma-san has arrived.”

As the servant makes his announcement, all noise in the hall comes to an abrupt halt.

Amidst the silence, a youth walks through the paper door the servant has opened, and steps into the hall with a confident swagger.

Unfriendly eyes gather upon this youth who walks in without a word. Just for the record, among the glares, the ones bearing the greatest hatred are Ayano’s eyes, but let’s leave this matter aside for now.

Actually, it is not without reason that this man is so despised. The Kannagi had over fifty jutsushis before the battle with the Fuuga clan, and yet there are only a little more than thirty present at the banquet. The total dead and wounded amounts to more than twenty.

Seven are dead, the rest injured with varying degrees of severity. Those seven were attacked by Ryuya. The only ones attacked by Ryuuya.

In other words, the majority of casualties are the work of Kazuma. Everyone gathered here has family members who have been sent to the hospital by Kazuma. Under such circumstances it is only natural that they do not wear smiles to welcome him.

Their hateful glares glance off of Kazuma who acts as if they aren't even there. His attitude serves only to increase their hatred for him.

This is the kind of feeling one gets from being looked down upon by someone whom one had looked down upon in the past. Needless to say, Kazuma completely ignores their presence. He seems to regard them as being beneath contempt. No matter how much Juugo tries to defend him, the negative feelings toward Kazuma only strengthen further.

Kazuma nods towards the only one who smiles at him, Ren, and then bows before Juugo.

“Sorry, I am late.”

“I don’t mind at all. I am the one who forced you to join us.”

Juugo smiles, forgiving Kazuma’s tardiness and tells Kazuma to sit beside him. In short order, wine and hors d'oeuvres are placed before his eyes.

“Welcome back, Nii-sama!”

Ren runs over and tightly hugs his brother’s arm like a spoiled puppy. Kazuma does not stop him. On the contrary, he reaches out his hand to caress his brother’s head. But he does not make the customary reply, "I am back."

Because, for a long time now, this place has not been Kazuma's, that is, Kazuma Yagami’s, home.

Ren does not seem to notice Kazuma’s thoughts, and serves him diligently.

“Ah, let me pour the wine for you.”


Kazuma takes the cup up with his hands, but puts it back on the table without drinking a single drop.

Ren questions hesitantly, “Nii-sama, why not have a drink?”

“I am not thirsty.”

Ren looks at the untouched food.

"...Won't you eat something?”

“I am not hungry.”


Ren feels puzzled, and lifts his eyes to look at his brother.

Kazuma continues to look straight ahead, ignoring Ren.

“Erm…… Err……”

Just as Ren panics, thinking he has done something to enrage his brother, a big hand is lightly placed on Ren’s head.


The direction of Kazuma's gaze has not changed, nor does he speak. Despite this, the feeling of that warm hand is enough to satisfy Ren. Leaning against his brother’s body, Ren closes his eyes and shows a peaceful smile.

To Kazuma, the Kannagi residence is still enemy territory. Not only will he not eat any food placed before him, no matter how relaxed the others may look, he will not let his guard down even for an instant.

That is why Kazuma notices immediately when a young woman approaches him.

He deliberately doesn't move, observing her as if nothing untoward is happening, waiting for her to take action.

The young woman is around twenty and is wearing a kimono. She seems to be used to wearing one, for her actions are not the least bit awkward.

Her hairstyle, rather than saying it is a blunt blob, it is more like a round and simple hairstyle with its sides cut evenly. Together with small, cute cheeks, she is a beautiful Japanese-style woman that would make one think of the outdated appellation “Yamato Nadeshiko.”

Seeing the girl kneeling before him bow deeply, Kazuma says with a hazy expression, “If I recall…… You are Ogami……”

“My name is Misao Ogami. I've been ordered to take care of Kazuma-sama. If you have any needs, please just inform me.”


Kazuma uses his fingertips to hold Misao’s chin and lift her face up.

Looking at her nervous expression, Kazuma smiles and asks teasingly, "Even at night?”

Faced with such a direct intimation, Miaso blushes and her eyes shift downwards. Even though she's embarrassed, she does not try to escape from Kazuma’s hand. She murmurs in hardly a whisper, “If...that is your wish."

Seeing that Misao is unresisting, Kazuma’s face closes in even more. At this moment, Kazuma, as if repelled, leans back suddenly.

A ray of red lightning pierces the air where Kazuma’s head had previously been. With a loud thunk, something embeds itself into the pillar behind Kazuma.

"You despicable piece of shit! Move your dirty hands away!”

Needless to say, the furious girl with the incomparable rage is Ayano. Kazuma does not even bother to look at her, but instead turns his head back.

A long, thin red stick is now stabbed into the pillar. Ayano’s chopstick.

The chopstick possesses no sharp point and yet it is half-sunk into the pillar. Guessing at the strength with which she must have thrown it, Kazuma laughs.

Ayano stalks towards Kazuma and raises her hand for a karate chop, aiming at Kazuma’s hand, which has been on Misao’s face all the while. Seeing a chop that carries the strength to break thirty tiles, he quickly removes his hand.

Ayano has murder in her eyes as she scowls at Kazuma, who has a smile on his face, and then slowly walks next to Misao.

“Misao, what are you thinking! Why ruin your life for scum like that!?”

“Huh…… Ermm…… Sorry.”

Faced with such an aggressive aura, Misao cannot help but apologize. Seeing such a happy scene, Kazuma puts on a hurt expression on purpose.

“Why are you making me sound so bad?”

“I was just telling the truth, wasn’t I? You already have a girlfriend. How dare you still lay your hands on other girls?! You jerk!”

“Girlfriend? I don’t have any.”

“Liar! That one earlier...“

“If you mean Kirika, we are not in that kind of relationship. She is just-“

“Just your sex friend, right?”

Ayano finishes Kazuma's sentence in an eerily gentle tone. Even though her face shows a smile, upon closer inspection, her temples are pulsing with anger.

Observing her expression, Kazuma smiles at her comprehension, and says, “Yup, you can put it that way too.”

Violent spiritual energy bursts out from Ayano’s entire body, and her body subconsciously enters battle mode.


However, she is stopped just before she can erupt. Confronted with Misao’s appeal, Ayano is reluctantly forced to restrain her murderous intent.

“Please, don’t be angry. It was Kazuma-sama who avenged my brothers. To repay this debt, this kind of thing is nothing..."

“You should be grateful to me instead!" Ayano proudly says.

“This guy fought only because it was his job! We have already paid him enough to reward him! There is no need to thank him. You have a problem with that?”

That last line is, of course, directed at Kazuma.

“Nope, that is largely true." Kazuma admits frankly.

“I do not know what this fiery lass did that you should be grateful for, but at the very least, there is no need to thank me. Leaving Masato and Takeshi aside, you can consider half of the blame to be mine that Takeya died.”

Hearing such a shocking statement, a commotion erupted around them.

After making so much noise, it was only natural that they had attracted notice. Their bickering had become the center of attention and to hear such an alarming statement made everyone prick their ears and listen quietly.

“What do you mean?” Ayano asks in a sharp tone.

Kazuma brushes off her intensity like a thick-skinned willow tree does the wind and smiles.

“Even though the one to kill him was Ryuuya, he had already been defeated earlier by me. Ryuuya only cut the unconscious Takeya apart. Well, I guess even if he had still been conscious then, the result would not have been any different.”

Kazuma says this nonchalantly, and shifts his eyes back to Misao. He faces the bowed-down Misao, whose expression cannot be seen, and reassures her gently.

“So, you see? There's no need to be so courteous, how about taking that out from your sleeve?”

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At the instant Kazuma finishes his sentence, Misao suddenly moves. Her foot forcefully stomping on the tatami, she pulls out the dagger which had been hidden in her sleeve all along.


Screaming wildly, the dagger gripped tightly in her fists, Misao jumps into Kazuma’s chest.

For a moment, everyone remains completely motionless. Though everyone in the hall has witnessed the scene, it appears they are unable to comprehend its implications in time and are at a loss for what to do.

Misao and Kazuma both just sit there, without flinching; like a pair of intimate lovers, the two in a silent embrace.


Ayano’s quivering voice calls out the name of the man she hates most.

He does not reply.

“Kazuma!? Ans…… Answer me quickly! Kazuma! Kazuma!!”


Kazuma suddenly raises his head and answers as if nothing has happened. Using his fingertips to pincer the dagger that should have been in Misao’s hands, he raises it before his eyes and waves it.


Maybe because of her relief, Ayano falls to the floor, still in shock, and shouts loudly, “If…… If you heard me, at least make a sound! I thought you died!”

“Is there anything troubling to you about my death?”

“That…… That……”

Ayano is momentarily unable to speak. She tries her best to stop all the blood in her body from gathering at her face, while at the same time working hard to come up with a rebuttal.

“I…… I don’t want Misao to become a murderer.”

“That makes sense.”

“That is right!”


Ayano nods to agree, but feels that Kazuma’s reaction seems off somehow. At the same time she cannot say with certainty what it is that is wrong.

Ignoring Ayano who is puzzling over this, Kazuma places his eyes upon Misao, who has fallen on him.

“So are you still angry?”


Misao forcefully pushes herself off of Kazuma and uses the momentum to jump backwards. She puts a little distance between them and stares with eyes full of hate at Kazuma.

But, Kazuma does not seem to mind those eyes at all. He calmly breaks eye contact with Misao and passes the dagger in his hand to Ayano.

“Take it.”

“Ah, okay.”

She takes it reflexively, and then looks closely at the dagger.

The blade of the dagger is about ten centimeters long. It would serve well for peeling apples, and not much more. There does not appear to be any poison on it either.

(…… Did she really think that a fruit knife could kill Kazuma?)

What a foolish action. Ayano bitterly regrets her earlier display of anxiousness.

At this point in time, the others are finally emerging from their shock. However, none step out to arrest Misao, because all of the people in the branch family feel the same way.

(What about Father?)

Ayano looks towards Juugo.

“What is the matter?”

“What do you mean by “What is the matter”? Don’t just look, do something.”


Juugo looks at the scene of the crime with cold eyes.



“If you do not wish to deal with her, shall I punish Misao for you?”

Even though his tone seems calm, its meaning is clear. “If you want to kill her, just do it.” Juugo is usually kind and well-tempered, but he is not so kind as to forgive someone who had just attempted murder.

Kazuma’s reply is totally unexpected.

“I don't think this goes so far as to require punishment. Nothing happened, just let her go!”

Hearing this reply, Juugo reveals a surprised expression and Ayano’s puzzled look can be clearly seen.

Ayano finally realizes why she has been feeling something is off. Misao is still alive, that alone is something which does not make sense.

On the battlefield, Kazuma would not care about anything else. Even if it was just a little girl, even if she was not moving of her own free will, being threatened or manipulated, Kazuma would not go easy on her.

Given Kazuma’s habits, after he has dodged the attack, no, the instant the dagger was drawn, Misao’s head should have landed on the ground.

(But this…… What is going on?)

Filled with questions, Ayano begins to look at the two.

Misao looks pale and weak. Though her eyes still bear hatred, it seems she does not have the strength to act again.

Her area of expertise is in defending seals and providing support from behind; she is not a jutsushi that fights on the front-line. Though her abilities are not weak, her personality is simply not suitable for battle, not to mention killing.

This may even be the first time she has directed a knife at someone. Her mentality of avoiding causing harm is no different from a normal person's. Just now she had acted on impulse, but after her failure, she does not have the ability to try again.

Kazuma lowers his head and looks at Misao silently. Those eyes carry no warmth, but neither do they show coldness.

(This is too abnormal, too weird! And... this makes me feel very unhappy!)

“What is the meaning of this-?“

“So be it. Since you have said as much, I have no reason to punish her either.”

Jugo interrupts Ayano, who has lost her composure, and comes to a simple conclusion.

“But, we cannot allow you to stay here either. Go back and reflect on this for a while!”

With that, he orders someone by his side to take Misao away. Misao struggles to get rid of the hands that are about to catch her.


Ignoring the man who seems troubled by her struggling, Misao stares at Kazuma and shouts, “Why did Nii-sama have to die!?”

“Because he was too weak.”

Kazuma replies, very bluntly.


The hall is filled with rage in an instant. Misao is not alone in feeling that Kazuma has caused deaths in the family. To these people, Kazuma’s words have gone far beyond their ability to tolerate.

“You asshole------!!”

Ayano stands up, her face flushed red with anger. She places her hands at her hips and glares at Kazuma.

“What the hell is wrong with you! Can’t you differentiate between what can and cannot be said!? What do you mean by “because he was too weak”? Don’t joke around! Is it because you have become strong that you have forgotten what it was like to be weak!?”

Kazuma shows Ayano, who continues to lecture him, no sign of remorse at all. Instead, he looks coldly at her.

“Looks like you still don’t understand.”

He then looks around at the people who are staring at him angrily.

“Why are you all putting on the look of a victim?”

“What…… What do you mean by that?”

Kazuma’s eyes sweep across the room once more. All he sees are puzzled yet angry expressions. Again confirming that no one has understood what he meant, he sighs.

“I don’t think you guys have ever wondered, why did the Fuuga clan revolt?”

”What do you mean by why…… Of course it was to awaken their God!”


Kazuma rejects this flat-out.

“That was just a means to an end. Just one of the powers they needed to rise against the Kannagi.”

“Why don’t you tell us the reason then?” Ayano asks without even thinking.

Kazuma gives Ayano a contemptuous look.

“……These people of the Fuuga were definitely not a group of useless waste. Instead, they were even rather skilled Fuu-jutsushi. Their combat abilities might have been very weak, but the inherent characteristics of the wind are not suited to battle in the first place.”

In terms of attack power, among the four main powers of earth, water, fire and wind, the weakest is wind.

This is because it is the lightest.

No matter how fast they might be, light attacks do not possess the strength to kill with one blow.

I believe everyone has had the experience of being cut by a piece of paper before. With enough speed, and if timed well, even a flimsy piece of paper can become a blade. And yet, it can only cut the surface of the skin. A slash without weight is unable to cut off flesh and bone all in one go.

The weight of water and earth are far beyond wind and fire possesses a large amount of energy. If they are to fight against these powers, a Fuu-jutsushi must summon and control numbers of spirits several times greater.

Precisely for this reason, the role Fuu-jutsushis play is to use the wind's mobility to perform searching, tracking and to control surrounding air in providing battle support. The Fuuga clan can actually be said to have been a typical example of wind practitioners.

“The Kannagi that are born with combat ability, and the Fuuga that excel at information gathering and battle support. To provide for the other’s inability, to coexist peacefully and equally - this should have been the way of interaction.”

Kazuma observes Juugo, who is showing a bitter expression, out of the corner of his eye. He is the only one here who understands the truth of Kazuma's words.

“Unfortunately, you, who only know how to use raw power as a standard, looked down on the Fuuga clan, which has no combat abilities. But without the Fuuga, you would not even know where the enemy was!”

“What you are trying to say is... because we have always looked down on the Fuuga, we deserve to be killed by them?” Ayano pouts unhappily.

But Kazuma shakes his head in denial.

“I never said that what you did is wrong. The strong are always right; this is the unequivocal truth.”

”But then……”

“But as you execute your right to crush the weak, you must also bear the burden of being crushed by people even stronger. Even if you are killed, you can have no complaints, as this is the very thing you have done.”


Ayano’s expression changes drastically. She seems to have understood what Kazuma is trying to say.

“Just because the Fuuga clan is "too weak," that is why you all looked down on them. Just because you are "too weak," that is why you were crushed by Ryuuya. This is a very simple thing to understand.”

This is not a question of who is right and who is wrong. Since both sides believe in the “law of power”, in the end only the strong survive. That is all.

“If you people have acknowledged everything that you have done towards the Fuuga clan, then the Fuuga clan can also only acknowledge what they did to you. To crush the weak, does it not allow you to be crushed by those even stronger? Just who do you think you are?”

This merciless accusation reaches the ears of everyone present like the roar of thunder, but it fails to touch their arrogant hearts.

“This, I am unable to accept.”

A voice of disagreement emerges from a place very close to Juugo’s seat of honor.

“Kazuma-san, your argument seems to have neglected one very important fact.”

The man uses a vicious and unrelenting tone to speak. He is Ogami Masayuki. The head of the Ogami family and Misao’s father. But he does not seem to care at all about his daughter, who has her head lowered and is keeping quiet.

“The price of life is definitely not equal. We are blessed by the spirits - a clan chosen! Yet you put us and the Fuuga, those lowlifes, on the same level. That is very apalling, not to mention it...“

He stares furiously at Kazuma, as if Kazuma is the killer of his son.

“Not to mention it gives those scum the right to kill us!”

Hearing Masayuki’s words, Kazuma answers with a calm smile.

“Who is it that was chosen?”

“... What?”

“Those words, why don’t you wait until you have power like Ayano's before saying them! To hear a weakling boasting about his bloodline, how pathetic! It is as if you have nothing else to boast about except for your bloodline.”

“You…… You asshole……!”

Masayuki instantly became agitated. In comparison, Kazuma’ mocking tone still has not changed.

“By the way, you should be thanking Hyoue instead!”


“He helped to get rid of Masato, who was a nuisance in your eyes. At the very least go burn some incense and pay your respects!”

“……! You……! What did you just say……!”

Ogami Masayuki’s younger brother, Ogami Masato. When he had been alive, he had been known as the strongest practitioner of the branch family. Everyone knew that had he not left his home to train, because he had hated fighting with his brother over the succession, he would have been the one to be lead the family.

Seeing the shaken Masayuki, Kazuma says as if taunting him.

“It is a nuisance to have a younger brother more elite than yourself, isn’t it?”

“Damn…… Damn you asshole!!”

Masayuki’s face changes color as he shouts. He stands up from the tatami, and with blood red eyes, stares murder at Kazuma.

This time, there is an almost palpable tension between the two. The killing intents around the room form a whirlpool, and gather towards Kazuma who is still sitting at his original location.

At this moment, Ren, who has been leaning against Kazuma’s shoulder, moves. He wriggles his upper body, his whole body stuck on Kazuma in a tight embrace. He looks as if he is trying to stop Kazuma and lacks the strength to do so.

Seeing this, a question goes through Ayano's mind.

(This kid…… Since when has he become so quiet?)

Even when Misao had attempted to stab Kazuma, she had not heard Ren’s voice. No matter how much faith he has in his brother’s strength, it is unnatural that he did not so much as cry out.

Under everyone’s stare, Ren’s upper body slowly slides down along Kazuma’s body. He places his face on Kazuma’s leg, and after a few seconds like this...

“Hmm…… Nii-sama……”

“So he is asleep!” Ayano can’t help but say.

Before the blissful sleep-talking, the originally tense atmosphere disperses in an instant.


His bloodlust gone, Masayuki sits down once more. His expression is solemn, but he no longer is in the mood to maintain his anger.

Masayuki’s reaction does not matter to Kazuma, as he had not cared from the beginning.



Juugo understands everything very well, and because of that, his voice sounds abnormally bitter.

“It is impossible to dream of these guys reflecting upon this. But please do not forget, it is the Kannagi’s arrogance that sparked this fight. If there are no changes, the same thing will just repeat itself."

“…… I understand.”


Kazuma lifts Ren’s head, and places him on Ayano’s leg.


“There is nothing left for me here, I am going back.”

With this sentence, Kazuma leaves the residence without looking back.

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  1. In Japan, girls are the ones who give out chocolate on Valentine's, so the implication here is that Nanase is popular with other girls.