Absolute Duo:Volume 3 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 『Is It Okay To Wish For It』

Part 1


I narrowed my eyes because of the dazzling sunlight after I opened the somewhat heavy door and got outside.

And at the same time, a breeze with a strong smell of salt tickled my nose.

A lot of the breeze got sucked into my chest and when I looked to the outside scenery again-----it was blue.

Both the sky and earth was blue.

It was normal for the sky but for the earth------it was strange.

Speaking specifically, it's not the earth but instead it was the ocean. The endless ocean spread out to the end of my view.

Yes, right now I----Kokonoe Tooru is riding a boat. We the first years of the Kouryou academy will be heading to the seaside school for 1 week starting today and because of that, we are heading to the southern islands via boat.

“The smell of salt water is amazing”

I looked back after taking a few steps forward and talked to the girl who was holding my sleeves tightly.

“Are you okay, Yurie?”

“Y-ya----………..I am okay……….”

While the wind was swaying the hair reaching until her hips, the small girl nodded.

She is my <<Duo>>-----Yurie.

She is a girl with transparent like Snow whitewhite skin, Ruby eyesred eyes opposite to the blue sea and Silver BlondeSilver hair was glowing because of the sunlight.

The reason is simple and clear-----its seasickness.

I heard that her country Gimle was an island surrounded by the sea so, I thought she would be okay on the ship but, I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

The color of her face looks bad so I brought her from the cabin to the stern while her legs were unsteady.

Since there are shades at the stern different from the bow of the ship, it's the most suitable spot to take a rest.

“It’ll become a bit better if it's windy so let’s rest here for a while”


After Yurie nodded, she leaned against the wall and dragged her hips down before *Petan* sitting down.

“Tooru…………Is it okay if I borrow your shoulder”

“Aah, go ahead”

After I sat beside her, Yurie came closer to me. She closed her eyes and looks like she has a hard time breathing.

“………are you okay?”

“Ya--. It feels nice outside………”

(Yurie being like this is kind of rare………..)

Even though she is small, the silver girl’s physical and battle abilities are at the top level of the class.

It would be quite tough for me------rather, Yurie’s winning percentage is higher if she holds the <<Double>> and it was impossible to imagine her current weak appearance.

(…………speaking of which, she looks exhausted lately)

The summer in Yurie's country Gimle is cold and the days reaching around 20 degrees are rare there. However for Japan--------the Kouryou academy located in southern Kantou, the summer days crossing over 30 degrees once it passed mid-summer and adding it with seasickness, she turned completely groggy with her stamina exhausted.


Before I noticed, Yurie started to make sleeping sounds.

I could not move thanks to that but, it’s probably a good idea to let her sleep like this now.

And since I don’t have any particular thing to do, I just stared at the sea and the blue sky.

(It’s summer huh…………)

I don’t like summer. I liked it when I was a child but, I started to hate it 2 years ago.

Because it makes me remember about the day-----the day that person destroyed everything, the day my sister got killed in front of me.

(I still can’t reach…………..but, I will definitely pierce my fangs in you………..!)

Just a few days ago, I reached <<Level 3III>> from the end of term <<Sublimation ceremony>>. Honestly the moment I achieved the <<Level up>>, I would not deny the fact that it was a little anti-climactic since I was prepared for it to take a longer time.

But it is still a fact that I’ve gotten stronger.

My physical abilities, muscle strength and, running power could easily break world records and has reached a level which is impossible in reality. I polished my battle techniques with training every day and the strength is enough to make me think that I will not lose unless it is another <<Exceed>>.

And at the same time, I understood this.

Even though I gained this much strength, it will not reach him.

I understood that my <<Power>> now would not reach him, by comparing the overpowering feeling when I confronted him 2 years ago.

(Even if I can’t reach now--------I might manage if I cross <<Level 4IV>>………..)

The <<Level 4IV>> is the level that will bring out the true power of the <<Blaze>>.

If I reach it, I think my fist will reach him.

My anger, hatred and sadness---------

It was at the moment I was staring at the sky while having those various expressions swirling inside me.

*Zururi* Yurie’s head slipped off my shoulder.


For a moment there, I got surprised but-----


Yurie might be quite exhausted because she did not open her eyes and was sleeping comfortably using my legs as a pillow this time. I pat her head from the thought of wanting to help even if it was a little bit when I saw her exhausted face.


“Ah……..so-sorry. Did I wake you up?”

“Nai…………It feels, good…………..please do more…………”

I nodded in agreement before continuing patting her head. Her silky silver hair felt good and it feels like silk thread.

After a while, Yurie’s breathing gradually became well-regulated.

Her sleeping face got softer compared to just now and I felt happy I could help her this much.

At the same time, I also felt saved too.

Thanks to the days I pass with Yurie, my heart which was rampaging because of him turned calm.

“Thanks, Yurie………….”

When I patted her head while mumbling that, Yurie rubbed her head from the ticklish feeling.

(I have to be careful not to move or else I’ll wake her)

I raised the side of my mouth while looking at the silver girl sleeping comfortably.

After a while in this position-----

*Gachari* the sound of the door separating the cabin and deck opening appeared.

It was Hotaka Miyabi who showed up, she is my classmate with a shy personality but there is a part on her body which emphasizes it's large size. …………….I will never tell Miyabi which part of her emphasizes on largeness.

“Yoo Miyabi, came to feel the wind too?”

“Eh, ah, erm, I thought you two weren’t showing any signs of returning so…………..”

“So you got worried and came to see Yurie huh”

“U-un………….It’s a different meaning, but it’s correct but……….”

“Different Meaning?”

When I asked about the reply she whispered out, Miyabi looked panicked for some reason.

“-----uh!! E-eerrrr, Lo-look, I just thought that it’s going to be dangerous if she fell into the sea!!”

“It’s going to be okay, it’s not like she staggers that much. Well, thanks for worrying”

“A-ahaha………Mo-more importantly, is Yurie-chan asleep…………?”

“----uh!! Tha-that’s………”

I completely forgot about Yurie using my lap as a pillow.

While getting panicked from Miyabi pointing that out, I told her that it became like this after I lent my shoulder to Yurie who got seasick.

“*Giggle*. So that is the reason why you can’t move”

“Well yeah…………by the way Miyabi, are you going to be outside for a while?”

When things settled without any strange misunderstandings, I made a relieved sigh while asking her.

“Eh……….? I-I guess I’ll do that. The air outside is nicer anyway………..”

“I see. Then let’s talk. I need someone”


After she nodded, Miyabi was about to sit down with Yurie in between.

“It’s going to be hot if you sit there because the sun will hit you so, why don’t you come here?”

“Ah…………Tha-that’s true……..Err, So-sorry for the bother……….”

It was not long since she got outside the ship but, it’s probably hot already to her.

I advised Miyabi whose face was a little red, to sit beside me.

Even though she nodded and sat before me, I felt that it was very like her in a way because she left a 50 centimeter gap between.

“Now that I think about it, it’s been a long time we talked like this”

“T-that’s true………….”

More specifically Yurie is also with us but, I wonder how long it has been since we talked alone.

When I tried recalling back, I felt that there was almost none since these few months------ever since I stopped showing up for the morning run.

If there is anything, we would converse when the usual groups gather and it’s not like we don’t talk to each other since we often eat food together.

“This morning………..with Tomoe-chan too?”

“Aah, it’s almost every day”

Tachibana don’t have to be with me regularly since, the main thing in the morning training would be to repeatedly move my body with the basics before using my head to think. But, she shows up every day to conduct a Kumite[3b 1] for the last 10 minutes-----Tachibana would do the attacking while I focus on defence------because she said it is faster to master it this way than to only focus in the Kata[3b 2].

“I see. Every day, huh………..”

“Aah. She’s a great help”

Although Miyabi said that’s good, I think I am imagining that she looks somewhat lonely.

“If Miyabi is okay with it, why don’t you join us? Tachibana would probably welcome you too”

“………..uun, I guess I’ll pass……..See, I have to gain stamina instead of techniques now anyway”

“I-I see………….”

I couldn't say any more since she made a somewhat troubled expression.

(Things don’t go how I want to huh……….)

Actually, Miyabi has been acting strange recently.

She would immediately look away when our eyes meet; absentmindedly thinking about something and it feels like her movements and actions has something behind it.

But, I have some idea regarding the reason why.

Miyabi probably feels inferior to us when she failed to achieve the <<Level up>> during the-----<<Sublimation ceremony>> that everyone in the class received at the end of term semester.

If it is about the usual faces then, Tatsu also failed the sublimation and remained as <<Level 2II>> but, he did not mind at all and it’s probably because of his personality.

In any case, it feels bad to have a timid relation with a friend.

“Hey, Miyabi. If you have something bothering you, you can tell me”


“I told you this before right. It’s better to let it out, if you think it’s tough. I think it’s okay to tell Tachibana if it is awkward to tell me. She is also worried”

“Ah……..U-un. Thank you……..Eheh, really thank you, Tooru-kun”

Miyabi said this after raising the both sides of her mouth.

I probably lightened her feelings a bit.

Or she might be acting tough to avoid making me worried.

I could not judge which one it was but, if Miyabi requests me then, I will do my best to assist-----that was what I thought.

“The-then ca-ca-can I request for one wish………?”

“Aah, if it is something I can do then say it”

“……..Ca-can I……..borrow your shoulder…….”


Even though there is only one meaning for that case but, I asked back just in case.

It’s because those words are hard to think to have come from Miyabi who is bad with males.

Just when I was wondering what the answer would be-----Miyabi moved her head vertically with a clear red face.

“It feels comfortable here so, I got a little sleepy and that’s why, I won’t ask as much like what Yu-Yurie-chan is doing so, I thought I could ask you to borrow your shoulder for a while…………….”

It was probably very embarrassing because, Miyabi lowered her sights and fiddled with her finger tips while saying the reason.

“I, can't……….?”

“N-no, it’s okay. If something like my shoulder is okay with you, then use it”

I got a little embarrassed and agreed to her since there is no reason to refuse.

“U-un, Thank you……..but, something like that ……… that is not true you know……..?”

I have no idea what she meant by that. Even though I was thinking about that question------

“Ex-excuse me………”

The 50 centimeter gap turned into 10 and once Miyabi placed her head on my shoulder, the thoughts I was thinking just before vanished.


It’s warm. Miyabi’s body temperature is being transmitted from the touching body parts. And at the same time, the heartbeats coming from my chest got a bit faster and my body creaked.

(Thi-this is kind of nerve wrecking……)

Honestly speaking, this situation is very embarrassing.

But, I just thought that she is relaxing around me more than I expected. I was happy that we became great friends, which is enough to me unable to perceive her poor interactive skills with the opposite sex.

(…..nonetheless, I think it is going to be annoying if someone sees us here like this)

After I made a small sigh, I stared at the horizon separating the blue sky and blue sea while starting the image training of the moves Tachibana taught me…………rather, it feels like the nervousness won’t settle down unless I think of something else.

Even though I did that image training, I would be wary of Miyabi each time she exhaled or made any slight movement. I was interrupted several times as this became a difficult situation.

Nearly one hour passed after that.

[Oi, Tooru, the rabbit woman is calling us to gather-----][------uh!!]

The steel door opened and Miyabi jumped up the same time the voice called out to me.

“What are you all doing………….”


In a tired manner------he is probably tired-------a small boy with glasses made a sigh; it was my friend Tora.

“To-Tora-kun. What did Tsukimi-sensei say……….?”

Miyabi asked with a tone which is unthinkable to be possible by someone who just woke up.

“There is something she wants to say about the seaside school so, I was told to call the people that went out to the deck”

“I get it………Yurie, wake up. It seems Tsukimi is calling us for something”

When I slightly shook her shoulders, Yurie woke up. However, her consciousness was still probably in dreamland. Even though she raised her body, she was still in daze with half her eyes opened.

“Had a nice sleep?”

“Ya----, thanks to you. Thank you very much, Tooru”

“It’s nothing much. How about you Miyabi?”

“…………i-I, err……even though I was the one that asked you to borrow your shoulder, I-I was too nervous, so not at all……….”

Miyabi told me she did not sleep and lowered her sights while her cheeks were blushing.

No wonder she woke up immediately when Tora appeared.

It’s probably better if I didn’t say it was alright when she asked if it was alright to borrow my shoulders.

(But, looks like both of us were nervous)

It is probably tough for Miyabi who is in the world of drowsiness but, it was a little funny when I think that both our feelings were the same.

“Okay okay okaaay, is everyone here?”

Our evil homeroom teacher, who is unfit to be a teacher, was wearing a maid outfit with rabbit ears and spinning around in the room.

“Alrighty then, this ship will reach the island soon☆ the kids that went out to the deck saw the island right♪ So, please get ready to get off since the ship is going to stop ♥ Also, everyone’s belongings got deliciously------not that, the staff has already transported it so relax♪”

Essentially this seaside school is a training camp to commence a survival training which could not be done in the premise of the academy. Because of that, there is quite some danger accompanying it so there would be 5 <<Exceed>> <<Level 3III>>----- Kouryou graduates with survival techniques as their expertise acting as the support staff.

“Tsukimi-sensei. Even if they join in as members of the staff, there is no way we can make our seniors carry our belongings”

The girl with long beautiful hair-----Tachibana commented to Tsukimi with a dignified voice. Those thoughts were very like her because of her honest and serious personality.

“Don’t mind don’t mind. That is their job too♪ more importantly I will be distributing this so, come over here when I call your names out☆”

After saying that, Tsukimi raised a watch-like object above her head.

“What is with that?”

Tsukimi once targeted our life. However, since I was made to hide that in front of our classmates, I asked a question politely.

“It’s the armband with an emergency signal switch and light attached to it☆Only push it when it really is bad okay. Seriously do it when you are going to die♪ Okaay?”

The cabin got noisy in an instant. That, was this camp that hard to have such a thing prepared.

However, when I think about this carefully, it was probably going to be a quite a tough one the moment <<Exceed>> staffs are coming with us.

After receiving the armband, she told us to wear this at all times until the seaside school ends.

And after everyone wore the armband, we went out of the cabin when the ship has already stopped but------

“……….Hey, Tsukimi”

“Add Sensei”

“Why didn’t we land-----Desuka!?”[3b 3]

Everyone that got out to the deck got dumbfounded.

It was only normal. It’s true that we can see the island…………it’s just that it’s a few kilometres far.

“Which means you have to swim♥”

“From here----Desuka!?”

“Of course, with the clothes you are wearing now too♪”

“While wearing our uniform----Desuka!?”

“Sounds tough to have a second personality huh, <<Irregular>>……….”

You have no right to say that.

“Okay with that said, we will now begin the swimming training with your current clothes for this seaside school♪ once you reach the spot, please head to your respective training spots located in the middle of the island☆”

Although naturally there were some who raised their shock at Tsukimi’s announcement but, this was exactly the way Kouryou academy follows.

The battle training, emergency medical treatment, survival and etc were------ different from a normal high school, this is a curriculum for a special battle technique school.

Swimming with our clothes like this is one of it, and it was a skill that was just taught last week.

The action of swimming with our clothes on is unexpectedly tough and it was so tough that it made me who has confidence in my stamina, hate raising my body after finishing one kilometer of swimming.

It was completely unexpected that we will be using those techniques we learned suddenly in the seaside school.

“This is something you master better if you do it with the will to die. Good luck and work hard, kuhaha”

Tsukimi showed her real personality with a voice the other students could not hear and made an evil smile.

(So that is why our seniors carried our belongings huh. Now that I think about it, she did say the boat will stop instead of land………..)

After I made a big sigh, I prepared myself.

Part 2

“………..Did you call me?”

He estimated the old man stopping his hands and the teenager with arrow-like eyes talked.

“Fuhaha, sorry to call you at a busy time like this”

“No, the mission given to me is to obey you”

The teenager continued his words with a emotionless voice

“So your business?”

“Umu. Just like you know, the <<unit>> has finished its adjustments and has been spread to a few teams. The last thing would be to advance to the last stage but-----before that, there is one material I want. So with that said I want to borrow your power to obtain that”

“What kind of material do you wish for?”

The old man replied with three answers to the teenager’s question.

“I don’t mind since I would get one soon anyways.--------of course, it would exceed the one <<Diabolica>> has though”

“…………Aiming too high is fine but, the disappointment if we are unable to obtain it will be big”

“That’s true. Fuhahahaha!”

After the old man finished laughing, the teenager opened his mouth.

“Well then, please give the permit to report to the higher ups of the plan we just------“

“No need. Those fellas would want to know the <<Power>> of the <<Unit>> too anyways. Let’s just say this plan is just a test and report only the results”


The young man did not raise his objection and obeyed the old man’s decision.

He then makes a slight smile before----asking.

“To evaluate or to be evaluated huh………I understand. How about the operation name for this?”

The old man laughed----before replying.

“<<Selection>>----I guess I’ll call it that”

Translation Notes and References

  1. Actual Training
  2. Form
  3. Desuka is used for politeness

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