Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Volume 3 Sealing Technique, Release!

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Sealing Technique, Release!

One day at the end of July, we were still in the midst of a big heat wave, and the air conditioner for our living room broke.

The hot-water heater just broke the other day too, but I guess time was up for the AC too.

And so, today I didn't go to club and instead went on my way to pick out a new air conditioner.

I don't really know what makes an air conditioner good or bad, but I doubt I can pick one worse than the several decades old one we had.

When I went to the shop I had the salesman show me a few of the choices they had, and then made my choice based mostly on how much power it'd use up and how much it'd cost.

However, I guess it takes 3 days at best for them to come and install it for us.

Three days huh...

Well, I do have an air conditioner in my room so it's not like I can't put up with it, but the living room is where the TV is.

I don't really watch much TV myself, but my little sister Kobato has spent every day of her summer break thus far sitting in the living room watching TV or reading her manga.

When I got home after going to the electronics store and buying groceries on the way back, I found Kobato in the living room watching TV.

"I'm back."


Kobato lit up upon seeing my return.

"The AC! Did you buy us a new AC!?"

"Yeah, I bought one, but it'll take 3 days to get here."

Kobato's face turned to stone after hearing the news.

"T-three days...... Kukuku... Damn useless humans... But, this is interesting... I suppose I shall entertain myself with this purgatorial feast for a short while, kukuku... I am Leysis Vi Felicity Sumeragi... even if my body were to be placed in a 20,000,000 degree heat, a Queen of the Exalted Night such as myself would have no problems with it..."

Her usual exaggerated ramblings.

"...Why don't you change into some lighter clothes?"

A suggestion I've made more times than I can count.

Which Kobato refused, as usual.

"Kukuku... This dress is not normal clothing, it is the material form of my power of darkness... it is not something that can be easily changed..."

"Yeah yeah."

I sighed and walked into the kitchen, and put the food I bought into the fridge.

I then took out a cup of cold barley tea and drank it.

Ahh man, this is the stuff.

"Kobato~ want some barley tea?"

I peeked into the living room holding the barley tea and a cup in my hands.

There was a girl on the TV wearing a red dress that looked like a somewhat simplified version of Kobato's, and a girl in a frilly white outfit that screamed "magical girl" (I'm guessing she's the protagonist) who were fighting each other with magic in the sky.

It had a fast feel to it with magic and explosions everywhere, which made it interesting even if you didn't know the story.

Kobato was entranced by their battle scene.

The fight looked like it was at the climax, and the girl in the red dress got hit by the protagonist's magic and fell to the ground.

It looked like that was the end, but the girl in the red dress emerged from the cloud of smoke.

She looked up at the protagonist girl in the sky, and showed her a smirk full of confidence.

"Kukuku... Not bad for you to push me this far. As a sign of my respect for your valiant efforts, I'll show you my true form...!"

A red light enveloped the girl as she yelled,

"Sealing Technique, release!"

The girl's red dress burned up, and she was naked while being surrounded by the red light.

"Magical powers, unleash!"

A new flame rose up from the girl's naked body, and turned into clothes.

When the light stopped flashing all over the screen, the girl appeared again wearing a completely different outfit than before.

She was in a weird looking leotard with two little openings in the back and in the middle of her chest, and an excessively short skirt. All in all it was a very revealing set of clothing.

"Kukuku... this is my true form...!"

The girl proclaimed, while wearing a bold smile.

The only thing that changed was her clothes, her face didn't even change or anything, but the protagonist magical girl said, "So this is... your true form..." with a look of astonishment on her face.

After that line the ending credits started to play.

Looks like they're going to leave the battle with the true form for next time, I guess. After the ending and preview of the next episode ended, Kobato turned off the TV.

Then, she stood up all of a sudden and ran over to the stairs.

"Ah, Kobato, barley tea..."

She's not listening...

I could hear Kobato's "thump thump" as she went up the stairs and into her room.


Anyway, I put the tea back in the fridge, and went to the kitchen to get started on dinner.

But, I heard another loud set of thumps and Kobato reappeared on the first floor.


Kobato had a skirt and some other clothes in her hands for some reason.

It wasn't her goth loli stuff either. If I remember right it was the sleeveless T-shirt and mini skirt she used to wear back when she was in grade school.

Kobato brought the clothes she was holding in the kitchen and put them down on a chair.


As I was wondering what it was she was trying to do, Kobato yelled,

"Sealing Tek, Tek... Sealing Te...chnique, release!"

Right as she finished saying that, she got to wildly taking off her clothes.


Well whatever, I'll get back to my dinner prepa-

"A-An-chan! You have to watch!"

Kobato said to me, who had already turned around.

I turned back around to appease her, and she then took off her headband and ribbon, as well as her big frilly dress and drawers.

She then moved to taking off her knee socks, but they were sweaty and stuck to her legs, which made taking them off pretty difficult.


Ah, she fell.

While sitting on her butt, Kobato continued to take her knee socks off.

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Vol3 Ch05 Img01.jpg

"Kobato, make sure you put that all in the laundry basket."

"Ah, okay."

The stark naked Kobato picked up the clothes she just took off, and carried them to the laundry room.

She came back with a new pair of panties in hand.

"Magical powers, unleash!"

She yelled at the top of her lungs, put on the panties she brought with her, and put on the T-shirt and skirt she left on the chair earlier.


Kobato finished changing and let out a little breath.

Kobato, who had now changed out of her goth loli outfit and into lighter clothes, said the following to me along with her standard chuckle:

"Kukuku... This is my true form..."

"...So, you're a copy-cat now?"

"I-I am not a copy-cat!"

Kobato's face went bright red upon having me point out the obvious.

If I had to guess what she was trying to do... Basically, she probably thought of a good excuse to change clothes without breaking her character after seeing that anime.

"Kukuku... To think I would release my true powers like this... This hellish season is not to be trifled with I suppose..."

"...Well, it's fine with me."

Since I don't have to do as much laundry this way and all.

I then realized,

"Hey, Kobato. Those are your clothes from grade school, right? Or am I wrong...?"

"Fueh? Yeah."

Kobato nodded, and I carefully continued talking,

"...If you can still wear your grade school clothes, even now that you're in 8th grade... does that mean you've stopped growing?"


Kobato let out an utterly shocked yell.

She then slowly went and patted her chest, checked the waist of her skirt, the sleeves of her shirt, and then looked at me with a face that looked like she was about to cry.

"...Whado I do, An-chan... Am I not gonna get any bigger?


I silently averted my eyes.

It's too painful to look at her...

There are kids who grow up quick and look pretty old when they're still in grade school, but I guess Kobato is the opposite of them huh...


Kobato's face was petrified from the shock she just received, but she quickly went back to being Leysis and chuckled, "Kukuku..."

"...Kukuku... Now that I think about it, I am a Noble of the Night who possesses eternal life... My body will never wither away into a dekepit husk... It's only normal for me to be this way, yeah..."

"I-I see... good to hear you won't wither away and become dekepit."

By the way, it's not "dekepit", it's "decrepit", Kobato.

"Yeah... Me too..."

Kobato smiled, still seemingly on the verge of tears...

The summer day our air conditioner broke.

Kobato swapped out her goth loli clothes for lighter ones, and started to drink milk instead of tomato juice.

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