Kämpfer:Volume 1 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I carried Sakura-san to the school nurse's office. The passage to the girl's section was sealed off "without permission men cannot enter the women's side" but now that "I'm a woman" it was open to me.

I was carrying the feinted Sakura-san, feeling a bit unsteady at the situation. Akane was laughing without any modesty. Crap, just remember, if I'm a pumpkin then you're a cabbage¹ [see notes].

Nevertheless, Sakura-san's body was light and soft, and my heart beating loudly. I was touching the body of a women I yearned for, if I died at that moment I would have died happy.

The person in charge of nurse's office in the girl's section was a man with awfully long hair. His voice sounded like a soccer game narrator. He pointed to a bed, said "lay her there", without taking his eyes off the paper he was reading. What good is a nurse's office without a nurse?

While I waited for quite a while after I left the infirmary, I wasn't changing back to a man. Akane had said that the time it takes to return at first is highly random, but what to do for now.

I could hide under the dead space under the stairs of the first floor (is that where bad girls smoke?).

While I was a woman in the girls section it still was strange to not be in a class. I wouldn't set off the "intruder alert" like I would if I were a guy, but still I couldn't just attend class either. First of all there wouldn't be a seat for me. I couldn't escape the school without alerting the police and getting into worse trouble.

I made a decision, since I was already here I would stealthily explore the girl's section. Well, I couldn't look too stealty without drawing attention.

I pretended I was a Shitetsu-Gakuin Girl's student, and climb the stairs.

Now that I had the time to look around, the girl's side was quite beautiful. Even through the building's astringent era of style, the interior was spotless and clean. Coming from the boy's side the difference was immense, the boy's cleaning seemed sloppy. The smell of the place was inviting. To say that I wasn't curious to look around would be a lie. This heart-pounding feeling matched the exhilaration of a young grade school boy peeking into the girl's bathroom.

I wasn't discovered by school staff. Even though I had "I'm running an erand for the teacher" excuse prepared, it was never used. As I walked I grew more brave and started walking with a grand swagger.

A lone girl walked towards me. She had long hair, giving her a look of innocence. I quickened my steps as we approached. As she passed she was looking down. She was wearing a sailor uniform with signs of wear, but the wear disagreed with the insignia on her collar indicating a first year student. She must be innocent.

As we passed each other, and I started to feel relieved I heard a muttering "...she's so cool". Cool?

"I'm sorry."

She was hailing me.

"You're a senpai?"

My appearance is as her senior, so I silently nodded.

"How do I get to the student council room? I have to drop off something, but I don't know the way..."

Hahaa. Lost on campus? It's to be expected. The school may be small, but when you think everything is straight you'd end up at a dead end. It's like being in thick woods and not being able to see your way. After all, the school was constructed as addition on top of addition.

As for the student council room it isn't in this building, it's attached to the library.

When I thought about explaining, I realized I still had a masculine voice, so I pointed my finger in silence.

"...." the girl was confused.

"Well, uh ..."

Hmm, I decided to talk just a little. "Over there." I pointed my finger out the window andwas about to walk off.

"That... what?" she was talking timidly. "Can't you guide me?"

"..." what a pain.

Of course I know how to get to the library, I just came from there. I entered the girl's side even though I'm not a girl. What happens if I return to a boy while guiding her? This seems to be my fate, or my ending. "FIN" / the end.

My answer, "even if you ask..." oops, I had used my natural voice. I talk too much.

The long hair girl looked disheartened, by recovered immediately.

"I want a senpai to show me around."

Why is that?

"I just transferred, I don't know my way around Shitetsu-Gakuin academy, but I'd like to know more senpai!"

I was drowned in the details.

Well, I do seem to know my way around. I'm a boy in the second grade, and someone just tried to kill me in the library. Of all the students on the boy's side, other than Higashida, I am the most knowledgable about the girl's side. Higashida knows more, but he wasn't called.

I took a look at my bracelet to see if there were any signs of it glowing, it still looked fine.

I shrugged my shoulders and signaled her to follow.

The girl enthusiastically follows me, with a skip in her step. We walked out of the building into the courtyard.

She started talking casually.

"Second grade, huh?"

I can't deny it, my collar emblem can be easily seen.

"I'm glad I was admitted to a school with super-cool senpai!"

It made me feel good to get praised like that, plus it was my first time being called "senpai".

"Please tell me your name"

What should I say... The name Senou Natsuru is a man's name and not suitable for women. In the first place, I'm a boy who shouldn't be in the girl's section. I have no choice but to keep silent again.

"Hey, sen - pa - i!"

This girl, who I thought was shy, was becoming very familiar with me.

"Please tell me," as she casually grabbed my arm.

"..." of course I still pretended not to hear.


Still in progress. At page 5 of a 90 page chapter, so it may take a while.

¹Cabbage Note: I think this is a colloquial phrase, and I plan to make it more readable before this is done.

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