OreShura: Volume 4 Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Scheming an Ending is Mayhem

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"We've got to make them give in one shot."

Masuzu said from within the bathroom.

"To give up—— What thing?"

I responded from outside.

After dinner I had been resting in my room when I received a message from Masuzu 「I have something secret to discuss」, so I went 「next to the bathroom window outside the building」 as she instructed— Masuzu was still inside the bath.

She intends to talk through the bathroom window, that's how it looks.

Since Chiwa and the others could have their eyes and ears everywhere indoors, this was indeed a suitable place to whisper quietly. However, if anyone discovered us, wouldn't they run to the police right away? After all, it looks like nothing but me peeping.

"After that talk with Fuyuumi-san there is one thing that became certain. We are under suspicion, now only choice is to show them a decisive evidence that we are dating."

"Huh? What was that?"

Masuzu's voice was completely masked by the sound of the shower, can't hear anything clearly.

"D e c i s i v e - E v i d e n c e!"

"You say evidence, but of what type?"

"That shows that we are dating."

Even if you go out of your way to say that.

Just what could be good to show that?

"Do you mean stuff like getting pictures at sticker-photo boothsPurikura while dating, or giving each other presents?"

"Tha'ts not some bad thinking; but if someone looks at it too deeply, it's easy to tell that it's just a fabrication. Even if Harusaki-san and Akishino-san are convinced, I doubt that Fuyuumi-san and your oba-sama would be fooled."

"……How difficult."

"Furthermore, it's not like they'll quietly wait for us to set that up, right?"

"Ah, right."

Actually, when we just started our 「fake」 relationship, a proposal of 「let's take a picture at the photo-stick booth to use as evidence」 had us going to a game center. But just when as walked in front of the machine, we couldn't help bu to turn back due to that unbearable 「Lovestruck Atmosphere」. On the way back, Masuzu muttered continuously, 「DieRot DieRot DieRot DieRot DieRot」 as she kicked a fence along the road. I was stuck in the mayhem between my girlfriend and the national transportation department.[1]

"Then what then? Can we even come up with a present that is not easy to identify as a fabrication?"

"For that reason material objects won't do."

The sound of the shower running stopped, and I heard water overflow from the bathtub.

"Just by seeing it, to have those girls completely convinced. We need 「Something」 intense."

"I n t e n s e, is it?"

As our dialogue broke to a pause, the sound of waves could be heard from the beach.

I looked up at the sky, which was filled entirely with stars because it was a moonless night. The constellations of summer nights unfolded themselves freely.

Aah, being by the sea really is great!

……But, if the conversation wasn't about our fake ourselves, this would be really a lifting spirit moment.

"In other words, we need to proceed in a certain manner, right?"

"Please explain."

"How about we enthusiastically talk about arranging dates right in front of them? Things like, the restaurant over here tastes really good, or the scenery over there is really beautiful and the like"

"In that case, in order to sound like we are together, we'd have to carefully plan in advance. Furthermore, the ability to act very earnestly is necessary. I'm confident in my own acting skills, but—— Eita, do you have that confidence?"

"......Not at all."

"Then, rejected."

I couldn't help but look back in the direction of the window:

"And what's with you! From the beginning, you've doing nothing but opp—"

Halfway through my sentence, I couldn't help but to lose my voice.

On the other side of the humid glass, Masuzu's bare figure could be distinguished quite vividly.

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From the shoulder to the back, and then from the back to the shoulder, I noticed her body line which was emphasized by the hair stuck to her skin.

Her butt looked plump but round, the usual image of her in a skirt can't possibly hint the existence of this hidden plentifulness.

I was frozen as I get a reminder of the pointed angle that her chest has.


I couldn't do anything but stare.

I couldn't even let out that type of expressions that gal-game protagonists let out in this type of 「Lucky Pervert」 situations.

I, who could never understand; why would anyone choose nude subjects when it came to fine arts… I suddenly had a strong realization. It needs to have an impact like this.

"———So you really, can't think of anything..."[2]

Masuzu's voice drew me back to reality.

I quickly pulled my gaze away from the window.

"L-let me hear, what you think"

"'Reppuzan'Blade Wind." [3]


"Can't you remember the very own words that you wrote yourself? I mean a kiss."

Aaaa— it was that that thing from the Chuuni notebook……

"A K-kiss!?"

"Right in front of Harusaki Chiwa, Akishino Himeka, and Fuyuumi Ai."

"......W-wait a minute."

"It would be nice if it had a natural feeling. Like, if it spelled 「this is just as a warm greeting」 as you kiss me."

Masuzu's tone was very flat.

It wasn't her usual poisonous tongue tone, the one that she uses to play with my mood.

It was actually quite frightening. This dead serious tone that she carried.

"A-Are you seriously saying that?"

"Ara, do you need to be so surprised? We've done it so many times already?"


Masuzu and I have already kissed several times.

However those, were all nothing but surprise attacks.

Also, we've never done it in front of Chiwa or the others, nor did we let them know about it.

"Something like a kiss doesn't mean anything to those 「Anti-Love」 like us. But to those of a 「lovestruck」 mentality, it's extremely intense, right? I think that we don't really have any other choice but using this at this point."

"But won't Chiwa and rest get angry? No, there is no other way but for them to be furious."

"Yes, it'll become a battlefieldshuraba."

"Think of my circumstances! I'll have to deal with the three of them!"

"......It's True, it's just like you say."

Masuzu's voice echoed.

"So, regarding this matter, I'll give you the right to 「choose」. "


"I won't use your the secret of your notebook as a shield to force you, that's what I mean."

Masuzu declared something even more outrageous than revealing my dark past.

—————To kiss, or not to. You are the one that has to decide, Kidou Eita

About ten o'clock at night.

After eating and taking a bath, I normally study——— but that can't be as this time since the training camp isn't finished.

We were gathered in the living room playing cards. After playing Five Card Stud[4] (Masuzu won by a landslide) and Sevens [5] (Masuzu also won by a landslide), we were now playing Two pairs. [6]

"Ah...... I didn't get it."

I cleared remembered there was a three of hearts here, but after turning it over, it turned out to be a seven of spades.

This was already my fifth consecutive mistake, and I hadn't even gotten a single pair yet.

The next turn was Chiwa's, who merely laughed and said:

"Ei-kun is soo weak! The three of hearts is here—!"

She easily took the cards that I had originally set as my goal.

Surprised, Fuyuumi asked:

"Could it be that you are bad at memorizing? Then how did you study for Japanese history then?"

"A, no- hahaha......"

I could only laugh.

Ever since earlier, I hadn't been able to remember the cards since I was completely unable to concentrate.

Without even realizing it, I found myself staring at the lips of Masuzu, who was sitting across from me.

"Eita, do you not feel well?"

Next to me, Hime had a worried look her face as she watched me.

"I-It's nothing—! I'll make a comeback soon!"

Although I tried to sound as if I raised my spirits, I honestly think that this isn't the time to think on a card game.

My heart wouldn't stop thumping, and I was sweating abnormally. It was almost as if I couldn't mentally add 2 and 2.[7]

In contrast, Masuzu was very calm, and she didn't look tense at all. It was almost as if she actually enjoyed the game. But she didn't even once tried to meet my gaze, which made me a little concerned.


Whenever I was ready, I was supposed to say, 「I'm tired. I'm going to bed early」, and get ready to leave. But at Masuzu's reply, 「Goodnight, darling」, that was the signal. I was supposed to whisper softly into her ear, 「Ah, goodnight honey」, and then conveniently place a kiss on her lips-

The fact that I'm narrating this myself doesn't mean that it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable!

Where did this American couple come from? Those two aren't Japanese at all![8]

"You're clutching your head madly. What's wrong?"

Chiwa said with curiosity.

"Could you be sleepy already?"

"O-O-Of course not! Look, I still have so much energy!"

I bent my right arm to show my biceps. Although I didn't think mental concentration card games have anything to do with arm strength, I couldn't think of anything else on the spot to demonstrate my liveliness.

"Really? Well then that's good."

Chiwa said this, but she was still rocking restlessly, as if she couldn't calm herself.

Hime and Fuyuumi had started giving each other glances, but whenever they nearly met my gaze, they averted their eyes. It was as if they couldn't keep calm.

What is it? Is there is obviously something happening here.

In either case, now was not the time to worry about that.

I had to settle my course of action before Chiwa and the rest said 「goodnight」.

What should I do?

I was now faced with the 「pick」 that Saeko-san had mentioned before.

The Harem.

The mayhem.

At the time I answered, 「To either of those, I refuse」."

After all, for an anti-love person, an harem or a mayhem are both the same. Love is simply a thing to be avoided.

But right now, I have no choice but to pick one of those two.

If I kiss Masuzu, then I'll be set in the mayhem route.

If I don't kiss—— I would be 「leaning」 towards the harem route. Without provoking Chiwa, Hime, or Fuyuumi, I would have to maintain a certain distance from Masuzu.

However, the fake relationship would crumble down.

And after it crumbles in front of me, what awaits for me—— Isn't it obvious that it'll be nothing but mayhem?

That's why.

Rather than putting this off, I should take action now now.

I glanced at my watch, and the time was 10:27:50 PM. Chiwa normally went to bed before eleven o'clock, so this was almost at dangerous waters.

I'll make my move at 10:28:00 PM.

I'll countdown.




"I-I'm tired. I'm going to bed early."

From my mouth came out the code words we agreed to.

Now Masuzu was supposed to say, 「Goodnight, darling」.

"Then I guess we'll leave it here for today."

But Chiwa was the first one to speak.

"Huh? But you don't have to stop just because of me?"

"Don't worry. I'm already tired of playing. More importantly, there's some things we want to give you today."

Chiwa took two white paper bags from her tote bag.

"This is for Natsukawa, and this is for Ei-kun."

Masuzu looked puzzled as she received a bag.

I was also puzzled.

"What's in the bag?"

Fuyuumi poked my waist:

"Well, just open and see. Right, Hime-chan?"

After being mentioned, Hime blushed and lowered her head. It looked like this was something the three of them did together.

I did as she said and pulled out the object inside. It turned out to be a rather uniquely designed phone strap.

It looked like the English letter, 「Z」

"Let me say, first of all. That's not the letter 「Z」. It's actually the 「乙」 from 「maiden」." [9]

Chiwa held back her smile as she took out an identical cell phone strap from her pocket.

"The five of us have the same one. By the way, they were designed by Himecchi."

"The person who suggested it was Chiwa, and the person who found the store to make it was me."

Fuyuumi and Hime also took out more identical phone straps and showed it to us.

Chiwa laughed and said:

"You see, sports clubs have uniforms or team bags, but why can the Maiden's Club have something lie that? After all this difficulty becoming an official club, I felt like we lacked something, so I discussed with the other two and came up with this."

"We kept it a secret from Natsukawa-san, since you're the who worked so hard to start the club, right? Hime-chan said that we should make this a gift for you, as the club members."

Hime blushed slightly and nodded.

"But why did you keep it a secret even from me?"

"If we told Ei-kun, wouldn't you leak it to Natsukawa? You're absolutely terrible at lying!"

After Chiwa laughed, and of course is just as she described, I couldn't add anything.

"Since tomorrow is the beauty pageant, right? It would be weird to bring this up after the face off is over, so the time to give this to you was now."


What kind of expression was I supposed to make in this kind of situation?

In other words, when Chiwa and the others were collaborating amongst each other before the trip, the true reason for that was never "to get in the way of me and Masuzu".

It was just too different.

From Chiwa and the other two, we are getting 「affection」.

And for our side, we have only played a part filled with counterfeit "affection" [10]

Like this, it's different.

"…………Completely defeated."

After giving a sight, Masuzu smiled.

"Thank you for this heartfelt gift. This phone strap, I will always cherish it dearly."

Masuzu looked at Chiwa, Hime, and Fuyuumi in sequence and thanked them. And it wasn't with her usual kind of sarcastic air. Rather, it was filled with gratitude that came from the bottom of her heart.

"I'll to…… somehow, sorry." [11]

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?"

Chiwa tilted her head slightly.

"No, not that…… Now is not the time for "sorry", rather, um, "thank you"."

I quickly corrected myself.

In this atmosphere, I couldn't kiss her at all.

After ascertaining that everyone had returned to their own rooms, I went to Masuzu's room and knocked on her door.

"I'm sorry!"

In Dogeza form, I bowed my head to Masuzu, who was sitting on the bed in her pajamas.

"I-I ended up being unable to kiss you! The way things turned out were beyond my expectations. Under that kind of circumstances, it was a little awkward for a kiss and...... it was impossible for me! Sorry!"

"--- Why are you apologizing?"

I looked up on hearing that gentle voice, to a smiling Masuzu.

She appeared to be tired, and filled with sadness.

"If you forcibly kissed me in that situation --- I'll look on you with disdain."



Masuzu shook her head.

Clasped in her hand was the "Otsu" strap.

"Unknowingly, I was a little taken aback. I ended up being moved. By their gift. At the same time, what an unsightly creature I am, I just thought to myself. Once again, I have been shown how much of a devil I am."

"No, that's just a thing of coincidence......"

"It's not a thing of coincidence."

Looking at that swaying "Otsu", Masuzu said.

"It's not a thing of coincidence, Eita. Indeed, Harusaki-san and the rest look upon me as their enemy. But yet, at the same time, they are people who can gift me with this. They are people who can gift their adversary with such a thing...... They are too different from me."

A heavy silence followed.

This might be the first time I'm seeing Masuzu reprimanding herself so much.

"I guess you won't be able to win tomorrow's contest."

"...... probably."

In her current state, Masuzu probably couldn't outdo others in demonstrating her "Dere Appeal".

"Perhaps it's better to just withdraw."

"Yeah. Frankly, I was thinking about that but...... still, it's better to make an appearance and get judged. If I take into consideration of her feelings."

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Masuzu stood up and took out my "Chuu-Ni Notebook" from her travel bag.

"Harusaki-san's chagrin and sadness at me taking away you from her ---. If I consider those feelings of hers, I can't just get defeated without a fight."

Flipping through the notebook, she showed the very last page.

The words written took up most of the two pages.

My heart stirred nostalgically.

I remembered the feelings at that time.

I'll become a doctor, and cure Chiwa's body!!

Masuzu then smiled quietly.

"Thanks for everything. After this training camp, you will be free."

Translator's Notes and References

  1. yes; he is referencing the title.
  2. It's not directly stated if Masuzu is simply refuting Eita for not coming up with a solution to their dilemma, or if she noticed the reason for his brain's short circuit ∑(゚Д゚) Oh, and based of his 'self-reflection', I think he soooo has a butt fetish, like hinted in volume 3
  3. Reppuzan [ 烈風斬 ] , literally meaning Gale-wind Slash, is actually a meme which has been around for long and is being referenced in this scene; this was first brought up in chapter 0 of this volume
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_card_stud
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevens_(card_game)
  6. I don't know how it's translated, but the original name is [ 神経袞弱 ] , is a memory game where you have to pair up cards from a shuffled lot
  7. Is a pun on the name game. The kanji in the name implies "putting stress on the mentality of players"
  8. Japanese culture really encourages being serious with those stuff, so kissing is a serious matter; and kissing in public as to show off is way off-limits. Due to being more out-going, the Japanese have a concept that Americans are more laid back with that type of stuff
  9. 乙女 = "maiden", which is also part of their club name.
  10. he uses the kanji 偽物 / nisemono, which can be translated as "fake" as well, but for the sake of sentence it was left as this other interpretation
  11. In case it's not clear, this is Eita

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