Silver Cross and Draculea:Volume01 Chapter2

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"Why are you so unhappy?"

Rushella lovingly lowered her head and ask, but Kujou did not reply.

He only stare at the sky, cursing the world's change to abnormality and his own life.

Right now is recess time, and the location is the roof.

It is a symbol of high school life, the sweet smell of spring, but Kujou's face is full of confusion.

The nightmarish homeroom class is over, Kujou finally ended the morning class.

Because it is the first day at school, the stuff they teach are the basics, only require some light attention and it is over- But Rushella's arrogant performance in front the teachers-completely devastated Kujou's heart.

Even the precious rest time, due to incessant questioning by Rushella regarding school regulation and policies, left him without neither peace nor rest.

not only as a transfer student, also a complete gorgeous beauty, so she is popular with both the girls and the boys. But Rushella completely ignored everyone else, only talk to Kujou, thus creating an dangerous aura among the male student population.

Finally recess arrived, but....she still follow over.

"I say....can't you be a bit more merciful....just how deep is your hatred me?"

"Very deep. I drank your blood and yet you refuse to become my servant, and even sprayed me full of garlic."

"But you struck first right! And why do you pretend to be a student? High school life has nothing to do with my body right?"

Kujou's questions are reasonable suspicions, and Rushella looked away.

"Could it look at these young people to be preys?"

Kujou's tone became serious.

Teenagers crowd in a high school, in certain ways it would be an ideal hunting ground for a vampire.

The common knowledge that vampires love the blood of a virgin girl the most--there should be plenty here.

"Wrong, I am not the type that leave a prey half full then run off with someone else."

"Not even one drop, completely dry? I am not going feel grateful you know, with that kind of logic."

"Isn't it better than abandon you half transformed?"

"That is vampire logic only."

Kujou sighed, then leaned against the rail fencing.

After being fanged by a vampire, there are usually two possibilities---death, or become a vampire.

Death or servitude, this is all the vampire's choice. In certain rare cases, in the process for a person to become a vampire, the master vanishes.

In a situation like this, the victim that remained behind will stuck at [Mid-transformation] for the rest of his/her life.

Due to the [Mid-Transformation] the victim may take on certain vampire characteristics,they may have vampiric instincts, longer lifespan compared to average humans---and carry the curse for the rest of their lives.

"I will carefully select the partner I drink blood from. If I want him to become my servant the criteria are even more stringent. And in addition, I will not leave until he become my servant. It is a (True Ancestor)'s etiquette from the ancient days."

"Then why did you select me?"


"Looking at you, who is so serious on making me your servant, why did you target me last night?"

Kujou is still confused about last night.

When they met last night, Rushella really want to turn him into her servant.

But his body prevented that transformation, so she even charge into the school.

Thus....why is so so interested in me?

"Don't you feel honored? I became attracted to you. As if I am really attached to you. Look for someone young and handsome,similar age as I am, a boy with a delicious blood flavor to become my servant."

(Translator-Rushella must have read too many shoujo manga.....)

"....similar age? What are you blabbering about? Aren't you a [True ancestor]-sama? Although you can't tell from looks, a vampire's actual age must be ancient compared to me. Speak of that, how old are you?"

(Translator-Female anime character slapping in 3...2...1)

As Kujou asked, Rushella's expression freezes.

It is almost as if she isn't feeling offended by having someone asking her age...but as if someone asked her something scary.

"What? Isn't longevity something a vampire should be proud of?"

"I....I don't know."

It is so far the lightest whisper that came from Rushella.

It is the voice of a girl at Kujou's age, feeling totally helpless.

"How old I am....I am really not sure."

"Because you lived so long you forget....apparently not. Then, where are you from...hey, where are your relative and servants? Why don't you ask them...?"

"I don't have....those people."

"Eh? But..."

"Relative....I should have them, but I can't remember. Servants...I shouldn't have any. Drinking are my first time."


Completely confusing.

Ok, now Kujou can understand why her blood sucking techniques are so awful, but the mysteries just got deeper.

"But....aren't you a [True Ancestor]? A royal-blooded Ojou-Sama, standing on top of thousands of servants?"

"I don't have...memories."


"For example, when was I borne, where I was borne....I completely don't know. Thus, how old I am...I don't know either."

Translator's Notes and References

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