Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari:Web Chapter 403

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Edited by Qianweijia TL 黒曜石ペガサス

Half a month after that rotten Valentine’s Day..

Even after half a month, we’re still being haunted by all the damage from Valentine’s Day. In any case, Imia’s chick-festival had started. Lumo-species minions are very handy guys and are running everything for me, letting the festival proceed without any issues.

On the subject of the damages due to the Chocolate Monster. It’s painful to think about….In the end, Gaelion was the original cause of the Chocolate Monster. At the time, I used the portal shield to escape to Zeltbur. I thought I’d escaped successfully at first, but the Chocolate Monster somehow tracked Fohl’s weapons and gave chase. After that, I kept running away… and the damage kind of snowballed from there.

Galeon’s aspirations of going to capture the Chocolate Monster not only failed, but turned out to be something you didn't want to joke about. While there were huge sacrifices, there’s a bright side: I was able to defend as many people as possible. I had to pay reparations though, so I’m using Firo and Kiel to plan White Day events.

“Hey, Naofumi. Is it really ok to buy white chocolate gifts for the ‘return chocolate’ event we’re having for the White Day fans?” Ahh, those limited edition goods type fans. Originally, it’s the responsibility of the one who received goods to give obligatory chocolate back in return.

I have to get “From Firo” return-gifts for every handmade chocolate Firo received.... This’ll make for an amazing White Day… We need to narrow down what we’re going to do for that. We head over to a particular shop to deal with Firo’s return gifts.

Hopefully I could reuse the chocolate from the Chocolate Monster. I have a ton of cheap chocolate in my inventory. Depending on the exchange rate, I could make some good money considering my source.

“Ahh.. Right now, there’s some very well made ones”

It seems it’s impressive enough to just make some molds with a mark on them and pour the chocolate in.Then, just wrap it up in pretty packaging and it’s fine, especially because I recycle things like that.

There’s also my chocolate production know-how that I’ve accumulated. From all this influence, it seems things are progressing smoothly. (TL:seems he’s put a lot of work into chocolate before…hmmm.) If this keeps up, it’ll be a wonderful holiday.

“Naofumi, You’ll never lose that cunning side of you, will you...” Melty mutters as she looks out at all the White Day related gifts he was manufacturing. “It can’t be helped.” I say. “After all, we’re responsible for compensating almost half the kingdom. in compensation.” The places we ran to as we were being chased down was my faultbad...sorry. It would have been nice to defeat the monster with just Raftalia and Firo, who it was chasing. With that in mind, flying to Zeltbur was just bad luck.

“Naofumi, please consider running away quickly!” “I guess you’re right. Still, if I ran, the month after the next is likely to be full of vomit and morning sickness”. “Eww... guess your right. I don’t really want to see Naofumi’s belly gradually swelling.” “SERIOUSLY… Don’t talk like that!”

Something like that could only be considered a nightmare. What a raw visual. That Child Gaelion bastard. Well, that jerk and the bastard in his mind (Child Gaelion and Gaelion) helped to some extent with the conflict with the Lars dragon, like the last second escape plan I’d been working on.

In any case, he’s now being punished with confinement and house arrest. Valley girl (Taniko), now very adultlike, comes by periodically to give reports.

It seems that guy developed a hobby like Atlas, collecting old discarded things I’d used. Lately, as soon as Child Gaelion finds out I’ve gone to use the bath, he rushes over and waits until I’ve gotten out, then drinks all the hot water. It’s made Gaelion quite distressed.

It’s a highly disgusting feeling.

To top it all off, Firo’s carriage is coming apart… Well, it still works for now, so I guess I’ll keep my spirits up.

“After this are the Kiel collectibles. Imia, how are things progressing?” “Presently, the first 3,000 stuffed Kiel-kun dolls are ready. Would you like us to keep making more?”

“That number is about right. The low number will allow us to sell them for a higher price. For the next project... I want a musical about that crepe-loving dog who moved me to work so hard.”

“When we plan the next event, please spoil me by letting me employ Firo.” It makes sense, having a musical, to incorporate that bird with the amazing repertoire.

It seems Firo’s schedule has become quite packed lately. Kiel also has a busy schedule with a handshake/meet-and-greet coming up. They’re Idols in every way. “Yep, got it” (Imia)

Imia has followed along all this time without ever once complaining. Her work is very demanding as well.

“Thank you, for everything you do.” (Naofumi) I gently pat her head from behind.

“Gu…..h. I”LL DO MY BEST!” (Imia)

Imia trots away over to where Kiel is. Well, Kiel seems to enjoy it, so she’ll probably be ok. I don’t feel any guilt in having Keil and Firo work so hard to pay off my debt...no, let’s call it compensation for damages due.

I can’t do anything about the debt itself, but when it starts to take even my pocket money, I get a little anxious. That’s why I keep a pretty healthy monetary fund going.

Even then, I have the position of Grand Duke of Melromark, which has become a superpower. In addition to gold, I have a reserve of land and even a place in ruling this world. (TL: I think he’ll be ok).

In terms of the real world, I’ve reached mid-billionaire status. With that in mind, I have a pretty real backup savings. Well, that and the habit from when we were on the run, so making money now isn’t the only source for reconstruction funds, but even with gold, the prospect of rebuilding everything that was destroyed has made my life a bit opaque.

“After that….” (Naofumi) “Naofumi-sama” (Raftalia) I hear Raftalia’s voice coming closer. By the way, next challenge...Would I make anything if I sold goods of me?

“Did you need me for something?” “Ah, yes. We received a letter from the chocolate farmers from that time….Also, from the Shadow-san.” (Raftalia)

Oh, I regularly receive reports from them. I open the letter ….and suddenly found myself hitting my hand to my forehead.

“What is it!?” “No way….What did that damn old man report?” “Is...Is something the matter?”

I met that damn Geezer when I was out buying Valentine’s chocolates. I think the chivalrous thief mentioned something about that damn person being their father.

That F’er had been been arrested and was being held responsible for being the behind-the-curtains boss leading the Chocolate Monster. Once a distinguished shadow, his service won’t be remembered as such.

-Was the summary of the letter’s contents. That guy unjustifiably resented me… and apparently, had escaped and likely began life on the run. After that bastard witnessed the irreconcilable differences between myself and him, as he saw all the strange and unusual plants and monsters in my village, it seems it resulted in him being arrested in a neighboring country simply staring into space.

Returning to my house, it seems rumors about it rendered it into a place beyond recognition. Where would be a good place to start describing it. First, a security line runs in front of it. It’s amazing the enthusiasm with which people have taken up at my place. I found myself at a loss for words looking out over the plants and monsters there. But, tamely standing there and radiating talent, they also are also chattering, and words like “Tasty food” are being mumbled.

In my land… There’s all kinds of successful people with various kinds of whiskers present. All these talented individuals from my land are working to clean things up. If your mouth were to fall open due to my genius at all, I won’t stop you. Well, its not as if it unexpectedly turned out this way. I’ve been working to collect such talented people. Well, I’m not a gifted person myself though.

What would you call me, “an ordinary person.” I guess. Legendary weapons are not limited to just shields and can enter into someone's possession regardless of their abilities.

Just having it means one can use it, but I’m not so confident in my mastery over the sheild as to say I’ve completely mastered it. Well, if a person is like me….The story will probably turn out fine.

Back on topic, that damn old man never gave up. In order to prevent a recurrence of my things ever being used against me,we required advance planning and monitoring between us and the neighboring town organizations.

It turns out the Chivalrous Thief also sent a letter of thanks to me. His work has recently turned out a larger than normal payment amount. Well, whatever keeps them working happily…

“And with that we’ve resolved all the current problems.” “Well… what can I say, there’s one more thing probably left to do.” “Really?”

From two days ago, there came a letter from the Chivalrous Thief’s sister.

“Yesterday, I was going through my father’s things and managed to find a hidden tool he’d been creating. He’s still in the middle of it, and it’s rough, but I sent it along for you to examine.”

Enclosed is a piss poor drawing. Reading it, I decide to hurry over to my desk to write a letter for the messenger in the shadows.

The letter depicts something that can’t be determined at first glance. If it’s just some random drawing, it would be fine. But, it’s made by that old geezer. It just seems like some terribly done art in chocolate. The instructions seem to float around a bit, the invention itself is likely still on the lab bench. The majority seems to involve white chocolate.. A lot revolves around a fountain. Why did such a problem have to show up on White Day after we already dealt with so much before on Valentine’s?!

I get up early this morning and proceed to begin dessert production in the village kitchen. I’d recieved chocolate from all the people in my village after all. A little snack is probably a good enough return gift for White Day.

I make them donuts wrapped in marshmallow and dipped in white chocolate. It’s hard to do first thing in the morning, but I’m going to put them all in a special corner for those who love food. “Good morning Onii- That’s a lot of candy!” (Kiel) Waving her tail, Kiel stares at the corner with all the chocolate in it. “Don’t eat them. They’re going to be for everyone in a minute.” (Naofumi) “Everyone! It’s Onii-chan’s White Day return gifts!” (Kiel)

“Whaaaa…” Everyone crowds over.

How on earth did it come to be that a return gift meant a present to a child, but represents one’s feelings when returned to a woman? Well, Kiel is all grown up, but just a child on the inside. Come to think of it, when I came to this place, I was a child too.

“Good morning Naofumi-sama” (Raphtalia) “Rafu” (...Rafu) “Morning. Raphtalia, Rafu-chan” (Naofumi)

Raphtalia and Rafu-chan come over while I’m giving out the White Day return gifts. I’d made Rafu-chan a cake as a return gift earlier, but had to hide it in a safe place as a precaution.

You know, Raphtalia doesn’t really like the wacky me. She’s into more of a stylish kind of feel with a “for better or worse” kind of feeling.

Rafu-chan’s cake looks pretty good, but is more of a dangerous trap. I wonder if he’ll eat it? He’s likely to regret becoming a cannibal… Don’t do it Raph-chan!

“Whaa…. Thank you!” (Raphtalia) “Raph” (Raph...) Raphtalia and Raph-chan happily receive their gifts. “Good for you two..” (Kiel) “Kiel, your presents are over there.” (Naofumi) “Raphtalia and Raph’s presents look better..” (Kiel) “It’s over there by the lawn. Stop complaining.” (Naofumi)

That idiot lusting over other peoples delicious things. Especially coming from you who always puts an emphasis on quantity over quality! It’s because you eat more than Raftalia. I’ll make you a little of the same thing later, so keep the noise down. “Ara- This looks interesting!” A certain Killer Whale woman very involved with the disastrous Valentine’s Day arrives.