Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume25 Chapter3 2

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Arriving With a Proposal. Part 2

The first thing she had to determine was whether this plan, or at least the direction, had already been agreed upon behind-the-scenes by the two third-years and the newspaper club.

Why would she think that? First of all, it was only this year that Sachiko-sama had told them that the newspaper club were sounding her out about it towards the end of last year, which certainly smelled fishy.

Well, maybe Sachiko-sama could be given the benefit of the doubt and that really was just absentmindedness on her part. But since Mami-san had known that everyone would be here before she arrived (or maybe she'd chosen today because she'd heard a rumor that everyone was at the Rose Mansion) and hadn't informed the boutons beforehand, this was less like a surprise attack and more like a foul play.

Especially since the presence of Rei-chan, on a day when they didn't have a meeting scheduled, after she'd made her "I'm studying so I won't be attending often" announcement, was the same as a confession.

Ah, humans, why did they feel the need to push things they were forced into on to the younger generation? Even as she lamented this, there was no way Yoshino would break this chain when it was her turn to pass it on. Even if she detested it immensely when it was her turn, she enjoyed watching it once the storm had passed over her. That was the sort of girl Shimazu Yoshino was.

So then, the question became, what was Shimako-san's position? After they sat down Yoshino was able to observe Shimako-san indirectly, and it looked as though she didn't support the sly old foxes, aka the third-year Roses, in their plan.

Come to think of it, Shimako-san had been kept in the dark alongside Yoshino and Yumi-san when they'd decided on the cast for the school festival play. It must be because they were in different grades. It didn't seem likely that the third-years would had been worried about Shimako-san leaking some information to the boutons. Having said that, Yoshino thought it was better for Shimako-san's peace-of-mind that she hadn't been told.

As she distributed the papers she'd brought, Mami-san spoke.

"Well then, I present you with our proposal for this year's Valentine's Day event."

Wha – .

She was speaking like it was already decided that the Yamayurikai would be co-operating with the newspaper club.

Yoshino was all for shortening meetings, but wasn't this going too far as a starting point? The correct behavior when asking something of someone was to start by bowing your head and saying, "Won't you please co-operate?" Even Tsukiyama Minako-sama, who was prone to flights of eccentricity, had done this last year. Well, even if Mami-san did bow her head, Yoshino wasn't about to say, "Okay." Now then, at what point would Mami-san get punished for this?

"Ah, right. It might be a bit late mentioning it now, but."

Mami-san said, noticing Yoshino's angry glare.

"We're holding an event on Valentine's Day again this year, and the co-operation of the Yamayurikai … has already been approved by Rosa Chinensis and Rosa Foetida."


Even without the preface of, "It's a little late mentioning it now," Yoshino knew that the two parties were conspiring. But, they'd already approved it?

"Well, there was no reason to refuse, was there?"

Sachiko-sama looked confused as she asked, as though to say, "What's so surprising?"

"But even so."

Yoshino dug in. She hadn't taken a look at the proposal so she didn't know exactly what plan Mami-san had in mind, but, going by last year, the ones that had to co-operate the most were the boutons. But the "comfortably retired" people had approved the plan even before hearing the opinion of those who would have to do most of the work. What the heck was going on?

"You too, Yumi-san. Don't be silent, say something."

Yoshino spurred Yumi on. In this situation, the boutons had to stick together steadfastly to oppose the tyranny of their onee-samas.

But, that Yumi-san.

"… Um, what's this year's event?"

"Wh – hey!"

Sure, she'd been told to say something, but she didn't have to play dumb like that.


No, that wasn't it. Yumi-san was being serious. She wasn't playing for laughs, she was actually interested in what Mami-san was proposing. But in that case, rather than looking at Yoshino with a puzzled expression, she could have looked at the document she held tightly in her hand … unbelievable.

"Hang on, Yumi-san. Aren't you angry about the onee-samas agreeing to this on their own?"

Oh Fukuzawa Yumi, have you been ensnared by the sly old foxes?

"That does annoy me a little."

"Only a little?"

The baby fox said, "Yeah."

"But, you know, is being angry about that a reason to reject the plan entirely? Because those are two separate matters, right?"

Wait, don't say any more.

"I'm sure I'll have all sorts of concerns about the Valentine's event itself. But even so, I'm of the same opinion as my onee-sama – the conclusion I came to was that there's no reason to refuse."

Yumi-san, Yumi-san, Yumi-san. Even though you were told to be quiet. Well, that was only within Yoshino's mind, so there's no way she could have heard it.

"Last year, Mizuno Youko-sama's dream was realized. I want to see that dream come true again."

The only sound in the deathly silent room was the whistling coming from the kettle.

That's right, how could she forget? Yoshino hung her head in shame.

Yumi-san idolized Youko-sama. Hadn't she said this clearly during her candidate's speech?

"So why not listen to what Mami-san has to say before deciding whether or not to co-operate?"

It was a sound argument. Too sound – Yoshino had no retort.

Looking back, Yoshino had been such an idiot when she'd told Yumi-san, "Don't lose to yourself," a couple of minutes ago. Yumi-san had stated her opinion brilliantly. She hadn't lost at all. Yoshino was the one who appeared to have lost.

"Why are you opposed to it, Yoshino-san?"

Shimako-san asked, looking straight into Yoshino's eyes. So then, Shimako-san was in favor of it too. Well, that was probably to be expected.

"… Because it's an order from above."

Ooh, it was such an unpersuasive reason that she hated having to say it. It was most likely pointless arguing it, especially since Yumi-san had already concluded that that was a "separate matter."

"And you, Shimako-san, you didn't want to do it at all last year, right? You only participated because you were pressured by Sei-sama. So you'd have to understand this side's feelings. Why have you joined that side, now that you're a Rose?"

"This side… ? That side… ?"

Shimako-san had a perplexed expression as she looked back and forth between where Yoshino was pointing with her left and right index fingers for a little while, before finally saying, "It's not like that."

"It's not a matter of being on one side or the other. After last year's event, my opinion changed."


She continued after another smile that could also be labeled a foul play.

"I think it was good that we gave it a go. Both for the Yamayurikai, and for myself personally. But it's only because I gave it a go that I can say that."


Come to think of it, during the candidate's speeches, Shimako-san had made some impassioned plea about using her experience to help the Yamaurikai, or something along those lines. Yoshino thought, "Damn it."


The third-years, basically Sachiko-sama and Rei-chan, were sipping their tea and elegantly watching over the second-years' argument. No, watching over was the wrong expression. They were detached observers.

If their juniors had formed a unified opposition to the Valentine's Day event, in other words, if they'd done what Rei-chan did last year, then they probably would have applied pressure from above. But since Yumi-san and Shimako-san were interested in the plan, it'd be better if they could convince Yoshino themselves. There was no need for the third-years to intervene. That's how it was.

"So, then."

Yumi-san said.

"Suppose, for instance, our onee-samas weren't here right now. If Mami-san came to us with this proposal for Valentine's Day, what would your reaction be, Yoshino-san?"

A hypothetical question.

"What about Shimako-san?"

Would she be there or not? While it wasn't that important a detail, Yoshino had been drawn into the conversation enough to ask a stupid question.

"She can be there or not. Which ever you'd prefer."


Frankly speaking, Yoshino thought that either way she wouldn't really want to do it. It felt like she was getting further away from understanding why she was so opposed to it.

As Shimako-san had said, it would be good for the Yamayurikai – Yoshino could understand that. Yumi-san's aim of seeing Youko-sama's dream realized seemed like she'd followed an argument through to its logical conclusion.

So what didn't she like about it? Yoshino asked herself this question.

"Last year, you were totally opposed to the event during the planning stages too, but once it started you were really into it."

Yumi-san said, in place of the silent Yoshino.


That was true. Yoshino had realized as much herself. Last year's treasure hunt had been surprisingly exhilarating. The result was unfortunate, but looking back on it the event had been fun overall.

Then that meant that she wasn't harboring any ill-will which prevented her from getting on-board with the newspaper club's plan. So how was this year different to last year?

"I know."

Yoshino thumped her right fist into her left hand.

"It's because it's boring."

"B … boring?"

Not just one person, it was everyone other than Yoshino that repeated this in surprise.

"That's right."

Last year, she'd had the clear-cut goal of "stopping someone else from going on a date with Rei-chan," but if she was on the organizing side then it was nothing but meeting after meeting after meeting with the newspaper club, which meant all she got out of it was work. For someone who'd been all excited and nervous as a regular participant, becoming one of the game's main cast and deciding on the rules just didn't seem comparatively worthwhile.

On top of that, if they did the same thing as last year, then she'd have to go on a half-day date with the winner afterward. Putting it bluntly, that was a pain in the neck.

Now, suppose that Rei-chan participated and, luckily enough, won. Even then, going on a date with Rei-chan was too ordinary, it wouldn't get her heart racing.

If she absolutely had to co-operate, then she'd much rather play dirty so that nobody won. And since Rei-chan was taking entrance exams, she might not even participate in the game in the first place. Black Yoshino grinned.

Shimako-san timidly asked:

"Are you really opposed to it because it's boring?"

"That's right. Got a problem with that?"

Yoshino leaned back. Acting defiant. Now then, if they wanted her to participate, they'd have to fix the "boredom." If they could turn that into "fun," then she'd happily participate.

"… like that."

"Yeah, … "

Yumi-san and Shimako-san leaned their heads close together and whispered to each other. The third-years kept on grinning. Mami-san looked serious, perhaps worried about who would break.

"Isn't that kind of childish?"

Despite having been silent the whole time, she suddenly spoke now.


Yoshino glared at her, but Noriko-chan calmly said, "Yeah."

"I don't know the details, but, to summarize, last year you happily participated when the then-boutons and current-Roses were at the center of the Valentine's Day plans, but now that it's your turn you're saying it's boring and you don't want to do it. That's just selfish, isn't it? It's childish."

Even when her opponent was older, she said what she wanted to say. As an ally, Noriko-chan would have been as strong as 10,000 men. But to have Noriko-chan snapping at her, Yoshino had made a grave mistake. At the very least, to be called "childish" by someone in a lower grade than her had caused more damage to Yoshino than she'd expected to take.

"That's true. Your refusal to participate due to "boredom" is rejected."

Yumi-san said. That was to be expected. Last year's boutons had floated similar reasons, but they hadn't been able to get out of it.

Sealing the deal, Shimako-san cheerfully smiled and said, "Let's do it." It would have been better if she'd glared and said, "You have to do it," since that would have driven Yoshino to rebel more, but the way she smiled like Maria-sama was far more of a dirty play.

What to do, Yoshino? She was surrounded on six sides, not just all four.

Rei-chan and Sachiko-sama had tears in their eyes, trembling as they clutched their stomachs. Not because they were forcing themselves to hold back from assisting, but because they were stifling their laughter. Oh, how she'd hate it if they didn't stifle it.

"Even if you say that."

Since it had come to this, her only option was to agree. Even if she was childish, Yoshino had been alive for 17 years so she knew when she had to withdraw. But because of her earlier opposition, it was difficult for her to agree straight away. Some impetus was necessary to get Yoshino to change course and meet up with everyone else.

She wasn't raising a hand in agreement, nor both hands in surrender. Her arms were folded across her chest as she breathed a soft sigh. She raised her downcast head slightly and closed one eye, but not to wink. The pose she wanted to strike was one of, "By all rights, I'd never agree to this, but I'm willing to pitch in and help for your sake."

Then, unexpectedly, Mami-san lowered her head to just above the table.

"I'm begging you, Yoshino-san. I know you don't want to, but it would allow me, your classmate, to save face if you could somehow find it in your heart to co-operate with the newspaper club. We'll do our best to make sure you enjoy yourself."

Mami-san joined her hands together in prayer, going above and beyond to implore Yoshino. Ah, what a pitch she'd been tossed.

"Well … "

Not from Yumi-san, or Shimako-san, or Noriko-chan. The farce only worked because it came from Mami-san. Yoshino gratefully came on board.

"If Mami-san's willing to go that far, I suppose I've got no choice."

Nice timing, good job.

In her mind, Yoshino flashed the peace sign.