
From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 09:39, 18 December 2013 by Winlex (talk | contribs) (→‎Reading List)
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Thank you for looking me up. I am Winlex. I'm just your everyday fan of light novels, manga, and anime. I am also a gamer, but i'm not hardcore (some suggest I may be in denial with this statement). I'm a big fan of sci-fi and I wear glasses. Does that make me a nerd, geek, or otaku? I always get those mixed up.

I like to come read here often so i figure I can at least contribute my proofreading skills as i'm reading. I also have some (as in not a lot) coding skills so I will fix any formatting issues i run across too. If I go crazy while editing a project, over a project, forgive me kindly and leave a message in my Talk Page. I'm not officially signed up to any particular project, but i do float around during the relatively boring times in my life. I wish I could call myself something cool like "The Phantom Editor", but alas, everyone would be able to see when i make an edit so I will have to keep working on a title.

On a personal note, I'm happy and saddened to see some of my favorites starting to disappear from B-T due to licensing. I'm mostly sad because It's going to be years before the English versions catch up to where I am currently in the story.

New: I find I sometimes read on my Baka-Reader, but don't have the time to correct typos i see while i'm reading. I later log in a can't remember where the error is. Proofreading over the phone is annoying so I'm creating a new section where I will record pages and rough locations that i need to revisit in the future when i'm logged on via PC. If someone wants to do the fix before I do and they get the idea from my page, please let e know so i can scratch it off my list.

Reading List

On the table (Current Reading List)

In the fridge (AKA I read faster than the translators translate)

In the freezer (AKA waiting for the next volume to be released)

In the cabinet (Novels I like but haven't gotten back to in awhile)

In the attic (Projects I'd like to see dusted off)

In the store( I haven't read, but look interesting based on synopsis or author )

In the recycle bin (AKA completed)

On the lawn (Unfinished and licensed -- not available on Baka-Tsuki anymore)


I am open to suggestions for additional novels. Just leave the recommendations in my Talk page. The ones I like will make its way to my Reading list.

The Proofreading Watchlist

The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village

  • Volume 1 chap 3, part 6
  • Volume 1 chap 4, part 5
  • Volume 2 chap 2, part 2