Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume3 Chapter7

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Status: Incomplete

As the night fell, the Academy Square became crowded and noisy.

With delicious aroma everywhere and delicacies of every kind piled up like a small mountain, the female students from the academy performed an elaborate spirit blade dance.

“Speaking of which, where did she ran off to?”

Kamito sighed as he stared at the bag of chocolate Claire had left behind. Although he and Ellis had tried to look for Claire together but they were forced to abandon the idea to take over the next patrol.

The Sylph knight stared at Kamito with a complicated expression, staring at the bag of chocolates in his hand. “....................”

“Ellis, whats wrong?”

“Ah, no, nothing special. I don't think it will be a problem to patrol this area.”

Ellis pretended to cough, panicky re-directed the line of sight else where.

Truly, there wasn't much in terms of unusual activity.

There were some drunken arguments or pickpocketing, but that can be easily handled by the local security. What Kamito and Ellis were more concerned with, were the individual civilians who were not familiar with spirits who might invoke the wrath of the spirits by accident. (??? 可能会在不觉间触碰精灵的逆鳞 )

While making offering to the spirits, such incidents are not unknown.

“This, this feel like a date”

“Humm, what did you say?”

“I didn't say anything! Stay alert and focus on the patrol!”

Kamito apologized, “So sorry.”

Hey, isn't Ellis the one not paying attention?