
From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 21:44, 16 April 2006 by Thelastguardian (talk | contribs)
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TLG Translation Common Agreement v.0.2

By entering this wiki you agree to the following conditions. If you do not agree with this agreement, portion and/or full, please leave this wiki now.

a) 'Work' is defined as any materials from the product/service their respective copyright holders hold including, but not limited to, scripts(translated and original), dialogues, illustrations, screenshots, animation, clips, sound, etc. When the word 'translator' is used before (a), (a) becomes "translated and/or raw script". b1) 'You', 'your' are defined as a copyright holder of the works as defined in (a) . b2) 'You', 'your' are defined as the submitter of the translated works as defined in (a) . b3) 'You', 'your' are defined as the viewer of the works as defined in (a) . b4) 'we' is defined as the owner of this wiki AND the translators of the works as defind in (a) . c) 'I', 'me', 'my' are defined as the owner of this wiki. d) 'licenced' is defined as global and/or English publishcation rights.

Section A.1 All works(a), original and/or translated, belongs to their respective copyright holders in their respective countries.

This wiki is done with the intention to A) Improve my(c) English writing skills. B) To provide a storage space for fans of the works(a) so that the fans can promote the works(a)

If you(b1) feel your(b1) rights are being violated due to the usage of this wiki up to but not limited to the presentation/broadcast/showing/distribution of works(a) in their original and/or translated full and/or portion of the work(a), please notify me(c) as soon as possible.

All works(a) will be deleted without warning upon request by the copyright holders.

Section A.2 Under no circumstances would the visitors of this wiki, the translators of the works(a), the owner of this wiki(c), or the owner of this server assume any responsibilities for any damages that may be caused by this wiki. Furthermore, by agreeing to this agreement, you(b1) agree to the notion that while I(c) did everything I(c) could to honor the copyrights of the work(a), accidents can happen.

Section B Under no circumstances would you(b2) 1. submit works(a) that are licenced(d) in the country the server and/or the submitter is located in. 2. submit translated works(a) copied directly from an unauthorized source such as, but not limited to, online source, written source etc. Permission, in the form of written/electronic/printed must be available upon request. All translated works(a) rights are property of their respective translators. By submitting translated works(a) to this wiki you(b2) agree that All works(a) will be deleted without warning upon request by the copyright holders. No whining :) .

Section C Under no circumstances would you(b3) 1. take full and/or portion of the (translated) works(a) in this wiki and use them(a) to engage in any commercial activities such as, but not limited to, rent, sell, print, auction, broadcast etc. 2. claim translated works(a) in this wiki as your(b3) own products of translation unless you(b3) are qualify as defined in (b2).

Finally, Have Fun! :D

thelastguardian - April 16, 2006